#riddle got an 9 and rook got a 7 that's enough for me
jangmi-latte · 5 months
honestly, that's so embarrassing but i remembered that i did the same thing but with another character
"why are you giggling?" how do i tell them it's because of a 2d character 💀
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i just tell them at least it ain't about real people VWIRJKADHJAHW my fam's completely fine with me going nuts about 2D men as long as i keep my education in check 😭😭😭😭😭 atp even if it's embarrassing they're not surprised anymore
they're more surprised if i mention i have a crush on a REAL man 💀
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takeachillpillshawty · 3 months
Dorms I feel safe in. (From most to least)
Ok, here me out on this... A nice warm bed, a sunny dorm, a cheerful Housewarden that cares about you, and a vice Housewarden that cooks great meals and is also responsible.
I believe Scarabia students got it good honestly, Kalim most likely would pay for medical bills. 9\10
Savannah Claw
You can see a pattern with this, as a person who's lived in the carribean I'm used to the hot weather and I think Savannah claw has the right temperature for me.
I me and Leona would be chill, me and Ruggie would be friends. Overall it's not bad. 7\10
One hand. self care routines, manicures, facials and a spa day....on the other hand....ROOK.
I'm sorry but Epel would remind me of my little brother and we'd most likely get into fight.... I'm more likely to get kicked out if anything... 8\10
On one hand...money and on the other....OCTOTRIO.
I don't mind Octavinelle, it's a pretty cool dorm but my anxiety will keep me up knowing that someone could accidentally break the glass windows and flood the whole place...it doesn't help I have a major fear of drowning.
I have enough patience for Azul but the twins? It's bad enough I might have to work for the monstro lounge foe some money but those assholes will get me fired. 6\10
Ok, I'll get straight to the point. The dorm uniform gotta go, and I'm sure all girls know why it's a death sentence to wear white when it's that time of the month so nope to that.
Secondly... Riddle. I'll saw it once and I'll say it again, one of us will end up on the news. Why am I going to let a leprechaun order me around? I'm mostly going to stay just for the food and for my boy Cater~ 6\10
The dorm looks claustrophobic, and there are no windows. The dorm smells like shit and shame, no amount of axe body spray is gonna help with that.
Talking to Idia is like having a suggestion box....non existent.
I'll say it again if I have to, Ortho would give off major uncanny Valley of he was real and I fucking HATE dolls...so I apologize to my son in advance....5\10
Where do I begin? For starters, I hope I don't go deaf by Sebek's constant shouting or die from Lilia's cooking. Malleus would pop out of nowhere and give me a heart attack and Silver basically being the only normal one in the dorm is the only person I've seen fall asleep before a conversation.
Besides the dorm is just Ramshackle 2, that cliff is one lightning blot away from letting this dorm crumble. 3\10
Note: I love the boys dearly despite this. ( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆
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mightbesmall · 1 year
Well I don’t know what to do for Day 4, I can’t draw well and don’t know what to write so I guess I’ll rate birthday jacket cards and make an epic port fest drabble for tomorrow. I’m going to be rating them based off of aesthetics because I’m basic
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7/10 it’s Riddle and I love Riddle but I’m not the biggest fan of the font used on his name. Though I find the equestrian club badge pleasing.
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6/10 it’s the science club badge for me💀 though I’m loving the ordinary malewife’s confidence, he looks great but that science club badge… oh and the font again, it just irks me but looks so interesting at the same time???
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8/10 because it’s Cater, I love Cater. His pop music club badge is a bit funky but whether or not it’s a good funky is still under speculation. Basically, I’m biased he’s an 8/10.
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7/10 because he has that smirk and it both fills me with hot and makes me want to punch him. Ace is a pretty boy so naturally I feel both drawn to him and annoyed by him, mainly because he insulted us on our first day as janitor. You don’t insult janitors! They are hero’s of the community! He loses points for it >:(
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8/10. Enough said. Look at him, look at the blueberry bbg and tell me he isn’t perfect. He’s not, but he’s trying to be better and that’s all that matters.
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7/10 so like, he’s gorgeous and all, handsome. pretty. stunning. But my god, that font is all I’m looking at and I’m not sure if I like it or not.
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9/10 LOOK AT MY BOY IN HIS GET UP!! HE’S SO CUTE! oh and the font… do I like it? I don’t know. His birthday is 7 days after mine though so that’s cool!
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10/10 JACKIE POO!!! I actually like the font used here, it suits him so well. AND THE LITTLE WOLF AHHHH!! God I’m so biased.
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7/10 it’s Azul and he’s very babygirl, don’t get me wrong, but is he… too babygirl? I like the font used here as well, he’s a fancy lad and thus has a fancy font spelling his name.
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8/10. Mountain hiking club is my favourite🫶. And I just like Jade?
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10/10!!! Floyd my little skrunkly!!!
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7/10 as most of the boys, I enjoy the font and the club badge but the cap seems a bit out of place. HOWEVER! Kalim has a bow tie so that earns my heart.
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8/10 the font is a bit funky but bro, look at Jamil! He looks so crazed in my peripheral vision and I like that.
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10/10 he’s so majestic like look at the hair! And the font makes me happy, he shares a birthday with my friend and it’s 2 days before mine. He’s rocking that outfit and the jacket fits him well, the badges are pleasing to look at and it’s Vil.
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9/10 the font throws me off but I think I like it. Rook literally can pull off fedoras and caps so well, the science club badge annoys me still but Rook looks amazing and is smiling in a somewhat not creepy way.
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10/10 Epel looks to manly rn, literally amazing. The badges all look great, that font is cute and just, Epel.
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10/10 he looks so cute??? I mean not is much as Ortho but he looks amazing??? The font annoys me but his ratness makes up for it, his ponytail is so fucking cute! And the cap!! Bro pulls it off.
