#ridges and lumps or soft barbs and rounded spikes that don't hurt
kaeyx · 11 months
I wanna pamper kraken lovecraft kissing him everywhere, braiding his hair and putting unicorn clips in them, suck his dick, and cuddling with him <33
Yes <33 he'd let you play with his hair and touch all his various appendages, feeling them and turning them around to examine them. He's so different to you, so much stronger, half out of this reality and still he lets you pet and touch him, braid his hair and kiss his cheeks and hands. And suck his dick of course, as much as it's possible anyway. You can probably only manage to suck the tip since he'd be at least as thick as a coke can, but he loves it anyway. It probably tickles him when you kiss down the shaft and let it rest over your face or tap your cheek, the ridges rubbing against your skin
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