#roleplaying adds a purpose to playing a good number of games since I'm telling myself a story but like... most of my favorite games are sims
provendermalkin · 11 months
the problem with having a lot of experience at optimizing the order you do things in and looking at how things work so you can take them apart is that eventually your games become kind of boring because you've just sort of broken them in half as soon as you understand the mechanics.
on the one hand, I find it frustrating when a game artificially gates progress behind arbitrary enforced difficulty that you can't overcome with tricks or strategies. But on the other hand, I am very good at finding those tricks when they exist, and I inevitably lose interest once I discover there's simply no reason to continue playing-- either the challenge is gone, or I've done everything there is to do pretty much as fast as you can do it without being a serious speedrunner
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