#richard symons
zegalba · 11 months
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Techno Torso by Richard Symons
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sandmandaddy69 · 9 months
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Richard Symons
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raisedbyhorror · 10 months
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Welcome to the show!
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Upcoming shows we talk about include: Films that scared the shit out of us as kids, films that truly scare us now, horror films to watch with friends who don't like horror, and our extra special holiday horror episode!
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Raised by Horror logo by Quirky Circe
Theme song: Tenebrous Brothers Carnival by Kevin MacLeod
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xrichukix · 2 years
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Carolee Carmello in Caricature
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"Falsettos," Published April 26, 1992 - Al Hirschfeld
In 1992, Carolee Carmello (tall blonde in the background) was given the Hirschfeld honor for her portrayal of Cordelia in the original Falsettos on Broadway. Hirschfeld's stylized pieces are hugely valuable today and often sell for thousands, if not tens of thousands, at the Broadway Flea each year.
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Carolee Carmello's Sardis portrait, 2009 -  Richard Baratz
In the past, Sardis caricatures have been defined by exaggerated features and highly stylized depictions, much like Hirschfelds. However, in more recent decades, the Sardis caricature has become, if you ask me, an exercise in inoffensiveness to the point where even a white woman like Carolee looks whitewashed. Her portrait, while far from the most egregious one I've seen (see quite literally whitewashed Norm Lewis...) robs her of her most defining features: her big curly hair, her full lips, and her toothy smile, replacing her with suburban soccer mom out to brunch.
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Carolee Carmello in (L to R): Sister Act with Raven Symone (2012), Portrait (2019), Scandalous (2012) - Squigs
Just when we feared all hope was lost for the art of caricature on Broadway, Justin "Squigs" Robertson burst onto the scene with his beloved "The Lights of Broadway Showcards"(TM) that capture the essence of caricature within his subjects while excising the old offensive racial stereotypes often seen in the past. These cards can be purchased in packs much like any trading card game, or can be bought individually at the Broadway Flea. In addition to individual person cards, Squigs has a robust collection of show cards as well.
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bestofsophieturner · 2 months
I'm probably getting ahead, but I'm just wondering, purely in theory, what awards show Joan and Sophie for Joan could be nominated?
In theory ? Well, the emmy awards, the sag awards, the golden globes awards since it's getting released in US. People involved at the cw expect the show to get big nominations.
Now I'd tend more for the baftas tv awards, the equivalent of the emmys in UK. Richard Laxton (the director) and Anna Symon (the writer) both got nominations at the bafta tv awards.
It obviously depends of the quality of the show and of its success.
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gepetordi1 · 3 months
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Cyberpunk and Steampunk sculpture
by Richard Symons
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catullus0525 · 4 months
Chapter 1: Dim And Remote The Joys Of Saints I See (1869-1895) -- Part III
No one really knew exactly when or how did Robbie meet Oscar Wilde. Frank Harris claimed that Wilde had told him that Robbie had ‘importuned’ him in a public lavatory in the 1880s —— a common practice amongst Victorian gay men. Montgomery Hyde also recorded that Frank Harris had told Alfred Douglas in 1925 that Ross had boasted to him that himself was ‘the first boy Oscar ever had’ back in 1886. But Harris was a notoriously unreliable storyteller. It was more likely that they met through Robbie’s mother’s Irish connections, or through the literary associations of Aleck (Robbie’s older brother), or through Frances Richards (a Canadian artist who painted both Wilde and Ross), or in 1887 when Robbie moved into Wilde’s Tite Street home as a paying tenant when attending a crammer school in in preparation for his Cambridge entrance examination. 
The story famously has it that it was then and there that Robbie initiated Oscar Wilde into homosexual practices. The 1997 film immortalised the story with an exquisitely beautiful rendition. This famous story was ‘remarkably well-supported’ given the fact that the incident was ‘private, covert, and illegal’. For one, both parties (allegedly) attested to it. Reginald Turner recalled in 1935 to A.J.A Symons that Wilde had once confided that it was ‘little Robbie’ who had first ‘seduced’ him. And Christopher Millard, Ross’s secretary later in his life, recorded Ross saying that he felt responsible for Cyril and Vyvyan’s welfare because he held himself culpable for leading their father ‘astray’. However, despite this ‘body of evidence’, Matthew Sturgis noted that there have been ‘periodic attempts’ to suggest otherwise. Some had speculated that Wilde must have had other homosexual encounters prior to Robbie Ross, and others raised that both Wilde and Ross often preferred telling a good story to boring truths. In any case, there is no way for us contemporaries to conclusively ascertain what really happened in historical figures’ bedrooms, beyond the fact that they had an affair in 1886-1887. 
