#rung got an umbrella
waklman · 1 year
Sweet Nothings
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summary: you start to feel insecure in your relationship with bradley.
warnings: negative self talk. this blog is 18+.
word count: 1.4k
this is dedicated to anon who sent me down the bradley and babybear x taylor swift hole this is for you!!
something ‘bout you masterlist.
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Late at night—when Bradley had too many beers running through his bloodstream, he’d whisper little reassurances in your ear. I like it when you take care of me. I love how silly you are. I want you forever. I love you. It was like he just knew you needed to hear it every so often. The pilot would be barely conscious whenever he said it—draped over your body like a weighted blanket, fighting against his doubled vision, just to drunkenly quell your insecurities.
And it wasn't often that you felt insecure—but it’s not like it didn’t happen either. 
You had always been conscious of the fact that your relationship with Bradley was different—different from ones he’s had before, different from other couples around you. It was different in the way you drove the Bronco while he sat as a passenger. It was different because you called him girly pet names that should be meant for you instead. It was different because you were the one who held the umbrella when it rained on you two. It was different because you didn’t have a collection of tight sundresses, or own a pair of those tall stilettos everyone your age wore, and you never put on much makeup for that matter. It was different because he was dating you. You were different. 
And because it’s been so long since Bradley went out with his team for drinks, the reminder of how different you were, started to feel suffocating. You found yourself wishing that he’d come stumbling home, cheeks flushed from alcohol just so you could hear him whisper sweet nothings to you, in his drunken state.
Weeks have passed since he last took a sip of beer. And over those past few weeks, the voices that rung into your head, in the form of all your ex-boyfriends' compiled complaints—started to grow louder and louder by the day. You knew it wasn’t fair to Bradley that you took up old criticisms you got from the past and pitted them against him, but it started to sound so true. 
Bradley wouldn’t want someone who acted like you. What Bradley would want is someone who was more serious. He wouldn't want someone who deflected with humor. He’d want someone normal—someone who could wear those flowy skirts that you couldn’t even imagine slipping your legs through. Why would Bradley want someone who owned the same stupid pair of levi's as him? Why would Bradley want you?  
So it dawns on you tonight, right as you’re sitting in his lap watching the film, A Bugs’ life in your living room—that maybe, he changed his mind about this—about you. 
“Babybear, why are you cryin’ so hard—he found where he belonged!” Bradley lightly laughs, giving the back of your head a soft pat as you bury your face into his neck.
That ant might’ve found where he belonged, but you didn’t. You didn’t belong anywhere. You didn’t belong with him. 
Bradley allots you some time to process the ending of the movie. But as your sobs show no sign of stopping—he starts to feel uneasy. No one should be crying this hard at an insect who felt left out. 
Letting out a breath, Bradley starts to sit up from the couch, with a solid arm wrapped around your middle. “You gonna let me carry you?” He asks, voice barely above a whisper. 
Rather than replying, you push your face deeper into the curve of his neck, trying to stifle your weak cries.
“Don’t you start wrestling with me, alright?” He lightly teases, before fully standing up straight, with you hung around his waist.
Walking away from the television that’s still playing, he turns the corner to step into your bedroom. Bradley bends his knees to fit through the door-frame. You had whined the last time he didn’t do it, causing the back of your skull to make contact with the head of the door. 
It’s almost like drunk Bradley is taking over now, knowing exactly what to do with you as he carefully peels you from his front—making you sit on the edge of the bed. 
Kneeling before you, Bradley lifts his large hands to cup your face. “What’s bothering my favorite little brain,” he asks softly, extending a thumb to bat away the fresh tear that slips down your face. 
His favorite little brain. How could he even like that part of you? 
You grit your teeth together, trying to keep another sob at bay. Though, looking into his eyes doesn’t help, he doesn’t look a bit annoyed. Not like your ex boyfriend did when you got like this. Bradley’s being so patient with you.
Taking a shaky breath, your bottom lip quivers—which Bradley pets over with his thumb. “…Do you ever wish I wasn’t like this?” The rotting question finally leaves your mouth, and Bradley feels like he got shot in the chest. 
His face is marked by hurt, dropping his hands down to your waist. “Babybear, what are you—”
“I don’t—” you start to cut him off, lowering your gaze down to your lap. “I don’t belong,” you hiccup. “I feel like—I don’t belong with you,” you pathetically confess. 
At your words, Bradley’s worst fear comes alive. 
“…Are you breaking up with me?” He asks calmly, keeping his voice low—so low that he can’t even hear himself over his racing heart. 
You shake your head no, allowing temporary relief to wash over him. 
Bradley slightly pinches your waist through the t-shirt you’re wearing, hoping you would squirm from the ticklish feeling. But you don’t. 
Tilting his head, Bradley tries to catch your puffy eyes—but you refuse to look at him. “I open the doors for you at restaurants,” you start, voice shaky. He nods his head, “Yeah, you do,” he agrees. “I pull out the chair for you.” Bradley hums. 
“I do stuff that other girls don’t,” you sniffle. “That’s right baby,” he answers, palms massaging your side. “Aren’t you embarrassed of me?” You lift your eyes back to his face, watching him through a layer of tears, “Do you ever wish I wasn’t like this?” You ask again, throat tight.
Bradley darts out a tongue, licking over his lips as he comes up with an idea.
With ease, he picks you up by the waist, holding you up in the air until he slips into the bed. Then, he drops you onto him like nothing, forcing you to lay flat against his chest, cheek pressed against his steady heart. 
Running a hand under your shirt, Bradley grazes the pad of his fingers up and down your spine. “Can I tell you something?” He asks, staring up at the ceiling. 
You nod against him, heart still heavy. “I can’t imagine you any other way,” he starts, heart beginning to pound under your ear. “I wouldn’t want you any other way.” 
“You could be dressed like a clown and I’d still hold your hand, and kiss your pretty face, right in front of everyone.”
“You’re scared of clowns.” 
“I know,” he softly laughs. “But if they looked like you—if they were just like you, I would want to marry every clown I see.” 
“Thats—that’s not right. You can’t marry them all,” you frown. 
“You know what’s not right? That you think I could ever get tired of you,” he rings the conversation back. 
“If every other lifetime—I’m a clown or an ugly ant living in a colony—but you’re still there with me, carrying me around like I weigh nothin', forcing me to wear tiaras to get you to laugh, making me forget how it feels to be alone. I'll ride it out with you.”
Though his speech was intended to make you laugh, you continue to cry instead—stuffing your face into his chest, soaking the fabric of his t-shirt with salty tears and sticky snot. “Hey—c’mere my little clown,” he tickles your side, making you painfully break out into laughter. 
You squirm, unable to escape his wiggling fingers. “Ah—Please—It tickles!” You complain, voice still hoarse.
“That’s right, clowns are supposed to laugh!” He barks, flipping you over.
With you caged underneath him, he stops his attack. Leaning down towards your ear, he whispers a familiar string of words, “I like it when you take care of me. I love how silly you are. I want you forever. I love you.” 
Your eyes burn, shooting wide open. “You were sober!”
He laughs into your ear before pressing a gentle kiss to your earring. “You make me feel s’shy. How am I supposed to say all that if I’m not pretending to be drunk?"
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The biggest, brightest, gaudiest display in all of Indiana
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 5
Prompt: domestic fluff
Rated: G
CW: one slight mention of PTSD
Tags: Post Vecna; everybody lives; pining; Steve Harrington has a crush on Eddie Munson; Christmas
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It's starting to snow by the time Steve gets home, white flakes floating in the headlights of the beemer like balls of cotton. It crunches under his feet as he sloshes towards the front door. 
Even with Christmas more than two weeks away, they've been swamped with customers lately, the cold wind and unending snowfalls luring people inside. Now, away from the buzz, the world seems quiet. Peaceful, covered under its white blanket. 
Except Steve still hasn't learned to trust that peace. Even after more than a year, even with El assuring them time and again that it's over, they've won, … he still flinches at sounds in the night, looks for escape routes and things to fashion into weapons when entering a room. He isn't sure he'll ever stop.
He shakes his head to chase away the thoughts as he scales the steps to the front porch. He isn’t sure where they're coming from. Probably a combination of stress and the looming depression that always hangs over him at Christmas time, when all of his friends are with their families and he's left in this big, empty house, alone. He’ll take a shower, heat a microwave meal, and see what's on TV, that will-
The front door is unlocked. 
He's certain he turned the key not once, but twice before he left. 
Steve slides into the dark entrance hall on silent feet. He passes the umbrella stand, eyes scanning his surroundings, and his hand finds the hilt of the nail bat. There's a creak from overhead, like feet on floorboards. 
The attic. 
The hatch is gaping open as he creeps upstairs, the foldout ladder down. 
He holds his breath and inches his way upwards, rung by rung, bat clutched in one white-knuckled hand. 
"Hello, Steven," growls a voice, and he abruptly comes face-to-face with a grimace full of too-large teeth. 
Steve yelps, slips on the ladder, and goes sprawling on his ass. The nail bat rolls off into the shadows. 
"Oh, shit!" Another face appears behind the monster. One haloed in a mane of dark curls and crowned by a fuzzy Santa hat. "You okay, man?" 
"Fuck," Steve curses, clambering to his feet and rubbing at his sore butt. "Eddie? What are you doing up there?" 
Eddie rolls his eyes and flashes him a toothy grin. It tugs at the scar on his jaw, the one he claims looks totally metal but hides under his hair most of the time. The one that Steve wants to map with his lips.
"Picking up that drill Wayne wanted to borrow. Told you I'd swing by after my shift at the garage." 
Steve settles down on the dusty floorboards and frowns. "Wasn't that at noon or something?" 
Like he doesn’t know. Like he hasn't memorized all of Eddie’s shifts. Only stopped dropping him off and picking him up every day because Eddie told him to stop. No satanic panic mobs left, no need for a bodyguard.
Eddie cocks his head in confusion and glances at his watch. "Why, what time is i- … whoops. Guess I got side-tracked." 
He shakes the monster- which, upon closer inspection, turns out to be a life-sized nutcracker. Its red-cheeked, too-wide smile mocks him and Steve just barely manages to not flip it off. 
Instead, he looks over the cardboard boxes around Eddie, all in various states of unpacked-ness. String lights coiled in thick tangles, dusty elves and reindeer and sugar canes. 
"Dude," Eddie says. He's pulled several colorful baubles from somewhere and is looping the strings over his ears. It looks ridiculous. It looks adorable.  "You never told me you're hiding Santa's village up here." 
"Didn’t even know we still had this," Steve mumbles, pulling the nearest box closer. It contains the huge neon letters spelling MERRY XMAS. "It's been forever since we got them out. Way before-"
He trails off. The words hang unspoken in the stale air. 
"I always wanted this, y’know?" Eddie says. His fingers are tracing Rudolph's shiny nose. "The whole shebang with the lights and the decorations and the music. Only so much you can do at the trailer." 
Steve hums vaguely, watches the way Eddie’s eyes crinkle, how the tip of the Santa hat flops into his face, and represses the urge to brush it back, trace those dimples with the pads of his thumbs. 
Eddie is looking at him with big, expectant cow eyes. 
"I said," Eddie repeats, sways into his space. "We should totally do it. Get all this stuff out. The biggest, brightest, gaudiest display in all of Indiana." 
Steve bites back a laugh, ignores how his stomach flutters at Eddie’s huge, excited grin. 
"I dunno. Sounds like a lot of work for just me." 
"Yeah, about that …" Eddie’s smile dims and his gaze drops. "I've been meaning to ask …" 
He starts to pick at his cuticles, so Steve habitually reaches for one of his hands to stop him. 
"Ask what?" 
Eddie sucks in a breath, and the next words rush out on the exhale, all at once. 
"So Wayne sort of took the holiday shifts because a guy got sick, so it'll just be me, and I thought …since you'll also be … alone, y'know, maybe we could …" 
"Eds," Steve says. The flutter in his stomach is turning into a hurricane. "Are you asking if I wanna spend Christmas together?" 
"What? Nah!" Eddie winks at him. "As if you'd deny me, please! I'm asking if we can get your ridiculous light show out." 
Steve snorts a laugh, chest warm and tingly and bright. "What, all of it?" 
"Hell yes, all of it," Eddie throws his head back and cackles, almost losing the hat. "It's gonna be our year, big boy!" 
They stay up in the attic for a long time, bickering and joking and unpacking boxes upon boxes of sparkly decor. Outside, the snow continues to fall. 
Steve hopes they'll get a white Christmas. 
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Part 2
All of my holiday drabbles
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grugruel · 1 year
An Affair to Remember
Pairing: Collegue!Bucky x f!Reader
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Summary: You've worked with Bucky for quite some time now, from his first greeting and charming smile your affection for him bloomed. Although you kept your crush a secret, you couldnt help but very subtly flirt with him. He's much older, and well.. happily married. Which you wouldnt ever want to ruin, but theres no risk of that ever happening since he would never want you anyway.. right?
Warnings: Age-gap (reader over 20), adultry, slight smut (more to come), jealousy. Let me know what I missed!
Word count: ±4k
AN: Hello! Its my first time writing EVER. Its also my first time really postning anything on tumblr, so go easy on me. But if you do have any notes to make my writing better please let me know! :)
My phone rang disturbingly loud, waking me in a startle. I jolted out of bed and franaticly searched for the source of the sound, laying concealed somewhere in my sheets. I became increasingly annoyed the more times the signal repeated itself, but it stopped soon after. Making the phone harder to find and me more agitated.
I eventually found it, noticing several missed calls from Hannah my bestfriend and collegue. Still drousy, I could't bother to call her back so I splayed out on the bed and waited for her to call me again. The rain tapping on my window had me drifting off to sleep, but just then the phone rung.
Disturbed from my sleep yet again, I answered the call asuming it would be her 'God its like 5 in the morning, why the fuck are you calling me?'
'Calm down now girl, by that reaction I presume I woke you up.' The voice on the other end chuckled.
I quirked my brow, last I checked Hannah was not a man, she was usually this sassy however. I looked at the number, not recognizing it and answered with a weary sigh 'Uhm, yes actually. Who is this again?'
'Dont you recognice my voice?' He laughed, 'It's Bucky' and just like that my morning was fixed in the flash of a second. I have been crushing on my married collegue for months at this point and I was fully aware how immoral it was.
Bucky continued 'I talked to Hannah this morning and she said you hadn't been answearing your phone and probably overslept, so I thought I'd give it a try myself.'
Overslept? I looked at the clock on my phone, the tiny letters appearing blurred by my tired eyes, I made them out to be 9:15. My face dropped as, 'Holy shit, I fucking overslept!' I exclamied and he laughed again, 'Yeah, not by a small margin either. We have that meeting today aswell, starting in 15, remember?'
I stumbled around my bedroom, phone in hand searching for aproppriate work clothes. 'I totally forgot' I chuckled, grabbig a tight white tee, a pair of bootcut jeans and struggled to get them on. One of my nails got stuck on a seam in the jeans, making the nail rip. I involuntarily let out a pained whine 'oh, fuck me!' not thinking to much of it and with no time to spare I just got my jeans on and headed for the bathroom to do my makeup.
'Hannah was the one supposed to pick me up' I sighed, 'Buck, you dont suppose you could be a gentleman and pick me up?' I asked sheepishly, 'Im sure I'll find a way to repay you' I said, mostly joking.
There was no answer on the other end, 'Buck, you there?' I asked, but still nothing. I thought I could hear breathing but chucked it up to a bad signal, 'Bucky?'.
Finally there was noise, Bucky cleared his throat and a strained voice came through 'Mmh right, I already told Hannah to go ahead and join the meeting and I'd come pick you up instead, I'll be there in about 15 minutes. If thats alright with you of course.'
'Yes. That'd be great! See you soon' I said and he hung up. I finished my makeup, put some of my best perfume on considering I'd be in close quarters with Bucky. I grabbed my bag, headphones and other necessities, put on my black plateu boots and looked out through my window. The rain was still pouring so I grabbed my black leather jacket and an umbrella aswell.
I checked to clock, 9:25. I had 5 minutes, I gave my appearance a quick once over before heading out. I looked really good, I thought. Maybe even good enough to seduce a married man thats twice my age.
About 15 minutes later Bucky pulled up in a sleek black car, I stood there with my umbrella splayed out over me, shivering.
He stepped out and opened the door for me, giving me an apologetic look. Which gave me a slight giddy feeling, because I imagined it ment that he cared for me. But it could've been because of his very appealing disheveld appearance too.
Either way, late or not. I didn't care much since I was already very late for work and beacause I was genuinley just glad to see him. I folded my umbrella, shook it of and laid it in the car. I turned to Bucky, giving him a quick hug and since I was feeling confident, a small kiss on the cheek aswell.
It made him tense up and I worried that I had crossed a line, but it was to late either way. The rained dribbled down on us, wetting our hair and leaving water stains on our shoulders. I put my hand on his bicep and looked up at him through my lashes, smiling sweetly 'Thank you for picking me up' I said, tilting my head 'but what took you so long though?'
'Nothing you need to worry about' he replied, raising his hand to brush a piece of wet hair from my face, then continued 'And sorry about this darling, it might be I that has to repay you.' he smirked, and gestured to my wet and shivering state.
I got into the car and let my imagination run free for a bit, thinking about what I hoped him "repaying" me could've ment, but I was torn out of my delusion by the sound of the car door closing on the other side. He lit the ignition and turned the heat up, then drove off.
He laid his hand on my thigh, rubbing it up and down in an effort to warm me up. His hand stilled and squeezed my knee, 'I missed you this morning you know.' he smiled.
