#roommate eren yeager
seeingivy · 1 year
roommates (completed) ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
roommate eren x f!reader 
after finding yourself in an unfortunate situation, you room with your co-workers best friend eren for the time being 
content: roommates au, miscommunication trope, mutual pining, teeny tiny bit of angst, FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF, a bit of suggestive content, taylor alison swift, the most corny little eren that ever eren-ed 
read on ao3
first meeting
tending to injuries
flu season
bad day
3:45 am
the morning after!
meet the parents
fall concert
how to fight
three days
befriend your landlord
the party scene
the scouts
your fiercest protectors
fall banquet 
engaged and in love
important questions
you’re always welcome to send a lil question + request for lil bonuses abt this story and this man if you so desire (roommate eren nation rise, he will NEVER DIE) 
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sanjisboyfie · 6 months
eren first meeting his roommate
aka ; eren yeager having a gay awakening <3
-> might be a series? idk i love roommate eren a lot so probably will be a series LMFAO also also there's really no obvious romance here, it's just silent admiration and crushes
also eren is very much puppy-like and high energy in this one hashtag sorry if u love emo eren, he will NOT be emo here!!! hashtag no regrets.
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eren yeager x male reader
— eren was dead broke. his ass definitely did not have enough money for either dorming on campus or off campus, but off campus was the cheaper option. and since he went to a college so far away from home, it would be too big of a hassle to commute. so him and his parents compromised by giving him an "allowance" every month, which would basically pay for a third of rent. but that meant he had to use his own money to pay the next third, then find someone else to pay the final third. ( 1/3 being paid by his parents, 1/3 being paid by him, 1/3 being paid by a lifesavior roommate, aka you!!!!!)
— it was very odd to see eren, who on first impressions seemed like an intimidating individual, sit you down at the empty kitchen table and beg you, literally beg you with his hands in praying form, to room with him. he was very, very obviously desperate to find someone else to live with.
"please, i will be good - i've heard from all my friends i'm a great person to live with, my mouth will vouch (he is a terrible person to live with, but if he has to do more household chores in order to get a roommate he will). i will let you speak to my own mother and father, they will vouch and say-"
"i believe you, eren, why are you crying?"
that's an exaggeration of what happened...he didn't actually start crying, but his begging was insistent and borderline pathetic.
— in the end, you agreed !!! paying 1/3 of rent was better than paying 1/2 + the place wasn't in a terrible location, it was close to school, and was a pretty good size for two bedrooms. since eren was already settled in, he helped you move in. and that was when you were given a free GUN SHOW because damn was this man working hard in lifting your many boxes of belongings. it was almost like he wore a tight shirt on purpose, just to show off. he very adamanently told you that you didn't need to hire movers and he'd do all the heavy lifting, along with muttering about how they were "scammers" with how much they charged.
"eren, i can lift some of these-"
"no, please, consider this my thanks for moving in with me," eren grunted, holding a huge box of your clothes with relative ease. he was sweating, but that was because this was probably the third box of heavy stuff he had to carry from the car to the building.
he was wearing a beige shirt that hugged his muscular form, emphasizing every single ripple underneath the fabric. and as you two stood in the elevator (thank god the building had an elevator or else eren would have had to carry all the boxes up three flights of stairs), the only sound in the metallic box was eren's heavy breathing.
his muscular chest (boobs) were moving up and down as he tried catching his breath, his hands lifting to wipe the sweat off of his forehead with the collar of his shirt.
your eyes watched each of his movements carefully before you snapped out of it with the dinging of the elevator to tell you you were on your floor. you got out of elevator first, holding your arm to the door to prevent it from closing on him.
he shot you a smile in thanks before proceeding to easily lift up the box (it was at least over 50 pounds, mind you) and walk ahead to the room.
what you didn't know was that eren's cheeks were burning red as he had felt your stare on him earlier and it made him feel shy. you didn't have to know that he was purposely flexing harder with each cardboard box he had to lift. it was his own subtly way of trying to impress you, anyway.
it was flustering to know that it was somewhat working.
— after all the boxes were situated inside of the small apartment, he went to put all of your utilities away, like your own set of utensils, plates that you bought to share, and a couple of mugs. meanwhile, you went to your room to personalize and unpack all of your clothing. as eren was occupied working in the kitche, he felt himself smiling to himself as he carefull put away any of your belongings in the shelves. he felt himself laughing at one of your comedic mugs, a ceramic figure that took the shape of a chubby cat. the tail of the animal curved into being the handle and a funny expression was painted onto the cat's face.
"what's so funny, yeager?" you challenged, stretching your hands above head, "you think my mugs are funny?"
eren laughed, putting it away intot he cupboard and turning to look at you, "i think they're cute, they're also fitting,"
you made a face of uncertainty, which only made eren's grin go wider, "alright, you'll see."
"i'll see what?"
"you'll see — when i get you your own mug, you'll learn to appreciate it more,"
"oh, god, please don't." eren said, leaning against the counter on his elbow and staring at you, who were sitting on the other side, "for your first night here, you want me to treat us to take out? the chinese place down the road is really good,"
he watched your expression carefully. wordlessly, you walked around the counter and to the fridge. once you opened it, it took you a total of three seconds before you looked back at eren with a grimace.
"the only thing in here is ketchup and mayo..."
"those are the condiments i use to eat my fast food with," eren shrugged, making you only become more flabbergasted. "what??"
"oh my god, let's finish unpacking later, we need to go buy groceries,"
"but you didn't answer my question on dinner?"
"i'll make dinner — you save more money buying groceries and making meals out of them instead of buying takeout everynight, eren," you lectured, making him tilt his head in thought. he supposed you were right, so he didn't argue against going grocery shopping.
as you announced you were just going to change quickly, he then thought about it for a second longer. then a blush fell on his face as he imagined you at the kitchen, cooking a meal for just him and you.
god, was he really developing a crush on his roommate that just moved in?
— the grocery shopping turned unserious very fast. bring eren to any public environment and he won't be able to stay on track for a second. you didn't really know eren that well (it sounds silly to say that considering you are now living with him, but prior to agreeing to be his roommate, he really was just a stranger to you), so to see his more childish side bleeding through his cold exterior was a good change of pace. he was a very goofy guy, making funny faces at babies with the intent of making them cry, and would easily get distracted. he had tried dragging you off to the pokemon card wall several times when all you needed were groceries.
"did you see the way its face scrunched up?" he grinned in excitement before focusing on mimicking the expression a baby he tormented made. you laughed at the face he was making before smacking his shoulders.
"be nicer! they're just babies, eren," you softly scolded, weak chuckles escaping from you.
"just babies that make funny faces," eren laughed, switching from standing at your left side to your right side repeatedly as you stood in front of the produce section, "what even are you going to make tonight?"
"hm, how about pasta? you like pasta?" eren nodded his head in affirmation, "i was just going to buy some staple fruits and vegetables too, though, in case we get hungry for snacks,"
"snacks? i can run to the chips section too then! what chips do you want?" eren said, very excited to go to his second favorite section of the store (the junk food aisles).
"just get me a bag of f/c," you requested politely, making him nod like an eager puppy and run off.
you finished going down the list of basic ingrediants for a white sauce pasta, while also grabbing anything that you could use for other dishes in the future.
just as you turned around to your now full cart of vegetables, sauces, fruits, and meat, eren came bounding back towards you. this time, he was now holding five bags of chips, in his mouth he was carrying a single packet of pokemon cards, and in his fingers he was desperately holding a lottery ticket.
"look! we can open up a pack of pokemon cards, i got you one too, it's in my pocket though, since i figured you wouldn't want my spit on it, and then i also have a lottery ticket. i have a feeling we will win it big! and if we do, we won't have to pay rent for like five months!"
"eren, what the fuck? i thought you were just getting chips,"
the accused man pouted at the tone you were taking with him, dropping his arms into the car to free them of the five bags of chips, "i was!! but look, i'll pay for the lottery ticket, chips, and pokemon cards! c'mon, it'll be fun to open the cards together and everything!"
he almost pouted at you, can you belive this guy? pouted at you with begging puppy dog eyes. you almost smooshed his face with the palm of your head, but restrained yourself.
"fine, let's just go and pay,"
eren grinned in achievement, pumping his fist into the air, "c'mon, i wanna open these on the ride home!" he said, referring to the pokemon cards.
"alright, alright, i don't know anything about them though, so you're just gonna have to tell me what's good or not,"
"if it's shiny and reflective, give it to me, that's all you need to know," eren said dismissively. he swiftly took your spot behind the cart, pushing it with ease and only allowing you to walk beside him. "what pasta are you cooking for tonight?"
"i bought alfredo sauce, so i'll just add in some vegetables and to the pasta and make...chicken alfredo? if that's alright with you," eren almost salivated at the thought. he simply nodded his head eagerly, the bangs around his face bouncing at the movement.
"sounds delicious! man, i really lucked out with you as my roomie, huh? we're gonna make a great pair!" he threw his arm around your shoulder and pulled you in closer as he said this, an innocent grin on his face.
— that night, the two of you sat on foldable chairs watching tv. eren's parents gave you two as a house warming gift. it was small, but it was working so that was all that mattered. eren and you laughed at the tv screen until the late hours, where you both agreed to finally call it a night.
"should i make breakfast tomorrow morning? or are you gonna be in clases by the time i get up?"
eren frowned, "i have classes all day tomorrow, from 8 in the morning to 7 at night, so you don't have to worry about making too many servings,"
you nodded in understanding, "alright, then, i'll see you when you get back then,"
eren and you were about to break off to your own rooms, but he called out to you one last time, "uhm, what time are you gonna be in classes?"
"i only have one class tomorrow, 1 to 3:15," his face brightened up, which instinctively made you smile at him in return.
"we can go get lunch together then," he offered, "there's a good place that has burgers, it's like a ten minute walk from the main campus. i have a break in between classes at 4? if that's okay with you, of course,"
you grinned so wide that it almost hurt your cheeks. eren was a really nice guy, he was going out of his way to just get to know you better and spend some time with you, "yeah, that sounds perfect. meet me at the bus stop that's right outside the main hall and we can walk together,"
"okay, yeah!" eren nodded his head repeatedly, the bangs on the side of his head once again moving at such rapid mvoement. "then, i'll text you tomorrow when i get out of class!"
"sure, that sounds good." there was a pause and you pivotted your torso to turn away from the smiling brunette, "good night, eren,"
the man blinked and nodded his head, also turning away, calling out a, "goodnight, [name]," very quickly.
and the two of you fell asleep with grins on both of your faces. eren had brought the blanket up to his face, as if he was paranoid that there were someone watching his blushing face only redden. your smile was really, really handsome, his heart felt like it was in his throat everytime he remembered it.
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erenthology · 2 years
This is literally Eren’s personality I’m gonna throw up.
Eren flirting:
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sharpietm · 1 year
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Yo wai mo
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aalloochaat · 7 months
fuckboy!eren falling for you at first sight and not even realizing it <3 [pt. 2]
pt. 1 here
fuckboy!eren who doesn’t realize he’s watching you with heart eyes until jean nudges him with an elbow to his side and a smirk on his stupid face. yeager, you look like you’re about to ask her to marry you, eh?
fuckboy!eren immediately hissing at that and shoving the stupid horse-faced idiot away, catching the attention of you and his friends. him shoveling food in his mouth to avoid talking as jean laughs and not-so-subtly pulls you in a conversation.
fuckboy!eren who literally melts when you pull him aside as he’s leaving, offering him a strawberry hair clip and a hair tie because you noticed him irritably pushing his long hair back.
fuckboy!eren keeping the hair clip and hair tie with him at all times.
fuckboy!eren spotting you at the campus cafe and sliding his card before you could pay, just so he has an excuse to talk to you. 
fuckboy!eren thanking you for taking care of him as he tries to coax you into getting a snack for yourself.
come on, pretty girl! it’s only fair, right? you fed me before, so it’s my turn to feed you!
you finally giving in and fuckboy!eren instantly becoming a ray of sunshine as he tells you to grab a seat.
fuckboy!eren asking you shitloads of questions, from asking about your major to your hometown to how in hell did a pretty lovely girl like you end up with a hulk wannabe as a roommate?
you laughing and playfully accusing him of buttering you up. fuckboy!eren not being able to deny it as he shrugs in a surprisingly bashful manner, one that makes your heart skip a beat. 
you and fuckboy!eren parting ways for the day after exchanging socials and making promises to hang out later. 
fuckboy!eren punching his fist in the air as soon as you leave, a goofy smile on his face. 
fuckboy!eren acting like a schoolboy with a crush, despite him being usually smooth with ladies and being the campus heartthrob.
this man, oh my god. he can be such a boy at times its so goddamn endearing i cant.