Despite such uncertainties in the facts, biographers nevertheless have a curious tendency to declare with certainty that it was Robbie, then a teenager barely seventeen years of age, who seduced Oscar Wilde, a thirty-three year old married man with two kids and a successful literary career. For instance, Rupert Croft-Cooke denigrated Robbie as a promiscuous ‘invert’ whose ‘feminine willingness’ in the bedroom Oscar soon found ‘facile’. And Neil McKenna maintained that seventeen-year-old Robbie was ‘polymorphously perverse’, had extensive experience ‘taking the receptive role in anal sex’, and was ‘extremely sexually sophisticated’. Thus, he must have known ‘exactly what he wanted out of his sexual encounters’ and ‘dazzled’ Oscar with his sexual precocity. This narrative logic is baffling: how does one infer from Robbie’s sexual experiences that he must have been the temptress in this instance? The only plausible answer, it seems, is prejudice. The age-old Madonna-Whore Dichotomy so pivotal to patriarchal orders dictates that any woman with sexual experience must be promiscuous, and her promiscuity definitively renders her a temptress. Similar logic seems to underpin these incriminations of Robbie Ross. Although it is not impossible that Robbie knew what he wanted and actively seduced Oscar (and by all accounts he was certainly in love with Wilde at the time), one must not forget that he was, after all, a schoolboy falling for his de-facto guardian fifteen years his senior.
Moreover, many took Robbie’s affair with Oscar Wilde in 1886 as one of the biggest turning points in Robbie’s life. In this version events, 1886 was the tragic beginning of Robbie’s lifelong unrequited love for Oscar which eventually consumed him. Ironically, one of the most beautiful versions of this tragedy was told by Rupert Croft-Cooke, whose hatred for Ross was only bested by Alfred Douglas himself. He wrote that: 
From the time Ross first met Wilde he had no other serious interest. Wilde, in triumph or prison, alive or dead, was Ross's life.
Little Ross ingratiated himself at once with Oscar and there was a brief affair between them which was not very serious as Ross was not Oscar's 'type. Oscar actually preferred heterosexuals who were merely vicious and mercenary and he found Ross's feminine willingness facile and not at all like “feasting with panthers", as he described his associations……Ross longed, in an obliging, flattering and unassuming way, to appropriate him. Oscar was indulgent and if he was also a little patronizing it was with such affectionate good-nature that it only excited Ross to a more Boswellian devotion.  
And that: 
 [After Oscar met Douglas in 1891] …There were no more gatherings at which Oscar scintillated for the benefit of Robbie……He now watched while Bosie as by natural right was taken everywhere, introduced to everyone. Ross had been petted but patronized, Bosie was not only adored but revered. Ross had been a useful amanuensis, Bosie was a fellow-writer. Ross found himself taken for granted while Bosie walked over a universal red carpet laid by Oscar. While Bosie was introduced to the most distinguished people Wilde knew, Ross, to whom such things were of urgent importance, found himself being offered by Besant the unpaid sub-editorship of the house organ of the Society of Authors. While Bosie was to be given the distinction of translating Salomé into English, Ross was reduced to making himself useful to Edmund Gosse and receiving the anxious confidences of Aubrey Beardsley's mother. He cannot have been much pleased to receive from Oscar that summer a letter from the Royal Palace Hotel, Kensington saying, "Bosie is quite like a narcissus-so white and gold. He lies like a hyacinth on the sofa, and I worship him…….Ross was too shrewd to remonstrate or even to show the smallest sign of resentment. Perhaps he believed his day would come again and that the highly publicized friendship would blaze itself to ashes in a month or two.
This would make a heart-wrenching tragedy for the stage, but alas, it is woefully inaccurate and unworthy for a book which claims to be non-fiction.