I was to stunned to speak, beacuse we'd never never really touched eachother before. Partly out of respect for eachothers personal space, but mostly beacuse of his wife. Something had changed in us this morning, and im not sure why.
I laid my hand over his and glanced at him quickly with a shy smile. The scent of the car, along with my perfume, his cologne and the smell of our wet clothes made this moment feel like a piece of litterature. I turned my gace towards the wet roads and passing trees, enjoying this moment together.
Your reaction made him smile, all wet and pretty, acting innocent with thos big eyes and plush lips. Oh how he wished he never married.
We had settled into a comfortable silence, but my curiostiy eventually got the better of me. 'So? Im still wondering, how come it took you so long to get me?'.
He cleared his throat, 'I just, you know-' he couldn't figure out a belivable answer so he opted for a diversion instead, 'I guess I just wanted to get here in one piece, to ensure that you got to work at some point today. Why did you oversleep anyway?' He emphazied, chuckling at his bad attempt at redirecting the conversation.
His chuckle made him seem pleased with himself. He had extremly bad humor, just like a dad. I thought and decided to joke with him, saying it out loud.
It made him slightly uncomfortable at first, he let go of my knee and gripped the wheel nervously. I was afraid I had done something wrong, so I leaned closer and lightly rested my hand on his forearm 'Did I upset you Buck? Im so sorry if I did.'
'What?' He looked at her eyes, full of regret. 'Oh no darling, of course not! I was just thinking about a proper answer.' He said asuringly, 'its just that the wife and I haven't had much luck in that department'.
'No luck in the becoming a dad part or the having sex one?' I asked bluntly, my reflexes covered my mouth with my hand.
I have no idea what came over me. I immedietly regretted the question but since it was already done, I decided to play it cool and act innocent. He looked at me dumbfounded, seemingly as surprised by my bluntness as I was.
We locked eyes for a moment and I tilted my head to the side as if it was the most normal question in the world.
He couldnt help but chuckle, he would never have gussed youd ask something like that. But he answered all the same 'The latter, I suppose' he said shaking his head, barely beliving that he even answered the question.
I felt a bit bad for him, I would never derive him of sex. Since I already was in deep water and feeling as though I couldn't make it any worse. I decided to roll with my newfound bluntness.
'So.. youre sure It has nothing to do with your recently prolonged car rides, flushed cheecks, messy hair, wrinkled and half tucked shirt?' I bit my lip, waiting for his reaction.
He didnt know what to answer, he looked at you wondering if he should tell you off like a child for suggesting such things or if he should tell you the truth. That he'd been desperate for a change in his marrige and hadn't stopped thinking about you for the past weeks, that you were the only object of his desire. That when he slept with his wife he imagined you in her place, laying under him, on top of him, stading on your knees infront of him or bent over the nearest surfice. That he stopped sleeping with his wife beacuse she just didnt do it for him anymore.
Or that he didn't want to tell you that when he hung up your call this morning, he had driven to a secluded parking spot and jacked of while thinking of the whine he heard you make over the phone.
He decided to dismiss your question because he still loved his wife after all and didnt want to ruin their marrige. But at the very same time a part of him still hoped you'd thought of him the way he had thought of you.
'Im sure I dont know what you mean' was all he could say, giving you a quick look and a smirk.
I didnt want to push my luck any further, so I decided to accept his answer and let the subject rest. We continued the rest of of the ride in silence, enjoying the sound of the rain smattering on the roof.
10 minutes later we arrived to work and Bucky opened to door for me again. He took my hand and helped me out, locked the car and we hurried our way inside the building to avoid getting even more wet. The lobby was empty since everyone was presumably already in the meeting, which we had hoped to make it in time for at least half of it.
Bucky laid his hand on the small of your back as the two of you walked to the elevator, he felt it was a justified action since you were in a hurry. But as you were waiting for the elevator to arrive, his hand lingered for a moment longer than what propriety called for. He looked at you, searching for your gaze and hoping to find any sign of mutual affection.
I looked up at him and the amount of butterflies I got was indescribable, his eyes met mine. The eyecontact accompanied by his touch, his cologne and his closeness made my knees go weak. I took a step closer to him closer to him and he started massaging circles into my back with his thumb and you hummed appreciatively in response.
That was all the confirmstion he needed.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened, we stepped inside. He lets go of my back for a second to push the button to our floor and waits for the doors to close before he places the hand even lower on my back, right at the curve of my ass. I leaned against him, grabbing a fist of his jacket and gaze up at him with big doe eyes and a truly, innocent expression this time.
He meets your eyes, the sight before him makes him absolutley ravenous. He squeezed your ass firmly with one hand and as you whined in response grabbed your throat lightly in the other. You looked mesmerized and the thought of you letting him be in controll this way made him stiffen up. He slid his hand to the back of your neck and traced his thumb along your jaw as he inched closer to your face.
His lips a mere ghost over mine, feeling his breath on my skin is the most erotic thing to ever happen to me. Barely a second away from a kiss, the elevator grinds to a halt three floors to early. Taking me completley by surpries, it caused my feet to become unsteady. Bucky grabbed my hips quickly, helping me find my footing as the elevators made that ding. He lets go of my hips and moves his hands up to my shoulders in the matter of a second, just as the doors open.
'Whoa there! A bit light on your feet huh?' Bucky says while laughing as three suit-clad men step inside. 'Hey Barnes, there you are! Good god, man. You look like you've been sailing!' The tall one says and they all laugh, including Bucky.
I was a bit annoyed by Buckys quick rejection of me but brushed it of as I understood his reasoning, he was married after all, and I didnt really want to be know as the adultress whore either.
The doors close again, 'Well its pouring out there Mr. Tanner, sir. Did we miss the meeting?' He asks the the tall man, who im just realising is our boss. 'No It actually went on longer than excpected, we took a quick brake and are headed back up there right now.'
Mr. Tanner looks back at me, raising his eyebrow 'And whos this drenched little thing?' He says and smiles at me, slightly appaled by his audacity, but he was lean and handsome and I didnt want to lose my job so I smile back. 'Im from your group sir, collegue to Mr. Barnes, sir. He gave me a ride to work.' I say as proffesionally I can muster and extend my hand for him to shake.
He takes it, bows down and kisses the back of it, letting his lips linger and glances up at me 'How good of him' the man says and gives Bucky a side eye, 'It's a pleasure, miss. I hope I'll be seeing more of you from now on.'
'Same goes you for Mr. Tanner, sir.' I say and glance at Bucky, who's face have fallen. Much to my pleasure, Bucky appears to be..? I cant distinguish it between jealousy or protectiveness. The elevator halts again, dinging and the doors slide open.
'I'll see you two in the meeting then' Mr. Tanner says with a nod. He then turns to me before walking out, 'make sure to stop by my office girl, sooner rather than later.' He winks at me. Bucky gives him a curt nod 'We'll be there in a minute sir.' He says, forcing a smile and the men walk out.
I look at Bucky, shrugging my shoulders as if what just happened were no big deal and seeing his furious gaze made giggle. I step out of the elevator with Bucky close on my heel. We were a few feet away from the door to the conference room when he side-steped me, grabbed my wrist and pulled me around the corner.
Bucky hade never felt jelousy so strong before, not even for his own wife. Yet he could kill that man for even slightly touching you. When you were out of sight, he forcefully pressed your back up against a wall and placed his hand next to your head, leaning over you. The look of pure innocent excitement on your face made him want to tear you apart.
I had never been with anyone in this way before, I had slept with boys my own age of course. But it couldnt compare, it felt nothing as exciting as this, I could almost feel the wetness pooling between my legs. Bucky inched closer again, determined not to let anything come in our way again, he closed the distance. Our lips met in a feverish frenzy and I completley melted into him, he wrapped his other arm around my back to help me stand upright and then pressed his body closer to mine. There were no distance left between us and I could feel his bulge pressing up against my thigh, I looped one leg around his hip making his bulge hit that sweet spot and I rocked my hips against him, making my jeans cause the perfect friction. He let out a breathy moan which was music to my ears, I could've come undone from the sound of his moan alone. I leaned my head back against the wall and grabbing a fistful of his hair, lightly pulling on it, making him whine inbetween his furious kisses.
Along your jaw and down your neck he kissed and ripped you shirt by the neckline to get better access to that sweet spot inbetween your throat and collarbone. You yelped in surprise which only spurred him on further, becoming even more agressive with it. He couldn't tell his own moans apart from yours at this point and it drove him mad.
Your bliss was interrupted when you heard a voice.
'Oh my god' The woman said, her jaw dropping to the floor. We stopped in our tracks, Bucky let go of me and turned away from her, breathing furiously. I look at the ground gathering myself before facing her. Ready for whatever consequences our actions would hand us, I smoothed my hair and clothes out, cleared my throat and turned towards the woman. I had not realised how tense my face had become until that moment, for when I saw who it was I immedietly relaxed 'Hannah, thank god its you.'
'Are you insane?!' She exclaimed in a hushed voice, 'What if it had been literally anyone other than me?' her jaw was still practically on the floor. I walked up to her while Bucky was still collecting himself, waiting for certain parts of him to calm down.
Altough still in shock, she seemed to be proud 'I really cant belive this, in the office too? You're bold girl.' She said, changing to a whisper 'Good for you honestly, you got him at last huh?' I looked at her nodded excitedly and bit my lip. My crush on Bucky was of course no news to her.
'We really need to get inside before our dissaperance raise any suspicions, but I want all the details later, ok?' she looked me inte the eyes, and I nodded yes. She gave my appearence a once over, 'Girl your eyes were running? And did he rip your shirt?' She the shirt between her fingers and gasps, jealousy tinting her voice 'My goodness what an animal, good job you.' She said and pointed at Bucky, giving a smirk and he chuckled.
Hannah touched up my makeup then took my hand and we began walking around to corner towards to conference room, I gave Bucky one last look as we walked inside.
Me and Hannah sat at the end of the table and Bucky joined the rest of us a few minutes later, taking a seat next to Mr. Tanner. He was looking as dapper as always, as if nothing ever happened.
Hannah leaned in closer to me and whispered 'You're coming to the party with me tonight right?'
'Party?' I questioned.
'Yeah, the firm's been doing good and their celebrating' she replied, 'Im sure Bucky will be there' she said with smile tugging at the corner of her lips. I looked at her, eyes gleaming with mischief and then glanced at Bucky.
'I wouldnt miss it for the world.'
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bomber-grl · 21 days
I love your blog so much!!! How about prompt 25 for Shigeo Kageyama? and maybe with a male reader if its not too much, thanks a ton!!!
Prompt #25: sharing an umbrella
The bell for the last period rung about 20 minutes ago now. About 10 minutes before the last class ended, rain began to fall.
The amount soon increased and it began pouring and thundering. Fortunately (/s) for you, you had cleaning duty.
You had finished up rather quickly though due to the help of your psychic abilities but that didn’t stop you from almost running down the stairs.
You quickly changed shoes at your locker then went to reach for an umbrella but then it hit you like a shit ton of bricks, you forgot to pack one.
You hunched down and mentally berated yourself for not remembering to bring one. It’s not like you needed one, you could just make a shield using an ability of yours but that’d be too suspicious.
Sigh you guess you’ll just have to run home, get soaking wet, and have to live with the consequences of getting sick.
You walked towards the front doors bag in hand, and prepared for your run of a century.
Right when you were ready a hand came to rest on your shoulder.
Despite being spooked, you quickly turned to see the person it was. Low and behold, it was none other than your boyfriend Mob.
“Oh, hey mob what are you still doing here?” You knew he could handle himself but that didn’t mean he was immune to catching colds.( and the thunder and pouring rain wasn’t helping)
“Oh well,I brought this for you” he stammered a bit and was visibly shaken up. His eyes were refusing to make contact with yours and his outstretched hand with the umbrella was shaking.
You lifted your hand to retrieve the umbrella, at the same time accidentally caressing his. He pulled back, blush still prominent but you’d let it slide without mention this time.
“Thanks mob I appreciate it!” He blushed in content “but I’m a little worried that you waited for 20 minutes just for me.”
You tried to convey how it didn’t bother you much, just was a little concerning but mob visibly slumped and mumbled a little ‘sorry’.
“Hey” you reached out and touched his shoulder “it’s fine, let’s just get home before the weather gets any worse, yea?”
After mob mumbled a quick ‘yes’ you both went walking hand in hand down the sidewalk, out of the school and into the neighborhood.
Mobs face was unbelievably red, sure you knew that it was because you were holding hands but let’s just pretend he was getting sick from the weather.
Soon enough you reached Mobs house and you turned to mob to say some goodbyes.
“Welp, this is it. Oh and here” you passed the umbrella to Mob “it’s still pouring but it’s yours so take it with you inside.”
“No, You still have to walk home just take it please” he offered it back to you and you hesitated .
“It’s alright, you can just bring it tomorrow “ you sighed and nodded “yea you’re right.”
“Well, bye mob” you turned around with the umbrella and headed for your house when mobs hand clasped around yours.
“Um…” was what he said. Insert another 10 minutes of you just standing there with Mob trying to get what he wanted to say out.
“Nothing” he settled with ‘nothing’.
“Alright well bye mob” it was just a hunch and pretty risky, but you had a feeling what mob wanted.
You changed your direction almost immediately and your face collided with mobs cheek.
Your lips planted a small but sweet peck on his cheek. His face exploded into the color red in under a second and before he could say anything you went on your merry way.
Maybe you should do it more often, seeing as when you got home Mob sent you a “👍” text.
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storiescelestial · 6 months
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(Not my gif.)
One day it was raining so I decided to enter a shop, a random shop I didn't care if it was a coffee shop or a restaurant, I was already cold from the rain.
As I entered the shop it felt nicer than the rain outside but as I noticed the shop I recognized it as a toy shop.
I was a little surprised as I haven't seen a toy shop before so this was quite new. That's when I finally noticed the owner I assumed.
"Come, come, out of the rain its quite cold ja? All of the water goes splishy splashy." He had a strong German accent.
I made my way over to him.
"Now what can I help you with?"
"Nothing," I mumbled still glacing around.
"Are you sure? We have beautiful dolls y'know, oh how lovely they are."
"I'm positive but," I got to him and turned my attention on him.
He had blonde hair that went to the side with curls at the end.
"Do you only sell toys?"
He seem to give it a moment before smiling.
"You want an umbrella, ja?"
"If you have one."
He went over somewhere and so I had a moment to explore.
I went over to a shelf, I was interested in a deck of cards that was built standing.
"Wow." I didn't touch it incase it would fall.
I admired it for a few more moments.
"Is something of interest?" I backed up immediately accidently hitting the shelf and making the cards fall.
"I'm sorry," I quickly said.
He came around and handed me the umbrella while he grabbed all the cards and stacked them.
"It's fine, it was easy to do anyway."
I was impressed already, how was that easy to do?
He shuffled the cards in one hand.
I was impressed and kept my attention on there.
He smiled.
"It is impressive," I said without turning my attention on him.
"I've learned a few tricks," he stopped shuffling and put the cards down on the table.
I turned my attention to him.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"I'm Eva."
"Eva?" He repeated and I nodded.
"Interesting name, I'm Celestial the Toymaker."
That was a name I haven't even heard of before.
"I'm sure you wanna pay for the umbrella now, rechts?"
"Yeah, how much is it?"
"Just 25 cents."
I had to go through my pockets before finally getting 25 cents.
I paid for it and was about to go when I noticed that it seemed he was the only working one.
"You work alone?" I asked out loud.
He nodded.
"I hadn't needed anything, it is quite easy."
"Okay, goodbye."
I started to walk out but before going out I pulled open the umbrella then went out.
The next day it was pretty and so I went on a walk and happened to notice the shop, I didn't recognize the name but it was obvious that it was a toy shop when they're toys everywhere.
I decided to go inside, the bell rung and he was at the cash register but his attention was at the door.
"Hallo again."
"Hey," I made my way towards him, as I did so I noticed he had made that card again.
"Have you come to perhaps buy something?"
"Nein? Oh."
"I actually came to...well to meet you again."
He seemed surprised.
"Yeah, I was just in a rush last night since I was cold but I wanted to properly know you."
"You want to be friends then?"
"I guess you could suggest that."
He seemed to like that and so I befriended him.
After a few days of visiting him he started to ask if I would prefer a walk in the park or something other than the store.
I made my way towards his store and I just assumed that I'd be the only one since this toy store wasn't very popular but then two other people came. A man and a woman.
The man's hair was a little crazy while the woman's was nice.
"Hey," the woman greeted.
Suddenly the man rushed inside and so did she so I followed.
There Celestial was juggling occasionally throwing them at the man while telling a story.
This went on for a while before she caught one.
"That's enough." But that's when he had said her full name.
"Okay, so he knows me."
He smiled.
"But do you know what was the second game? Hide and seek." With that he closed the curtains but the man quickly reopened them only to discover a hall way and lots of doors, we both rushed in after him and the door closed behind us.
"No! No!" He announced as he reopened it only for it to be the same.
"What now?"
He sighed before turing to us.
"Start opening doors." With that he opened a door and went inside and we followed.
As they kept doing this I decided to open another door and went through it to a different area.
I walked in and noticed it as the shop, I turned back but the door was closed.
"Well Eva," I heard him announce.
"I didn't mean to get you in this. Entschuldigen sie."
I went up to him almost running.
"Celestial, you have to let Donna and...and whoever that is out!"
"Why?" He asked.
I couldn't believe he really asked that just now.
I felt annoyed already but I ignored it.
"Celestial at least be fair! There's too many door for them to even-" he placed a finger against my lips making my sentence short.
"Shh now Eva there's nothing you need to worry about."