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xfgpng · 1 year
“𝐢’𝐦 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐨, 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐩”
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— : [nsfw ] fingering, unprotected sex, mentions of weed and alcohol, fluffy, fuckboy eren (kinda), getting together, pet names
— : wc : 1.4k
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it wasn’t like you weren’t aware of his reputation. everyone and their mother knew about eren yeager. he was messy and toxic and no one ever saw him with the same girl twice but he was just so fine and you liked to be messy yourself.
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you had a bad breakup and you were a firm believer in the whole “getting over someone, you’d need to get under someone” bullshit. it wasn’t a healthy mindset to have and you knew that, you weren’t in denial about any of it.
he was bad news and your friends had warned you to stay away. you were one of the few that never fell for his stupid grin or his flirtatious attitude. you weren’t that easy to please but that was the problem with a little bit of alcohol and a whole of of weed.
you weren’t planning on going out with your friends, while you enjoyed a good party like anyone your age, you stayed clear of frat boys and their parties.
the problem was that you felt a bit petty. your ex had cheated on you with a sorority girl that he swore he didn’t even know that well.
you blamed yourself for entertaining yet another fuckboy so really, the whole situation with eren couldn’t really be blamed on any substances you took. you were in your right mind which was more embarrassing than being drunk out your mind. you could not blame anyone but yourself and him and his stupid fucking laugh and god he really did sound hot even when he was laughing.
his car was parked right out front and you knew it was because he lived there.
stay away from frat boys
you recited it the entire day and the whole way there. he wasn’t even trying to get into your panties, at least not that you were aware of. he offered to keep you company while your friends were dancing and the next thing you knew, you were smoking his very expensive weed at the back of his black srt and you were weak for sports cars.
“you smell so fucking good” he had said, kissing your cheek and you didn’t push him away, you even leaned in closer and then you were sitting on his lap and he had his hands around your waist.
his eyes were the prettiest shade of green you’d ever seen and a little red rimmed and low did something to you and you couldn’t help but lean in when he moved closer to kiss you.
he was a good kisser, a great fucking kisser and you could understand why he had girls (and guys) falling at his feet. he knew what he was doing and you hated how smug he was.
“i thought you said you’d never let me hit?”
you should’ve left then. you could’ve went straight home because people were starting to leave but you let him lift your skirt up and push two of his very thick fingers into your pussy and if you weren’t so horny, you’d be embarrassed at how wet you were so fast.
just from kissing.
you wanted to hate him but you liked the way he kissed you and he made you feel good.
“fuck baby, you feel so good” he groans into your neck, fucking up into you as you bounce on his lap, “keep going, just like that”
you had never came that had in your life and you almost felt dizzy from it. apart of you wanted to blame the weed but it was him .. all him
you tried to tell yourself that this was just what he did and by the next day, he’d be onto the next because that’s what eren yeager did.
you couldn’t believe how wrong you were and even your best friend and roommate was shocked to see him the next day.
which leads you to your current problem.
“what are you doing here?” your friend raises her brow, not letting him into your apartment and you’ve always been grateful for how much she cared about you.
“i just came to see y/n” he shrugs, “i brought breakfast”
you widen your eyes and rush to fix your hair.
“for your friend too” eren adds before you can tell him you’re not interested. you were so interested and you were sure the man had dropped a rose quarts into your bag before he dropped you off because you couldn’t stop thinking about him at all.
“i’ll eat in my room” your friend offers, still suspicious of him but she knew you’d call her if you needed her.
“see you around” eren grins and it makes you scoff.
what did he mean by that?
“what are you doing here?” you ask, breaking the silence first.
“i wanted to check on you..” he sighs, “despite what people think, i’m not reckless and we got carried away last night”
you try not to think about it. you had made sure to take a plan b and drank enough red bull just in case. you’ve never done anything so stupid before, not even with your ex.
“i never do shit like that” he runs a hand through his hair, “i always wrap it up”
“if you’re worried about me trying to trap you, you can get the fuck out” you glare at him, “i already took a plan b”
“i didn’t even say that” he glares back, “i meant what i said”
“i came to see you” he says, looking as conflicted as you feel.
“why me?” you ask, knowing he never cared for any of his other … adventures.
“i.. don’t know” he admits, “is it really a bad thing though?”
“you tell me eren” you sigh
“would it be that bad if i wanted to take you out?” he asks, not looking up from his half empty cup of coffee
“eren, if you think you’re going to take me out, fuck me again and toss me aside when you’re bored, i’m not interested” you roll your eyes, “last night—”
“you regret it?” he looks up at you, “is that what it is?”
“don’t put words in my mouth” you scowl, “i was just going to say that we were both intoxicated”
“hardly” he shakes his head, “i like you”
“you like having sex with me”
“you want me to deny it?” he rolls his eyes, “of course i loved fucking you but that’s not what made me wake up at 6 am just to get you and your roommate breakfast knowing your friends don’t like me”
you raise a brow at him.
“word travels around campus fast y/n” he grins, “i’ve tried getting your number enough times to know how they feel about me”
“you never bothered to ask me” you grin. you hate that you feel butterflies in your stomach. he’s been around, it wasn’t anything special that he asked about you. you were sure he did that to everyone he messed around with.
“you know you’re intimidating and i wasn’t ready to be slapped across the face in front of everyone” he shrugs, “i already have a bad reputation, can’t have them thinking you don’t like me”
it wasn’t like you weren’t popular on your own. people tended to gravitate towards you because of how friendly you were and it didn’t hurt that you were extremely hot.
you could think of a million reasons why it was a bad idea but you also didn’t care about any of them. you were certain you’d never get dicked down by anyone the way he fucked you and you had your priorities in check.
even if he was just saying anything to sleep with you again, it was harmless fun.
“let me take you out” he offers, “on a real date”
“have you ever been on one before?” you can’t help but ask, smirking when he frowns.
“no but there’s a first time for everything” he says, “stop making me out to be a bad guy y/n, you have sex too and i never promised anyone anything more than that so call me all the names you want, i didn’t lie”
you didn’t want to admit that he was right. he didn’t have any obligations to anyone and it really wasn’t his fault that people caught feelings for him when he didn’t give them any indications that he’d be interested after the sex.
“.. fine” you say, reaching for your own coffee that’s already gone cold, “don’t make me regret it”
“you have my word baby” he smirks, “it’ll be the best date you’ve ever been on”
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slxtslovebambi · 1 year
𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐰/ 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐧, 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧, 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐧 💨
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Eren Yeager x Fem!reader | MDNI
Mentions of: roommate Armin, Connie, Jean and angry neighbor Levi
Synopsis: You’re Eren's girlfriend and he invited his friends over for a smoke session wich kinda escalated.
Warnings: Nsfw, drug use, slight exhibitionism, nipple play, slight humiliation, Connie and Jean recording your voices, fingering, penetration, lots of cuss words, Everyone being a dickhead aside from Armin cause he’s great <3
Wc: 3k+
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Eren has been your boyfriend for almost 8 months now. You don’t know a lot of his friends besides Armin because he’s Eren's roommate, but you’ve heard about Connie and Jean before so you didn’t feel uncomfortable when Eren told you that they’re coming over.
He knows that you’re not the most extroverted, that’s why he told you that if you felt uneasy he’d tell them to leave but you were not bothered by Connie and Jean at all. They were really funny, and even Armin who has been pretty stressed lately was laughing at their jokes like crazy.
"No, I swear! He hit his head so hard that he walked around with a huge bruise on his forehead for at least two whole weeks!" Connie giggles at the story he just told while rolling two Joints so that Jean could pass in Erens direction and he could pass to Armin.
He’s sitting next to Jean on the end of Eren's bed wich is placed in on of the corners in his room.
He licks on the thin paper and rolls it up.
"Oh yeah? You don’t even get to talk Connie, at least my forehead isn’t as big as a fucking football helmet!" Jean yells while Armin is trying to keep his laughter in.
"Ohh shut up! Stop lying just cause you’re embarrassed!" Connie argues back.
"Guys stop yelling, I don’t want this short angry man hammering against my door again." Eren hushes them.
He sits on the head of the bed, with his back against the headboard while you’re placed between his legs, resting your head against his chest.
"Dude what are you talking about?" Connie laughs as he passes one of the joints to Jean.
"He’s talking about Mr. Ackerman, our neighbor." Armin explains. He sits with his head against the wall right next to you and Eren on the bed.
You have met Mr. Ackerman before, he’s very nice to you and Armin actually but he’s been giving your boyfriend a hard time lately.
"That man despises me!" Eren groans while rolling his eyes back.
"No he just… he thinks you’re a bit loud sometimes that’s it." Armin looks over to Eren.
"He called me a thug, and he said my music taste is trashy!" Eren says with a disgusted look on his face. He just can’t understand how his neighbor could dislike him after having such a nice talk with his mom just a week ago but he won’t let it get to him to much, at least he likes him more than his older brother.
"Somebody got a lighter?" Connie interrupts.
Jean reaches into his pocket and hands Connie a pink hello kitty lighter.
You immediately notice how familiar it looks as Connie lit up the Joint in his hand to pass the lighter back to Jean so that he could do the same.
"Hey that’s mine." You pout at Eren.
It’s the one he bought you about a month ago because you said it looked cute.
"'M sorry baby, I couldn’t find mine so I took yours when I went over to Jean last Friday." He says softly while he looks into your eyes and brushes a strand of hair out of your face.
"That’s a pretty lighter you got there Y/n." You look over at Jean to see him eying it up closely while Connie is taking the first hit. "Do you want it back?."
You nod slowly as he reaches out his arm and places the lighter softly in your hand while smiling at you.
"There you go." He winks.
"T-Thank you Jean." You mumble quietly.
He only smirks at you in response.
Eren isn’t exactly thrilled at the way that Jean looks at you but he won’t let his jealousy get the best of him again.
The next person that Connie passes the Joint to is Armin, since he noticed how exhausted he looked today. Armin has been studying night and day for the past weeks and the more that his grades went up his mood went down.
There’s dark circles around his eyes and his hair is all messed up. It’s normal for Eren to walk around like that but not really for him.
Armin starts inhaling the smoke from the joint and breathes out heavily as he sighs.
"Are you okay Min?” You ask him gently.
The first time you met Armin was almost a year ago during Eren's and your talking stage.
Armin has always been nothing but nice to you and he’s one of the most important people in Eren’s life, so of course you care about his well-being too.
"Yeah I’m just a bit tired today." Armin responds as he takes another hit.
"Cause you were up till like 5am." Jean huffs.
"So were you and Connie." Armin shrugs.
"Yeah but going out is way less exhausting than studying!" Connie comes in Jean's defense.
"Shut up, at least I don’t have to be worried about failing half of my classes." Armin rolls his eyes sarcastically. "Wow that’s how you think about me?"
Connie puts his hand up to his chest, pretending to feel his heart break.
"Don’t let it get to you bro, he’s just showing us his true colors." Jean joins the act.
Armin takes a few more hits before passing the joint to Eren while groaning annoyed.
"You want a hit Y/n?" Jean asks.
You nod and take it between your fingers before you put the tip between your lips and inhale deeply.
You don’t smoke a lot, of course from time to time but mostly when Eren's around.
"How do you feel?" Eren quietly whispers in your ear as his hand softly grabs your waist.
"'M good don’t worry." You wave off.
"Okay but take it easy." Eren responds.
"Fuck man look at Armin." Connie giggles as he points at the blond sitting next to you.
Armin’s eyes are watery and narrowed as he stares holes into the air.
"What’s wrong? Is something on my face?" He snaps out of trance and looks confused at Connie and Jean before turning his head in Eren's and your direction with a flustered look on his face.
"Nothings wrong Min, you look great." You put the hand that’s not holding the joint up to his cheek and check his eyes while you smile softly at him, as he blushes at your warming touch.
It’s easy to tell that Eren doesn’t like what he just saw by the way he pulls you closer.
"You heard that Eren? Armin looks 'great'."
Connie emphasizes the word „great“ while he draws air quotes with his fingers to express his sarcasm.
"Fuck off." Eren mumbles annoyed before taking another hit and passing his joint to Jean, leaving you out since you’re still smoking.
"See what you did y/n? Now he’s gonna act like a bitch all day." Connie complains jokingly.
"Dude don’t blame her, blame him!" Jean points at Armin.
"Why me?" Armin clearly feels insulted by being blamed for Eren's jealousy when everybody knows that Eren gets jealous all the time, even when he forgets why he was jealous in the first place after a few minutes.
"We’re joking, calm down" Connie laughs.
