draceempressa · 2 years
I remember people were discussing if twst is not about the biblical seven deadly sins, but about the seven social sins. Well, look and behold, each chapter does represent the social sins. Note that not all of them are comitted by the g7 incarnate of the chapter themselves, but do lead to their overblot somehow.
Chapter 1: Politic without Principle
Riddle actively reminds people his policy of the absolute-ness of the law, that the law, even on the smallest detail, must not be crossed. However, Riddle lacks a principe he have for himself, for his strict lawful policy was something his mother taught him, but not what he learn for himself.
Chapter 2: Pleasure Without Conscience
Leona enjoys power greatly, be it about his power of being a prince, or as a dorm head, with little to no regard to his responsibility, overusing power with no caring of the drawback. And when Lilia reminding him about that conscience, he overblots.
Chapter 3: Commerce Without Morality
Pretty explanatory, we know Azul makes his trades without feeling any sorry for his victim and gives so little about moral, that ends up backfires on him that , he can keep absorbing other powers, just, the container is too small and it makes him go overblot.
Chapter 4: Wealth Without Work:
Now, the sin itself is done by Kalim in which it led to Jamil overblot. Kalim does minimally for all of his clan's wealth that includes Jamil's family as their servants for generations, that he seemingly can get so many with so little work, and this makes Jamil envies Kalim so much.
Chapter 5: Worship without sacrifice.
Another chapter where the sin is done not by the overblot. Rook, in his worship of beauty, refuses to call out vil even once until he overblot for he enjoys the beauty of vil's mental breakdown (he actually spelled it out himself) , and neither did he make it clear which he will chose, neige or vil, not wanting to lose either of them.
Chapter 6: Science Without Humanity
Again this chapter is pretty self explanatory, Idia certainly create the new Ortho with little to no regard to humanity, and even then, as much he supplies Ortho with his hardware, he often unintentionally ignors Ortho's humane, emotional needs like going out with him.
chapter 7: knowledge without character.
Malleus, being a fae, possessed more knowledge about magic than the entire mortal civilization, with no mature character to properly manage said knowledge (and his immense raw power to actually do the magic to boot) , that emotionally, he is but a child throwing tanturms when things didn't go his way, but with all the knowledge and power to twist (heh) the world to his desires.
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duskymrel · 1 year
Let's play a game. How long will it take for you to lose your head?
Synopsis: You're have an enormous crush on Riddle. You decide to learn every rule, but not to make Riddle happy. No, no. You're planning to break as many as possible. Are you trying to get collared??! ...More likely than you think.
TW: cursing, rule breaking, slightly suggestive ending if you squint, Ace Trappola 😒 ❤
Reader is gender neutral
Repost my work and istg I'll eat you.
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Cater invited you to come feed the flamingos with him. He thought it would be a "supes cool post for Magicam!" You decided to put your little plan into action. Cater pauses and looks you up and down, growing more nervous.
"Hey, uh, MC, where's your pink? Riddle will totally lose his mind if you're not wearing pink while you feed the flaminos. It's a rule or whatever."
"Trust me, Cater."
He doesn't look like he trusts you.
"MC, Cater, I see you're feeding the flamingos. How lovely!"
Riddle walks up to the two of you, seeming a little extra cheerful to see you. Cater looks like his soul left his body, and you feel a little bad for dragging him into this.
"Yes, I love the flamingos! Aren't their pink feathers so pretty?"
Cater gapes at you. It's like you're trying to make him notice you haven't got a thread of pink on.
"Yes, they certainly ar-"
He goes quiet. Looking you up and down. Cater laughs nervously.
"You know what? I just remembered that I, like, totally forgot to walk my fish!"
He speedwalks away. Riddle looks back at you, raising an eyebrow.
"MC, I'm sure you remember that rule 249 states that flamingo caretakers must don pink attire, yes?"
You feign shock.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Riddle, I didn't know..."
He shakes his head, sighing.
"....Fine. I'll let you off the hook, but do NOT forget next time, understand?"
"Of course, Riddle!"
Cater goes to look for you later to see what happened and is shocked to find that you're completely uncollared.... all you got was a warning?
"Ugh, totally favoritism!"
You were at the lunch table. Riddle saw you sitting with the Braincell trio and smiled to himself, walking over.
"Why, hello MC. Might I perhaps sit with you?"
You saw all three of your friends go pale, getting nervous. You grinned.
"Of course, Riddle!"
He sits down with his food. Suddenly his smile leaves his face.
"MC..... what are you eating?"
"Why, a hamburger! I made it myself, would you care to try a bite?"
His eye twitched slightly. With anyone else, he'd have lost his mind. But for you? Well.... he could stay calm for you.
"Rule 186 states that you must never eat a hamburger on a Tuesday."
You glance down at your food, once again feigning shock.
"Oh, is it? My bad!"
Riddle sighs. Meanwhile Ace, Deuce, and Grim look like they're about to shit bricks.
"Don't do it again."
Then he drops the subject and begins to eat his own food. Ace and Grim look like they're going to have an aneurysm, but Deuce is looking between you and Riddle as though he's just now realizing something. When he looks at you, his brows furrowed, it's like you have that twin telepathy thing.
"Does he....? Do you...?"
"Haha yeah"
At the relevation that you like his Dormhead and that he likes you, he can only shake his head in sympathy. A bit of time passes, and Riddle speaks up.
"Ah, MC, you'll need to leave."
"Why, pray tell?"
"Rule 271 states that you must leave the lunch table within 15 minutes of completing your lunch. It's been 13 minutes, MC."
You look as though you're thinking very hard.
"Mmmm... no, I'm good. I'd prefer to enjoy what little free time I have."
Ace spits out what he was drinking, and Riddle glares at you slightly. You bicker back and forth with him for a bit before he dramatically throws his hands in the air.
"Fine, fine! You can stay."
You beam, satisfied.
"Why thank you!"
Ace will forever revere you for having balls of steel.
Riddle invited you to lunch with him, to discuss your recent rule breaking. (Shhhh no it's not to spend time with you he's not a siMp-) Of course you agreed!
So you two had lunch! He talked with you. You lied and told him that you would do your best to follow the rules better. Yippee! :)
Once you finished your food, he offered you tea. Lemon tea with 2 sugar cubes, as per Rule 339. You took a sip.
"Mm... not quite sweet enough."
So you put in just one more sugar cube. Riddle looked back and forth from you to the tea, dumbfounded. Are you doing this on purpose? Surely you wouldn't.... right? He feels as though he's going mad. You suggest that the two of you take a walk through the flower garden, which he happily agrees to. As you walk, you pick a single rose and admire it.
"I've always loved roses. They're beautiful, yes? However, they can prick you, so you must be careful to mind the thorns. But I can't help but be drawn to them anyways. Kind of... like you, yes?" (W rizz)
Riddles so preoccupied with the fact that you just basically called him beautiful and admitted that you were drawn to him that he didn't realize until later that you had broken Rule 228: no picking flowers from the garden on Wednesdays. Babygirl is quiet for the rest of the walk trying to figure out if you were flirting or not.
You eased up on the rule breaking a little bit. You were busy. But you were careful to make sure that Riddle knew you had turkey for dinner by posting you and Grim together at the dinner table on Magicam. So of course Riddle sent you a text:
Mommy issues: You've brushed your teeth twice, yes?
You: hm? what do you mean?
Mommy issues: Rule 648 requires that you must brush your teeth twice on the nights that you eat turkey.
You: oh? it does? oh, well, i've already brushed my teeth. don't want to brush it again lmao i'm already in bed
Mommy issues: ...I suppose I cannot make you.
That's it. You decided that today you're going to break as many rules as you can. Conveniently, there's an unbirthday party today. (Stfu it's for plot convenience. I'm sorry, but it's easy and I'm stupid-) Anyways, you broke rule. After. Rule. Ace reminds himself to never fuck with you, you clearly have no concern for your own self preservation. Now, what rules did you break?
Rule 23. One must never bring a cat to a formal affair. You brought Grim, but just in case Riddle didn't really consider him a cat, you brought Lucias as well. (With Treins permission of course.)
Rule 562. You brought a chestnut tart. Riddle nearly lost his mind then and there, considering what happened with Ace way back when. Surely you knew better than that at least!? Ah, but he's down atrociously bad. He gave you the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps you just... forgot?
