#rj project
tinuvielstrider9 · 5 months
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Domestic Grimes 2.0 - Richonne sighting
It wasn't unusual to see Rick and Michonne walking their kids to school every morning since their return. But for a while, it was only Rick seeing the kids off to school. Until one morning, the Grimes Family finally emerged with a very rotund mama Michonne.
The doctor finally released Michonne from bed rest. Morning sickness is no fun! Mama and the twins will be fine.
(We knew this was going to happen, right? We weren't surprised. I mean they were going at it like rabbits.....) I'm sure the community wasn't surprised either!
This was inspired by @blacklitchick fic ME & YOU fic where Michonne took a long nap --about an hour and a half nap (due to their mid-morning delight). I was thinking, it could have been that, or ........
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sixth-light · 6 months
Two new WoT theories about Galad, one Watsonian and one Doylistic.
Doylistic: People super underestimate what a minor character Galad actually is, probably because Sanderson promotes him in ToM/AMoL. His first PoV in the RJ books is the KoD prologue, and otherwise he only appears on-page 1) when Rand visits Caemlyn, 2) when Egwene and Nynaeve go to the White Tower, 3) the infamous quarterstaff duel, and 4) when Elayne and Nynaeve run into him in Samara and he's become a Surprise Whitecloak. Everything else is people talking about him! Given the repeated hints he's romantically interested in Egwene and/or Nynaeve that go absolutely nowhere, plus at least one prophecy/viewing that does the same, I think that RJ may have rejigged his role in the story around TFoH.
He's a goldmine of interesting connections to main characters (Rand, Elayne, Egwene) that don't pay off, and when he does take centre stage in ToM it's about his relationship with Morgase (established, significant to him, but SHE is quite a minor character) and a new enemies-to-allies arc with Perrin which...comes out of absolutely nowhere if we're being honest. Perrin already had a Whitecloak to have an enemies-to-allies arc with! He didn't need another one. Justice for Dain Bornhald. RJ kinda moved away from the Arthuriana stuff by mid-series and I think Galad, Walking Arthurian Archetype, suffered from that.
Watsonian: I will make it super-clear that I think everything that follows is because RJ simply wasn't thinking about Galad that hard outside of his role as the Galahad archetype. NEVERTHELESS.
As @butterflydm noted elsewhere, there's not a lot of reason for Galad to be at the White Tower (much less to argue to stay there when Elayne leaves, as he does) and the more I think about it...for someone who is nearly 30, he's extremely adrift from all the normal markers of adulthood and status in his culture. Morgase doesn't appear to have given him any significant responsibilities within Andor, even though he's treated otherwise as her son. He doesn't seem to have inherited estates from Tigraine or Taringail that he could be administering (a la Gareth Bryne in retirement in TFoH). He's arguably in line to be High Seat of either Mantear or Damodred, or even a candidate for the throne of Cairhien, but he's not apparently considered for any of those. Readers are often surprised at how old he is because he's presented as equivalent to Elayne and Gawyn, literal teenagers not yet old enough when the books start to take up their future responsibilities outside of the emergency situations that later occur. Notably, although Galad expresses clear romantic interest in multiple women through the series he's not married or a parent, though again he's more than old enough. (That last is definitely a Galahad-archetype thing.)
So my "canon doesn't support it but canon leaves room for it" new theory is that this is actually on purpose, because like spare sons of royalty before him he's an incredibly tempting target for conspiracies, especially out of Cairhien. He has a close and loving bond with Morgase but she is very politically pragmatic and likely wouldn't want to put him in a situation where he could become the focus of plotting like that. And also...he would righteously report every plot to her unless and until someone managed to convince him that Doing The Thing, whatever it was, was actually the morally correct course of action. Valda achieves this pretty quickly, so it's clearly a possibility!
So, to sum up: Galad is unmarried, uncommitted, and available to be sent to the Tower in TGH because he's too much of a political hot potato to do anything else with. If he was bonded by an Aes Sedai that would probably be a perfect long-term career for him from a political perspective. Ironically puts him in a position, after all these years of Morgase protecting him, to be radicalised by Valda.
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sylvies-chen · 6 months
richonne/towl/twd stans stay tuned��� big project coming soon… and there’s a hint in the tag maybe 👀👀👀👀
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ihopesocomic · 11 days
If yall would be ok with it, I can probably set up a pretty functional discord for ihs rp, me and some friends have one for twisted wonderland that we absolutely love, though we keep it to long form, but I have a fair bit of experience.
I'm sorry if this is out of line, I was just asking permission before doing anything cuz anxiety and it being yalls world so I don't want to step on toes
Other people are certainly setting up IHS-related RP servers all over so yep, you're absolutely free to do that if you want! You don't have to make it official or anything, folks are completely free to set up something and have people join and RP with their IHS OCs in the IHS universe or whatever if they want.
