#rs ruby's personality was a lot more flawed and oras ruby is just him after those issues were resolved
y'know as much as i see ruby as my son (and I still do) truth is outside of being a selfshipper I actually do kin ruby - and thought id stay to be a ruby kin but my selfshipping tendencies got the better of me LMAO
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1358456 · 5 years
If you could change anything about each of the dexholders in canon what would you change?
Hmm… I don’t have a lot in terms of personality, exactly. I like most of the Dex Holders’ flaws and traits that match their uniqueness, so for a few, I’d only really change what they did or did not do on screen.
Red: He could stand to have a bit more… complexity. You know, not be such a standard issue hero all the time.
Green: How about NOT being an ass to Blue? And don’t be there in XY.
Blue: Maybe a view into her private thoughts that show just how much she’s struggling inside around the GSC era.
Yellow: Keep the healing powers, get rid of everything else. Actually have personality development. Get a better team than that sack of sh*t, instead of trying to be taken seriously by relying solely on bullsh*t powers. Actually TRAIN. THEN maybe I wouldn’t consider her as the worst character in existence that ruins everything.
Gold: Some internal conflicts would be nice.
Silver: Get a better Dex Holder “title”.
Crystal: How about NOT sucking absolute ass in a battle? And show some more personality vulnerabilities.
Ruby: … Don’t stuff Sapphire in the car in RS, don’t make that bulls*t excuse in E, and don’t do everything that was done in ORAS.
Sapphire: Shove a boot up Ruby’s ass in ORAS, then twist it sideways and kick Lisia with him or something. And actually show development about the Salamence issue that occurred in E that suddenly vanished in ORAS.
Emerald: How about a team full of NON repeats?
Diamond: Hmm… I would actually like it if he got mad at Platinum over something that she did, and instead of exploding like Pearl does, patiently but sternly tells her why she’s wrong in what she did until she accepts his advice.
Pearl: Don’t fill up half the team with random sh*t that didn’t get used, and get a better nickname scheme or something.
Platinum: Don’t fill up half the team with random sh*t, and actually do things in the DPPt finales. Show the reaction to hearing about what happened to Diamond on screen in Pt, and… be more colder towards those who aren’t friends. Like, instead of immediately being all cutesy friendly with Looker, keep some distance and then warm up to him.
Black: None of that bullsh*t about being able to move or see while inside the Light Stone. That was nonsense. … So… if he had a full sky-screen view of what was in front of the Light Stone… when White hugged it real tight…
White: Do sh*t in BW. Step up and fight instead of slipping off the Ferris wheel and then getting kidnapped.
Rakutsu: Do understand how feelings work, and not be such an absolute douche. … But do roast Black and White senseless though. Twisting White’s arm immediately was damned good and funny.
Faitsu: Team. Find one. Get one. Learn that N is an ass and ditch the f*ck. Have some development. Bond with other people! … If she calls White as “sister”, that’d be so damn cute…
X: Don’t do anything that happened in the 95% of the XY arc. Actually show rational concern for Y without being retarded. If she’s hanging upside down with her helmet dissolving in acid that’s about to dissolve her, maybe DO something. And maybe if she’s plummeting towards the ground, don’t try to jump off the helicopter to go after her! … And maybe die to Yveltal so that Y can revive him with Xerneas after a lot of emotional stuff.
Y: Shove a boot very far up X’s ass and drill some obedience into his skull. And don’t get the NPC “rival’s” Mega, and maybe get some things that FLY. … And maybe die to Yveltal and be revived with Xerneas after a lot of emotional stuff, such as… X finally expressing some f*cking care and truly apologizing for all the sh*t he’s done (and not done).
Sun: None of that money bullsh*t, stop hogging the spotlight, actually have personality development, don’t have that ridiculous tunnel vision all the time, and show some damn care for Moon!
Moon: Ditch Sun and go back home to Sinnoh. Actually get a team and train a lot more. None of that PhD nonsense either, because what the f*ck. Have some flashbacks about moments with Platinum, maybe.
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