#robin watches sailor moon
winxwiki · 1 year
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extremely specific anime references in Winx Club
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stevesbipanic · 1 month
@steddieangstyaugust Day 16: Halloween
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Steve used to love Halloween.
His mom would always get him any costume he wanted and it made him feel like the coolest kid in school.
When he was six he was a vampire with a beautiful velvet cloak.
When he was eight he was an astronaut and told everyone he'd go to the moon one day.
When he was ten he was a knight and one of the boys in school dressed as a dragon let him pretend to defeat him.
When he was twelve he was prince charming and wore a glittering crown, but it was the last time his mom took him trick or treating.
When he was fourteen he didn't mind because he and Tommy got to go by themselves dressed as zombies and chased everyone they saw.
When he was sixteen he stopped liking Halloween, it was bullshit anyway.
When he was eighteen he spent the night watching movies with Robin but stopped the scary ones after they saw a kid dressed as a sailor at the door.
Now he is nineteen and he has Eddie.
Eddie always loved Halloween.
He didn't have the best costumes but he made do. Free candy was more food than he'd get most weeks so he made sure it lasted.
When he was six his mom helped cut holes in a sheet and called him her little ghost.
When he was eight he wrapped himself in toilet paper once his dad was passed out and couldn't yell at him for wasting it.
When he was ten his uncle stitched fabric from the thrift store and made him big green dragon wings, he'd wear them the following year too.
When he was twelve the drama department let him keep his lion costume from the play to use for Halloween.
When he was fourteen he dressed as a rockstar and told all his friends they'd be famous one day.
When he was sixteen he spent more time selling at parties than dressing up.
When he was eighteen he got drunk and tried not to think about how he had to repeat all this bullshit again.
Now he is twenty.
He's twenty and he has a beautiful boyfriend who doesn't have the best memories of Halloween. A broken childhood like his, different but still the same.
He pulls those old dragon wings out of the closet and clips a chestplate to his personal knight in shining armor.
"Are there any stories where the knight saves the dragon instead of defeating him?"
"Yeah, but you already wrote it, sweetheart."
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yinyangswings · 1 year
If Sanji Had A Child
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He is over the moon when Chopper gives you and him the news. That man is practically jumping for joy.
Actually he does jump for joy
He practically gives up smoking overnight for you. It does make him a bit more irritable around the crew. Zoro especially.
But he never snaps at you no matter how irritated he feels. Even when you feel slightly guilty over him having to give up a habit for you.
Has a slight pregnancy kink, not going to lie. He loves watching you and staring at your belly as it grows and is almost always rubbing it.
Granted, barring others on the crew, if some random passerby tries to touch your stomach, they’re going to get a face full of foot
Is always willing to make you whatever concoction your cravings come up with and eat it with you if need be. Doesn't matter the time of the day or night. And trust me, you try to keep your craving requests to a minimum because you don’t want to be a bother him, which he quickly refutes, saying he doesn’t mind
Feels slightly self-conscious when walking around towns and sees all the skinny and pretty women that Sanji would typically chase after, especially when you get on in the later months and it is fairly obvious that you’re pregnant
You keep expecting to find him somewhere with one of these women. And you can’t blame him if he does
When he finds out about your fears (through a very irate Nami who filled him in on it), he feels upset that he’s made you self conscious about your appearance and is quick to pull you close and reassure you over and over again that you’re beautiful and he only has his eyes set on you
That night, he makes sure you know you’re the only one he wants
Ironically, your water breaks when you’re eating some of his dishes. You hadn’t been feeling the greatest that day, and you wanted some small snack. One bite and then your water has broken
That night, the crew learns that you can curse just as bad as a sailor, and even make up some new curse words along the way all aimed at Sanji for putting you through this.
It’s several long hours before a different cry fills the air and your little daughter comes screaming into the world. You stare at her with awe and love and you cannot imagine a baby more perfect.
Sanji is just…stunned, watching as Robin helps Chopper with cleaning the baby girl.
And then she’s in his arms and it's as if the world has grown still and he can’t breathe all of a sudden. She’s tiny, red, wrinkly and she has the chubbiest cheeks, and he can see a tuft of blonde adorning her head. 
Her hands are soft, and her tiny fist can barely wrap around one finger.
And he falls head over heels for this little girl and is a weeping mess as he takes her in. You find it cute and just watch them bond as you relax and recuperate
She is never far from him for the first few months. He doesn’t want to miss anything his little princess is doing. Usually you find her with him in a sling on his chest, babbling loudly at him as he replies with responses. She’s apparently his biggest fan, and biggest critic when it comes to food. He offers her some things to taste.
