#rick flag x y/n
your-averagewriter · 1 year
"I thought they killed you."
Summary: (y/n) is isolated after the disaster on the beach but luckily she's found just in time but just the right people. (Rick Flag x reader)
Word count: 1.0K
Warnings: Blood, injury, violence, weapons, swearing, (usual Suicide Squad things)
I stumble through the forest patting the fire out on my arm, the burnt cloth scratching against my wounds. The mission wasn’t meant to go like this - I can’t believe Blackguard sold us out. Actually I can believe it because I don’t know him, barely any of us know each other which is one of our problems, you can’t just trust strangers on a suicide mission.
So far, I imagine most of the squad is dead and those that aren’t are isolated waiting to be picked off by the soldiers hunting us through the forest.
But I keep going in the hopes that someone is alive or finding anyone at this rate would be good, friend or enemy.
Holding onto the branch above I steady myself as I try to make my way down a hill but I trip falling. I can feel my stomach reeling and despite my head feeling heavier than ever I pull myself up off the ground and continue, desperately, not knowing what’s ahead. It would be nice if next time (if there is a next time) Waller would come up with a plan B or an evacuation tactic but she doesn’t care about what happens to us so I doubt she will.
Soon after I realize that I’m bleeding from my arm, a cut, not deep but not shallow either so I rip off some cloth from my dirtied trousers and tie it around the wound, making sure there’s adequate pressure. At this rate I could bleed out from my wounds before I even get anywhere.
I hear footsteps and voices, although my head is pounding so badly that I can’t hear properly and can’t bring myself to care. Maybe if it’s some soldiers they can finish me off.
Turning the corner I can barely hold myself up but I see a familiar face I certainly didn’t expect to see.
“DuBois?” I question quietly, wondering whether I’ve lost enough blood to start hallucinating. But before I can even take another step I feel my body go limp and I collapse on myself, falling to the ground. All I hear is DuBois saying my name, worriedly before I feel my consciousness leave me.
I feel my eyelids flutter open as I’m met with a pale canopy roof. My head is killing me and my mind is fogged over with confusion and questions. I look down at my body and see all my wounds have been properly dressed and some stitched up. My skin is still dirty along with my clothes but all traces of my blood have been removed. I question why I’m here but that’s when I remember what happened before I must have passed out.
“DuBois?” I say again, quietly as I sit up. I instantly regret it as all the blood rushes to my head and I feel myself becoming faint again but it passes after a few moments.
Looking around the room, there are a couple of wooden chairs and the floor is planked - I can see through the slither of the entrance to the canopy that we’re still in a forest.
Suddenly I hear footsteps from outside the canopy and I instantly reach for my weapons but they’ve been removed so I look for the closest, best option which ends up being a syringe - it hasn’t got any liquid in it but any object in my hand becomes a weapon. I realize my shoes have been removed as I place my bare feet onto the planks, it takes me a second to stand up but after, I manage to limp quietly to the entrance.
My back is pressed up against the fabric of the canopy as I await the impending footsteps, ready with the syringe in hand.
Someone pushes the fabric aside and walks in but as soon as they do I throw my arm around their neck, effectively choking them and placing the needle so it presses against the skin of their neck, not quite piercing it but could easily be if needed.
They don’t struggle and I notice by their uniform that they’re not a civilian but whether they’re friend or foe remains unknown.
Another figure walks in behind the uniformed stranger.
Rick Flag.
My face is a painting of confusion as I look at him and then to the stranger. He walks slowly towards me.
“(y/n).” He says gently. “Put the needle down.” He says again in a soft tone as he walks towards me, hands reaching for mine. “You’re okay.”
“Rick?” I question, not entirely sure he’s there or why. “What are you-What are you doing here? I thought you…” Tears start to brim my eyes as I look at him. “I thought they killed you.” I say, my voice wavering, unable to stop the trembling.
“Put the needle down.” He’commands’ but it’s still gentle. I lower the needle slowly and release the person from my grip. Dropping the needle to the ground, Rick immediately wraps me in his arms.
“You’re okay, you’re safe here.” He reassures me, his hand stroking the back of my head as I bury my face in his chest.
“I don’t understand, I saw them, they had you!” I say. “I saw it with my own eyes!” I exclaim, tears flowing from my eyes now. “I tried to help you but they- they.”
“It’s okay. It doesn’t matter now. I escaped, you escaped. That’s all that matters.”
“And DuBois? I saw him! I swear.” 
“He brought you back here, he said you fainted just after he saw you. You were hurt pretty badly.”
“Why is DuBois here?” I ask and all the confusion is only making my head hurt more.
“Waller went behind our backs and set up a second team. We were a distraction.”
“A distraction? Fucking brilliant.” I mumble, shocked but not surprised at Waller’s actions. “We were sent to die?” He sighs but nods.
“I’m just glad you’re alive.”
“Waller can’t get rid of me that easily.” I say with a small smirk and I can tell that he’s glad I’ve kept my humour throughout this shit show.
AN: First piece of writing I've done in a while!
I've been doing exams and working so I haven't posted much but I've finished my exams now so you can expect me to post more (hopefully more Suicide Squad content because I LOVE the movies).
Hope you enjoyed reading and requests are open!
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magicalqueennightmare · 11 months
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The Soldier and His Witch
Just Us
Safe Enough
I Lied
Come Home
Come Home Part 2
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Kill My Ex (?) Chap 1 - dark!Lloyd Hansen
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Character: dark!Lloyd Hansen x Ex-girlfriend , Rick Flag x Fem!Reader (slightly)
Warning: Manipulation, betrayal, delusional character.
Words Count: 1549
Summary: The reader meets a disaster with her fiance, and the team gets into a death trap while on their mission. Her boss told her to get revenge. After finding out who the mastermind turned out to be, her ex-boyfriend, will she kill him or not?
Reblog and feedback are really appreciated. It will make me more motivated and got more people to read the story. Thank you so much 💓 💗 💓 Have a great day and enjoy the story.
Let me know if you want to join the tag list 😊
Chapter 1, Chapter 2,-
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‘Beep, beep.’
That’s the only sound surrounding the patient room. It could be annoying if someone keeps hearing repeatedly, but for you, it's an assurance that your fiance is still breathing. 
You held his hand closer to your face, hoping and praying the patient in a coma would open his eyes.
You wanted to cry your heart out, but your tears already dried. You pray that even though he's in a deep sleep, he’s fighting to wake up.
You should've known the mission was a set-up. While you were with the other team on the other side, the team leader, Colonel Rick Flag, your fiance, got shot through his heart. It's a miracle he still breathing.
You wish this is just an awful nightmare. 
While grieving, you could hear high heels echoing around the hallway and getting closer to the patient room. 
The new guest was staring at the patient. She’s wearing her usual outfit and her pearl necklace. 
“He didn't deserve this."
You lifted your head and turned around. In the shadow, she appears like the angel of death, Amanda Waller. 
But she didn’t come here to see your fiance. She came here for you because she knew the mastermind of this chaos.
Even in this situation, you couldn't read her face. Is she mad because her team died, or is she mad because the mission failed that got her fired?
You put down Rick's hand and approached your boss. You grabbed and clenched Amanda's collar then pushed her to the wall. “You gave the mission. We almost died because of the false information you got.”
Once again, the mission Amanda gave to the team was to clean off the government secret. 
You and Rick's teams were separated when they arrived at the enemy base. Your team lost consciousness because of the hidden bomb, but Rick lost half of the team members. After three days, you woke up and learned from the doctor that Rick got it worse.
They said it’s a small chance if he ever wakes up. 
Amanda looked at you and said, “That’s why I want revenge, just like you. I became a laughing stock." 
You released your hand grip and stepped away from Amanda. “Who are they?”
Amanda fixed her collar. “They are experts at making chaos. Hansen Security.”
"What did you say?" Your body froze when you heard that name again. 
"It was your ex who created this mess." You could feel Amanda's eyes judging her. You couldn’t hide any secret from her. She knew the past you had left behind.
The biggest mistake you have made in life is knowing Lloyd Hansen. 
Amanda, grab your hand and give you a gun. "Get rid of him."
Your hands tremble when the gun touches your hand. You have erased him from your heart and now have to erase him from this world. 
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At an unknown location. 
A man is looking at the big French Window inside an old mansion. He stared at the woman who he’s been waiting for. He doesn’t even mind an explosive sound from the gun surrounding the place. 
“Sir, she’s on the first floor.” One of the mercenaries, who looked like his face had just got beaten up, was breathless from running to tell his boss. 
His boss's face filled with smiles, and he stopped at the mirror to fix his hair and outfit. “Don’t let anyone hurt her.”
“Yes, sir.”
After his subordinate left, he looked at the watch, counting every second because he was getting impatient. 
“Lloyd !!!” A scream came from behind the door, and she opened it by kicking the door. 
He opened his arms and said, “Y/N, I miss you.” 
You clenched your fist and threw an object toward him. He ducked and grabbed the bloody glasses you threw. He was silent for a while. 
That’s what you were looking for, despair. You want to know how it felt like losing a best friend. 
You thought he would get mad, but instead, he was laughing. 
‘What the fuck!’
You pulled out a gun and placed it on Lloyd's forehead. “What did we ever do to you? Tell me!!! 
Lloyd put his hand to your gun; you thought he would shove it away instead; he pressed to his forehead, “Do it, Y/N, kill me. I would rather die than seeing you with someone else.”
You gasped when he said that. What kind of nonsense is he talking about?
Three years ago, when your world was all about him, he didn’t even notice you. But now, after you meet someone else who respects and appreciates you, he won’t let you be happy. 
You clenched your teeth while staring at him with bloody eyes. “Crazy bastard.” 
“But if you killed me…” His one hand held her waist while the other rubbed her stomach. “Who’s going to be your husband and become the father figure of your child?”
Your breath hitched, only stared at Lloyd, thinking he had lost his mind. 
Lloyd giggled for a bit. “Oh honey, you didn’t know? I read the blood test when you were unconscious for three days.” He shook his head. “That was on me. They didn’t tell me you were on the team.” 
You gasped and stepped back from him. No wonder why the doctor told you not to take another dangerous mission and to take care of your body. That means inside you, there’s a child with you and Rick. 
You didn’t notice there was a hidden door behind you. A group of men dragged you to the chair and tied your arm to the armrest. Suddenly you felt a sting on your neck. Someone gave you an injection. 
“Lloyd, what the fuck?!”
He was crossing his arms and tapping his fingers. “Relax, it will help you relax in 10 minutes. While waiting, we will have a conversation.”
Lloyd pulled another chair to sit in front of you. He leaned closer to you and touched your hand. “I will never hurt you and….” His hand gently rubbed your stomach again. Your body trembled because you felt disgusted, but it was nothing compared to what he said next.
“Our child.”
You snapped back at him, “Enough with your jokes Lloyd.” 
He shook his head. “I’m not joking. This child will need a father figure since there’s no chance his father will ever wake up.”
Your lips quiver, and your vision gets blurry because of the tears you have holding back. “What do you want? You have taken everything I had.”
“That’s what I was aiming for.” Lloyd holds your chin. “I want to get rid of everything that is related to you, that loser and start a new beginning with me.”
You felt throbbing veins in your neck, wanting to burst out. “It’s impossible.” 
“I would say the same three years ago, but now it is different. After I woke up from my deathbed, I realized the only thing that matters is you. The image of us and our future kids at our suburban house.”
As he said, if he had said these words three years ago, you would believe it. But now you were hoping this was just a bad nightmare. 
You can’t believe your old self loves this man and would give anything to get his attention. 
When you have started a new chapter, he wanted you back?
You spitted at his feet. “Fuck you Lloyd.”
“No, mama, it's not good to curse our baby.”
You gritted your teeth. “This child is not even yours.”
“Oh I will. Since the real father presumably died without the machine support.”
“With just one call I could hold a funeral for your fiance tomorrow.”
“Shhh…shhh…” He rested his pointed finger on your lips. “To apologize, I won’t turn off the machine that supports him.”
His offer doesn't make you feel relieved.
“You could walk away from here. But who’s going to pay the bills for Rick, since the President gave a direct order to close the agencies?”
Another reveal from his lips, it turns out Amanda picked the wrong guy.
“If you were looking for someone to blame, blame him. The order was from him to get rid of Waller's team. He hates her because she tried to get him under her feet.”
“While you are here, she’s running away.”
That bitch, you thought. Now she's saving herself and leaving you alone. What can you do? You have no backup anymore. And your lunatic ex-boyfriend is holding the life of your fiance. 
You want to scream and kick your feet to free yourself from this nightmare. But you start to get sleepy because the effect of the drug from the injection has worked. Your head is getting heavier and moving left and right. 
Lloyd shushed you again; he knew the drug had taken effect. He released you from the chair and brought you into his arms. He looked at your side face and smiled. "Welcome home Y/N."
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What do you think, guys?? Do you like it? Do you want this made to be a series?
Let me know if you want to be on the tag list. 💝
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Three's a crowd
Adrian chase x reader slight Rick Flag x reader
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Warnings: slightly smutty, swearing, stalking, voyeurism and I think that's it if there's anything else lmk.
Summary: Adrian's a stalker but maybe this time it's not completely unwanted.
A/N: I had a dream about this.
Where are you? We need to talk. Come to your place now.
Who the fuck did he think he was? Why the hell was he at your place? He’s not your boyfriend he had no right to order you about. Sure he was handsome tall, dark, conventionally attractive it was his personality that ruined it. Always wanting to be in your space, wanting to team up for missions. it was too much. You’d teamed with leota as much as you could which is why you’d grown so close. It was a little awkward at first given who your dad was but that soon melted away when she realised you were nothing like him.
Your shoulders tensed and your stomach twisted, how the hell those four little words had the power to bring every bad thing you’ve ever done flashing before your eyes you’d never understand. You weren’t a bad person, maybe a tad morally grey sometimes but that was to be expected being peacemakers little sister. Sometimes you had to make the hard choices because Chris just couldn’t.
You glance over at him on instinct laughing loudly as he not so subtly flexed leaning closer to Harcourt desperately trying to impress, she seemed more open to it than she did when the team first got together. She wore a relaxed smile and that black shirt that Chris said made her tits look ‘Stellar’ Adrian couldn’t make it busy patrolling, he’d been doing that a lot lately.
Your stomach flutters as an image of him in his vigilante costume comes to life especially his ass, God he was gifted.
And you were being a pervert.
You flex your fingers, eyes drinking in the room. As you down the rest of your drink chasing away all thoughts of Adrian as you type a quick ‘what’s up’ back to Rick. There was no point in but you asked anyway he was a face to face guy liked to watch your reaction before you had chance to rehearse it. Leota notices you picking up your jacket “leaving already?”
“got people to see places to be” you retort fingers tight around the now empty glass.
She cocks a brow  “and what people might they be” she sasses playfully. you gesture to your phone spinning it round so she can read across the table.
“Y/Ns in trouble ” she sings but it’s lost to the noise of the bar.
“grow up, think you’ll survive without me?” leaning back in her seat she cocks her head towards the others.
“hell yeah, Chris has been putting the moves on Harcourt all night and I want to see what happens. Good luck. ”
Shrugging on your jacket you throw your arms around Leota in a tight hug she easily returns with an enthusiasm you could only blame on the booze you’d both knocked back. “thank you. See you all later” you call to the others with a tight smile, you don’t wait for them to reply as your already spinning on your heels and rushing out the bar on your way home.
It’s quiet when you make it to your apartment block, has it always been this quiet or were you just paranoid?
 You sway still slightly drunk regretting not calling an uber. You pull out your keys letting yourself into the lobby passing the night security you give him a nod of acknowledgement as you head straight for the elevator. Nerves kicking in as you punch in the number for your floor, your fingers tingle as you press your fingers flat against your palms, bouncing on your feet trying to ease your anxiety you realise Rick never messaged you back.
You squint at the brightness of the lights as you make your way down the hallway to your door, your ears pick up what you think is faint arguing, which you brush off as your neighbours until you realise the closer you get to your door the louder it is. Rick never mentioned bringing anybody with him, your skin prickles as you reach the end of the long hallway putting your hand against the door as it squeaks noisily you realise it’s slightly open which in your slightly tipsy state you’d overlooked. You push it all the way surprised to find Adrian on one side of the room clad in full vigilante costume aside mask and Rick on the other in army pants and an almost too tight ridiculously orange shirt.