"You guys are so annoying." Armin huffs.
"Ohh so now we’re annoying huh?"
Eren doesn’t even care about his friends being dramatic right now.
The second he felt his body relaxing,
he couldn’t think about anything else besides how pretty you looked.
It was hard for him to focus on anything else as he pulls you closer and places his hand on your stomach.
You smell so good… is that a new fragrance? It definitely isn’t the one he bought you, but it smells really nice.
He takes your joint from between your fingers, puffs on it a single time and hands it to Connie before he slowly starts kissing your jawline down to your neck while ignoring everything happening around you two.
You can feel him sliding his hand under your shirt, just so he can slowly move it up to your chest, where he softly grabs one of your tits and squeezes it.
He so needy for you right now.
Your tits are always so warm and soft, it’s just so comforting to him.
He doesn’t even know why but he always loved your tits, they’re just so perfect and he wishes he could feel them all the time.
"Gross, get a room you two!" Jean grimaced.
"You got a problem Jeanboy?" Eren challenges him as he raises an eyebrow before pinching your nipple hard enough to make you let out a little gasp.
He knows exactly how much Jean hates that stupid nickname he gave him in 8th grade, that’s why it’s so much fun for him to use it all the time.
You’re so embarrassed at the way that Eren touches you in front of everybody.
Maybe you’re just paranoid but it feels like all eyes are laid on your body, watching your fingers trembling and your chest go up and down.
Eren notices your shaking hands gripping on his shirt and the shameful look on your face.
"Whats wrong?" He mumbles quietly, making it impossible for his friends to hear.
"Cut it Eren." Is all you get out.
You don’t want him touching you like this when people are watching and you also don’t want his friends to think badly of you.
"What?" Eren looks at you perplexed.
"Your girl just told you to fuck off!" Jean bawls loudly.
"You guys are fucking cock blocks." By the way Eren hisses at his friends it’s pretty obvious that he is annoyed right now.
"What did I do?" Armin looks at Eren offended, still smoking the joint that Connie had just handed him.
"Wasn’t talking to you." He hushes him.
"Stop the generalizations Yeager, Jean's the one you’re mad at! Armin and I were just enjoying the show!" Connie admits proudly, thinking he’s helping Armin by inserting himself into the conversation.
"What?!" Armin does not look to happy about the false statement Connie had just made.
"Don’t worry bro I got your back!" He just winks at Armin, pretending to be saving their asses right now.
"All of you need to shut the fuck up, just get out!"
At this point Eren is so pissed but he should have known better, he loves his friends but they are dickheads.
"I live here too?" Armin cheekily states as he raises his eyebrow.
He hates always being the one that gets punished for his friends bad behavior.
"I meant the living room." Eren clarifies.
"Ohh I see how it is… Eren's making us leave so he can get his little dick wet."
All of this is so embarrassing to you, you know why Eren told them to leave and the worst part is that they know too.
"Relax, we wanted to order pizza anyway. Let’s just go watch a movie or something." Jean says calmly. He sees how uneasy all of this makes you feel and just figures that you don’t know how to handle Connie’s and his humor yet.
"You’re on his side now?" Connie’s still going with the act.
"There’s no sides dumbass! Just look at Y/n, you’re gonna scare her off you idiot!" Jean's fist strikes Connie’s chest.
You wish you could hide your face right now.
The word 'flustered' is basically written on your forehead by now.
"It’s fine, we’ll go to the living room." Armin is way to exhausted to be dealing with bullshit like this right now.
He stands up and walks out of the room with Jean and Connie following him.
"Have fun bro." Connie boldly says while grinning at Eren as he closes the door.
"Why’d you do that?" you ask angrily as you turn around to face him.
"What?" He answers confused, as if he didn’t just humiliate you.
"What? Are you serious? That was so embarrassing!" You’re stunned at the fact that he literally doesn’t see anything wrong with what had just happened.
"If you think that was embarrassing then you never saw Connie or Jean try to hit on a girl." Eren smirks at the countless memories of his friends trying to impress random girls at parties.
You just huff in response, annoyed at the childish behavior of your boyfriend.
"Oh c’mon, don’t be like that." He pulls you closer and looks you in the eyes while his finger are pressing into the soft skin of your lower stomach.
"I know you want it too baby." A small smirk is painted on his lips as he takes of your shirt before he opens your bra-clamps behind your back with one hand.
As soon as your tits are freed he immediately latches on to them, sucking and biting on one of your nipples while toying with the other one.
Your try your best to stay quiet but when you feel his other hand open the buttons of your pants and slowly rubbing against you’re clit, you just can’t hold back anymore.
You whimper at the feeling of his fingers sliding the fabric of your panties to the side to insert his ring and middle finger in your tight pussy.
"Mhm let me hear you baby."
He smirks, satisfied with the fact that he knew you’d like it, before starting to suck on your other nipple.
Eren just loves the feeling of being right.
He slides his fingers in and out, feeling you clench around them and slowly getting more and more wet for him.
Soon the feeling of just his fingers wasn’t enough for you so you start pawing at the visibly hard bulge on his pants, hoping he’d give you what you want.
He just laughs at your pathetic action, before removing his fingers from your cunt and pressing them between your lips, so you can suck them clean.
"You want me so bad don’t you princess?"
He smirks wickedly.
You just nod, with your tongue still wrapped around his fingers.
"Mhm that’s what I thought. I feel nice today so I’ll give you what you want baby."
He removes your pants and underwear from your already twitching body before he takes off his sweater and loosens his belt to strip out of his pants and boxers too.
You grab him by his neck to pull him closer to place a long and sensual kiss on his lips.
Eren rubs his tip gently along your slit, using your wetness to thrust in easier.
You softly kiss and suck on his neck, leaving a few little hickeys and bruises.
"C’mon baby moan for me, I want everybody to hear how good I make you feel." Eren starts going faster and using his thumb to softly rub up and down your clit.
You cry out when you feel him hammering his dick inside of you, penetrating your g spot.
"Louder princess, I know you can!" He gives your tit a small squeeze before smacking it with his hand.
You whine at the pain, completely forgetting about the fact that his friends could probably hear you right now.
"Oh look at your tits baby, you’re nipples are all perked up." Eren smiles before starting to suck on them again.
You feel his teeth biting around the areola and his tongue leaving kitten licks all over you’re already swollen nipples.
You can tell he’s also close by the way he’s groaning in your ear and the fact that his thrust start getting messier.
He keeps on switching back and forth between your nipples, trying to give them his attention equally.
By the time he stops your nipples are already so puffy and sensitive that the feeling of his thumb rubbing over them feels ten times more arousing then normally.
"Are you close baby?" Eren asks as he looks down on you.
"Mhm m' so close Eren, please make me cum." You beg desperately.
"Let me hear your pretty moans again and I’ll let you cum." He says, speeding up one more time.
You start moaning in his ear, feeling that you’re already on the edge when he hits your g spot again, finally giving you the rest to cream around his cock.
A few seconds later Eren pulls out, releasing himself on your lower stomach.
"Fuck yes." He whispers under his breath before throwing his head back.
"I knew you could do it." He locks eyes with you again, still trying to calm his breath.
He pulls out and gives you a peck on the forehead before grabbing a tissue from his nightstand to wipe away the cum on your body when it suddenly knocks at his bedroom door.
"Eren… uhh I don’t wanna bother you but Mr.Ackerman is at the door and he asked me if I could tell you to uhm… 'keep it down'." Armin stammers.
"Tell him to fuck off." Eren shouts back pissed off at his noisy neighbor not being able to mind his business.
"I refuse to do that." You hear Armin decline your boyfriends offer from the other side of the door.
"Then tell him that I’m busy." Eren groans annoyed.
"Fine but if this happens again I won’t back you up!" Armin states clearly before you can hear his footsteps becoming quieter until he’s completely gone and it’s silent again.
"Can you believe that?" He looks at you irritated.
"Maybe we were being a bit loud." You admit quietly.
"So what? This is my house." He says annoyed.
"Well technically…" you start as he interrupts you. "Don’t even start Y/n!"
"I’m sorry, I love you baby." You giggle.
"Yeah whatever." He looks away with a stern look on his face.
"C’mon say it back!" You playfully hit his chest.
"I love you too." He rolls his eyes before giving you a small peck on the lips.
"Do you think Connie and Jean are still here?" You ask curiously.
Of course you think it’s embarrassing when Armin hears Eren and you having sex, but at least you know that he would never mention it to you.
Connie and Jean on the other hand have no filter. They would totally joke about it.
Eren grabs his phone from his nightstand and looks at his Homescreen.
"They sure are." He sighs.
"How do you know?"
He turns his phone screen towards you and opens a contact named 'Bald bitch'.
"What’s that?" You ask confused. There’s only a single new voice message that’s about 25 seconds long.
"Press play." He calmly speaks.
It’s like your soul left your body when you heard Connie and Jean fake moaning and joking around while Armin was mumbling something along the lines of "he isn’t going to like this guys.".
You could hear yourself whining in the background as Eren was saying something that you couldn’t understand clearly.
"Those two bastards." Eren rolls his eyes.
"That’s what I sound like when I’m having sex?"
"What’s wrong with it? I think you sound beautiful baby."
"This is horrible."
Next time when Eren wants to sleep with you while his friends are over, your definitely saying no.
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This was so much fun to write even if it took me forever!!
I noticed that I write a lot about Eren and kinda wanted to get away from that even if I love him lmao.
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My newest work:
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dimepdf · 1 year
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. sometimes its alittle hard to get it on with your boyfriend Eren has trouble not sounding like a modern day porn star.
─── ☆ notes. eren yeager brainrot goes brrrr .
─── ☆ length. 1.9k ( 15 min read ) .
─── ☆ genre and warnings. +18 nsfw under the cut. minors dni,  established relationship, sub!eren, soft dom!reader, mommy kink, teasing, petnames, oral sex (m), teasing, vocal sex, grinding, clothed sex, unprotected sex, cowgirl, begging, consent is sexy, so are whiny men, pee after you're done y'all pls, taiyo supports the practice of safe and healthy banging, reader got that million dolla pasayyy | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
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When you first met, the first thing you noticed about your boyfriend Eren was that he was very awkward and skittish. 
Despite being taller than everyone he encountered, he had a bad habit of not being able to maintain eye contact.
He also bit the tips of his glasses when he was anxious and flinched at literally anything, such as if he were a cat with its fur sticking up when frightened.
Given that you were a naturally loud and touchy person around the people you felt more comfortable with, you had found his difficulty to become not startled at literally anything quite annoying.
However, as you were able to help him emerge from the small shell he had created for himself, you began to love all of his qualities and found them to be even cuter as the months of your relationship proceeded, especially when it came to his responses in more private situations.
Eren found it to be more of a problem because he noticed how much you enjoyed agitating him to see what would happen.
It was his fault for not actually telling you about it since he had secretly liked the attention, instead just turning it into the endearing little dynamic you two would adopt, always having him flustered over every little thing that you would do.
Given that you were his first (and only) girlfriend since middle school, it was just in your nature to make him blush for your own amusement since you knew Eren wasn't the most experienced man when it came to the romance or sex scene. 
The extent of his sexual experience is limited to him spending a lot of lone time holed up in his room seeing how many times he could make himself cum with just his hand to keep him company and the secret nsfw Twitter account where he would post audios of him whimpering on. 
Another thing you had noticed about Eren was how easily he had seemed to melt under your touch, with big dark heart eyes and a small exhale of contentment from his lips.
That was how you knew that you had him wrapped around your finger.
He would frequently find himself trying to stifle the stream of uncontrollable groans coming from his mouth by biting into the arm of his sweatshirt.
Of course it was all your fault—like it always is—the effect of your alluring compliments and nudging sexual bluntness, knowing just the right things to say would tent an erection in the poor boy's sweatpants.
Your eyes were glued to the issues, even with your hand pressed right against him, stroking him by the hilt as your fingers continued to entice every little noise that passed from his lips. 
It was becoming more difficult for Eren to not announce to his poor roommates that he was not only breaking curfew by having you over but also in the middle of trying to handle his needy girlfriend, who just couldn't seem to keep her hands to herself.
"Maybe we should do this, ah—another time, lovebug?" Eren muffled through his sweater sleeve, he pleads as you had him with his sweaters tugged down resetting in his boxers laid snuggly in between his parted legs. 
His other hand fisted into his comforter, trying to focus his strength in one place, with his hair disheveled from you shoving him against his mattress the second that he had managed to shut and lock his bedroom door.
"Why, what's wrong?" With your lips pouted you ask out in a false naive tone, chuckling as Eren shuddered at the feeling of your warm tongue swiping up the underside of his dick while not breaking eye contact. 