He makes all her baby food. None of that pre-made, canned stuff. 
As with during your pregnancy, he is never smoking around her.
And his little princess is spoiled by him. 
Cue some teasing about what will happen when she’s older and boys begin to catch her eye. Sanji gets very…protective at that moment and firmly states she won’t be dating any time soon.
He pointedly ignores everyone mentioning his flirting with women
Sometimes at night, Sanji wakes up and finds you feeding her and he just watches. Not in a creepy perverted kind of way, just silently watching the two of you. And his mind wanders and he wonders how his father could have looked at his siblings and made them into monsters. How he  considered doing the same with him had his mother not intervened.
And he thanks his mother over and over again in his mind for giving him this chance to have his small family and to cherish you and your little girl.
Those nights he holds you close, watching his precious little girl safe and asleep now happy with a belly full of food.
A few months later Zeff and the crew in Baratie receive a simple letter with pictures of the baby. There is a loud cheer heard throughout the ship.  
Zeff may or may not have them tacked up on the wall.
Sanji receives a letter from Zeff with some small recipe suggestions and the request for more pictures in the future.
And Sanji happily obliges.
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scorpiussage · 1 year
The Robin to My Batman (Neil Lewis/Fem!OC)
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Pairing: Neil Lewis/Fem!OC 
Summary: A comic book store opens up next to Gumshoe Video prompting a hot and heavy feud between the two businesses and their nerdy owners. 
Theme: Romance - Enemies to Lovers 
Warnings: Nerds being nerds, smut 
The early morning walks to open Gumshoe Video are always enjoyable for Neil. He loves getting coffee from that family owned Armenian coffee shop down the street, greeting the old man who owns the hardware store across the street, and contemplating what the day’s theme should be. 
However, his gorgeous, peaceful morning comes to a screeching halt as he spots a large moving truck parked in front of Gumshoe— no, parked in front of the vacant store to the left of his. He quickly darts into the alleyway across the street and watches with mounting horror as some—so far unrecognizable—new business moves in. 
“No no no no no,” Neil mutters to himself, already picturing the worst case scenario. What if it’s a competing video store? Or perhaps on of those Christian shops that sells over priced bible themed tchotchkes? Both are miserable possibilities and he has no idea what he’ll do if either of those ends up being the case. 
When the coast is clear of movers, Neil goes sprinting into his store and making a made dash for the phone to call his friends. 
He has a bad feeling about this. 
The first time he sees her is at the grand opening of Golden Age Comics, the new comic book store next door. The first thing he sees when he walks in isn’t the life sized cutouts of various comic book characters placed strategically about nor the wall display of rare figurines. 
No, the first thing he sees is her, Bailey Taylor, the owner of the shop. She’s dressed like Wonder Woman, displaying these long shapely legs that have Neil’s jaw going slack in awe. She flutters about the store, greeting customers and advertising the big grand opening sale she’s running. 
Johnathan and Lucien, who came into the store with him, start needling each other excitedly, muttering about how hot she is and Neil can only feel dread. This can only spell bad news, he just knows it. 
Not at all like a coward, he quickly flees the store before she can approach him. 
The first time he actually meets Bailey, she comes into his shop. Today Gumshoe is having a deal on westerns and so Neil is dressed accordingly as a cowboy. When she walks into his store, it creates a rather comical juxtaposition as it appears her own store is having a sale on Japanese manga. 
Sailor Moon Bailey and Cowboy Neil stare each other down. 
“Um, hi,” she greets with an awkward little wave, her smile bright despite the uncomfortable mood, “I own the comic book store next door. My name is Bailey.” 
Neil nods stiffly, doing everything in his power to not stare at how hot she looks in that cosplay. When Neil fails to respond, an irritatingly adorable frown mars her features 
“Okay,” she mutters to herself before saying, “Well, I just wanted to see if you’d be willing to do a team-up and have a collaborative sale.” 
Neil scoffs, “And what? Hock old Adam West Batman tapes?”
She perks up and nods enthusiastically, “Yes! Exactly! I actually have this really great id-.”
Neil shudders at the thought and cuts her off before she can get going, “The old Batman show is absolute garbage in its cinematic delivery— no way would I subject my customers to that.” 
The glare she gives him could cut steel and admittedly makes his happy bits stir in interest. 
“Garbage?” She snarls, “That show was a pioneer for superhero media! Just because some over hyped alcoholic wife beater didn’t direct it, doesn’t mean it’s not good!” 
Neil’s eyes narrow at her and he crosses his arms, trying to appear more authoritative than he usually looks, “Oh believe me, the director has nothing to do with the bad editing and poor visual shots!” 