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20/10. Ortho is the most cutest, wholesome, brotherly, sweetest boy of all the boys. Literally would have him as my little brother if I could. Enough said.
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8/10 Mal Mal is adorable and all, that waistcoat is genuinely my favourite, but the mix of cute and wet dog is too much, I love it. HIS LITTLE CLUB BADGE OH MY GOD- the font is funky in a good way and his nails are painted. I’d actually straighten his bow tie, dust off his jacket and tell him that whoever his date is are very lucky to have him, my son! Like??? He’s such a swaggy gentleman???
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10/10! He’s got the bat-goth vibe and I love it! Peepaw is looking very stylish and amazing, though I don’t know if he’s posing like he’s an instagram girl or he’s an old man who lost his cane. Still, he is a viable old bat.
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8/10 he looks a little stoic but that’s just Silver! I’d hug him (book 7…) though the font is weird it’s enjoyable.
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7/10 it’s a bit basic but my boy looks happy! The font is loud and suits him well, as previously stated I really like the equestrian club badge. Sebek is like a son to me and my son gets 7 out of 10!
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charmergirl2468 · 2 years
Rating twst characters based off how much they like Set It Off
This is just a heavy meeting of my two hyper fixations right now
Riddle- 6/10
He wouldn’t listen to they’re really obscene songs like “Hypnotized” or “The Haunting”. He definitely listens to their positive tracks like “Why Worry” though. And he relates a lot to “Wolf in sheeps clothing” but he’ll never admit it
Ace- 7/10
He’s mostly an casual fan, but will rock out to their more poppy songs like “The Magic 8”. Though he also listens to their more somber songs like “As Good As It Gets” in private to just feel his feelings. He’ll never admit it though.
Duece- 9/10
He got into the band during his delinquent days and was able to sing “End In Tragedy” like it was nothing. He’s calmed down now but still listens to them. And if he thinks he’s alone, he’ll sing out recent songs like “Killer in the Mirror” and “Projector” while he’s doing something like homework or chores.
This white bread motherfucker only knows of the band because of Cater. He likes their positive songs but everything else is white noise to him
Cater- 10/10
Look me in the eye and try to tell me he doesn’t have enough angst to listen SIO. I’ll call you a Ra damn liar. If anyone asks, he’ll say his favorite songs are “Diamond Girl” and “Happy All the Time”. But in reality he relates more heavily with “Why Not Me” and “Unopened Windows”
Leona- 4/10
He doesn’t really listen to SIO but he likes “Wolfs In Sheeps Clothing” enough. He can respect the fact they’ve kicked out ex members for harassing fans.
Ruggie- 5/10
He can Jam out to their songs just fine, but probably wouldn’t know about SIO unless a friend brought it up. He’d be willing to go to one of their concerts if you pay for everything though.
Jack- 6/10
He’s a casual fan, and will work out to songs like “Uncontainable”. But he has a soft spot for their positive tracks. He likes “Why Worry” in particular.
Azul- 2/10
Pop Punk isn’t really Azul’s scene to be honest. He’s probably way more into Jazz. But he does like SIO’s sadder songs like “Unopened Windows”.
Jade- 2/10
Again, I do not see Pop Punk being Jade’s scene. He’d probably know a few of their popular songs by pure proxy of costumers but that’s it.
Floyd- 7/10
This unhinged bitch likes really random songs of theirs. It’s a fucking roulette of what songs he’ll sing along to. Like he’ll happily sing “Swan Song”, “Me W/o Us”, and “Go To Bed Angry” all in a row no problem. But then say stuff like “Skeleton”, “Forever Stuck in Our Youth”, and “Lonely Dance” are boring.
Kalim- 8/10
He likes SIO mostly because he thinks their music sounds cool and does not absorb the lyrics. Like he can sing along to “Hypnotized” with a big smile on his face. He’s here to vibe and honestly? I welcome it.
Jamil- 5/10
He mostly listens and sings their angry songs and that’s it. He gets so few chances to express himself and SIO is a good vector for that. His fav song is “I Think It’s Arrogance” for not subtle reasons.
Vil- 1/10
He is so far removed from pop punk that he does even know who they are.
Rook- 1/10
He might say that SIO is “pure beauty” or whatever but would never be able to pin point a favorite song or anything. Plus I fear what Rook would be like if he actually had a favorite band in any capacity.
Epel- 9/10
This fists first, questions later country boy absolutely would love SIO. He probably sings their more aggressive songs when he does chores around the dorm. He absolutely would rock out to “Ken and Barbie” for the fun of it.
Idia- 10/10
This emo weeb shut-in? He absolutely loves them. He’s one of us who’s had the Hatsune Miku collab song on loop since it came out. He’s the die hard kind of fan who knows even their old-ass cringe songs from their first album “Baby you don’t Tripajaharda”.
Ortho- 2/10
He knows of SIO purely because of Idia. He’s not as into the band as his big brother, but he does like their more upbeat songs like “Life Afraid”
Malleus- 5/10
He would have to be introduced to them by Lilia or Yuu, but he’d like them alright. He wouldn’t be able to pick out a fav song or anything, but SIO’s general vibes fit him well. This dork probably likes “Dream Catcher” the best
Lilia- 7/10
He likes most of their stuff. He’s casual about liking the band and probably only talks about SIO if someone else brings them up. That being said, he most definitely learned how to play most of their songs on the bass and shows off to the Light Music Club.
Silver- 3/10
Narcoleptic boi only knows about them through Lilia. They are not his vibe but if his dad likes them, he won’t judge
Sebek- 2/10
He doesn’t really listen to SIO, but if Lilia mentions them he will do deep research of the band to impress his mentor. He might even try to get Lilia merch just to prove his loyalty.