All we ask is that it's kept SFW please and that anything that belongs to us that is used is done with credit. c: - RJ
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hotdamnitsmoony · 10 months
remus lupin who sits by a barely open window with a book in the dorm while it rains. remus lupin who loves to step on the frosted leaves that are scattered across the school grounds. remus lupin who is always absentmindedly humming while he studies. remus lupin who admires his friends animation as they talk when he’s too tired to join the conversation. remus lupin who buries himself in a book or studying when he’s stressed or anxious. remus lupin who begrudgingly joins in when his friends are dancing around the common room. remus lupin who is glad that he gets to have friends but overthinks it at any given moment.
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xariarte · 3 months
and with that i'm finally done archiving the entire Team Canada fibawc run!! 😭😭
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nancy-crochets · 14 days
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The blanket I made for my nephew and fiancee's wedding present.
It doesn't look it, but it's freaking huge. It's big enough for a queen size bed.
Like I said HUGE.
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toastandjamie · 11 months
If I had a nickel for every older woman who sexually took advantage of Mat before dying violently in a way that permanently traumatized him I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot. But it’s weird that it happened twice.
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seeminglydark · 6 months
Going through the detention pieces notes with a pal, and we didn't even get halfway through and were up to 36 different ships/otps, and an abundence of queer pair-up projections and I kinda think that's a beautiful thing. (the piece isn't fanart, but still fun for meto see people's thoughts! it is most definitely queer though!)
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wesslesprout · 6 months
The lack of available food, not to mention the quality of said food, probably has a significant impact on the growth of people in the commonwealth...
Anyways, all that to say MacCready Short King
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nakamopapina · 1 year
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So the RCMP shared a photo of their possible new duty shirts, and they’re going on trial for the next six months.
This is one of three versions, I’ve seen comments on how they look like “cheap amusement park security”, and “Gas station employee”, vibes.
My mom said that this one in particular looks like something a sci-fi pilot would wear.
I think she said it looks like something from Battlestar Galactica.
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For context: 
So the Moe Government announced a new Police Force, they want to add within the next few years, called the Saskatchewan Marshal Service, some of us call them Moe’s Marshals. And they claimed in an article that the Marshals were gonna be more ‘Highly trained,’ than the RCMP,  but also they’re not gonna focus on Community based work, as that’ll be the jobs the other cops can have, but who truly knows? Sometimes they say one thing, then another on a different day.
The RCMP, and Opposition responded with “That’s more like a waste of good money that can go to other places, we don’t need another Police Force! It’s not that necessary!” But the Government is like “Are you sure? We’re gonna do it anyways!” 
Of course we, the people of Rider nation responded in memes, with jokes about how we’ll only accept them if they rode on horses, and wore cowboy hats, and the like. Because we like to troll on our Premier on Twitter.
On the other note, I drew a disembodied arm to represent the Government.
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blueiight · 2 years
Why do you think Louis doesn't see himself as a victim? That kind of contradicts everything he's telling Daniel
why do some ppl in this fanbase tend to have a limited understanding of abuse & how people who have been abused self-identify and relate their story to themselves? for most of human history & even to this day abusive dynamics especially in the context of a family dynamic has been rationalized & excused. we see louis blaming himself, selectively equivocating himself to claudia and to a symbolic equal to lestat, like idk what to say other than louis & even lestat in identifying his maker ['i have a capacity for enduring'] both not self identifying as victims is painfully relatable [ewww blueiight is a real person projecting on fiction ewwww] & much more realistic to how complex psychology works. the easy ,morally pure, simple 'victim' whos only identified & exists to the 'avg person' [who is also in denial of their own pain] as solely a symbol for their worst traumatic moments is the only pop psych notion of abuse thats accepted but that person does not exist nowhere nohow in the real world, much less in this story of vampires. im sorry for not giving u the meta u wanted here but theres multiple layers to the story lou tryna sell dan and his own self-perception is not contingent on identifying as a victim of abuse even tho he is... hes selling the whole lover murderer maker thing here. triumph against a troubled, loving maker is what lou wants to sell, but like jacob anderson said louis is self hypnotizing himself in his own realm of memory... and 145 years of memory aint so sweet
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ihopesocomic · 1 year
I'm getting the vibe that fan projects being heavily endorsed by creators is a very foreign concept to people nowadays and it makes me so sad. Thank you for being the real ones and supporting your fans and your community. One of the reasons why I enjoy being in the IHS fandom so much. <33
ahh thank you, anon.
And I agree. It costs nothing to stick your neck out for people who take the time to do amazing projects for you and your work.
Even if we hadn't had a say in the casting process for this dub, we still wouldn't tolerate people coming to us and complaining about the voices chosen or w/e. Not saying any of the previous anons are doing this but we have had comments like that sent to us that we've refused to publish and it baffles me that anons think that sort of behaviour is remotely OK.
Fast track way to piss us off: shitting on our fans and/or our friends directly to us. - RJ
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Burton Lemon and Cinnamoroll being welcomed into the Comfort Squad.
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xariarte · 3 months
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chasing history - Sept 10 2023
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