rkxiao · 7 years
☆ Guilt-Free Christmas Goods ;
Hyuna knows that with the holiday season, there’s temptations everywhere. The things she’s thought of doing is likely to get her in trouble, and also means a lot of money that might go to waste if the coaches catch her. 
That’s why she goes to the extensive effort of adding little tags of information so that the trainees won’t get in trouble. She takes note of which trainees she’s passed and slipped a red pouch in their bags or in their hands, walking away before they can get a good look at her face. The bags are labeled with ‘Merry Christmas!’ in neat cursive on a white tag.
Inside each pouch are three red sheer pouches, with a label to indicate what they are, and an information tidbit written below the snack name. Each one had been made by hand by the female. The first pouch is a package of peppermint hot chocolate cookies, the tag reading:
The flavonoids in hot cocoa help your body process nitric oxide, which is why it can improve blood flow, help lower your blood pressure and improve heart health. 
The second pouch contains peppermint meringue cookies and on the tag reads:
This meringue cookie was freshly made with egg yolks, which are low in fat and are cholesterol free, with some protein! Peppermint extract used in the recipe can also help calm your digestive system.
In the third and final bag, are a stack of Christmas tree-shaped gingerbread cookies that she has written:
Gingerbread cookies contain folate, which are good for red blood cell production and healthy cell growth. It also has iron, which tissue health by helping red blood cells carry oxygen to your tissues. 
It doesn’t hurt to have a guilt-free Christmas, does it?
she didn’t expect it. there were still several days to pass before christmas and receiving a red pouch on her way back to practice came as a big surprise. hyuna stopped and walked away too fast, not giving the younger time to thank her. it still made her smile, writing a note in her head to thank her later. she’d probably forget, but it was worth the try. 
the things inside were even better than expected. food.
the previous year cheng xiao wasn’t allowed to eat anything tasty, and as soon as she saw the cookies the girl knew it would be smart to eat them before the coaches could announce another thing that’d ruin her christmas. she stuffed it inside her coat and walked away so no one would try to take it. it’d be her snack of the day.
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rkshion · 7 years
his first christmas at royal! he really wanted to do something for all the other trainees. but he hadn’t been too sure what. so, he tried to make it as special as he could think to do. and that was making a small goodie bag with his own personal touches. 
each goodie bag was in a blue tinted clear bag tied off with a dark blue ribbon. inside the bag was three wallet sized photos, two of dongmin with the person receiving it, and one all the royal trainees. some flower shaped cookies, and a note that reads.
merry christmas!!!
in this bag is my gift to you. the cookies aren’t home made because i burnt the first batch and got banned from the kitchen but! they still taste great, and are full of cheer! 
thank you for making this a very special christmas for me
love dongmin <3
jihoon was also dongmin’s secret santa for the sopa ss, and so he had decided to kill two birds with one stone. when he spotted jihoon in the halls, he gave him both the royal gift, as well as another wrapped box. inside the box is a another goodie bag with hot coco mix and marshmellows inside. a note is attached that says ’wait, there’s more <3' but the more isn’t here yet.
the boy hadn’t actually expected to receive anything from his fellow trainees that christmas. he was brand new around, after all, and shopping for someone you just met a second ago didn’t sound too much of a fun activity. still, there was someone who jihoon could only find joy upon seeing his present. they became friends before he became a trainee, after all, so it wasn’t much of a surprise. “what’s up with the teasing?” he poked his friends between the ribs. food was something more than welcome, but the message would leave him wondering until he found out what more his friend had planned. “thank you! i liked it a lot.”
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rkxiao · 7 years
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it takes him hours after practice the previous day to cook everything that goes into the special bento boxes he bought, but he thinks it’s worth it to spread a little joy around the company to people he works with and sees on a daily basis (many of whom, he realizes belatedly, he has yet to reach out to and get to know really well). inside the top tier is a fried egg served over an ample serving of kimchi fried rice, alongside a generous helping of bulgogi—his grandmother’s recipe. on the bottom tier sits two rolls of fishcake kimbap, homemade and wrapped with love. cooking has always been a pasttime he truly enjoys, so staying up until three in the morning to make everything seems like hardly a sacrifice.