“what the fuck is going on?” both men’s gazes snap to you and for the first time all night Adrian thinks he might faint. Rick was a sneaky bastard, Adrian wishes he’d shot him as soon as he’d caught him snooping through your apartment. It was harmless of course Adrian wasn’t a creep, no he was a concerned friend who just happened to be passing by who had to make sure your apartment was secure.
And jerk off to your underwear, Okay so he was a pervert. Sue him, he couldn’t help it. You made him feel hot, dizzy to the point it was a miracle he could look you in the face at times.
 His skin was melting he was sure of it, his suit felt tighter, almost fused to his skin. Rick shifts slightly out of the corner of his eye and his gaze snaps back almost as if he’d forgotten he was there.
“I can explain” he begs, literally begs hands clasping in front of him as he pleads for you to understand with his eyes. You’re not sure you do but you could never be mad at him.
He was your friend, a fiercely loyal one at that. Whatever was happening you were sure it was a misunderstanding.
“like hell you can, you’re a pervert.” Rick snarls.
You shoot Rick a look “don’t call him that.” he looks taken aback.
“he’s a sicko Y/N”  Rick doesn’t let up before turning to Adrian. “I know exactly what you are, I know that you’ve been watching her that’s why I followed you. I fucking knew I’d catch you eventually.” Rick looks triumphant, smug and it bothered you to no end.
Who asked him to get involved, yes Adrian could be a bit much at times but you always found his enthusiasm sweet. There was something sexy about a man who wasn’t afraid to show he cared that you just couldn’t get enough of.
And now you’re all just awkwardly stood there in what appears to be the worst Mexican stand off ever. Rick’s staring holes through Adrian, Adrian’s looking between you both as you debate whether it’s worth having that bottle of red you’d been saving for a special occasion.
You need to de-escalate this and fast, Rick looks more ready to jump across the room as time goes on and the last thing you needed was another noise complaint.
“look I’m sure there’s a perfectly logical explanation to why he’s here” moving the hair stuck to the back of your neck you roll your shoulders.
That was a lie.
“bullshit” Rick snaps “I see the way he looks at you, following you like some puppy and he’s just always right fucking there Y/N open your eyes.”
Adrian stiffens he really didn’t think he was that obvious thought he was playing it cool.
“why does that bother you so much? Maybe I don’t mind it” both men stare at you and you wish you’d gone for that bottle.
“It is late I need to shower and go to sleep, I don’t have the energy for this right now. We can talk about this later. But for now you need to go.” You point to the door and wait.
 Rick’s face is less than pleased but he knows when he’s lost. He walks past you murmuring about how this was the last time he tried to help, shoulder brushing against yours slamming the door behind him.
Adrian moves to the window probably to go out the same way he got in “not you” you snap.
He balks stopping short hands dropping from the window.
Maybe he could run for it.
“so” you start after a few seconds of awkward silence.
The air is tense, you feel hot thinking of him watching you but maybe that’s the alcohol in your blood.
 Adrian straightens up half expecting you to tell him what an utter fucking creep he was. “what are you doing in my apartment?” you try to meet his gaze which he drags lazily around the room.
“was checking that your apartment was secure” even he doesn’t believe that lie.
You snort god he was such a bad liar.
 Making your way across your apartment throwing your phone down on the kitchen counter before turning and leaning against it in a way that draws his attention down to your chest making his cock twitch.
You don’t miss the way he shifts to arrange his pants.
You find Adrian closer than before but not as close as you’d like. Like he was still debating leaving.
You don’t want him to.
 What the hell wrong with you? He’d broken into your home and let’s face it was probably stalking you.
 And you wanted him closer.
 “do you break into all your friends apartments?”  you pull yourself up to sit on the counter legs swinging childishly.
Adrian drinks in your relaxed state, It almost seems you like this, almost.
I mean what was he supposed to say to that?
Hi yes I’m stalking you, I’m so in love with you I stand on the roof opposite your building, jerking off, watching you because you never close your fucking curtains. And if you don’t close them you must like it a little bit. I stole your underwear, lay on your bed when you’re not home just to be surrounded by your scent.  
You drive him insane.
No that was too much you’d definitely tell him to get out and he already feels like the ground he’s treading on is fragile.
“I think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve seen. I like watching you.” And from anyone else that could be so innocent but with the way he’s looking at you, you know it’s anything but.
You fix him with a look but his gaze doesn’t falter doesn’t break under your own.
“so you’re a pervert then” his eyes flash and heat floods straight to your core.
 This was dangerous but he was past caring.
“yeah - yeah I’m a pervert” his voice strains, Adams apple bobbing up and down as he swallows, your eyes follow the movement.
“I don’t mind you watching me” he steps closer. This couldn’t be real.
You slide from the counter to move closer
“yeah?” he was going to explode.
“I still need to shower” hoping he gets the hint, he does.
“I could join you.”
“It would save water, good for the environment.” He agrees wordlessly his eyes don’t leave yours, you both stand there desire swirling making the air hot.
You drop your gaze to the floor.
Your hair is damp stuck to your face, Adrian reaches to push the stray hairs back into place.
Then reaches slowly behind you to cradle your head, you tilt it up to look at him.
And you just can’t fucking take it anymore.
Pulling him in lips meeting  in a less than graceful manner all teeth and tongue as he presses you back into the counter, hand turning to fist your hair. Your cunt pulses between your thighs as his fingers dig into your skin lifting you effortlessly, you hold on locking your legs around his waist.
Your back meets the wall, his hips roll against yours making you see stars. And it’s the first time you’ve really felt him and my god was he gifted.
You pull back as soon as air becomes a requirement taking in a gulp, as his lips move down your neck to your collar bone creating a blazing trail, his teeth graze your soft skin making you shiver.
Like he wants to bite but doesn’t.
“Shower.” You pant, wordlessly he carries you to where your bathroom is and you want to ask him how he knows but remember that’s a stupid question.
Of course he knows.
Yeah, you were definitely getting a noise complaint.
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maarriiii · 1 year
Breathless | Rick Flag
A/N: In my world, Rick Flag is still alive and well.
Summary: An unexpected visit from the one and only, Colonel Rick Flag, let to a revelation
Pairing(s): Rick Flag x female!reader
Warning(s): None.
my masterlist :))
"Flag?" Rick Flag looked up from his boots and was met with the sight of a confused y/n l/n, standing in front of her apartment door. For a few seconds, the former colonel had to do a double take with how casual her appearance was. y/n was clad in a worn out T-shirt with some sort of stain on her chest and a pair of denim jeans. Her hair was tied up with strands of hair framing her face. If Rick didn't recognize her from the times that they've worked together, then he would've thought that she was just a normal civilian living her life. But, y/n was anything but. A trained assassin wanted by every agencies possible for countless of political assassination domestically and internationally.
"Hello, um," Rick shook his head and cleared his throat. "Hey."
"Hi. What are you doing here?"
"I was just in town and thought I'd give you a visit."
y/n squint, watching his movement. "I never told you where I live in Gotham."
Rick gulped underneath her gaze and stuffed his hands inside his jacket pocket. Rick wasn't a man that's easily intimidated. He had fought many atrocious people during his time in the army and worked with the worst of the worst almost on a daily basis. He needed to grow a thicker skin because of it and he did. But, as y/n watched him intently, trying to decipher the meaning behind his sudden arrival, he couldn't help but remember how deadly this woman in front of him. How she could kill him with a single touch, hide his body and returned to whatever she was doing without anyone noticing.
"Rick." y/n snapped him out of his thoughts. "How did you know where I live?"
"Alright, I might've asked a couple of people to track you down. And I might've asked Dubois too. Since, you know, you both worked together before," he explained, feeling ashamed for some reason.
"Wow, Rick, all that effort just to find me? I'm honored." She smiled.
"Well, you're a hard woman to find. Can't blame me to ask for favors."
Rick heard her genuinely laugh for the first time and he couldn't resist the smile that slipped his lips. She was always so guarded during missions, a few quips here and there about him, Waller or the utter ridiculousness of whatever teammates she was assigned with. Even when Harley let out the most ridiculous things out of her mouth, y/n was always tight lipped. He was lucky if he saw a smirk from her. Rick won't admit it out loud, but he was liking this side of her.
He was immediately engulfed with a delicious smell that almost made his stomach growl when he entered her apartment. It was a small apartment and from where he stood, Rick could see the kitchen with an array of ingredients on the counter and pans on the stovetop. The living room was to his right where the local news was playing on the tv and books were scattered on the coffee table. On his left was a hallway with three doors leading to what he assumed to be bedrooms.
"Bathroom is the second door on the left." y/n looked at him over her shoulder. "You want anything to drink? I have beers, soda, water."
"Beer would be fine. You got people comin' over? That's a lot of food." Rick nodded to the ingredients scattered on the counter.
"Harley's gonna come over soon and she likes to eat a lot." She shrugged, sipping her tea. "You hungry? I think I made enough for three people. Harley's gonna have to share though."
"No, no, you don't have to. I'm fine. Thanks."
"Suits you then. But, for your information, I've been told I'm a phenomenal cook." She winked at him. "So, to what do I owe you the pleasure, Colonel Flag?"
To say y/n was surprised when Flag showed up at her door was an understatement. After the mission in Corto Maltese—and blackmailing Waller—she never thought she'd see the rest of her remaining Task Force X teammates again, let alone her former Colonel. She did keep tabs on all of them, even Nanaue for some odd reason unknown to her, but that was it. The last she heard from the man in front of her was that he quit the task force and moved to D.C. That was five months ago.
Rick was silent for a moment before he spoke. "Just a casual visit to a friend. You know, just making sure you're not getting into troubles."
"Hm. And do you do this house calls to everyone?" y/n questioned, a playful glint on her eyes.
"You just so happened to be my first visit."
y/n rolled her eyes. "If you wanted to see me, Flag, you know you could just say so. There's no need to make up a reason. I won't judge."
"What makes you think that, l/n?" A smirk slipped his lips.
"Oh, please, I was always your favorite on the squad. You always make the effort to personally escort me from my cell—and don't even deny it cause I overheard the guards once. You put an overwhelming amount of trust in me to watch your six and save your ass. And lastly, you stare too much."
"Well, you were—you were the most competent and less likely to kill me if I turn my back on you. What do you mean I stare too much?" Rick frowned.
y/n leaned her elbow on the counter, her head tilted on her hand and a mischievous smile on her lips. She was dangerously close to his face even with the island counters separating the two of them. Rick could smell the spices she used on her and it overwhelmed his senses in the best possible way. The only time they were this close was on a mission where both of them were covered in mud and blood. He had to admit he did sometimes stare at her during mission. y/n would be checking her gear, incapacitating an enemy, or just talking to Harley and he would avert his eyes to her. Harley caught him doing it one time and he had to act like he didn't know what the hell she was talking about. So much for subtlety.
"I mean, sometimes I could feel your eyes on me and when I turned around, you're already looking away," y/n whispered slowly.
"I was just checking to make sure you're not planning something that could endanger the mission."
"At first, I thought the same thing. I thought you were just doing your job. But, then it lingered just a few seconds too long and in places where you shouldn't be staring."
"I, uh, I didn't mean to make you comfortable or anything like that."
y/n smiled at his reaction and inched closer to his face that she could feel his breath on her face. "Don't worry, soldier. I'm just glad the feelings mutual. I haven't exactly been innocent on the staring too."
She trailed feather light touches on his neck with both of her hands and she could feel him tense underneath her touch. She brushed his surprising soft lips with her own and was satisfied when Rick closed her eyes. He leaned his forehead on her and gripped his beer with a little too much force as if he was holding himself back. y/n could just end their waiting and kissed him hard like she always wanted to ever since she saw him shirtless in that hut in Corto Maltese. But, she thought it was fun to torture him like that.
"You're gonna kiss me or just leave a man hangin' like this?" He breathed out, eyes still closed.
"I like seeing you like this. I don't think many people could say they made Colonel Rick Flag so breathless."
"You're killin' me here, sweetheart."
y/n shivered at the nickname. "Wouldn't this be a good way to die."
Without any warning, Rick pressed his lips against hers and cupped her jaw. His calloused thumbs gently brushed the apple of her cheeks and y/n couldn't resist the urge to melt at the gesture. For years, all she ever focused on was vengeance to the people that stole her life and weaponized her. She didn't imagine she would surrendered so easily to the foreign feelings, to Rick Flag of all people. But, as their lips molded like two pieces of a puzzle, all she could focus on was him. y/n held both of his hands and squeezed, a silent sign that she trust him. The man she used to despised with all her being. Her colleague, friend, and something more if the universe deemed her to be a good enough person despite her bloody past.
A small whimper escaped her lips when Rick pulled away, but they were still close enough to feel each other pants. y/n didn't open her eyes, still too caught up in the euphoria that was his lips. Her mind was screaming at her for being so vulnerable and unguarded, but she couldn't care less. All she wanted was him.
"Looks like I'm the one makin' you breathless this time, y/n."
"Seems so." She smiled. "I gotta say, Flag, you're one helluva kisser."
Rick chuckled. "I try not to disappoint."
"Any more secret talent I need to know about?"
"I think I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Though, I'd rather take you out to dinner first."
y/n finally opened her eyes and gazed at him. "I like the sound of that."
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A mighty good team
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(Happy Veterans/Armistice Day, y’all, let’s keep peace in our minds, hearts, and prayers.)
When - immediately following ‘Oh my.’ after you saw that little plus sign on Lori’s pregnancy test. It takes place during the night of S02 Cherokee Rose.
What - that seed of worry about your big brother being a ‘cause for concern’ grows a whole lot bigger when you put two and two together about the new bun in the oven. But it’s okay, Daryl had beers right? You’ll just chug whatever he’s got left so you can get out of your head, right? So long as you don’t topple over on the way to his tent!
Relationships - you and your mangy hick make a mighty good team, just sayin’. As well, you comfort Lori, so three cheers for siblingly/non-romantic love. You also make a cop joke to Rick and Shane.
Genre - i dunno, but there’s plenty of platonic fluff once y’all make your way to Daryl’s tent.
Perspective - You x Him
Pronouns - they/them, feminine implied imo
TWs - language, stress related to the Shane/Lori/Rick baby situation as well as Lori reacting with rejection fueled by fear regarding having another child, and Daryl drank 4 beers
Word count - Quit clucking like a mother hen. Lol, don’t worry, it’s about 3,400, so even shorter than the last one, which was shorter than I tend to do. Do I get a prize in the morning? :D
Refs to other stories - tinnitus following too much ibuprofen, how you and Daryl use the ‘idiot’ and ‘bitch’ to insult one another when squabbling because you hate being called ‘idiot’ and he hates being called ‘bitch.’ Check out ‘Oh my.’ so you know what the little fireside nap dream was.
And there are more references, but thankfully we have a: Link to the Masterlist so you can read up and turn into a bonafide Slowpoke! There’s a Ko-fi link, too, if you can spare something to help me pay toward my tires.
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“Y/N—” she stammers, but you’re too busy squeezing her again as all your worries melt away. She’s pregnant! After all this time, she’s finally pregnant again!
You’re smiling ear to ear and even crying a happy tears. “Lori, aw, don’t you make that face, this is wonderful news!” you nearly squeal even as you try to keep your voice quiet. “D-does Rick know yet? I’m so—I’m so happy I could scream! What about Carl, you must be—it must be very early days! Four weeks at most, must be?”
She’s crying too. But you see that those aren’t happy tears.
Oh, Lori. She must be scared out of her mind with worry. Can’t fault her there. “Lore, shh, come here.” You sidle up close to her and brush her hair back from her face. “We found a doctor—well, a vet, but he knows his stuff—and Miss Patricia is a nurse. We found a safe place here. And hey, at this rate, we might will find more survivors who have medical training!” you babble, trying to give comfort but meaning every word. “And Glenn and me, we’ll take a team, go to the nearest library or college, g-get us books on, on childbirth and the um, the VBAC stuff, the blood type incompatibility stuff, all that—”
She keeps crying quietly, barely making a sound. You rub her back and flip off and on from thinking thank you over and over to what can I say to help her?