Rule 89. You ate a tart without Riddles direct permission. He should've collared you, but he let it slide. He's trying to be a tad more lax on the rules, after all...
You couldn't remember which rule it was, but you knew one of the rules said that coffee was forbidden during an Unbirthday party. So obviously you drank some. Riddle was getting rather fed up by now.
"They're just tired. Crowley works them too much. Yes, they can have coffee just this once..."
Then it was time for croquet. Obviously you had to cause problems there, too.
You brought a regular ball. You're supposed to use a hedgehog. And you intentionally came in second place because there was some rule about the person in second place serving the Queen tea....
You told Riddle that you were busy and wouldn't be able to serve him tea until later in the evening. So long as it was before 12 a.m., he didn't mind. The rules just stated that it had to be the day after, not a specific time. With anyone else he might be irritated, but this is you were talking about. His not so secret soft spot.
So you took great care not to show up until after 8 p.m. You were hoping to send him over the edge with one last break of the rules.
Instead of tea, you gave him honey sweetened lemonade. A direct violation of two rules. He stared down at the teacup he had just drank out of. It's just the two of you, as it's a bit late and he stayed out only for you to serve the tea. (Listen I go to bed at Never O'clock, but I feel like 8-9 is late for Riddle okay)
He's quiet for a moment before suddenly-
So you're collared. He stands up off his throne and storms over to you.
"What on Twisted Wonderland has gotten into you lately?! It's as though you're trying to... break....... the rules...."
He sees your smug expression and he realizes, his voice dying down. You absolutely have been doing this on purpose.
You beam.
"Because A. You're cute when you're mad, and B. I thought being collared might, I don't know, start a little something. It took a while to break you, you must be a real softie for me~"
Riddle's as red as you can imagine at this rate. Flabbergasted. Shocked. Bewildered. How is he even supposed to respond to that!? Well, he does realize one thing. You obviously like him back. So... he'll shoot his shot.
He leans in and gives you a little peck on the lips, 2 seconds away from an aneurysm. You smile and deepen the kiss a bit, pulling him closer by the collar of his shirt. He pulls out his magic pen again to remove the collar, but you stop him.
"No need. I think I'll keep it for a few days. Besides, what good did you even think it would do? I haven't got magic."
You laugh, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the mirror chamber to take him to Ramshackle.
"Come on, I think I deserve a reward for all the meticulous planning that went into being a delinquent."
You proudly wear the collar the next day, shocking everybody. Riddle snapped at you? Pretty much everybody on campus knew about his crush on you, so that's unprecedented. It isn't until somebody notices and points out the little hicky on the upper part of your neck that everything becomes a bit more clear.
Most of your friends are happy for you. (They don't have to deal with the mutual pining and you finally got with Riddle. Win-win.)
Ace looks ready to hurl.
And Crewel? I think he's about to Anne Boleyn your new boyfriend....
@killersweetie I'm so sorry babygirl I know I was supposed to make this m o n t h s ago but life has been kicking my ass 😭
BUT THATS NOT IMPORTANT. I finished it. I hope it was to your liking 🤭
Anyways have a lovely evening darlings!
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thetimeagent · 2 years
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ancient twst doodles <3
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psychicpoetrybeard · 1 year
Riddle Rosehearts and Ai Ohto could interact:
1. Initial misunderstandings: At first, Riddle and Ai might be unsure how to interact with each other due to their different backgrounds and personalities. They might accidentally say things that offend or confuse the other person. However, as they spend more time together, they start to realize that they have more in common than they thought.
2. Shared goals: Despite their differences, Riddle and Ai could come together because they share a common goal or problem to solve. For example, they might both be trying to stop an evil villain, prevent a catastrophe, or find a lost artifact. As they work together towards their shared objective, they build trust and respect for each other.
3. Complementary strengths: Riddle and Ai might have different strengths and weaknesses that complement each other. For instance, Riddle could be more analytical and strategic, while Ai might be more creative and intuitive. By working together, they could use their unique advantages to solve problems that they couldn't on their own.
4. Learning from each other: As Riddle and Ai spend time together, they might learn new things from each other. For example, Riddle could teach Ai about magic spells and potions, while Ai could show Riddle how to be more empathetic and considerate towards others. By learning from each other, they grow as individuals and become more effective as a team.
These are just a few possible ways that Riddle Rosehearts and Ai Ohto could interact. Ultimately, their relationship depends on the specific context of the story they are in and the choices made by the writers.
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riostwsty · 1 year
>> "love comes from the most unexpected of places" <<
Summary: animals can lift up spirits with such ease when one's feeling down, don't you think? After an accident with shape shifting magic, some of the students found themselves transformed into the cutest little creatures, and unbeknownst to you, attemped to use that form to brighten a particularly cloudy day by your side
Key words:  headcanons; fluff; romance; g/n reader (they/them, you/yours); relationship not established; reader not explicitly Yuu/MC; accidentally became a princess and the frog plot trope
Characters: Riddle, Jack, Jamil - x reader (separately)
CWs: animals mentioned include hedgehogs, dogs and cats!
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>> Riddle Rosehearts, as one anxious hedgehog [900+ words]
- he knew pairing up with Floyd for potions class was a grave mistake of professor Crewel's. "No need to worry Mr Roseharts" he said. "This exercise is far too simple to have any sort of complications occur" he said...
- and well, now Riddle was being chased by an overly enthusiastic Floyd Leech. An even taller version of the twin, as you see, it appeared to not be enough for the cruel universe to make the potion's effects turn Riddle smaller, no. It had to transform him into a itty bitty tiny hedgehog, of all creatures, and a super cute one at that. So cute in fact, his lab partner couldn't resist the urge to tease it, or rather, threaten to squeeze the hell out of such an adorable pet.
- Riddle surprised himself on how fast those tiny legs could carry him. Running through corridors, rolling down stairs and dodging steps of unaware passing students until Floyd was left too far behind, out of his sight.
- In the courtyard, hedgehog Riddle frantically spun around, seeking for a good hiding spot, but instead found something much more curious. A certain student he knew too well, or so he thought, because no matter how much time he had spent admiring them from afar, he never before had witnessed them crying as they were at that moment.
- You sat there, under a tree's shade, hoping no one would approach, fearing the tears and hiccups would only worsen with concerned looks and curious questionnaire. And Riddle feared too, to chose between simply walking away, pretending not to see his beloved's suffering; or choosing to approach, but not being able to comfort them in any helpful way.
- But he had a realization. He didn't have to talk. Where words lacked, another option could come to play. And in that hedgehog form, coincidentally, was perfect for such a task.
- You felt a sudden gentle bump on your ankle, looking down, you were surprised to see a spiky red colored creature studying you back. Strange. These little guys were supposed to be at Heartslabyul's care. How in the world did it get in the school's courtyard?
- a weak giggle was all you could muster as a greeting to the hedgehog, standing a hand for it to climb, and petting it the way Heartslabyul's dorm leader had taught you before.
- —"Riddle must be worried sick about you. He always notices when someone is missing."— you said, unaware the boy in question was now resting at the palm of your hand. —"I can get us back home, how does that sound?"—
- He squeaked in response, and still getting used to the hedgehog legs, climbed your arm all the way up your shoulder. Doing his best to communicate worry without words, pressed the tip of his nose tracing where the tears had fallen. —"what? I'm fine, really!"— you simply replied.
- If Riddle could pout he would. Even to a hedgehog you lied about your feelings. He expected you to open up with a creature who wouldn't judge, much less understand a word you said, but apparently he had to put up a fight to get any results on that.
- the walk went quietly until you both reached the hall of mirrors, where the dorm leader had grown impatient, jumping from the safe spot by your shoulder to the cold marble floors, running and slipping side to side as he reached Heartslabyul's respective mirror, and jumped through it without warning.
- you followed behind with urgency. It's dangerous to be so tiny, roaming around all alone! Catching quick glances of the red colored spikes just before turning around the corners, the chase eventually led you to the parts of the garden where all dormitory pets resided.
