#ruby you better come over soon again i'm hooked and wanna watch them again and boo at the straight nonsense and the parents
sparkly-skies · 2 years
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danurso · 5 years
Colorguard league AU
*in the middle of the night, at vale docks*
Thug 1: come on, can't you go any faster?
Thug 2: *loading a large truck* do you want me to damage the merchandise by accident so boss can break our spines? No? Thought so.
Thug 3: still, we should go as fast as possible, we don't want to face him.
Thug 4: are you talking about that crazy guy dressed as a bat? Heh, if he tries to show up i'll show him something *pumps shotgun*
Thug 3: he took an entire cartel by himself, you don't wanna end facing him do you?
Thug 4: i bet that's all made up, no one can do that.
Thug 3: still, we better not risk it.
Thug 4: risk what? We're five, we can take out an lunatic dressed as a bat.
Thug 1: yeah...speaking of witch, where is mark?
Thug 4: i thought he was helping you unload the boat?
Thug 1: he was, but he needed to take a piss and said that he would come back soon.
Thug 3: that was twenty minutes ago, where is he?
???: right here.
Thug 1/2/3/4: *looks back at the body of their unconscious friend that just fell between them*
Thug 1: what the fuck!?
Thug 4: *looking around aiming his shotgun* who did that!? Show up already!!
Thug 3: oh god, its him! We're doomed! HE'S HERE!!
Thug 4: SHUT UP!! *looks back at the group, unaware of the shadow that just landed behind him* THERE ISN'T ANY CRAZY BAT HERE!! IT'S PROBABLY THOSE GUYS FROM THE JOKER FACTION PLAYING WITH US!!
Thug 1/2/3: *terrified and pointing behind him*
Thug 4: WHAT IS IT NO- *turns around and freezes at the dark tall figure behind him* WHAT THE HE-
???: *punches thug 4 straight in the face knocking him out*
Thug 3: HE'S HERE!! HE'S REAL!!! *opens fire*
Thug 1/2: *open fire as well*
???: *throws a smoke bomb at the ground*
Thug 1: where the hell is he!?
Thug 3: i don't know! I can't see a thing!
Thug 2: AAAAHH!!!
Thug 3: what the hell!? David! David! Where the hell are you!?
Thug 1: AAAAAHH!!
Thug: mike! MIKE!! Come on guys this isn't funny!! Show up already!! *looking around but seeing nothing*
Thug 3: *flinches looking back at his unconscious friends piled up* w-what? What the hell is thi- *starts to back away but bumps into something and starts to turn around facing a dark figure clad in black* WHAT THE HELL!? *tries to shot at him*
???: *grabs the barrel of the rifle and twists it, throwing away right after*
Thug 3: *falls back on the ground and starts to back up in panic* h-how!? W-WHO ARE YOU!?
???: *grabs him by the collar pulling him close* i'm batman. *headbuts thug 3 knocking him out and throwing him at the pile of thugs* done here. ozpin, send a message to commissioner ironwood, tell him to come investigate the docks.
Ozpin: *through the intercom* as you wish master jaune.
Jaune: now to the next area. *starts to walk away but its stopped by a red and yellow lightning*
???: im here!! Bad guys better get rea- *stares at the scene* ohh...am i late?
Jaune: *sighs* yes flash, you are late.
???: sorry jau-i-i mean batman! Sorry batman!
Jaune: *sighs again* its okay ruby, what are you doing here anyways?
Ruby: oh...well, i was passing by and thought you might need a extra hand here. you've been working a lot to keep vale in peace lately and you're probably tired and all, maybe if you're done here you could go back home, eat some cookies, watch a movie and rest for the night.
Jaune: *in a serious tone* i'm not done yet, there are still many other criminals around vale and someone needs to stop them.
Ruby: still...you're not the only hero around, can't you just take a day off and relax?
Jaune: the crime doesn't take 'days off', so i can't take any either.
Ruby: not even today?