This is wonderful news. Unexpected, scary, but good.
“This ain’t bad news, Lore. I promise.”
She tries to nod and ends up stammering, “I can’t tell Rick,” as if she’s done something wrong.
Red flag.
“What do you mean?”
She’s even quieter when she whispers, “Shane can’t know.” Her voice sounded frightened when she said that part.
Red flag, red flag.
The seed of dread in your stomach is beginning to bud.
Oh, Shane, what have you done? What does your brother have to do with this?
Red flag, red flag, red flag.
You don’t ask anything else, your brain is working too fast for your mouth to work at the moment. The ringing in your ears gets louder. The wooziness worsens even though you’re seated.
Then the connection meets and the waving red flags come to a halt.
You’re…you’re uncertain if the conclusion you drew will insult her. It’s not your intention.
The buds of dread begin to open as you gently and softly ask, “Would you say you’re four weeks along, or maybe a little further?”
Rick came back about four weeks ago. But…you know Shane and she had gotten close. Maybe ‘close’ meant rather closer than you’d assumed.
Neither Shane nor Lori said anything to you about it. You get why.
And…goddammit, you’re angry at Shane (When will he learn? When?), as much as you wish you weren’t. You can’t deny that; but you can understand how it would have happened.
The world ended. Relationships have been on speed-mode, be it friendship, love, or hatred. And Lori is beautiful, your brother is good-looking, and they’ve known each other for decades.
It even could’ve just been down to wanting a release or comfort, you reckon, just look at what happened with Glenn and Maggie today.
And Lori, she had thought she was a widow. Rick was dead, you’d all thought so! And that was after he’d already been in a coma for a month before the world fell apart.
Her face is buried in her lap. She curls in on herself before confessing it.
“I c-could be up to six weeks.”
Oh my.
The dread blooms.
You breathe in, out.
In. Out.
Resting a hand on her back, you stare unblinking at your backpack. “How long have you been carryin’ this alone, Lori,” you murmur, “before taking that test?”
Her hands are gripping her hair as she sniffs in reply, “Just a week. It, it was after we had the goose that I wanted to find a test, b-but…” Her hands cover her face and she bends her knees to her chest.
Your memories hop back to about a week or so ago, after you and Daryl bagged the Canada goose.
As it was cooking, she wasn’t doing too well with the smell. But even domesticated meat can smell kinda nasty when it’s cooking, so you never considered that it could be something more—and when she couldn’t really stomach the meat, you just chalked it up to it not tasting very edible.
And she’s been tired, but everyone has been to some degree. And it’s possible she really is only four weeks; she knew very early with Carl and one of the ones who didn’t make it. But in the event she’s five or six weeks…well, it’s not like she could consider a late period as a sign right now. Cycles have been going haywire since the outbreaks due to all the stress, dietary and exercise changes, and, and…oh, Lori. What do I say, what do I say?
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“Rick won’t hate you or blame you.”
She’s trembling. “I don’t want to hurt him.”
“He loves you.”
“But I can’t do this,” she almost snaps. “Condemn another child to a world like this? How could—I-I can’t, I can’t.”
At that, you feel a chill. That’s not good to hear.
You place your fingers over the spot where you’re stitched up from the same fragments that nearly took your Carl away. “Comfort and safety, even good health couldn’t ever be guaranteed,” you hush. “Even before all this, Lore. And you won’t be doing it alone, you’ll have all of us. Hell or high water.”
“B-but what am I gonna do?”
Shushing delicately, you rest your head on hers and can only think to answer, “Let us help you sleep and eat enough, for a start.”
Her breath catches and she releases a suppressed sob into her lap.
The unspoken problem of your brother is still raising its invisible hand.
Your family wasn’t the type who placed too much focus on blood, how could you?, but the context is different when it comes to fostering and adoption.
This is a somewhat stickier situation. And Shane is…Shane. He’ll get very possessive protective of what he’d think was ‘his,’ at least biologically.
What do I say, what do I say?
“Rick will be so happy that there’s another one in there,” you whisper, smiling. “Carl will be so excited.”
She shakes her head and whispers back, “Shane.”
Inhale. Exhale. Swallow. “Like me, he’ll be overjoyed about our new niece or nephew.”
Pulling away, her eyes meet yours and delve deep as if she’s searching for something. “He has to know it’s Rick’s.”
Holding her gaze and trying not to cry, you nod once. “He will.”
“It’s Rick’s,” she repeats under her breath. “It’s Rick’s…"
You close your eyes and send up more prayers for help as you press your forehead to hers.
Then you recall that strange dream you had by the fire and get another chill when you consider how oddly well it fits.
He had a fourth beer. Chugged it down once he got back to his tent. All he’s got right now to show for it is that slightly warm feeling in his belly. Still barely even got any spins, must be weak-ass beer.
So long as it gets him sleeping.
Nope, sleep is gonna be impossible. This is way too much thinking before bed and your high pulse is making the ringing louder. You’ve got the mp3 player on but even the lowest setting feels too loud because of the clanging in your ears.
Where’s Daryl?
Daryl had beers. That was an eight-pack you saw back at the campfire, right? Yeah. And if there are none left, well, he’s somehow adept at getting you zen (usually after you squabble, but fuck it).
Thoughts are buzzing around your head like flies around a melted snow cone.
Lori is pregnant, and you’re thrilled to bits about it but…Shane’s possibly the biological father…and, fuck it, Shane is a cause for concern…and Sophia is alone for her fourth night in the woods or wherever she is, if she even ‘is’ anymore…and Carl just had major trauma and surgery…and if Mr. Greene finds out about what Maggie and Glenn did, how will he react?…
Not to mention that today you were in a flood-zone during a rainstorm so kept imagining how Dad got washed away and drowned in one, and this is after you had nightmares all last night reliving finding Mama dead and walking seconds before you killed that man.
Too much thinking, too much thinking, and now you’re regretting eating that oatmeal because your stomach feels queasy. If you didn’t know any better, you’d be convinced the roof of your tent was swirling!
But it’s okay, (it’s okay), it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okayyy. It’s. Okay.
Because Daryl had beers.
You’re gonna go ask for one, right now. Dale’s got scotch, sure, but you don’t know where it is and Dale might could be in bed already. And he turned your request down last night, so you’d have to steal sneak some, and if he catches you, he’ll only want to be all, you know, decent and fatherly and caring and shit, therefore won’t be down for you chugging straight from the bottle because you need to get out of your head!
So screw the idea that you shouldn’t have any alcohol after your painkiller miscalculation, the doc gave you the charcoal, so it’s fine, right?
Oh, that’s right, you don’t give a hoot anymore.
After clicking the music player off and yanking the earbuds out, you grit your teeth in pain as you sit up, then zip down and punch open the flap door to your little camo tent and—oh, people are still awake?
…What time is it?
Even Jimmy’s still out. Glenn is still talking about something with him, Patricia and Carol are sitting by each other. Rick is finally outside by the fire, too. And Shane is back as well.
He and Rick aren’t sitting close. That’s been a growing problem and heck if it ain’t about to get bigger.
You grab the raggedy blanket from the corner of your tent and try to ignore how dizzy you feel when you move. You carefully walk to the campfire. Then you take Shane’s hand as you ask, “Rick, what’s the time?”
“Quarter past nine. Hey, um, did Hershel talk to you about his idea for Carl?”
…It’s only 9:15?
Blinking in disbelief that’s it’s not 1a.m., you resume what you were doing and plop your brother down next to Rick before remembering to answer, “He did, but um—too much thinking before bed ain’t advisable, so lemme just tuck you two in, we can chat in the mornin’.”
As you lay the blanket on their legs, Shane stifles a groan, knowing what’s coming. The hard lines in Rick’s forehead smooth out and he smothers a laugh, knowing what’s coming. Andrea’s amused hum clues you in that she’s noticed, and you glance over to see her smirking while finishing what’s in her beer bottle.
You look at your brothers. “Should I say, it or?”
It’s Rick who pushes his nose up with his pointer finger. It’s Shane who loses the try-not-to-smile war and outs with: “Pigs in a blanket, yeah?”
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Come on, sleep. Come on, sleep. Come on, sleep.
He wishes he had an I Spy book or some shit. Ha, he still can’t believe that worked that time, clear knocked him out.
Maybe if he had some weed? But Merle and him used it up the first two weeks of the world fucking ending.
There was some…there was some of the hard stuff left. Saw it in the saddlebag when he remembered the pills for T-Dog. Except blow amps you up, it doesn’t chill you out.
Damn, he’s considering using? Dramatic Darylina, just chug a fifth beer and zen the hell up, little bitch.
He fumbles around for his skinning knife, clicks on his flashlight, picks up the last beer and jimmies the cap off. Except he’s not two gulps down when he hears a quiet, “Oh, he is awake. Daryl?”
Y/N is here? Excitedly zipping the door open, he sees them turn around to face him but suddenly crouch/waver as if they’re about to fall over.
“Howdy. May I take you up on that pragmatic beer now?”
“Why you all crouched like that?” he grunts.
“I’m a tad dizzy.”
“’Cause my ears are ringin’.”
“It’s like Quasimodo is in there or somethin’.” They point with their thumb toward the treeline. “Accidentally took too many painkillers back at the old couple’s house off the trail.”
Shit, do they need their stomach pumped or something? And why is he starting to panic?
“It’s just ibuprofen, Dary-bear, plus the doc already gave me charcoal as a precaution, it’s all good,” they drone. “Might could I please have a beer?”
Aren’t you not supposed to mix painkillers and alcohol? And wait, Y/N knows that stuff, they mentioned it earlier. Plus, there was only one left and he’d—damn, of course he’d opened it.  
“This is the last one,” he lamely replies.
“But there were two left…” they trail off. There’s this look on their face he can’t quite place. “Oh Daryl, how many did you have tonight?”
“…Four,” he tells them, feeling weirdly like a kid caught doing something he shouldn’t.
They nod to the bottle in his hand. “Is that your fifth?”
Did they just use a teacher voice with him? And not even an annoyed high school teacher voice, that right there was a kindergarten-teacher-telling-the-students-it’s-nap-time voice.
“What about it?”
He hears them tut and watches them frown before saying, “Hand it over.”
“Quit cluckin’ like a mother hen.”
“Quit screwin’ with your liver.”
“Coming from the idiot who took too many painkillers and wanted to wash it down with beer?”
“That’ll mess with the kidneys and stomach long-term, bitch, not the liv—” snips from their mouth until they realize what they just admitted. At first, they look confused. Then, they chuckle as if something was funny.
“Y’all good down there?” Shane’s voice calls from the campfire. Were the two of them arguing that loud?
“Ugh, fuck me,” Daryl grumbles to himself and takes another swig of his beer.
“Shane don’t swing that way, sorry,” is the furthest thing from what he expected Y/N to respond, and he snarfs up some beer accordingly while Y/N waves to their brother and gives him a thumbs up.
Cracking up, Y/N sighs, then moves from their crouched position onto their butt and sharply inhales when they do because it probably made their stitches ache. “‘Quit clucking like a mother hen’ was really funny, by the way.”
“Mhm, I’m here to entertain,” he grits back, both annoyed that he just snarfed up his beer and yet trying not to laugh too openly.
Their eyes flit to the bottle.
He *grumble* offers it to them. They bite their lip and shake their head. “That weren’t exactly my intention anymore.”
He glances at the bottle and…*grumble* then finds himself twisting his wrist so the beer pours out onto the grass. “Pain in the ass.”
Beer now watering (intoxicating?) the grass, Daryl scoots back and reclines in his tent, adjusting his back to get comfortable. To your annoyance and concern, you’re intrigued at how his body moved kinda cat-like and how his arms look rather nice above his head like that.
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“So, what’s the big secret?” he slurs just a tad.
The big secret? Did he see you and Lori go into your tent and assume—how would he have—???
“We didn’t talk about anything major, uh, it’s…” you trail off. Oh, he meant how you promised you’d tell him about…the man you shot and killed. You send up another simple prayer of I’m sorry regarding him and inwardly knock your head against a table because you’d promised you’d tell Daryl that little not-so-fun-fact over a beer. What a move, Y/N. “I thought you meant somethin’ else, my bad. Um—”
“—Don’t tell me you got more dirt? Was that whatever you and Glenn talked about? He looked like he coulda used a beer after you two were done.”
A monotone, noncommittal sound leaves your mouth as you stare into space.
Pretty night sky again. You consider the wonderful part of the latest batch of dirt. Lori’s pregnant again! “It’s good dirt. Well, half of it is.” Oh, Shane, what’s gonna happen with you?
“What is it, then?” Daryl huffs.
Oops. “Just some stuff.”
Okay, you walked into that one. How many quarters for white lies do you owe so far, two?
Appealing to his…dunno, maybe his sense of loyalty, you remind him, “Snitches get stitches, man.”
To which he cracks, “Y’already got some.”
Scrunching up your face in delight, you clap your hands together as you snort, “You’re on a roll tonight,” while trying not to tighten your core too much because ouchhh, those stitches of yours still hurt when you do so. Glancing over at him, he’s actually smiling.
Within seconds, however, he’s back to his usual standoffish self. He waves his hand in question. “So, why you tryin’ to get hammered this time?”
“Well, I ain’t anymore.” You already feel better. And you’d only wanted a beer or shot or two of liquor, nothing too crazy.
Now he’s doing that squinty thing at you as he grunts, “That your way of saying ya wanna drop it?”
You shrug. “What made you start on your fifth beer?”
“Quarter,” you tease.
“Ha-ha.” You run your hand through your hair and realize your dizziness is ebbing. “So, what time we leavin’ tomorrow, 6, 6:30?”
He shakes his head from where he’s laying. “The group is gonna have a meet-up before we all head out. They’ll wanna wait ’til the sun is bright enough, count on 7:30 or 8.”
“We can’t just go earlier?”
“Today, all them kept running into each other’s grids. We need to make it clear where we’re lookin’ and when.”
“Fair play.” Adjusting your position and fighting the urge to lay down, you make sure, “Think you and me’ll be done searching the road and the ridge by 12 or 1?”
“I guess. Why?”
Don’t get mad. “Mr. Greene asked for my help with a medical procedure for Carl. Early afternoon I said I might would be back by.”
He can’t get mad about that, no way. And early afternoon is enough time to scope out what they’d planned.
But is he…is he that much of an asshole that even Y/N for some reason thought helping a child who’s just been shot wouldn’t seem like a good enough reason to him?
And what the hell does his opinion matter, anyway? Besides, he can do shit on his own, don’t need nobody.
“You take care of Carl, I’ll find Sophia,” he says simply.
But this twitchy sensation wiggles in his chest when they immediately respond, “Deal,” with a relieved exhale. The nice feeling gets stronger when they then mumble, “We make a mighty good team, just sayin’.”
And Y/N then just flat-out lays down on the grass outside his tent. One hand rests on their belly, the other stretches up over their head.
“Hey Daryl? I was so happy to see the flower in the RV,” his friend next mumbles. “Carol said you told her the story, too.”
He isn’t sure how to respond, so he changes the topic. “Y’look like you’re about to nod off right there.”
“Mm, I feel so relaxed now. You did good, dude.”
What does that mean? Weirdo.
…He feels more relaxed now, too, though. Even if the two of them didn’t get into much conversation, they had a fun little squabble.
Maybe he should…yeah, he’ll dump the coke somewhere tomorrow. He’d heard something about a bloated, dead walker in a well out in one of the pastures, so he’ll prolly toss it in there since no one will be drinking from it.
The crickets aren’t as loud tonight. It’s colder.
Just to check on Y/N, he lifts his head slightly.
Seeing them lounging on the lawn like that first makes him contemplate tossing them his pillow, but it’s nasty so instead he figured an alternate plan would be his poncho so they can be more comfortable.
But, he thinks better on it, and “Go on, get your ass to bed,” is what he settles on.
They whine.
He grumbles. “Do I need to get your big brother over here?”