“Um, I don't know—it's just my roommates are home.” he whined. 
You hummed attention flittering from his face to his dick, your thumb dragging over the precum that oozed from his tip feeling pride in the way you had made his thighs twitch, sending a spark of pleasure down his spine straight to his dick.
"And?" You meant no real harm by it, not being able to keep track of how many times you and Eren had fooled around knowing that his roommates had been just behind the door. 
You also had nothing against his roommates and thought Levi and Armin were good people, but right now you only had one thing on your mind.
You had a committed desire for the sexual hunger that told Eren that you were only minutes away from destroying him, and who was he to deny you of what you craved so eagerly? There was a dark glint in your eye to prove it, that told him all he needed to know.
"You need to take responsibility you know, looking like that just to rile me up." You purred, and Eren knew he was the one not being fair in the first place. 
The second he had stepped foot out of his room to see you with his shaggy long dark hair tied up away from his face with one of your brown hair clips to show off the naturally sculpted face now displayed in full view for the world, it was as if Eren hadn’t noticed his true beauty.
"Plus," you smirked, sitting up to crawl up his legs to hover on top of him just above his pelvis, with your palm pressed flat against his needy erection. "I’m not the one being loud now, am I?"
You wanted to laugh at the struggling exhale that parted from Eren’s mouth, looming over him with such majestic beauty that he couldn't even comprehend how to form anything but a cute whimper, his hips lifting farther into your touch, his body reacting for him.
Eren's body was just so red and flushed with heat, not to mention how chastising your touch was against his skin, that he felt as though he had walked into an open flame. 
His body shook with each tease of your fingers, from the pale pink kiss against the spread of his cheeks to his dark blown-out pupils glittering with lust. 
Eren looked up at you with nothing but utter admiration in his eyes.
You attempted to conceal the fond smile that was sure to appear on your face at the sight of your boyfriend trembling by tucking your bottom lip in between your teeth. 
Eren clamped his hand over his mouth, pressing his fist against his mouth, his teeth grazing against his pale knuckles as you guided his tip between your thighs, grinding against his full hardness.
A struggling noise comes from his throat, and you quickly rid him of that privilege by removing the palm planted against his torso to instead pin his arms beside his head. "P–please, I can't if you keep teasing me, mommy."
Eren chased after the tempo of your hips after you cut him off, grinding against him with just the layer of your underwear slid to the side out of the way of any interruption. 
Your mouth parted as you finally took him inside, sliding him into your bundle of nerves with a wet sound as you slapped down with a bit more rough force against his lap that made him want to drool. 
Eren's intention to keep quiet to avoid attracting the unwanted attention from his poor roommates vanishes as he relaxes against your touch and leans back against his pillows while cowering out your name as if pleading for you to spare him from your chaos.
The pressure of having you hold him down as you shift your weight up and down on his length completely destroyed his composure as your scorching insides melted what was left of his sanity.
Because you wanted to milk Eren for all that he was worth, you weren't one to show him mercy, but that didn't stop you from ruining a perfectly good orgasm for a little bit more teasing.
You were a brat at heart.
As Eren sighed idly, his brows furrowed and his eyes shimmered with threatening tears, you withdrew your hand from his wrist and firmly steadied yourself against the headboard.
"If you're really that worried, I guess we can just stop if you want to?" You cooed, with a small roll of your hips.
Eren wanted to sob, but not in a really sad way; rather, I'm convinced my girlfriend might be some type of succubus way that had him rutting against your still hips shifting under your weight. "No, please, I wanna so bad mommy. I need you, please."
“Hm, I don't know, the last thing I ever wanna do is make you uncomfortable baby.” You had the audacity to say as if you weren't just purposely clenching around him. 
“Please, I'll be good,” Eren whined, pitching his hips up, his hands trembling as he seizes you by your hips changing the pace of your moments to something more tolerable. 
“I just want you to fuck me.” and just that easy had he flipped a switch in your brain, your hands settling pressed against his chest to keep your balance as you followed through with his wishes the squeak of his poor mattress springs not even being able to cover up the sounds of poor sounds. 
It was an agonizing pleasure to still himself as you rode on top of him, holding back from messing up your steady rhythm with the absolute feral feeling that he had built up in his system. Devoting the rest of the control that he had left in his body to cover his mouth, struggling to hold back every gasp and moan praying that his roommates would spare him with mercy the next morning.
“Aww poor baby.” he shivered at the proud smirk on your face, “want me to help?” Eren could only nod obediently, completely had he lost control of his voice not trusting what noises would part from his lips next.
The hand resting against this torso trailed up to grip around his neck leaning down to kiss him, deciding that covering his mouth with yours was a more effective way to muffle him.
Eren responded enthusiastically, allowing his body to melt under your kiss, falling intoxicated to the feeling of your body grinding against his, the amount of friction and ecstasy happening to his body enticing his orgasm closer and closer, panting under your soft lips. 
You were the first to come undone, it was common with all that teasing would you always be the one too excited to hold yourself together in the long run.
The stutter of your hips and the tight clench of your muscles making his brain switch into faulty mod.
Just seconds after had Eren let out a whine of pleasure, you leaned back holding onto the headboard lazily as his hands moving to hold you into place the sound echoing through his shoebox size of a room. 
The noise was definitely heard by the dorm's other occupants as they could only hold so much strength in the trust of a wooden door between them. 
Post-nut clarity hitting Eren like a bus, the sound of your laughter being the first thing he could process after his string of groans. His hands instantly went to cover his face as you snuggled closely against him, giggling at his shy reaction.
“You did that on purpose,” he murmured, mentally preparing himself to have to face the awkward eye contact he would have to endure getting up and walking to the bathroom. 
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amywritesthings · 12 days
did i cross the line ?
pairing: armin arlert x f!reader ( attack on titan ) word count: 1K+ warnings: 18+ for overall context; au - modern universe, slight dubcon due to intoxication, alcohol, college party, eren yeager being a shit, implied slow burn friends to lovers, ✨ tension author's note: i was drinking wine and wrote this up in 30 min?
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You don't know how you ended up here -- tucked away in a closet of a fraternity house you want no part of, barely finding your breath as trembling hands hold either side of your face like you're something precious; something that can break.
You smell the distinct scent of cheap beer and a mirage of other liquors mixing with your own minty tooth paste. Your head is spinning, but you're sober.
Sometime between getting the panicked text from Armin ( i don't know why i'm getting dragged to this thing ) and seeing Eren's first private Instagram story ( look at @/aarlert getting insane! ) you had packed up your bag and save your friend from total embarrassment.
If this is Eren's doing, then he's been begging to drag Armin to Titan Frat for months now -- some bullshit excuse of wanting to prove that Armin can be fun, but you've always thought Armin was fun.
He's your favorite person; your best friend since the start of university. He's funny. He's compassionate.
He's much too hard on himself, constantly worrying, but you like to think you both cancel out one another's anxieties.
His roommate, Eren Yeager, liked to joke that he was in love with you. You didn't quite believe it -- couldn't, not when you have your own deep-seated crush in the back of your mind.
So somehow between making your way into this chaotic house where people dance, drink, and fuck the way through the hallways like they're on a world-ending marathon, you find him: his yellow-blonde hair is a dead giveaway, wipsy and faded at the nape of his neck. He's holding a red cup looking wildly out of place in this sea of extroverts wearing a faded flannel and band tee. You noticed he left his glasses at home, so you can only imagine how poor his eyesight is.
"Armin!" you shout over the music, and he turns on instinct. His eyes find yours, narrowing then widening. The relief passes like a crashing wave, as if you're the soothing balm to his nerves.
"What -- What are you doing here?" he yelps, abandoning his red cup to a table full of forgotten cups. His hands reach for your face, rendering you speechless.
Armin doesn't even like to bump shoulders, much less touch you. He's staunchly unaffectionate physically with a gift of gab -- he'll tell you how much he adores you, how important you are to him, but he's not the touchy-feely friend.
Still, you're stunned when his fingers run along your cheeks, cupping your face.
"I saw Eren's story," you say over the music, trying to lean closer.
His brows knit. "What?"
"I saw Eren's story!"
"I can't really hear -- hold on!"
Dropping his hands from his face, he quickly searches your sides -- there -- and grabs your hand. Again, the sudden proximity of him is knocking off your axis.
He navigates the hallways like he knows where he's going, cautious to protect you from touching the couples making out against walls, totally oblivious to the world around them. He covers your elbow, your shoulder, as if he's your own personal bubble.
Always so goddamn careful with you.
He tugs on a bedroom door. Locked.
Armin groans, before trying another more slender door.
It's a closet, empty and seemingly refurbished. His gentle blue eyes, stormy from consuming liquor, look to you.
"Is this okay?"
"To what, talk in?"
"Yeah," he exhales, his pale cheeks peppered with a pink hue. "Pretty sure all the other rooms are occupied."
Huffing a sigh, you slip into the closet and turn. "Armin, you practically smell like a liquor cabinet."
"I know," he sheepishly confesses, closing the door behind him. He's only slightly taller than you, but not by much. "Eren, he..."
He's pushy, is what you imagine he wants to say.
Constantly badgering poor Armin to conform to things he isn't interested in just so he has a buddy to pledge with for rush season this year.
"Are you okay?" you softly ask, and Armin lets out a tiny huff of a laugh.
"Of course I'm fine," he mumbles. "You're here now."
Even in the small light of this closet you see his eyes widen, realizing he said it out loud. You try not to laugh, lips pursed together to avoid it, but he laughs for you.
"Shit," he exhales. "Okay. I stand by what I said."
"God, yeah, are you kidding?" Armin asks with a cute scrunch of his nose. "You make everything a thousand times better."
You lean against the wall, laughing softly with him. "Well, I appreciate that. Are you sure you're okay? On a scale of one to ten--"
"You don't have to take care of me," he reassures, moving closer to him. "You always take care of me. I-- I should be taking care of you."
Blinking twice, you look up at him, but he's busy staring at your lips.
"What's going on in that empty head of yours?"
"A lot, actually, if you can believe it," he admits. "So... so much, but I can't..."
Armin's always had difficulty verbalizing what he wants. What he's thinking. You've always been so patient, allowing him to unravel the ball of yarn in his head until the red string straightens itself out.
His hands slide up to your face again, as if magnetic. You make the smallest noise of surprise, but it isn't unwanted.
"I kept seeing all of those people," he murmurs, leaning in closer. His breath tickles your face. "Kissing, touching, in the halls of this damn place... all I wanted to do was to text you."
His thumb runs along your cheek like he's craving to know you, memorize you, the way he's memorized every note in your shared classes.
You make no sudden movement, as if the trance will somehow awaken Armin from this new warpath he's carved for himself. "Why didn't you?"
"Because I can't really see the buttons right now," he admits with a tiny, embarrassed laugh. "But you still came for me, like you knew I wanted you."
That's a loaded double entendre.
Your eyes round, watching as he leans closer.
He doesn't answer right away.
Instead, Armin drops one of his hands to run a gentle finger up your arm -- it's subtle, the manicured edge of his fingernail running deliciously against your skin.
Like he's afraid to touch.
He's always so afraid.
But so are you.
"The things I wish I could do," he exhales, his nose ever so lightly brushing against yours. "Things I could do -- if you'd let me."
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vookio · 7 months
u asleep? ☆ eren yeager
synopsis,, having a dream about you left eren hot and bothered, ready to make a move on you whether you were awake or not.
─ contents,, : roommate dom!eren x sub!reader, slight masturbation, somnophilia, noncon at first, p in v, cunnilingus.
eyebrows knitted together his eyes flickered a few times before opening. eren's breathing was uneven. groaning he sat up on his elbows, staring at the visible trace of his cock through his boxers. he shivered as he felt his cock twitch. one of his hands traveled over to his cock palming himself over the soft material -eren swore he felt his heartbeat- the fist of the brunette wasn’t going to be enough for tonight.
he removed the thin material that was sprawled on him and made his way out of the room. small and certain footsteps led him to your room, seeing that the door being cracked open by a few inches made him delighted. he extended his arm slowly pushing the door to reduce the chance of it creaking and waking you up. you layed there, maroon colored shorts hugged your legs. eren sucks in a breath making his way towards the bed you slept on. you've never looked hotter in eren's eyes. mouth slightly opened and your hair was messed up. he wanted to fuck your mouth right there. quietly he lowered himself on the bed placing a hand on your calf rubbing it with his thumb, testing to see if you would wake up with one of his touches. getting no reaction from you he smirks to himself as he drags his hand over to your inner thigh pressing a finger onto your core. eren watched your face for any type of movement but none was to be seen. deep sleeper huh? his index finger lowered down his boxers making his hard-on pop out. precum was already leaking from the tip and god, he needed badly to be inside of your warm body. giving it a few pumps he moved your shorts and panties to the side. looking at your face once more he swirled a finger on the bud of your core earning a soft whimper from you. his eyes flew up meeting with your confused looks.
what was even going on.
