#rivals to lovers fr. and also idiots that don't realise they're so in love with each other.
enbysiriusblack · 1 year
Dorcas Meadowes hated Marlene Mckinnon.
They hated her eyes, a light greenish-blue that changed all the time. Swirling from an ocean blue, to an emerald green, to a light brown-ish hazel. But the black eyeliner that encirled her ever-changing eyes stayed a constant. Her eyes would crease with every smile, an infuriating glee shining from them.
They hated her stupid mouth, the dimples working as a mask to make Marlene seem cute. The red lipstick she always wore, and left marks everywhere, on mirrors, papers, skin. She had a small scar on her lip from her first quidditch game, but she wore it with pride, a cocky confidence only Marlene could achieve.
They hated her stupid hands. Ungroomed nails, bitten an uneven short length and half painted in black nail varnish that was half peeling off every finger. Her hands covered in doodles and old rings.
They hated her stupid hair, dyed blonde and smelling of bleach almost every couple weeks. The short length that stopped on her neck, making her hair twirl round her cheek. The cropped fringe always messed and out of place, as if begging Dorcas to fix it.
They hated her stupid voice. The upper class voice, showing of her wealth with every irritating word she spoke. That light Scottish accent that hung on every word, getting heavier with stronger emotion as if revealing Marlene's feelings.
They hated the stupid way Marlene sat and walked. She sat lazily, half off the seat when bored, and half standing up when excited. Emotions leaked from Marlene's every move, so open and freeing. She walked sloppily, as if her mother had told her to walk 'like a lady' and in defiance she chose the opposite in every step she took. So messy in every way, as if she couldn't care less what anyone thought. How idiotic, was she? Dorcas mused.
They hated those stupid freckles more than anything else. Scattered across her face, a few on her arms and hands. Freckles like tiny constellations, a sea of stars awash Marlene's body. They practically begged to be stared at, to be counted, to be kissed. Dorcas had seen someone kiss the freckle on Marlene's cheek. Lily Evans. The girl has kissed directly onto the freckle on Marlene's left cheek, and ever since it shone brightly to Dorcas. Something bubbled up in them every time they looked at it, and they wanted the memory if it being kissed gone. They were just stupid freckles.
Dorcas Meadowes hated Marlene Mckinnon.
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