A smile starts to form that he keep under wraps. He knows what’ll do the trick. “Gonna get ants and teeny little spiders all up in your hair and clothes.”
Sure enough that gets them going, complete with another whine.
“Goodnight, dude,” they snort.
“Yeah, g’night.”
He isn’t sure what made him lift his head to check on them again, but when he happens to look over, their face is contorting in pain as they attempt to position themselves in a way that’s avoiding using their injured arm/shoulder and their abdominal muscles to sit up so they can stand.
Him helping you up wasn’t expected, since he’d been laying down. But just like that, he’s out of his tent and gripping your forearm on your good side to hoist you upright.
Once you’re on your feet, his hand touches your back for a moment and you cup his upper arm to steady yourself.
“Thanks for the assist, man,” you sigh, brushing off your butt in case any dirt or grass stuck to it.
“Yeah. See ya in the morning.”
So, not to overshare, but that simple touch felt really nice. And his arm is hard as a brick.
Eesh, this whole Glenn/Maggie thing is messing with you.
Whatev, you do know one thing: what you told Hershel about feeling safe around Daryl was accurate and honest. Your That mangy hick, for some reason, simply isn’t threatening in that way.
And dude thank God you’d gone to see Daryl, for real. Y'all make a good team.
Wait, what was it exactly you’d sa — oh Moses, your twang had come back full force with him, hadn’t it? You’d said ‘a mighty good team,’ that’s right.
Ha, you talk like such stereotype sometimes.
“See you in the morning, Rick,” you call softly as you pass him on the way to your tent. “Sleep in a little later with Lori tomorrow, you both could use it.”
He watches to make sure they don’t topple over on the way back. Thinks about how they did indeed mother-hen him, however, in all honesty, he doesn’t mind (that much, anyway).
He wonders where Sophia is sleeping. If she’s safe. If she ‘is.’
Shit, he flicks that thought off and shoves something better in its place: that tomorrow is only day four. He’d survived nine days at a younger age, she could survive, too.
Then, he’s thinking back on how Y/N looked so relaxed there on the grass a few minutes ago...which is a kinda weird thing to be thinking about.
Next he remembers how when they were talking to the doctor earlier, it was plain as day they’d lessened their accent. It sounded damn wrong to hear their voice like that, barely a twang in it.
He compares it to how comfy (and twangy) they sounded when they sighed “We make a mighty good team, just sayin’.”
That little fluttering warms in his chest again at the same time the corners of his mouth raise. And finally, all at once, his eyelids sink down, limbs grow heavy and he at last falls asleep.
teeny tiny taglist :D
@spenciepoo338​ @its-freaking-bats​ @whistlesalot​
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cwc-emoji-pluck · 1 year
may I request these three emojis for the event?
Hope you're having fun with this!
~ Flurry
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member: minghao x fem!reader
genre: fluff, light angst, percy jackson au <3
word count: 1488
warnings: mentions of sword fighting, swearing, y/n 'slaps' minghao on the shoulder but it's not like. bad or anything its like a playful smack to the shoulder, and also jokes about y/n playfully !!! hitting chan and hansol (they're besties pls don't worry) also cheol smacking joshua's shoulder? idk there is a lot of shoulder smacking going on
emojis requested:
🌈 - rick riordan’s world of percy jackson; seventeen are demigods in modern times ⚡️: a campground in the woods where it is common for people to suddenly disappear after swimming in the believed-to-be haunted lake  🐸 - Minghao
author's note: hahahaha i have no idea what i'm doing,,,it's been so long since i posted something school has just been...honestly it's not that bad i just don't have the energy to write a lot bc in between classes i take naps so :) also hello flurry it's been so long </3 i hope you are doing amazing and i apologize for taking 10000 years lmao pls enjoy !! (also thanks to my bestie @gallivantingheart for beta reading ily)
my main blog: @wonwooslibrary
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Y/N ran across the field away from her home cabin and towards the volleyball court where her two best friends sat. “He’s gone.” 
Mingyu and Seokmin, sons of Zeus and Apollo respectively, look over to Y/N. 
“Who?” Mingyu asks. 
“Minghao, he’s gone. The last time I saw him was when he said he was going to the lake. I told him not to go and that it would be safer if he went with someone but of course he didn’t listen to me.” 
Seokmin’s eyes widened. “Are you sure?”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah. Soonyoung said he wasn’t at archery today and Chan said he hasn’t seen him since before he went to the lake. Junhui saw him on his way to the lake, but didn’t see him come back.” 
Mingyu hummed. “Did he actually like,” he gestured with his hands a bit. “Go in the water?” 
“I’m not sure. The last I heard from him was that he was going to the lake. He wasn’t in his cabin, either.” 
Y/N wasn’t going to tell her best friends that they never actually went to the Hecate cabin, and instead asked one of Minghao’s bunk mates if they had seen him. The Hecate cabin freaked Y/N out. 
“He can’t be too far, and I doubt he would willingly get in the water knowing the rumors. Maybe he’ll show up again at dinner tonight?” Seokmin suggested. 
Yeah. Maybe.
**✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿**
Later, the three friends, along with their recent Capture the Flag winner, Seungcheol, son of Ares, God of War, walked to the dining pavilion. Seungcheol was a good friend to the group, usually acting as a strong father figure to the others, but definitely wasn’t afraid to let loose, something that his father clearly lacked in. 
Being the worry wart she was, Y/N, of course, asked Seungcheol if he had seen her boyfriend. 
“I saw him yesterday around,” he looked up as if he was rolling his eyes. “Noon? Maybe one?” 
Y/N sighed. “I just hope nothing happened to him.”
“I’m sure he’s fine. Don’t worry---it’s Hao, he can get himself out of everything.” 
Minghao didn’t come to dinner, and that’s when Y/N started to freak out.
**✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿**
Minghao was a wonderful boyfriend, that was obvious. Of course, it was even more obvious to Seokmin, Mingyu and Seungcheol, as well as Y/N’s other two friends, Hansol and Chan, when Minghao came up to them a couple of days previous to his “disappearance”. 
“Guys, could you help me with something? And not tell Y/N about it?” Minghao pulled his capture-the-flag teammates to the side and pulled off his helmet. Looking around, he made sure nobody else was hiding around them to get them out of the game. 
“You want us to keep a secret from Y/N?” Seungcheol sighed. “Whatever it is, it’s a bad idea.” 
Seokmin and Mingyu, ever the worried friends, quickly agreed with Seungcheol. 
“No, no, no,” Minghao started. “Hear me out before you say no.” 
“Well, get on with it then.”
“I want to set up a date with Y/N. I know that she hasn't been having a good past few weeks and I want to make her feel better.” 
Seokmin nodded. “And what do you plan on doing for her?”
“Well,” Minghao moved his sword from his right hand to his left. “I want to set up a picnic in the strawberry fields, but I don’t want Y/N to try and find me. Would you be able to keep my whereabouts a secret after I see her tomorrow?” 
Hansol, who was silent up until now, spoke up. “I’m down, just don’t send her after us. I don’t want to get beat for lying to her.” 
Chan quickly nodded his head --- it looked painful to Minghao. “I second that, have you ever been hit by Y/N? It hurts!” 
“I guess I agree,” Seungcheol said after patting Chan on the shoulder. “Just don’t come up with a lie that gets us into trouble.”
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“Why did he think it was a good idea for his excuse to be the lake? That might just have been the stupidest thing that has ever come out of Minghao’s mouth.” 
Seokmin quickly agreed with Hansol’s statement. “Yeah, seriously. I’m almost worried that Y/N will throw herself into the lake in order to find him.” 
The two, who were sitting out front of the Demeter cabin, waiting for Junhui to come out, complained. 
“I certainly would have to agree,” Junhui scared the two as he opened the door to his cabin as quietly as he could. 
“Jeez Junnie! A little warning would be nice.” Seokmin put his hand on his chest. 
Junhui laughed. “By the way, Seokkie, you shouldn’t have to worry too much. Y/N is supposed to be led to the strawberry fields soon anyway.” 
“Who is taking her there again?” Hansol looked at Junhui who still stood behind the two. 
“I think it’s Jeonghan. You know how much Y/N trusts every word out of his mouth.” 
Seokmin scoffed. “Yeah, he’s the first person whose words I would believe without a second thought."
As Seokmin said that, Joshua and Seungcheol walked over to join the group, their sword fighting practice having ended just minutes before. 
“Hey Shua, Cheol, how was practice?” Hansol asked the two oldest. 
“It was good,” Joshua started. “I’m not sure how I feel about Chan asking if he could join us. You know how competitive he is, and with Cheol there, I got scared.” 
Junhui smiled. “Ah, Chan, he’s always so excited to learn and improve.” 
“Yeah, but it’s better when he’s getting his ass kicked by Y/N rather than Cheol. Even if he loses to Y/N, she still goes easy on him. Cheol just goes all out.” 
“Hey! You know I wouldn’t hurt Chan!” Seungcheol smacked Joshua’s right shoulder. “But speaking of Y/N, she’s being led by Jeonghan out to the fields right now.”
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“Why are we going this way? I thought you were taking me to the lake so I could look for Minghao?” 
“Just---hang on, okay? I want to show you something, it’ll be really quick and then we can look by the lake again.” 
Y/N sighed in defeat and let herself be dragged by Jeonghan across the camp to the strawberry fields. 
“Why are we here? It’s starting to get dark.” 
“Well, look at the field.” 
As Jeonghan said that, Y/N turned towards the fields, and there stood her boyfriend, flowers in his hand and a picnic blanket at his feet in between the rows of strawberry bushes. The sunset behind him made the sight even more ethereal. 
Covering her mouth with her hand, Y/N gasped. “No…” She looked to the side to see Jeonghan’s reaction, only to see the tree that he was leaning against seconds ago. 
“Minghao? What…is this?” Y/N walked through the little paths, avoiding stepping on the bushes, and stopped in front of her boyfriend. 
“I wanted to surprise you,” He handed the bouquet of flowers over to Y/N. “I know you’ve been struggling with training for your quest and being head counselor. I just wanted to do something nice for you before you stress yourself out too much.” 
Wiping the tears off her face with her left hand, Y/N used her right hand to smack her boyfriend’s shoulder. 
“What the fuck Minghao! How could you do this to me! I thought you died!” 
Minghao backed away from Y/N to avoid getting smacked again, all while holding his now-stinging shoulder. “Why would I have died?” 
“I was told, by your asshole friends, that you went to the lake! Alone! At night!”
“...So they’re my asshole friends now?” Minghao laughed. 
“Yes, they’re your friends! They lied to me! For two days! Friends don't lie!” 
“Awe, babe,” Minghao pulled Y/N to him in a hug. “You know I wouldn’t leave you out of the blue like that. I will always come back to you.”
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The following day, Y/N couldn’t stop herself from walking into the amphitheater where Seungcheol and Chan were swordfighting, the rest of the others watching diligently on the sidelines. 
“You!” Y/N yelled, holding her sword up, the point facing Seungcheol, who was disarmed quickly after Y/N caught him off guard. “Why did you convince them to lie to me!” 
“Ha, you see, Y/N-” 
Seungcheol bolted out of the amphitheater as fast as he could, Y/N on his tail.
The others, who were still sitting on the bleachers, looked over at Chan, who just shrugged and picked up Seungcheol’s sword. 
“She requested revenge,” Minghao said from his spot by the door that Y/N and Seungcheol had just ran through. “I promise it wasn’t my idea.” 
Seokmin leaned over to whisper in Hansol’s ear, “Okay, I lied. Minghao’s the last person whose words I would believe without question.”
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Hello lulu sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you know two parts fic; about steve rogers x reader (if I’m not mistaken) from what I remember Steve broke up with her either because of Sharon or wanting to go back to peggy or something then reader left l, then the second part is where (y/n) actually fell in love with someone else and happier than ever then somehow met the avengers again and was surprised she was pregnant and it was with Rick Flag. Thank you!
Hi! Sorry. I have read many stories in which Steve leaves the reader for Peggy. But I cannot remember reading one in which she ends up with Rick Flag.
If anyone remembers the story, please respond to this ask.
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harleyquinnxcrazyx · 1 year
Rick Flag x reader
Warning: Fear, injured, death, intense love
You were on the island of Corto Maltese. Half your team was dead since Blackguard sold you out, but you were pretty sure Amanda Waller had sent you there to die anyways. While stumbling through the forest you escaped to, your only thought was Colonel Rick Flag. Your boyfriend. You and him had been together since the first Suicide Squad was recruited and when he and June broke up, you made your move. He eventually fell in love with you, and even convinced Waller to let you move out of Belle Reve and in with him. Not that you didn’t still have to do missions. That’s why you were here now. As you tripped over a tree branch, you gasped in pain at how it tugged at the burn on your stomach. You felt people’s presence suddenly and jerked up, only to be met with relief that it was the second half of your team. Peacemaker, Ratcatcher # 2, Bloodsport, King Shark, and Polkadot man. “Y/N?” Peacemaker said, with an utterly confused look on his face. “The hell are you doing here?” You didn’t answer, just stared at them. Eventually you trekked off and the next morning found where Flag was being held according to Waller. You sliced and diced and brutally killed everyone that was in sight. As you guys opened the tent you froze as you saw Rick having a drink with a women. His shirt was off. You stood there awkwardly as everyone else. “Rick.” You said warily staring at him and the women in confusion. Rick stood up.
“Darlin’?” He asked, his eyes puffy red. He walked over to you and gently placed his hands on either side of your face. “Baby, I thought you were dead.” He whispers, his eyes glazed over by unshed tears. You kissed him and then immediately noticed everyone staring at you, so you pulled away and rested on his chest instead. “Don’t you ever do that to me again Y/N.” He stated his arms wrapping around you like a shield.
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your-averagewriter · 1 year
“Fuck off America’s sweetheart.”
Summary: After trekking through the rainforest the Suicide Squad stumble upon a camp and after a brief massacre they discover Rick Flag, uninjured and not captured.
Word count: 1.0K
Warnings: Violence, swearing, blood, gore, Suicide Squad violence and warnings
After a day of walking through a rainforest, moisture attaching itself to my skin I try to shrug off the feeling of dirtiness. We reach a makeshift camp and are instantly told to execute anyone and everyone within.
A brutal but sadly common order in the Suicide Squad. DuBois and Peacemaker have an obvious rivalry not leaving many to the rest of us but I’m not complaining. I’ve never been someone to enjoy killing, only when ordered to or when it’s necessary, that’s not to say I’m bad at it, don’t misunderstand.
I approach the camp, following behind the two in competition, not something I wanna get involved with. Slowly, I pull out a few bullets from my bag, toss one in the air, catch it then throw it, propelling it straight into a man’s head. Sunlight shines through from the other side, illuminating the cascading blood from the wound. I repeat the process with a second bullet, lodging it in someone’s skull before moving on through the camp.
Watching the two ‘vigilantes’ act like children is entertaining for a few minutes but gets old quickly as they fight over the last victim. Quickly, I pull out two bullets from my bag and propel them at the same time towards the last man standing. Falling over, you can see the two holes the bullets paved through his eyes, perfect shot, I think allowing a small smile at the precision and accuracy.
Both of them turn to me, glaring ever so slightly annoyed that I took away their tie breaker but we have a mission to do and competition with each other will only get each other killed.
“Damn it.” I hear both of them say, frustrated, watching as the man falls, flat on the ground, the remains of his eyes splattered nearby.
Staying silent, I follow closely behind the leader and another who has also deemed himself a leader (Peacemaker). His ego seems to have no bounds, from his pretentious name to stupid hat.
Heading towards a tent, DuBois pulls open the entrance to reveal a short woman in some sort of uniform and a patched up Rick Flag. They turn to us in confusion which is mimicked by our faces.
“(y/n)?” He asks and I furrow my brows looking at him, sitting laughing in a tent whilst we were out fighting and trying to protect the island.
I step back, out of the tent slowly as too many emotions flood my system making me not be able to think straight. I just need to get out of here.
I don’t walk far and I don’t know what to do so I walk through the camp following the trails of my murders tracing my bullets. They’re not really that special but I don’t know what to do right now.