"what.?" you managed to breathe out from your perplexity. sucking in a breath eren removed his hand and fully turned his body towards you. "please... need help". gulping you straightened yourself. both of your hands traveled to your shorts, using your thumbs you pulled down the piece of clothing along with your panties giving the access. groaning at the sight he wasted no time in pushing his body over yours. "can i please put it in? can't wait anymore" his whines fill up your ears as you nod and that was all eren needed. guiding his cock he rubbed it over your entrance a few times before pushing the tip in. a wave of pleasure fled through eren's body making him shiver while soft huffs left your mouth. it was just the tip but oh was he so big. one of his hands traced on your leg, dragging it over his waist so that he could enter you better. without wasting another second he pushed it all in straining a moan from your mouth.
"fuck don't know how i managed without this tight pussy" he was dirty and proud of it. eren pulled out completely before ramming in all the way again, setting a steady pace. after checking your face for a sign of discomfort and realizing there was none he rolled his hips making his movements faster. sounds of skin slapping quietly echoed in the room, mixed with moans from you and series of pleases coming from eren about how good you felt and how bad he had been needing you. he bent down, attaching his lips to your neck finding a place to mark. he tended to do that with all the girls he fucked. eren's pace got erratic making you shut your eyes due to all the stimulation. he was close and so were you, he could tell by the way your walls twitched and clamped down on his cock. eren pulled out of you, giving his dick a few pumps before emptying his load in the valley of your breasts. he smiled down at you before lowering himself between your legs "don't worry baby i'll make you cum" and just like that his tongue got to work licking up all the juice he could pull out. a few more licks was enough to do the job as you released, feeling pure pleasure as your hips bucked against eren's face. he lapped up the feast you had given him and whipped his mouth with the back of his hand.
"gonna get a towel for you" he said pointing to the mess he had made earlier. you sat in bed alone with pink cheeks thinking about what had just happened.
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love-fictional-ppl · 3 months
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This is a continuation of this
Pairings: roommate!plug!Eren Yeager x fem!reader, Platonic!Mikasa Ackerman x fem!reader, platonic!Sasha Braus x fem!readed
Warnings:language, Eren sells weed and you both smoke, edibles, reader wears a miniskirt and thong, smut, male masturbation, slight voyeurism, hair pulling, oral (female receiving), squirting, fingering, Unprotected P in V (wrap it before you tap it), choking, cream pie, Plan B mentions, more prolly.
* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪. * ࣪.⋆
Every time you saw him your heart started racing. You confided in Mikasa and Sasha, your two closest friends, about your crush on Eren. Both of them encouraged you to get with him, claiming he was already “your man.”
You couldn’t help but blush though when they said it. Thinking to yourself, you couldn’t help but realize how much he already acts like your boyfriend.
The way he takes you out to eat, the way he brushes loose hairs out of your face, the way he takes naps with you, how he blows smoke into your mouth. He was totally your boyfriend, just without the label.
Especially recently, there was so much tension between the both of you. You considered straight out talking to him about the matter, but Sasha gave you a better idea.
Sasha had told you, “guys only think with their dicks. You want to be more than roommates? Make him need to fuck you.”
At first, you thought it was a horrible idea. What if he doesn’t like me like that? The thought kept playing in your head. You figured, what was the worst that could happen.
It started with you wear slightly tighter clothes, bending over. Eren definitely noticed, his dick got hard every time he saw you.
The second day of teasing Eren, you were bent over organizing the kitchen cabinets wearing a tank top, miniskirt, and thong. He watched as you arched your back reaching for the back. Eren couldn’t help himself from reaching his hand down to stroke his cock.
Seeing the way you rocked back and forth ever so slightly, it reminded him of what it would look like to see you throwing it back on him. He bit his bottom lip, throwing all caution to the wind. Creeping up behind you, Eren sunk to his knees and pulled you back by the hips, placing his erection right against your ass.
You yelped out of surprised, after processing the situation you pushed yourself back on him. Eren released a throaty groan, then using his left hand he bunched up some of your hair and pulled your head back.
“Do you want me to fuck you?” Suddenly Eren became not so sure. You reassured him quickly though.
Without missing a beat, you nodded your head eagerly. You could feel his massive bulge, you wanted it unclothed and inside of you.
For the first time both your lips connected. He quickly slipped his tongue in. While you and Eren were making out, he gabbed your thong by both hands and ripped it to shreds. He pushed the skirt up around your stomach.
Eren kneaded the fat of your ass cheeks, eventually pulling back his right hand to slap your ass.
Eren let out a shaky breath, “I’m gonna destroy this pussy, baby.”
Both of your eyes were shut but he knew you were nodding your head furiously, and you knew he knew. Eren moved your hair and kissed the back of your neck, he kissed all the way down your spine. He the playfully bit one of your ass cheeks, you giggled at the feeling.
Lowering his face, Eren started devouring you. Tongue furiously swiping back and forth at your clit. Eren pulled his face back, spat directly on your clit, and went back to eating.
“Ohhh.” The sounds you let out were obscene. You sounded like a cat in heat.
All of a sudden, Eren inserts two fingers inside of you. He works his fingers at a steady pace.
“Please, don’t stop,” it’s all you can think to say.
“I got you, baby,” he pants, “I gotta get you ready for my cock. Gonna make you cum on my face, mmkay?”
Eren wouldn’t care if you said no, he was so pussy drunk. Luckily you wanted cum as badly as he did. You grabbed onto Eren’s hair and rode his face. The groans he released were delicious. At this point, all you could think about was cumming. The tightening sensation in your stomach was starting to borderline hurt. Before you knew what happened, you squirted all over Eren’s face and chest.
“Ooohh F-fuuck-k.” Eren broke you.
You could see him licking up some of your juices. He straightened himself up and slapped your ass. Hard. Your vision went white for a second and you yelped.
“You’re not too fucked out, are you, babe?” Eren asked, panting for air.
The slap to the ass sobered you up almost. Suddenly you had regained your composure, that honestly was never there.
“No, daddy,” you had no clue what you were saying, you knew he liked it though because he quickly shoved himself inside of you.
“Ohh.” Eren felt like a virgin all over.
Feeling you around his cock for the first time, it was perfect. Not too tight, not too loose. Eren started moving. He moved at a slow pace, testing the waters. Soon enough, you both needed more.
Eren flipped you onto your back, he lifted your legs over his shoulders. Eren started drilling into you.
“Fuck. You like that, Hot stuff?” You nodded your head in response to his words. Eren moved his right hand towards your neck and squeezed enough to make you wheeze slightly. Suddenly, he hit your G-spot.
You gasped, “yess. Right there.”
Eren folded you in half and started to hit that spot relentlessly. After a minute or two you both felt the familiar release.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” Seconds later Eren started to laugh, why? You weren’t sure. Eren pulled out and sat in the kitchen floor. Sweats pulled around his ankles still, wife-beater some where on the other side of the kitchen.
You simply layed on the kitchen floor, shaking, cum oozing out of your cunt. “So what now?”
Eren laughed, “what now? You get plan B and- and- I don’t know, man.” Eren seemed panicked.
“I don’t want this to a be a one time thing.” You really had no clue what you were saying. Could you say it was the eddies you took before “cleaning” the kitchen?
“What, you wanna be my bitch?” You both wanted that honestly.
Eren thought about you all the time. He just was freaking the fuck out, shocked that he fucked, that he nutted in you, that you liked him, Eren was sure it was a bad idea
“Yeah, I want you to be my boyfriend.” At this point you were sitting up.
“Shit neither of us are in the right mind set right now. Ima clean your pretty ass up,” Eren walked toward the bathroom.
Leaving you to sit alone for a minute, you were able to dwell in your own thoughts. You were definitely going to get the plan B, you definitely wanted him as your boyfriend, but what else?
Eren returned with a damp wash cloth, he gently wiped you up of all the cum that he could. Scooping you into his arms, Eren carried you into his room. Eren gently set you on the bed and brushed a piece of hair out of your face.
“Go to sleep,” Eren said it so soothingly and commandingly, you were practically forced to obey. After two, three- you weren’t sure how many seconds, you fell asleep.
* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪. * ࣪.⋆
Idk what this is really😭😭 I was stoned writing most of this
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digoutskin · 8 days
Home to Anothor one
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Eren Yeager x BlackFem!reader
Warnings: One shot, Y/n is a 'cheater' in this, explicit language, Angst, Tears, Sad Eren, Connie x Reader, Eren x Reader, Love triangle, very light smut, Fem reader, A LITTLE PLOT TWIST AT THE END
A/N: Hey guys, this time it's a just a little angsty one shot, I was feeling a little lazy so instead of updating Halfcrazy I decided to listen to music and I came up with this. THIS WAS LIGHTLY PROOF READ SO EXCUSE ANY TYPO'S FOR NOW!
"Call me, "Baby"
I know you go home to another one
Say you hate me
It's okay, boy, you're not the only one
Another year, we're still here
Call me, "Baby"
I know you go home to another one" - Madison Beer
Eren didn't remember the specific time or date he fell in love with you, all he remembers is why he fell in love with you.
Since college began it was you, Eren and Connie. You had met them both in the local coffee shop close to campus. They saw that you had the same school logo on your bag and they decided to approach. Two turned into three very quickly and all of the sudden you were attached at the hips. Going out to eat, clubs, even having late night study sessions grew all of you guys relationship.
The two best friends and roommates absolutely adored you.
Eren would note the styles of your hair, your fashion sense, and your remarkable intelligence, You saw him, but the shy young man wasn't vocal enough, because he quickly discovered one morning after attending a frat party, that Connie had already made his move on you.
He walked out into the common area only to see you laying on his friend's chest, asleep. He could see the bra you had on partially covered up by the rogue comforter around your bodies.
Scattered clothes surrounded the couch and your signature name chain discarded onto the coffee table. Tears quickly welled up in his eyes, his footsteps almost silent as he glided his way back to the room.
He locked his door and plopped onto the bed, tears threatening to spill. He decided to wait it out so it wouldn't be awkward.
He looked at the clock, 6:23 AM,
he thought 'it's still early. I could just go back to sleep.'
His mind didn't allow that, because he quickly found himself opening up his photos app, scrolling to the section called 'BESTFRIENDS' in bold letters.
Picture after picture of you and him, your smiling face flickering across the screen in every photo and video of you. It was this one, his favorite one of you and him, that Connie took.
There you sat, straddled on his waist, him laying back on the bed head propped up on a pillow. It was the time you had convinced them both to try on your makeup, letting you turned them into the 'prettier' versions of themselves. "God, you would be so beautiful as a girl~" Your voice echoed in his head.
He remembers how you felt on top of him, how the scent of the cinnamon flavored gum you were chewing smelled in that moment. He remembers Connie's lingering eyes, and how soon after the video was done he had begged you to go pick up some food with him. 'he couldn't just let us be, could he?'
You were always so gentle and calm to him. Soothing almost. After that day you did a complete one-eighty.
Your quiet voiced could be heard throughout the apartment, almost every night, sometimes during the day, mostly in the bathroom. Your moans echoing out while his best friend did his best to make you scream his name.
Your back arched off of the bed with a pillow underneath your stomach to make you stay in place, you could feel Connie going in and out of you, so wet from when he ate you out he could slip out any second now. He was inside you, much to his oblige, with a condom on.
Your slick coated his length as you screamed his name out loud, gripping onto the sheets "Fuckkk- Connie wait- s' too deep" You moaned out, begging him to stop over stimulating you. "Take this shit ma, you know you wanted it like this. Shit!" His voiced groaned, getting closer and closer to his orgasm.
He quickly came and pulled himself out, you let out a mewl, feeling the cold air hit your now empty hole. He left you there, throwing on his basketball shorts and heading to the bathroom.
You quickly got up and off of the pillow, looking into the mirror above his dresser. 'god' you thought 'he ruined my hair and makeup but couldn't wait till' I was finished?' You fixed yourself up and threw your clothes back on, tank top and sweatpants with no bra or panties.
You hadn't heard from Eren in such a long time, and when you asked Connie where he was he'd always say that he was at work, or had a late class when he knew that was a lie.
Since the party Eren barely had moved, as you and Connie occupied so much space that it felt like his name wasn't even on the lease, like he wasn't even wanted in his own damn home.