The woman looks like she’s visibly holding herself back from launching herself over the counter and decking Neil in the face. His cock makes another inappropriate twitch at the thought and he internally scolds himself for these reactions. 
Without another word, Bailey storms out of the store and stomps her way back to her own shop and Neil breathes a sigh of relief. 
God, he really needs to get laid if some uneducated comic dork is getting him riled up. 
After that disastrous first encounter, a Cold War of sorts settles over the two businesses. If Neil is having a sale, Bailey will have a better one. If Neil does a midnight showing of a movie, Bailey hosts a free-to-join D&D party. If Neil dressed up, Bailey does too but does it better. 
It’s aggravating. 
Neil doesn’t even know what it is about her that has him going absolutely insane, but it’s beginning to be a problem. For instance, last week she dressed up like Cat Woman and strutted about both in and out of her store, placing herself in full view of Neil boredly manning the register of his own shop. He had to go and jerk off in his office like five times; and he was still horny afterwards!
Like he said— problem. 
And it’s only getting worse. 
“Dude, oh my god! She’s dressed like a school girl today!” Johnathan says while rushing into the shop, a lecherous grin on his face, “Her skirt is so short!” 
Lucien cheers and Neil rams his head onto the surface of the checkout counter repeatedly. 
He’s gonna die horny and infuriated by her subpar taste in cinema, it’s inevitable. 
Lucien just gives him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder and leaves him to his melancholy while he and Johnathan go next door. 
“Ugh what do I do?!” He laments pathetically to himself. 
The second interaction that Neil has with Bailey happens on a slow night for both businesses. 
Neil is parked on the shop couch, watching Lady in the Lake and barely staying awake when she comes into his shop. She’s dressed normal today in a worn Captain Marvel t-shirt and denim shorts and he’s a little too tired to properly hide the slow up and down he gives her. 
A little blush settles on her face when she catches him doing that. 
“Slow night?” She asks after clearing her throat awkwardly. 
“Yeah, you?” 
Bailey blows a raspberry and nods, walking over to the couch and throwing herself down onto it next to Neil. He quickly scoots over, giving her room while trying to smooth his shirt and hair down to look less like a mess. 
“What are we watching?” She asks. 
Things sort of devolve from there. Whether it was one innocent comment taken the wrong way, or an intentional dig, it prompts a fresh new screaming match between the two of them over the cinematic quality of the Adam West Batman series. This woman will not let go of that trash TV series, Neil realizes.
Bailey gets up from the couch at some point, Neil hot on her heels as they move their heated argument about the store. It’s when they’re next to the wall that Neil pushes her against the surface and pins her arms high above her. He’s not thinking when he kisses her, pushing his tongue into her mouth to taste her— he’s running purely on adrenaline and instinct. 
That first kiss they share is not a gentle one; it’s rough and filthy and hot. 
“You are such a brat,” Neil bites out scathingly, his hands slipping away from her wrists to start running over her chest, cupping those perky tits of hers in his hands. 
“You are an obnoxious tool!” She sneers in return, her now free hands making quick work of his belt buckle and the button on his jeans. 
“I can’t believe how terrible your taste is in cinema! A rock would have better opinions!” Neil helps her push his pants down and then reaches forward to yank her shirt off. The bra she’s wearing is just a simple navy colored one but it has him physically biting back a moan at the sight. 
She smirks up at him, then pushes him away with a rough shove, sending him into one of the shelves. She gets into his space, wrapping her arms around his neck and initiating another one of those blood racing kisses. 
He reaches down and grabs her under her thighs, hoisting her up to wrap her legs around his waist. He starts walking them back towards his office, fully intent on throwing her down onto his couch in there and getting all this frustration out of his system. 
Sex has always been pretty gentle and by-the-book for Neil, he’s never had a desire to be rough or for a partner to be rough with him, but Bailey makes his head fuzzy. She makes him want to do things he’s never done before. 
“Fuck— Neil!” She gasps when he puts her down and immediately sticks his hand down the front of her shorts and starts rubbing along her slit. It’s so wet and he groans, his cock twitching in anticipation. 
“Can’t wait to shut you up,” he tells her, his long fingers alternating between rubbing vicious circles on her clit and slipping down to enter her with harsh thrusts, “Been thinking about this for weeks.” 
Her fingers scratch lightly across his stomach as she pushes his shirt up, “Well, you’re going to have to do lot better than this to make that happen.” 
His eyes narrow and he pulls his hand out of her shorts, ripping the button open and yanking them down her legs. He grips her around her hips and flips her onto her stomach, climbing onto her legs to keep her from kicking about. 