- Before you could reach for the runaway creature, a horde of other colorful ones approached all at once, clinging to your shoes, happily circling around as if greeting a beloved visitor. The light nibbling of the hedgehogs tickled, and you crouched down to return the greetings. Though, the energy of your companions was so high you felt obligated to eventually sit down to properly enjoy the playtime altogether.
- It was a dispute to who was going to take a place on your lap, spiky friends playfully pushing one another or climbing over eachother's heads, all for a moment of your attention. It's difficult not to smile amongst such cute bantering, and just like that, the sad tears fallen from earlier that day were long forgotten, back under the shade of the courtyard's tree.
- One particular creature managed to climb all the way up your arms, resting on the same spot on your shoulder that it was before, the red colored urchin snuffled near your ear to call for your attention.
- —"was it you who called all your friends to play? Them seem unusually enthusiastic!"— you laughed, holding him close to your face —"you just made my day. Thank you little one, I needed that"—
- Riddle has never been so close to you as he now was in animal form, curiously, he even began to think the shape-shifting potion incident didn't feel as bad as he thought it would, after all. It isn't an everyday occurrence his crush would hold him so dearly as they were at that moment.
- "They don't even know it's me" he thought. And for a blissful moment he gave in, leaned closer, pressing a quick kiss or rather, the closest he could make from one in that form, before a sparkling magical cloud suddenly took over the place with a "poof!"
—"what..... RIDDLE?"—
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>> Jack Howl, as one fluffy little dog [1.2k+ words]
- Yeah, Jack's already a wolf beastman. His unique magic allows him to fully transform at will. Shape shifting magic was no unusual experience, but the problem here lies on the fact that after drinking that potion, he found himself not being able to change back on command, and to make matters worse, he was no wolf. He was a white furred pomeranian.
- Ace had been laughing nonstop for about five minutes straight after the potion had its quick effect. Every once in a while he would manage to hardly breathe in and exclaim one of his meticulous and very helpful observations, varying along the lines of "DUDE NO WAY" or "YOU'RE JUST LIKE MY GRANDMA'S DOG??", and believe it or not, Jack have had enough by the time this second comment left his lab partner's mouth.
- Epel took responsability and offered him a stay on pomefiore for the time being, to keep an eye on him, while Ace looked for a viable solution with a now furious professor Crewel.
- Simply put, Jack had a significant rise in popularity during his short time stay at pomefiore. A giant wolf might not have been the dorm's favorite animal, but a petite walking furball? It was much more like them. Though Epel made sure every single witness would promise not share a word with their dorm leader, as to not risk getting scolded or having Jack quicked out all by himself in such form.
- It was amogst the tumultuous gathering of students that the pomeranian heard a familiar set of footsteps approaching from far away, along with a voice that never failed from making his heart skip a beat. Epel seemed to notice too, and widened his eyes. —"Is that [name] I hear? ...but if they're here they must be accompanied by-!"—
- The lilac haired boy let go of the small dog, and quickly gestured for him to run and hide before Vil suspected of his presence. And run he did. Making sure to avoid getting stomped by passersby students, until he reached the flawlessly trimmed backyard gardens of pomefiore. With plenty of spots to hide and no company around, Jack made himself comfortable in one of the gazebo's chairs, planning on staying still, unbothered, until Ace would get back soon enough with an antidote.
- Though it did not take long enough for his peace to get disturbed once more. —"Hey buddy! What are you doing here?"— a voice spoke from behind him.
- Jack jumped in place, startled, provoking a short giggle from the one who called, you, who smiled oh so softly at his adorable new form. But how could you not? Besides Grim, such cute creatures were not often seen wandering around school grounds. Jack's current presentation was an unusual but very welcomed break from the ordinary NRC life. Although the wolf himself couldn't disagree more. To even look like that was too much of an embarrassing thought. However, in a more positive note, at least his crush didn't know it was him the pomeranian in question!
- —"You think I haven't seen you running away from me and Vil?"— you asked, extending a hand near Jack's nose as a way to say hello —"Don't worry, I won't let him kick you out of the dorm. Somebody needs to take care of you, after all. Do you have an owner?"—
- His ears twitched in response. Your tone was so gentle, he began to wonder if he should keep up with the pet dog act just for a liiittle while longer. It certainly did not feel bad to have his crush's attention solely on him for once, and in this train of thought, he leaned closer to your offered hand to greet you back.
- In a matter of minutes, you and puppy Jack had turned best pals for the very second time in your NRC lives. Playing around the garden until the sun began to set, no one came to bother or to take the fluffy intruder away. Seemed like Ace was having a hard time trying to find a cure, but again, staying in this form for just some moments more certainly wouldn't hurt, right?
- You asked for a second to rest on a nearby bench, and Jack followed behind, sitting by your side with his tail wagging frantically as you two admired the golden hues of the sunset rays. A moment of silence turned into minutes, that turned into what felt like an hour. The sky turned dark and stars began to shine through the clouds. Pomeranian Jack tried to start a conversation topic but only letting out a whimper instead, immediately catching your attention back to him. You sighed. —"you appeared just in the right time, you know? I needed this break from my responsibilities"— you pat his head in thanks, and he eyed you in curiosity.
- Your expression seemed lonely this time, almost distant as you gazed up the crescent moon. He then finally noticed, by looking more attentively into your features, there was a distinguishable layer of concealer covering some unusual dark circles under your eyes. You looked tired. Not from the time you spent playing together that evening, no... something else. Jack traced back that day's events. You were almost never wandering around pomefiore, let alone with Vil of all people. Was the makeup perhaps courtesy of the dorm leader's? You seemed to be wearing products that strangely resembled his, after all.
- Upon noticing your companion's curious and concerned stare, you smiled and as if reading his mind, explained —"Vil seemed worried about me too, that's how I got here."— you chuckled lightly at the situation, a bit funny how a lost puppy got you to open up about your feelings so easily —" it's nothing serious. Just so many things happening lately... it was draining my energy out"—
- Without many ideas on how to comfort you without words, Jack rested his head on your lap with a soft sigh. He then felt a hand on top of his head again, followed by a stifled laugh: —"But it doesn't matter now. I made a new friend today! So thanks for that.."—
- He looked up as you leaned in closer, playfully blowing a kiss from a distance. But that little action was enough to make him panic flustered beyond words. So much so that he incidentally got up too fast and suddenly enough to bump the top of his head into your face, right near your lips. A glittery magical cloud emerged with a "poof!"
- Meanwhile Vil, who was watching the garden by the far away window, nearly choked on his tea with the sight of Jack transforming back into his original form, appearing out of nowhere from that cloud, just to fall on top of a very confused and startled you.
- —"See, Vil? I told you! It was Jack all along!"— Epel beamed by the dorm leader's side, but only getting an exasperated sigh from him in return:
- —"Regardless. You and your little friends still got some explaining to do."— he got up from his seat, heading to the garden's main gates —"And tell that Trappola boy he's going to help you clean all the dog fur from the lounge's coutch today still"—
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>> Jamil Viper, as the meanest cat ever [1.4k+ words]
- Jamil was convinced he'd had to wait a million years before he could ever catch a break from easily avoidable, headache-inducing misfortunes taken place on that cursed magical college.
- —"Aw, come on! Don't look at me like that... It could have been much, much worse than this"— scarabia's dorm leader flashed an apologetic smile, as if it was going to fix the shape shifting problem at hand. —"Not saying this scenario is particularly good, but- I mean, what if you were to become a snake instead? I'd lose sight of you in no time and you could be taken away by a hungry bird! Oh, I don't mean to say you'd become a snake specifically because of your original appearance or personality or past actions or morals or-"—
- The black furred feline could only roll his eyes at the incessant rambling of his housewarden. If Jamil could talk, he'd interrupt Kalim before he'd burst out more painfully honest and indirect call outs aimed at him, that the oblivious boy would surely regret from letting out once he realized that maybe, some truths were best kept inside his head. But that's what usually happens anyway. Jamil was too sick and tired at that point to feel offended by them at all.
- But oh well. Simply another nuisance to get on his way of boring daily tasks. Nothing that haven't already happened before. It's just that being transformed into a cat was a more extreme case, and he wasn't so sure of how to even work on "babysitting" duties with paws intead of hands. Kalim took notice, and offered himself to spend the day with the alchemy professor until he found a viable solution to the problem. Jamil only nodded in boredom as the housewarden turned to rambling all distracted again, this time with a very much annoyed professor Crewel.