Though Robbie’s encounter with Oscar Wilde was undoubtedly a fateful one in the grand scheme of things, I personally dispute the idea that the 1886 affair was in and of itself a critical turning point for Robbie, for it is a very Wilde-centric narrative which blows the initial affair’s importance way out of proportion. Instead, I am of the view that at least until 1895, Robbie’s life did not, in fact, revolve around Oscar, and thus that famous romantic tragedy exemplified by Croft-Cooke’s narrative should be relegated to the realm of fiction. There are three key reasons for this. Firstly, though we really cannot know whether they were each other’s ‘type’, Fryer had a point when he contended that the 1886 affair ended in mutual dwindling of romantic interest in one another. From the scarce evidence that we have, it was even possible that Robbie lost romantic interests in Wilde first and not the other way around. Not long after Robbie entered Cambridge, around December 1888, Wilde (lightheartedly) complained to Robbie’s supervisor (whose homosexuality was semi-public) that he hardly ever heard from his young boyfriend except for the time when Robbie sent him a kitten as a gift for the kids. To me this hardly seems like one-sided ‘Boswellian devotion’ on Ross’s part. Secondly, as argued in section II, and as agreed upon by most biographers familiar with Ross’s life, at the time, Robbie had many other personal and professional concerns beside Oscar Wilde. Indeed, Robbie himself confided with Adela Schuster in his letter on 23 Dec 1900 that ‘I am not alas a Boswell’, and that ‘there were long intervals when I never saw him and he never corresponded with me regularly until after the downfall’. Thirdly, and perhaps most interestingly, Alfred Douglas himself alleged that in those days before Wilde’s imprisonment, Ross was romantically interested in him (Douglas) and ‘professed devotion and admiration’ for him in terms ‘as extravagant […] as those used by Wilde’. Although, to my knowledge, this was not corroborated by anyone (including Croft-Cooke who knew Douglas in person), it nevertheless goes to disprove many Douglas biographers’ theory that Robbie was irrevocably consumed by unrequited love for Oscar ever since their encounter. 
The less dramatic reality is that we simply do not know very much about what the initial romance between Wilde and Ross was like. It was possible that, as McKenna postulated, Oscar fell ‘violently in love with Robbie’ for a while and vice versa, but the love was driven mostly by lust, and neither made serious attempt at monogamy, so the affair gradually faded into ‘a creative partnership’. It was also possible that, as Fryer suggested, Robbie saw in Oscar a ‘father figure’ which he had long desired whilst Oscar sought homoerotic inspirations through Robbie, so the affair was more mutual dependency than romantic attraction. Or it could be that Robbie had loved Oscar deeply but it was more love for Wilde the artist than Wilde the man. It could even be that their intimacy back in the 1880s was more spiritual than physical. In the absence of evidence, history can only give way to fantasy. 
There are, however, three things we could ascertain about the Wilde-Ross relationship in the early days from the surviving evidence. Firstly, Robbie recognised and admired Oscar’s immense artistic potential. Oscar was undergoing a low period in his artistic career when he first met Robbie. Over the past few years, despite the success of his America tour, his poetry collection was refused by the Oxford Union on grounds of plagiarism, and his first two plays fared rather badly in both London and New York. By the time Robbie went to live at Tite Street, the Wildes were on the verge of struggling to maintain the ‘House Beautiful’ itself. Yet young Robbie at once worshipped the underrated genius and became his loyal disciple. He not only inspired and refined Wilde’s art but also ardently defended it. A few years later he was even willing to defend Wilde’s Dorian Gray at the expense of straining strain his professional relationship with his boss at work. 
Secondly, Oscar took Robbie to be his first boy muse. This petite seventeen-year-old’s lithe body awakened in him the hitherto-repressed homosexual libido, whilst his precocious mind helped him to sublimate his desires into art. When Robbie lodged at Tite Street they probably talked day and night, weaving theory after theory about literature, philosophy, and sexuality. The conversations were so delightful that Oscar missed Robbie dearly when the latter had to go up to Cambridge and lavished praises on his charm, taste, and knowledge to Robbie’s college supervisor. Thus, as McKenna remarked, it is ‘no coincidence’ that the affair with Robbie marked the beginning of Oscar’s creative golden age. For one, Robbie undoubtedly inspired The Portrait of Mr.W.H., that daring historical fiction speculating on Shakespeare’s fascination with one of his boy actors. In July 1889, referring to the story recently published in Blackwood’s Magazine, Oscar told Robbie that: 
…… the story is half yours, and but for you would not have been written. 
And implored his ‘dear Bobbie’ to write him letters, for: 
Now that Willie Hughes has been revealed to the world, we must have another secret. 
Young Robbie was probably at once Oscar’s Erskine and Willie Hughes: at once the disciple of his theories and the object of his erotic fascination. The inspiration did not stop at The Portrait of Mr.W.H. William Rothenstein, a close friend of both Wilde and Ross, recalled that ‘Oscar Wilde was never wittier than when at Ross's parties’. Moreover, biographers from Hyde to Ellmann to Lee all agreed that behind Oscar Wilde’s greatest pieces such as The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Importance of Being Earnest lied conversations with the young Robbie. Perhaps, as Neil Bartlett imagined, over alcohol, cigarettes, and cheap dinners, Wilde and Ross fantasised an entire history of the theatre and together created an imaginary tradition, mixing eroticism and erudition, to justify and ennoble the love and desire they shared. Without putting too fine a point on the analogy, then, Robbie was almost the Heloise to Oscar’s Abelard, the precocious student and sensuous paramour who catalysed the master’s philosophical originality by capturing his body and soul. 