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twstgameplay · 1 year
Seems impossible to reach SSS on this NRC exam but it’s worth a shot. Currently at 102.2k. I have enough mats and thaumarks to work with any suggestions you have. Also have enough ssr perfume to mlb x5 and sr perfume to mlb x2. I have most of the SR cards and other SSR not listed in the team comp below are
SM Jade 80 5/10 maxed Bday Ruggie 80 maxed Camp Ruggie 80 6/10 maxed Dorm Ruggie 80 10/1 maxed Dorm Jack 80 maxed Fairy Leona 3/10 maxed Dorm Deuce 85 maxed Halloween Riddle uninvested.
Fire 21281 Friend Dorm Azul 105 maxed Dorm Azul 90 maxed spells and buddies GM Idia 80/83 maxed spells and buddies Robe Ortho 80 10/5, maxed with Idia Lab Ace 80 maxed
I kill too fast with Azul x2 so I’m Planning to switch out for Friend Trey 110 maxed and GM Idia for Lab Idia (begrudgingly since I don’t like the artwork) and maybe Lab Ace for Silk Cater.
Water Defense 20160 Friend Trey 110 max GM Idia DW Deuce 83 maxed Robe Ortho Lab Cater 60 1/1 with lvl 7 buddy with Idia.
Not sure what to do here besides mlb Idia and Cater. Maybe mlb Deuce (since I like him and it’s his birthday so less costly to upgrade compared to Idia but provides less HP boost and more power boost/killing too early which I’m already at risk of)
Flora Basic 20112 Friend Dorm Rook 100 maxed Bday Deuce 84 maxed Dorm Ace 80 maxed Robe Epel 70 maxed Bday Lilia 80 M2 is 10, maxed
Cosmic Def 20045 Friend Dorm Trey 110 Dorm Azul Robe Ortho Dorm Idia 77/81 5/10, 8 with ortho else is maxed Bean jade 80 maxed
Omni 20570 Friend Dorm Vil 80 5/6 Dorm Leona 83 maxed SM Silver 81 maxed Dorm Idia Dorm Ortho 81 maxed
I was trying to emulate Jeido’s omni team from his brag over a year ago but fall short of it in terms of mlb and cards so I was thinking some variant with Apple Epel 80 w/o investment, Dorm Idia/Ortho/Kalim and borrow a 107 Dorm Jamil, but this doesn’t have any flora but has 3 cosmic duos to compensate and this comp ideally requires 9 spells instead of 7/8 (Both of Epel’s spell, Ortho x2, Both of Idia to activate Ortho and Epel, Kalim/Jamil duo, and Kalim M1 to power Epel M1.)
Really trying to save the ssr perfume for my fav Deuce but something tells me that’s the answer… 😭. Open to any other suggestions
I don’t recommend using SSR perfumes unless you are extremely close to SSS especially if its not for characters or cards that are not your top favorites because you might regret it.
Fire Defense
You might be able to improve your score you use Lab Idia instead of GM Idia and saving Robe Ortho’s Flora and Lab Ace’s Cosmic spells for T5. However it will require you to LB Lab Idia and raise his spells.
Additionally, you can borrow Dorm Trey or Silk Jamil and use Silk Cater which will give you another heal and more HP with all the buddies if you are already doing too much damage.
Water Defense
Best way to improve defense scores is to LB cards for more HP or figure out a way to get another heal in. I would LB Lab Cater if you got the honey to the max him out.
If you are ending on T5-1 without using any duos, it will be risky to LB Deuce because It’s can be hard to come back from doing too much damage in defense exams without raising a new card or team. You can also lower your damage by making sure GM Idia doesn’t have his M1 power boost applied.
Omni Basic
You could try with a Dorm Rook overkill with Robe Epel and Birthday Lilia. It’ll be hard not getting in the mutual duos but Dorm Rook has a really strong overkill that would make it worth it.
You can LB Dorm Ortho for a stronger overkill but Omni is very RNG heavy and you might not be able to improve your score with the limited tries.
~ 👑
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chocolateyummyyy · 2 years
got tagged from @eunzul
Thanks for tagging me! Those questions are interesting and fun✨☁️
1. would you be mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human? (or other!)
a human of course. no specific reason.
- living in the sea seems terrifying to me. i don't think i can survive from the predators 🥲
- a beastman? um... tbh, i don't want to have animal ears or tail...
- a fae... i think the average lifespan is enough for me, living over 1000 years is really melancholic and troublesome. 😔
2. would you be at rsa or nrc?
nrc, rsa doesn't suit me at all.
i'm neither a bad person or a good person. so, i had better being at nrc 😔
3. what dorm would you belong to?
heartslabyul ♥️✨ (my friend who play twist tells me that heartslabyul suits me best.)
but If I can choose, I will be at scarabia, everything in this dorm is my cup of tea.
4. what character(s) would you be best friends with?
1. deuce spade
he is pathetic (affectionate) i love seeing his serious face, he is very diligent, earnest and responsible! more than that, i also love his soft side~, he is such a cinnamon roll baby 🥺🐣🐤
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2. malleus draconia
simply, he doesn't have any friends... so i will be his 🥲
he is pathetic like deuce but in different ways.
all he wants is FRIEND, despite his calming look, he is just a lonely guy. i bet he even cry inside his heart all the times. I just want to hug him and tell him that i’m here.
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5. what character(s) would you hate?
in the game, i don't hate any characters
but if they are real people i think i will hate crowley, leona and ace (even though ace is my favorite character lol)
i don't like a person who always throw their work at other people, you don't even deserve to call yourself GRACIOUS crowley 😡😠
i will hate leona and ace because of their slacking off habit, i don’t like lazy people. 😔
6. what character(s) would you date?
ace trappola (i’ve just said i hate him lol) because he is too perfect, too cute, too bastard. i love everything about him and i also want to marry him. i always tell my irl friends (who don’t play twst) that i want Ace to be my boyfriend every single day. i’m in love with this guy.