- As that went on in the backgroud, something suddenly caught the vice housewarden's attention from outside of the classroom: a desperate Ace Trappola walking in anxious circles around the corridor, staring at the floor below his feet, and mumbling something under his breath that only the sensitive ears of a cat could clearly pick up on: apparently you have gone missing. And it visibly made the first year unspeakably worried.
- Jamil approached Ace, careful enough not to be stomped by him unaware. The red haired boy only took a half glance at his direction, and let out a stressed grunt: —"Not now, Grim. I'm trying to think where to look for [name]. Please don't bother if all you're gonna do is ask for tuna!"— the red haired sat by the corridor's bench in defeat —"Was it something I said? Probably was. They wouldn't be avoiding me otherwise..."—
- Quickly the feline made sense of the situation, and annoyed, agressively tapped him on the ankle as a way to say "idiot" , getting a startled "HEY!" from the boy in response, and then immediatelly took off to search for his misssing friend. Yes, you spent a lot of time with the rest of the first years, but Jamil knew you better than anyone else around. He already had an idea of where you could have possibly ran off to.
- And surely enough, there you were. In one of the less frequented classrooms in school grounds, hidden comfortably in the corner where no one could bother, or even see you at first glance. A nice place to stay for some alone time.
- However, before stepping in and calling for your attetion, he hesitated. Jamil had been so irritated over the possibility of Ace upsetting you, he hadn't even considered maybe all you needed at that moment was to be given some space to breathe. A pang of guilt hit him right away. What was he thinking? Assuming he could comfort you at any given situation just like that? he wished that was even a possibility.
- As a servant, he had the skills and knowledge to do almost anything his work could ever ask of him. Nothing was too much of a challenge, he always solved eventual difficulties in one way or another. But adding his secret crush to the equation was a recipe to near disaster, at least in his head. A hundred possibilities ran through him, none of which he was minimally satisfied with, and it was scary. Scary to think his near perfect problem solving skills were finally failing to meet expectations, no less expectations from the only person he truly, deeply cared about, not due to obligation this time, but to the only thing in his life that strayed away from such word.
- "If I have nothing helpful to say, better not even try" he thought to himself, and turned on his heels to leave, mentally frowing over this unwelcomed feeling of weakness taking over any last bit of logical thinking he still held at that point. But not until he heard a "hello? who's there?" coming from you that he figuratively slapped himself in the face. He got too caught up in uncertainty. It was too late to run away.
- The cat meowed from behind the desk, and you widened your eyes upon hearing it. Grim doesn't meow. What in the world was a kitty doing inside the classroom? Maybe it was professor Trein's pet companion? But when it showed up from its hiding spot, you could tell it was a cat of an unfamiliar appearance. It blinked at you and you blinked at him, both unsure of what to do at that moment.
- —"kitty.."— you mumbled in awe, face lighting up in interest. You silently extended a hand on its direction, waiting patiently for the creature to approach.
- "So they like cats, huh?" Jamil wondered for a few seconds before taking the risky decision to approach, placing his head under your offered palm, and watched your eyes sparkle in glee "they don't know it's me anyway. what harm could this do?"
- The silent classroom was now filled with light laughter. In that form, anything Jamil did earned a fit of giggles from you. He was just too cute! And to be fair, usually stray cats weren't nearly half as caring or approachable as he was being, so having one so cuddly play with the cloth of your uniform and constantly ask for more caressing was almost the best thing to ever happen to you in that school.
- The vice housewarden couldn't lie, he enjoyed all the attention he was getting from you, and better yet the fact of how easy his goal of cheering you up really had been, even if all he could provide was a mere passing distraction from your actual troubles. At least you were smiling, genuinely.
- —"cats are good at reading people's energies, or so I've heard."— you spoke up, taking the purring furball in your arms —"is this how you found me?"—
- Jamil slowy closed his eyes as a response, and you took it as a yes, smiling brigthly in return —"thank you"—
- But as all good things do, they tend to pass in a blink of an eye. The room's door slammed open, making both of you jump in place, the feline huddled closer to your arms with his ears down and fur standing up at the sight of the people who came into view. Ace and Kalim. The last people on earth he'd want to see ruining that moment between you two.
- —"There he is!"— the first year shouted, pointing at the cat, and then later widening his eyes in realization of who was holding it. —"and [name]... man, I've been looking everywhere for you! why did you--"—
- Jamil hissed as the two boys approached, and tried to back away as much as he could from Kalim's hands, desperately wanting to hide in your arms and getting back to being alone with you again. There wasn't much space left to withdraw though, in the corner of the room, Jamil drew back until he accidentally went head first into yours, and then a thick magical mist quickly took over the scene, blocking everyone's sight for a moment before the clouds dispersed enough to reveal Jamil back into his original form, sitting on your lap, hugging you tighly with a furious expression aimed at the intruders. He opened his mouth expecting a hiss or meow to come out of it, but instead was surprised with his own voice blurting an "Ah--"
- He could feel the heat rising up to his face, and for a moment he wished Kalim would drop another shape shifting potion to get him back into a form he could so freely ask for your hugs without any judgement or flustered overthinking.
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
I have come to pour some Monsters & Mayhem Rook brainrot in your inbox. Hope that's okay!
Rook is a freelance bounty hunter who most people find deeply unsettling. He never accepts payment, only picks up specific targets which interest him, and never fails his mission. It doesn't matter if the target hasn't been sighted in two years, after 3 days of taking the request, Root is at the commissioner's house at 3am (the witching hour) on the dot, a large, bloodied burlap sack behind him, and a heart in his left hand as the obligatory proof of death. He offers to show the corpse as well (waving at the sack behind him) if they wish, but no-one ever takes him up on the offer. What with his polished smile that lacks any warmth and his green gaze that seems to be looking into your very soul. The bloodstains on his clothes and his uncanny ability to pick up on the very thought that happens to be crossing your mind at that moment does not help matters either.
In truth, Rook is a Reaper. At least, this is what the MC comes to suspect. MC is runs a bakery in the village - something they come to regret on a daily basis because being a baker means waking up at 4am so you can start the ovens by 5am and begin your prep for the day. But MC likes making pasteries, truly, and it was between this or their parents marrying them off to that stuck up noble in the next town over who only really wanted someone to make him strawberry tarts day in and day out.
The first time MC meets Rook is when they're shuffling around on the shop floor at 4:30am, arranging some of yesterdays leftover treats that had been stored in the ice box, when they become suddenly aware that someone is at the window, watching them. They turn and there is Rook, plastered on the window watching with such rapt fascination. Perhaps MC should have had a more adverse reaction, considering the time, and the bloodstains on his clothes, and such, but it was too early for that. Instead, they crack open the door and offer him a small tart to say "please promptly leave - you're getting smudges on the glass". The way Rook starts marvelling at it like he's never seen one before, and especialy when he inists on MC eating a bite first "to show how one might savour them", starts to raise suspicions that he might not be human. He starts dropping by every morning at the same ungodly hour, and asks for pasteries in exchange for whatever strange (and rare) ingredient he's picked up, and MC even lets him inside to eat them. There's something endering in the way he can wax poetic about a piece of carrot cake.
Through general gossip from the mouths of customers, and Rook's own monologies, MC does piece together that yes, Rook is that bounty hunter, and that yes, he's most likely some sort of Reaper. He's a hunter by profession, and his last name is Hunt for gods sake, and he talks about tracking people down by "the light of one's soul" and whatnot. But MC remains largely unbothered. Rook may be strange, unhinged, and probably not human, but he's also oddly sweet. He's interesting to listen to, and it's refreshing to have a conversation with someone who isn't looking down their nose at you for being unmarried at your age.
Speaking of which, as rumors start to go around about that bounty hunter visting your bakery, another proposal from the tart-loving noble ends up on your doorstep. Except it's less of a proposal and more of a "the agreement between Duchess Roseharts and the family head, concerning the union between you and Riddle Roseharts, has been reached. This is a curstesy call for any last objections, before final arrangements are made. Only objections with a basis in the kingdom's law will be considered".