Thirdly, neither was committed to exclusive romantic relationship with the other. Between 1888 and 1890 Oscar changed his boy lovers at dizzying speed. As he later admitted himself, during this period he ‘used to take a boy, love him “passionately”, and then grow bored of him, and often take no notice of him’. He shared many intimate details of his dalliances with Robbie, who seemed to have taken no issue. In 1889, for instance, he wrote to Robbie praising one of Robbie’s Cambridge friends as ‘Willie Hughes in reincarnation’, and wrote again after one week telling Robbie about his one-day reunion with a former lover at Ostend. Moreover, the very limited textual evidence we have indicates that Wilde, Ross, and Douglas may well have engaged in a polyamorous relationship before 1895. In 1892, shortly after his first night with Alfred Douglas, Oscar wrote: 
My dearest Bobbie,
Bosie has insisted on stopping here for sandwiches. He is quite like a narcissus - so white and gold. I will come either Wednesday or Thursday night to your rooms. Send me a line. Bosie is so tired: he lies like a hyacinth on the sofa, and I worship him.
McKenna read the letter as a ‘coded reference to oral sex’, for ‘worship’ was likely a euphemism for fellatio. But even if one disagrees with his reading, the erotic undertone of the languid hyacinth on the sofa and the promise to ‘come […] to your rooms’ is undeniable. From what we know, this somewhat-polyamorous arrangement lasted well into 1895. In January that year, from Algiers, Oscar shared with Robbie in great details the beauty of the lovely ‘Kabyle boys’ and the exquisite delight of hashish, whilst Bosie confided that he was ‘held fast by the lassoo of desire to a sugar-lipped lad’ who was but fourteen years of age. 
But alas that delightful decadence was not to last, and the ‘peace and love’ in the Algerian sun was but a fleeting moment of calm before the storm. As André Gide wrote in late January after meeting Wilde and Douglas in Algiers: 
Wilde! Wilde!! What more tragic life is there than his! If only he were more careful – if he were capable of being careful – he would be a genius, a great genius ... I am happy to have met him in such a distant place, though even Algiers isn’t far enough away for me to be able to face him without a certain fear; I told him so to his face ... If Wilde’s plays in London didn’t run for three hundred performances, and if the Prince of Wales didn’t attend his first nights, he would be in prison and Lord Douglas as well.
These words turned out to be a fateful prophecy. 
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notwiselybuttoowell · 7 months
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Mathilde Blind by Lucy Madox Brown, 1872
Mathilde Blind (born Mathilda Cohen; 21 March 1841 – 26 November 1896), was a German-born English poet, fiction writer, biographer, essayist and critic. In the early 1870s she emerged as a pioneering female aesthete in a mostly male community of artists and writers. By the late 1880s she had become prominent among New Woman writers such as Vernon Lee (Violet Paget), Amy Levy, Mona Caird, Olive Schreiner, Rosamund Marriott Watson, and Katharine Tynan. She was praised by Algernon Charles Swinburne, William Michael Rossetti, Amy Levy, Edith Nesbit, Arthur Symons and Arnold Bennett. Her much-discussed poem The Ascent of Man presents a distinctly feminist response to the Darwinian theory of evolution.
Blind's early political affiliations were shaped by the foreign refugees who frequented her stepfather's house, including Giuseppe Mazzini, for whom she entertained a passionate admiration and about whom she would publish reminiscences in the Fortnightly Review in 1891. Other revolutionaries who frequent her mother and stepfather's house in St. John's Wood included Karl Marx and Louis Blanc. Her early commitment to women's suffrage was influenced by her mother's friend Caroline Ashurst Stansfeld, who was active in the British feminist movement from its origins in the 1840s. These radical affiliations are manifested in Blind's politically charged poetry, and in her own unbending commitment to reform. As Richard Garnett observed, in the society of political refugees and radicals Blind was raised in, "admiration must necessarily be reserved for audacity in enterprise, fortitude in adversity... anything breathing unconquerable defiance of the powers that were."
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tigresslanzhu · 1 year
Now it’s time for me to whine about the “Alvin Audtions” from Rockin’ With The Chipmunks!
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“Non stop recording sessions, world tours and personal appearances finally took a toll on Alvin and left him without a voice.”
Really? REALLY?
Maybe I would have been all right with this if the execution and the continuity were handled better! You can’t claim that Alvin lost his voice and then have him communicate with Will Smith throughout the special. Not to mention this scene doesn’t help matters!
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“Your voice sounds fine to me.”