7. what would floyd's nickname be for you?
idk, shrimpy i guess. (i’m short 🥲)
8. and rook's
mademoiselles mirror because i’m an emotional person, my mood can change easily. the mirror can be interpreted that i'm fragile...
9. what twst character(s) are you most like (personality-wise)
i may look soft (base on my art or appearance, my height) but the inside is opposite. i try my best to control my anger but it’s always fail.
10. which subject(s) do you think you would excel at?
if i’m at twst world, i think i will excel at art (the other subjects seem hard to me 😔)
11. what club would you join?
music club. i can play some instruments but at mediocre level.
12. how do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general?
- i will earn money from working at monstro lounge. i’m very poor. this is my survival story.
- my life will be a mess, people around me always cause a trouble. i’m tired just leave me alone please.
13. [optional!] what would your unique magic be?
“On your knees” it will make that person feel dizzy because of the hallucination. when they can’t stand still and on their knees, i will take the advantage to attack them at that time.
the hallucination i create is made from one’s fear, sometimes it makes that person cry (why does it sound so villian…)
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mintmoth · 2 years
Okay so this is a little different then normal BUT
I'm at work and was going through my notes on my phone and found one I wrote a while back like back when I first got into twst and had only just begun to understand each of the characters
Apparently I had decided to rank each of them on a scale of 1-10 on how much I would trust having to hand them a gun to keep watch of for a period of time and??? I DONT REMEMBER WHY I DID THIS?? I don't even remember writing this?? I think I made a joke about giving one of them one and then went on to think about the others
But anyways under the cut is this list, written by myself about three months ago so I don't even recall the reasoning for some of these lmao
On paper he would be fine with a gun. Hell, he would probably be a little anxious at the idea of having to be the person trusted with one. However he still does have that hair trigger temper
Trey is literally the only person at nrc that I would wholeheartedly trust to hold a gun.
He would have it for five seconds and either have it taken by someone or get distracted and begin a murder plot
It's fucking Ace are you kidding me
While slightly more competent then Ace, come on it's Deuce are you kidding me
Another person who on paper it would be fine, hell, it would be kind of funny even. But do I want this already very deadly man to have a gun? Not really personally
Ruggie should never be in charge of a gun but also it would be kind of funny
Jack is responsible but also easily flustered and occassionaly duped
Fuck no, I mean yes sure he would bitch about it and ultimately be safe BUT ONLY THEORETICALLY
Jade is worse then Azul, he would kill without hesitation and no one would even realize, he doesn't even need the gun for this
Would I trust Floyd with a gun? Oh fuck no he is the LAST person who needs a gun
Would I give him a gun? Yes absolutely it would be so funny
I love him and he doesn't need this kind of pressure
No end of story and you know why
Once again, in theory he would be safe. But no. Absolutley not all he needs is good enough motivation
While Rook would absolutley be the safest person to have his hands on a gun, and would know how to operate one safely, I don't trust that man for a second with anything and neither should you
Should Epel have a gun? No. Do I want to give him one? Absolutley
You give Idia a gun and he's just going to complain about it and then leave it somewhere unattended
Okay you know what maybe I trust Ortho with a gun actually. While ideally I wouldn't like to give a gun to a child I know he would be responsible and might have some sort of safe installed in his body thanks to Idia so who knows
Malleus doesn't know what a gun even is
Lilia knows what a gun is and is going to immediately teach Malleus, Silver, and Sebek how to use one
Silver would just going to end up similar to Idia, only with far less complaining
Sebek is going to fire the gun immediately on complete accident
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hazard-queen · 4 years
His vice is a child (dorm leaders × reader)
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Riddle rosehearts
• Riddle stood there speechless, how could this be? A mistake? No way there could be a mistake! They followed the recipe then what happened!
• In front of him all the four vices and all are 4 yo kids! Cater, trey, ace and deuce! He looked at them worried, he started checking if they were hurt or anything, and when he made sure he took them to the dorms and locked the door behind them and ran to find you
• You thought the world is still a safe place as you were in the cafeteria having a delicious sandwich and once you placed it in your mouth you heard riddle who was out of breath asking about you, your teeth just touched the sandwich as he finally found you
• "(Y/n) finally found you! Come with me" said riddle grabbing your wrist and dragged you with him dropping the sandwich from your hand
• "My food!" You said almost crying but you had to see what's wrong! It's better to be that the world is ending if it wasted your delicious food! Riddle took you to the dorms as he opened the door you stood there unable to speak they were so small as you bent to carry the small ace in your hand checking if that is not a dream
• Unfortunately it wasn't and you had to babysit them with riddle, you couldn't leave him alone like that he was a mess, you brought some toys from sam and started to play with them till suddenly trey's stomach started to growl "I'm Hungary" said trey holding a stuffed rabbit toy , you couldn't resist how cute they were tho they ran out of control like 9 times before, you went to prepare something edible for 4 yo kids and left riddle in charge
• Riddle was deep on thought about how to return them normal and how could he made a mistake in the alchemy lesson till he felt a soft tug , he looked down, it was cater "what do you want?" Said riddle as he bent to be on his level and cater started whispering on his ears what he needed "oh i will take you to the toilet then" said riddle carrying cater
• You finished cooking and fed them all till they felt full and now need to sleep! "Riddle! I will go to the headmaster's room to see if he made the potion for them!" You said as you rushed to go out, "wait! What am i supposed to do?!" Said riddle worried "just read them a story till they fall asleep" you closed the door leaving the dorm leader shocked
• Deuce handed riddle a story to read them as he did, you came back to the dorm with the potion they gave you as you opened the door "riddle you won't beli......" you stopped talking as a small smile formed in your face, it was riddle, he fall asleep tired from the long day and the rest of the gang are asleep on his shoulder, you covered them with a blanket as you placed a soft Kiss on their cheeks leaving the potion on the nightstand and closing the door behind you slowly to not wake them up.