And so, because you've never been very good at making up lies, and because Rook seems to scare everyone, and because Rook has, technically, proposed to you before (many times, which you never took seriously, in his long winded speeches of praise about your baking), you write in response: I object to this union, on the basis that I have already accepted a marriage proposal from Rook Hunt.
Chaos then ensues.
Ooooh this is top-tier brain rot indeed. Reaper Rook? I'm here for it. Also, like, I just recently watched the new Puss in Boots movies and like, THAT sort of reaper? That kind of death? And Rook having that sort of presence and terror factor?
But oh my goodness, this is all marvelous. I love Rook and his oddities so much, and he's been slipping more and more into all the other character's lil stories. But ahhh, Reaper!Rook, Reaper!Rook... You sound very lovely. Excuse my while I go brain rot over this
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snakegorl212006 · 1 year
Heartslabyul Journal Entries
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-----Ace Trappola---------------------------------
-some what of a minor ghost within the wing
-sam said that him and his buddy deuce were gambling addicts who play with each other often before becoming servants under the Roseheart family 
-one thing led to another and both ended up being beheaded by unknown means 
-Even in death his favorite spot is the game room. 
-him and grim don’t hit off well but seemed to be stuck together sometimes,along with deuce 
-sometimes i could see him chasing grim around the rose gardens which is funny to say the least
-trying to impress me with magic skills multiple times 
-he says his brother taught him this before he passed 
-his nice if you excuse the scare pranks 
-sometimes he’s oddly touchy….
-ace’s behavior is much worse around visitors
-long story short, I invited a friend over to the wing only to be bombarded with pranks while my back was turned. 
-I had to scold him this time and he’s still yet to apologize
-is there a way where i could slap a ghost 😤
--------Deuce Spades------------------------
-not the brightest but has heart
-like ace he was beheaded by unknown means 
-though sam assumes it might be a gang around the time
-”must have won against the wrong crowd which cost them both” he says 
-very pretty eyes 
-i mentioned to him once and he became fully visitable like some energy spike 
-in return i felt so sleepy
- dumb but a gentleman at heart 
-i asked him about his demise but he wished to forget about it 
-ace then spilled the beans that deuce was a delinquent in life which caused a small fight between them
-one things for certain, he talks highly about his mom
-sam says some ghost can cross over or move on is because of regret or unfinished business 
-With that said, deuce mentioned that his mom grew sick which drew him into gambling and meeting ace and then joining lord rosehart.
-he hasn't elaborated after that 
-sometimes he’s oddly sweet like he’s stepping around glass around me 
-him and ace act similarly around visitors
- he doesn't do much but my friend keeps complaining how unwelcomed they felt throughout the experience 
----Cater diamond------------------------------
-communication with him was harder than expected 
-it wasn't that he couldn't be found it’s just that for a while he only communicates and appears in photos 
-i don’t want a crap ton of photos on my phone of him so i had to rely on the polaroid which meant a lot of trips to buy film 
-after a while he just appeared to me with no camera and just began a conversation. 
-he’s very talkative and explains he had no one to talk to other then the ghost here
-he likes to take photos or capture a image of people, hinting his artistic skills. 
-he was a runaway who was brought into the roseheart household for his artistic skills and photographic memory when it comes to people’s images so he explains 
-sam said his death was ruled a suidside but was changed to murder 
-i mentioned this to cater who didn’t take it to well 
-he began ranting about backstabbing and betraly
-i never brought it up again for it might be too deep in the rabbithole
-”every painting here was made by me. I put my heart in each one of them” 
-i found it impressive so i asked if it was the same in my picture 
-”I add a soul in that one” he replies which spooked me a little
-i also have to say he’s freezing to the touch
-he hugged me once and now I have to wear at least a jacket when contacting him. 
----Trey clover------------------------
-I knew he was a baker in life that pastroy said everything  
-i asked for the recipe but he just chuckled and dismissed it
-he’s super nice and he like to communicate through flower sometimes 
-i asked him how does he bake when he’s dead and he said that it takes a lot of energy 
-once time i saw him in the process of making something and he was fully solid i could even poke him
-Sam mechoned that the wing was burned at once point in time and he was a victim of the burning at the time 
-i asked trey if he knew what started the fire and he explains that there was a murder 
-i assume it’s something to to with cater so i never bought it up again
-he mentioned that him and riddle where close as kids so it was part of the reason he worked here “willingly” he says 
-i asked what he meant by “Willingly” and he explains that the lady of the house was psycho and controlling
-behavior wise he’s definitely the most tamed in the house 
-he acts rather normal around others too so it wasn't a huge issue around him
-----------Riddle Roseheart---------------------------
-the ringleader and definitely the most mild in terms of appearance 
-he always seems to wear some sort of rose 
-he also smells of roses so it’s part of the reason how i could find him so quickly
-getting to know him was hard sense he prefers not to speak much unless ace or deuce breaks some sort of rule 
- i did a dumb test when I had drunk the wrong tea after a meal and he didn’t even bat a eye
-I ate hamburgers on Tuesday and bro didn’t even care
-I stopped the test after that as I don’t want to know what could set him off
-based off everyone he’s very hot tempered which can mess up his rationality 
-i asked about his story to sam and apparently the whole reason why they’re not alive is because of his mother
-”strives for perfection even amongst the people her son is around. Even when she lives far away” 
-the mother got away with it up until her death where a diary revealed her intentions logs and plans 
-I never brought this up to riddle in fear he would react explosively. 
-tea parties are a must for him and he’s very adamant on unbirthday parties even though it’s just the 6 of us 
-well I oblige when I can sense I don’t want to know what happens if i miss one
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tankymama · 5 months
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Had the urge to draw something gay and wholesome so I drew my other OC in the Resident Lover universe giving some flowers to her gf lol
The characters in here are just my two Resident Lover OCs, Angela Alderyn and Orchid Rosehart <3
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Champagne Problems (i)
summary: Y/N Y/L/N has everything: a wealthy family, a famous last name, and the most eligible bachelor in the wizarding community as her soon to be husband. What happens when she’s reunited with a forbidden friend from the past?
tw: angst if you squint??  
word count: 3,990
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Y/N Y/L/N thought she had everything. A lavish lifestyle, many admirers, a hefty inheritance, and a wealthy man she was promised to marry. Granted, she didn’t know him very well, and had only spent a few minutes with him here and there, he seemed nice enough- definitely the kind of fellow she could learn to fall in love with. Y/N couldn’t really care less about falling in love, anyway. She’d never experienced it, never wanted to. Maybe she would fall in love with her fiancé, maybe they would only go through life together as partners in society. Either way was fine with her. As soon as she said “I Do,” she would gain even more money and an even higher social status. This marriage would make her basically royalty in the wizard community.
An engagement party was being thrown, and all of the noble wizard families were invited to celebrate with Y/N and her fiancé. Y/N’s parents had Amelia Rosehart, the most famous stylist in the Wizarding world, come to create a gown for Y/N for the evening and style her hair and her makeup. “Nothing but the best from here on out!” They declared jovially. They were the most excited for the marriage, as being tied to the Williams family would bring them an even higher social standing as well. They had decorators come in to enchant the ballroom, and caterers apparating in from France- the only event that would be more extravagant than the engagement party was the actual wedding.
Guests started arriving right as Y/N finished getting ready. The elaborate chime of the doorbell began as Amelia put the finishing rouge on Y/N’s lips. The dress was gorgeous- champagne colored, coated intricately with rhinestones. It had a v-shaped neckline with delicate spaghetti straps and fell beautifully into a modified a-line. It really was a masterpiece. Her hair was put into an elegant half-up do with a thin hairpiece made to match her dress, and her eyeshadow was painted on with shimmering neutrals and the most beautiful eyelash extensions money could buy. All of this topped off with a deep red lipstick, Y/N looked like something out of a work of art. Looking in the mirror, she could hardly recognize herself. Reckon I ought to get used to looking like this. This is what the future looks like, Y/N told herself. She held her chin a little higher, looked at herself one last time, and then headed downstairs to greet the first guests to arrive.