“I am so sick of that smart mouth,” he tells her before laying a loud slap to her right ass cheek, making her cry out in surprise that dissolves into a moan. He would spank her in earnest, but he’s been so fucking horny for so long that he only gives her a few smacks before slipping his fingers up under the edge of her panties, rubbing the buttery soft skin of her ass. 
Trailing his hands up, he unhooks her bra and climbs off of her so that she can turn over onto her back. She’s quick to shuck off her bra and panties, exposing herself entirely to his hungry gaze. 
“You said you thought about this for weeks,” she remarks while slipping her fingers down to her folds, “How many times did you jerk off to me?”
He groans and goes down to his knees, leaning forward and shouldering his way between her thighs. 
“So many fucking times,” he admits shamelessly before licking into her with enthusiasm.
Her fingers thread through his hair, tugging him forward and using the leverage to grind against his face. He could die here, smothered between those shapely thighs, and it would be in total bliss. Her moans are the sweetest thing he’s ever heard and he endeavors to hear them get louder. 
“Are you gonna cum for me, baby?” He asks, his fingers returning their journey of entering her and his eyes watching with hooded rapture as her cunt sucks them into her. 
“Neil,” she gasps his name, chanting it like a prayer and he picks up the pace with his fingers. He sucks on that hard little bud of hers and feels her cum around his fingers, that soaking cavern gripping him tightly. 
“Fuck, baby,” he groans, “please let me fuck you.” 
Her thighs are shaking as she comes down from her orgasm high, “Yes, fuck yes.” 
He doesn’t need any more encouragement— he’s barely got his underwear down before he’s pushing into her. She’s tighter and wetter than any other pussy he’s been in and he tells her as much, rasping filthy things into her ear as he begins a brutal and unrelenting rhythm. 
“Thought about bending you over the front counter and fucking you stupid so many times.” 
Her nails dig into his back, raking along the surface and certainly leaving their mark. 
The thought alone of her marking him could make him cum. He bites his lip harshly to try and wrestle back some control, unwilling to see it end so soon. 
It barely works as his hips stutter in their thrusting. 
“Can I cum in you?” He asks— no, practically begs her.
Her arms snake around his shoulders, tugging his head forward to rest against hers, their mouths finding each other hungrily. Between filthy, tongue filled kisses, she gasps, “Please!” 
Permission granted, he buries himself as deep as possible inside of her, the head of his cock nudging her cervix, and he cums. He groans loud and long as those warm, wet walls squeeze every last drop from his cock, sucking it better than any blow job could manage. 
He pulls out of her slowly and almost reluctantly, sad to part from that perfect cunt of hers. A flow of white cum follows his departure, dripping from her opening and over her ass in thick globs. 
He’s never seen something so sexy in his life and he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he doesn’t get to see it again. 
Stepping back from Bailey, he grabs his shirt off the floor and uses it to wipe her clean, chuckling at the deadpan look she gives him for the effort. Tossing the shirt aside, he climbs onto the couch and lays himself out next to her, pulling her to rest against his chest. 
They lay like that for a long time, catching their breaths and basking in the after glow. 
“You don’t really hate the Adam West Batman series, do you?” Bailey asks, her eyes looking up at Neil imploringly. 
Neil about answers the way he normally would but when he looks down at her and sees the earnest expression she’s wearing, he doesn’t have it in him to be an asshole. 
“No, it’s not that bad,” he lies and feels his heart flutter when she shoots him a beaming smile in return. 
He thinks he can stand mediocre cinema for her sake. 
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moonlavenders · 3 months
More Batfam Stuff
Jason Todd’s dad was Irish but his mom was the ginger
Dick likes geocaching and sometimes he brings Kory and Wally
Tim’s natural hair color is brown but he started dying it when he was younger to look more like Robin and he still does it because he likes looking like Dick
Stephanie is allergic to bees (not just being stung by bees but like if a bees within three feet of her, her eyes start to water)
Duke doesn’t wear his glasses, not because he thinks he looks bad with them, but because he’s just too lazy. Plus he doesn’t need them to see (everyone can tell he needs them, he’s always squinting, but he doesn’t notice)
All Damian’s social media accounts are for his animals (Alfred the Cat is beating the second place by 200 followers though Jerry the Turkey has been working hard to become first)
Cassandra loves the Sonic franchise. She binged Sonic Prime. Her favorite character is Big the Cat, she likes how calm he is. Cass loves how calm and easygoing he is
Bruce has a little candy jar at his office in WE so whenever his kids visit him at work they always have snacks
Cassandra and Tim have sweet tooth’s. Tim likes chocolate while Cass prefers gelatin and they both despise licorice (Dick love licorice though)
Damian has a bunch of OC’s his favorite is Julius Nightshaker-قاتل الوحوش. Julius is the Child of Princess Delilah قاتل الوحوش and Knight Sylvan Nightshaker.