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Kalim al-asim
• It was his fault! Obvious, he made a mistake in the alchemy lesson and all he could do was to panic and running around in circles leaving the 4 yo Jamil standing there watching him in amusement, then kalim ran out of the room looking for you leaving Jamil by his own which made him upset.
• You were in the library trying to study or do anything useful to consume time in something useful until kalim suddenly dashed there" (y/n) YOU HAVE TO COME WITH ME THE ALCHEMY WENT WRONG AND JAMIL TURNED INTO A CHILD YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!!!!!" said kalim crying out loud forgetting it's a....
• "EXCUSE ME YOUNG BOY YOU'RE IN A LIBRARY LOWER YOUR VOICE!!!" yelled headmaster Crowley angrily, you slammed the book on the table trying to not get mad "oh well it seems that I'm the only one knowing it's a library and we should be calmer than this!
• "Ehem....you said that Jamil turned into a kid? Hmmmmm i will go look for a potion for him but.....where is him?" Said Crowley wondering "i i i......i left him there!" Said kalim worried!
• You ran to the alchemy room where kalim left him lonely, he was there, worried and almost crying for being alone all this time! You ran to him as he reached his hands for you to carry him, he put his hands around your neck and buried his face in your shoulder sobbing, you pated his back softly to make his feel better as you glared at kalim
• "Erm....why he's that scared ! I didn't know he's that weak!" Said kalim teasing, "cause he's only 4 yo now! Not as old as before! He remembers nothing! He found himself alone for long time!" You carried Jamil to dorms as you rolled up your sleeves preparing to go cook! "Kalim! You take care of jamil while i finish cooking!"
• "No! I can't! I can't take care of him!" Yelled kalim, "and why not? He takes care of you daily, cooking for you and doing what you want and he never complained!" You dashed to the kitchen ignoring kalims plea for you to take care of jamil instead but getting no answer from you
• He gave jamil a golden ball to play with it, he happily took it and started playing around with it, kalim almost forgot about him, you finished lunch and went back to call for kalim and Jamil to eat " kalim! Where's jamil?" you didn't finish your word as you heard a loud pang! Kalim turned to see a huge vase was falling from the stand on jamil as he kicked the ball into it by mistake! In less than a second kalim jumped on jamil to protect him and pushing him away from any flying broken shards
• "Are you ok? Did you get hurt anywhere? " kalim was worried sick about jamil, jamil shook his head as he was fine, but his eyes widened as he saw a line of blood comes out of kalim's arm, he looked at kalim and his eyes were teary as he felt guilty for all of this, kalim's eyes softened as he pulled jamil into his chest.
• You wrapped kalim's arm and you all had a very happy lunch! After lunch you were talking together as kalim was holding little jamil on his shoulder who took the first train to dream world, kalim smiled as he finally realized the effort jamil is doing to take care of him
• The door slammed open as the headmaster came in shouting "we found the potion to return jamil kun!" All he got? "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"
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Vil schoenheit
• He doesn't care at all about the whole situation, if he cared he will feel uneasy and this is harmful for his beautiful skin, he called for you to take care of them instead
• "But vil I'm also busy studying and i didn't even had breakfast!" You said to vil trying to flee but it was all useless, "i also have more things to care about! By the way I also didn't have breakfast let's eat together !" Said vil ignoring anything you said
• You looked at epel and rook, they were so small and all pure and cute, you made a sandwich for vil since he would never touch food with his hand! You made yourself a sandwich too, you were going to eat it but you noticed that poor epel and rook were looking at you and they seemed hungry
• "Vil...did you give them anything to eat?" You asked vil who was taking a sip from his tea "of course i didn't!" Said vil like it was nothing, "oh my they must be starving now!" You felt pity for those two, you split the sandwich and gave each one a part then you started making another two sandwiches for them and gave them orange juice, the poor thing were too hungry, you pated rook's head while watching them
• "Why do you care so much about them? You should care about me instead!" Said vil complaining, "erm...vil they are kids! They need someone to care about them!" You said but vil didn't care for what you said cause he cared more about the sound coming from his room! He left you with a "pardon" and went to his room, all what you could hear was yelling! You ran to his room to see both epel and rook and their face was covered in make up mess, their eyes were teary cause you know how vil looks when he's mad!
• "Vil, please calm down they didn't mean that!" You said as you grabbed vil's wrist, vil was really mad! He pulled his hand and dashed out of the room, you pated on their head and took them to the bathroom where you washed their face to remove the make up, you tucked them in bed to sleep then you head to see vil, he was still mad but once he saw you his face softened
• "Vil.....Don't you noticed that you're a little harsh?"
• "Harsh?! They ruined my make up on their face without my permission!" Said vil shocked from your words
• "Not that only vil! You were always like that! You yelled at epel 5 times cause he didn't rise his pinky while drinking juice, and up to 7 times at rook cause he was making sound while eating! They are kids after all! You know they would never do such a thing if they were in their normal age"
• Vil started to feel guilty for what he did and a little sad cause his beloved called him "harsh" then after that epel and rook came into the room slowly and shyly, " we are soowy~ we didn't mean that, we wanted to be pretty like you!" Said epel and rook to vil, vil poked rook and epel's cheeks with a smile " whatever you do you will never be pretty like me! Let's go put on some make up! Shall you join us (y/n)?" You nodded as the four of you now were as stunning as a diamond as vil put make up for you and did your hair
• "We are all now pretty!" You said laughing , moments later Crowley came to the dorm with the potion!