"But Celestial!-"
He suddenly pulled me close holding me as his arms wrapped around me.
"Now Eva, again there's nothing that's needing to worry about."
I started to blush.
"You'd believe a friend wouldn't you?" He stated.
"I would." I admitted.
He came closer to me almost whispering.
"Then you would believe a lover too."
I blushed even brighter, a lover? What lover?
"I don't love you Celestial."
"Your blush tells me otherwise."
"I don't love you, you're just a friend Celestial. A friend who I met one day, a friend that I.-"
He suddenly pulled back.
"A friend that you love," he stated.
He suddenly pulled me close and kissed me.
I was token by surprise and grapped onto his vest.
We stayed like that for a few minutes before he pulled back.
"You know you love me Eva, it is so simple to notice."
I couldn't deny it now, I did love him and he knew it.
"Celestial, let them go."
He didn't seem happy when I stated that, he may have started feeling frustrated by now.
"Go Eva," he said simply.
"I'll deal with them, I'll catch you later meine liebe."
He quickly kissed me on the cheek before I was out of the entrance of the shop.
I decided to go home, to just stop all of this.
As I made it home the rain had started now.
"Good, at least I didn't get wet." I went to sit down on the couch, so many things had happen that I just needed to take a nap.
Like an hour later though a knock was on the door, I got up and went to the door. The rain had turned to pouring rather than little drops.
I opened the door only to discover Celestial there.
"Celestial?" I was confused but gestured for him to come in instead of the rain.
I noticed that he was now wearing a red and white uniform almost more like a toymakers costume.
He took his hat off and laid it on the table.
I came up to him after closing the door, a cold breeze manged to get in though which I couldn't imagine how Celestial felt as he was already drenched.
"Do you need something new to wear?"
"Nein I'm fine." He smiled.
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to Donna and the man?"
His expressioned remained unfazed as he wrapped an arm around me.
"Didn't I say you needn't to vorry?"
"Then don't vorry about it," he simply stated amd pulled me close to kiss me quickly.
I pulled away taking a step back.
"We've discussed this before Celestial."
"Ja we have, yet you still won't admit."
"Cause I don't!-" there was another knock on the door that got his attention quickly.
I turned to the door than turned back to tell him something but he was gone as if he disappeared.
"Celestial?" I noticed his hat was gone too.
Another knock and that's when I went to open the door.
"I just thought someone was yelling so I decided to check up on you."
"Yeah I was, see I was having a hard time with...with the stove so I just y'know yelled in frustration." I smiled innocently.
He didn't seem to buy it but nodded.
"Alright. Hey are we still going tomorrow?"
'Oh right' I thought as I remembered how I agreed to go to the new park. It was a dog park and he has a little dog that he wanted to take but Prince (the dog) was really hyper.
"Alright then bye." He waved as he left.
I closed the door and turned around to see Celestial there.
"Who's dat?"
"It's none of your business but where did you go?" I noticed his hat was back on the table as if it never left.
"I asked a question first Eva." He started walking towards me but I remained calm.
"I answered that."
"You didn't."
"He's none of your business was the answer you got."
"But it's an answer I don't like." He snapped back at me and a noticeable slip in his accent.
He calmed down a bit before adding on.
"Where are you going tomorrow?" He asked.
"A new park. Does that answer your question?"
"I want to come along Eva." He said suddenly.
I couldn't let him come along since I just met him like a week ago and I wouldn't just bring someone along out of nowhere.
"I did do as you asked Eva, I let Donna and the tenth doctor go so now I want a request."
I didn't add anything for a few minutes.
"And you want to tag along?"
"Fine." I agreed.
"But you're coming as a friend, and that is my request."
"You've already made a request but I'll go along with this one too."
"Another question but where did you go? Cause when I turned you were just suddenly not there anymore."
"Hm, ja that is quite a mystery now." He gave a smile and a wink.
That dumb smile that always made me blush.
"C'mon now Celestial be serious."
There was a noise and so I turned my attention only for him to suddenly be behind me and wrap his arms around me.
"I am," he pressed his cheek against mine.
He chuckled.
"Now that I get into it when someone's wants a relationship they would usually go through something called learning about the other person."
"Ve were friends," he mentioned.
"But I didn't learn much about you except that you're a toymaker."
"That's not enough? Is someone being nosey?" He playfully booped my nose.
I turned around and placed my hands against his shoulder.
"I just wanna learn more about you."
"And I'll tell you soon."
"But as of right now you expect me to be wanting to date you?"
"Gives us an opportunity to learn about each other better, ja?"
"I guess so."
"Y'knov vhat we can do to get to know each other better?"
"Play a game."
I was confused now, how would a game be better for us to learn about each other?
"What kind of game?"
"You can pick, any game I'm villing to play."
I tried to pick a game that revolved around the truth since I wanted the truth. How could this Toymaker disappear, whys he pretending to have a German accent and other stuff? Two truths one lie! It's a good game that revoles around the truth.
"Two truths one lie."
"Interesting choice, I thought you'd pick truth or dare."
"Two truths and a lie is more interesting."
"You should start then."
"Okay, I enjoy the park, I hate magic, I'm usually good at making friends."
"The zecond ones a lie."
He was right but since when did his s turn to a z?
"I can dance, I can do magic, I hate games."
Wow okay he jumped right into the questions.
"The last ones a lie."
"I love spring time, I hate festivals, I prefer movies."
"Zecond one again."
He smiled I guess cause he was getting these right causes there's noway to win.
"I hate rain, I like the color orange, I like magic."
"It's the first."
This game went on for about 15 more minutes.
I eventually got tired and leaned back against my seat. He took notice and got up and went over to me.
"Why don't you go now?"
I shrugged, I was getting comfortable in the chair and didn't feel like moving now.
He took hold of my hand and I finally decided to get up.
I went over to the couch and sat down and he sat next to me.
"I meant more of go lay dovn and to bed."
"Mmm" I leaned against him.
"Or not."
I ended up falling asleep against him.
I was the first one to wake up however, I woke up kinda laid against him.
I got up and checked the time.
"It's only 10."
I sat up only to have am arm already wrapped around me.
"Vhat are you doing?" Celestial was already up.
"Getting up what else?"
There was a knock on the door and that's when he let me up to go answer it.
"Oh Liam." I smiled at him.
"Hey, so are you ready yet?"
"Yeah just let me go do something real quick than I'll be out oh and also I decided to bring another friend along alright?"
"Yeah, that's fine."
"Okay," I closed the door.
"Celestial?" I said as I turned.
"Go outside and meet Liam while I go get changed."
I hurried up and went to go get changed quickly.
When I went outside I was surprised to see Celestial had changed into a suit and a top hat which in my opinion was fancy to be going to a park but okay.
When we went out Celestial for some reason just couldn't get along with Liam, every time Liam tried to be nice just introducing himself or something Celestial gave one word responses.
I finally got some time to talk with Celestial when Liam went to play fetch with Prince.
"What's your problem?"
"My problem?" He asked in that German accent.
"Yes! I mean you're quite rude to Liam when all he's done is being nice towards you."
He gave a huff and an eye roll.
"Look Celestial," I started to space out the words with each poke I gave to his shoulder. "What. Is. Wrong?"
He finally turned to make sure Liam was far enough before turning to me. His German accent completely gone now.
"My problem is that Liam's a big flirt! I don't trust him! What if he's with that tenth doctor? What then? Then we're discovered or at least I am!"
I was token by surpise, Celestial didn't seem like the jealous type and yet here he is not shouting but with a stern voice telling me that he is jealous.
"This is out of sheer jealousy?"
"And distrust."
"You don't even know him."
"I can tell he's not trust worthy! It's plainly obvious."
"No one can "look" like a lair, I mean I didn't take you as a lair but that changed when I started to know you, you're the most untruthful, untrustworthy, person I now! Celestial isn't even a name and I know damn well that toymaker isn't either! And your accent is nothing but lies! You haven't told me anything about yourself or who the tenth doctor is even though we've been friends for a while then suddenly you wanna proclaim that you love me!"
He was silent.
I took a moment to calm down.
"At least you had dressed properly for this but this suit and top hat wasn't all necessary."
"I assumed it looked nice," he mumbled.
Liam came back then and we countuied our walk, I gave Celestial the silent treatment for the rest of the day.
But when Liam left to get a drink from the store it was only me and Celestial.
I mostly just turned my attention to the gently breeze the trees brought.
It was a relaxing moment that was disturbed quick when Celestial grabbed my hand and pulled me to hide beside the store that we stopped at.
"Celestial what was!-" He quickly hushed me with a finger pressed to my lips.
That's when I noticed that doctor and Donna went by the store.
I was going to go to them but Celestial gave a slight shake of his head as if he knew what I wanted to do.
They passed by quickly, it seemed like they were searching.
Celestial then turned to me.
"Ve have to go." He went back to the German accent.
"Stop it with that accent Celestial and no we're not going."
"We have too." We switched his accent again.
"You do I don't."
"Eva stop playing these mind games with me right now."
"I'm not playing any game right now."
"You mean playing hard to get or pretending to ignore me or playing victim or gaslighting me isn't?" He raised a eyebrow at me.
"I haven't been playing any of those I simply tell the truth." I said sternly.
"You lie to yourself."
"I do not!-"
He suddenly pulled me close and kissed me yet again.
I didn't pull away, instead I cupped his cheek.
I wanted to pull away yet again I didn't want too. Maybe the Celestial is right I do lie.
I pulled away.
"Eva?" Liam called.
I went to the front of the store quickly and Celestial followed.
"Sorry we saw a cat or something run behind the store and went to chase it."
Liam nodded.
"Let's go," Celestial started to go.
Liam stayed behind.
"Where did you meet him?" He asked kind of muttering it to me.
"He's just a good friend Liam, I met him at a show."
"A show? What show?"
"Well it wasn't a show it was a small proformence actually. Y'know one of those magic proformences?"
"Yeah I know what you mean."
"We became friends after I gave him some compliments on his magic."
After we arrived at Liams we countuied our walk.
"So," I tried to start a conversation.
"Eva I do feel like we should-" he turned his attention to something before taking my hand and walking a bit faster.
"Celestial? What is it?"
He didn't respond but it became obvious when I turned my attention to the tenth doctor.
It seemed as if he recognized Celestial but pretended as if he didn't.
We took a bit of a longer way in hopes of losing him.
We somehow manged to do so.
"What's this all about Celestial."
He ignored me and bypassed me instead to the kitchen.
I stopped him midway and pulled him back.
"Would you just tell me already? I'm tired of getting told to wait!"
He nodded.
"You're right. You deserve the truth."
He held my hand back before he countuied.
"I'm not from here, and I don't have a name I'm just known as the Celestial Toymaker."
"Not from here? What do you mean?"
"I mean I'm from a different dimention. Outside the universe."
I was confused, I didn't understand him.
"I don't know what you mean." I muttered to him.
"You know all those fantasy books about werewolves, vampires or ghost? It's sort of like that you can take it like that."
I nodded.
"Okay...I'm trying to understand it."
"And another thing. I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave."
"Leave? Why?"
"Well since that tenth doctor is after me I don't want you becoming involved so I decided to just go."
"I'm unsure right now but it'll be fine."
He brought my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles.
"I'll see you soon." He started to walk towards the door.
I went up to him quickly and pulled him back.
"C'mon now Celestial I can help too y'know without getting involved I mean I don't want you wondering around till-"
"Eva I'm fine. And as I already mentioned I don't want you getting involved and helping me would be just that."
"At least do a proper goodbye."
"Proper?" He repeated.
I pulled him close and kissed him.
He almost immediately pulled away.
"I must go."
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hauntingcryptids · 2 years
Soaked Through To The Bone
Whittaker!Doctor x Reader
Summary - The Doctor becomes flustered after seeing the though The Reader’s soaked shirt.
Based On This Request -
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Warnings - The Reader not knowing that their shirt is see through, suggestive themes, so 18 plus please
Word Count - 1082
A/n - Female Reader. Requested by this lovely anon from my old Tumblr account. I hope you enjoy!
You rushed to open the door to your flat and finally get out of the rain. The Doctor offered you a cheerful hello and you tried to give her the same energy back but weren’t able. You were too cold and wet from being drenched by the evening English rain to respond cheerfully.
The Doctor had asked to stay with you for a couple of days at your apartment. You allowed her to but questioned why she would want to do that. The Doctor explained that she needed to do some maintenance on The TARDIS, and she needed a stable environment to do so. Apparently, the last time she tried to clean some of her TARDIS’s core coils while floating through space, she almost crashed into the moon of a neighbouring planet, and she wasn’t keen on repeating that experience.
“Ugh! Why do I always forget my umbrella on rainy days?” You shifted your soaking coat off of your body and hung the object upon the hall coat rack, a rung away from The Doctor’s silvery-light blue coat.
“Coincidences! The universe was just having a bit of fun …” The Doctor’s sentence trailed off into silence once she got a good look at you.
“Well, I’m not having fun!” You huffed while trying to untie your wet and grimy shoes.
The Doctor saw the colour of your bra through your now sheer, wet blouse. It was a light blue with dark blue lace accentuating it. It was probably unnoticeable when your blouse was dry, but now the light blue of the bra was staring The Doctor down. The Doctor had to turn around with a groan and a quiet “Oh, brilliant” when she saw the tiny dark blue bow in the middle of the bra, right between your breasts. She couldn’t help but imagine that you were wearing a matching pair of panties with a little dark blue bow in the centre. Like a little bow on top of a present that she desperately wanted to unwrap.
“Are you alright, Doc?” You questioned The Doctor’s distant attitude as you drudged toward your bedroom in order to change out of your wet clothes.
“What?! Yes. No? What are we talking about?” The Doctor’s eyes were wide and looking around everywhere and her hands were flailing around more than usual.
“I was just asking if you were okay, Doctor. You seem a bit … distracted.”
“Everything’s fine! I swear. Absolutely brilliant!” The Doctor then began shifting from foot to foot while hiding her mouth with her fist shaped hand.
“Well, I’m going to go change into some dry clothes, okay? Then we can order in and watch a movie or something.”
“Yeah, that sounds great.” The Doctor held up a thumbs up, ran out of the conversation. You watched as she jumped over the back of your couch and landed on the seat before being to scroll through your television for movies.
When you got to your room and finally saw yourself in the mirror you groaned in embarrassment when you saw that your chest and bra were completely visible through your shirt. No wonder The Doctor was acting weird! You paced around your room for a moment, cursing yourself, before finally drying off and changing. However, even though you changed clothes, your mind wouldn’t stop racing. You slowly walked out of your room, scared of how The Doctor would be acting.
“I already ordered your favourite! That one thing from that one place that you introduced me to my first day I stayed over. And I picked some movies.” The Doctor mainly looked at the floor, only occasionally looking up to you but she would quickly look back down. You could tell that her eyes never ventured up to your face, they would always stop around your chest. Her face was also permanently tined red with a deep blush. Under different circumstances, you would have loved knowing that The Doctor couldn’t stop staring at your chest. However, right now, you were just worried that you made her incredibly uncomfortable. 
You and The Doctor ate in worrying silence, apart from the movie that you were barely paying attention to. It was a children’s movie, though. That you gathered. And thankfully, it did lighten the mood and clear your head a bit regarding the soaked through shirt incident. After the movie ended, you prepared to ask The Doctor about what had happened earlier.
“Doctor, can I talk to you about something?”
“Yes, you can always come to me for anything.” The Doctor seemed to be in good spirits under all the franticness, so that was a good sign.
“Did you see my bra through my shirt earlier?” The Doctor took a deep breath and turned away for a moment. When she turned back, she was staring a hole in the floor of your flat.
“Yes, I happened to see it.” The Doctor responded with trepidation, causing you to groan again in embarrassment. The Doctor wanted to reassure you, but you beat The Doctor in speaking.
“Doctor, I am so sorry! I never want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Y/n, why are you apologising? I am the one that should be apologising to you.” You shook your head and tried to argue against The Doctor, but she wanted to set the record straight.
“You never made me uncomfortable. I should apologise to you because I couldn’t stop staring at how beautiful you looked. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” You sighed in relief and collapsed into The Doctor’s body. You were so relieved that you hadn’t made her uncomfortable, that was the last thing that you wished to ever do. Because of your stress, it took you a moment to realise what The Doctor had just confessed. You popped back up from The Doctor’s arms to look The Doctor in the eye.
“So, you think I look beautiful, Doctor?” You smirked with sudden confidence.
“I - Well, of course, I do. Of course, I think that you are beautiful. You are the most beautiful person in the world, Y/n.”
“Do you really mean that?”
“Yes, absolutely.”
“I’ll forgive you for ogling my chest, then.” You kissed The Doctor’s cheek then jumped up from your couch in order to get a drink of water from your kitchen. With the eyeful The Doctor received earlier in the evening, she could handle some teasing now. Maybe a bit of teasing would cause something more adult to occur tonight.
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mcondance · 4 months
Not to like blab but I was a pastor's kid (female pastor too which is kind of rare) at a smaller of an international megachurch. Anyway when I was 12 for certain reasons, but obviously when you live with a retired pastor and a church musician (my dad) you don't really leave the church. I think my sister got more of the trauma tbh, she had a lot of expectations placed on her to be a representation of the institution of family and how it plays a role in perpetuating the institution of the Christian church, whereas I was still young enough for it to go over my head. But there were a lot of issues going on in our family back then.