Duke enjoys anime conventions. Once he and Izzy went dressed as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask
Jason and Dick love the first two How to Train Your Dragon movie. Jason read the books and Dick watched Race to the Edge
Stephanie’s favorite cartoon is the 2017 Ducktales
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vxnuslogy · 2 months
sunday as your "summer fling" drabble
imagine you two meet on the coast of a beach, there's little to no people and the only ones present are you and him with the sun setting in the background. you offer to show him around and when you, for the entire day, sunday makes you feel like you're living inside a fairytale. and you hate because he does this to everyone.
opening the doors, pulling back your chair, offering to swap shoes with you when your feet are tired, CARRYING YOU IN HIS ARMS when a crab scares the living daylights out of you; he's everything you could ever want and need in a partner. and you try to delude yourself into thinking that he'll stay. that he isn't a workaholic that would rather die than miss a deadline. how he needs to come back home to his dearest sister that urged him to take a vacation in the first place.
your hit with the sudden realization that for sunday, this was a one time thing. but to you, you envisioned a future with him.
he had nearly kissed you under the stars when you went swimming under the moon; stayed out late at night to watch the lighthouses guide lost sailors; he was so unabashed with the way he showed his affection and you rejoiced in it; how he told you that robin, arguably the most important person in his life, would love to meet you. for a moment you begin to wonder if all that praying for the man of your dreams finally paid off.
only to be left with a hollow chest where sunday would cradle your heart. he had left to go back to penacony and he took your heart with him.
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Headcanon and speaking as a black anime and cartoon (there's a difference) fan these Wayne boys are anime fans. Duke is a bit of a gatekeeper at times. Tim enjoys it and doesn't gatekeep.
Signal: I'm telling you Edward should've killed the man. What he did his daughter and his dog was messed up. Why did Scar get the kill?
Red Robin (Tim): Because Elric knew it would be wrong.
Signal(incensed): He turned his daughter into a Chimera! He did the same to his wife!
Red Robin(calm): That doesn't mean he can react with murder. Elric knew he would regret it.
Arsenal (Roy) sitting on the side confused.
Arsenal: What are you guys talking about?
Signal: Fullmetal alchemist, I think Edward should've killed Alexander. This dummy thinks Scar should've done so.
Red Robin: Why am I dummy here?
Arsenal: You guys are talking about a show right now?
Signal: Yeah, man it's slow tonight. It's not just a show, though. It's the best anime.
RR: Debatable. Jojo is the top tier.
Signal: That's such a basic like.
RR: A well written and fun anime being top tier? Yeah so basic.
Arsenal: We are in the middle of a stakeout and you are talking about cartoons!
Signal(insulted): It's anime.
Arsenal: Correction, "Japanese cartoons".
Signal: Why you saying that like that's a bad thing?
RR: You don't watch anime?
Arsenal (annoyed): No, I don't watch strange cartoons with tentacles in it.
Signal (disgusted): What kind of anime were you watching?
Arsenal: Honestly, anime is stupid and people who watch it are weird-
Arsenal gets punched by Signal, knocking him to the ground.
Arsenal: What the fuck?!
Signal (shocked staring at his fist): I'm sorry, it's just when people say that about anime it becomes an automatic response. It's like my fists have no control.
RR: You kind of had that coming, Arsenal.
Arsenal: He hit me in the jaw.
RR: Yeah, you're lucky that's all he did. The last guy got knocked unconscious.
Signal: Don't insult Sailor Moon, it's not a show for creeps just because you don't understand it.
Arsenal (mockingly): You watch Sailor Moon?
RR: You should shut the heck up at this point. Jason isn't here and I will not protect you.
Signal: Yeah and I'm still learning my powers so anything can happen. You can be dazed or limping. I might even put my whole fist down your throat if you talk about anime like that. You don't have to like it, but be respectful.
Arsenal rolls his eyes.
Arsenal: Sorry then, continue your conversation about Japan- Anime. I will stand over here.
Arsenal stands and walks a few feet away. Signal nods and turns to RR to continue their conversation.
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rookiesbookies · 2 months
Jason “being Robin makes me feel like magic” Todd has three comfort shows.
