#rip Franky's old body. he was so much hotter...
standfucker · 2 years
Record Scratch - Franky/fem Reader
This ficlet is a) something lighthearted after my rather heavy last fic, and b) how I cope with Franky’s post-time skip body.
SFW but suggestive.
Summary: Zoro knew you liked Franky. Most of the crew did. They did not, however, realize how far things had actually gone.
Ao3 link
You were the seventh person to arrive, showing up not long after Sanji had dragged Zoro back to the Sunny.
"Zoro!" You called out, giving him a brief warning before you nearly tackled him in a hug. Zoro caught you, returning the embrace before patting your back.
"Hey," he grunted.
You detached from him and fully took him in. "Oh, your eye!"
"My eye? What about your face?" Zoro thumbed at the thick scar that ran from your left cheek down to your neck, a new feature–something you must have received during the last two years.
"It was crazy. I can't wait to tell you all about it!" You bounced in barely-contained excitement. “Let’s swap stories over a drink later!”
You turned your head at the familiar voice while Zoro rolled his eyes. "Ah! Sanji!"
You leaped at Sanji, as well, and he caught you and spun a few times before setting you down.
"Ah! That scar! Who dared mar such a beautiful visage?" He held your face in his hands, tilting your head to examine the scar and looking genuinely upset.
"Don't worry! I gave as good as I got!" You grinned.
“If I was there, I would have pummeled whoever did that into dust–” Sanji started to say, but you’d already pulled away and were running toward Usopp. Sanji’s face fell at being ignored, and Zoro laughed, making the cook flip him off.
“Usopp!” You hugged the sniper before thumping his chest playfully. “Woah! You got tits now!”
“They’re pecs!” Usopp protested, but couldn't help returning your infectious grin. "And look at you! You look like a seasoned warrior!”
"Hehe, does it look badass?" You said, touching your scar.
"It totally does!"
Zoro smiled to himself as you bowled over Nami, then smooched Chopper, making the reindeer flail and protest in poorly-contained delight. Robin, Brook, and Luffy had yet to arrive, but that was fine–he knew who you really wanted to see.
You had always been friendly with the whole crew, but once Franky joined, you immediately attached yourself to his side. You followed the cyborg around like a puppy, always asking questions: about his cybernetics, about building ships, about Water 7 and Iceberg and Tom. At first Zoro thought it was because of your engineering background, but it slowly became apparent that there was more going on. It was the way you looked at Franky when he wasn’t looking at you, a fondness in your eyes that made Sanji grumble in jealousy whenever he witnessed it.
Franky either had a lot of patience or liked the attention, because he never tried to stop you.
It was cute, Zoro thought. He sincerely hoped that Franky liked you back. It was hard to tell–from the outside, Franky didn’t seem to treat you all that differently. But the way he humored your near-constant seeking of his attention made Zoro think that maybe there was something there.
The others must have felt similarly (stupid cook aside,) because everyone turned to watch as you finally, for the first time in two years, saw Franky.
To Zoro’s surprise, you did not run to Franky.
You stared.
Franky’s usually-enthusiastic expression faltered. Even with the sunglasses, Zoro could tell that he was nervous.
"What do you think?" Franky said after a minute, scratching his arm (and making the metal grind noisily.) 
"Franky!" Your tone did not sound pleased. You started crossing the deck, finally making your way over to him. "I've waited for two years–two long, grueling years, and this is what I see?"
You waved an arm angrily, gesturing to his massive body.
"How are you supposed to fuck me like this?" You demanded.
Zoro felt his brain screech to a halt. 
Hold on–hold on. What the fuck?! Zoro quickly looked at the others, as if they might offer an explanation. Sanji and Usopp’s eyes had popped straight out of their skulls, jaws on the floor, completely flabbergasted. Nami was covering Chopper’s ears, but she didn’t look that surprised at all.
"Baby, we can still do that," Franky assured you.
"How? You're so big!"
"I have full control over my body, just like before. I never hurt you back then, did I?"
You pouted. "No..."
They could only watch, dumbstruck, as you took Franky’s hand, bigger than your whole torso, and inspected his fingers, thumb trailing around the square edge. "This isn't going to fit."
Sanji flinched like he’d been physically struck.
The center of Franky’s hand opened, a smaller hand popping out. "Ah, okay," you said.
"I upgraded everything,” Franky explained. “And I do mean everything."
He leaned closer to you but made absolutely zero effort to mask his volume when he said, "it vibrates."
Well, that was something that Zoro could never unhear.
"I need a drink," Zoro said, turning to head for the galley.
"Me too," Sanji mumbled miserably. “What a terrible day to have ears.”
At least no one had to worry about the status of your relationship anymore.
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