Anyway I think I've been deconstructing christianity since I was really young, but as I get older my scope of understanding grows too. It's deeply engrained in my childhood development, and even my cultural development because it was the one place I was surrounded by Filipino people and culture (which created a rather unfair correlation between enforcement of Christian morality and Filipino people, which took a really long time to work through). I'm still fascinated with the bible, and how to take these parables that don't really involve characters' emotions and thoughts and feeling, and humanizing them, I'm fascinated by the differences between Catholic guilt (which stems from a penance based religious practice i.e. I can pay for my sins so my sins are my fault, and it's gods graces which are inherent in humanity, they're a given), and evangelical lack and longing (sin is inherent in humanity, you're a sinner, you're awful, you're scum, and to be Christian is to reach for the unachievable light of emulating Christ. Try to be like him and you'll be saved), two denominations under the umbrella of Christianity with two opposing worldviews.
Sorry you just awakened one of my favourite things to talk about. I'd love to hear more about your journey with it!
this was crazy… and the difference between catholic guilt and evangelical lack and longing??? give me more???? don’t ever be afraid to blab especially abt this!
my journey was… a lot. a lot of it is very personal to me so i don’t rlly talk abt it but it’s a combination of my grandfather and uncle both dying in situations that were a hair away from them still being alive and having to hear people say “god kept me alive” every sunday at church and all the time at home. also the shared experience most deconstructers have of “so queer people r gonna burn but murderers have a chance at heaven? oh okay.”
but i remember being as young as 7 and wondering why god just doesn’t fix everything. why won’t he fix it? that question rung through my head for years until quarantine happened and i finally broke down.
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dino-boyo-agere · 1 year
First of: TW!!
╰→ mention & vivid description of severe injury
╰→ use of uncensored swearwords! (f*ck & s*it)
╰→ but no graphic pictures in this post!
So on July 14 of 2020 I lost my left middle finger by trying to fetch a ball from my pal's dog he threw over a fence the day before.
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Here is the full story:
It was raining and half way over the fence I decided to ditch the idea, since the fence was fairly slippery and I 'didn't want to get hurt' lmao.
So, on my way back down I obviously slipped, my ring got caught on the fence and degloved my left middle finger.
I felt a hard tug, no pain at first, tho I had a feeling what just happened... My first thought was: "Do I look at my hand or do I just go home?" Obviously, I looked down and "fuck." was the first thing I said.
I grabbed the bone and remaining flesh with my unharmed hand, to stop the bleeding and looked at my friend (the one with the dog).
I calmly told him: "[Name], don't panic but my finger is gone, call an ambulance. I will lay down on the ground now, okay?" At first he thought I was fucking with him and didn't believe me. Because I stayed strangely calm since he has severe panic attacks and I didn't want him to get one in this situation, since that would be anything but beneficial for the both of us. He only realized I was for real, when he saw red liquid dripping out my hand.
My friend hastily rung all the doorbells of the Apartment building across the street, to ask someone to call an ambulance. (I didn't have my phone on me he had his phone, but forgot that you can call emergency numbers even without mobile credit.)
At one point a guy rode past us on his bike, my friend tried to flag him down, yelling something along the lines of: "Hey, could you please call an ambulance? He (gesturing at me, lying on the ground, bleeding) lost- had an accident." And I'll never forget this mans answer, after throwing one glance at me, in a cheery sing-sang voice he just said: "Noo, I don't have time, sorryy.~" while riding of with the brightest smile. That is still the funniest thing to me lmao. That guy had a great day and was not willing to care for anything or anyone else. Honestly.. Good for him!
Anyways, back to the ambulance-calling problem..
My friend managed to get an old lady to step out on the balcony, where she could see me and she called an ambulance right away.. Well she actually got a little confused and called the police, but they informed the hospital to send an ambulance.
Another lady also approached me to just be there for me, I think. She just rubbed my back and tried to comfort me, which was really sweet. Especially seeing she was the one crying, overwhelmed by the situation. She also shielded me from the rain by covering me with her umbrella. I hope shes okay, she was an absolut Sweetheart.
I was lucky (I guess?) since a woman, who lived across the street I was laying on, saw me through the window and came to check out what happened. And wouldn't you know, she was a nurse! She introduced herself to me as such, stating: "Hey, I saw you through my window, are you okay? I might be able to help. I'm a nurse and brought my first aid kit, what happened?" So I detailed the incident to her and showed her my injury. Upon seeing my mangled hand she let out an audible gasp and a whispered: "oh, fuck." At which I couldn't help but laugh, saying: " 'oh, fuck'? As a nurse? It's that bad, huh?". She apologized and tried to back paddle a bit, I think she was trying to not freak me out to much, saying something along the lines of: "No, it's just- I just didn't expect that." To which I replied: "Well, to be fair, I  basically had the same reaction, so it's alright." The kind nurse bandaged me up and waited for the ambulance with us.
At that point the pain was pretty bad but not to much to handle. I mainly focused on my friend, constantly telling him to: "Stay calm and breathe!" since "I can't bleed out, so it's alright."
The ambulance (and police) arrived about 15 minutes after the call (they normally would've been there faster but we had a lot of road work in the area at the time). The officers tried to figure out what happened and kept asking weird questions like: "Did your friend pull you down?", "Did the dog eat the finger?" and "Did the dog pull you down?" Etc.. They also 'searched?' for my finger (they basically just looked in and around the bush where it happened from a distance for like thirty seconds lmao) and said they couldn't find it, so no finger saving for me. The EMT's knocked me out with some seriously good shit and drove me to the hospital. At that point the shock settled, I went in and out of consciousness. At the ER they gave me local anesthesia by shoving a needle in my mangled finger and shooting some thick liquid in there... THAT was the most pain I ever felt in my life so far. But right away, just milliseconds after, no pain at all.
In this moment I actually got to look at it in depth for the first time. It looked gnarly. Most of my skin and flesh was gone but the two bigger bones (wich where astonishingly bright white) of the finger, as well as the main tendon, where still intact. I could actually move my fucking bone-finger!! So I did just that, opening and closing my hand in awe, observing how exactly 'the strings work'. It was fascinating! 
They also took some pictures and I managed to message the clinic for the photos of the degloved finger because... YES. You can find the link to those photos at the end of this post. ! Be warned tho, it's literally med. gore !
They gave me another local anesthetic, for the operation, this time numbing the whole arm. They couldn't put me under since I've already eaten that day.
Even though my finger couldn't be 'saved' since they 'couldn't find it'. I found the ring three days after the incident tho so that's cool, I guess.
I asked if I was allowed to 'keep' the bones they removed but the doctor said: "That's not allowed, since it's a bio hazard." (stupid German laws).
They send me home the next day and I got a cute little tattoo after everything healed up nice. (A little pair of scissors on a dashed line, because I'm funny like that.)
When I got home I picked up my dog from my friends apartment (yes, the same friend) and the first thing I said to him was "pew pew" while doing the Spider-Man 'web shooting gesture' with my hand.
I don't really have many long lasting difficulties in regards to the missing finger except for occasional phantom pain or the even worse phantom itch. Both of which mainly occur when the weather switches.
I'm a pretty positive person, so I'm just thankful that it was only one finger and a unessential one, on my non-dominant hand at that.
All in all I'd give the situation a solid 7 /10.
Pos. (+)
The hospital food was good.
The staff was nice.
Neg. (-)
I'm still a little salty about not being able to take my own bones home.
I physically cringe every time I think about the incident. (Wich is annoying because I basically live next to the place it happened and have to see that darn fence daily.)
Indiff. (¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
The pain was bad, but manageable.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
And as promised → here ← are the (uncensored) pictures of my injury, if you're interested!
✧✧.✧✧ Sorry for any spelling / grammar errors ✧✧.✧✧
✧✧✧.✧✧✧ English is not my first language ✧✧✧.✧✧✧
・。»・⁠°✧❗I don't consent to NSFW interaction❗✧°・«。・
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banner by @froggy-clubhouse
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
If you don’t mind can you do a hc for what Inuyasha and Sesshomaru would do if half-demon sibling managed to get badly hurt
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Quick Summary: [Name] has been missing from their village for about 3 weeks and Inuyasha - along with his friends - are worried about them. One day, [Name] returns to the village but is badly injured - attacked by demons and priests; how will Inuyasha, his friends, as well as Sesshomaru react to [Name's] pitiful state?
[Inuyasha and his Friends]
Inuyasha stood at the front gates of [Name's] Village, looking down the path as the rain fell on his head but he didn't appear to be bothered with it - he just kept looking down the path as if he was waiting for someone and he was; [Name].
[Name] left the village 3 weeks ago to slay some demons to make new armor and weapons for their warriors that weren't affected by the demonic effects of demon weapons and armor. However, they said that they would be back in a week or two, they were gone for too long and Inuyasha didn't like it, he was worried and he would spend his time looking down the path, waiting for his younger sibling to return to him.
Kagome walked out of the temple with her umbrella and hovered it over Inuyasha's head, making him look in her direction. Kagome asked Inuyasha to come back into the temple before he caught a cold but the dog demon refused, stating that he was waiting for [Name] to return. Kagome said that [Name] was powerful and they were going to come back to them safely and then they would join Inuyasha on their mission to fight and stop Naraku. Inuyasha was thinking about Kagome's words and was going to go inside when the sound of weighing rung through the air and hooves clicking - rushing - to the village gate caught everyone's attention: It was [Horse Name] and [Name] was on their back with their robes soaked in their blood.
"[Name]!" Inuyasha called out as he ran to meet the horse, causing the horse to stop in its tracks. [Name] was holding their side as blood leaked from open wounds all over their body., Inuyasha called out to [Name] again but all [Name] did was fall off the horse's back and into Inuyasha's arms, making the dog demon look wide-eyed at the wounds on their unconscious sibling. He ran into the village and burst into the Healer's Home and demanded that [Name] be treated, the healer began working on [Name's] wounds at once.
Inuyasha paced the hallway with his friends looking at him with concerned eyes - they never saw Inuyasha pace before, and seeing him show such concern for the younger half-demon was really moving to them. The healer opened the door and Inuyasha was instantly in front of his face. "How are they?! What happened to them?!"
"Lord/Lady [Name] appears to have both demon claw marks and Priest Power on their body; I think that either they were attacked by Demons and then the Priests or the Priests were dealing with a demon, they helped and was attacked as a reward." The healer explained.
Inuyasha's fangs ground together - he was going to find the bastards that did this and make them pay for hurting [Name], but first, he needed to care for his sibling. He sat by the door and got comfy, he wasn't moving until [Name] was better.
[Name] grunted in pain as they stopped [Horse Name] from moving - this pain was too much to move around, they needed to tend to their wounds before heading back to the village. [Name] got under a tree to protect themselves from the rain as they pulled out a jar of creamy liquid that the village healer gave them in case something like this happened and began placing the substance on their open wounds; allowing them to close slowly.
[Name] got off [Horse Name] and fell to the ground, crawling their way to a tree where they rested their back and opened their kimono to apply the substance. They grunted in pain when the substance came in contact with their wounds but they pulled through it and covered all of their wounds before they exhaled and closed their eyes. It was raining but a familiar scent hit their nose and they groaned.
"You really show up at the worst times, Sesshomaru." [Name] spoke to the person on the other side of the tree. Sesshomaru stood there but said nothing, "Nothing to say this time? Just wanted to see me in this weakened state? Want me to admit you were right or something? Well, whatever you are after...you won't get it from me."
"You placed yourself in this state but you lived and you are letting your wounds heal. Stronger than I see in most half-demons." Sesshomaru said.
"A compliment. Not something I expected for you, Elder Brother." " [Name] smirked.
"I shall leave you to heal and recover but the next time meet, I will take you with me." Sesshomaru disappeared with the wind.
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stoopid-noah · 11 months
So on July 14 of 2020 I lost my left middle finger by trying to fetch a ball from my pal's dog he threw over a fence the day before.
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Here is the full story:
It was raining and half way over the fence I decided to ditch the idea, since the fence was fairly slippery and I 'didn't want to get hurt' lmao.
So on my way back down I obviously slipped, my ring got caught on the fence and degloved my left middle finger.
I felt a hard tug, no pain at first, tho I had a feeling what just happened... My first thought was: "Do I look at my hand or do I just go home?" Obviously, I looked down and "fuck." was the first thing I said.
I grabbed the bone and remaining flesh with my unharmed hand, to stop the bleeding and looked at my friend (the one with the dog).
I calmly told him: "[Name], don't panic but my finger is gone, call an ambulance. I will lay down on the ground now, okay?" At first he thought I was fucking with him and didn't believe me. Because I stayed strangely calm since he has severe panic attacks and I didn't want him to get one in this situation, since that would be anything but beneficial for the both of us. He only realized I was for real, when he saw red liquid dripping out my hand.
My friend hastily rung all the doorbells of the Apartment building across the street, to ask someone to call an ambulance. (I didn't have my phone on me he had his phone, but forgot that you can call emergency numbers even without mobile credit.)
At one point a guy rode past us on his bike, Martin tried to flag him down, yelling something along the lines of: "Hey, could you please call an ambulance? He (gesturing at me, lying on the ground, bleeding) lost- had an accident." And I'll never forget this mans answer, after throwing one glance at me, in a cheery sing-sang voice he just said: "Noo, I don't have time, sorryy.~" while riding of with the brightest smile. That is still the funniest thing to me lmao. That guy had a great day and was not willing to care for anything or anyone else. Honestly.. Good for him!
Anyways, back to the ambulance-calling problem..
My friend managed to get an old lady to step out on the balcony, where she could see me and she called an ambulance right away.. Well she actually got a little confused and called the police, but they informed the hospital to send an ambulance.
Another lady also approached me to just be there for me, I think. She just rubbed my back and tried to comfort me, which was really sweet. Especially seeing she was the one crying, overwhelmed by the situation. She also shielded me from the rain by covering me with her umbrella. I hope shes okay, she was an absolut Sweetheart.
I was lucky (I guess?) since a woman who lived across the street I was laying on saw me through the window and came to check out what happened. And wouldn't you know, she was a nurse! She introduced herself to me as such, stating: "Hey, I saw you through my window, are you okay? I might be able to help. I'm a nurse and brought my first aid kit, what happened?" So I detailed the incident to her and showed her my injury. Upon seeing my mangled hand she let out an audible gasp and a whispered: "oh, fuck." At which I couldn't help but laugh, saying: " 'oh, fuck'? As a nurse? It's that bad, huh?". She apologized and tried to back paddle a bit, I think she was trying to not freak me out to much, saying something along the lines of: "No, it's just- I just didn't expect that." To which I replied: "Well, to be fair, I  basically had the same reaction, so it's alright." The kind nurse bandaged me up and waited for the ambulance with us.
At that point the pain was pretty bad but not to much to handle. I mainly focused on my friend, constantly telling him to: "Stay calm and breathe!" since "I can't bleed out, so it's alright."
The ambulance (and police) arrived about 15 minutes after the call (they normally would've been there faster but we had a lot of road work in the area at the time). The officers tried to figure out what happened and kept asking weird questions like: "Did your friend pull you down?", "Did the dog eat the finger?" and "Did the dog pull you down?" Etc.. They also 'searched?' for my finger (they basically just looked in and around the bush where it happened from a distance for like thirty seconds lmao) and said they couldn't find it, so no finger saving for me. The EMT's knocked me out with some seriously good shit and drove me to the hospital. At that point the shock settled, I went in and out of consciousness. At the ER they gave me local anesthesia by shoving a needle in my mangled finger and shooting some thick liquid in there... THAT was the most pain I ever felt in my life so far. But right away, just milliseconds after, no pain at all.
In this moment I actually got to look at it in depth for the first time. It looked gnarly. Most of my skin and flesh was gone but the two bigger bones (wich where astonishingly bright white) of the finger as well as the main tendon where still intact. I could actually move my fucking bone-finger!! So I did just that, opening and closing my hand in awe, observing how exactly 'the strings work'. It was fascinating! 
They also took some pictures and I will try to message managed to message the clinic for the photos of the degloved finger because... YES. You can find the link to those photos at the end of this post.
They gave me another local anesthetic, for the operation, this time numbing the whole arm. They couldn't put me under since I've already eaten that day.
Even though my finger couldn't be 'saved' since they 'couldn't find it'. I found the ring three days after the incident tho so that's cool, I guess.
I asked if I was allowed to 'keep' the bones they removed but the doctor said: "That's not allowed, since it's a bio hazard." (Stupid German laws).
They send me home the next day and I got a cute little tattoo after everything healed up nice. (A little pair of scissors on a dashed line, because I'm funny like that.)
When I got home I picked up my dog from my friends apartment (yes, the same friend) and the first thing I said to him was "pew pew" while doing the Spider-Man 'web shooting gesture' with my hand.
I don't really have many long lasting difficulties in regards to the missing finger except for occasional phantom pain or the even worse phantom itch. Both of which mainly occur when the weather switches.
I'm a pretty positive person, so I'm just thankful that it was only one finger and a unessential one, on my non-dominant hand at that.
All in all I'd give the situation a solid 7 /10.
Pos. (+)
The hospital food was good.
The staff was nice.
Neg. (-)
I'm still a little salty about not being able to take my own bones home
I physically cringe every time I think about the incident. (Wich is annoying because I basically live next to the place it happened and have to see that darn fence daily.)
Indiff. (¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
The pain was manageable.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
And, as promised: → here ← are pictures of the injury if you're interested!
Unfortunately I don't have any better Pictures or photos, now do I have the digital files of these pictures :(
✧⁠(Sorry for any spelling errors I may have missed, English is not my first language.)✧
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tenebraevesper · 1 year
Up Ladybug, Entry 26: If You’re Here (Part 1)
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''Through that slumped back rain pierces painfully, I remembered having prayed. Even if in this world there is only one umbrella, I will find you and give it to you. Even though I'm unable to do anything I'll at least get drenched in your place, for some reason. Please, tell me, what is bothering you?''