Feeling a tear carve a path down my face, my hand flies up immediately to swipe it away and I refuse to cry or to let anyone see me cry. I grab at the bullets, forcing my fingernails into my palms almost drawing blood but the pain stops the tears from falling. Reversed logic but when did emotions ever make sense. Stuffing the bullets back into my bag I walk over to a fallen tree where I perch my head in my hands, not crying, not angry, just overwhelmed. Although, an overwhelmed assassin can be a dangerous thing.
This whole experience only lasts seconds in reality but it feels like it’s going on forever.
Waller convinced me to go on this mission stating that Rick had been captured, that he was being used by the enemy, she didn’t outright say he was being tortured but it was heavily implied.But here he is laughing in a tent with some random people, certainly not looking captured.
I know it’s not his fault that he's unharmed, not captured by the enemy, I’m not mad at him, it’s Waller as usual - manipulating me using my emotions and using the one person I care about to force me on this mission.
Rick emerges from the tent a few moments afterwards, likely done with a short debrief for DuBois and the others. He scans the forest, tracing the treeline, looking for me and eventually he clocks me sitting on the tree.
“(y/n)-” I interrupt.
“Why are you here? I don’t understand.” I say, my hands threaded in my hair.
“Trust me, I’m about to ask you the same thing.”
“Waller called me in, she told me you had been captured and were probably being tortured. That’s why I’m here. Why aren’t you being tortured?” He chuckles quietly. “I know that sounds weird.” I say, resting my head on his shoulder.
“Waller lied to you.” I sigh. What I thought has now been confirmed.
“I can’t believe she would do that… Well, I can.” I frown.
“I’m so sorry.” He says, wrapping his arm around my waist, resting his head on top of mine. “I don’t want you to be here because of me.”
“It’s not your fault. We’ve just gotta make sure we both get out of it now so we can deal with Waller later on.”
“Yeah. Then you can show Waller what you’re made of.” 
“She won’t know what hit her.” I manage a small smile. There’s a comfortable silence that falls over us before I stand up holding onto his hand, cherishing the warmth he provides me with. “We should get back to the others…” I say.
He agrees quietly, following after me. We walk back over to the tent where the others are standing and talking with the people in uniform.
“DuBois?” I say and he turns around upon hearing his name. “Did you know?” I ask.
“Know what?”
“That Flag wasn’t captured, wasn’t tortured.”
“I didn’t know Flag was here.” He says, shrugging his shoulders.
“Who the fuck is this guy?” Peacemaker asks. “Why is he so important?”
“Fuck off America’s sweetheart.” I say, the anger of Waller lying being emphasised by Peacemaker’s idiocy. I feel Rick squeeze my hand, an attempt to calm me. I don’t have anger issues but there are some specific things that rile me up.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Robert stands in the middle of us putting his hands up, preventing escalation. “He’s just a dick.” DuBois says quietly.
“Hey, I can hear you!” Peacemaker shouts.
“Fuck off!” I yell back.
AN: I hope you enjoyed reading!
I'm so boring with my title recently, I've just been putting quotes from the fics, I'm sorry haha.
I thought you'd want to be tagged @mandy-eminem-moxley77 (I have a much better Rick Flag fic that I'm gonna post tomorrow or the day after that's 'spicy' so...)
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August 2023 Fic Rec List
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A variety of fandoms. A bit of angst and smut, and a good amount of comfort and fluff.
Many of these blogs and fics are NSFW-18+. Please honor any requests from a blog regarding no minors. I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume; heed the warnings for each fic.
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No Title ~ @princessmisery666. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Rick Flag x Reader)
No Title ~ @girl-next-door-writes. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Will You? ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author’s Summary: None (Drabble; Bucky Barnes x Reader)
~Star Trek~
Sweet Emotions ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Jim Kirk x Reader)
All I Need is You ~ @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior. Author's Summary: A terrible day has stolen Y/N's joy, can Dean bring it back?
All In or All Out? ~ @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior. Author's Summary: Dean needs an answer.
All That Matters ~ @iprobablyshipit91. Author's Summary: None (Dean Winchester x Female Reader)
Black Hole ~ @jay-and-dean. Author's Summary: She saved his life, and since then, she doesn’t want to live anymore… That doesn’t make sense… (Dean x Reader)
Brick by Brick ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean x Reader)
Cracks In The Plaster ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: After a long day in the car, Dean’s got plans to relieve a little tension…
Devour Me-Part 1 ~ @zepskies. Author's Summary: When you and Dean start to press each other’s buttons, both of your tempers ignite. To make up for it, you give him an impromptu salsa dancing lesson…one he didn’t exactly ask for. (18+)
Hotel California Masterlist ~ @muchamusedaboutnothing. Author's Summary: What first appears to be a reprieve on a long stretch of desert road turns out to be more than the Winchesters bargained for.
No Title ~ @girl-next-door-writes. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
No Title ~ @girl-next-door-writes. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
No Title ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author’s Summary: None (Drabble; Jody Mills)
Now and Then Masterlist ~ @thinkinghardhardlythinking. Author's Summary: Y/N and Dean met a few years ago, both lost in the uncertainty of their lives which were so far from what they had hoped for them to be, but love affairs end, some with heartbreak. Y/N moves on but when her new life sends her crashing back into Dean’s orbit, she wonders if, for her, it will ever truly be over.
Sam Is Wearing Green Today ~ @princessmisery666. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Sam Winchester x Reader)
The Sweet Things ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Washed Away ~ @wearywinchester. Author's Summary: Dean helps you shower after a rough hunt.
~Top Gun: Maverick~
Live In My Memory, You'll Always Be There ~ @princessmisery666. Author's Summary: Not long after moving to San Diego with your fiancé, Jake, he’s declared missing in action. The Dagger Squad rallies around you as you grieve his loss, and you grow closer to one particular member of the team than you ever imagined.
On AO3
Gone Too Long ~ @wayward-and-worn Drabble Series
Beau Arlen x Reader ~ Author's Summary: What happens when Beau is away from her for too long.
Benny Lafitte & Reader ~ Author's Summary: This is what happens when you keep them from their lover.
Dean Winchester/Reader ~ Author's Summary: This is what happens when he's away from her too long.
Soldier Boy x Reader ~ Author's Summary: Set in the same timeline as “Old Habits” but taking place in the time before Soldier Boy’s “disappearance.”  He’s back from a mission and he doesn’t want Countess.  He wants her. 
On Patreon
Rebekah Jordan (Impala-Dreamer)
Another War ~ Author's Summary: Sam and Bucky are continuously bickering... even in the bedroom. (Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, F!Reader)
Keep Watching ~ Author's Summary: The journey is a long one and Y/N is tired of waiting for some fun... (Dean x F!Reader, Sam)
Stay With Me ~ Author’s Summary: Dean is into his second bottle of whiskey, desperate to drive his problems away. But he knows deep down, the booze isn't what he truly needs... (Dean Winchester x F!Reader)
Tremble Like a Flower ~ Author’s Summary: Soldier Boy likes to keep you for himself, using you whenever he feels the need to release a little extra tension... (Soldier Boy (Ben) x F!Reader)
Someone To Watch Over Me-Parts 23 & 24 ~ Author’s Summary: (AU) Y/N is married to a very rich, decidedly unscrupulous and powerful man.  A man whose inability to trust means he hires someone to watch over his wife while he isn’t around. He hires Dean Winchester, a handsome stranger to Y/N, who is soon to become a very big part of her life.
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Kill My Ex (?) Chapter 2 - dark!Lloyd Hansen Series
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Character: dark!Lloyd Hansen x Ex-girlfriend , Rick Flag x Fem!Reader (slightly)
Warning: Manipulation, betrayal, delusional character.
Summary: Lloyd finally has her back in his arms. He thinks he could bring back the old Y/N who loved him. But what about Y/N?
Reblog and feedback are really appreciated. It will make me more motivated and got more people to read the story. Thank you so much 💓 💗 💓 Have a great day and enjoy the story.
Let me know if you want to join the tag list 😊
Chapter 1, Chapter 2,-
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Life is difficult sometimes, and it’s not easy to wake up every day and go through what you have to face. But the beauty in difficult times is we can share it with the people who care. 
For you being able to meet others like friends and family is a privilege. 
Because since the day your ex Lloyd Hansen caught you, he never left you alone. You’ve never seen him this possessive when you left him three years ago. His demeanor changed because he almost lost everything he had built to catch this one guy.
He makes sure everything is going along with his plan. 
He starts to rebuild and fix his name in the security business. Like today, you will accompany Lloyd to a charity party where he meets potential clients.
You looked at yourself through the mirror. You wear an expensive dress from Valentino and an expensive necklace hanging on your neck. Lloyd gave you an expensive gift to spoil you. But you don’t feel anything because he held your fiance hostage.
Suddenly the bathroom door got knocked, and a voice could be heard from outside. "Y/N hurry up, we need to go."
You sighed heavily and opened the door. "I’m ready." 
When he saw you walking out of the dressing room, Lloyd felt accomplished seeing you looking beautiful with the dress and accessories. 
"Perfect. I knew sapphire would be perfect with you." He kisses your cheeks while you hold your urge not to vomit.
He linked your arm with his "Let's go."
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At the party. 
When rich people gathered, some people could feel intimidated. You feel it too, but not with Lloyd. This kind of event is his playground. 
He is always confident and charismatic, and the guest also got mesmerized by him. The other reason is that his uncle Reynold Hansen, the Vice President, held the event. 
You knew Reynold Hansen as a terrible person. His history in the military is also bad. There's evidence that could prove that, but then 'poof' it's gone. 
It must be Lloyd who made it possible.  
Hansen men are scary. They are persistent; they will do anything to get what they want, no matter their method. 
Reynold saw you sitting at the table alone, he talked to Lloyd. "I told you to get rid everything related to the mission. Instead you keep her and a patient."
Lloyd smirked. "Be grateful that I made a path to make you win, uncle." 
He won't let anyone talk shit about you, he whispered near Reynold's ear. “If back then you and the President not so fucked up in the head, it won’t be like this.”
Reynold scoffed. “Look at yourself, Lloyd, we’re the same. Both of us have fucked up minds. You imprisoned the woman you love.”
What Reynold said kicked Lloyd in the nuts because what he said it’s true. 
Lloyd believed that if you stayed beside him, he could make the old you return.
Perhaps because he already faced death before, it was a miracle he could wake up. The moment he wakes up from his deathbed, all he can't think about is you. He wants to spend the rest of his life with you. 
The story between you and Lloyd starts from the day he entered Harvard. You’re quiet and intelligent in class but always follow him around. Everyone is sure you will enter a famous fund management company after graduation. 
But instead, you join the CIA. Everyone said you are crazy, but Lloyd likes it because he likes being a priority. 
When he got kicked out from the CIA, you also joined him. With your brain, both of you build Hansen Security together. 
No matter what method he used to capture the target, you never complained like Susan. 
He knew you had feelings towards him, but he didn't acknowledge it. Instead, he played with it. As long you stay with him.
He admit that it was a stupid move and that his biggest regret. Because you suddenly quit being his business partner and left without saying goodbye. 
When he found out you joined the task force, he wondered why, but the reason was still unanswered.
Then he felt like being shot when he saw you with Rick Flag. It made him mad. 
That man doesn't deserve you. It was perfect timing when Reynold asked him to eliminate Amanda Waller's task force. 
Kill two birds with one stone. 
Now he has you in his arms; he won't let this chance turn to dust. 
He won't betray your trust anymore. He knew you hated him, but he would never let you go. 
And he admires your will to survive even know you hate every time he touches and kisses your cheeks. He never sees your disgust and anger through your expression. 
Reynold knew his nephew was lunatic and sadistic, but he needed Lloyd to get where he stood. He sips the champagne. "But still, I don't like her."
"You don't have to."
Sometimes Lloyd hates this trait from family. If a man and woman from Hansen like someone, they will only love that one person for the rest of their life. 
“My wife wants to talk to her. She wonder what kind of woman could tolerate you.”
Lloyd chuckled. “She probably like Y/N.”
While both men were talking, an older woman walked towards you. The way she walks shows how elegant she is, and every guest nods their head to show their respect.
Her name is Caroline Hansen. She came from a well-known family who was always famous for philanthropy and charity. 
She saw you sitting alone and sat in the empty chair beside you. Her strong perfume doesn’t make you nauseous but calms you. “Mrs. Caroline.”
“Y/N, we finally meet.” She puts her hand on your shoulder, and then her eyes move to your stomach, which you’ve been stroking the whole time. She couldn’t help to ask, “How long have you been pregnant?”
You gulped. “Three months.”
Caroline put her hands on her mouth like she was excited. “Congratulations, my dear. But how are you feelings?”
“I’m fine.”
She asked again, “How are you feeling?”
Her question made you breathe and sigh heavily; you lowered your head to ensure Lloyd couldn’t read your lips. “I’m this close to lose my mind.”
Caroline wanted to say something to you, but she saw her husband and Lloyd near the table; she gripped your hand and whispered, "Remember the goal Y/N. I will contact you."
After she said that, she slowly stood up and approached Reynold, and both greeted the other guest. While Lloyd sits beside you, he leans closer. “Is she nice to you?”
You smiled at him and tapped his right thigh. “Yes, she’s really lovely.” The only person in this room who cares about you.
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At Lloyd's residence.
Your body rests on a shared bed with Lloyd while he massages your foot. After the party, he noticed how you walk is different, so he did this. 
"Carol wants to meet you. Do you want to?"
You lowered your book and looked at him. "Hmm, sure." 
After being with him for months, you knew how to deal with him. Always acknowledge and look him in the eye whenever you talk to him. He never touched her sexually, but you never know how long he kept this act. 
Every night he always got a nightmare. Not being a winner affects him badly. He will calm down as long as you rub his back where he got shot and massage his left palm, which lost a few fingers. 
Seeing him lower his guard made you think of a hundred ways to kill him. 
But you won't do it because the time is not right.
You have waited for this moment for 25 years.
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Taglist :
Thank you for reading !!!
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lacontroller1991 · 1 year
The penthouse is larger than you were expecting and it’s honestly - nice. Looking around, you eye various different masks and statues with an amused snort as Roman comes up behind you, a tablet in his hand. “Well Roman, this is certainly impressive. I wasn’t expecting your place to look like this.”
“Yes, I like to have antiques. They bring me a sort of happiness in a way.” You continue to walk around with him not far behind you, eyes glowering at you. “So, why don’t you tell me who you really are, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Got your henchmen to figure that one out?” You roll your eyes, turning to face him. Even though he’s incredibly dangerous, you have a feeling that he won’t hurt you unless provoked. Eyeing you, he takes another step forward, a gloved hand reaching up and pushing back your hair, revealing the comm resting in the crevice of your ear.
“Why don’t we get rid of these pests in your ear?” He pulls out the device and drops it to the floor, using the heel of his shoe to crush it causing you to gulp. If you needed any back up, it just fell to the floor, crushed into bits. You suppose you’re on your own now. “Now, that’s much better.” He takes a seat on his couch, patting his lap for you to sit on. Raising a brow, you obey his command and gently place yourself onto his lap, undoubtedly feeling his hard on, making your legs involuntarily clench together.“I’m going to ask you this one more time. Who are you?”
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oncasette · 1 year
all the boys i’ve loved before
i saw this on tiktok and thought it was cute omg. this is just off the top of my head but <3
A. adrien chase. andrew neiman. alfie solomons. adrian ivashkov.
B. barry allen. bruce wayne. bradley bradshaw. benny miller. benjamin barry.
C. charlie dalton. clark kent. cameron frye. carlisle cullen.
D. daniel larusso. darry curtis. draco malfoy. druig. din djarin. dean di laurentis. duke orsino.
E. eddie munson. eddie brock. eric northman.
F. finnick odair. finn hudson. frankie morales. ferris bueller. fred weasley. frank castle.
G. george weasley. garrett graham.
H. harry potter. hunter davenport.
J. johnny lawrence. javier peña. jj maybank. jason dean. james potter. jack daniels. jim hopper. jake seresin. jesse swanson. johnny castle.