MLP, Ted Lasso, and Gravity Falls. He also occasionally watches Sailor Moon and She-Ra Princess of Power. Cant tell me otherwise
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cillixn · 3 months
Am I the only one who wishes Matt Reeves would’ve put a scene in The Batman where we could watch the Riddler suit up just like the scene in Batman & Robin?
okay see, i see where you’re coming from but i’m sorry, it’s just not accurate bc we all know that eddie does a magical girl transformation into the riddler à la sailor moon 😌
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theoceantot · 5 months
Chapter 6
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(This is leading up to the game Arkham City)
*Perse began to train with Batman with not only her powers but hand to hand combat
*She struggled a lot at first but eventually got the hang of it. Perse didn't really have to use hand to hand combat too much since she had powers but it was just in case she couldn't use them
*Perse is only allowed to do patrol with Batman doing simple things. Absolutely nothing dangerous.
*Sharks. she loves sharks. her favorite is a bull shark
*Don't even get her started on sailor moon. Perse watched all of it in 3 days. Her favorite is Sailor Saturn since she can relate to what shes went through.
*Music she really enjoys is goth and metal. Becoming a pastel goth girl.
*Skateboarding becomes a daily activity for her. Perses board is pink with black bats on it while the bottom has sailor moon stickers
*Cheese is her pet possum. It hates everyone except her
*The first fight Perse was in they were talking bad about Batman and her.
Perse and Batman were on the roof stalking some wanted thugs that were having an interesting conversation
Thug 1- "Have you seen that kid thats been with batman?"
Thug 2- "Not yet. Is she hot?"
Perse cringed at this while Batman was ready to pound them in the ground.
Thug 3- "I heard she was that Persephone girl? The one that killed some of our crew. Nobody is positive though.
she despised that name.
Perse jumped down and faced them all. A mask from the purge covering her face. She hasn't decided on a costume yet so she winged it.
Thug 2- "Hahahaaha whose kid is this"
Perse didn't respond and sent water strikes at them knocking them down. She walked over to the one thug that wasn't knocked out and stood over him.
Thug 3- "W-who are you"
Perse enveloped water around her fist and punched him knocking the bastard out.
Over time she did start to talk more to everyone but mostly just to be a smartass
Robin- "Perse! Do you have my grapple?"
Perse- "Of course I do! Since I use it all the time when you aren't around"
Perse- :)
Barb will never forget the time she was showing Perse all the main villians when she pulled up Penguin and she started laughing out loud clutching her stomach. This was shocking to her because she hardly ever smiles.
"Why is he so short and fat? You could use him as a bowling pin"
Barb couldn't hold back her laugh which caused the attention of Dick and Tim.
Barb made you repeat the joke to them in between laughs.
The rest of the villians seemed boring to Perse but one stuck out
Harley Quinn
Perse was mesmerized by how stunning she looked.
"You good?" Dick asked and waved a hand in front of her face.
Geesh, had she really been staring that long.
Perse blushed and started hitting Dick.
Tim walked over to Barb while they were play fighting
"You think shes ya knowww"
"For sure"
Alright enough about Big Perse lets talk about little Perse
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*She carries around the cape EVERYWHERE!
*Favorite person is Bruce ofc and loves everyone else equally
*Loves cuddling with everyone and eating goldfish
*Wears diapers sometimes but only when shes feeling very little
*Only lets Bruce and Barb change her
*Is very sweet most the time but will have tantrums sometimes
*HATES loud noises
*Doors slamming is a huge trigger and will make her slip very small
*Loves to pretend being a shark in the pool
"Bubba looks" Perse held up a hug shark stuffed animal Bruce just got custom made for her. It was dark pink and had her name stitched on the side.
Dick smiled and acted very suprised
"Wow! Is that your new shark?"
Perse nodded her head and smiled.
"Its very cute just like you princess"
*Favorite things to wear are pajamas especially her shark onsie
*Robin loves carrying her on his back while you shoot water at Dick. He lets you splash him in the end because he loves seeing you happy
*When it comes to Bruce you feel the most safe when hes Batman since thats when he saved you.
*Perse loves when he just holds her in the rocking chair and rubs her back. Its calming and helps her sleep.
*Just imagine Batman sitting on a cough with a little one bottle feeding them.
*When the rest of the fam saw it they almost screamed
*They were just too cute
Now that we got that out the way time for Perse in Arkham City!
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cinnamunspice · 3 months
(Thad's prying into Steph's life for his own entertainment.) "You dated Tim, right? Why?" He asks before adding, "I mean what was the allure there for you?"
ask stephanie about her big ex, she's used to it. / always accepting!
"Well. That's the thing about us two: I didn't exactly date Tim first. I dated Robin."