the delivery of the goods are done discreetly after they all return to the training facility once their evaluations at the christmas party for the children. he places each box inside lockers, bags, hiding in plain sight—however he can get them to his fellow trainees without coaches seeing—and only barely manages to finish before they’re let out early for christmas day.
accompanying each box is a handwritten note, almost illegible:
hello, trainess of trc!
your resident chef, gordon chansay has prepared a feast for you all this holiday season! remember to dress warmly and let your loved ones know you care. let’s all continue working hard, and i’m sure the fruits of our labor will bloom beautifully and we’ll all show the world what royalty means. merry christmas, and a happy new year!
your friend, park chanyeol
gordon chansay. someone died after he wrote that down, she was sure of it. after that christmas cheng xiao was going to learn how to pay better attention to her stuff. every time she turned around there was a new box next to it ( not that she was complaining ), so what would it take for someone to just take everything away? the gift was extremely well prepared - and she could actually save the box for later? genius. if her snacks usually came in a different container cheng xiao now had her official training lunch box. she’d need to thank chansay for it later.
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rkxiao · 7 years
Jongsuk wasn’t one to give Christmas gifts, but he had decided on tiny little boxes with cookies, and gift cards for coffee worth a lot. He was hesitant but he left all the gifts for his fellow trainees close to their bags during practice. He left a note attached: 
Merry Christmas, fellow trainee! I hope that we may become closer to each other in the new year! I love you! Work hard and we shall stand on the stage in the future! - <3 <3 Jongsuk 
cheng xiao was enjoying the free food more than she should have. it was probably because they could actually eat that year, but the girl enjoyed their thoughts no matter the situation. she had met jongsuk on her first day as a trainee and his present meant a lot. she’d make sure to thank him for it once they spotted each other again.
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rkxiao · 7 years
to minah, the holiday season is a perfect time to give to others and even though she had only been in trc for two months, she still wanted to thank them for being kind and welcoming to her (no matter if she has spoken to them in person or not). so when she sees their belongings, minah places a brown box with a gift tag attached to it. inside the box consists of a red mug with their name written beautifully in cursive along with three hot chocolate spoons (almond cocoa, peppermint cocoa, and mocha) wrapped in plastic. next to the mug was a white envelope with the name written in the same style as the mug. the envelope contains a note card that says the following: 
dear xiao,
merry christmas! i like to think that i am quite lucky to have met someone from the mgas. :) you already know that i’ve been a fan of yours since then and i will continue to be that fan even when you debut! as i like to tell others, continue to strive for your dreams because your efforts will eventually pay off.
as for the gift, the spoons are hot chocolate spoons so you just put the spoon inside the mug and pour hot water to it. it’s quite a clever idea if i may say so!
also, please take care of yourself! we all know how hectic our schedules are and with additional practice for this month’s evaluation, it is easy to forget to take care of our health. anyways, i hope you have a wonderful holiday season and stay warm!
❤, minah
if you knew cheng xiao you also knew that food was the right way into her heart. she hadn’t expected anything when she was just going through with her normal dance practice, but once the girl took a break and headed towards her bag a surprise decided to welcome her. she opened the box carefully, observing each gift with a smile. she’d definitely try one of those spoons that same day. next time she spotted minah she’d make sure to thank her.
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rkxiao · 7 years
It was his sister who had thought up the brilliant plan to use Christmas styled boxes for all of his gifts. He’d been organising what to get for Christmas since his birthday back in October, collecting each one up and tucking them away to give to his fellow TRC trainees. Even if he didn’t know them well, he wanted each of them to get one – he planned to catch them all, in a way. Inside the box was a Pokemon plush, everyone getting their own specific one. A small container of cookies, marked with a relieving statement: ‘Made by Yuta’s noona, very edible! Merry Christmas’. Because Yuta was never the type to write emotional notes, his sister had written one and tucked it inside instead.
 ‘TRC trainees! Merry Christmas!
This is Yuta’s noona, I want to thank you all for taking care of my baby brother and making sure he does not get up into any trouble. He’s not the easiest person to work with, but he is a precious brother to me and he will never say it, but he talks about you all and brags about what you can do, it’s almost like I know you already! One day, I hope we can meet and I will cook you all a dinner.