K. knox overstreet. kai parker.
L. luke skywalker. luke castellan.
M. marcus pike. matt murdock.
N. nick bradshaw.
O. oliver wood. obi-wan kenobi.
P. peeta mellark. phil wenneck. peter parker. peter quill. peter hayes. poor heyward. pacey witter. percy jackson.
R. ronald miller. rafe cameron. rick flag. regulus black. remus lupin. ron weasley. rodrick heffley.
S. stiles stilinski. stuart twombly. steven meeks. sirius black. scott lang. steven strange. steve rogers. seth cohen. stu macher.
T. thomas. topper thornton. theseus scamander. thomas shelby.
V. vinny pazienza.
W. willard hewitt. walt finnegan.
Z. zemo. zed necrodopolis.
tagging @fleurfairie @lucasnclair @forourmoons @dameronscopilot & anyone that wants to participate!!
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blackbat05 · 2 years
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I posted 865 times in 2022
That's 526 more posts than 2021!
267 posts created (31%)
598 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 495 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#blackbat rambles - 110 posts
#self reblog - 33 posts
#blackbat answers - 30 posts
#frank castle - 26 posts
#frank castle x reader - 25 posts
#rick flag x reader - 24 posts
#namor x reader - 21 posts
#rick flag - 19 posts
#moon knight - 17 posts
#tenoch huerta - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 66 characters
#especially in a time where things can really make you or break you
My Top Posts in 2022:
I see you (Part 2)
Namor x Atlantean/Human Reader
Plot: You accept the stranger's offer and experience the depths of power that you never had before.
A/N: Back by popular demand! Thankfully I had the brain cells to write this. This is part 2 of &lt;I see you> but I think it could be read stand-alone as well! Again, hope you enjoy it and really appreciate the feedback! Use of Y/N.
Genre: PG-13 (Mentions of blood, violence)
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"Will you join me?"
With each step you took, you relished in the scent of the dead bodies littered around the Conservatory of Posideonsis. You find yourself lingering in front of the mural that depicted the heroics of Atlantis' hero. You could gag.
Raising a hilt, you send a blast into the wall, shattering the intricate art into nothing but rubble. A hand is on your shoulder, grounding you back to the present.
"Have you got the vibranium?"
"My people have secured it, thanks to you." Namor gives a fleeting glance around the Conservatory and takes in your tense posture. Never make a woman angry.
A groan could be heard nearby under the collapsed pillar. A body moves.
"Is this how you betray your King?" The scientist coughs out weakly. You gave him a scathing glare, bending down to his eye level.
"Arthur Curry is not my king."
The water construct on your hilt takes the shape of a sword, making clean work of the scientist. Blood splatters diagonally on your face and suddenly you look almost feral to Namor. He can't help but swell with pride at your following words.
"I have a new king."
You don't bother to clean the blood on your weapon, for they serve as a reminder of your liberation. Your salvation. As if the dead could still feel, you pry the weapon from his hand.
"I'm sorry it had to turn out this way Vulko, my comrade. But if Arthur Curry continues to side with the surface world, Atlantis will pay for it in blood."
You leave what was your past behind, swimming together in silence with Namor to the royal chambers.
"You do not mourn?"
"They had their chance and wasted my sympathy." You spat. "You have shown me a greater purpose, my king."
A group of Atlantean guards intercepts the two of you, spears meant to force one backward.
"Put down your weapons intruder!"
Even now, Atlantis scorned you for your mixed heritage and was eager to blame you.
Blocking you from their vision, Namor shoots his own spear with ease, piercing through the armor of the mighty Atlantean army. Blood floating in the water, he removes his weapon.
"Our fight is in there." He points to the oak doors that led to the chambers. "I would hate to see you get hurt before we even start." Without another word, he leaves you trailing behind feeling rather perplexed.
You can't seem to bring yourself to open those doors. Wordlessly holding your hand in his, he pushes through the broken defense, refusing to cower under the presence of the two Aquaman standing tall and mighty.
"Y/N of Shayeris, you must understand that you are committing high treason. I urge you to stand down and we can resolve this peacefully with you and Talokan."
Your blood boils at the Leaguer’s patronizing words. Namor steps back, waiting to watch the verbal sparring match with much interest.
You can hold your own fort.
See the full post
303 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
In Mourning
Namor x Reader
Plot: An unexpected encounter. A strong will to protect each other. A desire to seek vengeance for your death.
Genre: PG-13 (Angst - plot already says it all)
A/N: The number of times I wrote and re-wrote this? This a short piece but feedback is always appreciated! I'm sorry for the angst in advance.😅 Italics is flashbacks!
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The steady trickle of water fills the silence in his chambers. A cup of tea sits on the dressing table. Steam rising, he takes a gentle blow before putting his lips on its edge.
3 years ago, the Baltic Ocean
"K'uk'ulkan. A stranger roams our waters, should we not stop them?"
Namor is curious. Which human would dare to be lost in such a wide ocean? He travels out into the waters and he comes to a stop at the sight of a floating figure.
"Take them back!" He demands the Talokan warriors.
Days passed and the stranger finally woke. Blinking her eyes blearily, she almost falls out of bed at the sight of his people. Namor excuses his people and he sits at the edge of the bed where she watches him warily.
"Am I... in Talokan?"
There was no hiding from this intelligent woman. So he guides her around. For someone from the surface world, you were so courageous and unafraid.
To return the kindness of the King and his people, you tell him your purpose. You are a scientist from the surface world, fighting to protect and conserve the natural environment.
But with recent events and more metahumans coming out in the open, governments around the world had strong reason to believe that there was an underwater civilization. You wanted to do something, so you had to find it first.
"As you have saved me, it is only right that I do something in return for you and your people. You have my word."
All he wants to do is to fall into a deep slumber. It seems that everyone, everything is against him tonight as the soothing music of nature has now turned into a discordant mess.
It went all so terribly wrong.
He is no longer in the present. He is now in the thick of it. He sees her fighting but it was a stark reminder of how human she was compared to him.
6 months ago, the Atlantic Sea
"This weapon isn't a usual fishing trap." You navigate your way around the ocean floor. "Someone probably set this piece of contraption up in hopes of a big catch." You frown at the thought of government operatives carrying out secret operations to uncover hidden civilizations like Talokan for their own gain.
"I can take it back to the lab, examine it and find out who's responsible for this. "You see the concern etched on his face.
"I won't out you or your people. I promise."
"I'm not worried about that, it is these surface dwellers that you speak of," Namor tells you. "They do not seem to be ordinary. I've seen them up close. They have evil intentions."
"I can take care of myself." You swim to him in your suit. "And if your people are hurt, I won't stand for it. If someone is out to expose Talokan, they need to be stopped."
Just then, a slight tremor could be felt. Sea life swimming away, you shared a look of concern with the King. He is about to ascend to the surface but you put a hand against his chest. You shake your head.
"It's a trap."
"I cannot let you go out there alone."
You cut the weapon loose from the ocean floor, passing it to him. "This is all the proof that you need."
He watches you helplessly as you swim upwards. He sees you putting your hands up in surrender. Words are exchanged between you and the army. Then-
See the full post
329 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
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I don’t make the rules but they HOT.
341 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Close Contact
Frank Castle x Reader
A/N: Frank and Reader are partners in this! An interesting take in Bed sharing AU? Hope y’all will like it and feedback is always appreciated!
Genre: PG-13, Fluff and Angst.
Notes: Happy 1.2k followers @wint3r-h3art! Been truly blessed to have known you and thank you for the challenge!
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‘Frank, slow down. My leg can’t keep up.’ You tell him for what you believe to be the umpteenth time.
Your partner merely grunts but he makes an effort to minimize his strides. You’re not an idiot. You know he’s pissed off. Perhaps if you were in his shoes, you would be too.
For months, the two of you were chasing every lead on the notorious Kingpin, pulling all stops to even get a whiff of his trace.
Finally, Frank had tracked him down to Macau with rumors of a booming drug trade that involved very dubious clientele.
Everything was going well. Too well.
Firefight happening in split seconds, you raced to rescue a young woman who was about to be caught in the rain of bullets being exchanged.
Pushing her out of the way, you lose sight of the enemy. That’s how you earned two bullets - one in your leg and one at your side.
Breathing heavily, you focus all your energy to stay conscious. It definitely helped to push the unpleasant emotions you had, even if it was just temporary.
Reaching the motel, Frank sets you down gently at the side of the staircase, gruffly instructing you to stay put while he gets a room.
Leaving you under the flickering lights, your mind is allowed to run freely, wondering what went wrong. You knew you were good at your job, so why did it feel like you were a nuisance?
As the rain starts to fall, so do your tears. You were sick of being at the receiving end of such injustice. Impulsiveness overtaking you, you push yourself up, hobbling away from the motel. No way you were going to be under the radar of Frank’s silent glares.
The neon lights from the signboard are about to blind your vision. It probably doesn’t matter as you walk aimlessly, with no destination in sight.
You don’t know how long you have been away from home carrying out multiple back to back missions. All you knew is that you were starting to become very tired.
Texas. Cuba. India. Vietnam. Macau.
You didn’t know it was possible to be ignored across continents.
Caught up in your thoughts, you fail to see an oncoming light from a car. Before you can react, a rough hand grabs you by the wrist, pulling you towards them.
‘I told you to wait for me right? Why don’t you ever listen?’
That broke something in you. Pushing him away with your free hand, you gave him a hard stare.
‘Leave me alone Castle. Since that’s what you always do.’ Turning away, you attempt to continue walking but without much success.
A sharp pain attacks your side, throwing you off balance. The street starts to dissolve and the artificial lights fade into darkness.
The last thing you hear is Frank calling out for your name.
Regaining consciousness, the dull pain brings you back to your senses.
See the full post
365 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I see you
Namor x Atlantean/Human Reader
Plot: You struggle to be heard from the worlds that you call home. A stranger comes to change that with a tempting proposition.
Genre: PG-13, (One use of Y/N)
A/N: No spoilers here but I came out absolutely loving this man!Please give feedback as it's appreciated greatly!
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Stepping out of the building, you take a deep sigh.
Once again, you weren't taken seriously. You knew that you were different - an individual unable to fully identify with one place, or maybe because you were surrounded by a group of people who were only concerned about short-term economic gains. Whatever it was, you were thoroughly humiliated.
Screaming in frustration, you chucked your research into a bin.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
"Oh god!" You jumped a few steps backward, frantically looking for the source. Taking out your hilts from your pockets, you quickly activate the water bearers - a gift from your homeland to protect you on land.
"Show yourself! I'm not going to say it again!"
The figure steps out into the dark, hands raised at chest level as if to reassure you that they weren't a threat.
"I don't understand why you would waste your energy and time on egoistic surface dwellers who only seek to benefit themselves." The mystery man has a piercing gaze. You only gripped your weapons tighter. If anything, Atlantis has taught you to fear no one.
"Who are you and what's your purpose."
The man almost seems amused at your defensiveness. "I see you are a woman that skips the pleasantries. Then again, I expected as much."
You advanced a step forward, wordlessly demanding for him to speak.
"My people call me K'uk'ulkan," he trails off, "but my enemies call me Namor." He has now stepped into your vision, the soft lights from the street lamp illuminating his sharp features. He moves a step forward.
"Don't move! Or I'll fry your brains, I swear on it!"
He chuckles, coming to a stop. "I don't doubt that Atlantean."
"How? You were just a-"
"Myth? I can assure you that my people and I are very real. And very threatened by the surface world. So I'll make my point. But I would appreciate it if you lower your weapon."
Deactivating your bearers, he takes this as a sign to speak.
"Ever since Wakanda came out to the rest of the world, Talokan is at risk from surface dweller activity."
You wince, knowing all too well where this was going.
"They refuse to answer for their actions, even when my people are sick, ill, and on the verge of dying!"
"You have Atlantis'- my word that we will work to come to an agreement." Even then, you no longer trusted the words that came out of your own mouth.
"An agreement will not suffice. It will no longer solve what they have done to us." Namor sneers. He sees your resolve weaken for a second and pounces on it.
"Chief scientist of Atlantis. What have your people done for you?"
"You don't get to say that."
Ignoring your weak threat, he continues. "King Orin of Posideonis. How is he to be a beacon of hope when his mind is split between the two worlds! How ignored you must have felt when you tried to warn him of the atrocities of the surface. You thought you could find comfort in someone so similar to you. What good is it if you can't execute the power that you were meant to hold?"
See the full post
547 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bippot · 8 months
Hi again!! Can I please request (if it’s okay) an Adrian Chase x fem!innocent!civilian!reader where she’s in her 20s and she is Peacemaker’s daughter but she hasn’t seen her Dad since she was really little because of his life of crime and also his prison time, but she after hearing that her Dad is out of prison, she goes to find him to reconnect. The Butterflies find her right before she finds her Dad, but the Project Butterfly squad happened to hear the commotion and save her and her reunion with her Dad would be super emotional 🥺 Y/n being on strict lockdown and protection after that, due to her now being a target (because she could be used as leverage against them), so (much to Peacemaker’s dismay), Vigilante is assigned to basically be her bodyguard, and even though Peacemaker threatened him to not pursue his daughter romantically… He doesn’t listen lol, and Y/n and him start a secret romantic relationship until her Dad finds out lol
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Peacemaker Jr.
Story Summary -> Peacemaker scrubbed all mention of his kid from his file. But when the butterflies find out about her, he must admit to his team that he needs their skills to find her.
Then, Chris really needs Adrian's help to keep her safe, but he's concerned that his buddy is going to get far too familiar with his daughter. And maybe those fears are warranted.
Tags -> Father-Daughter Relationship, Alien Invasion, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Canon, Friends to Lovers, Secret Relationship, Family Drama
Would you prefer to read this on AO3? Click here!
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Peacemaker regretted a lot of things. He'd done a lot of stuff in his life and not all of them he was proud about. And although he would tell people that his worst misdeed was killing Rick Flag, he wasn't being entirely truthful. To Chris, the thing he regretted most was that he failed to make time for his daughter.
It was the mid nighties. He was young. It had been five years since Keith died and there was still this family shaped hole in Chris' chest. He was lonely and stupid and a horny teen boy, so was it any surprise that he managed to knock up one of his classmates? The mother's parents were heavily religious so an abortion was off the table, and so it was settled, Christopher Smith was going to be a father whether he wanted to or not. In all honesty, Chris didn't know if he wanted to be a dad.
Whatever logic he had at the time knew that he was unfit to care for a little baby, but then again, no matter how he tried to push the feeling away, he wanted a chance to show that he had enough love inside of him and was good enough to raise a kid. He'd be better than his father, he knew that much.
Auggie was coming nowhere near his kid, Chris vowed that to himself. And the moment the White Dragon showed even the slightest bit of interest in the child, Chris was pleading with the mother and her family to get as far away from Evergreen as they could.
If Chris would've waited a few months, the child would've been born and Auggie would've seen that the baby was a female. All of Auggies interest would've been snuffed out in one glance. His only grandkid was a girl? That was another reason why Chris was a useless piece of shit: he couldn't even produce an heir to one day take up the White Dragon mantle.
Every year on his daughter's birthday, Chris would send a gift and a handwritten card telling her a PG13 joke so she'd know that her ol' pa was 1) hilarious, and 2) still thinking about her.
Then, they stopped arriving. Y/N waited and waited by her doorstop in 2016 but nothing came. She'd been expecting something good because it was her 21st and he'd promised the year before that he'd try to make the trip to see her. Nothing. And then the year after that, nothing again.
When Y/N was told that her father was the infamous Peacemaker and the reason that he hadn't sent anything to her was because he was locked up for murder, she was conflicted. On the one hand, murder isn't great and that would definitely cause her family to argue and heavily discourage her from seeking him out. On the other hand, he wasn't ignoring her because he wanted to.
The cards hadn't stopped because he forgot. No, he literally couldn't get his hands on one. And that eased some of Y/N's despair.
While in prison, Waller came up to Chris and made a deal with him. A little one at first - she was testing the waters to see how agreeable he was - and had told him that if he got enough personal information about one of his fellow inmates, Slipknot, he'd gain enough of her trust that she'd allow him to send a gift (no matter what it was) of his choosing to his daughter. A note and a pistol with a dove of peace etched on the handle arrived in a delicately wrapped box at the front door of Y/N's childhood home.