Sorry. I couldn’t resist! 😝
Now back to the actual “auditions”. For the most part, there’s nothing wrong with these celebrities trying to nab the role. [Markie Post was involved too, but that was was kind of dumb.
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Baby Raven Symone. We don’t give this bit with her as much credit for existing as we should.
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You’ll forgive two or three year old me for thinking this was Mr. Rogers at first, right?
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And of course, Little Richard getting preferential treatment and not having to wear the shirt dress. But I guess he really wanted the cap!
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Personajes disponibles:
- Broken (el edgy tambien por desgracia)
-Van hellsing
Nada de fetiches raros
Respeto hacia los personajes
y si eres menor de edad FUERA DE AQUI.
listo ve a preguntar...
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PCO – El Sindicato Del Crimen De PAIN
El Multiverso Es La Respuesta A La Pregunta “¿Que Pasaría Si...?”, Sin Embargo, Hay Algunas Preguntas No Deben De Tener Respuesta. En Esta Ocasión La Pregunta Es “¿Qué Hubiera Pasado Si PAIN Fuera Al Lado Oscuro?”. Esta Historia Empieza Como Todas, Desde El Punto De Partida. 
Daten Town Es Una De La Ciudades Con Mayor Avance Tecnológico Del Mundo, Incluso Superando Al Mismo País De Japón, Eso Es Debido A Que Daten Town Es Hasta La Fecha La Única Ciudad En Convivir No Solo Con Fursonas, Sino Que También Convivían Con Entes, Criaturas, Monstruos, Fantasmas, Seres, Etcétera... 
Sin Embargo, Esta Ciudad No Era Regida Ni Por El Alcalde De La Ciudad, Sino Que Los Dueños De Esta Ciudad Eran Un Grupo Criminal Llamados “The Paranormal Crime Organization” o PCO Para Abreviar. Esta Organización Criminal, Como Todo Ser Sobrenatural “Surgió De La Nada”. Daten Town Antes De Ser La Utopía Prospera & Avanzada Que Todos Conocemos, Era Una Ciudad Cualquiera Pero Donde Había Abundante Discriminación De Todo Tipo, Pero Un Día PCO Apareció. 
Ellos Llegaron A Daten Town Para Poner Orden, Y Que Un Nuevo Orden Mundial Había Llegado, Comenzando Por Esta Ciudad. Al Inicio Nadie Lo Tomo Enserio, Pero Ellos Inmediatamente Comenzaron Su “Nuevo Orden”. La Mayoría De Los Ciudadanos Los Aceptaron Como Sus Lideres, Otros Se Opusieron, Pero Terminaron Pagando El Precio. 
Con El Pasar De Los Años, PCO A Sido La Encargada De Manejar La Ciudad Desde Las Sombras, Las Autoridades & El Alcalde Solo Son Fachadas, Ya Que Ellos Eran La Verdadera Ley. Nuevas Leyes, Tecnología, Novedades En La Moda, Eran De Las Múltiples Innovaciones Que Ellos Sacaban Para Mantener Su Ciudad. Y Como Era Su Ciudad, Había Otros Negocios No Tan “Legales”, Como La Apertura De Burdeles, Casinos, Venta De Drogas, Armas, Entre Otro Tipo De Cosas Que No Son Parte De Negocios “Lisitos”. 
Dichosa Organización Está Conformada Por Los Siguientes Miembros; 
Richard Edward Jones/El Maestro G  Mephistofeles Jones/Mephisto  Mavis Rogers/Ghost Stain  Craciel Tos-Pot/Lilith Morningstar  Y Alexander Smith Tercero/Lucifer Morningstar 
Miembros De Su Subdivisión;  Walther Isumi Hatake & Emily Adelyn Dupree/The Snow White Twins  Symon Fritz Ludwig & Zuritan Mikhail/ The Terror Siblings. 
Lucifer & Lilith Con Un Matrimonio De Apenas 2 Años, Pero Sus Negocios Los Comenzarían Hace 5 Años Atrás, La Ventaja De Haber Creado Un Imperio Criminal Tan Rápido, Fue Debido A Que Ambos Crecieron En Jaulas De Oro. Lucifer Lo Tenía Todo, Una Familia Amorosa, Una Vida Acomodada, Todo Era Perfecto, Pero En Realidad No Era Así. En El Caso De Lilith Ella Aparentaba Ser Normal & Tener Una Infancia Feliz, Pero En Realidad Con Una Madre Exitosa & Un Padre Fracasado, Era De Esperar Que Las Peleas Entre Ellos Fuera El Pan De Cada Día. Al Final, El Divorcio Fue Siempre La Respuesta A Esta Farsa Que Ella Alguna Vez Llamo Familia, Además De Que Ella Jamás Esperaría Trabajar Con El Hombre Quien Hace Un Par De Años Atrás Se Convirtió En Su “Verdadero Padre”. 
