#ryan is a simp for veronica
h-z145 · 6 months
Veronica: ya know i really do like emo guys ;)
Ryan: fuckin' quit it. Im not into girls.
Veronica: Would u like it if i was manly then~?
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<request for us to draw u something>
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triasticalwarlock · 5 months
Why do I feel like this song would work really well with yandere Adam?
Especially at the end, where he's trying to get Veronica out of the closet (or where ever the hell she was). And his tone keeps on changing drastically, I feel like that's how Adam would be. He wouldn't act one certain way; he doesn't know how to go about things and his mood and change so fast it gives you whiplash.
The part where he want to roast marshmallows with Veronica while the school is burning down? The exterminations, he'll watch the sinners being slaughtered with you. Expecting you to laugh as he is. Killing them with you. Even if you're not a exorcist, he's the first man, he can pull some strings.
In the beginning, where he's throwing a fit about Veronica leaving him. Let's say you ended the relationship/friendship, or you betrayed him like his past wife's (Lucifer). He will be so pissed, so heartbroken. But then he turns delusional, they were making you do this! The sinners or your friends depending on which route you chose, are killed. Your free! They can't put lies into your head anymore. Your were you belong- in his suffocating arms.
You were meant to be mine
I am all that you need
Need I say more? Doesn't matter because I'm still going to talk about this. Thede two lines are probably if not definitely the most accurate personality trait in Adam. The first line is pretty self explanatory. I think that all Adam simps out there can collectively agree that Adam is possessive as fuck, whether it be yandere or not. I think it has ties with his wife's leaving him, which definitely gave him abandonment issues. And with it coming naturally, I say this because when Adam was first created we are literally told he tried to control Lilith (can't tell if that's the actual truth though, sense the book is literally Lilith's). And 99% of the time, if someone is controlling, than they are possessive.
Now, the second line. Adam enjoys being in control and telling people what to do. So he'll be more than ecstatic if you're dependent on him. He enjoys caring after you, or that's how he sees it. What he's actually doing is called, isolation. But, in my opinion. He truly does want the best for you, he just doesn't know how to show it; So, he tells you what to do, cares after you, protects you. But he keeps you to himself, and if your an independent person. Good luck, because he will wear you down with insult after insult until you're were he needs you to be. And he builds you back up again. The insults he tells you are empty, all created just so you won't leave him, but stinging none the less.
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Note- the Adam brainrot is real, edited
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heathersproship · 9 months
Ryan McCartan's Hans is so perfectly cast I literally cannot. I should not be simping this hard for him but !!!!!!!
JD: Veronica, open the - open the door, please / Veronica, open the door!
Hans: Love is an open door!
JD: I was meant to be yours
Hans: You (and I) were just meant to be!
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raetreaderarts · 1 year
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Okay I need to talk about my current faves, this is Detective Ryan and his daughter Veronica whose murder he’s currently investigating. Since the police have already dropped the case, he’s decided to find the murderer himself so justice can be rightfully served and his daughter can rest in peace. Veronica usually sticks near her dad since she’s nonverbal and not many other people in the complex understand sign language.
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Here are a couple bonus drawings including Veronica’s full body and Ryan shirtless because I am simping hard for my own oc.
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