Other than the note that read: 'For my peace, from Peace', there was indication that it was from Peacemaker. Still, Y/N was glad she'd opened her package once she'd got back to her apartment because her parents would've freaked out - serial murderer and inmate, Peacemaker, was sending weapons to the house of his baby mama - and that would've tarnished his name even more.
More and more Waller deals were made until the fateful Corto Maltese mission happened. As Peacemaker lay there, the wound in his neck from Bloodsport's bullet bleeding all over the concrete below him, hh was just thinking over the disappointment that had been his life as the ceiling above collapsed on top of him. He knew that only two people would miss him: his daughter who didn't really know him and had an idolised idea of what he was really like, and the idiot Vigilante who only liked the parts of Peacemaker that Chris hated.
One of those brought him comfort and the other certainly did not.
The rescue team that pulled him out of the rubble were shocked that he was still alive. Chris was too. He'd been given a second chance and had thought that his luck might finally start to turn. But - obviously - no, he was wrong. He was immediately forced to deal with a literal alien invasion the moment he was 'free'.
Y/N learnt that her father was out of prison when 'his diary' was plastered on every news channel and site in the Washington area. Though she didn't really know her father well enough to come to the conclusion that he would never write something like that, she ignored the warnings of her mother and decide that, yeah, once she'd racked up enough time off, she would make the effort to meet her father and begin to solidify their relationship into something more familial. Y/N and who she presumed to be her father - she had no way of knowing that any and all of Peacemaker's correspondents were being intercepted by an alien race who were now hellbent on revenge - were sending letters to arrange a meeting spot and time.
It was pure luck that Vigilante came across a butterfly that had a wad of letters addressed to his best buddy in the innermost pocket of their very fancy suit. "Dude, do you know anyone named Y/N?" Vigilante asked, his phone squished between his cheek and his shoulder as he read through some of the letters.
"Oh, you write her letters?"
"You don't write me letters," said Vigilante with a slight pout. "You barely even text me but you're writing letters to some chick?! Not cool, man." He got to the bottom of the letter and read out loud, "I'll see you soon, Dad. WHAT?! You have a daughter?! WHY IS THIS THE FIRST TIME I'M HEARING ABOUT THIS? OH MY GOD, YOU HAVE A CHILD?!"
Chris sighed before he realised, oh shit, the butterflies knew about Y/N and his entire body felt as if he had touched a live wire all of a sudden. This was bad. So bad! He ordered Vigilante to "Get to HQ as quick as you can!", hurried out of his trailer dressed only in his tighty-whities to drive to Henenlotter Video and frantically called Harcourt so she could get the rest of the team together. He was yelling, "My kid is in danger! We need to find her!" and speeding so fast that she could hear a barrage of honks and yells from angry motorists that she knew some shit was going down.
The wait for everyone to get to HQ was probably the most nervous Chris had been in his entire life. He tried to calm himself down by playing the piano but that didn't work. His brain was buzzing so much that it was overpowering the sound of the keys and he kept losing his rhythm. The rest of the 11th Street Kids found him with his nose pressing down on a key and his fists slamming down on the keys on either side of his head in a frenzy.
They looked like they expected him to suddenly turn into a blubbering mess, but he didn't, so they waited a few patient minutes for Chris to regain control of his remaining braincells to tell them what the fuck was going on. It was only when Adebayo gently placed her hand on his shoulder did Chris realise that his team were gathered to help him out.
With the letters that Vigilante found, Chris declared, "I didn't write these. That's my handwriting but I didn't do this," and the search for Y/N commenced.
Economos tracked Y/N's phone and deduced that her phone had last pinged in a coffee shop in Evergreen at 10 am that day.
Adebayo's job was to sift through the letters and she could confirm that whoever had arranged to meet Y/N was the one who'd suggested that time and place.
Vigilante and Harcourt were having an argument about the fact he wasn't supposed to go out on his own and kill butterflies - especially because he technically was government property now and if anyone found out it would be her ass on the line - yet, he was more hung up on the fact that Peacemaker having a kid was completely concealed to him.
Well, it had been concealed to all of the squad.
Nowhere in Peacemaker's file did it mention anything about Y/N. That was purposeful. One of the many Waller deals he'd made, Chris had made sure to scrub any mention of his daughter from his record. He was a superhero so any mention of family other than Auggie - who was a very well known villain and very capable of protecting himself - would be a very obvious way to say, 'hey, I have a weak spot for anyone who dislikes me to use to their advantage!'
Waller knew what it was like to have a daughter that you want to keep out of the limelight, which may caused her to do the only good deed of her entire life, or maybe she had done it so that she would have something in her back pocket that she could use to manipulate him later on. Who knows what Waller's intentions really were?
Chris came clean to his buddies. He told them all about what had happened and urged Economos to find Y/N's mother's contact information so they could check up whether this had been all a big misunderstanding.
Like, did Y/N get cold feet once she got to the coffee shop and go straight home? Or was she in serious danger? Chris didn't really want to interact with his former lover (as Adebayo kept calling her) since calling Y/N's mother a lover seriously over exaggerated the nature of their relationship.
They'd been acquaintances that had gotten drunk at the same party in high school - Y/N's mother was looking to rebel against her religious parents and Chris was trying to find temporary love - and had both bitten off more than they could chew. Yet, if this would help find Y/N, Chris was willing to reconnect.
"Did you know he had a kid?" Adrian whispered to Emilia after he found out that his partner in crime was apparently keeping secrets from him.
The pair had stopped arguing to watch as Peacemaker paced around in a circle and had a hushed conversation on the phone. Neither of them had ever seen the big brute so jumpy. They'd seen him angry. They'd seen him sad. They'd watched him kill his own father. And potentially doom the human race. His family had always been a touchy subject - whether it was Keith, Auggie, or the disappearance of his mother - and Y/N was no different.
"Me neither. Do you think the kid would think of me as a cool uncle when we meet her?"
"She's 26, dumbass."
"Oh." He hadn't realised that when they were talking about Peacemaker's kid, they weren't talking about an actual kid.
With that mental barrier out of the way, he tried to imagine what Chris would look like as a chick around his age and couldn't stop himself before he mumbled, "Do you think she's going to be hot?" Harcourt rolled her eyes and went to help Leota out with her search, leaving his question unanswered.
Suddenly, Y/N's phone popped up on John's search again and Chris was sent a link to a video feed of Y/N sat on the floor in a locked cage, her hands concealing her mouth and thumbs taking it in turns to hold her nostrils shut to ensure an alien wouldn't burrow into her orifices, with a guard positioned to the left of the bars. She was in an abandoned warehouse 5 miles outside of Evergreen that obviously was set up to ambush Peacemaker but he was willing to take that risk.
He'd done stupider stuff before when his daughter's life wasn't on the line. So, he finally got dressed - luckily he'd left one of his spare costumes at HQ and didn't have to wear the backup clothes of one of his peers - and rushed to get to the warehouse, dragging Vigilante along with him.
As she sat on the cold concrete floor, Y/N tried to listen in to whatever her captors were planning but couldn't make anything out as they were in the room opposite. The guard was mostly silent but he did sniff every now and then. She had watched Adebayo's press conference and knew that Peacemaker had been dealing with some alien shenanigans so she'd just assumed - rightfully so - that whoever had been catfishing and later kidnapped her had done so as revenge.
At first, it was a total blindsight. If you've never been put in a situation where you are being used as a pawn in some alien scheme (as most people haven't), you don't jump to 'oh, I'm a political prisoner' and that was Y/N's initial reaction. Then, she remembered who her father was and what he'd just done. The pieces fit together once that entered her brain.
A bang echoed through the room, followed by some loud thuds as if bodies were hitting the ground repeatedly, and the guard hurried to unlock the cage door. Y/N was yanked to her feet and the barrel of a gun pressed to her throat in preparation for when Peacemaker burst through the door.
And when he did, the guard was calling out, "Stay there or I -'' but never finished his sentence because Y/N punched him in the nuts and ran to safety before the heroes littered him with bullets.
That nut punch was the first thing either men had witnessed Y/N do and that simple action enamoured them both - in vastly different ways - to her. She was a badass. A completely normal citizen with no defensive training's natural instinct when faced with an alien holding them at gunpoint was to nut tap them? Yeah, she'd gained their approval instantly. How could she not?
If there were two things the dorks loved it was women kicking ass and dick jokes, and she'd essentially done both of those in one swift movement.
Peacemaker had never been so focused on a mission before and he was a fucking killing machine that was immediately broken out of his tunnel vision when he realised that, holy fucking shit, someone with half of his DNA was real, had grown into a full living-breathing-thinking person, and was right in front of him.
"Hi," Chris greeted a little breathlessly, his gaze meeting his daughter's for the very first time in both of their lives. He reached for his helmet, pulled it off and let it drop to the ground to reveal his entire face to Y/N.
"Hi Dad." He smiled warmly at the girl, his eyes softening. As he opened his arms wide, she ran and threw herself onto him, clinging onto his waist for dear life and burying her head into his chest.
After the initial shock wore off, Chris wrapped his strong arm around her shoulders. Her hair tickled his neck and he leaned down let his nose rest against the top of her head and breathed in the scent of her shampoo - strawberry with a hint of vanilla - as they swayed back and forth on the floor. Y/N pulled away first and looked into Chris' eyes, repeating, "Hi Dad," like she couldn't believe that this was happening.
"Hi Y/N!"
Both Chris and Y/N's head whipped to Vigilante who was just about to try to join in with their family hug before Peacemaker held his hand out to stop it from happening.
"Dude..." Vigilante whined.
"Go wait outside."
"But -"
"Fucking fine!" Vigilante huffed and turned on his heel. Just before he left, he looked over his shoulder and - as an act of defiance - he admitted, "Your daughter is super hot by the way, Peace!"
Father and daughter stared at his retreating figure, mouths agape, before Y/N laughed. "Your friend is a little weird," she commented, pulling away to pick up his helmet and inspecting it. She wiped away some dust with her sleeve and held it out to her father. He took it and gently placed it on her head.
It was a little too big for her head because it was made specifically for his wide skull, but he adjusted it so it wasn't impeding her vision. Y/N smiled brightly up at him, her eyes filled with excitement, and he couldn't resist pulling her into another big bear hug. He could feel tears pricking the backs of his eyes.
This was his baby girl and she was safe. That's all that mattered to him.
"Let's get out of here."
The pair left the warehouse, both talking animatedly as they walked away. Chris was telling Y/N everything - every little detail - about how they found her. While he wasn't in ear shot of any of his teammates, he was hyping them up. Economos' computer skills. Adebayo's detective work. Harcourt's leadership. Vigilante's fighting ability. He wanted his daughter to know that she had a wealth of skilled people to turn to if she ever needed it.
Or, to know that if anything like this happened again (god forbid), her life was in good hands that were not his own.
There were still a few butterflies hiding around the perimeter that fled as soon as they saw the 11th Street Kids drive out of the gates.
After being introduced to everyone, Y/N settled down in the van next to her father, her knees tucked beneath her chin while she listened intently to all of the stories that were spilling from his mouth. She didn't say much, simply letting him ramble on and filling the silence. She felt safe in his presence and, although it may have sounded strange, her heart began fluttering happily inside of her chest as she thought that it might be okay now - that maybe, after so long of feeling unwanted by the family she was used to, she didn't have to be alone anymore. The smile that formed on her lips didn't seem to fade throughout the whole journey back to HQ.
"We have to live with the assumption that the butterflies will go after your family whenever they get the chance to," Harcourt interrupted their sweet moment with a harsh truth. "I will send some personnel to watch Mrs L/N's home but it would be best if you stayed in Evergreen for the time being, Y/N."
Y/N looked at her dad to see if he agreed with this conclusion, and he obviously did as he gave her a small reassuring nod. "Okay," she murmured.
Leota opened Henenlotter's door wide, suggesting, "You might want to call her just to let her know you're okay," so she could bring up a worry of hers to Peacemaker without Y/N being in the room and affecting his decision. Y/N agreed and went off into the back room to do just that.
Silently, Harcourt and Adebayo gave each other a look, having an argument about who was going to say the problem out loud with just their eyes. Like always, Emilia won.
"Chris, buddy, I hate to say it but Y/N being in your proximity while the butterflies are trying to get revenge on you specifically is putting her in danger. I know you're beginning to build your relationship...it's - I think that... What I'm trying to say is that... Harcourt, can you take over please? He's been looking at me really intensely since my mouth started saying words and now I don't want to say what... Can you? I don't know how to force myself to say what I need to," Adebayo rambled, her anxiety increasing with every word she spoke as she kept glancing sideways to Harcourt and hoping her friend would take pity on her.
Harcourt sighed. "When we put Y/N in protective custody, she can't stay with you because - thanks to you keeping Goff alive long enough that he fed information back to their people like an idiot - they know where you live," she explained bluntly and then gestured towards Adrian, who still hadn't taken his mask off despite the fact it was safe for him to do so. "The path I think is the most efficient to go down - and I hate that he is actually the best option for this - is for Vigilante to watch over her while we hunt the rest of them down."
Some grunt of disapproval came from Chris' throat.
"Despite the fact that Goff has seen Adrian's face, he has no information about his actual identity other than the fact he's mentally deficient - "
"Hey!" Adrian cried. "Not cool."
Shrugging off his protest, Harcourt continued, "They don't know where he lives and he has all the skills necessary to protect her if they do happen to find out."
"Yeah, that's what I was trying to say," Adebayo added, clapping her hands together as if she was saying, 'Glad we got through that, gang'.
Chris glanced between his friends, the realisation that, yeah, that was the best course of action sinking in. It wasn't perfect - far from it - but at least it was something. His one goal was to keep his daughter safe and if Adrian was the only way that was going to happen, well shit, he had to go along with it.
That didn't mean, however, that Chris didn't have some worries about his pal looking after his flesh and blood. Peacemaker gripped onto Vigilante's shoulders roughly, pressing his fingers are hard as he could into his pal's armour that he hoped he could feel it through the padding, and threatened, "If I find out that you've been weird and tried to make advances on my daughter, I will put you in the fucking ground and make sure that there's nothing left but ashes of what once was your body. Got it?"
"Gotcha!" Vigilante squeaked out, his voice breaking under the pressure.
Peacemaker backed up a little and let go, releasing his grip entirely so he could cross his arms over his chest. He glared at his friend with a fire burning behind his eyes as Y/N returned and was told about this new arrangement. She wasn't thrilled but understood.
And it wasn't if she'd never see Peacemaker again. He was going to completely wipe out the butterflies and then return to her so they could do all the father-daughter bonding activities that she had envisioned since she was a kid. As long as it meant she was going to have the father figure that she'd always wanted, she could deal with whatever was going on with Vigilante for a few days.
"I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?" Chris said, wrapping his arms around Y/N as soon as he stepped out of the car and gave her an apologetic look. "Don't wander off, alright? And don't listen if Adrian says some shit - he's a weird dude - that you totally can ignore if you want to. I mean, if he tells you important shit like if you should hide because there are aliens trying to murder you and stuff like that, don't ignore that. But if he's talking about Star Wars or other nerd shit that you don't want to pay attention to, feel free to block that asshole out. That's what I always do."
"Okay, got it."
Some paternal instinct came over him and before he could think 'ew, that's cringe', Chris leant forward and pressed a chaste kiss on his daughter's forehead. They were both shocked at the action (and so were Chris' friends who were watching) but laughed off the initial awkwardness.
"Sorry, I don't know why I did that," he apologised a little sheepishly.
"No biggie, Dad."
A chuckle escaped Chris as the two pulled apart. "Promise me that you'll text me from Vij's when you reach his house?"
He took another quick look at his daughter to make sure that she was doing ok before finally letting her go and gave Vigilante a glare on his way out. Adebayo patted Chris' shoulder to comfort him as they watched the pair turn a corner and leave his field of vision.