– Kimi ga Ireba by Detective Conan
''Hey, hey, do you think Amber is really telling the truth in regards to her encounter with Ladybug and Chat Noir?'' Sophie asked, with her, Claude, Allegra, Allan and Bridgette being gathered around her and Bridgette's desk. They all glanced towards Amber, who was surrounded by several of their other classmates who wanted to know the full details and clearly enjoying the attention she got.
''I have no doubts about that,'' Bridgette said, leaning against her seat, arms folded across her chest and a slight smirk on her lips.
''She was walking around pretending to be a superhero,'' Félix said, not even lifting his gaze from the book he was reading while listening to the conversation happening one row behind him. ''Would it be surprising for her to draw Ladybug and Chat Noir's attention this way?''
''I suppose it wouldn't,'' Allegra said, leaning against the wall behind them. ''Not to sound cynical, but I doubt you can be a superhero without some kind of superpower.''
''What about Batman? He's a superhero and he doesn't have any superpowers,'' Allan said.
''Actually, he does. His superpower is being a billionaire,'' Sophie said, with her friends bursting out laughing. Even Félix snorted, hiding his smile under the book. She then glanced at Bridgette and Félix, a slight smirk on her expression. ''So, are you two planning to have another lunch together, or…?''
Both Bridgette and Félix froze at the question. It wasn't really about the implications of them being alone together, but a reminder of what happened a day ago and both of them just disappearing and Ladybug and Chat Noir appearing and somehow knowing about what had happened. Neither of them had talked about it since that.
''Uh, um,… How about going to lunch as a whole group?'' Bridgette suddenly suggested, laughing nervously and a sweatdrop forming as she saw her friends giving her a weird look. She knew that they were all wondering why she didn't want to spend more time with Félix. After all, he was her crush, even if they still had their doubts about him. Sophie rose an eyebrow, then smiled innocently.
''Oh, I just remembered that me and Allan wanted to check out that café down the street,'' she suddenly said, looking at a confused Allan. However, he quickly picked up on her intentions and agreed, nodding.
''I was actually planning on going to lunch with Carmilla,'' Allegra said.
Claude shoot Félix a scrutinizing look, then said, ''I wanted to meet up with a few people from the theatre group. They're working on a mime and pantomime-type of performance and I wanted to ask them a few questions.''
''O-Oh…'' Bridgette was panicking internally. The school bell rung for the end of the recess and everyone went back to their seat, with Sophie sitting next to Bridgette.
Sophie then leaned over, placing her hand on her mouth and whispering to Bridgette, ''I know how hard you have worked to get Félix's attention. It is nice that you're worried about spending time with us, but trust me, it's okay. You can go to lunch with him, none of us will be mad about this.''
To seal the deal, she winked at her in confidence. Bridgette just smiled back, but at the same time, she had to wonder whether Félix would bring up what happened a day ago. She was worried that he might figure out that she was Ladybug, since it was too much of a coincidence for her to just appear at the same time she made that flimsy excuse.
Félix, who tried to ignore the sense of anxiety, had the same thoughts. He knew that his excuse to deal with Amber/Queen Bee was absolutely laughable and that anyone would be quite suspicious of him disappearing, only for Chat Noir to suddenly appear with all the knowledge about what had happened.
However, even though they were concerned in regards to their own secret identities, they were even more worried about something else – for Bridgette, it was the possibility that Félix was Chat Noir, while for Félix, it was the possibility that Bridgette was Ladybug. Neither of them was ready to face this situation.
Lunch was… rather awkward. Both were sitting outside under a tree, eating their bought lunch together in silence. Both already had the feeling that they should bring up what had happened the day before, but neither of them was willing to make the first move. They both knew that if they started even implying that they were assuming that the other might be a superhero, they probably wouldn't know how to handle the truth.
For Bridgette, she simply couldn't believe that the distant and aloof Félix could be flirty and playful Chat Noir. Or perhaps, she didn't want to believe it. After all, her feelings towards both were rather complicated and she wanted nothing more but to keep things as they were. She didn't want to even think that this all might just be an illusion.
For Félix, he knew that he was risking everything with his actions. Despite having grown quite fond of Ladybug, he was still focused on removing his cursed ring, remembering the day before when he attempted to place another book on a bookshelf, only for the wooden panel to break and all of the books to fall off the shelf. He knew that this was just another instance of his bad luck acting up, another reminder that, even if he was happy in life, misery would always follow. Therefore, he needed to steal that kiss from Ladybug, but if she was also Bridgette and if she learned that he was Chat Noir, he knew he would lose her. She had put so much faith into him and if she knew what he was up to, she would never trust him again. He even entertained the idea of telling her the truth, but he felt that he was in too deep to dig himself out of this charade.
But, am I really putting on a charade at this point? Félix gazed ahead, his eyes distant and thoughtful. Bridgette noticed that distant look on his expression, wondering if she should say something.
''Hey, Fé…''
Both immediately shut up after they spoke in unison, looking at each other in confusion. Both were silent for a moment, before speaking again at the same time.
''What did you want to ask me?''
''Please, you go first.''
Silence again as they realized that there was indeed something on each other's mind, followed my a sense of frustration because neither of them wanted to talk, even though they knew they needed to do some proper communication. Félix then cleared his throat, deciding to be the one to break the ice, noting how Bridgette was staring at him in anticipation.
''I was just wondering… what do you think of Chat Noir?'' he asked.
''Eh?'' Bridgette gave him a blank stare, not expecting this question. Still, despite being stunned by it, she was  also glad that he wasn't bringing up what had happened the previous day. Instead, she leaned against the tree, placing a finger on her lips. ''Well, let's see… I have met him a couple of times, and I think he's actually a really sweet person.''
''Really?'' Félix gave her a look of surprise. Sure, he remembered that he as Chat Noir and Bridgette did have a good relationship, even when dealing with their own emotional turmoil, but the last thing he expected was for Bridgette to describe his alter ego as ''sweet''.
''Well, it is more in the sense that he want to be seen as someone who cares a lot, even though he does,'' Bridgette replied, with Félix figuring that she had indeed nailed his personality. He then noticed her giving him a curious look. ''What do you think about Ladybug? You have met her, right?''
''Ladybug…'' Félix trailed off as he thought about her. ''I think that she's very passionate about her goals and determined to keep those she cares about safe. She also has that…'' Félix stopped himself from completing the sentence as he saw Bridgette's warm and kind smile. Why does she resemble Ladybug so much? He lowered his head, feeling something constraining his chest.
''Félix, are you okay?'' Bridgette asked.
''I'm… not sure,'' Félix replied. ''But, I hope I'll figure it out eventually.''
''What are you searching for, Kid?'' Plagg asked, observing Félix as he rummaged through his closet, eventually taking out a black leather violin case. He stared at it hesitantly as Plagg flew closer, giving him a confused look. ''What's that?''
''It's the violin my mother had gifted to me,'' Félix replied, opening the case and showing Plagg the stringed instrument that was inside. ''It feels like ages since the last time I took it out.'' He walked over to the closet and then took out what appeared to be a box with items necessary for maintaining a violin. ''I did keep it properly stored, but…'' Félix reached for a handkerchief and used it to clean the instrument carefully. ''I'll need to change some of the strings.''
''How come you had never told me that you can play a violin?'' Plagg asked.
''That's because I gave up on it a while ago. I used to love playing the violin, but after what happened… I couldn't do it anymore,'' Félix replied, staring at his violin somberly. Plagg gave him a sympathetic look, with Félix narrowing his eyes. ''However, this is an emergency.''
Plagg rose an eyebrow, being quiet for a moment as he wondered what Félix meant, only for it to dawn on him. ''Wait, is this your plan? You're going to serenade Ladybug with music?''
''I admit, I am running out of ideas…'' Félix said dryly, looking down at the violin.
''What about trying to figure out Ladybug's civilian identity?'' Plagg sat on Félix's shoulder. Félix's eyes narrowed.
''That… I consider that my last resort,'' he said in response. He didn't want to say it, but he wished that it wouldn't come to that.
Chat Noir spotted Ladybug at their usual meeting spot on the Eiffel Tower, carrying his violin case carefully as he feared that, with his bad luck, something might happen to his precious instrument. Even though he hadn't played the violin in a long time, his skills were all but rusty. Aside from being able to play many classical and modern pieces from memory, he had also practiced playing by ear, that is refining his ability to pick up music notes and play along almost instantly. Of course, he also made sure to actually practice the piece he was going to play to complete perfection. He was certain that he would succeed in his plan.
It is not as if I'm playing for my uncle and… Chat Noir felt a sudden piercing in his chest, shaking his head to get those thoughts out of his mind. No, I can't think about what happened! You're playing this for Ladybug, no one else!
He took out a small loudspeaker and his smartphone out of his pocket, turning the loudspeaker on and selecting the accompaniment. While he had trouble picking what he would play, as he wasn't completely sure what approach he would take, he decided that he would at first try to impress Ladybug and go from there, settling on one by his favorite violinist, Lindsey Stirling, called Master of Tides. He put the bow in proper position and started the music, grinning and showing his fangs.
Let's get this show on the road!
Ladybug was sitting on the metallic structure of the Eiffel Tower, legs swinging as she observed the city in the nighttime. Despite her intial fear of heights during the very beginning of her adventure, she now felt more confident than ever and was excitedly waiting for Chat Noir to show up so they could start with their nightly patrol.
To her surprise, she heard a sudden whining sound, like a siren, followed by a steady beat. The siren sound continued as Ladybug got up, looking around frantically as she tried to figure out where it was coming from, only for the beat to suddenly drop and Chat Noir to leap right in front of her, playing a violin. Ladybug's jaw dropped as the music picked up with Chat Noir tapping lightly in the rhythm of the instrument, taking steps back and forth as he moved along the beat, as if dancing, but not quite.
Ladybug stared him, completely mesmerized by his masterful playing and elegant yet lively dance, to the point that it took her until half-way of the song to realize that he was playing this for her, if his mischievous cat-like grin and glinting green eyes were any sign of confirmation. He clasped her hands in amazement, her heart-beat picking up as she observed him, enjoying the sound of music and even nodding along with the beat, which switched tempo seamlessly from lively to much slower, almost dreamlike, like a ship on calm waters, only for the tempo to pick up, the ship crashing through waves as it braved the tides. She genuinely wanted to dance to it, to lose herself in the music, but alas, the song eventually came to a sudden end. Nevertheless, Ladybug started clapping, completely delighted by the show.
''Chat, that was amazing! I had no idea you could play the violin!'' she said, absolutely starstruck. Chat Noir smiled, taking a deep bow.
''Thank you. I had figured that I could surprise you with one of my special talents,'' he replied, being a little out of breath. Usually, one would play the violin while standing still, but he decided to put on a show and, given Ladybug's reaction, it was worth it. ''I'm quite happy that you enjoyed my performance, Bug. I played it with you in mind.''
To his joy, his words actually made Ladybug blush, but instead of lightly joking back and trying to downplay the situation or even just put up a clear wall between them, Ladybug smiled back. ''That's really sweet of you.''
Chat Noir's expression showed surprise at first, only to smooth into joy. His tail flicked as he realized that this may have been the breakthrough he needed. If he could keep up the momentum, he would be able to get rid off the curse in no time. He would be finally free from his bad luck, no more tormented by every little thing going wrong in his life. Maybe it could happen tonight, as long as he manages to charm Ladybug into kissing him, be it by using music or words or actions.
Then, Chat Noir would finally be no more.
Chat Noir's green eyes, previously glowing with life and triumph, suddenly turned dull and lost their luster. All the sounds and light around him dimmed, as if being drowned out by the darkness that crept around him and Ladybug, who was still smiling at him, not even aware what was going through Chat Noir's mind. It was just them here, and he could see a huge shadow looming over her, her own future taunting her, one filled with suffering and pain. They were the only beacons of light standing amidst the darkness, but soon, it would only be her standing there, all alone.
Wh- What am I doing?
Chat Noir stepped back, his move being rather sudden. Ladybug stepped forward, reaching for Chat Noir's hands and holding them in an assuring manner, her expression showing concern.
''Chat Noir, what's wrong? You look so pale.''
''I-I…'' Chat Noir had no idea how to vocalize his thoughts. He genuinely wanted to move on with his plan and finally earn Ladybug's kiss. However, it felt like he hit an invisible barrier, with Ladybug standing on the other side, confused and perhaps even scared for him, not understanding the inner struggle he was going through.
To kiss Ladybug, it meant to lie to her. It meant to betray her – the one person who put her trust into him despite their rocky start. She had shown him kidness and support, love and friendship. They were partners and Chat Noir knew that Ladybug trusted him with her life, opening up to him and only to him, when things were the hardest. It was natural that she would turn to him for support, as a fellow superhero, but lately, it felt like their relationship meant much more to Ladybug than being a simple partnership… and Chat Noir was on his way to destroy that.
Not even understanding himself why he did this, Chat Noir suddenly moved, wrapping his hands around Ladybug, his actions startling her. His expression was blank as he pulled her into an embrace, whispering, ''You mean the world to me, Ladybug.''
''Chat…'' Ladybug had no idea how to respond. She could hear a hint of sadness in his voice, completely puzzling her. He was so happy a moment ago, and now, it felt like a switch had been flipped, and she wanted to know why. Chat Noir then let go of her, giving her a faint hint of a smile, but Ladybug could see the sorrow in his eyes. However, before she could even ask him anything, they heard the sound of wings flapping. Both turned their heads towards the sound, only to realize that there was a flock of pigeons gathered and flying across the Seine towards a particular direction. Both rose an eyebrow, exchanging glances.
''Are they flying towards Jardins du Trocadéro?'' Ladybug asked. Chat Noir tilted his head as he observed the flock of pigeons abruptly swerving to the side.
''I think they're actually flying towards the Aquarium,'' he said, completely confused.
''Why would Monsieur Pigeon attack the Aquarium?'' Ladybug asked, still baffled.
''Honestly, I don't know. Maybe he hates fish now?'' Chat Noir shrugged. Ladybug took a deep sigh, reaching for her yo-yo.
''Okay, let's chase him off,'' she said in a tone that clearly indicated that she was completely done with the Pigeon Man. Chat Noir couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction.
''Aaghhrr! You two will pay for this!'' Monsieur Pigeon, dangling upside-down due to being tied up via Ladybug's yo-yo. Ladybug and Chat Noir were standing on top of the Aquarium building, both rolling their eyes. They had to admit that this was probably their easiest fight to date, as while Monsieur Pigeon was terrorizing whoever was close to the Aquarium, they snuck up to him, with Chat Noir blasting the pigeon villain with a Black Storm, knocking him off his pigeons, and Ladybug catching him with her yo-yo.
''I'd say this is a new record for us,'' Chat Noir said, with Ladybug smirking in response.
''Not fair! I haven't even done any gloating!'' Monsieur Pigeon protested.
''Why have you even attacked the Aquarium?'' Ladybug asked, drawing the villain's attention.
''To draw your attention, obviously! Rooo- Roooo!'' Monsieur Pigeon replied.
''Is this another of Papillon's schemes?'' Ladybug asked, noting the look of panic on Monsieur Pigeon's expression.
''I'm not telling!!''
''It totally is,'' both Ladybug and Chat Noir responded in a deadpan tone.
''Hey, how about you tell us what Papillon's plans are?'' Ladybug called out for the pigeon villain, who sneered at her.
''I won't tell you anything! Roooo- Rooooooo!'' he replied.
''Okay, then why are you attacking us?'' Chat Noir asked.
''Because Papillon wants you off the streets so you won't bother while he is-'' Monsieur Pigeon suddenly cut himself off, his bulging eyes widening in horror as he just realized he was about to tell them everything.
Chat Noir smirked mischievously, giving Ladybug a knowing look, ''Too bad he didn't give away everything. But, it was worth a try.'' He glanced over at the villain. ''In any case, we're handing you over to the police.''
''No you won't!'' Monsieur Pigeon made a cooing sound, with Ladybug and Chat Noir being suddenly attacked by a flock of pigeons. Forced to defend herself, Ladybug let go of Monsieur Pigeon, turning her yo-yo into a shield. Once the flock dispersed, they realized that Monsieur Pigeon was also gone.
''Should we go search for him?'' Chat Noir asked.
''We could, but I'm more curious whether there will be another attack,'' Ladybug said.
''I somehow doubt it. When did this guy ever return after being defeated once?'' Chat Noir said.
''You're right, but we still should go on a quick patrol. Afterwards, we could spend some time together,'' Ladybug suggested. Chat Noir was a bit surprised by her suggesting them hanging out so casually. His heart-beat picked up as he realized that this was his chance, but then a chilling feeling pierced his chest.
''I… I can't,'' Chat Noir admitted, his gaze pointed to the side as he avoided eye-contact with Ladybug. ''I think we should split up for the patrol. If you see anything, give me a call.''
To Ladybug's surprise, he turned on his heel and quickly leapt into the night, heading towards the Eiffel Tower. She wondered what was going through his head, as Chat Noir seemed to be a lot less playful lately, even refusing to spend time with her, while before, he'd look forwards to interacting and flirt with her whenever he could.
Did he really lose hope because of my rejection? Ladybug wondered as she leapt towards another building, parkouring across the city. I didn't think things would turn out like this.