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Idia shroud
• No no no! Please tell him this is not happening! He must be dreaming, is it because he didn't have enough sleep yesterday or because he didn't eat anything ? Could it be something wrong he programmed? (Yeah let's just all say this cause we all have the same doubt about ortho)
• He panicked, what should he do? He was thinking to call you but you may be busy so he just left you a message in the game that you have to come asap you see the message, and as you saw the message you made your way to ignihyde and before you even knock idia opened the door grabbing your arm, "idon'tknowwhathappendijustturnedaroundandhewaslikethispleasehelp!!!!!!" Idia was speaking in light speed that you just stopped there opening your mouth, but after abit you tried to understand what he said you gave it a thought "idia clam down ,maybe you did something wrong? Alchemy or while programming?" You asked idia who stood there only looking at you holding his arm quietly "i don't think so" he said in a very low voice you could barely understand what he said
• "Idia i think you need to take a break!" You said worried as idia started looking for the problem and how to solve this, ortho would probably be the best help here but he's the main problem now so you had to help him
• Idia was so busy rushing everywhere till a small hand held his
• "Brother you are amazing! No need to worry!" It was ortho who held his hand, idia pated his head and ortho seemed to enjoy this, you went to prepare something to eat, it's for idia for sure, he didn't seem to eat regularly, you called for the food since it was ready!
• "I'm not hungry" said idia not even removing his eyes from the monitor till he felt his hand grabbed again and it was again by ortho who looked at him with worried eyes "please eat anything! You didn't eat since yesterday" said ortho
• Idia went towards the table as you sat by him , he took some spoons of his food but not very much, "do you like it?" You asked with a smile ,"it's not bad" said idia as he took another spoon, it was a peaceful moment till you started looking around.
• "Idia! Where's ortho?" You asked as he was calm as ever , "he doesn't want to eat" (i assume),....."idia.....ortho is not here!" You said looking at idia who was calm for couple seconds then he jumped from the chair calling for ortho!
• "Ortho!" Idia shouted everywhere but it seems he left the room, "idia don't worry he should be close!" You said as you ran after him, they spent like 40 min looking for him and every 5 minutes idia stops to blame himself, you placed your hand on his shoulder and pated it, and after another 30 minutes you finally found him, under a tree, idia ran to him
• "Ortho how could you leave like this! I got worried about you!" Yelled idia at ortho, "I'm sorry older brother! I felt that I'm only a burden on you...it's better if i left!" Said ortho sadly, slowly idia took him into his embrace and whispered something you couldn't hear but you know it was something good! Luckily you brought an umbrella with you cause it started raining, once you went back to the dorm idia could barely open his eyes you took your place on chair and idia was on the sofa
• "(Y/n)....can you stay with ortho....me, for more little?" Said idia sleepy
• "Sure thi....." you didn't complete your words as you saw idia was now on a deep sleep, he was so tired but at least he can feel safe around you both only, a smile formed on your lips but it was cut by ortho giving you a blanket to cover idia with it.
• "My brother idia is so amazing!"
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Leona kingscholar
• You heard that there was a fight in the cafeteria! It was a usual thing here that every once in a while that there would be a fight, but what wasn't normal to see students are fighting two 4yo kids!, you took a close look to see them....ruggie! Jack!?!
• You rushed into students and ran into the fight to help them, you stood in front of them glaring into the two students
• "Ooooh are you their mother or what?" Said one of them , " don't you think that it's not from bravery to fight 4 to kids?!" You yelled at them, "and what would you do? Yell at us till we get bored?" Said the other student in a sarcastic tone
• " i will tell leona !" , then students started to whisper, "hey! Could it be that this is leona's girlfriend?", "hey we don't want a fight with him! Let's leave them!" They left and there were only the three of you, you bent down to carry ruggie and you reached your hand for jack to hold, "how did this happen?" You asked the kids who seem to have no clue, "think we did something wrong while class!" Said ruggie, "it was your fault!" Yelled jack at ruggie as they started fighting!
• You finally found leona! He was asleep somewhere calm , ruggie escaped from your hold and jumped into Leona's chest which of course woke him up!
• Oh please don't tell him! He Don't care or want to care about that! Checka is more than enough for him!
• "Who dares to wake me up like that?!" He was mad until he saw them and recognised what happened, he went back to sleep, "take them away from here" he ordered you but that wasn't the solution of course, "leona! Can you please help me? I won't be able to take care of them alone!" You said with a pout, " then let them care for themselves and take care of me instead!" Said leona smirking
• "No! We have to find a way to return them to their normal age! We don't have time to mess around!" You said angry, "then find a way away from here!" Said leona as he didn't like your tone , you also were angry but being angry you both won't solve anything! Here ruggie started thinking
• "(Y/n)! Can you kiss my hand? It got hurt and it doesn't want get away!" Said ruggie with all teary and cute eyes, “sure thing!" You said with a bright smile as you placed a kiss on his small hand which of course was seen by leona!, "thank you! The pain has gone away!.....can i please have a hug?" Said ruggie, "and me too!!!" Said jack with puppy eyes shaking his tail
• "Awww of course you can" you reached your arms open wide for them but before they reach it leona jumped and took them both in a tight hug in his strong arm squeezing the soul out of them, " you can go to the headmaster dear and i will take care of them!" Said leona with a yellow smile, "um...are you sure? It's fine if you don't want to!" You asked but leona told you that it's fine and you can just go!
• They both were sleepy and tired, it was a long day! Leona returned to sleep again on his peaceful corner but both ruggie and jack followed him, ruggie tried to climp on leona's chest but he pushed him to fall in his back, he looked to jack and they seemed to plan something, they both started sobbing then they both cried out loud "waaaaaaa leona san you're meanie! We will tell (y/n) that you bushed me" they cried, not like he cares but he doesn't want to be a bad person in his beloved girl eyes and he also don't want you to hug them or care for them anymore, "fine! But only this time!"