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"Robin stood for everything I felt I lacked. Intelligent, capable, quick-witted, trusted by The Batman. Oh god, and mysteriously handsome! You ever watch Sailor Moon? Tim felt like my own personal Tuxedo Mask, and the hot kisses and flirting we shared just felt like something made out of a book, or a comic." She gives a little laugh, shaking her head-- something about that last part seemed to sober her up.
"By the time I actually got to date Tim.... Well. He was safe." Exhaling a tense breath, she forced herself to just say it.
"I've never met any other guy like that. I have, um, trust issues. With men. And... through our ups and downs, his arms have always felt like a safety net to me. Made me never want to leave him."
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meili-sheep · 1 month
What other fandoms are you in? Any Anime or Games that you like?
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Well, honestly, I have a distant relationship with Fandom. I tend to just carve out my little niches.
I think part of that I'm a BIG O COMICS FAN. And the is a rough fandom that I don't like interacting with because I don't think it's enough of talking about the *art* of comic making and more about how your fave is better than everyone else. Minus 10 points if your favorite is Batman and you think Batman could be everyone. With that, you may have noticed I'm a Big Jason Todd reader. And while I'm staying away from main line continuity right now, I just picked up Robin Lives #2.
But Also I need to pick up the second volume of My Favorite Thing is Monsters (Please please ask me about this comic it's so good)
Anime wise, I haven't kept up today. I watched first season of Demon slayer. But that's about as recent as I got. I do really love the classic though Sailor Moon (And a lot of magical girl stuff), Space Pirate Captain Harlock (mostly anything Leiji Matsumoto but Harlock was is a special interest of mine Like I hunted SSX and I own a DVD of the 97 series as well has having the ZIV dub) and Black Jack are the things I can think off the top of my head.
Games I've been playing a tone of Coral Island recently. By that, It shouldn't be a surprise, I've played a lot of (modded) Stardew and Animal Crossing. But If you to really get me going, any Supergiant Games Game. Particularly Hades and Pyre. Pyre is one of those games I can't recommend… Because it feels specifically made for me with 1) an amazing story and 2) 3 on 3 basketball. That bit's not a joke. That's actually gameplay. And I'm not playing Hades 2 yet because Supergaint's Stories are so good. I'm happy with just waiting for the full release.
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miela · 2 months
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“𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.”── Edgar Allen Poe
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dividers by cafekitsune
✧ reading: crimson rivers, bizzarestars / cadence of part-time poets, motzwolo
✧ audio reading: all the young dudes, mskingbean89
✧ listening to: {message from the clergy} - ghost
✧ watching: bridgerton (season i), the boys (season 4)
✧ writing: shattered memories 
✧ playing: hogwarts legacy (gryffindor run)
✧ researching: greek mythology, goth subculture
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my name is miela [mee-EL-Ah] but you can call me mae! ✧ aries, slytherin, infp-t, chaotic neutral, the helper ✧ i’m secretly a fox ✧ i am 28 years old {minors may follow, but dni in dms} ✧ {she/they} genderfae demigirl ✧ sapphic, panromantic, asexual ✧ biracial latina ✧ pagan-align spiritualist ✧ renaissance darling ✧ mythology enthusiast ✧ fantasy and sci-fi lover ✧ theatre kid ✧ bookworm ✧ gamer ✧ poetic artist ✧ musical storyteller ✧ creative writer ✧ graphic designer ✧ oc creator ✧ spider & snake tendencies ✧ tea and coffee connoisseur ✧ caffeine consumer ✧ alt fairy ✧ dark whimsigoth butterfly and elegant romantic goth luna moth ✧ nature lover, but will fight and flight when seeing a bug ✧ gave myself copper hair once and i never went back ✧ fangirl since 1996 ✧ spotify playlist queen ✧ pinterest moodboard goddess ✧ chronic tummy ache, headache and body pain survivor ✧ full bio here 
marauders / hogwarts 1970s ✧ spiderman/spiderverse ✧ sailor moon ✧ atiny ✧ swiftie ✧ bvb army ✧ the dragon prince ✧ avatar: the last airbender ✧ shxtou guildie ✧ arcane/league of legends ✧ genshin impact ✧ demon slayer ✧ stranger things ✧ dungeons and dragons ✧ superheroes ✧ alt music ✧ kpop ✧ and many, many more!