She had been thinking a lot about her relationship with Chat Noir. At the very start, she didn't have a high opinion of him, much less when she found out he was lying to her and made her feel like a fool. However, after giving him a chance, she had learned that there was indeed more than he was willing to show. He had a hidden vulnerable and troubled side, and Ladybug could only speculate what kind of life he had. She wished to know him better, having warmed up to him. She was being honest when she described him as sweet, as well as mischievous, sort of like an aloof cat who had a favorite person. I'm Chat's favorite person. Ladybug stopped, feeling a strange sensation piercing her chest, trying to understand it. It was a rather familiar warmth, but this time, she was hesistant to think about it, let alone explore it. Some part of her was aware what it may be, but she didn't want to acknowledge it.
''Plagg, de-transform me!''
Chat Noir had de-transformed, with Félix walking over to his bed, placing his violin case on it and lying down. He sighed, feeling quite downcast. Plagg hovered above him, noting how they had returned home much earlier than usual, but Félix already looked completely exhausted.
''Something I don't understand…'' Plagg started, hovering next to Félix in a cross-legged position. ''Why didn't you stay longer with Ladybug? She had suggested that you two hang out together. You had the perfect opportunity to convince her to kiss you.''
''I… I don't know,'' Félix responded, frowning and then turned his back to Plagg. ''I don't want to talk about it.''
Plagg tilted his head, aware that, while he wasn't the most compassionate entity in existence, he knew that something was clearly wrong with his friend and flew over to hover in front of Félix's face. ''Kid, do you even want to get rid off your curse?''
''Of course I do!'' Félix grumbled, suddenly getting up and frowning at Plagg. The cat kwami grinned mischievously, happy to get a more emotional reaction from Félix, and then promptly sat on the top of his head, still in a cross-legged position while folding his tiny arms across his chest, putting on a thoughtful look.
''I have noticed that you're not putting as much effort into your goal as you did before. That is why I had been wondering whether you had second thoughts about everything,'' Plagg said.
''Plagg, have you forgotten what had happened yesterday?'' Félix asked, looking up at the upper level of the room, where his private library was. A bunch of books had been stacked up on each other on the floor, with a broken shelf leaned against the wall. Plagg felt a chill as he remembered the shelf suddenly breaking and some of the heaviest books falling on top of Félix. Félix then added, as if reading his mind, ''If I hadn't been self-taught to always be alert to my surroundings, I would've ended up in the hospital, either to get stitches, or dead because of blood loss and a broken skull. I'm not giving up on my goal.''
''Then what is going on?'' Plagg asked, now in a more aggressive tone as he flew up to him. The two stared at each other, Félix still being silent as he locked eyes with his kwami. To Plagg's surprise, he then faltered.
''Do you know what exactly will happen when I remove the ring?'' Félix asked, gazing at the cat's head on the ring glinting in the dim light.
''Well, if I remember correctly, both the bad luck will be once more contained within the ring until someone else puts it on,'' Plagg explained.
''What about Ladybug?'' Félix asked.
''Obviously, she would also be able to remove her earrings, if she wishes to do so. If she keeps them, she keep access to all of her powers, aside from her good luck,'' Plagg continued.
''So, she will really lose her good luck power?'' Félix asked, feeling a sudden chill spreading through his chest.
''Exactly! It is a quid pro quo deal – you lose your bad luck, she loses her good luck. Of course, the powers could be restored if you, or someone else, put the ring back on,'' Plagg added.
''I see,'' Félix muttered, then looked at Plagg, who appeared to be a little surprised by his next question. ''What about you?''
''I'll be absorbed back into the ring until I get a new holder. It has always been like that,'' Plagg replied. Aside from the chilling sensation, Félix could also feel a sense of guilt washing over him. It appeared that his emotions were reflected on his expression, because Plagg quickly tried to cheer him up, ''Hey, it's okay! I'm used to this. After all, this has been going on for centuries. The most important thing now is that you don't get killed by your own bad luck.''
''Thank you, but… is there anything you'd want to do while you're still here?'' Félix asked, catching Plagg off guard with his question. Plagg wondered what was going through Félix's head at the moment, but decided to take the opportunity.
''Well, aside from eating every kind of cheese that exists in the world, sleeping all day and having fun, as well as seeing you succeed in your plans… I would also like to hear you play again,'' Plagg said, pointing at the violin case. Félix was a bit surprised by his request, but nodded, grabbing the instrument and getting up.
''Do you have any requests?'' he asked, with Plagg humming.
''I don't know. I'm fine with whatever you want to play,'' Plagg suggested. ''Maybe you could play something for both yourself and myself, something that makes you happy because currently, you look like a cat caught in a storm.''
Félix snorted at Plagg's remark, only for his expression to change, looking more solemn. ''It had been a long time since someone had told me to play something that makes me happy.''
''Félix…'' Plagg could see the sadness and grief in Félix's eyes. His gaze was distant, if only for a moment, with the teenager then looking at the kwami.
''I haven't told you why I even stopped playing, right?'' he asked, with Plagg nodding.
''Hey, if you don't feel comfortable sharing something personal, I'm fine with it,'' Plagg responded. Félix shook his head.
''No, I want to share this with you because I you're my friend and I trust you,'' he said. Plagg felt something in his throat, as if choking on a large piece of cheese, and nodded in agreement. Félix then looked down at his beloved violin, taking a deep breath. He could feel a sense of pain and longing constricting his chest, but regardless of his feelings, he wanted to be honest. ''My mother had gifted this violin to me when I was still a young child. I had a phase where I was listening to nothing but classical music and I wanted to learn to play an instrument, and while Uncle Gabriel pushed for me to learn how to play the piano, I insisted on the violin, so that's what Mother got me.''
''Why would your uncle insist on you learning how to play the piano? Both are instruments, so isn't it the same thing?'' Plagg asked.
''Not really, although you need to practice hard for both things. I think it was more an attempt at trying to control my hobbies. He did later on claim that me practicing sounded more like we had a dying animal in the house,'' Félix added the latter part in a deadpan tone, with Plagg laughing. ''Well, what did he expect? I just started playing.''
''You should've told him that he should be happy you didn't try to learn how to play bagpipes,'' Plagg said, with Félix chuckling as he imagined Gabriel's look of horror had he chosen that instrument.
''I think he'd disown me if I suggested that,'' he said, taking a deep breath and continuing the story, ''Nevertheless, Mother wanted to nurture my interest in music, regardless of how bad I was. She would always smile at me and tell me how much she loved my performances, even though I knew that they were awful.'' Félix smiled as he remembered his mother's gentle smile, encouraging him to play to his heart's content. It was her smile that drove him to practice every day, getting better and better at it. ''I made it my goal to master every musical piece successfully, even taking requests and playing my mother's favorite songs. However…'' Félix lowered his gaze, a shadow falling over his expression. ''Mother eventually was diagnosed with her illness and spent a lot of time in the hospital. I would visit her at every chance I got, and I would bring my violin with her to play for her, because I believed that this would somehow help her.'' Félix trembled, not even noticing how blurry his vision was. ''I was so naive, but I insisted. She was always so pale and weak, but she still managed to smile… and then, she was gone…'' Félix was shaking, a tear falling down his cheek, and he quickly wiped it away with the palm of his hand as he tried to continue talking, despite the agony he felt. ''After… after she died… It became too painful for me to even touch the violin again… I just put it in my closet and tried to forget about it… I couldn't relieve those memories again…''
Plagg suddenly flew up to him, hugging him tightly and nuzzling his cheek. Neither said anything, as Plagg knew just how much Félix was suffering. He was still grieving his mother's death, all alone.
''It was sure a big deal for you to play the violin again,'' Plagg said as he then sat on Félix's shoulder.
''It was… but, it wasn't as emotionally painful as I feared it would be,'' Félix said. ''Seeing Ladybug smile and enjoy the music, it made me happy again. It made me feel just like when I play for my mother. I loved seeing her smile and I loved seeing Ladybug smile… and, I guess that's when I realized that I couldn't go through with it.'' Félix said, a wave of guilt crashing into him. ''When I was performing for Mother, I put all of my feelings into it. However, when I was performing for Ladybug, I was lying to her. It was wrong of me to do that.''
''So, you're not going through with your plan to just serenade Ladybug?'' Plagg asked. Félix shook his head.
''No. If I'm going to play again, it'll be just for you and for myself,'' Félix replied, looking around the room. ''Although, I don't feel like playing here. This place just feels… empty.''
''Hollow even,'' Plagg chimed in.
''Desolate,'' Félix added, now with a smirk.
''Dull,'' Plagg added, his smirk matching Félix's.
''Suffocating,'' Félix and Plagg said in unison. Both chuckled, with Plagg hovering next to Félix, a mischievous look on his expression.
''Well, you know the magic words,'' he said, looking excited. Félix nodded, smiling as he brushed with his fingers across the ring.
''Plagg, transform me!''
After being briefly enveloped in a flash of black light, Chat Noir appeared, storing the violin back into its case and going towards the balcony, opening the door and leaping into the night.
#Previous Chapter
#Current Chapter
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#Up Ladybug (Masterlist)
12 notes · View notes
lab1rynth · 1 year
Here's my request for the event btw kitty!
For my looks
*I'm kinda short (5'0)
*I have somewhat long black hair with brown tips since I dyed my hair during the pandemic
*Have Dark brown eyes
*I'm kinda fair skinned tho my arms are kinda tanned since last year on an outing with my friends I gave my umbrella to one of my friends even tho it was fuckin hot at the time
*I used to wear glasses but I accidentally broke them but my eyesight isn't bad my eye just hurts from time to time and I apperantly needed glasses
*I have lots of moles around my body tho the most noticable ones are on my left shoulder and on my lip (and one on my right inner thigh)
*I'm on the kinda chubby side and I have very thick thighs
*and I'm Filipino!
For my personality
*If we just met I will be this quiet polite person but if you known me for a very long time I am a very loud bitch-
*I will not hesitate to fucking beat someone up if they tried messing with me or my friends
*I'm a very generous person... Tho my mom and cousin say I'm too generous
*I don't like children
*I have lots of ticklish spots especially near the back of my neck and ears
*I can be very oblivious to my surroundings since I tend to block everything out when I'm in public since I just wanna go to where I'm going
*I'm a little gullible
*I won't show it nor say it but I can be very jealous and im embarrassed to say it since it's like a hit to my pride if I do
*Whenever someone cries Im not sure what to do exactly so I just offer them to beat up who ever made them cry and tell them shitty jokes just to make them feel atleast a little better
*I'm a very sensitive person but at the same time I couldn't care less about what you say to me
*I mostly have a resting bitch face or a fake ass smile to show to ppls whenever I'm out (I don't like smiling that much whenever I'm in public)
*I'm somewhat friendly but I can be very blunt at times
*I'm an overly touchy person if we're close and I'm kinda touch starved
*And I some times bite to show affection tho I mostly playfully bite ppls to get their attention if I want it
*But I can get so shy whenever ppls compliment me and i just don't know what to do sometimes
(Ehe sorry if it got wayyy too long lol)
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You've seen it for years, its used your gullibility almost 24/7 to make you do things for it, that you had done without question almost every single time. It had also used your jealousy against you, saying it'd just go talk to someone else whenever you seem to be mad at it, then making you beg and apologize when you want him to stay. It loves seeing you so dependent on it, despite its dependence on you.
Due to its height, almost everyone is quite small to it. Yan!Hallucination teases you about your height almost every time it shows up. It teases you quite a lot, sometimes hitting your ego quite deep. It doesn't really care if it makes you fee bad, as it normally breaks you down and builds you back up just so you'll be more dependent and wanting to stay on its good side.
"G̶͍͠õ̸̘ȯ̶̟d̶̰̓͒ ḇ̵̳͗i̵̗̎͑r̸̤͗̔d̸͍̣͌̐ẙ̸̥̠," Its whispers rung out when you had done its bidding, its shadowy hand playing with your hair, which you can swear you can feel despite it just being a hallucination. It knows how weak you are to its praise and compliments, it was like giving a dog a treat after it did a trick. It truly did care for you, your its plaything, its host. It knows you'd kill for it as it already had made you kill before.
In both of your downtime, there would be quite a lot of cuddles and praise unless it was in a bad mood. It would normally wrap its arms around you, its touch felt similar to how TV static had looked, it was like a slight electric current when its figure was pressed against yours. Its touch was cold as its body wasn't really there, but it tells you that its touch is much better than the fake people you would date if it wasn't there. "I̵̩̗͝ḿ̵̢̛ ̵͇͗̌ţ̷͙͗͐h̵͇̫̚ȇ̴̼̼͘ ̸̘̾r̷̮͛e̵̛̙̩̎ā̸̢͙̉l̶̘̕e̴̢͒š̶͕͚ť̸̜̻ ̷̦̙͋t̸̗͛h̵̙̉i̵͙̾̈́n̵̢̈̀ġ̶͍̎ ̵̮͚͌̈́y̸̧̛o̸̡̓ṷ̶̿͝'̵͎̭̐l̵̢̗̅l̷̜̜̆ ̵͎̏e̵̜̿̃v̵̬̬̓͝e̵͖͐r̶̪̀ ̶͈͋̈ͅm̸͓̅̆ẹ̶̝́e̸̪̓t̸̰́̃,̷̥̭͆̈ ̵̺͘b̵̥̼̓i̷̡̗͝r̶͍̂d̷̞̼͐͝y̷̡͔̔," It tells you as its hand cards through your hair.
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8 notes · View notes
rumbelleshowdown · 1 year
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Author: TheMostDisturbed
Prompts: A ray of sunlight. "Get the hell out." Vocabulary.
Group: C
The shop was immaculate. It had always been tidy, but for last two weeks, Gold had needed a distraction. He’d polished the wooden cabinets, buffed every glass surface, got down on his knees to chase all the dust bunnies out from underneath the cabinets. The shop was gleaming as he surveyed his handiwork. Everything was in its place… Yet, something wasn’t right. With a deep scowl, Gold walked the perimeter of the room, eyeing each item as he went. He paused to shuffle the umbrellas and walking canes in the coat stand. Spotting a speck of dust on a glass counter, Gold quickly removed his handkerchief from his jacket pocket and carefully wiped the imperfection away.
As he was reorganising a shelf of books into height order, the bell above the shop door rung out. His back straightened. Knots tightened in his gut. Butterflies swarmed in his stomach. With hast, Gold put the books back onto the shelf. Indifferent to their new order.
“I was wondering…” He began to say, turning to greet them with a wide smile, but stopped, when he saw it was the Mayor. “What do you want?”
Regina held onto the edge of the door, preventing it from closing. “Hello to you too.”
“Hello,” Gold rolled his eyes as he said it. “What do you want?”
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.” She stated, finally letting the door close on its own.
“What do you want? I’m busy.” He repeated his question as Regina’s heels clicked on the polished floor.
Her heel scraped, when she stopped suddenly to look about the room. “Busy doing what? You’re the only one here!”
Gold push back the left side of his suit jacket, revealing more of his waistcoat and the gold chain
hanging down from his pocket watch pocket, and perched his fist on his hip as his right hand came to rest on the edge of the glass counter in front of him. “What do you want?”
“Fine. Whatever.” She dismissed her own question with a wave of her hand, whilst she took the last few steps to meet him at the counter.
Regina heaved her small handbag onto the counter. The metal studs on the underside of her bag clunked loudly against the glass, triggering Gold to glare down at her bag. Unfazed, Regina unzipped her handbag and delved inside, digging around the numerous items in the small black leather handbag. After removing her fat purse, she was able to pull out a thick wad of folded paper that she then presented to him.
“You need to sign this, so I can sort some… funding thing out.” She informed him, being purposely vague.
As he took it from her, the left side of his suit jacket fell back into place, while Gold unfolded the wad of papers to read it. “And why aren’t you presenting this to me at the next council meeting?”
Her left shoulder shrugged. “It’s nothing, really. Just need to move some funds around.” She flung her hand in his direction. “Being the town treasurer, you have to sign off on such things.”
“Then you can present it to me at next meeting, with a detailed reason as to why I should sign it.” And tossed the folded papers back at her.
“Robert,” Regina purred out his forename as she picked up the papers to offer them to him again. “The council doesn’t need to know about this tedious little finance issue. Just put your squiggle on the dotted line.” She winked at him. “Just between us.”
“I already told you,” Gold paused for affect. “Regina - I’m busy.” Defiant, he rested his hands on the edge of the counter.
“Busy? Busy with what? You’re the only one here!” She exclaimed, half turning to motion to the rest the shop with the wad of papers in her hand.
It was then, God sent down a ray of sunshine to beam through the darkness that always surrounded him. Out of the corner of his eye, his attention was caught by the red Camaro pulling up to the kerb, outside of the library across the street. Without meaning to, he turned his full attention to watch as Ruby Lucas climbed out of the car, beaming a smile, whilst talking to the passengers inside of the car. The passenger door opened and Dorothy Gale got out. His breath got caught in his throat, scared she hadn’t come back. He couldn’t live another minute without seeing her.
“Gold, just sign…” Turning the other way, she followed the direction of his gaze. “What are you
looking at?”
“Nothing.” He told her, grabbing the hem of his waistcoat to tug on it.
“Oh, looks like Miss French, and Miss Lucas and her new girlfriend, are back from their little
vacation.” Regina observed.
At hearing her name, Gold couldn’t help but take another look. Her soft hand rested in the hand of Miss Gale as Miss French carefully climbed out from the backseat of the car. Seeing her, made all the tension melt away from his shoulders. It felt like he could breathe for the first time in two weeks. A slow smile pulled back the left side of his mouth as he admired the smile she bestowed upon Miss Gale in thanks, inwardly jealous the attention she was receiving from Miss French.
“What are you smiling at?” Regina demanded, snapping Gold out of his stupor.
With a stoic face, Gold told her. “Our business is done. Leave.”