Los Jones Siempre Fueron Perseguidos Por La Tragedia, Richard Tomaría Decisiones Que Tanto Mejorarían Como Afatarían Su Vida. Sobreviviría A Un Accidente Automovilista & Gracias Al Mismo Seria Iluminado, Dejaría Embarazada A Una Monja Primeriza Quien Seria Expulsada Por Ello, Se Le Arrebataría El Habito & Seria Expulsado Del Sacerdocio, Su Ex-Esposa Los Abandonaría & Culparía De Todo A Su Hijo Mephistofeles, Entre Otras Desgracias Mas. Sin Embargo, A Pesar De Haber Perdido La Fe, El No Perdería La Esperanza Ya Que Tenía Algo Porque Luchar, Su Hijo. Apodado De Cariño Mephisto Por Su Padre, Era Un Chico Quien Abrazaría Mas Fuerte Su Fe Por El & Por Su Padre, Su Madre Le Dijo Al Oído Antes De Abandonarlo Que Él Tenía La Culpa De Toda Su Desgracia. Richard Le Explicaría Que Luego De Haber Tenido Relaciones Con Su Madre Para Concebir Su Nacimiento, Esta Ultima Sufrió Múltiples Desgracias, Desde Ser Expulsada Del Convento Hasta Ser Cortada Por Sus Padres. Al Principio Le Afecto Un Poco Que Su Madre Lo Dejara, Pero Como Siempre Estuvo Mas Apegado A Su Padre Que A Su Madre, Pudo Superarlo Mas Fácilmente. Padre E Hijo Fueron Reclutados Por Lucifer En Su Peor Momento, El Sufría De Hipotermia & Richard Estaba Casi En La Ruina Cuando Lucifer Los Encontró. 
Mavis Era Uno De Esos Chicos Introvertidos Quien Fue Criado De La Mano De Una Familia Rota. Su Padre Nunca Creyó En El, Y Su Madre Le Exigía Mucho A Cambio De Nada, Siempre Fue El Marginado De La Escuela, Pero Para Él Era Una Bendición Ya Que No Quería Tener Amigos, Pero Tampoco Enemigos. Fue En Sus Días De Preparatoria Que Conocería A Su Mejor Amigo & Jefe, En Esa Etapa De Su Vida Lo Empezarían A Molestar Simplemente Por Diversión, No Fue Hasta Que Alexander (Lucifer) Lo Salvo & Lo Apadrino Bajo Su Ala. Mavis Sentía Al Principio Que Ser Su Amigo Podría Ser Una Trampa, Pero Con El Pasar Del Tiempo Ambos Se Volvieron Hermanos De Corazón. Uno De Sus Mejores Regalos Que Recibiría Es Su Icónica Mascara, Mitad Blanco & Mitad Negro. Esta Mascara Reflejaba La Dualidad Del Joven, Siendo Dulce & Amable, Pero A Mismo Tiempo Siendo Sanguinario & Frio. Descubrió Sus Habilidades Cuando Estaba Discutiendo Con Su Madre, Luego De Que Esta Lo Insultara Porque Mavis Los Estaba Abandonado. Si Conocen La Escena De Bob Parr Haciendo Que Su Ex-Jefe Atravesara Varias Paredes, Bueno Mavis Hizo Exactamente Lo Mismo Con Su Madre, La Única Diferencia Fue Que Le Causo A Su Madre Una Distonía Cervical. 
Los Hermanos Drácula Son Todo Un Caso, No Solo Por Ser Mortales Mitad Inmortal, Sino Que Su Existencia Fue Hecha A Base De Mentiras. Verán La Condesa Alice Van Hellsing También Llamada “La Ventisca Roja” Era La Emperatriz De Los Vampiros & Era El Ser Sobrenatural Mas Poderoso & Despiadado De Toda Transylvania. Ella Era Tan Cruel, Que Extermino A Todo Monstruo U Otros Entes Sobrenaturales Para Probar Su Punto. Los Únicos Quienes Podían Oponérsele Eran Los Vladislaus Draculia, La Mundialmente Conocida Familia Cazadora De Vampiros. 
Alucard, Era El Único Heredero & Sobreviviente De Aquella Familia, Buscaba La Forma De Eliminar A La Emperatriz De Una Vez Por Todas, Desde Que Tiene Memoria El Presencio Como Su Familia Cazaba A Los Secuaces De La Emperatriz. Al Mismo Tiempo Veía Como Su Familia Caía, Uno Por Uno, Incluyendo A Sus Padres. Así Fue Que A Él Se Le Ocurrió Un Plan, Seducirla Para Posteriormente Eliminarla De Una Vez Por Todas, Sin Embargo, Quien Hubiera Imaginado Que Ese Plan Sería Contraproducente, Para Ambos. 