You exited into the kitchen, opening the fridge and chugging the water bottle you'd put in the fridge pre-sex with Connie.
You couldn't hear the faint footsteps behind you, Eren approaching. He didn't even want to look at you, knowing that minutes before his best friend was so deep into that he could hear you through the walls.
He walked pass you, book in hand. "Hey wait, Eren!" He turned to face you, hair so shaggy you could barely see his eyes.
Dark circles clouded the skin under his eyes, and the long sleeve shirt his was wearing hugged his body in the right places. It had been a while since you'd saw him, but you didn't think anything in particular about it.
He obviously looked troubled, so you decided to ask "What's going on with you? I haven't seen you in almost a month!" You exclaimed, getting closer to him. He could see your nipples poking through your white spaghetti tank top, so he quickly looked you into the eyes to avoid his face getting any more hot.
"I'm fine. Just been busy." He let out, deadpan and in a low voice. It kind of shocked you from his regular perky demeanor. "So, what are you about to do?"
"Nothing interesting. Read a little, maybe sleep." you took a look at the book he was holding. His body language was tense, and he looked away from you and sighed, obviously annoyed that you were taking up his time. You both sat in silence for about five seconds before you made up your mind.
"Wanna hang out? it's this Aquarium I've been meaning to go to. I know that's your thing so.. wanna tag along? I'll drive!" You said, in a vibrant voice. He couldn't turn you down, but what would Connie say about this? He already knew that Connie wasn't stupid, that the man that was currently skulking in the hallway knew the feelings Eren shared for you.
He knew that Eren wouldn't try anything. From the day they met in the 4th grade he had let him have everything.
His crushes, his food, hell, even Eren's family looked at him as a second child they never had. So why wouldn't Eren let him have you? That's what was logical to Connie. Pretending like he didn't heart the conversation, he walks into the living room, backpack in hand.
He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, matching jordans to go with it. "What y'all talking bout?" He said, looking you up and down.
"I was just trying to convince Eren to come to the Aquarium with me! Pleaseeee, it'll be fun! I promise!" You whined. A smile came across Eren's face. He couldn't say no to you, not when you had no idea how he felt. 'this is Connie's fault, I can't stay mad at her' he thought to himself.
"Okay, okay, I'll go." He huffed out, walking back to his room.
The ride over to the Aquarium was fun, Connie walked you guys out, claiming that he had some last minute class he couldn't miss. Eren silently was screaming on the inside, as you had asked to borrow one of his hoodies to match the black sweatpants you had on from earlier.
Before you two got out of the car he took a good look at you. Long box braids that reached your waist, curly ends sweeping the rim of the jacket he'd given, your bracelets and bangles jingling on your arms, babyhairs swooped to perfection, and glossy lips to tie it all in.
He could've just stayed like that, admiring you all day, but it quickly made him snap out of it when he saw your phone lighting up.
Connie sending messages and you haven't even gotten out the car yet. Typical.
You two hopped out and entered, immediately bombarded by the dim lights and the luminous blue water around you.
You hooked your arm with Eren's so you wouldn't get lost in the crowd. He decided to take charge and lead you two to the back, where the Koi fish were.
"It's been a long time since we've hung out like this. Jus' me and you." You nudged him, taking him out of his thought process.
"I know, I missed you." He wore a warm smile, glancing over at you. You looked up at him and returned the smile.
You did miss moments like this where it was just you. Sure, Connie was great and all, a true player but he didn't share that same spark that you had with Eren.
He could figure you out, and Connie couldn't even do that. The slightest change of expression, or the smallest brow furrow would have him asking, 'are you alright?' stroking your back. You two shared the same geeky love of literature, while Connie didn't even bother to read anything outside of his homework or assignments.
The truth is, You'd only hooked up with Connie because he was there. In a drunken haze you two had sex, but you never meant for it to be anything more. He had roped you into the whole thing, telling you that you were 'his' and that no one could have you, all because he claimed you.
The Aquarium trip sparked the same feelings you both held, and you found yourselves at your favorite ice cream parlor, treating you to a late night cone. You two laughed all the way to the apartment, to find that Connie hadn't even been back, yet.
You convinced Eren that it would be okay to watch a movie or two, so he turned it on a random 80's horror and plopped down on his bed beside you.
"Oh my god I can't believe you're scared, it's so fake! It's just corn syrup and food coloring!" Eren said, chuckling at the way you cowered into his side, putting your face into his chest.
"It's still so violent! He didn't have to cut his head off like that.." You said, muffled.
You inhaled his scent and then broke away, letting his arm fall around your body. The movie scene turned into credits, and the room went hushed for a second. "Eren?"
"Tell me the truth-" you sat up, positioning your body to face his "Why'd we stop hanging out? All of a sudden your too busy?" you said, looking away from him. "You're the one who started sleeping with Connie. You don't think that made things awkward?" He scoffed.
"The first time was a mistake, but who I sleep with shouldn't affect us. You're my best friend. I missed you so much, and it feels like nothing is the same anymore." You said, lip beginning to quiver.
"Nothing is the same anymore, Y/n. It's hard. Listen, I hope what I'm about to say doesn't freak you out-" He started, taking your hands into his "I had a crush on you. I liked you, no, borderline was in love with you, and Connie knew it. He just had to have you, I don't know why, but he had too. He was always in my ear, telling me that you didn't feel the same way for me and I just believed him blindly. He's probably right, but it doesn't stop me from felling for you." He finally admitted it.
Your heart skipped in your chest, and tears started trickling down your cheeks.
"Eren I feel the same way about you. I was just so drunk that night, and I woke up next to him. All of a sudden he started claiming me. He didn't even ask me what I wanted, so I just went along with it. So we just kept hooking up.. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. I should've." you said in a quiet voice, looking downwards.
"No, I should've." He got closer, foreheads almost touching.
"Fuck it, I can't wait any longer.."
He kissed you, taking you in deeply, features softening as the kiss progressed into you getting on top of him. You broke away taking the zip up off and throwing it across the room, exposing the tank top underneath.
He did the same to his long sleeved top, and before he knew it you were grinding into him, your bare top halves were exposed, cold air hitting you both. He flipped you onto you back and ripped down the sweatpants you had on, exposing your heat to the air of the room.
He could see the slick already dripping down, throbbing for him. He was about to dive in before he heard his room door slowly creak open.
Moonlight shown inside of the room, highlighting the person that was standing at the door. Connie was back, and discovered that your car was outside, yet when he got into his room you weren't in there.
The air stilled, and you sat up, propping yourself up on your elbows, face with a light sheen on it. Eren was still kneeling, still in front of your unwavering heat, waiting for something. A fist to fly, you to jump up and beg Connie to listen to you, but you did the complete opposite of what they both were expecting.
"Close the door, Connie. Get the fuck out." you said, a low voice. Connie's face contorted into a look of confusion "What the fuck you just say?" He said, widening the door more.
"Get the fuck out-" You said again, louder this time, with more bass in your voice. "Keep going, Eren."
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lemonlover1110 · 2 years
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Pairing: Eren Yeager x f!Reader
Chapter Warnings: Smut, Mutual Masturbation, Tad bit of cheating
Kinktober Masterlist
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“Eren? What are you doing here?” You ask as you enter your room. Your roommate’s friends are over, and it surprised you when you didn’t find him in the living room. He’s laying down on your bed, and you wonder why. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah… I just needed to lay down for a moment.” He responds, sitting up on your bed. He looks around for a minute before muttering an apology, “I thought this was Mikasa’s room, I didn’t notice it was yours. Sorry.”
“It’s alright.” You tell him as you put your purse down on your nightstand. You expect Eren to stand up and leave the room, but he stays still on your bed. He watches your every move and it almost makes you uncomfortable. “What made you come here?”
“They were getting on my nerves…” He answers. He finally stands up from the bed and begins to walk towards the door, but instead of walking out of your bedroom, he closes the door. “And they’re tipsy.”
“Yeah… I could tell.” You say. You begin to take off your jacket because it’s just too hot in the room to have it on. You make eye contact with Eren, waiting for his next move. He looks intently at you. “Why are you still here?”
“I’m bored out there… Maybe you can entertain me.” He begins as he takes a couple steps towards you. You stare at him, unsure of what he means. You’re getting the wrong idea.
“Aren’t you and Mikasa a thing?” You question, and he stops. His brows slightly furrow, thinking of how to respond… He continues walking towards you.
“Not exactly.” He answers. “But I don’t want to talk about her right now.”
“You know she’s right outside, right?” You reply, hoping it’ll knock some sense into the man. But his large hands cup your face, ignoring any words that leave your lips. 
“There’s nothing to worry about…” He tells you as he brings his lips down to meet yours. His lips feel so soft, just how they look. You’ve always had a tiny crush on him, but you don’t allow the kiss to escalate.
“Mikasa likes you a lot… I’m not doing this to her.” You inform him after you pull away from the kiss. He sighs. What did he expect? He barely even did anything, so you won’t fall to his feet so easily. He knows that you like him, but not enough to do this. “You shouldn’t even be touching me. Practically all of your friends are outside this room.”
“None of them will come in. They won’t dare, I promise.” He says, and you’re not convinced. Too much goes through your mind… But this could only be a one time thing, right? They’re not dating yet. “We don’t even have to touch.”
“Huh?” You furrow your eyebrows, confused as to what he means. 
“If it makes you feel less guilty, we don’t have to touch.” He repeats. “Don’t tell me you don’t want this, because I know you do.”
“How?” You ask.
“Get on the bed and lift up your skirt.” He tells you and you’re hesitant. But you do it. You get on the bed and lift up your skirt per his instruction. He takes a look at the cute little yellow panties that you wear. He gets on the bed as well, on top of you. “Do you know what’s next?”
“You put your panties to the side and begin to play with yourself.” He answers. And it all feels like a free show for him, but you do it anyway. You push your panties to the side and run your middle finger and index finger through your folds.
His eyes are glued to your pussy and how your fingers get themselves lubricated enough with your slick to enter them. He watches as you insert your middle finger then your index finger, he then looks at your face, barely anything has changed. He bites his bottom lip, thinking about how if it were his fingers you’d let out a moan. Your fingers are just so small compared to his’. 
You look up at him, admiring his face. This feels surreal. You’ve never thought about doing this with Eren of all people. He’s watching as you move your fingers in and out of you. Your other hand goes down to play with your clit, and he takes in every single one of your movements.
His knees are on either side of you, he’s kneeling on top of you. His hands go down to unbutton his pants and pull them down. He takes his cock out and his thumb goes over his slit, spreading the precum on the tip.
Your eyes focus on his hand and how he slowly strokes his dick. You think about how great this idea is as you watch him, because technically you’re not touching each other so you’re not betraying anyone. Although touching him shouldn’t be a problem since Mikasa and him aren’t together.
You curve your fingers so they brush against your sweet spot, and you hold back a moan in the back of your throat. Eren notices your face, and it’s just so beautiful. He’d wish you were reckless, not caring about the people that are outside and just filled the room with your moans. Fuck, if you were reckless, you’d be doing more than just masturbating.
Although you’re careful, Eren isn’t. He’s moaning as he fist speeds up. He watches as you play with yourself, just imagining that his fist is your sweet little cunt.
“Fuck- You’re so pretty.” He moans, and a whine leaves your lips. You look at Eren for a couple more seconds, taking in everything about him: His furrowed brows, the way he bites his lip, his flushed cheeks, the way his hand moves. You have to close your eyes, just imagining that instead of your fingers it’s his dick inside you.
Oh, but it’s so clearly not his dick because from what you can see, his dick is so much bigger than your fingers. And if you weren’t such a good friend he’d be inside you right now and you’d be creaming all over his cock.
Your orgasm builds up, and you’re thinking of edging yourself just so you can enjoy this for longer, but it’s best if this is over as soon as possible. Anyone can walk in at any moment, and you can’t risk it. 
The lowest moan leaves your lips as your eyes roll to the back of your head, reaching your orgasm. He watches your facial expressions, and his fist subconsciously speeds up. You’re just so fucking hot. It was no mistake when he came into your room to lay down, just thinking of Mikasa’s pretty roommate.
Maybe he’ll wander into your room again, one night that you’re more comfortable. But for now what you’re offering is more than enough.
His eyes go to the fingers that you take out of your cunt. He just wants to take them into his mouth, savor them. That thought alone makes him groan, his cum landing all over your clothes. Your eyes widen as you hear the man’s unregulated breath.
But your outfit is the last of your worries, hearing the knock on your door. Eren doesn’t seem too worried as he gets off the bed. You hear your name being called by Armin’s voice.