She waved the wad of papers in the air between them. “I need your signature!”
“Maybe, I wasn’t clear enough.” He canted himself forward and barked at her. “Leave!”
“Signature!” She emphasised by waving the papers at him again.
His brow was crinkled as he shook his head at her. “You must have a limited vocabulary.” He
motioned to her with his left hand. “Let me put this simply for you – Get the hell out of my shop!”
The bell above the shop door rung out excitedly. “Mr Gold!”
Holding each other’s glares for a moment longer, the two called an unspoken truce and looked away at the same time, turning their attention to Miss French as she bounced across to greet them.
“Afternoon, Mayor!” She greeted her with a wave as well and with a megawatt smile, turned her
attention to Gold.
“Miss French.” Was all Regina said, then slipped the wad of papers and her fat purse back into her handbag, giving Gold a hard look, before she and turned to leave, saying over her shoulder. “We’ll talk soon, Gold.”
“Sure.” Gold smiled at Miss French, whilst Regina opened the shop door, paused to look at survey them and left, slamming the door behind her.
Miss French gave the innocent door a curious look. “What’s up with her?”
“Take your pick.” He shrugged his shoulders at her. “Could be anything with our gracious Mayor.”
After a decisive shake of her head, Miss French pounced forward to put an item she’d brought with her onto the counter between them. “I got something for Neal.”
“For Neal?” He questioned, disappointed.
“Yes, he told me, he loves bobbleheads. So… I saw one and got it for him.” She gave a curt nod to the box in her hands.
“Right… Yes, he’ll love it.” Gold gave her a brief smile, unable to shake his disappointment.
“I was thinking… if…” Miss French looked down at the box, her fingertips white from gripping it too tight.
It wasn’t unusual for people to be uncomfortable around him. He was used to it, and normally, he’d use it to his advantage. Not with her though. Miss French had never been unsure in his company before. He glanced to the windows to see Miss Lucas and Miss Gale lingering by the side of the car, watching his shop. They had probably told her something, while they’d been away. Warned her to stay away from him. And he wouldn’t have blame them, if they had. He didn’t deserve someone as sweet as Miss French in his life.
Her head nodded, drawing Gold’s attention back to Miss French as her gaze rose to meet his. “I was thinking, if it would be alright to bring it round tonight and… have dinner with you guys?” She smiled as she continued, the nervous energy gone. “I’d love to talk to you about the places you had recommended. The restaurants, the museums, the library! Oh my God, they were amazing!”
Gold froze, sure he’d heard her wrong.
“Would that be alright? Dinner tonight?” Miss French asked, appearing keen on the idea.
He blinked his eyes in disbelief, but then slowly smiled. “I’d like that.”
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nuagederose · 1 year
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As the Seasons Grey | Chapter Four: Take the Money & Run
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She promised to keep the entire situation under wraps for the rest of the day, although she knew the woman at the counter had seen it go down as well. But there were some things that needed the safety of a journal rather than another person who could very easily leak the extra juicy details to another person and thus was a game of gossip that Christine never wanted in the first place. But then again, the woman at the counter knew about the two of them, and she knew all who frequented the cafeteria as well. Once Alex had finished his lunch and bode her farewell for the time being, and he was out of her sight, Christine ducked over to the side of the counter to meet up with her and the look of concern upon her face. She leaned over the surface, and Christine did as well.
“I’m off in five,” she said in a low voice. “Do you have anything next?”
“I have history next,” Christine replied. “I got out of ceramics early so I have about thirty minutes before I have to go.”
“Okay. Um…” She peered over her shoulder to the rest of the kitchen, and then she returned to her. “Let’s see, it’s raining at the moment. We can’t go outside for privacy.”
“I have an umbrella,” Christine said, and she showed it to her.
“I take that back then. Wait here for me until I clock out.” She nodded at her, and then she headed back into the kitchen to take one final order before her shift was over. Christine lingered off to the side of the short corridor next to the kitchen so she remained out of sight. No way would Alex come back in for something, but nevertheless, she couldn’t be too cautious with it.
Within a few minutes’ time, the woman untied her apron and hung it up on the rung next to the door, and she signed her name on the binder at the table there. She put her jacket on and sling her purse over her shoulder, and she joined Christine at the doorway.
“Okay, let’s walk and talk,” she quipped, and the two of them made their way outside to the narrow street between the cafeteria and the main building there. Rain fell in thick sheets, and Christine shivered from the cool breeze around them, even with her long green coat around her body and even with the umbrella over their heads. She thought about the deep chill that Eric had talked about the day before, and she wondered if he was still feeling that way at that very moment with all the rain around them.
“So, start from the beginning,” the woman coaxed her.
“Well, to be perfectly honest, I can’t really share everything because I’m sort of sworn to secrecy,” Christine began, to which she shrugged and shook her head.
“That’s completely understandable,” she assured her.
“But basically, it looks like an ‘other woman’ situation—me being the other woman. I also said ‘looks like’, too.”
The woman paused for a moment. “You don’t think he’s using you at all?” she asked Christine.
“Nah. I feel like that’d be something I would know, too—something I would sense, like a bad premonition or something…” She then raised her attention to that woman next to her, with her fuzzy mop of soft blonde hair and smooth skin, smooth despite working in a kitchen and around hot oils.
“I didn’t catch your name, by the way,” Christine told her.
“Vanessa,” she replied. “Everyone calls me Nelly, though.”
“Nelly! Yeah, I don’t think he’s using me. He’s too up front with everything, and when his phone lit up, he had this look on his face like he was dreading something. I know that look.”
“Yeah, I know that look, too. It’s the look you make when you’re getting sent down to the principal’s office, that sort of thing.”
“And I could tell that something was troubling him, too. There was something off about the whole thing, and—when we had lunch the day before, he was really chatty and friendly with me. Today, he was almost completely silent, as if I had said something offensive to him.”
“Or spooked him,” Nelly suggested as she stepped over a small puddle in the sidewalk. “When he walked out of there, he looked as though something just completely shook him down to the core. The look you make when you’re going to the principal’s office, and looking like you just did something you weren’t supposed to do, either.” Her voice trailed off as they reached the corner at the end of the street, and they looked around together.
“Which way?” Christine asked her.
“How ‘bout this way—” Nelly pointed to the left, and they crossed the wet blacktop to the sidewalk that snaked around the building on the other side there. Christine adjusted the umbrella over their heads as they reached the curb on the other side there.
“I mean, it’s not like we kissed or anything, either,” she added. “We had lunch twice. I paid for both times, too. A nice time together does not quantify a date.”
“He sure does like to flirt with you, too,” Nelly pointed out. “Really, I can see it from across the room: he flirts with you big time.”
“The three girls who sit behind me in Mr. Hansen’s class—where I initially met him—all say the same thing,” Christine recalled. “I don’t know how much truth there is to it, though, and the way they said it was kinda… gossipy, too.”
“Oh, that always bugs me,” Nelly said with a shake of her head. “Although, in my experience, there could in fact be some truth to it. And you’re completely right about it not equating to a date, either—by that standard, this right here should be a date.”
“Two people chilling together on a walk through the rain,” Christine followed along.
“Exactly!” She chuckled at that. They were silent for a moment, with only the sound of the rain on the pavement all around them, and then Nelly spoke again.
“Who are the three girls who sit behind you, by the way?”
“There’s actually four of them—three right behind me, and a redhead right behind them. The one girl’s name is Colette, and I think I caught the redhead’s name, but I can’t remember. Aside from the sort of gossipy remark, they’re all actually pretty nice.”
“Well, don’t let that fool you, though, dear Chris—can I call you Chris?”
“Don’t let that fool you,” Nelly advised her. “Just because they’re nice to you doesn’t mean they actually are. Colette sounds familiar, like I’ve heard her name mentioned in passing before, but I’m sort of drawing a blank on her, though—even with my knowing everyone here.”
“I haven’t really paid much attention to them before, so it could be nothing more than my own imagination talking here.”
“What’s your story, by the way?” she asked her.
“My story?”
“Yeah. Why does your mind slip up so much? Even for an intelligent person like yourself?”
“Let’s just say that I have had my share of problems in the past,” Christine told her with a straight face. “Parents divorced when I was seventeen, and I struggled with anorexia and anxiety for years.”
“I feel it creep in when I least expect it, too,” she continued, “because it’s sort of like addiction or alcoholism in that I can only control it and the fact it wants me to be perfect all the time rather than let it control me. It’s just instead of drinking or putting something awful in my body, I’m hyper aware of everything, and sometimes my mind can slip. It affects me in everything I do, be it with my own schoolwork or talking to a guy that I like. I mean, I know Alex is older than me, but I can’t help but like him, though.”
“And he feels the same way,” Nelly assured her. “Even with the undeniable fact that he is dating another woman.”
“I don’t know, Nelly, this whole thing confuses me. I feel like he likes me, but there’s just something wrong about it, though.” Christine fetched up a sigh and tucked her free hand into her pocket: the rain pattered all around them, some of which flooded right into the storm drain down below their feet. “If only there was a way to confirm it.”
They fell into another bout of silence, and at one point, Nelly peered up to the gray, weeping sky as well as the series of low buildings all around them. Christine bowed her head a bit as if to protect her head and face from the rain, even though they were completely dry under her umbrella. There had to be a better way of figuring out how to prove that Alex did like her, and something that didn’t just involve asking him. She thought about simply asking him, but then again, she wondered if she could find what she was looking for with him by doing that.
“Tell you what,” Nelly began. “How about—you try to pay for your lunch a third time around and I refuse it, but you have him insist on it in spite of his financial troubles. Make him feel important no matter what his situation is. Guys like feeling important—I’ve seen a few guys at this school who get food with their girlfriends and when she pays for it, he looks like he could go absolutely bonkers. But when she tells him to pay for it, he gets this little twinkle in his eye.”
“So, tap into what makes him a guy, is what you’re saying,” Christine said.
“Exactly! Make him feel like he’s happy to help you, especially after today.” Nelly then turned her attention back to Christine. “Did you see what the woman’s name was?”
“No, I didn’t. It was something odd, though. Kind of foreign, but it’s hard to say, though. I just remember looking at it and thinking, ‘who the hell is this now?’ And I thought Alex was going to curl up into himself like a hedgehog upon sight of her.”
“If nothing else, we can send her down to my house in Jersey and I can show her a good time.”
Christine snorted at that, and they reached the next corner of the street before them.
“Another left turn and make a loop around the main building here?” Nelly offered her.
“Might as well,” Christine said with a drumming of her fingers on the handle of the umbrella. They rounded the corner and made their way down the sidewalk to the main street before the face of the main school building. Nelly glanced at her watch and shivered.
“How much time?” Christine asked her.
“You’ve got about ten minutes. I was hoping we’d wrap it up soon enough, anyway.”
“Yeah, my feet are starting to get wet,” Christine admitted, and she glanced down at the speckling of water on the hems of her jeans.
“You better keep an eye out for those four girls, too,” Nelly added. “Like I said, they seem to be drawn to situations like you and him, like moths to a flame.”
“Should I watch out for her name as well?”
“Absolutely. Ab-so-lutely. I mean, what other choice do you have, Chris?”
“By the way, I think it’s interesting that you go by Nelly and not Nessie.” Christine showed her a smile at that.
“Nessie implies that I’m a monster,” she explained. “Not something you want to be known by with incoming students. I get to know every single student here, too, so when the newbies come in, they know me as Lunchlady Nelly.”
“True. But Nelly implies that your name is Ellen, though. I just find that interesting.”
“Do people actually call you Chris?”
“Not really,” she replied. “I’d like to be called that more, though. But everyone just insists on calling me by my full name of Christine. Christine Elizabeth Peck.”
“My mom’s name is Elizabeth,” Nelly told her.
“Yeah.” She showed her a thoughtful smile.
“Do people call her Lizzy or Ellie?”
“People call her Beth, believe it or not. My dad calls her Lounge Lizard, though—the only person who can call her that, too.”
Christine gazed up to the windows over their heads, and she thought about Alex back there in the cafeteria. Somewhere out there, on the campus, he walked about by himself with a cloud that hung over his head, and Christine had no idea if it came from guilt or from something else, something he refused to tell her.
“So, when do you want to do this little set up?” Nelly asked her right then.
“We could do it Thursday,” Christine replied. “I have tomorrow off, so—hopefully, he’ll be here. He’s an adjunct professor, too.”
“Oh, he’ll definitely be here,” Nelly assured her. “Adjuncts have to show up here every day if they want it full-time. Also, we should meet up at the cafeteria before your first class starts so we can make sure everything goes on well.”
“Excellent,” Christine declared. “Anyway, I have to go—it was good doing this with you, Nelly.”
“And thank you,” she told her with a wistful little smile.
“Would you like me to walk to your car?” Christine offered. “You know. Just ‘cause it’s raining and whatnot.”
“I take the subway back to Jersey,” she told her, and she pointed across the street. “And it’s right over here, too.”
“Oh, okay.”
“So—Thursday, you said?”
“Thursday, one o’clock.”
They waved their goodbyes for now, and Nelly tugged her hood over her head and she jogged across the wet pavement to the stairs which led down to the subway platform. Christine headed back toward the double doors of the main building, and all the while, she thought about what Nelly had said back there. She knew every student in that school, no matter who they were, which meant she had to have seen more of Colette than she had initially thought, even if she only heard her name in passing. Either those four girls were more than meets the eye, or there was something more to Nelly that Christine hadn’t seen at the moment: either way, she made her way back to Mr. Crow’s class for another hour before she headed home on the bus.
Eric once again rode the way home with her, and he looked as though something bothered him.
“I saw you walking with some other woman,” he explained.
“Upset because I took the lunch lady out for a walk?”
“Nah. Oh, that’s who that was!”
“Yeah, Nelly. She’s really friendly and told me she knows everyone at the school, which means she probably knows you, big fella.”
Eric tugged on the side of his shirt collar and then held still and giggled. Christine playfully nudged him for that.
“I also saw you and Professor Skolnick together again, and he didn’t look too happy, either,” he added.
“It wasn’t me, I promise,” she vowed. “He got a phone call that was a bit distressing.”
“How distressing are we talking?”
“Enough to render him silent for the rest of the lunch.”
“Was there a reason why?”
“Yeah, but—I can’t really say.”
“You can’t?”
“I can’t,” she said.
“Why not?”
“Because he asked me to.”
“But we’re friends, though.” And Christine hesitated at the sound of his saying that.
“I still wanna give him his privacy, though,” she pointed out.
“That’s true.” His face then lit up. “Did you get the homework for Mr. Hansen’s class done?”
“Not yet,” she said. “I have tomorrow off—I’ll do it then. It’s raining, and I really have nothing else to do, either.”
“Want me to join you?”
“If you’d like. Far end of the second floor on the left—the door on the right side is my mom’s place.”
“Oh, really?” he chuckled at that.
“Yeah, if you hear vacuuming or Jackson Browne on the other side of the door, it’s probably her place.”
“And complete silence is your place?” he asked her.
“You got it.” Christine flashed her eyebrows at him, and then she reached up and rang the bell for the two of them at the next stop.
Within a couple of minutes, they padded off the bus, and they returned to the safety of their apartments. Christine set down her things and ran her fingers through her hair.
There had to be something she could do right away, especially when she thought about the mystery woman who called Alex, most of all, who was she and why hadn’t he mentioned her in the first place. She stressed him out, and thus, he left her an unspoken secret when he met another person, be it Christine or someone else. There was a part of her that wanted to take up something, and something of significance as well, something that would direct his attention back to her and only her.
The idea of having to compete with another woman made her stomach churn, however, especially when this woman was a complete unknown to her. But when she thought about his excitement about her taking ceramics class, she wondered if there was something more there, and something that she could take advantage of, even if it didn’t seem that way at face value. Nelly was right about one thing and that was to make him feel important, but also pique his curiosity. Perhaps she could do something with the world of ceramics that she previously had left untapped from before.
She curled up on the couch with a book taken from her shelf and relaxed for the rest of the evening until her mother invited her over for dinner. She dared not tell Wendy about Alex, but she was eager to talk about her feelings with ceramics.
“Well, that’s great, honey! I hope it’s something you feel really passionate about.”
“Just the feeling of working with my hands and crafting out something like a statue or something,” Christine said with a little smile and satisfied shake of her head. “It’s so fun, for one thing.”
“When your dad and I were together, we often entertained the idea of doing something hands-on like that together,” Wendy said with a nudge of her horn-rimmed glasses up her nose. “We never did because of money.”
“Because of money?” Christine almost laughed at the notion.
“Yeah, living in one of those cheap apartments up in the Bronx and he had just been laid off, too. We were trying to save up for it, and we never could because money kept on coming and going with us. We decided to give up the ghost and either save for a class or save for a newer, better apartment so we could raise you.”
“And you chose me,” Christine muttered, to which Wendy put her arm around her.
“We always choose you,” she assured her. “Even after we split. We will always choose you.”
After dinner, and Christine bode her mother good night, she returned to her apartment across the hall there and the safety of her shower followed by her bed. Money troubles between her parents: of course. And all the while, she wondered as to whom in that couple had the major issues with it all as well, because they often kept these things separate from their relationship with her, and she kept it in mind until she went to bed that night. She curled up in bed under the blankets, and Alex entered her mind right then. 
There was the plan she had set up with Nelly, and she hoped that everything would fare well enough as she and Eric traded history notes together for the next day.
“The second I heard Jackson Browne, I knew where to look,” he told her the very second he was in her apartment. He set his things down and gave his long black hair a toss back with the flick of his head. “Okay, now, where is the homework?”