Jaune: no, and if that's everything, i still need to scan the area, one of them said something about the joker faction and i need to check it out. *pulls grappling hook throwing at the top of a building and flying off to it*
Ruby: why are you always like this? *crosses her arms with a pout* can't take a day off even on your birthday.
Tyrian: HAHAHAHAHAHA!! well, well, well, what do we have here? If it's not vale's number one bat boy.
Jaune: *tied on a chair and with his hands handcuffed behind it* joker, i should have imagined that you were back. *looking around at the several barrels of laughing gas* and planning something big i suppose.
Tyrian: of course batman! I've been out for a year now, i need to do something special for when i get back to the show.
Jaune: and so you planted your laughing gas around the city so it falls into chaos while you stroll around it?
Tyrian: Ding! Ding! Ding! Ten points to batman for figuring out my plan! *raises a controller* All i need to do now is press this button and BOOM!! Everyone around vale will have the time of their lives!! And this time batman, i won't allow you to stop my fun like you always do, this time i will-
???: *red and blue blur crashes through the wall taking out joker and his henchmen in a few seconds before landing in front of jaune with several knocked bad guys on her shoulders* hello again batman.
Jaune: *deadpans at the red haired girl with green eyes in front of him* superwoman...what are you doing here?
Pyrrha: i heard the joker was back and i thought you might need help to defeat him.
Jaune: *sighs* you shouldn't have interfered, everything was under control.
Pyrrha: *sheepishly* well...it didn't looked like that to me.
Jaune: it's because you preferred to crash into the building before thinking about it. Joker was bragging about his plan just like i wanted, luckily he said everything before you showed up. *gets up massaging his wrists*
Pyrrha: wait, weren't you trapped?
Jaune: i let them capture me so i could find out joker's plan.
Pyrrha: b-but what if he used his gas on you!?
Jaune: *pulls out a shot from his belt* i have the antidote for his gas.
Pyrrha: b-b-but what if he used his gas on the city!?
Jaune: i already sent loads of the antidote to every hospital around vale, besides, the first thing i did when i got here was cut the signal of his transmissor, he couldn't trigger the gas around the city no matter how much he tried.
Pyrrha: oh...right...im sorry, i didn't wanted to get in the way, i just thought you might appreciate some help. You're always working alone and pushing yourself so much to protect the city, you should take a day off and relax, why don't you go home for tonight? You're probably tired after everything that happened.
Jaune: i'm not tired, i still need to patrol the area.
Pyrrha: why don't you let that to the others? You're not the only hero around here.
Jaune: vale is still my city, i can't just let the work for other peoples to do it. *walks away*
Pyrrha: *sigh* why don't you let us help you even on your birthday?
Hazel: im surprised to see you here batman.
Jaune: it wasn't hard to track you down after finding your subordinates at the docks bane.
Hazel: huff, i think it's like they say, if you want something well done *presses a button on his chest injecting dust on himself through green tubes* THEN DO IT YOURSELF!!! *charges at batman*
Jaune: *jumps over hazel and dodges his following attacks*
Hazel: stay still batman!! HRRHAAAHH!! *lands a punch on batman making him fly away and hit the wall* now be still *cracking his knuckles* i'll be qui- *gets punched in the face and flies back across two walls*
Jaune: *gets up and sighs* oh god, not again.
Yang: *winks* sup batboy!
Jaune: wonder woman, what are you doing in vale? Wasn't there an entire island in mistral needing your help?
Yang: it did, but after i finished there i thought, 'maybe my good friend batboy needs a hand' and so i'm here, and it looks like i came right in time.
Jaune: everything is under control.
Yang: *grins* really? Then why was bane kicking your ass?
Jaune: he wasn't, i let him hit me so i would get some distance.
Yang: *rolls her eyes* sure, and why did you needed to take distance?
Jaune: because of this.