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Azul ashengrotto
• He was busy! Sure he was, he's normally extremely busy and can't take care of his own self then how about a 4 yo eel twins? As troublesome as ever! Will he handle this alone? Of course not! He will call for you for sure!
• You came as he called for you but once you saw the twin you turned to leave but you couldn't leave azul like this but you are also busy, "erm...azul! You know i was busy now and so..." you said to azul who was looking into contracts here and there, "and I'm also busy! I will do anything for you just care for me i mean care for them if you don't mind!" He said as a fait blush appeared on his face
• " if you want me to help you.....sign me a contract!" You said teasing but it almost got azul a heart attack but you laugh it off anyway
• The twins were bothersome, you couldn't handle them alone, you asked Azul couple times for help but again he said he couldn't!, you blew a small swimming pool for the twin to play there so they would be less noisy, you played with them and also praised them sometimes which made Azul jealous...not cause you're not praising him too but cause he didn't get such a treatment when he was a child
• You came back with the potion but it was all silent! You took some slow steps and a smile formed on your lips as you saw leona's asleep and on his chest are the sleeping cutie ruggie and jack......"how cute!"
• "Would you all just be less noisy?" Yelled azul at the twins and you which made you mad! , "azul! If you don't want to help me i understand but at least let them be happy for sometime!" You said angrily!, " it's something you will never understand..NEVER...AND IF YOU CAN'T KEEP THEM QUIET THEN YOUR EXISTENCE HERE IS USELESS!!!" Azul yelled at you made you jump from your place, tears could be spotted on the corner of your eyes, azul's eyes widened as he realized what he just did, he wanted to talk but you were leaving, the twin ran after you sadly holding your hand and pulling you to stay, "shrimp-chan please stay! We won't make any noise!" Said floyd holding a hand, "we will behave and won't cause you any trouble" said jade holding the other almost crying, you had to agree...you can't say no to them, you went to the kitchen to make some fried food
• You were cutting some ingredients, your eyes were teary, azul's words were harsh, you know his childhood and of course you understand what happened to him, and without noticing you hurt your balm! You were too deep in thought but the twin suddenly gasped! " your hand!!!" , you looked down in your hand to see that you're hurt indeed!, without hesitation they ran to azul crying!
• "Azul! (Y/n)! Her hand got hurt when she was cutting the food!" Cried jade and before jade finish his words azul jumped from his seat and rushed to the kitchen, he saw your hand, his eyes widened in a shock
• You covered your balm pretending to be all fine but of course he won't listen, he carried you to the infirmary tho you told him that it is your hand that hurt you not your feet but he seemed concern, of course the twin followed you worried
• They disinfected your hand in the infirmary and wrapped it, you squeezed your hand cause it hurt you ,"I'm sorry, it's my fault!" Cried floyd, "no, it's my fault!" Said jade sobbing, " it's my fault and only me" said azul sadly as you gave them a worried smile
• and now you can leave , azul took you for a walk and the twins, "i I'm sorry....i never meant to harm you or your feelings neither you nor you, floyd and jade"
• You shook your head and gave him a warm smile! " you're really amazing person azul!" , your words made azul's eyes water , "Don't speak nonsense...anyways i invite you all to have fried food in the cafeteria!"
• "We won't pay for this in a contract?" Asked floyd ," or owe you anything? You will pay for it?" Said jade with a big smile, azul didn't like the way they spook it but he can't get mad now, "no! It's all on me!"
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Malleus draconia
• He stood there, shocked! What shall he do? He never cared for children before, it was always grandpa lilia that takes care of them since childhood! Should he go call you? No, you may be busy but he can't handle this all alone and that's when he decided to go find you
• You stood there blank, in front of you 4 yo sebek, silver and lilia, sebek and silver are fighting as usual and here's lilia running around in circles! "Can you please help me with that? At least till we find a potion" asked malleus and as if you could ever say no to those eyes!
• You looked around for toys and for your luck you found some , some blocks and a dragon blush....why they kept them anyways, "I'm Hungry!" Shouted lilia , "me too!" Said sebek and silver, you laughed on how cute they were, "malleus are you hungry too?" Malleus face became all red " n no! It's fine!"
• You went to prepare something for them, of course giving malleus the dragon toy and leaving him in charge, you went back with food as you took slow steps you could hear shouting! It was sebek pulling silver's hair and lilia is upside down on the ceiling and here's malleus who got really mad and was about to finish them all!
• "Food is ready!" You yelled and as you thought that was all what took their attention you started eating together, you look at malleus and wanted to ask him if he likes your good, but you feel shy anyway
• You looked at him to see that he also was looking at you, you both blushed and turned your gazes away but unfortunately lilia noticed that!
• "Ooooooh it seems like (y/n) and malleus like each other! "N......" You couldn't complete your word, cause if you said no then you would hurt malleus' feelings, you just gave them a wide smile before excusing to go to the headmaster's room to see if he has a potion and you guessed right!
• You took the potion happily and head back but on your way there were 3 students, "hey look! Isn't she malleus' girl?", "hey you mean the monster boy?"
• You had enough with them and with everyone thinking malleus is a monster! "He's not! And stop saying this about him!" You said angrily, "and what if i don't? What would you do?" Said one of them as the other snatched the potion from your hand!
• "Give that back!" You tried to take it but he threw it to the other guy "make me!" But at the middle of the fight you saw little lilia, sebek and silver coming to help! " no! Please stay away!"
• They did what they could! Biting , kicking and everything! But unfortunately all of this wasn't enough cause they were smaller than before and of course they got caught!