Esos Falsos Sentimientos De Amor Mutuo Se Convertirían En Algo Completamente Puro & Sincero, Porque Si, Alice Sabia Que El La Estaba Engañando, Sin Embargo, Y Tras Haberse Conocido Mejor & Saber Que No Eran Tan Diferentes, Empezarían A Enamorarse De Verdad. Años Después, Ambos Darian A Luz A Su Primer Par De Gemelos, Symon & Zuritan, Ambos Desde Bebés No Se Llevaban Bien, Pero, Eran Muy Unidos. 8 Años Después, Nacieron Otro Par De Gemelos, Siendo Estos Emily & Walther Además Eran Muy Parecidos A Su Madre, Ya Que Ella Era Una Coneja Albina, Mientras Que Los Gemelos Mayores Eran Parecidos A Su Padre. 
Luego De Algunos Años, Habría Un Acontecimiento Llamo “Era Final” Donde Bernabette La Viuda De Una De Las Bestias Que Alice Había Matado, Habría Logrado Montar Una Revolución Tras Demostrar La Traición Del Último Hijo De Los Drácula A La Humanidad, Tras Enterarse De La Dichosa Revolución La Familia Decidiría Huir, Sin Embargo, Con La Muerte De Alucard & El Sacrificio De Alice Para Poder Ganar Tiempo Para Que Sus Hijos Se Escapen. Los 4 Hermanos Seria Forzados A Separarse & Seguir Sus Vidas Cada Uno Por Su Cuenta. 
Cada Uno De Ellos Había Hecho Su Residencia Alrededor Del Mundo, Emily En París, Walther En Japón, Symon En Alemania & Zuritan En Rusia. Pasarían Décadas Para Que Los Hermanos Se Volvieran A Encontrar & Seria En La Boda De Symon, Ya Que Ese Ultimo Se Estaría Casando Con Mildred. Cada Uno Iría Llegando Para Reencontrarse Con La Familia & Conocer A La Futura Cuñada. La Primera Seria Emily Quien Se Había Convertido En Una Diseñadora De Fama Mundial Quien Tuvo Que Fingir Se Una Descendiente De Si Misma Para Que Nadie Sospechara De Su Inmortalidad, Fingiendo Sus Muertes Por Asesinato, Enfermedad O Vejes. El Siguiente Seria La Otra Mitad De Symon, Zuritan, Quien Seria Parte De La URSS & Posteriormente Un Opositor Al Comunismo Luego Del Estrés Post-Traumático Que Le Genero La 2da Gran Guerra, En Ese Acontecimiento Mundial se Reencontró Con Symon Quien Está Del Lado Del 3er Reich, Causando Una Ruptura Fraternal Que Hasta Ahora No Han Podido Superar, Se Graduó Con Un Doctorado En Literatura Rusa & Es El Líder De La Mafia De Su Madre Patria. Y Por Último Walther Quien Era Un Genio Superdotado, Pero No Haría Provecho De Su Inteligencia Hasta Décadas Después, Era Un Monje Budista Quien Había Logrado La Iluminación En Menos De 20 Años, Escritor Del Mejor Manga El Cual Décadas Después Tendría Su Propia Adaptación Al Anime Llamado “CastleManiacs”. 
La Forma En La Que Fueron Reclutados Fue De Manera Muy Personal, Lucifer Mandaría A Su Amada Lilith A Llamarlos, Estos No Entendería El Porque Los Escogió & Por Qué Deberían Unirse A El, Es Ahí Donde Lucifer Les Revelaría Que Su Madre, Esta Viva. Aparte Les Promete Recuperar Transylvania Para Ellos A Cambio De Sus Servicios, Al Final Aceptaron. 
Es Así Que Llegamos A La Actualidad, PCO Se Volvió La Asociación O Sindicato Criminal Mas Poderosa & Rica De Todo El Mundo, Eran Los Dueños De Daten Town, Ellos Pensaron Que Nada Ni Nadie Los Iban A Detener. O Eso Creían...
El Universo De PAIN & Sus Personajes Son Propiedad De @crosoverlandstudios09
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raisedbyhorror · 9 months
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Why do so many of us love -- and even look forward to -- holiday horror films? Is it because we've always known there was something off about Santa? Maybe we'd rather scream than sing a carol, or boring feelgood Christmas films make us feel stabby?Or is it because the holidays are horrific all on their own?