Hazel: *charging at yang from behind* YOU-
Jaune: *presses a button on his belt, discharging a large amount of electricity on bane, frying his device and knocking bane out*
Yang: h-how did you-
Jaune: i placed a electric discharge on the device on his back when i dodged his first attack*
Yang: you're scary y'know?
Jaune: i just like to have a plan before jumping in the action, something you should start doing. *starts to walk away*
Yang: where are you going?
Jaune: patrol the area.
Yang: don't think you're good for today? I mean, there are other heroes around vale and you've been fighting a lot lately, why don't you take a day off?
Jaune: *stops and looks back at her* the day crime take a day off, i will think about it. *walks away*
Yang: geez, only you to avoid fun even on your birthday.
Cinder: *sitting on a large flower* well, well...look what do we have here.
Jaune: *lands a few meters from her* i see you redecorated since last time ivy.
Cinder: i'm glad you noticed batman, although i think these walls need a bit of red to it *raises a hand lifting several vines* mind helping me with that?
Jaune: i- *gets interrupted by a pair of girls coming through the rooftop* *sighs and facepalms* not again
???: *fires several arrows cutting the vines* NOW!
Cinder: wha- *gets hit by a giant white hand before getting trapped in a white bubble*
???: and done.
???: poison ivy neutralized.
Jaune: black arrow, white lantern, what in the world are you two doing here?
Weiss: *floats near him* we're helping you batman, try being a bit grateful for that.
Jaune: why would i be grateful? you two just got in the way.
Blake: hey, we know you have the lone wolf thing of yours, but don't you think that saying that we just got in the way is a bit too much?
Jaune: but it is the truth, this place used to be a water treatment station, ivy was using her plants to poison the water, even if you defeated her she could still release the poison on vale's water system.
Weiss/Blake: w-what!?
Cinder: *grins*
Jaune: good thing i blocked the pipes connecting this station to the city' water supply and also prepared a special something for your toxins and plants. *drops a small pill in the water making all plants wither*
Cinder: NO!! HOW DID YO-
Jaune: you can find poison for plants in any gardening store on vale, i just made a more concentrated version of it, now if you excuse me. *turns around and starts to walk away*
Blake: wait!
Weiss: where are you going!?
Jaune: patrol the area, who knows what other criminals are still around the city?
Blake: don't you think that-
Jaune: no, i didn't do enough for today, no, i'm not gonna take a day off and no, i don't need to relax, what i need to do now is stop criminals from hurting people, and if that's everything, i'll take my leave. *walks away*
Weiss/Blake: *sighs in defeat*
Cinder: pff, and here i was thinking to be the only woman he's cold with.
Weiss/Blake: SHUT IT!!
*a few minutes later*
Jaune: *driving his batmobile* what's next ozpin?
Ozpin: *in a small screen* master jaune, don't you think you're done for today?
Jaune: please don't start you too.
Ozpin: i know about your resent about taking days off, but don't you think that you should rest at least on this day.
Jaune: why does everyone keeps repeating that, what's so special about today?
Ozpin: *raises eyebrow but chuckles*
Jaune: what's so funny.
Ozpin: master jaune, could you please tell me what day is today.
Jaune: i believe its march thirty, but what is so... *sigh* its my birthday isn't it?
Ozpin: i believe it is master jaune.
Jaune: let me guess, the girls are waiting for me with a whole surprise party ready, and that's why they were trying to convince me to come home earlier.
Ozpin: correct as always master jaune.
Jaune: *sighs* im an idiot.
Ozpin: just a little bit sir.
Jaune: ozpin, what other heroes are on the area?
*on the arc mansion*
Weiss/Blake: *gets in the house with more casual clothes*
Ruby: *also in casual clothes, bolts from the couch to them in a split second* so?
Weiss/Blake: *shook heads*
Ruby: *whines* wha- b-but why?
Yang: *crosses her arms* cause work is more important to him then anything else apparently.
Pyrrha: i-it's not like that, he just want to make sure the city is safe.