“Is Eren in there?! He isn’t in Mikasa’s room?!” Armin asks, and you notice that the door is unlocked so you pray that Armin doesn’t open that door. Eren adjusts his pants. 
“Uh- He isn’t!” You yell back, mentally freaking out. You bite your tongue and curse yourself for your dumb answer because there’s no other way that Eren can get out. If someone sees him walk out of your room, it’s all over.
“Okay!” Armin responds.
Eren leans down and kisses your forehead, which catches you off guard but you don’t say anything.
“I’ll hide in here for a bit more. Until they’re too drunk to even remember their names.”
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🏷 @s-witch-bitch @dont-ask-me-pls @todoroki-slut @jhsuhx @witchblades666 @eatingasswithsomeclass @Kamikat @tojigirlfriend @miemielovesjjk @ushigushy3000 @im-a-killer-queen @monstaxs-bitchh @lightofmylifeisbts @iam-mia9 @Flamesforrengoku @S0ur.cr34m @i2ilakkuma @mysticchaosangel @onidomi @geltears @hottieluvr @lovemarvel16 @windexwanda @captainweirdo42 @weasleypottersblog @sweetiepiezz @valentinedays @nothisispatrick300 @heartsatoru @flamealchemiste @redrum-and-diamonds @hannadesimp @m0ch1nut @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn @nobody289x @deccahh @siriusoswaldsupremacy @watyousayin @poetrylovingwerewolf-blog @mimizsworld @milaaakebosss @icryduringgsexx
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aalloochaat · 7 months
fuckboy!eren falling for you at first sight and not even realizing it <3
pt.2 here
fuckboy!eren waking up to you gently shaking him, and his half-drunk ass thinking you’re an angel from his dreams
fuckboy!eren who is immediately startled out of his stupor when you shyly introduce yourself as reiner’s roommate and tell him to wash up and come have breakfast with the rest of the group
oh, that’s right…everyone got drunk and ended up crashing at reiner’s apartment…
fuckboy!eren who can’t keep his eyes off you as you pour a glass of orange juice for him and push it towards him as he eats. 
fuckboy!eren who feels internally offended that reiner had kept a gem like you hidden from him. the nerve!
fuckboy!eren who can’t help but be taken aback at how nice you are, even though a bunch of drunk strangers had crashed into your living space at three in the morning.
fuckboy!eren who is content to sit back and watch you get familiar with his friends, leaning against the kitchen counter as you listen to them recall the night before with a soft smile. 
fuckboy!eren who doesn’t realize he’s watching you with heart eyes until jean nudges him with an elbow to his side and a smirk on his stupid face. yeager, you look like you’re about to ask her to marry you, eh?
an: its my first time actually posting something despite me being on tumblr for years BYEEE. lemme know if yall want more? <3
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n-agiz · 2 years
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UP-CLOSEㅤ roommate! armin arlert x fem! reader ft. boyfriend! eren yeager — smut [ 0.5k+ wc ] cws voyeurism + masturbation (m) nipple sucking + mentions of creampie ! MDNI
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ㅤarmin knew invading your privacy like this was wrong, but for some reason, that just made everything better.
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armin's body felt hot all over, phantom flames burning him from the inside out the longer he stared at the scene in front of him.
he didn’t mean to do any of this. didn’t mean to eavesdrop on you, to slightly open your bedroom door, to have his eyes glued to the way your body moved against his best friend’s, to feel his own cock harden in his boxers until it became uncomfortable to have it straining against the material — and yet, that was exactly what he had done.
you just looked too good, plush thighs straddling eren’s hips as your nails dug into the back of his neck and shoulder blades, fingers every so often pulling at his tied hair as you bounced on his cock, moaning as low as you could so your roommate — armin himself — couldn’t hear what you were doing in the room right next to his. obviously that didn’t work, but armin assumed that as long as you didn’t know that, nothing would be wrong, so he just kept at it, fingers wrapping around his thick cock, slowly going up and down his length as he kept on watching you move, each one of your little sounds and pleas sending pleasure waves to his girth, making him twitch and spill more precum onto his digits.
armin wished he could see you up-close, wished he could be the one whose hands were traveling up and down your sides, lips adventurous as they wrapped around one of your nipples, tongue effortlessly licking on the perked nub while his palms cupped your breast, humming against your chest with the intent of letting you know that he loved how good you tasted, how good you felt. he wished he could be the one doing all that — but he couldn’t, so he decided he would stay satisfied with just this, with watching you fuck your boyfriend — his own best friend — in secret, without anyone outside of him having to know about it. that would probably be enough, he didn’t need much to be satisfied anyways, he supposed.
as your movements got sloppier, thighs burning while you felt your orgasm start threatening to snap any second, armin couldn’t help but fall into being in synch with you, hand moving faster up and down his length as he watched you bite your lower lip, lids glued closed as you threw your head back and your mouth fell open in a silent scream, seemingly reaching your high in that exact moment. the view of you like that made armin almost choke out a moan, fingers clamping down a bit too hard around his cock as he came too, cum dripping down his hand as he thought about how amazing it would feel to spill his seed inside you, to feel your walls flutter around him as he filled you up.
“maybe another time” he mumbled to himself, quickly tucking his dick back into his pants before carefully closing your bedroom’s door and silently walking back into his room again, promising to himself that he would never say a single word about what had just happened to anyone.
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blondeboyfriend · 1 year
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[ PAIRING ] Eren Yeager x f!reader [ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] Another oldie. Shout out to Mica for beta reading this for me. [ SYNOPSIS ] You return home from college to housesit while your mother is away. Everything seems rather mundane until you have a chance meeting with a strange yet alluring man. [ WORD COUNT ] 4.1k [ CONTENT ] Dark content, modern AU, Eren's fucking awful in this, manipulation, stalking, masturbation, dubcon bordering on noncon, degradation, vaginal fingering.
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“Thank you so much for watching the house, little one,” your mother said, pinching your cheek.
An action that would usually leave you aggravated was welcome intimacy. College made you miss everyone. Mundane things became beacons of light in a darkened sea of melancholy. It was hard not to internalize the pain, the loneliness that plagued you and turned your stomach into a bottomless pit.
Even as you stood in front of your mother and her kind eyes, you couldn’t help but think of how eventually you would leave this isolated exurb and return to hell itself. You’d wrestle with complicated coursework, cry in the communal bathroom when your roommate refused to stop blasting Post Malone, and sit through lectures with lecherous professors that asked you “to go on walks and discuss poetry.”
“Of course, you think I’m gonna turn down a chance to throw a massive party? I’m trying to relive my teenage fantasy.”
She rolled her eyes and gave you a hug.
“I transferred some money into your bank account for food. Please don’t spend it all on junk.”
Bags of Cheetos danced through your mind.
“You got it,” you lied.
She grabbed her suitcase and floated out the door, leaving you to your own devices. You watched her drive off through the front window, a puff of exhaust lingering as she sped off to the airport. You strode into the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge. The only contents being two jars of artisan mustard, a Greek yogurt, an absurd amount of spaghetti, and a bag of Rainier cherries.
“Pantry’s gotta be better.”
You flung the door to it and were confronted with a hard sourdough baguette and a box of generic Frosted Flakes. You sighed and closed the door dejectedly. Biking to the convenience store sounded woefully unappealing in 90 degree weather especially when the entire ride was sun-soaked.
“Eh, fuck it.”
You scrambled through your overnight bag and pulled out your sunscreen, slathering it all over you. You pocketed your wallet, grabbed your bike, and began your journey.
The second you opened the door, sunlight irradiated you. Quickly you put on your sunglasses and cautiously biked along the hyper heated concrete. Sweat oozed from your pores, sunscreen melting off your face and weaseling its way into your eyes. Wiping them crossed your mind but your hands were busy. You blinked repeatedly hoping to mitigate the problem but it was a thankless task.
When you finally got to the convenience store you dropped your bike in front of the entrance, growing more exhausted and thirsty by the second. A large “cash only” sign flashed in your face.
“Since when?” You asked no one in particular.
You stumbled inside the store over to the ATM and took out $40 from your bank account. The machine decided to take its sweet time, whirring for a good five minutes before spitting out your cash. After waiting for what felt like hours you trudged to the back and struggled to find anything that remotely looked like what you wanted.
“No, no, no,” you said as you peered into every fridge. “Fuck my ass. Come on.”
A stifled laugh brought you out of your trance.
“Watch out, some creep might try to take you up on that offer.”
“Oh shit, my bad!” You deferred.
The man turned his attention towards you. He was inhumanly gorgeous. His skin sun kissed, long espresso colored hair piled on top of his head in a messy bun, eyes greener than any field you’d seen. He wore a red tropical print button-up with short sleeves and fitted denim shorts. His smile was wide and jovial, one you could trust.
“’S all good,” he said, his eyes lingering on your lips.
“I, uh… Hey, have you seen anything that isn’t a Red Bull or a bottle of St Ides? I’d ask the guy at the counter but he seems rather engrossed in his reading.”
You slyly pointed at the cashier whose nose was buried in a vintage Playboy.
“I have, follow me,” he said, his voice like velvet. A siren’s song.
He wrapped an arm around you and led you to a fridge full of your favorite shit.
“Oh wow, thank you!”
His hands trailed down to your waist. “No problem. Hate to see a pretty thing like you look so lost.”
He looked you over one last time and headed over to the cashier. He pointed at a small bottle of silver Bacardi and slunk out the door after making his purchase. He slowly drove off in a burgundy 1970 Ford Galaxie.
The man was kind yet odd. A face you wouldn’t mind seeing again but one you’d likely run from if you encountered it in a dark alley.
You grabbed a couple bags of chips and one of the bananas that sat on the front counter. The ride home felt significantly easier this time around, your feet less heavy. Just a brief moment of social interaction was enough to make your day.
The pleasantness of your ride quickly dissipated as you noticed a car trailing behind you. You glanced over your shoulder, but as you turned your head to get a better look the car made a sharp u-turn, speeding off in the other direction. Unease crept up on you, making your hands tremble ever so slightly.
All you saw was a flash of burgundy.
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The housing development your mother bought into was initially supposed to be a dream-like landscape of exurban bliss. Pastel tract homes with detached garages and green lawns thriving despite nature’s uninhabitable wrath. The money hungry builders saw the arid valley and thought “upscale homes with a golf course and an outdoor mall.”
Of course it never took off. Living in the rain shadow of a massive mountain range was a tough sell and anyone with a brain knew the cotton candy colored homes wouldn’t last in the heat. However those desperate to own land bought them up at auction, your mother being one of them. She ended up with the best one, in her opinion.
“Some of them were worth more than others,” she said, as if she got away with a crime.
The house sat at the edge of the development, a clear view of the towering, jagged mountains to the east. The only thing that separated you from the wilds of the valley was the shoddy fencing your mother haphazardly fixed from time to time. Your closest neighbor, Hannes, lived comically far away on the other side of the development.
You stared down a pile of empty chip bags, regretting your decision to buy straight up junk and a banana. Delivery options were limited to pizza and Thai food; not many restaurants liked driving to the edge of the earth for a single order.
You grabbed your laptop ultimately deciding to order pizza.
“Ugh, of course my credit card info isn’t saved,” you whined.
You patted your pocket where you had previously stored your wallet but nothing was there.
“The fuck?”
You tore off your shorts and shook them. Nothing. No wallet.
“Shit. Guess I’ll call the store.”
You called the convenience store guy and he was utterly useless. Your stomach grumbled, reverberating throughout your body. Hunger took hold of you. You decided to toast the stale bread and eat it with olive oil. You figured you should save the rest of your cash for actual groceries.
“’Hey little one, what’d you eat when I was gone?’ Oh nothing, mama, just fucking croutons.”
The kitchen was bathed in a pinkish glow. The sun settled behind the mountains leaving the sky shades of pink, orange, and blue. It was a loveliness you missed, something you couldn’t find in overly pruned parks and crowded campus cafes. You preheated the oven and struggled to break the bread into bite-sized pieces.
“Fuck,” you muttered as a particularly hard bit of crust works its way under your fingernail.
You held your hand up to examine it and breathed a sigh of relief, no blood. Your relief was short lived as you noticed something rustling in the checkerblooms. You leaned over the counter to get a better look but you saw nothing. Just purple flowers ebbing in the evening breeze.
“Coulda been an elk,” you said to calm your nerves.
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That morning you found used condoms outside the kitchen window filled to the brim with milky cum. You didn’t mention it to Hannes when you biked down to his house for money and socializing.
