#riou better niisan :
moonsnowrose · 5 years
High School AU
Jinguji-Sensei: That's all for class. Make sure to read pages 123 & 456. Class Dismissed
Dice, Brings out a plate: Woo!!! Lunch time! Hey Gentaro, can I have some of your lunch?
Gentaro: Ah, seems like I forgot my lunch today.😔
Dice: Eh? I'm hungry.
Gentaro: That was a lie. Take one of the Onigiri I made. (Also a lie, he made that Onigiri for Dice.)
Dice: Thanks Gentaro!
Dice: Ichiro!!!! The food you made smells good as usual!
Jiro & Sabu: Go away Hobo! Stop asking for niisan's food!
Ichiro: Jiro, Saburo I didn't teach you to be mean like that. What did I always tell you?
J&S: Be nice to others.
Ichiro: Yes, now let's give Dice some food.
J&S: Fine. -_-
Dice: Woah! Thanks! You're a good guy as always, Ichiro!
J&S: Of course! Ichi-nii is the best after all!
Hifumi, bringing out a Giant multi layered Bento: Doppo! Let's share my bento!
Doppo: I'm fine with my Yakisoba bread.
Hifumi: Eeeh! I even made sure it has your favorites!
Doppo: Even Gratin?
Hifumi: Yes!
Doppo: Ok, let's share.
Dice, standing behind them and drooling at Hifumi's Bento: I-if you're not eating that Yakisoba bread, can I have it?
Hifumi, grabbing the bread from Doppo and throwing it at Dice: Sure, sure! Doppo! Let's eat outside and have a picnic!
Doppo: Eh? Uhh... okay.
Dice goes to the MTC Table: Riou! Can I have some of your lunch?
Riou: Sure. I was supposed to share this with Juto and Samatoki but, Samatoki has a Bento from his sister and Juto was asked to go to Guidance Chairwoman, Ichijiku's office. You can have their share.
Dice: Sweet! Thanks Riou! You're a great pal!
Dice: Ramuda! What's for your lunch?!
Ramuda: This whole chocolate cake. Have this slice!
Dice: Sure!
Jinguji-sensei, Magically appearing behind them: Amemura-kun, a whole cake is not a substitute for lunch.
Ramuda: Shut it old man! Chocolate is a vegetable and cake is just a better version of a sandwich!
Jinguji-sensei: Please come with me to the Health Office so we can talk about why eating cake is not lunch and is bad for you.
Ramuda, running away with his cake: NO! Cake is a whole meal!
Dice: Wait! My dessert!!!
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hypmicwritingbutbad · 6 years
I hope you don't mind me requesting for more imoutoki >.
Hello anon!!! That’s no problem– I love the Aohitsugi siblings so writing about them is always such a treat~ I didn’t receive any clarifications regarding imoutoki, so I went with TDD’s Nemu. I hope you don’t mind! But with that out the window, please enjoy!! 
Samatoki would be…
…well, ‘upset’ would hardly qualify to describe the emotions he would be feeling
His first instinct would definitely be to burst out in an outraged uproar–
“Nemu, I know I promised I’d try to accept your taste in guys— but of all people, you chose one of those ‘Bukuro bastards!??!”
But this is his younger sister we’re talking about: the one he’s cared for since childhood, the one girl he’s always had a soft spot for
One of Samatoki’s greatest regrets is the fact that Nemu was never really able to experience growing-up like a normal girl her age, given the domestic abuse in the Aohitsugi family, their father’s violent death and their mother’s tragic suicide
He’s sworn on his mother’s grave that he’d try to salvage her childhood— to rebuild what their parents could never give her and let her start living like the other girls in her class
And hey, falling in love is part of that process… no matter who it may be she’s fallen for
He’d recollect and give himself severe pep talks in the mirror, breathing in and out to calm his frantic mind and violent big bro instincts
“Calm down, Samatoki. You’re stronger than this. Don’t let this spook you! It’s for Nemu’s sake, it’s for Nemu’s sake… AHHH dammit, I can’t frickin’ do this any longer!!!”
It’d take a while, but he’d try to get himself to accept Nemu’s decision
If her crush is Saburo, he’d just give her a straightforward, down-to-Earth “NOT THAT SMARTASS MIDGET”
If her crush is Jiro, he’d spend a lot of time observing the kid from a distance
(Cause with his burning hatred towards Ichiro, Samatoki’s always overlooked him during rap battles)
Trying to see what his good merits are, what kind of boy he is, whether he’s a scumbag who’d mistreat Nemu or just genuinely a good kid
Well, it’s Jiro we’re talking about: he’s the goodest purest boi….
Jiro’s delinquent aspects may earn him extra points in Samatoki’s book, just so long as he doesn’t remind Samatoki too much of the Ichiro from 2 years ago…
He’d even call Jiro out for a civil “man-to-man talk” once he’s gained enough of his approval
If her crush is Ichiro, it would take Samatoki way longer to accept it
He’d spend the first few weeks trying to ~gently~ persuade her to fall for other guys instead
“There’s plenty of other fish in the sea that are a thousand times the man Ichiro is, Nemu! Like, uh… like that broke hobo from Shibuya, o-or the novelist with the weird voices, and… Ah who am I kidding, all the guys here are frickin’ weirdos!!!” 
Aside from accidentally destroying half the things he owns in attempts to calm himself down behind-the-scenes,
he’d still try to put himself in her shoes to see what in the world could be so good about Ichiro (with help from Jyuto and Riou)
“Alright, so Ichibastard—“ “You mean, Ichiro.” “I know what I’m saying, Jyuto!!”
“He’s, uh, he’s a massive weeb who thinks 2D women are hot.” “The better term is, well, ‘digitally-inclined’…”
“He… he has a mole…? Does Nemu find moles attractive? Why’d she choose him of all people? Is it cause he fits under the ‘responsible big brother’ trope? I’m one too— Nemu, am I missing something?? AAAAH DAMMIT—” “Crap, Samatoki’s overprotective radar is broken! Riou, get the sedatives!” “I’m on it.”
As much as it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth, Samatoki would really push himself to try and force his dislike for Ichiro under the carpet… for Nemu’s sake
Though he would send his yakuza underlings to stake Ichiro out at all times and report back to him
“What, he bought another dakimakura!? I told you Nemu, that bastard’s not gonna be faithful—“ “Niisan, we’re not even dating!!”
He’d even call Ichiro out for a formal meeting: complete with suits and slicked-back hair, expensive dinner and hostility kept on a frigid leash
Where he’d try to talk to him in a civil manner (which would honestly confuse and spook Ichiro to no end)— not about rapping or divisions or the usual affair, but about Nemu
It certainly would end in the two whipping out their hypnosis mics and throwing cutlery at each other, but it’d also be a step forwards in Samatoki putting aside his personal feelings and accepting the decisions the adult in Nemu has started to make
Because that’d simply be the most mature thing he, as an older brother, can do for her…
mod update: pls save me i think i’ve become a NemuIchi stan?? heLP
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