Inside the Vigilante mobile, Adrian was deadly silent. He was hyper aware of every move he made because what if he accidentally did something to freak her out, she told Peacemaker, and then he got the wrong idea and Adrian ended up dead thanks to one wrong gesture or word.
"How long have you known my dad?" Y/N tried to start a conversation to break the ice which, admittedly, felt incredibly awkward and slightly suffocating that had Adrian wincing inwardly as he tried so desperately to be normal toward her.
"He, uh, he used to hang out with my older brother when he was still alive."
"Oh. I'm sorry for your loss."
Adrian nodded. "Thanks. So, uh - " he cleared his throat a couple of times and decided to stop stalling. "I'm going to put this out in the open because - oh, I definitely shouldn't say this but my mouth is moving now and if I don't come clean, I'm going to act so odd around you - but I find you very attractive and I told Peace that I wouldn't do anything about it. So yeah, please tell me if I do something wrong or make you uncomfortable so I can fix it so your dad doesn't shoot me in the dick over and over again till I bleed out through the penis."
Less than five minutes alone with her and Adrian had already said more than he ever should've.
"Um... thank you?" was all Y/N managed to get out as she turned red, staring at Adrian in slight shock. "And uh - I appreciate your concern?"
"Well... you're welcome."
They got to the Chase house in relative silence after that. He ushered her inside and busied himself with cleaning up all the cups and clothes and wrappers that he'd left out when he thought he wouldn't have anyone over for a while. As he was doing that, Y/N focused on the family photo placed on the mantelpiece.
"You're cute."
"Huh, what?"
She picked up the frame and pointed to the younger man in the picture. "This is you, right?" Y/N posed. "You said you had an older brother so the younger one is you."
"That's, yeah, that's me."
Placing the frame down, Y/N closed the distance between herself and Vigilante. He still had his mask on and she wanted to see how hot he was in person. Slowly, she lifted her hands towards the edge of his visor, asking, "Can I? ...Please?"
Vigilante bit his lip as he considered whether it was such a good idea or not. They'd have to be together for an extended period of time and she'd seen a picture of him, why not? He nodded silently in response, giving Y/N permission to remove the mask and place it aside.
Once it was no longer in the way, she let her gaze drift over his features for a moment. He looked young, just a few years older than her, and his green eyes seemed to twinkle when they met hers.
"You're very cute," she commented, running a hand gently across his cheek with an affectionate smile playing at her lips.
"Please don't tease me. I have very little self control and I don't want to actually be murdered by my best friend because I banged his daughter," he begged with an anxious chuckle.
Y/N suddenly got a mischievous grin on her face - one that was identical to the one he often saw on Peace whenever he was flirting with people in bars - and Adrian knew immediately that the this was going to be a very hard test to not give in to whatever advances she was planning to inflict on him.
"I'm going to have more fun than I expected."
Shit. From now on, she would try her very best to get him to crack and she would do it with such a gleeful expression that it was going to be a real feat of endurance for him to resist.
He survived the first night. He passed his phone over so she could message Peacemaker, provided her with food and pj's, let her sleep in his bed, and did his best to keep his eyes from wandering when she exited the bathroom in just a towel. That was longer than he ever suspected he'd be able to hold out for. Adrian was proud of himself.
Then the second went by. And the third. And fourth. Fifth. Sixth. A week. Two weeks. Three. Then a month had gone by. As more time went by, their relationship became paradoxical: they'd developed a friendship and were accustomed to being in each other's presence, yet because of this domesticity, Adrian didn't just find her attractive, he was pretty sure he was falling in love with her a little more each day.
There was a moment when they'd been sitting on the couch and Y/N reached across to take his glasses off his nose. She commented, "These are so dirty. How can you see out of them?" and wiped the grime off the lens with the bottom of her shirt before gently placing them back on his face. "All better now."
As much as he would've liked to reply, Adrian instead remained quiet and ignored the feeling bubbling up in his chest from the sound of her voice. He felt a warm tingle crawl up his spine as he smiled to himself and shook his head in bittersweet amusement.
"I'm getting tired, think I'm gonna go to sleep," she announced but didn't get up. No, she slumped her head down on Adrian's shoulder and rested a delicate hand on his arm, causing him to tense up immediately upon contact.
"Oh no… Uh, do you want me to carry you there? Is that what's happening here?"
"Wanna use you as a pillow."
His heart skipped a beat and, for a split second, he panicked as if he'd done something completely inappropriate (even though she was the one initiating this contact) and he almost got up, only to remember that he'd disturb her if he did that. He didn't want to do that. She looked comfortable and happy and content and, even though his mind was running wild with the implications of this, his body was relaxing a tiny bit. He slowly wrapped his arm around her waist and shifted a little so that she'd fit into the contours of his body.
Do that over and over again and you should be fine, Adrian.
"Is this comfy for you?" Y/N whispered against his collarbone as she nestled deeper into him.
"Do you wanna -" Her sentence was interrupted by a yawn. "You're going to get a crick, do you wanna lie down?"
"...Yeah. I do."
They got into a spooning position with natural ease. Adrian's arms wound themselves around Y/N's frame like they belonged there and Adrian found comfort in holding her close to his body. After a little while, she settled in and Adrian couldn't help but chuckle as he watched her sleep peacefully while his lips tugged upward.
"I'm so dead."
The morning rolled around far too quickly, and Y/N woke to find that Adrian had fallen asleep with his chin resting on her shoulder and his temple pressed against hers. He was snoring right below her ear and she chuckled quietly, wiggling her arm just enough to release it from being squished under his so she could reach back to run her fingers through his hair. He was grunting and pleasurably groaning but didn't wake up as he snuggled further into her touch.
Eventually, Y/N's bicep began to cramp thanks to the awkward angle she was in and, to remedy that, she turned her whole body to face him. That movement woke Adrian up instantly and, even though he clearly wasn't expecting to see Y/N's face inches away from his, he froze with a goofy, sleepy smile.
"Good morning, Vigilante," Y/N greeted him teasingly, comfortably scratching at his scalp this time. He hummed in response, closing his eyes again as he enjoyed the sensation. "Feel nice?"
"Are you hungry?"
"A little."
"How about I cook you breakfast? Would you like that?"
"Yeah, that'd be awesome."
Just as she was about to get up to start on breakfast, he caught her wrist. "Not yet? Please? You're so warm and soft..." He gave her a pleading look and added, "Don't leave yet. Stay. For a bit longer."
Y/N guided his head to the crook of her neck with one hand and the other resumed playing with his hair. He let out the biggest sigh she'd ever heard from anyone ever and curled himself tighter against her, nuzzling his face into her collarbone and inhaling deeply, trying to imprint every single detail of her scent onto his brain.
If he was honest, he wanted Peacemaker's mission to kill all the butterflies to go on forever and never end. Because then, Y/N would have to stay with him forever, and that was something he'd gladly accept, no matter what. He knew that she deserved someone who would treat her right and protect her and make sure nothing ever happened to her and that's exactly what he was offering her, and he could offer that forever if need be.
"Do you feel trapped here?"
"For the most part, no. It would be nice to be able to go outside once in a while, but I don't mind staying in with you." She pulled away slightly to meet Adrian's emerald eyes. "Why'd you ask?"
"Because...because I don't know. Maybe... I'm being stupid and weird - forget that I said anything," he admitted sheepishly, dropping his gaze to their entangled limbs and blushing slightly when he realised how intimate they had become.
Peacemaker may not kill him for this amount of affection, but he would beat him up for it. Any way he went about it, Adrian knew he was fucking screwed. And since it was an inevitable screwing, why not solidify it further?
Adrian leant back to survey the entirety of Y/N's face, which still held some traces of sleepiness, and ran his thumb along the curve of her jaw softly. In the softest voice she'd ever heard from him - no, that anyone had ever heard from him - he declared, "Peace is going to kick me in the nuts for this, but I'll pay that punishment any day of the week for you."
His lips were on hers before she'd fully registered what he'd said; his kiss was passionate, urgent, and desperate. He had been holding himself back long enough, and it was high time for him to let go and show her what exactly this thing between them really was. She responded eagerly to his onslaught and kissed him back, allowing herself to fall completely under his spell and lose herself in the sensations that filled her entire being.
And when he finally broke apart from her, panting and dazed, her hand instinctively rose to trace the line of his stubbly cheek before cupping it in her palm. "Well," she breathed, grinning at him, "I can definitely use the years of abandonment to guilt trip my father into letting you off the hook for this."
"Let's just keep us on the DL for now?"
"Can you keep a secret from Peacemaker?"
"No, but I'll try."
Try, he did. Taking down the butterflies took two and a half months, and as soon as the last one had a bullet through their brain, Chris was on his way back to Evergreen and racing to the Chase house, determined not to waste another second. As soon as he walked through the front door - he didn't even knock - he threw his bag onto the ground and stomped towards the kitchen, where Y/N and Adrian's voices could be heard.
Further in the house, Y/N was laughing as Adrian rambled on and on about a steakout he'd been on once where he'd drunk a whole litre of cold brew because he knew he'd be up the whole night but didn't realise it would make him need to pee constantly. He'd been relieving himself - trousers down, ass to the wind - at the exact moment that the mob boss he was waiting to kill appeared with his elderly mother since they were planning to go for a peaceful stroll.
"The old lady fainted from shock!" Adrian continued, his cheeks hurting from how long he'd been smiling.
"What about the mob dude?"
"I thought I'd be nice and let him live so he could carry her inside safely. I shot him in the ass when he came back out."
Chris stifled a laugh at the ridiculous story Adrian was telling and made his presence known by clearing his throat loudly, causing both of them to jump. Luckily, they'd just been leaning against the kitchen counter as they waited for their meal to cook and hadn't been doing anything scandalous.
"Dad!" Y/N called out cheerfully, rushing over to hug him when she saw him. Chris smiled and returned her embrace briefly before pulling away to inspect her. She looked like she'd been taken care of, which ensured that Adrian wouldn't be punched in the head.
"How are you?" He asked cautiously.
"I'm great. How are you? You didn't get hurt, did you?"
"Not this time. Just some minor scrapes. Nothing bad enough to warrant a full body cast, thank god."
He grinned at her as he glanced over his daughter's shoulder, making direct eye contact with Adrian behind her. The idiot looked like his world was collapsing - the joy that Peace had witnessed when he walked in had completely vanished from Vigilante's face - and though he tried to smile, it didn't reach his eyes.
Forever had just ended for Adrian. He had no clue what was coming next. His entire body felt numb, his legs were jelly, and he honestly didn't think he could do much more than stare blankly ahead while staring at Y/N's back.
"Our enchiladas are almost done, you want one?" she asked, oblivious to Adrian's plight as he stayed quiet and just stood there.
"Yeah, I love a good enchilada, especially when they're made by my kickass daughter," Chris replied proudly.
Y/N laughed before walking past him to grab the oven mitts and hip bumping Adrian out of the way so she could get the food out of the oven. Chris took a few steps backwards to lean against the countertop to watch Y/N, smiling fondly because he'd never seen her in a normal situation before and loved every minute of it.
"Ade, can you get the plates out, please and thank you?"
"Yeah, yeah, of course," Adrian muttered and quickly moved to do so.
Suspiciously, Chris watched his buddy with narrowed eyes and crossed arms, wondering exactly what was going on. Adrian was acting weirder than normal today - normally he'd be jumping at his chance to start a conversation with Peacemaker or a joke about whatever dumb shit he'd gotten up to lately, but he seemed so unwilling to speak.
"What's up your ass, Vij?" he asked, getting straight to the point.
"Nothing. What do you mean?" Adrian lied, his voice so high that it was obvious.
"Stop pretending, man."
He sighed heavily and looked at Chris with pleading eyes.
"Don't kill me."
There was a few seconds of tense silence before Chris scoffed, "There was one rule!" and grabbed Adrian by the collar. Y/N's eyes widened and she tried to wedge herself between the two of them, but it was useless. Chris wouldn't budge despite her struggles. He kept his grip around Adrian until his fingers started turning white with strain, ignoring her pleas for him to stop. "What did I say? What was the one fucking thing I said?"
"Don't make advances on Y/N!"
"What did you do?" Chris barked angrily, glaring daggers at his friend, who couldn't look him in the eyes. "You tell me, punk, and then maybe I might knock you unconscious before I chop your balls off."
Adrian swallowed hard, opened and closed his mouth several times, before answering, "...I love her," and caught Y/N's gaze out of the corner of his eye. He hadn't said it out loud before, but they both knew it was true.
"That's not funny-"
"It's not supposed to be a joke! Jesus fuck, Chris, I love her!"
Silence fell across the room again as Chris loosened his hold on Adrian's shirt. Adrian stumbled backwards a little before Y/N rushed to steady him, her hands gripping the sides of his arms tightly and pulling him into a hug.
"You crumbled in less than five minutes," she teased in his ear and was rewarded with a chuckle from her boyfriend.
Yeah, they had planned to keep their relationship a secret, but that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was keeping Adrian in one piece, so Y/N pushed him behind her, shielding him from Chris' wrath, as she turned to face her father.
Chris stared her dead in the eye for a moment, assessing Y/N for a few moments longer than was necessary, but when nothing happened, he sighed in exasperation and shook his head. "Anyone but this dickhead, Y/N! Come on, you've got to have some sense in that head? He's a grade A moron. There's absolutely no way in hell he's worthy of you."
"You don't know me and what I'm worthy of. We've spent a total of four hours together in my entire life, Dad," Y/N explained pointedly, "You have no idea who I am, and you certainly have no say over who I choose to love - "
"Oh my god, you love me back," Adrian gushed. "I figured out that love was what I was feeling because duh, but - oh, I think I'm going to faint - you're a babe and you just said you love me and I'm gonna sit down now..."
With that, he sank unceremoniously to the floor, still wearing the huge grin on his face as he sat there in utter disbelief and excitement. Y/N rolled her eyes fondly when she felt Adrian reach to place his hands against her calf, trying to feel whether she was real or not. She was. She was 100% real.
"This guy, Y/N? Really? This fucking guy?"
"You're being mean," she said with a pout. "Why is it so unbelievable?"
"I know him! He's a fucking maniac! He's a murderer, he's insane, he's a goddamn psychopath! Are you fucking stupid, Y/N?"
The guy cuddling her leg like a teddy bear was incapable of emotion? The guy who'd go out of his way to make her smile? The guy who'd got so anxious about having feelings for his best pal's daughter that he blurted the truth out and risked a beating? That guy was a wall of stoicism? Wow. Who'd have thought?
"Yeah, I guess I am fucking stupid then," she conceded, beaming down at her boyfriend and running her fingers through his curls affectionately. "Dinner is getting cold, why don't we eat?"
She held her hands out to help Adrian to his feet, ignoring Chris' disapproving scowl that was directed at that gesture. Her dad stayed mostly quiet, knowing his opinion would only further anger her, and he wanted their first meal to be a civil one. That was the least he could do for his family after all the years they'd spent apart.
There was no denying that he could see the domesticity between the couple. They seemed happy - happier than he'd seen either of them be - and while he still wasn't convinced that this was a good thing, his daughter was right; he had no say in who she dated.
Going after the dumb, morally questionable hero clearly was in her blood. And if he had to take her happiness over his own, well...then he could live with that.
"I've been thinking and I'm going to move to Evergreen. Is that okay with you, dad?" Y/N asked all of sudden, completely pulling Chris from his thoughts. "There's an apartment down the road that is much cheaper than the one I currently rent and I'd like to be able to see my dad whenever I want to."
Chris blinked twice, unable to process her words. He hadn't expected such a sudden turn of events nor that he was a part of the reason she was uprooting her life. Nobody ever made an effort to move closer to him. That's the opposite of what usually happens.
"Really?" he finally choked out after a long pause, surprised and somewhat shocked that he'd gotten so emotional without realising it. He cleared his throat awkwardly and continued when he felt more composed, "Of course that's fine, Y/N. As long as you're happy."
"I am."
Finally, a smile appeared on Chris' face as he looked back and forth between his daughter and her boyfriend, a softness settling in his heart as he saw just how content they were. His family may be a little more unorthodox than he ever expected, but it was a family nonetheless, and despite everything, he couldn't let that slip away.
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