The days were easy to get through. You biked around the development when the heat was at its kindest. You bitched to Hannes about how isolated you were but also how you were far too lazy to remedy the situation. You watched game shows and soap operas. Immersing yourself in daytime television was a welcomed, mind numbing distraction.
The nights were what got the best of you.
You called your mother when the fear became too much, when you’d hear footsteps outside your window. But her advice was always the same.
“Drink a Pabst and turn on Golden Girls! Or ask the delivery guy to hang out with you.”
“Don’t you have a security system?”
“Is this what college has done to you? I remember just last year you couldn’t even remember to lock the front door.”
A million thoughts ran rampant through your brain. She was right after all; you were rather careless growing up in the mundanity of the valley. You sought excitement by skipping through the alkali flats, kicking up rancid dust. You ran around with stray dogs and even got bit by one. A lonely, little girl like you was a professional at putting yourself in questionable circumstances.
“Whatever. I still can’t find my wallet though,” you whined.
“Did you try calling the store again?”
“Why would I call them again?”
“I don’t know,” she said, voice filled with exasperation. “The money I sent should get to you soon.”
“Still don’t think it was smart to literally mail me money.”
She laughed. “Alright, little one. Call me tomorrow.”
And with that your mother hung up. You gazed outside the window as a tule elk meandered by, sniffing the ground occasionally stopping to nibble on a shrub. It lifted its head and jerked it around quickly, an urgent look in its eye. Before you blinked it bounded off into the distance, almost like it was never there in the first place. Curiosity got the better of you and you decided to investigate. You grabbed a kitchen knife and held it like you’d seen all those final girls do in slasher movies.
“I can’t die like this,” you whispered to yourself. “I haven’t even had a threesome yet.”
You crept towards the front door and looked through the peephole. Not a thing, just dead grass and concrete. You sighed and dropped the knife, feeling silly for even grabbing it in the first place. With this new found peace you stepped into the kitchen to brew some tea only to be startled by a faceless figure.
“Holy shit!” You shrieked, ducking under the kitchen table knowing full well you were still visible. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” you muttered.
“Hi, didn’t mean to scare you,” he said.
His voice was oddly friendly, but not so much that you were willing to respond.
“I, uh, found your wallet. Sorry it took me a bit, you just live so far out here.”
You poked your head out from under the table and looked up.
It was the handsome man from the convenience store. He looked decidedly less gorgeous, but a babe all the same. His hair now hung past his shoulders, partially obscuring his face. He wore the same tropical print shirt and shorts you saw him in previously but they were now paired with a faded denim jacket lined with cream Sherpa.
“You want it back or can I keep it?” He asked, his voice as velvety as ever.
“I—I definitely need it.”
You crawled out from under the table and gestured for him to meet you at the front door. As you opened it you saw him leaning on his car, arms crossed.
“Hey, so my wallet?” You shouted at him.
“I, uh, left it at home.”
He grinned. “Didn’t realize it until I checked my pocket. It’s back at my place if you wanna take a ride.”
Your stomach dropped.
“I—I have Thai food coming and like, so, I gotta be here when it shows up.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “I’ll drop by tomorrow then, that alright?”
No was the first word to enter your mind but you wanted your damn wallet.
“That sounds fine. Thanks, uh…”
“Eren,” he purred.
You forced a smile. “Thank you, Eren. I’ll see you tomorrow. Just gimme a call when you’re close, okay?”
He nodded and waved as you turned to go back inside. Once safe and locked in the house you watched him linger, his eyes still fixed on the spot you previously stood in. He waited around for a good five minutes before he got in his car and sped off.
That night, as you struggled to drift asleep, you reluctantly thought of Eren. You slipped your hand in your underwear and rubbed your clit, pretending that it was him doing so. You bit down on your bottom lip as you traced your fingers down your folds, coating them with your fluids. You slid your hand under your t-shirt and pinched your nipple.
“E—eren,” you whimpered, thrusting up against your hand.
You pictured his strong arms around you, plunging his throbbing cock deeper and deeper inside you. The look of unbridled lust in his emerald eyes as he held you close, pumping you full of his cum.
Your breathing quickened and your toes curled as your orgasm rushed through your body. You continued to mewl his name, your body going limp as your lust subsided. Shame immediately hit you and you rolled over onto your side in a fetal position.
“Why am I like this?” You asked as you tried to will yourself unconscious.
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That morning you were greeted with a lack of cell service.
You made a few attempts to call your mother, groaning every time it was dropped. Eventually you resigned yourself to being even more cut off from the world. It’s not like you’d be alone for long. Eren did say he’d be dropping by with your wallet, though he never specified when that would be.
The day dragged on and your patience waned. You sat in the kitchen, eating cherries and scowling out the window. Eren finally arrived just as the sun started to lower itself.
He tapped on the door, with his car keys.
“Hi, pretty girl,” he crooned.
You cautiously opened the door and let him in. He smelled like rum and cheap deodorant. His shirt was dingier every time you saw it, it’s once bright hue losing saturation. His denim shorts were dappled with white stains and dirt. Everything about him screamed freak but you welcomed him inside anyway.
“Hey, so…”
“Ah, yeah,” he said, pulling your wallet out of his pocket.
He held it out of reach the second you went to grab it from him.
“Work for it.”
There was something inherently ominous about his grin. It wasn’t a particularly creepy one, in fact it was rather lovely. But his eyes hid something, there was a blankness to them. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, utterly unreadable.
“Come on.”
You attempted to grab it again but he again jerked it out of reach.
“You come on,” he teased.
His eyes looked through you. It was as if he didn’t register you as a person, a human, an equal. You struggled to hide your fear which softened his demeanor.
“I’m sorry. I see a pretty girl and all I wanna do is fuck with her.”
He finally handed you your wallet, his fingers brushing yours.
“Those are some nice hands.”
You gulped and tried your best to look unbothered.
“Uh, thanks.”
“Any chance you could gimme one?”
“Excuse me?”
He flashed you another grin.
“My car’s having some trouble, thing’s old as fuck. Could you lend me a hand?”
“I don’t know much about cars honestly.”
“Having another pair of eyes on it will help. Maybe you’ll catch something I missed.”
You followed him out the door even though your conscious screamed for you to turn around, to go back inside and lock your door. He led you over to his car, the hood was already lifted. You stared into it not sure what to look at.
“See anything strange?” He said, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You laughed nervously.
“N—no, not really.”
He leaned closer to your ear and whispered, his breath reeked of rum.
“Oh come on, baby. Take a better look.”
He pushed you against the car, his semi-hard cock rubbing against your ass. You froze as he rocked his hips against you. Eren groaned as he continued to thrust.
Run, you thought to yourself. Get the fuck away from him. But instead you stood there, clenching your fists, fighting the urge to grind up against him.
“Oh you like that, huh?” He whispered, his tongue flicking your ear.
You arched your back and bit your lip as he rutted against you, his cock now fully erect. A small moan exited your lips as Eren shoved his hands down your shorts. He rubbed your clit through your underwear.
“Ye—yes,” you mumbled.
He leaned in and sniffed your hair, his breath hitching as he savored the smell of your shampoo. His fingers pulled your underwear to the side and he coated them with your fluids.
“You’re this wet already?”
You kept quiet, you were afraid of what depraved things would leave your lips if you opened them. It had been so long and you were so lonely. You couldn’t trust yourself to speak.
“It’s okay, baby. Open your mouth for me.”
He took his fingers out of your cunt and forced them into your mouth.
“Suck them clean.”
You ran your tongue on the underside of his rough fingers.
“Good girl,” he rasped. “Tell me how good this feels.”
He shoved them back down into your shorts and started to finger you. Stifling your moans was out of the question.
“Ohhh, Eren,” you whined. “Feels s—so good.”
“How would you like it if I fucked you in the back seat, baby?”
You nodded feebly. He let you go and led you to the back. You glanced inside and saw zip ties, duct tape, and a mallet on the floor partially hidden under the driver’s seat.
“I have to go!” You shouted abruptly as you ran back to the house, tripping on the porch.
Eren glared at you, his eyes losing any semblance of sanity.
“I’m gonna get you. You think runnin’ from me is gonna do you any favors?”
You sat there like a wounded doe, clutching your bleeding knee. You wanted to get up and run but fear had you in a chokehold.
“J—just leave, please,” you said, trying to sound brave. “My neighbor’s supposed to check on me any minute now. You don’t wanna deal with him.”
Lies. Hannes wasn’t coming and Eren didn’t move a muscle.
“You think I’m scared of some drunk that lives up the road? Hannes ain’t gonna do shit,” he hissed.
How the fuck did he know Hannes? Eren’s words were like poison. Whatever pleasantness you imagined was gone. He was a monster, a menace.
“Just go!” You screamed, voice cracking. “Get the fuck out of here!”
He stood completely still, not even his facial expression changed. You got to your feet and scrambled inside, locking the door behind you.
You watched Eren through the window as you attempted to call Hannes but the call refused to go through. Calling the cops crossed your mind but they were always useless so you refrained.
Eren lingered around for about a half an hour before he finally drove off, his car running perfectly.
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You didn’t sleep that night. Didn’t even shut an eye. You sat on the floor, your phone dead in your hand. There was still no service. You felt more shut off than ever, haunted by your loneliness and what it made you do. It made you sick. Nausea plagued you all night, the lingering feeling of his hands on your body made the room spin. It was all too much to bear.
When you saw Eren drive up at dawn you barely had a reaction. You were too tired to be afraid. He got out of his car, still in the same outfit, his stringy hair hanging in his face. The sun shined behind him and his features seemed distorted in the early morning light. Maybe it was the lack of sleep or maybe there was something truly wrong with this man.
He sat on the hood of his car, staring at the front door. You were sure he could see through it, see your pathetic form on the floor. You hoped he’d leave, but he didn’t.
He sat there for an hour before you finally decided to peek your head out the door.
“Hey, baby, did you miss me?”
“No,” you said, opening the door completely.
“You invitin’ me in?”
“Absolutely not. Stay back.”
There wasn’t much space between you and Eren. The front lawn was of average size and it’s not like the sidewalk was very wide. He could snatch you up easy.
“Alright, alright,” he acquiesced.
“What do you want?”
He batted his eyelashes at you, clearly trying to disarm you.
“Come take a ride with me.”
“You’re insane. No. Now go.”
You pointed at the road. You tried to mirror how your mother told off overzealous evangelists that pounded on her door every so often.
“I’m not leaving without you.”
“Well I’m not leaving this house,” you said firmly.
“What do you think I’m gonna do to you, huh?”
“I saw what was in your car.”
“I keep a lotta things in there.”
“I called the cops the second you drove up,” you lied.
He smirked.
“They would’ve been here by now. Guess they’re not coming,” he mused, calling your bluff.
“I called Hannes too and my mom. The—they’re gonna be here soon.”
“Your mom’s out of the country last time I checked.”
“And if I remember correctly the little jammer I set up shoulda been blocking your cell signal. So unless you got a landline you haven’t called shit.”
You wanted to puke.
“Look at you,” he cheered. “Such a cutie, and so alone!”
He got up off the hood of his car and opened the door to the backseat.
“Hop in.” He said with a sick smile on his face.
“No, I’m not going.”
“You want me to grab you by the hair and force you in? I will if I have to.”
“Leave me alone.”
“I’ll rip that shit from your scalp. Wouldn’t bother me any,” he sneered. “I’d still fuck you.”
“I have a gun.”
Another lie. You didn’t have any weapons, not even a kitchen knife. You were defenseless.
“You think I’m afraid of some little slut with a gun? Get in the car.”
Tears fell from your eyes, but you didn’t make a sound. You just stared at the ground.
“Come on, it’s only a ride.”
“Okay,” you said in a small voice.
“Hmm?” Eren’s eyes widened.
“I’ll go. I just wanna grab some things. That okay?”
He nodded and you scurried inside. You grabbed your bag and tossed your wallet in it. Eren stood outside, checking his phone. You frantically yanked your phone charger from the wall and tossed it in along with your phone.
The sun still hung low in the sky. Eren honked his horn an obnoxious amount of times, each iteration filling you with more and more anxiety. You flung the back door open and hopped over the fence, your sock catching on it. Your ankle twisted ever so slightly.
“Sh—shit,” you groaned.
Eren continued to honk his horn. You stood up and sprinted away from the yard, your ankle throbbing the whole time. You knew civilization was in the other direction, but so was Eren. Avoiding him was more important. Escape was what you wanted, safety be damned. Every inch of the development was tainted with his presence, even your mother’s home. You knew running into the shadows of the mountains was a bad idea, but you didn’t care. You’d run forever if you had to.
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Don't ask me for a part 2, y/n died of exposure. xoxo gossip finn
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