Please continue to take care of Yuta and yourselves. Thank you~ P.S. Fighting! You can do it!’
a gift and food? cheng xiao couldn’t believe it. the girl was used to getting either one or the other - not counting with her father, of course. the man usually cooked dinner and also gave her gifts. yuta, though, would forever be the new guy who she didn’t know was the new guy. the boy had been around for several months, of course, but their teasing would never end. when he handed her a big box she couldn’t help but be a little bit surprised. “thank you so much!” the note being written by his sister made her mind feel a bit better. the cookies would certainly be saved for later and the plushie would soon find a spot among her other ones. “it kind of looks like me, no?”
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rkxiao · 7 years
it’s almost just an act of rebellion now not to give people presents on christmas and jaebum loves it. he leaves a small box with a festive bow on top among his friends things ( everyone at trc is someone he considers a friend, even if they haven’t ever talked that much ). each contain a small gold crown bracelet and a letter.
merry christmas! i want to thank you again for being there on the first day in trc, coming up to me so courageously. i don’t think without you, i would have made it here. i don’t think that i would feel as comfortable here as i do now. you made trc a family for me and for that, i’m so grateful. so i hope you like this present. i hope it serves as a reminder for how much you mean to me. 
sincerely, im jaebum
she didn’t even notice someone was messing with her things; there were a lot of things to worry about for the evaluations. even if at first she was a bit let down there wasn’t a special stage for her to take part in, learning two full performances and having to sing in them proved to be enough challenge. the girl walked over to look for her juice boxes but found something else instead.
a small box she had never seen before sat on top of her bag, and after a quick scan of the room, xiao decided she had no idea who it was from. opening the note gave her an answer. it was heartwarming to read. she had always been a little awkward, and welcoming jaebum to the company took a lot of effort. in the end, it seemed to have been worth it. her, out of all people, was in charge of making someone feel welcomed. what a trip.
the bracelet was taken carefully, not wanting to mess anything up. after enough tries trying to up it on herself, the girl decided she could ask someone at home to do it for her instead. she’d be sure to thank him later.
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rkshion · 7 years
it was rather early in the morning, but yu-ri was already buzzing with excitement. she had a whole bag filled with gifts and she needed to get around all the trainee’s in royal.
it wasn’t something big, she tried to not go overboard with it, and while scrolling online in thought of what to do, she landed on the idea of doing a hot-chocolate mix in a jar. so that was what she did most of the afternoon’s when she went back home, making sure that things were nice and neat, and tidy as possible. of course, she added her own twist to the drink, because maybe her favorite type of hot-chocolate was the one that had a tad of spice to it, and the pepper mint definitely helped with that.
so, neatly putting it in small bags, and writing the message on the underside of the tag, ash put them neatly next to everyone’s belongings before scooting away as if nothing had happened. the message read;;
happy holidays! dive into the festive spirit and be sure to spend as much time as possible with the people you love. enjoy yourself to the fullest, and i hope you enjoy this present whenever you feel like it. i hope the new year brings you joy and your dreams become a step closer. best wishes and love, kwon ashley.
he still needed to get to know everyone and the company itself, so finding a surprise package by his things did get him a bit confused at first. thankfully it was an act of kindness and not of war. he loved creative things and the fact someone he barely knew decided to give something so deliciously made warmed his heart. he’d definitely make sure to get closer to everyone - especially those who decided on giving him free chocolate.
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rkshion · 7 years
the gift is placed in a box wrapped in light blue paper and a darker blue ribbon wrapped around it. inside of it is two mugs, both have jihoon’s name written just under the rim in dark blue ink. The first one has different musical notes all along the mug and the words “fighting hyung!” “You got it” written around the notes. The second one had a mini soccer game detailed along the side. The handle of the mug was the goal, and a field with about 6 different players on it with a soccer ball in the middle. a note was placed in the one mug that says “told you there was more” and a good luck charm placed in the other one.
the wait had been worth it and dongmin delivered what he had promised. well, the only thing he really said was that there would be more things to come and he certainly didn’t let down. jihoon thought it was funny the younger managed to pick him in two different secret santas. it was most certainly a sign from the universe saying they were meant to be friends for a long time. he was only a bit saddened he didn’t pick dongmin in return, but they always had next year to be lucky again.
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