“I was just about to get started on it,” she promised him as she picked up her textbook and the worksheet she was given the day before from the kitchen counter and set both down on the coffee table. Eric rubbed his hands together and took his spot on the couch before her.
“We should have a study session with everyone in the class,” he suggested,
“And fill up this tiny apartment? No way.” She chuckled at that.
“Or we could do it in the classroom itself. You could organize it if you’d like.”
“I can’t,” she said.
“Why not?”
“Because Mr. Crow asked me to.”
He closed his eyes. “Just like with the conversation with Alex at lunch, or the walk you had with the lunchlady. I thought we were friends, and we could tell each other secrets.”
“They’re secrets for a reason, though, Eric,” she insisted, “because it’s confidential information I shared with the two of them. I don’t want you involved in it just—kind of for your own sake.”
He never moved a muscle, and he never said a word, and the look on his face made her wonder if there was something that he kept hidden away as well.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” she asked him, and he sighed through his nose.
“Okay. You got me. I never really had the best of friends before, especially with girls. This whole thing is sort of new to me so—you know. There’s so much friendship etiquette that I’m not very familiar with.” Without further hesitation, she plopped down on the couch, but he bowed his head so he wouldn’t have to look at her. “I was a nerd growing up,” he said. “You know, I was really drawn to things like reading books and comics. Not really your typical jock kind of kid, but the one who receded into the intellectual side of life. And you know how that goes—at least I hope you know.”
“I do,” she assured him, and then she snorted.
“What?” he asked her.
“‘Friendship etiquette,’” she recalled. “That’s just funny to me.”
“It sounds like a band name,” he joked.
“It does!” She laughed some more, and then they fell into momentary silence.
“You know what I can tell you about me and Alex,” she started again. “I’m thinking of giving him the project I’m making in ceramics.”
“And what would that be?” he asked her with a clearing of his throat.
“It’s a little coffee mug,” she told him. “It sort of looks like a tea cup but it’ll house coffee in it no problem, though.”
“May I see it?” he asked her in a small voice.
“It needs to be glazed and then fired in the kiln first.”
“And when will that be?”
“In the next week or so. I got it done quickly, so it’ll be one of the first pieces to be fired. If you want, you could come into Miss Estes’ class and check it out for yourself.”
“I’d rather see the finished product, to be honest with you,” he said with a shrug.
“I don’t blame you, to be honest. Right now, it doesn’t really look like anything but a roughly made bare mug from an archaeological site. It’s that really rich red earthen clay that starts out brown and dries into this really rich dark red. Miss Estes says that the advanced class has been working with this fine white clay that becomes porcelain, or bone china as she called it. I’m thinking of continuing with the whole ceramics thing to be honest.”
“Do whatever makes your heart sing, as my grandmother would say,” he told her.
“What’re you thinking about majoring in?” she asked.
“I’m already a music student,” he replied with a straight face. “Hence the whole doing so well in Mr. Hansen’s class.”
“Oh, shut up,” she teased him, and he giggled at that. “Anyway, let’s get to it.”
Eric stayed at her place until around the time the sun went down, and even then he was reluctant to leave the apartment.
“I dunno, it’s—going home to an empty apartment by myself and whatnot,” he confessed to her.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” She pressed her hands to her hips and showed him a little smile at that.
“Nah. That is very kind of you, though. You actually have a heart of gold, Christine.”
“Heart of gold? Not me. I just like to do a little good in the world.”
“I reckon that’s the mark of a heart of gold,” he noted, once more in that fake southern accent, which in turn brought a laugh out of her.
Nevertheless, he left the apartment within mere moments of the sun setting over Queens, and Christine was once again, alone, but with completed homework the realization that she would have to execute the plan with Nelly. She met up with her before class started, just as planned: when she showed up, Nelly had tied her apron around and put on the latex gloves for the day. When she spotted Christine there with a look of determination on her face, she hurried over to her with her hand tucked down into her pocket.
“Here’s a hundred dollars,” Nelly told her as she handed her the crisp bill, as if she had just taken it out of her safety deposit box. “When you and him get lunch today, try and use this on me, and I’ll refuse it for you.”
“I assume you need this back,” Christine told her in a low voice.
“Part of my rent money,” Nelly replied with a flash of her eyebrows.
“Oh, yeah, definitely take care of this—” Christine tucked the bill into her wallet, and Nelly nodded at her for that.
“Okay, I have to get moving now…” She hurried back into the kitchen to ring up orders from the students who ordered breakfast, and Christine bowed out of there and back for the door, and then to Mr. Hansen’s class. She was eager to see the plan go through with Nelly as Mr. Hansen talked about classical music for the day, and more so as she moved onto a new project for ceramics class after that: a couple of sake cups for her and Wendy, and she wondered if she could make them twins given it es for her mother after all.
By the time class let out at five to one, she knew that ceramics was a good calling for her. Even on the walk over to those glassy double doors, she knew that she had made the right choice.
Alex was once again right there in anticipation of her. He showed her a smile from behind those glasses, and he tucked a strand of hair off to the side as if he had intentions to flirt with her. They strode over to the counter and Nelly stood there in anticipation of them with her pad of paper ready for them.
Same as Tuesday with Christine asking for a gyro and Alex with the basket, and she could feel the hundred dollar bill in her wallet, like a snake in repose ready to strike between the two of them. She rested her purse on the bar before her, and she looked on at him as if she was waiting for him to tell her a dirty secret.
“So, do you want to tell me who that woman was that called you yesterday?” she began. “Or would you rather keep it to yourself? Is she musical or artistic?”
“She’s not really musical,” he began, that time with a stoic look on his face. “Well, I mean, she kind of is, but she’s actually an architect.”
“Wow, a chick architect,” Christine remarked.
“She also does stuff with like graphic design and writing—” As he was saying this, Christine glanced over to the counter where Nelly stood in anticipation of someone, or something. She nodded at Christine, who lowered her gaze to the counter itself, where she spotted her gyro. She then returned to Alex, who looked on at her bewildered.
“What’s going on?” he asked her.
“I think our food’s almost ready,” she replied.
“When you get a chance, could you probably get Eric, the boy who sits next to you in Mr. Hansen’s class, to aide for me the next time I sub? I feel like that’s something someone at the school would be able to tell him about.”
“I can’t,” she said.
“Why not?”
“Because he asked me to.”
“Damn,” he muttered with a few blinks behind his glasses.
“That’s dedication.”
“Nah, I just think it’d be best if someone like a teacher would tell him to do it..." Her voice trailed off, and she padded over to the counter for her gyro and his basket. Nelly nodded at her head at her once she came within range of the counter.
"Do you have it?" she asked her once she came within earshot.
"I do, yeah," Christine replied, and she shook her head. "The woman's an architect, apparently."
"Wow," Nelly breathed, and then she cleared her throat; Christine knew that Alex was watching them.
“Aw, really?” Christine asked her to go along with it. She turned around for a look back at Alex there at the bar on the far side of the room. He raised his eyebrows at her, and his face softened at the sight of her.
He then gaped at her. Christine gestured for him to come on over, and he picked up her purse before he walked on over to the counter for her and Nelly.
"What's happening?" he asked them, to which Nelly shook her head at them once again.
"I'm sorry, I can't take this," she told them. Christine looked on at him with her eyebrows raised. He nudged his glasses up the bridge of his nose, and then he reached into his front pocket for his wallet.
“Pay that shit," he said in a bold tone of voice. "How much?"
"Thirteen-fifty," Nelly said. He chuckled at that.
"Change for a hundred dollars?" he joked with Christine.
"Eventually," she assured him, and she had no idea as to how she could pay him back. But he handed Nelly thirteen dollars and fifty cents for their lunch.
"Pay that shit," he repeated. She burst out laughing at that, and he showed her a little smile as a result. Nelly handed them their food with a little smile on her face as well.
“Come on, Alex—” Christine said as she held onto her gyro. "Oh, wait, I have to get some napkins." She returned to the counter again right as Nelly walked over to the register.
"I'll give the hundred dollars back to you before I go to history," she promised her in a low voice, and Nelly nodded her head and flashed her a wink and handed her some napkins.
As she walked back to the bar, Christine peered back to the counter and flashed Nelly a thumbs up, who returned the favor. She had done well.
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blehcupidd · 11 months
Jealous Girl
Chapter Eleven part 2
Xavier Thorpe x fem!oc
A/n: Taken from my Wattpad made at the beginning of 2023, some written mistakes and i had a note about what happen with Percy Hanes White, that note will put put at the end of this chapter.
Also ignore mistakes please i wrote this whilst looking at the tv show so if it says that someone looks at something but it didnt state what, ignore it im sorry.
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
The bell rung, signifying that Marshall had left. Letting out a deep breath, she picked up her broom. Her and Xavier were working around each other after the interaction with Marshall. Had she lost her chances with Xavier?
The ring of a bell went off, Évangéline gave a strong sigh and found her way behind the counter, thinking it was Marshall again. Looking over she was mistaken, it was Wednesday!
Offering a smile to the girl, she began to walk over. Her strides were cut short with Xavier talking to Wednesday. "I thought you were supposed to be at Pilgrim World." Wednesday turned around, making eye contact with Évangéline then looking at Xavier.
"I deserted it while my sanity was still intact." She replied taking a slow stroll.
"Oh yeah?" Xavier asked, learning against the counter, going in front of Évangéline. His back was met with a hurt look. "You want a coffee? It's one of the many perks of this wonderful assignment."
"I'm actually here for Tyler." Wednesday shut down Xavier. Évangéline had gone back to sweeping the floors.
"I told you he was bad news. Hasn't Angel told you as well?" At the mention of her name she looked up, she had never said to Wednesday that Tyler was bad news.
"Both of you have. Twice." She lied for Évangéline, giving a small nod over Xavier's shoulder. "But who I speak to is my business." She dinged the bell, Tyler coming out.
"You rang?" Tyler asked as Xavier huffed and walked away.
Évangéline was listening to Tyler and Wednesdays conversation, something about the original pilgrim meeting house?
Wednesday left the cafe, Évangéline looked at her retreating figure. Tyler was walking back into the back; Évangéline took quick action. She changed back into her uniform and ran out the cafe, earning some questioning looks and a faint 'Angel!'.
As she went after Wednesday, she found herself in the woods. It was getting dark so she needed to be quick, seeing a faint girl in the distance. She got closer, seeing Wednesday touched a door. Her head was shooting back and collapsed to the floor.
Évangéline seeming this, used her powers to soften the fall of her acquaintance. She had yet to know about where their relationship stood in the Addams' eyes.
She had been out for hours, the clouds grey grey and casted over the girls. Heavy rain poured on the two, Évangéline was regretting not bringing an umbrella. She was covering the unconscious girls face  as well as she could with thing beside her.
Wednesday short up, hitting herself in the face with Évangéline's hands. "Thing, I saw her! The girl from my visions. Her name is Goody Addams, and I believe she's my ancestor from 400 years ago." She looked at Évangéline. "Évangéline, no one saw you come here right?"
Évangéline shook her head, then hearing a low rumbling sound. Both girls, and Thing, got up and peered through the large cracks in the wood, seeing if anything was there. "Must've been the bearded man earlier." Wednesday confirmed, most probably talking about a druggie.
Looking back, a large eye and a growl was through the cracks. This made Évangéline and Wednesday gasp and stumble backwards. "Come on. Come on!" Évangéline started running with Wednesday in tow.
As they retreated deeper away from the woods, they came upon some mud tracks. It had foot prints from monster to human. Wednesday crouched down, looking at the prints. "The monster is human."
Watching the water was away the prints, Évangéline crouched down as well. "What the hell are you doing?" Xavier asked, holding an umbrella over Évangéline, narrowly missing Wednesday.
Both girls stood up, looking at the interrupting attractive guy. "We were following the monster." Évangéline looked up, seeing the confusion on his face.
"You saw it? It's here? Do you have a death wish or something?" Looking between the two girls.
"What exactly are you doing here?" Wednesday asked.
"I overheard you talking about the only meeting house and saw Angel run after you." He looked at Évangéline, "It's lucky I showed up when I did."
"I did learn one thing." Wednesday looked at Évangéline.
"The monster is human." Évangéline confirmed. "The footprints turned from monster to human."
Xavier didn't look convinced. "Show me." Both girls walked to where they saw the footprints, only to see they've been washed away.
"The rain washed them all away." Wednesday pointed out, earning a scoff form Xavier. "I know what I saw. I'm sure Évangéline does to." Évangéline nodded in agreement.
"I'm trying to keep an open mind." The three started walking. "I do think you might be right about Rowan." Évangéline looked at the taller boy.
"What do you mean?" She asked looking at the boy next to her, knowing his beliefs on the situation.
"I texted him again today. I said maybe we could meet over spring break and go snowboarding like we did last year." Xavier paused. "This time he texted right back, said he wouldn't be able to make it."
"You didn't go snowboarding last year." Évangéline looked up, confusion in her face. "So you believe us?"
"Évangéline, what do you mean us? We're you there when Rowan died?" Xavier stopped walking, grabbing Évangéline.
She looked towards Wednesday, "What! Um, no! I just believe Wednesday, you know. Just Rowans been acting weird-"
"I was alone that night at the harvest festival." Wednesday interrupted. "Évangéline was safe."
"But I-" Xavier started but was shortly interrupted.
"But nothing." Wednesday looked intently at Xavier.
"Fine." Xavier sighed, "Part of me wanted to blame his recent weirdness. I didn't want ti think something bad happened."
"The coverup is always worse than the crime." Wednesday assured.
"Now I need you to be honest with me, both of you." Xavier looked at the two girls. "Why'd you come out to the old meeting house in the first place?" Xavier looked at Wednesday. "And why did you follow her?" Looking at Évangéline.
"I was trying to learn more about Crackstone." The first girl replied. "Figure out how he's connected to this."
"I was making sure she didn't get in trouble." The second girl spoke, brushing a strand of wet hair out of her face.
"Yeah, you were looking out for Wednesday and you were trying to use your psychic abilities, right?" Xavier confirmed, met with furrowed brows from both girls.
"What makes you think I have any?" Wednesday asked, looking straight into his eyes.
"Lucky guess. When did they start?" Xavier asked.
"About a year ago." Wednesday gave in.
Évangéline had stopped listening, so much so she didn't realise Wednesday had walked away. Leaving Xavier and Évangéline on their own to walk back to the town, in silence.
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jellofish4000 · 1 year
A Careful Analysis of Life
“Do you ever get the feeling that people are incapable of not caring?”
I get the feeling all the time. I get the feeling as I’m walking into class and someone holds the door for me. I get it when others share their umbrella with me in the rain and they walk to my side of the car before going to theirs. I got it this morning when my professor looked me in the eyes while addressing my question. Care is not tangible in the same way a piece of toast is. It cannot be used as a form of currency at the grocery store. Yet it is one of the most essential parts of life: One of the realest aspects of our existence. Care is like a needle held centimeters from your iris. It is like the needle that mends your favorite blanket. 
It can really hurt so badly when you feel as though care is being withheld from you. In these instances, it’s you that starts to care. You hold yourself at this crippling level of scrutiny. You just want to know that someone cares. You fall in love with the idea of someone noticing your absence. At the same time your eyes can’t stop wandering to the person you want that care from. Your feet point towards them unconsciously. You find yourself with one shoe out of a conversation before it even starts, ready to bolt to that beacon of care as soon as it lights up. 
Maybe it’s like a week later and you’ll look back on a dinner you had where you kept stuffing too much food in your mouth at a time and suddenly you’re thinking, damn I probably looked so disgusting. And next time you eat you take it so slow because this time you really care about how the people outside perceive you. 
Sometimes you see something your friend would really love. Something they’d genuinely care for and your bank account isn’t exactly cushiony but you make it work anyways because you can’t help but care about what they care about. 
When that person in your life has a most unpleasant habit and you tell yourself that you don’t mind like a mantra in your mind. Of course you love them so unconditionally. Except for this condition. It shouldn’t matter but it does. You shouldn’t care but you do. 
That inconsolable fear buries itself in the pit of your stomach and it spreads itself throughout your body. Like this physical sense of fear. A debilitating fear that you will always be miserable. No matter what they say, or what is reasonable, or what is real, you just know you will be stuck in this way forever. People will make laps around you and eventually pass the finish line but for some reason you can’t move like that. You think very carefully about the things you could do. You might eventually, or maybe never. But you won’t do those things tonight, because maybe there’s a world moving around you and you know how much they care. The fear can make it really hard for you to care. But they care. 
He comes home with a heavy sigh from a job that you hate. You agreed to move here because you care. He trudges into the living room and sees two children sat in front of a TV with highly processed frozen meals in front of them on the floor. Meeting you in the kitchen, his voice starts low and tired and escalates up several rungs of emotion before he’s screaming at you, “don’t you care?”, and he dangles this like a guillotine above your neck. 
So you’re scrolling through pictures from some point in your life in the far past and you see their face staring back at you. You see yourself donning clothes and a haircut that now seems so distant. You know you would never wear that outfit now. You suddenly realize you don’t really know whether they would still be wearing theirs. Somewhere along the lines you stopped caring. But now you’re looking back on this picture and this point in your life and you wish you could convey to them somehow that, in this moment, you care. You care and they will never know. You wonder if they ever care about you in these undetectable ways. 
Care is a continuous feeling we share and the most useful tool we can use. Happiness, sadness, emptiness, hate, kindness, these are all side effects of carefulness. It is a sort of emotional biology. It is a fact of living. Perhaps you feel underappreciated or unwelcome right now, but there will always be someone out there with a type of care you crave. We live our lives on a care to care basis and once your time comes, you should die knowing that people cared, because people truly are incapable of not caring.
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