Yang: there's a bunch of other heroes around it! The city is safer than ever!
P/RWB: *deflates*
Yang: face it, he just don't wanna spend time with us.
Jaune: that couldn't be farther from the truth.
P/RWBY: *flinches and jumps slightly*
Yang: holy shit!! Where the hell did you came from!?
Jaune: the elevator that connects the cave to the mansion is right here. *points to the clock behind him*
Weiss: why are you here? Shouldn't the batman be patrolling the city?
Jaune: yes he should *looking around at the decorations, balloons the presents and the huge (poorly done and probably handmade) cake* but jaune arc had an appointment here, one he was already getting lato to.
Yang: ohh, now you remember?
Jaune: yeah, but only because ozpin reminded me of it.
Ruby: what? What do you mean?
Jaune: i mean that i didn't even knew today was my birthday.
P/RWBY: *shocked*
Jaune: i only remembered because ozpin told me about it. *looking down slightly* im sorry girls, you all had the work to prepare this party for me but i just pushed you away... *sigh* i think i've been batman for so long that i don't even know if i can still be jaune arc anymore, i can't even remember about my own birthday...im really sorry girls...
Ruby: *bolts to him and hugs him tightly*
Jaune: err-
Pyrrha/Yang: *trapping him in a bone crushing hug*
Jaune: ugh...girls i can't-
Blake/Weiss: *Joins right after*
Jaune: girls-
Ruby: shhh...you need a hug.
Jaune: *getting blue* maybe, but oxygen would be really nice too.
P/RWBY: ooops. *let go*
Jaune: *taking deep breaths* thanks, so, when is this party going to start?
Ruby: *with a beaming smile* RIGHT NOW!!! *press play on the music*
Pyrrha: *flying to the table* should we begin with the presents?
Jaune: sure.
Yang: let him open only the ones on the table.
Jaune: there are others besides these?
Yang: *grins* yup, there are five other presents ready for you, but you can only unwrap and use them later on the bedroom.
Jaune: w-wha-
Yang: you've been neglecting your girlfriends for some time now ladykiller, so your last present for today is going to be a present for us as well, do you mind?
Jaune: *sighs* i don't have a choice on that matter do i?
Yang: nope.
Blake: no.
Pyrrha: *shooks head*
Ruby: nopey.
Weiss: no way.
*on the next morning*
Jaune: *sipping his morning coffee* so, how it was yesterday?
Sun: good, we stopped a gang from robbing a bank.
Neptune: yup.
Sage: we took out a small cartel in the docks.
Scarlet: they weren't expecting any surprises so it was quite easy.
Nora: and we broke the legs of some guys trying to attack a girl.
Ren: *nods*
Jaune: besides that?
Sun: nothing much, after your apparitions yesterday most criminals decided to take a day off and just a few were acting, but the cops took care of it mostly on their own, we barely had to help.
Jaune: so it was an uneventful night?
Neptune: Practically, what about yours?
Jaune: well-
Ruby: *lazily* yaaaang, i can't feel my leeegs.
Yang: *floating towards the bathroom with ruby on her back* me neither sis, me neither.
Weiss: *groans* how did he kept going for so long?
Blake: no idea...
Pyrrha: *floating towards the bathroom, carrying blake and weiss* oww...im sore in places i didn't even knew could get sore.
P/RWBY: *gets in the bathroom*
SSSN: *staring wide eyed at jaune*
Jaune: what?
Sun: what's happening to them?
Jaune: well...let's just say that i went a bit overboard after my party yesterday.
Neptune: dude, how did you do that?
Jaune: *raises eyebrow* Do what?
Neptune: do what!? You're a human being that managed to sleep with the superwoman, the wonder woman, the flash, the white lantern, the black arrow and survived, not only survived but got them all sore, how the hell did you do that!?
Jaune: it's simple *sips his coffee and grins at them* i'm batman.
Ren: yeah, he is.
Nora: *shrugg* can't discuss with that.
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