In this special episode we talk about why people love holiday horror, especially us, and why we see holiday horror as much entertaining and enlightening as it can be a form of self-care. We've been looking forward to this show all month, we got all dressed up for you, and we handpicked a selection of films to keep you creeped out long after the creatures stop stirring. Enjoy!
Watch this episode on our Raised By Horror YouTube channel.
In this episode...
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RICHARD: Hosts, You Better Watch Out, A Christmas Horror Story
Richard's holiday horror book recs: Christmas and Other Horrors, Krampus The Yule Lord
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VIOLET: Rare Exports, Christmas Bloody Christmas, Violent Night
Check out Violet's extended Christmas Horror film list on Letterboxd.
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And we had to add: Anna and the Apocalypse
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Raised by Horror logo by Quirky Circe. Theme song: Tenebrous Brothers Carnival by Kevin MacLeod.
Find more of us at:
Richard Kadrey on Patreon
Violet Blue on Patreon
Scotland Symons on Patreon
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xrichukix · 2 years
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spoilertv · 3 months
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 5.25 (before 1960)
567 BC – Servius Tullius, the king of Rome, celebrates a triumph for his victory over the Etruscans. 240 BC – First recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. 1085 – Alfonso VI of Castile takes Toledo, Spain, back from the Moors. 1420 – Henry the Navigator is appointed governor of the Order of Christ. 1521 – The Diet of Worms ends when Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, issues the Edict of Worms, declaring Martin Luther an outlaw. 1644 – Ming general Wu Sangui forms an alliance with the invading Manchus and opens the gates of the Great Wall of China at Shanhaiguan pass, letting the Manchus through towards the capital Beijing. 1659 – Richard Cromwell resigns as Lord Protector of England following the restoration of the Long Parliament, beginning a second brief period of the republican government called the Commonwealth of England. 1660 – Charles II lands at Dover at the invitation of the Convention Parliament, which marks the end of the Cromwell-proclaimed Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland and begins the Restoration of the British monarchy. 1738 – A treaty between Pennsylvania and Maryland ends the Conojocular War with settlement of a boundary dispute and exchange of prisoners. 1763 – First issue of Norske Intelligenz-Seddeler, the first regular Norwegian newspaper (1763–1920). 1787 – After a delay of 11 days, the United States Constitutional Convention formally convenes in Philadelphia after a quorum of seven states is secured. 1798 – United Irishmen Rebellion: Battle of Carlow begins; executions of suspected rebels at Carnew and at Dunlavin Green take place. 1809 – Chuquisaca Revolution: Patriot revolt in Chuquisaca (modern-day Sucre) against the Spanish Empire, sparking the Latin American wars of independence. 1810 – May Revolution: Citizens of Buenos Aires expel Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros during the "May Week", starting the Argentine War of Independence. 1819 – The Argentine Constitution of 1819 is promulgated. 1833 – The Chilean Constitution of 1833 is promulgated. 1865 – In Mobile, Alabama, around 300 people are killed when an ordnance depot explodes. 1878 – Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera H.M.S. Pinafore opens at the Opera Comique in London. 1895 – Playwright, poet and novelist Oscar Wilde is convicted of "committing acts of gross indecency with other male persons" and sentenced to serve two years in prison. 1895 – The Republic of Formosa is formed, with Tang Jingsong as its president. 1914 – The House of Commons of the United Kingdom passes the Home Rule Bill for devolution in Ireland. 1925 – Scopes Trial: John T. Scopes is indicted for teaching human evolution in Tennessee. 1926 – Sholom Schwartzbard assassinates Symon Petliura, the head of the government of the Ukrainian People's Republic, which is in government-in-exile in Paris. 1933 – The Walt Disney Company cartoon Three Little Pigs premieres at Radio City Music Hall, featuring the hit song "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" 1935 – Jesse Owens of Ohio State University breaks three world records and ties a fourth at the Big Ten Conference Track and Field Championships in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1938 – Spanish Civil War: The bombing of Alicante kills 313 people. 1940 – World War II: The German 2nd Panzer Division captures the port of Boulogne-sur-Mer; the surrender of the last French and British troops marks the end of the Battle of Boulogne. 1946 – The parliament of Transjordan makes Abdullah I of Jordan their Emir. 1953 – Nuclear weapons testing: At the Nevada Test Site, the United States conducts its first and only nuclear artillery test. 1953 – The first public television station in the United States officially begins broadcasting as KUHT from the campus of the University of Houston. 1955 – First ascent of Mount Kangchenjunga: On the British Kangchenjunga expedition led by Charles Evans, Joe Brown and George Band reach the summit of the third-highest mountain in the world (8,586 meters); Norman Hardie and Tony Streather join them the following day.
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