#rick ratcliffe is done with his dad's crap
hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Rick Ratcliffe Headcanons Revised;
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His full name is Richard "Rick" Perseus Ratcliffe. Yes, he's sorta named after his dad's pug. He knows this and pointing it out will only earn you a black eye
He is three years older than Mal.
He has a baby pug named Prometheus.
He gets along with the Native Americans and the settlers' kids when the barrier is brought down.
One time, during a very violent storm, Sammy fell overboard and Rick jumped in after him and saved him.
Funnily enough, he saves his friends and random kids from drowning alot.
So much so that his friends have started joking that he's a regular John Smith. They call the act itself 'John-Smithing'. Rick hates it.
He roughhouses rather violently with his friends/crew mates for fun, mainly Clay.
They call it 'Extreme Roughhousing'. It's become kind of a sport on the isle.
One time while roughhousing with Clay, he went a little...overboard.. and Clay ended up going through a 2 story window. Clay was fine besides a few cuts and bruises, surprisingly, but Rick couldn't stop apologizing for it and felt very guilty. Still does.
It doesn't help that Clay keeps fondly bringing it up.
He's apart of the Gaston twins' hunting club as well as Harriet's crew and Diego's band.
He plays the drums, if you're curious.
He likes reading, firing off rifles, target practice, ships, sword-fighting, swimming, sailing, playing games (mainly cards), sports, and partying.
He and Mad Maddy are an item.
They rarely fight but when they do you better duck and cover.
He owns a pistol key chain that Maddy actually got for him.
He usually gifts her dolls.
His crush on her developed till they were 15.
Maddy's developed around the same time.
His dad often forces him to fight him when he gets pissed off and Rick has gotten hurt several times during these battles. And has several scars to show for it.
He never beats his dad during these battles and it pisses him off.
He's a bit of an introvert.
no matter how much he denies being ANYTHING like his father, it is obvious that he does take after him in some aspects.
He can be vain, persuasive, rude, arrogant, calculative, selfish/greedy, sarcastic, and downright ruthless at times (just like his father).
But he's also calm, cool, and collected most of the time and cares for others (mainly children and his friends). He's protective and not afraid to call people out on their shit, and he's willing to put his own needs and wants aside for those he cares about.
He wears old, worn-out, black and new England blue (a color) sneakers as well as torn-up black skinny jeans, and a new England blue tshirt with a golden pug and two silver, crossed swords on it. He also wears (fake) gold dud earrings, a silver nose ring, and a reddish-pink jacket that he insists is not pink.
He's embarrassed by his dad's feminine attire and his behavior in general, so he tries his best to distance himself from him (which doesn't always work).
However, just because he's embarrassed by it doesn't mean he won't fight anyone who mocks his little brother, Rory, for these same attire.
In Harriet's crew along side him are Claudine Frollo, LeFou Deux, Big Murph, Mad Maddy, Anthony Tremaine, Jade of Agrabah, Diego de Vil, Ginny Gothel, Clay Clayton, Sammy Smee, and the Gaston twins.
His best female friend and surrogate sister is Claudine Frollo.
His best male friend is Clay Clayton.
He gave Lee (Lefou Deux) the shovel talk when he found out about him and Claudine.
He's two years older than Claudine and a year older than Lee so it was a necessary thing to do.
Even if one was happy with him for it.
Rory is 5 years youner.
He looks after his brother and other children of Ratcliffe's men (that got sent to the isle). Like Wyatt Wiggins.
He loves his pug and his father's pug very much.
He hates hats and will never wear one. Except for Maddy and Claudine. And Rory. And Rachel. and the kids of his father's former crewmen.
He also takes care of the honorary members of Harriet's crew because that's what friends are for.
It took him awhile to warm up to Lil Shang and Chaca when when they joined their crew because of how frequently they fought with Harriet. But he did warm up to them eventually.
Derek Dwarfson, on the other hand, he accepted immediately.
He misses Lil Yaz very, very much after his death.
He once saved Clay Clayton after he drowned in the pool. He's been on edge ever since around water. He can never relax after that.
He acts like he's fine though. Because he feels like he has to.
He's the sailing master of the crew.
He gets mad now when he's sees anyone drinking near water.
And he's keeps an extra close eye on Clay now.
He's scared he'll die again if he doesn't.
Rick is lactose intolerant much to his dismay.
His favorite song is 'Brittle Bones Nicky' by Rare Americans.
He also likes their song 'Black sheep'.
He picked up a nasty smoking habit from Maddy and Clay.
Rick secretly loves studying languages and other cultures but can't be as open about it as he'd like under the barrier.
He and Claudine grew up together, since their dads were friends. They have alot of shared trauma because of this.
Rick is mildy allergic to dog fur but his father didn't care so he got use to it.
His favorite book is 'White Fox' by Sara Faring.
Rick sucker-punched his dad once during family day.
It was the last time he ever saw his father.
His favorite card game is 'The Worst-case scenario'
His favorite gun is the Flintstone pistol.
He has a sister named "Rachel" who is 3 years younger than him.
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