aveyondx · 3 years
Lick it and stick it baby! U a top or bottom?
😂 @riiicch look what you cause
@anon like position of objects?
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jean----ralphio · 4 years
BoB liveblog ep 3
Feelings. I’m having them.
Episode 3: Carentan, but I’m renaming it my heart hurts because this ep is so heavy but also I’m happy cos the best thing possible happens AKA the return of Rich
03:02 These men, I can’t, stop doing this to me Tom Hanks, I feel personally attacked by the pain
03:18 My husband has just informed me I shouldn’t drink while doing these liveblogs because it’s “unhealthy” and “dangerous” and “please stop drinking my whiskey and crying about Gabriel from Supernatural.” First of all, he’s fucking lucky I’m not filing for divorce. Secondly, I need to cope SOMEHOW! “Yes, but I really don’t think alcohol is the best choice as a coping mechanism.” WRONG ALCOHOL IS THE ONLY CHOICE.
03:46 Blithe! Whatcha doing baby?
03:55 Shifty! My angel son is here!
04:21 Real talk, the first thing I ever saw Marc Warren in was this hot as fuck movie with Lee Williams, I’ll google it hang on. OK it’s called ‘No night is too long’, its based off a book. Marc Warren plays this hot professor and Lee Williams is a uni student and the sex scene montage is seared in my memory forever, and there’s a kiss in elevator and it is something else. That’s all I remember when I see Marc. His character in it was super intense and kinda scary, so it’s funny to see him playing Blithe, who is baby.
05:17 Aw Shift, my little angel baby son
05:32 Perco! <3
05:41 Lieb I’ve missed you <3 Luz <3
06:11 Oh Blithe, sweetie.
06:38 Like. He’s functioning. But he’s also not functioning. Same tbh
06:58 Harrrrryyyy <3
07:18 “No talking, no smoking, and no playing grab-fanny with the guy in front of you, Luz!” Iconic.
08:01 “And another thing to remember, boys, flies spread disease! So keep yours closed!” Oh Luz, never change
08:15 Love these few seconds, the fire and the water and the silhouettes
09:11 What do you mean again! How many times have you lost them, Harry?!
09:44 Yay the husbands are here. I’ve missed them. BUT YOU KNOW WHO I MISS THE MOST? RICH. WHERE IS HE?
10:40 You’re the yokel, sweetie
10:50 It’s OK, baby Blithe!
11:02 Look, Dad and his husband are here, you’re safe
11:27 Ugh that scene
12:00 I don’t like this, Dick
               “I HAVE NO IDEA!”
12:45 Move, boys! Listen to Dad!
13:31 Angel son, be careful
13:45 God how do they even know where to shoot?
14:08 Shifty! I said be careful!
14:09 God he’s good
14:23 No baby!
14:40 That was boss, random dude. Tipper?
14:50 Angel son
15:01 Boys. God.
15:40 Was that necessary?
15:41 Well, it led to that boss scene for one, I guess. Iconic.
15:57 Naw, Luz had a feeling <3 And he was right!
16:08 Leave them, baby
16:46 Buck lmao
16:57 Sweetie it’s OK! Oh no, baby ☹
17:10 Roe <3
17:18 Me too, babe
17:38 Ah, Lip! Speirs, come save him!
17:53 Lol poor Lip! Oh no, not the goods!
18:01 I’m happy for you, and Speirs, lmao
18:39 Yeah, you show that outhouse, Tip. It was looking shady as fuck to be fair
18:48 Oh fuck.
18:56 This bit though, the distorted sound… fuck
19:25 Oh Lieb <3
19:35 Lieb, you always try to pretend you don’t care and that you’re badass but you’re not fooling me <3
19:44 Baby, no, wtf are you doing?
20:02 My heart
20:27 God
20:34 Where tf did you find that horse?!
20:50 You named him fat boy??
21:02 Oh, honey. I can’t make jokes. It’s a stressful time for us all, me especially, due to the lack of Rich.
21:06 Nix. No.
21:10 Husbands <3
21:14 Baby! Nix go back and help.
21:23 He’s like ugh tf I don’t have time for this! Mood
21:34 This is the first time we hear Roe speak <3
21:43 Listen to him, Dick!
21:45 Hey Buck
22:22 Lord, thank you for Shane’s face.
22:31 Roe’s like wtf you gonna do?
22:55 Baby don’t cry!
23:32 You didn’t let anyone down! It’s OK!
23:43 Oh Dick called him son, I can’t
23:57 Dad healing vibes.
24:11 Dick is legit a Dad now. Is this how the adoption process works?
24:41 Roe is like tf just happened
24:53 RICH! RICH!!!! <3
24:59 Ew
25:05 Don’t touch it, Rich, yucky.
25:21 Oh God. Terrifying.
25:22 Riiiiich, I’ve missed you so much
25:30 Speirs just wants to get back to killing ASAP
25:37 Terrifying. Pretty. But terrifying.