✧ 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂 ✧ 
I listen to all types of music. literally anything and everything from around the world. here are some of the artists and groups i listen to to get an idea ✧ lindsey stirling ✧ ateez ✧ dreamcatcher ✧ one ok rock ✧ rolling quartz ✧ conquer divide ✧ starset ✧ black veil brides ✧ poppy ✧ hatsune miku ✧ paramore ✧ loveless ✧ honey revenge ✧ good kid ✧ conan gray ✧ olivia rodrigo ✧ coldplay ✧ aurora ✧ aidoneus ✧ evanescence ✧ meet me @ the altar ✧ waterparks ✧ ghost ✧ switchblade symphony ✧ banshee ✧ kordhell ✧ panic priest ✧ babychaos ✧ taylor swift ✧ hozier ✧ skott ✧ the oh hellos ✧  kero kero bonito ✧ gorillaz ✧ maneskin ✧ fleetwood mac ✧  billy idol ✧ nova twins ✧ odetari ✧ scarlxrd ✧ scene queen ✧ fka rayne ✧ upsahl ✧ twenty one pilots ✧ bibi ✧ jackson wang ✧ astari nite ✧ modern alibi ✧ muse ✧ pvris and many, many more.
✧ 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐒 ✧
 lily evans {crimson rivers} ✧ regulus black {crimson rivers} ✧ pandora lestrange-rosier {marauders} ✧ robin buckley {stranger things} ✧ eddie munson {stranger things} ✧ gorou {genshin impact} ✧ venti {genshin impact} ✧ denki {chainsaw man}  ✧ usagi {sailor moon} ✧ minako {sailor moon} ✧ claudia {the dragon prince} ✧ zenitsu {demon slayer} ✧ eloise bridgerton {bridgerton} ✧ lexi howard {euphoria} ✧ {more to come}
✧ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒 ✧
{more will be added as time goes on}
✧ asks {all those who wonder}: ask mae ✧ mutuals {fellow garden dwellers}: moots ✧ music {what birds whisper}: mae’s playlist ✧ writing {ink-stained dagger}: mae writes ✧ artworks {color-stained wands}: mae draws ✧ moodboards {petals of a flower}: mae’s pov ✧ original characters {born from the storm cauldron}: mae’s ocs ✧ thoughts {brain flutters}: mae speaks, mae thinks, mae yaps
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evilfairytales · 4 months
So this week, because of traumatic events, I've been helping my mom go through a bunch of stuff, and among that stuff was a bunch of plastic storage bins full of VHS tapes that have shaken me deeply.
Mostly because...when did I lose my way? I've got tapes of Sailor Moon, Witch Hunter Robin, s-CRY-ed, Zoids, Big O, Trinity Blood, Trigun, etc, etc. And going further back there's the tapes me and my parents recorded...Star Trek: TNG, MST3k, freaking Brisco County Jr!!!!!! all kinds of stuff...and even older...I've got tapes with Care Bears, Count Duckula, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Asterisk and Obelisk...and, oh, I cried when I found the entire run of Star Trek: TOS that I dutifully recorded for my dad every Sunday while he was at work when I was a kid so we could watch them when he got home.
I need to look into getting a lot of these tapes transferred to a format I can watch now...and I need to start recording the stuff I like right now. I should have a little box full of usb sticks with all the stuff I've watched, and now I feel bad that I don't. I don't care if the video quality isn't the best, I sure didn't way back then, but I had it recorded and it was mine.
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resotwosion · 6 months
What anime would OCs who aren't big into anime watch?
for OCS that aren't big into anime, they'd watch the more 'mainstream' ones, like dragon ball or sailor moon. the list of OCS that are into anime (also the ones that would watch more niche stuff) are:
pom pom
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paintedscales · 10 months
8 TV shows to get to know me
I got tagged for this a while ago by @janzoo (sorry it took so long. I meant to do it, but I forgot, and I kept forgetting until now. I am determined to get to everything in my inbox or things I've been tagged for).
The PowerPuff Girls (1998)
The Walking Dead
Sailor Moon
Spy x Family
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
Was trying to think of some shows that I come back to every now and then. Didn't want to rely too heavily on anime, though some other anime mentions I have are Angel Beats, Castlevania, Trigun Stampede, Ouran High School Host Club (I have a bias :y), The Apothecary Diaries (so far, being quite true to the manga!), Witch Hunter Robin, Wolf's Rain, and Cowboy Bebop.
I waffled on some other options. I eventually removed Queer Eye in lieu of something else that influences me artistically and in my writing. Though I like watching Queer Eye mostly because I like coming away with some things to think about for my own self-care and even my identity. Besides that, I like the home glow-ups. :') That said, Queer Eye is not necessarily something I see myself coming back to rewatch on a whim.
I feel like a lot of people I would have tagged might have already been tagged for this? So! If you're seeing this and you haven't been tagged for it, please feel free to do it!
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