Of course, the Williamses were the first to arrive. Mr. Williams, Gerald, was not a tall man. He was rather stout with white hair and white mutton-chop sideburns, and a very stern face. He was extremely interested in politics, and completely unafraid of voicing his opinions. Y/N had only met him twice and she knew to hold her tongue around him. His wife, Margaux, emitted an aura of elegance that was unmatched. Her hair was a light brown, peppered with grays that she wore proudly, unlike Y/N’s mother who fussed over every little silver hair that showed up on her head. Margaux Williams was a beautiful woman, who looked much more youthful than her actual age, but there was something about her face that radiated wisdom and knowledge, she seemed to have lived a thousand lifetimes. Together, they seemed like royalty.
Peter Williams looked like his mother, but in a charming, boyish way. He had short blond hair, naturally wavy and styled back with a copious amount of gel. He had big eyes, a deep blue in color that always seemed to sparkle. He was always clean shaven, with a sharp jawline and prominent cheekbones. He was tall, with an athletic build, and Y/N couldn’t help but notice that he had the whitest teeth she’d ever seen. He was handsome, there was no denying that. Peter was the poster child for perfect boys- he had graduated from Durmstrang the year before, played quidditch from his second through seventh years, and since completing school, he had taken a job at the ministry of magic, just as a formality, of course. It was evident that he didn’t need the money. He was polite and cordial, as far as Y/N knew. She had only spent scattered minutes with him up until now.
“Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Peter, it’s lovely to see you. Please, come in,” Y/N bowed her head politely before stepping aside to let her soon-to-be family enter. “Mimkey will take your coats,” Y/N informed them, motioning to the house elf standing to the left of the entrance. And thus, the small talk began. The weather, Y/N’s upcoming school year, how marvelous Peter was doing at his job in the ministry. It was all very charming and polite, and Y/N wondered for a moment when she would actually get to know these people, other than exchanging small pleasantries. She supposed it wouldn’t matter, maybe she would go the rest of her life only exchanging shallow chitchat with these people, and that was fine. She had been tutored in small talk since before she started at Hogwarts, it was nothing she couldn’t handle.
Shortly after the Williamses arrived, more guests began to show up, and the evening began. Extravagant gifts were brought and set on display: rare wines, expensive candles, intricate bouquets of flowers, among other things. It was all very posh. Y/N tried to greet everyone when they arrived, but after the tenth family showed up, it became nearly impossible. Everyone wanted a chance to chat with the happy couple. As soon as one person was done asking questions, another person would come in and swoop Y/N and Peter away to answer more. Questions about the wedding, did they have plans for a honeymoon yet, were they already thinking about children, it seemed like they answered the same handful of questions hundreds of times over and over. Y/N wondered if Peter was as tired of answering them as she was, and he was just doing a good job of not showing it, or if he actually didn’t mind it at all. If the former was true, Peter was even better at handling formalities than Y/N was. She added that to a mental note of assets that Peter possessed. She was sure that would come in handy in their future.
After a particularly intrusive conversation about their plans for having children, Y/N couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. She was only 17, she wasn’t ready to have children yet. These people were expecting her to finish her 7th year at Hogwarts and immediately get married and start having babies. Her whole life, she knew that when she graduated, she would be married to Peter and her life as a Williams would begin. She had never stopped to think that that meant that she would have to become a stay at home mother at 18. Y/N excused herself from the conversation to get some fresh air. She kept a polite smile on her face as she passed guests, and swept a glass of champagne off of one of the trays that was being passed around as she made her way to the main staircase.
Y/N rushed upstairs and down the hall to the second floor balcony. Thinking she was alone, she let out a deep sigh and gulped down half of her glass. “Small talk can be exhausting,” a voice spoke up, causing Y/N to jump and nearly lose her glass. She knew that voice. She hadn’t spoken to him since they were 11, but his reputation at school preceded him. “Jesus, Sirius, what are you doing out here?” she asked, “What are you doing here at all, actually?” Y/N and Sirius were the best of friends when they were children. The Y/L/N’s and the Blacks were close, but when Sirius got sorted into Gryffindor and started rejecting the Blacks’ family values, Y/N was forbidden from being friends with him, as her parents didn’t want him to taint their perfect proper little girl.
“I was invited. You sent the letter to the whole Black family,” Sirius shrugged. “I assumed they wouldn’t bring you, seeing as none of them really speak to you,” Y/N told him honestly. Sirius cracked a playful smile, “Are you trying to tell me I’m not welcome here?” Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but smile back. “Of course you’re welcome here,” she told him, “But if any of my family sees you and tells you to leave, I didn’t tell you that.” Sirius leaned over and clinked his glass to hers. “You’ve got a deal,” He smiled. “Anyway, I’m out here because I simply cannot stand any of these people,” Sirius answered Y/N’s previous question. “What’s got you out here avoiding your own party?” he asked. “I-ugh- I am not avoiding my own party! I just-“ Y/N sputtered, but Sirius just quirked a brow at her.
“Look,” Y/N sighed, “I can handle the ungodly amounts of small talk. It’s boring, and even a little bit stupid, but I’m good at it, and I can do it. But in there... these people are planning my whole future out for me and I don’t have a say. I always knew my options were going to be limited, I knew that I was going to have to marry Peter and I accepted that. But now that it’s so close, I’m being pressured to drop everything I’ve been looking forward to, just to become a housewife. And a mother. A mother! Can you imagine, me? Leaving school, immediately getting married and then having a baby at 18? I don’t know, I guess I always thought I would have some time to live my life at least a little bit before I had to give everything up,” Y/N shook her head before gulping down the rest of her glass of champagne.
“Yeah, I can see where that might get to be a bit unbearable,” Sirius agreed. “It’s just... I don’t know. I want this. Of course I want this. I just, wanted other things too, I guess. And before tonight I thought I could have it all, but I suppose that was unrealistic to think,” Y/N told him. Sirius could tell that Y/N was ready to change the subject, so he didn’t press. “Well, on the bright side, you look ravishing,” Sirius gave her a wolfish smile. Y/N laughed and rolled her eyes, “Thank you.” It occurred to her then that Sirius’s comment might have been the first genuine compliment she’d gotten all night. Of course, she looked good. With how much money her family had spent on her dress, hair, and makeup, she would certainly hope she looked good. But everyone that had complimented her throughout the evening, it was all about how nice the expensive things looked. The expensive dress, the expensive shoes, the professionally done makeup. Sirius was the only person who had actually complimented her, not even Peter had done that. Sirius didn’t care about all of the fancy extras, and Y/N knew that.
“Earth to Y/N?” Sirius asked, snapping Y/N out of her thoughts. “Sorry, I just...” Y/N trailed off, shaking her head. “Where’d you go?” Sirius tilted his head slightly to the side. “Just...” Y/N sighed, “Just thinking about how shallow all of these people here are. Everything is about money,” she admitted. Sirius nodded silently. He knew, as much as he tried to reject it, he grew up in the same community she did. “And don’t get me wrong, I like money. I enjoy being wealthy and all of the privileges that come with it. But that’s the difference, isn’t it? I know that they are privileges, perks, I understand that I’m fortunate enough to be born into a wealthy family. I’ve seen how some of the kids we go to school with live. I know that I’m lucky, and I never intend to let that go to my head, or forget that it could have easily been me that was born into a lower middle class family. Everyone here, they just take it all for granted. They’re so entitled, they think that they actually deserve everything handed to them on a silver platter. It’s just...” Y/N trailed off.
“It’s sickening,” Sirius finished for her. “It makes you want to take them by the shoulders and shake them and yell ‘get your head out of your arse! You are no better than anyone else, money means nothing in terms of character.’” “Yes, exactly!” Y/N exclaimed with a laugh. “How exactly did you come to have the ideals of a decent person when you grew
up surrounded by all of this bullshit?” Sirius asked her, almost incredulously. “I guess I just like other people too much,” Y/N shrugged. “Most of them go through school only talking to people in our community. I talked to everyone, made friends with everyone, heard everyone’s stories. I guess I took a little bit from all of them and became my own person,” Y/N stared up at the night sky. “Kind of, my own person,” she corrected herself. “Mostly, your own person, I think,” Sirius told her, “I think you’re just holding onto this one last thing that’s going to keep you here forever,” he said honestly.