25:41 Mood, Penk
25:56 Riiiich <3 He looks so golden in the sunlight <3
25:58 Paused here a while. His face is beneficial to my health and well-being, OK? Also, third whiskey
26:04 RIIICCH <3 He’s such a wind up. He’s so pretty and golden! Look at his eyes and his little lock of hair and his stubble, I can’t even.
26:17 I can’t. His eyes. Even in the shade you can see they’re so pretty <3
26:36 So much Rich content. I’m so happy.
26:59 Lord. I love Rich. But Matthew is a freaking fox.
27:10 *happy sigh*
27:20 Rich’s hair is so blonde here
27:28 Rich stop throwing things at people!
27:37 Blithe is still a wee bit batshit, but he’s still the only voice of reason in this little party, which is concerning.
28:19 LMAO LUZ “Oh Jesus Christ, Frank, I don’t know, until they tell us to stop.” He’s always such a mood.
28:38 Hoob looks like he needs a bath.
29:02 Move, babies, move
29:38 That day-night transition tho
29:52 Hey Johnny
30:02 Mood
30:07 Harry. Stop. Cute.
30:30 Johnny, I’m not sure I appreciate your little “You can count on ME sir” as if Harry can’t count on Blithe! Don’t be rude.
30:33 Harry! Fucking fall on him why don’t you!
31:06 Tell that to Ross
31:34 Dad’s here
32:37 Oh Harry
32:38 “War is hell” You little shit! Iconic
33:08 Oh God
33:21 Roe <3 He got there quick! I feel like he doesn’t sleep, that he just hangs around in the back waiting to run in and save people <3
33:27 Oh, baby ☹
33:32 Blithe, it’s OK. He looks so scared!
33:55 Johnny, I have several things to say to you. Number 1, how dare you look so hot in this lighting. Number 2, don’t be so freaking lazy! Number 3, leave poor Blithe alone! He is having a Difficult Time. God Johnny is so unimpressed with him tho.
34:35 I would be more scared to run into Speirs, rather than the enemy. He is more terrifying tbh.
34:46 So. Intimidating.
34:54 Nervous? Yes, case in point.
35:01 Oh Christ here we go. Welcome to the Speirs is batshit and murder-hungry show.
35:27 Lol at Johnny suddenly waking up cos he heard gossip
35:40 Goodnight Johnny ‘Unimpressed’ Martin ILY
36:06 Don’t kill him, please
36:33 GDI Speirs
36:53 Literally no one else wants to be like that, Speirs, just you.
37:58 God
38:33 I need to see Rich. I feel like he was back in that field with Malark but I couldn’t make him out properly and I am now Upset.
38:52 Dick is so boss.
39:18 Oh, baby, oh dear
39:42 Ugh, oh no
40:02 Noooo don’t abandon Easy
40:22 Dad’s here, it’s OK
40:57 Dick get down from up there, you’ll get hit
42:08 Lol at Harry
43:18 RICH
43:48 Nix just chillin with his binoculars on his hill the whole time
44:20 Naw Rich just got back with the ammo and now the party is over
45:05 Oh
45:29 I got chills, the way he just disappears
48:11 So touching
48:46 Harry’s not happy
48:57 lol they’re all like nope, don’t make eye contact
48:58 Aw Blithe levelled up, plus 1 courage
49:00 No, not my angel son, you leave him back where it’s safe Harry
49:28 Aw, Harry’s smile <3
49:59 Nix don’t be so crass
51:00 ROE <3
51:28 Aw Harry, it’s not your fault
51:52 I love this. Harry and Dick in the shade, the boys all chillin in the sun. It feels peaceful and like they’re getting some rest, but like it’s not comfortable. Both legit because they’re lying about on rocks and rubble, and like the general mood and tension. It’s not safe yet, and the environment reflects that and this show, I can’t with this fucking masterpiece of a show sometimes I swear
52:25 “That’s why I came to France. To please General Taylor.” Another zinger from Harry! Give me one line of his that is not iconic and I will give you my firstborn
53:34 Oh Blithe <3
53:56 Aw Malark <3
54:15 Dorks
54:53 RICH
55:14 Lol at Malark stealing Rich’s cigarette
55:19 Oh Lord, the way Dick’s face falls. God, that look. Also do you two husbands need to be that close? No, but please continue.
55:27 Babe <3
55:37 Aw the Dad club assembling is never good. Fun’s over.
55:44 Laughing Rich is all I need in this world
56:00 Bill stop groping him, that’s Roe’s job
56:04 Rich <3
56:13 Aw Babe has a new friend
56:16 Rich in the background <3
56:28 Oh Lip
56:31 That’s sweet of you Smokey
56:49 Lip <3
57:25 Poor Lip, having to do this.
57:29 RICH
57:36 OMG it’s an actual woman
57:48 Good on you Malark
58:07 Cute
58:17 So sweet
58:32 Oh God, this scene. It’s actually a little surprising she’s not figuring it out on her own
58:37 Oh, his face
58:57 Scott does such a beautiful job in this scene, portraying the emotion without much dialogue, not quite meeting her eyes when he should because he’s trying to hide his shock and sadness
59:40 Oh Blithe.
In conclusion I am happy and sad. It’s a very confusing time. 
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