#rio's back to being on a leash in our own house because he tries to go over and sniff her and she immediately goes claws out on him
arb0k · 6 months
i came home from work wednesday to discover a new dog in our house (which already has 3 cats and a dog, none of whom get along). roommate L is dogsitting his parents' elderly little white fluffy thing while they go on a road trip to see the eclipse (which isn't until the 8th! gonna be 6 whole days!) and he just didn't feel like mentioning this to anyone. so like we're coping, we're already used to rotating who has common room access at what time, it's just a pain in the ass and again very rude with no notice
but tonight he left for a party around six pm. my roommate B and i were hanging out on the couch watching tv, and Bruno started repetitively bark-howling. like the extremely rhythmic timed one they do when they're very upset and not going to stop for hours. so we went up to check on him and the lights were off. he doesn't see well anymore in broad daylight, he was definitely locked in a strange room completely blind
and! get this! they are smart lightbulbs, keyed only to L's phone, and he isn't here. so we physically cannot turn the lights on.
anyway B brought him downstairs where there's light and he immediately climbed up into their lap, snuggled for five minutes, then passed out. i'm sure he was just stressed, poor thing. but that means B's whole evening they're stuck on the couch watching him while i hide in my room with Rio. because Rio is not mean to other dogs exactly but he is A Lot and Bruno does not see well
also his poor cat has been huddled under the living room couch for three days. at the end of day two one of our other roommates realized she didn't have access to food anywhere and put a bowl of kibble under there for her. so that's just her life for a full week i guess
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