“No, you’re right. There are so many things I disagree with, so many things I don’t care about. But I love my family, and this is what they’re asking of me, so this is what I have to do,” Y/N nodded, almost to convince herself. Sirius stayed silent. “I um, I ought to get back in there. I can’t be a very good host if I’m hiding out here, can I?” Y/N laughed lightly. “No, I don’t suppose you can,” Sirius smiled, and Y/N thought she saw a bit of disappointment in his eyes. She shook the thought out of her head and turned to walk back inside, but paused at the door. “Hey, Sirius?” she asked, turning to him. “Yeah?” he replied. “Do you think.. do you think it would be okay if we said ‘hi’ to each other, like in the halls at school?” she asked sheepishly. Sirius chuckled and grinned brightly, “I think I would like that.” Y/N grinned back. “Me too. Have fun, don’t get thrown out,” she quipped. “Can’t make any promises. You try not to get brainwashed in there,” he gave her a wink, and with a smile, Y/N returned to the party.
After another hour or so of mingling, it was time for dinner to be served. Y/N was grateful for all of her training in hosting, as she was able to mindlessly chatter away while her mind was lingering on her conversation with Sirius. She discreetly looked for him, while everyone was gathered to eat, but if he came inside for dinner, he was seated in a different room, because Y/N didn’t see him. Peter didn’t talk much, only answered questions he was asked directly, and Y/N did the same. Their parents did most of the talking, and for that, Y/N was grateful. The longer she sat at the dinner table, the more drained she felt. After dessert was served, Margaux clinked her spoon to her glass and everyone fell silent. “Everyone, if you would please gather in the ballroom once you have finished your dessert. Peter has an announcement he would like to make,” She announced. “Mimkey, will you please relay the message to the guests dining in the other rooms?” Y/M/N instructed the house elf. “Of course, master. Mimkey will go now!” she exclaimed, running off to the next room.
Y/N knew what was about to happen. She swallowed her nerves and dabbed her mouth one last time before gracefully standing up, pushing her chair in, and making her way to the ballroom. She stopped in the hallway for just a moment, looking in a decorative mirror to check her makeup one last time before the main event. It was in pristine condition, of course. Magical makeup was charmed to not budge, only coming off with a charmed facecloth. Y/N knew that, but she enjoyed the opportunity to stall, if just for a few seconds. As she made her way down the hallway that lead to the ballroom, Y/N found her thoughts drifting back to Sirius. She wondered if his parents dragged him here to save face and show a united family, or if he had snuck in under the guise of his family’s invitation. Of course, if he had snuck in, he would have to have a reason for why he even wanted to be there. He said himself, he couldn’t stand these people. Why would he want to come to a formal party and be surrounded by them? No, his family must have brought him along.
Once all of the guests were gathered in the ballroom, all but one, it seemed, Peter cleared his throat. “I appreciate everyone’s attendance tonight, it means a lot to my family as well as the Y/L/N’s. As you all know, Y/N and I have been promised to each other since we were children. We have spent the last few months beginning the process of planning for the wedding, but we missed one important step that I would like to take tonight,” He announced. Peter gracefully sank down onto one knee and pulled a dark blue velvet box out of his pocket. “Y/N Y/L/N, we were chosen for each other long before we got the chance to meet. But now that we have met, and had the opportunity to spend some time together, I would like you to know that I am choosing you, for myself. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?” Peter took the ring out of the box and held it up to Y/N.
The wave of “awww!” and “oh, how sweet!” reminded Y/N that this whole evening was about theatrics. It was all fake, of course, all for show. Tonight was the most amount of time they had spent together, and they had been so busy talking to guests, they barely had the opportunity to talk to each other. But of course, the show must go on, so Y/N put on the most dazzling smile she could. “Yes, I will,” She agreed, loud enough for all of the guests to hear. Everyone broke out in a polite round of applause as Peter slipped the ring onto Y/N’s finger and stood up. The photographers were ushered to the front of the crowd to take pictures of Y/N and Peter, and from then on, the night was a blur.
Soon, the Williamses and the Y/L/N’s were waving the guests goodbye, until they were the only six people left. “Darling, the adults have planning to do, why don’t you take Peter to the conservatory, show him all of those plants you’ve been working on?” Y/M/N suggested. “Of course, mother. Peter, come this way,” Y/N offered Peter her hand, and he gently took it, letting her lead the way through the massive house to the room with glass walls. The pair were silent until they reached their destination and Y/N spoke up. “This is our conservatory, although over the last two years, I’ve turned it more into a glorified plant room,” Y/N announced. “I wouldn’t call herbology a passion of mine, but I do enjoy taking care of the plants when I’m stuck at home for the summer,” she admitted. Peter gave a small smile and a light nod. “Due to how delicate some of the plants are, this room is always strictly off-limits to guests, but I guess you’re family now, so...” Y/N trailed off. Peter squeezed her hand gently before letting it go.
“They’re lovely,” he assured her. The two were silent for a few minutes as Peter walked around, admiring Y/N’s plants. “I got a dog,” he finally spoke up. “I’m sorry?” Y/N raised an eyebrow. “When I was in school,” he clarified. “I didn’t have the patience for plants, so I convinced my parents to let me get a dog,” He told her. “I know how insufferable summers can get in between school years. You go on a vacation for two weeks, and then your father is expected back to work and you’re stuck sitting at home for the next six weeks. It’s painfully boring,” he admitted. Y/N laughed, feeling almost relieved that he could relate to her. “Yes!” she exclaimed. “I can’t believe they let you get a dog, I tried that when I was thirteen all the way to when I was fifteen and my mother would not budge. She refused to have a ‘smelly, loud, fowl beast’ in the house,” she shared. “I had so much energy, all the time. I think they just wanted me out of their hair,” Peter told her. “During school, I had quidditch and parties, and whatnot to keep me occupied but when I came home, there just wasn’t enough to keep me active. I would have so much pent up energy, I thought I was going to explode,” Peter laughed fondly.
“Damn, if I had only been more hyperactive,” Y/N joked. “That’s the key to it, should have known,” Peter shrugged playfully. “No, in all honesty it’s okay. For me, it was more about companionship. I would feel terribly lonely at times, and I just wanted a friend to have around at all times. Eventually I talked her into letting me get a cat, but I had to train it not to jump on the counters. Do you know how hard it is to train a cat?” Y/N laughed. “That sounds like one of the most difficult things I’ve ever heard,” he agreed, and then he spoke up softly, “I didn’t know you had a cat.” “Oh, uh, yeah. Her name is Desdemona, after the character in ‘Othello’. Her nickname is Mona,” Y/N told him. “Didn’t know you liked Shakespeare, either,” Peter admitted. “Don’t get me wrong, he had a few plays that I wouldn’t care to read twice, but for the most part, yeah, he’s brilliant,” Y/N smiled faintly.
“Excuse me if this is out of line, but...” Peter hesitated. “Isn’t it just a little bit ridiculous that our parents threw this whole party with the expectation of us to act like we know each other at all? I’m prepared to marry you, and get to know you in time, but all of these theatrics? For what?” he asked. Y/N couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “That’s... not out of line at all,” Y/N assured him, “I’ve been asking myself that same question all night. But... It’s really comforting to hear that you feel the same way.” “I don’t know about your parents, but mine love a good dinner party,” Peter suggested. “Oh, mine do, too. They love to play the role of welcoming hosts. But I have a good feeling your parents just like to have an excuse to brag about you,” Y/N told him. “What can I say?” Peter shrugged dramatically. “They were blessed with the perfect child,” he declared. “Yeah, alright. Don’t get too far up there on your high horse,” Y/N laughed, nudging him playfully.
“Peter, it’s time to say goodbye!” Margaux’s voice rang down the hall, herself and Gerald appearing in the doorway moments later. “I’ll be seeing you,” Peter smiled, and Y/N smiled in return. “Peter!” his mother scolded, “That is no way to leave your financée!” Peter stood facing Y/N with his back to his mother. He playfully rolled his eyes to Y/N and she had to stifle a laugh, before Peter obeyed his mother and took a few steps toward Y/N and leaning down to press a kiss on her cheek. “Have a good night,” he told her. “You, too, Peter. Goodnight, Mr. and Mrs. Williams,” Y/N called to the family. “Goodnight, Dear,” Margaux replied, and with that, the three of them left and the night was finally over.