• "You want this? Then catch!" Said one of the students as the three of them where throwing it to each others as you tried to follow it! But one of them reached to carry it,it landed on a gloved hand
• "My my! Don't you know that such things can break?" It was malleus! But once the students saw them they dropped the kids and looked terrified
• " m malleus draconia!!!....run!" They ran away as you bent to carry the kids and praise them for helping you in time, you turned to malleus and gave him a big warm hug
• "You're my hero malleus!" You said giving him a happy warm smile hurrying your face into his chest
• "A hero?!....isn't it a villain college!"
• "Shut up silver!"
• "Told you they love each others!"
It was really long but eh! Hope you like it and remember that my requests are always open!
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shoujoqueensstuff · 5 years
I know I already done this , but I’m gonna do it again but this time Anita and Hugo will be answering this time around (when i use quotation marks its because Hugo is mute and its what he’s saying with his notebook)
~Dire Crowley appears before you~
1. Welcome to Night Raven College! Did you enjoy the trip here?
Anita: Well I was born here so...good? Hugo: “Furthermore I delivered her so...anyway I worked hard to attend here so kinda stressful cuz of exams”
2. Wonderful! All students here must choose one of the seven dormitories to reside in during the school year. Which one do you choose? Why?
Anita: Everyone says I’ll go into Savanaclaw when I get old enough to attend because I like sports
Hugo: “I was in Ignihyde with Ashton, it wasn’t bad I got in cuz I was shy”
3. Now that you’re officially a student, what would you like to learn first?
Anita: I want to do all the classes that both papa and daddy teach! Hugo: “I liked learning about potions”
4. I’ll leave you to settle in now. Before I go, do you have any questions about the college? Both: “No...we live here”
~Crowley out~
5. Which dormitory leader are you excited to meet? Why?
Anita: I’ve seen lots of dorm leaders come and go I liked meeting all of them! Hugo: “Meeting Ashton was nice when I moved in.”
6. Azul offers you the chance to fulfill your heart’s desire. What is it, and do you accept?
Anita: I’d like a pet but I’ll get that by my own efforts! Hugo: “Having a voice would be nice but all the Octavinelle dorm leaders before Azul tried that contract nonsense on me a lot.”
7. Which of the boys are you friends with? Why? Anita: I’m friends with pretty much everyone... Hugo: “Malleus likes me since we both have horns.”
8. C’mon, we all know everyone at the sch
Anita: Umm...don’t tell him or my dads but...I...I really like Ortho... Hugo: “I’m dating Sam.”
9. The hallways are a terrifying place to be after hours. Who’s the last person you wanna be out there with?
Anita: Umm...not to be mean but Cater or Floyd can be a little scary sometimes.. Hugo: “Mozus”
10. Would you rather listen to Jamil’s puns, work at the Mostro Cafe with Jade and Floyd, or clean the dungeons with Lilia?
Anita: I’ve done all of those things, but working in the cafe is the best! Hugo: “Jamil tells good puns when I see him.”
11. Everyone loves karaoke night at the Cafe! Do you sing? If so, which song would be your go to?
Anita: Sometimes I sing with Papa or Daddy or a friend, when I’m with papa we sing this French song and when I’m with daddy we sing lots of different things and when I’m with a friends I let them pick. Hugo: “I’m mute so...”
12. Riddle invites you to a tea party with the rest of Heartslabyul. Do you attend? Anita: Yeah! I go all the time! Hugo: “He’s had staff tea parties that I’ve gone too, it’s not bad”
13. Choose a champion! Anita: Leona! He’s big and strong! Hugo: “I’ll say Leona too because I have no idea what you just asked me.”
14. Favorite headcanon(s)? Both: “What”
15. Unpopular opinion? Both: “What”
16. You forgot to send Malleus an invitation. Your survival plan? 
Anita: I talk to him Hugo: “An invitation to what? A check up?”
17. Be honest, would you trust Rook to shoot an apple off your head? Anita: I let him and he tried to, papa yelled at him Hugo: “Absolutely not”  
18. Lilia, Ace, and Kalim invite you to hang out with them. Do you go?
Anita: Yeah! We hang out all the time! Hugo: “I don’t know why they would want to but ok.”
19. Where is your favorite place to chill on campus? Anita: I like daddy and papa’s classrooms!
Hugo: “My office or anywhere with Sam”
20. Ortho asks if you’ll help him drag Idia out of his room so he won’t skip class. How does that work out for you? Anita: We try all the time by ourselves but we usually need to get papa to take him... Hugo: “I would probably call Ashton too since Idia really needs to attend his check ups”
21. Who would you rather train with: Jack, Sebek, or Ashton? Anita: I wanna train with papa! is that even a question? but I would train with Jack or Sebek if I absolutely had to
Hugo: “Ashton, he helped me when we were in college together.”
22. You’re locked up in Mr. S’s shoppe after hours, who’s with you? Anita: I wouldn’t be locked in, Sam would make sure of that. Hugo: “Well the only reason I’d be locked in there with Sam is umm...I can’t say for...Private reasons...”
23. Leona fell asleep… again. This time on top of you. You have potions in 15 minutes; what do you do? Anita: He did that once, Ruggie found me and got me out Hugo: “Well he’s passed out in the infirmary before and always right before I have staff meetings...I usually kick him out”
24. Would you rather go on a magic carpet rid with Kalim, let Vil give you the Pomefiore spa treatment, or play on Azul’s grand piano (with his supervision)? Anita: I’ve done all that too, the carpet rides are my favorite! Hugo: “Vil gave me the spa treatment once, It was nice.”
25. Grimm feels a little left out. Comfort him? Anita: Who’s Grimm? Hugo: “No, he tried to eat my axolotls once”
And that’s it! sorry I don’t have anybody to tag
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