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mongpht · 2 years
Idia Shroud - Broom Bloom Birthday SSR Personal Story [PART 1]
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Ignihyde dorm — birthday party venue
Idia: Ah. Another year, another obligatory birthday party, even though I don't want that. No, no, no… haha. I'm not going to be forced to be face-to-face, but the tablet can't be used. Depending on the presenter, it might not be possible…
???: Excuse me.
Riddle: I'm Riddle Roseharts, and I'm in charge of the birthday interview. I would like to wish you a happy birthday, Idia-sempai.
Idia: H-hi… Well, I don't… I-it's not like a party, it's more like a gathering of ants by the pear.
Riddle: We see each other often, but there aren't many opportunities for in-depth conversation. Let's start with the important stuff.
Idia: I'm glad to hear that Riddle-san doesn't need a warm-up conversation or anything. Thank you for understanding that.
Riddle: Okay, first question. "If you could go anywhere with a broom, where would you want to go?"
Idia: I've already decided beforehand. I don't want to go anywhere. I'm going to stay in my room.
Riddle: I knew you were going to say that. You're the kind of person who never disappoints. However, you must answer the questions normally. Those are the rules. I'll do my best to squeeze a non one-word answer out of you.
Idia: God… The title of this interview is now, "It's my birthday and I'm being threatened by my kohai"?
Riddle: So where do you want to go?
Idia: Where do I want to go? God… Perhaps I'd like to visit the Valley of Hydra.
Riddle: Hydra Valley is a canyon with sheer cliff walls in the Land of Heroes, isn't it?
Idia: Yes, it is. Legend has it that this place used to be the fortress of a monster with nine heads.
Riddle: I couldn't imagine that Idia-sempai would want to put herself in such a difficult situation.
Idia: There are other reasons why people seek to enter the Hydra Valley…
Riddle: May I ask the details?
Idia: I often admired pictures of the place as a child, so I've loved it since I was a kid.
Riddle: In other words, you'd like to see for yourself where it was taken…
Idia: The technology was first developed in the 1960s. CG and drone technology was not as advanced as it is today. So the cast and crew were actually climbing trees. And even the cameraman-focuser used his flying skills to take part in the shoot. But it was so bad! I was so nervous watching them. The height and strength of the film made my hands sweat! If it was so great on film at the time, the present will never be as good.
Riddle: I understand that when you experience something yourself, your knowledge deepens. I hope one day that will happen.
Idia: Well, with my piloting technique, it doesn't even make sense to start or try… It would take a lot of time and effort to get there any other way. So… 360° VR is the only way! It would be even better if smells and air were also realistically reproduced. Eventually, I'd like to build such a device myself. Would you like to try a local RTA tour?
Riddle: It's like a game… I don't think I understood any of it, but I think they enjoy it as a game. Idia-sempai, I'm afraid I'm veering off topic. Can I ask you a personal question?
Idia: Sorry, but I have a bad feeling about this question. If I can answer it…God.
Riddle: Thank you. One of the passages mentions that you use a homemade robot to clean your room, but there's a lot to do, such as moving and sorting things. I think it would be more efficient to use a challenge technique rather than designing and building machines from scratch.
Idia: No, the more you use them, the more they consume magic. It's true that the little fairies that like to clean up save energy, and the summoning procedure is simple, but… If all they have to do is pick up a few pieces of trash, they can be summoned with a simple push of a button. "2~3 Pop!" The energy saving process is simple.
Riddle: Did you build your robot specifically for this? Wouldn't it be most energy efficient to collect them yourself?
Idia: No, because I want to move as little as possible myself. That's all I can say. Riddle-san, let's get back to the main question.
To be continued...
translate by mongpht. DON'T USE AND REPOST MY TRANSLATE!
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vink-spade15 · 3 months
♡ Vinkspade's Masterlist ♡
♡Twisted Wonderland♡
Sebek x Jack incorrect quotes pt 1
Sebek x Jack incorrect quotes pt2
Sebek x Jack incorrect quotes pt3
Peridot Sebek x Gem! Reader
♡Houseki No Kuni♡
Bortz x Riddle Rosehart! Reader
♡Ever After High♡
Daring charming as your boyfriend
Yandere Daring charming x reader
♡Black Butler♡
Prefect4 + Clayton and Cheslock incorrect quotes
Cookie run kingdom/ovenbreak
♡Obey me♡
♡Big top burger♡
♡Mr Villain's day off♡
♡Villain Recruiters♡
♡Demon slayer♡
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panderp123 · 1 year
Warhammer & D&D Elves 🧝‍♂️
Commission by @kodoukat
Meet my two newest boy elves
Ashla Hael’estal my High Elf, Wizard & Thorne Rosehart 🌹✨a dark elf who has two variants for WH & D&D.
Druchii (Sorcerer) & Drow (Arcane Trickster).
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Ashla is a High Elf but can’t stand social interactions or gatherings. He prefers to escape to his books and study the world of magic. Specifically herbology but knows a lot of other types or magic.
Thorne is a very flirty Drow who specialises as a Arcane Trickster. He was raised with a travelling circus group & carnies so he’s been taught how to pickpocket, stealth along with many other handy spells. (more to come)
Thorne’s voice claim ⬇️
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requiemofalice · 1 year
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Some designs for the teachers + dean!
From top left is the wonderful and yet intimidating dean, the aunt of Tatianna Rosehart, otherwise known as the dean of Rosehart academy, Gloria Rosehart! Her earring is the school emblem which is also the crest of the royal family.
Top right is a familiar face, our adorably sleepy math teacher, Doris Maribelle. Her sweet mouse ears pair so well with her sleepy eyes.
Bottom left is Agnes Pasdedeux! The ballet teacher and dorm leader. Her qualities are based off the Duchess from Alice in Wonderland and the ballet teacher from Princess Tutu!
Bottom right is Sandra Dee, the art teacher! A bit of an airhead, but one of the most friendly and creative teachers at Rosehart Academy!
I found them all excellent examples and ways to reach myself to try and draw older women. Obviously they’re not all the same age.
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cybershadow · 1 year
What if Cyber ended up working for the city?
Buzzing wires and robotic prototypes fill the department's floor along with diagrams of detailed blueprints. There's soft music playing amidst the chaos as an intern walks to the main office on the floor.
"Alyssa?" A small knock before stepping inside, always alert her when someone's at the door. Her only rule. "Dr. Rosehart is asking if those blueprints and codes are ready for firing?"
Alyssa wheels her chair over with a large paper notebook, clearly worn and littered with sticky notes. The new PhD candidate motors through all the work given to her for research and practice. She adjusts her weight to crouch in her chair before remembering to sit properly.
"Done this week, and next week's. Oh, I also completely rewrote IT's firewalls because I was bored, that's in there too. Bill really should just let me take on that whole department as a case study. I wonder if I could cross disciplines for my dissertation--"
The intern raises a hand and Alyssa quiets down. A crossover from re-education, checking in on her frequently with her known history of rebellion. It's been six years now and Alyssa hasn't shown sign of defecting thanks to a few memory wipes and the long list of medications. The intern smiles at her before sliding her a cup of medication. "Late on the ADHD pills, are we?"
"I just get excited about this stuff. It's why I went into engineering instead of computer science. Why just study it when I can just build it and work it myself?" Alyssa takes the medication and shifts again, rolling her chair back to the board she's working on. A weapon in early design stages. It feels familiar but she can't quite place it, must be an early memory from building with her mother.
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
I'm having a lot of fun trying to guess what all the subtle foreshadowing means for the plot (bc hell knows I didn't really give one beyond all the fluff). As for the hint about MC possibly having a bounty placed on their head, my two current guesses are:
The bounty was already on MC's head since before the start of the fic, & that's partly why Rook showed up at the bakery in the first place. Not to kill MC, per sae, but because sometimes he likes to check out the victims of bounties that he's not going to take. The bounty is, of course, put up by Queen Roseharts, bc she found out about Riddle getting tarts from them.
2. Queen Roseharts puts up the bounty later on, after she finds out about the tarts, because sneaking around is not Riddle's forte. Rook is not happy about this development.
Either way my money is on Queen Roseharts.
I must cross my heart and tell no secrets. Lips zipped and sealed.
But yeah no fuck that lady. She is going to be a Problem because that's all she deserves
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