#reuse n95 mask
verdanturfwind · 7 months
Everyone should wear a mask to protect others and that's something I wholeheartedly agree with, but to say people who stopped wearing masks these past couple years eugenicists and lazy is disingenuous. Laziness is not the root of the issue here. The issue is that N95s - the main mask that protects people - are expensive and rare as hell! Stores have just straight up stopped selling them, and people have to spend loads of money to keep others safe. And no, most people can't just stay home - we're living in an economic crisis where people need to work and build community to survive.
Capitalism is, once again, the problem. Absolutely mask up in the best way you can, whether that's buying expensive N95s or even just a few handmade reusable cloth masks. Protect your community and neighbors. But don't blame said neighbors in the process. Focus on supporting endeavors that provide people free masks!
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thefirsthogokage · 1 year
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[Image ID: Post from @RealGayArbys on Twitter from September 1st, 2023 that reads:
Lots of people still don't know it's possible to safely reuse N95 masks. Here's the method I use (paper bag method). You can write the dates on the bags to keep track of when they've been worn.
The image below that reads:
Safely Reusing N95 Masks
Wear Mask A on Day 1
On Day 2, use Mask B. Place Mask A in a labeled paper bag.
Store the closed bag at room temperature for 4 days.
Reuse Mask A on Day 5.
Repeat. Discard the mask if soiled or damaged.
Below that it shows four brown bags, marked as follows, left to right:
Mask A: Day 1, Day 5
Mask B: Day 2, Day 6
Mask C: Day 3, Day 7
Mask D: Day 4, Day 8
/End ID]
Also, FYI, after we open a new mask, we are apparently supposed to let them sit open for a while so we don't intake those chemicals that smell bad. I can't remember if it was 30 minutes or 24 hours. I tried to ask someone somewhere, but I didn't get a response.
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lrt the key thing to remember about covid is that it isn't magic. It has to get in you first before it can infect you, and you have to have a certain amount of viral load before it can take over (it doesn't take much anymore, but it still has to reach that threshold).
The key to being able to do fun, indoor things is to find an n95 or higher respirator, test to make sure it fits you without leakage, and then do not take off your mask. ever.
This is where it gets people. I hear tons of stories from people who caught Covid even though they masked, and it almost always turns out they took it off for one reason or another.
"Hungry or thirsty?" Eat and hydrate beforehand or plan to stay until you get hungry. If you have a medical condition where you have to eat or take meds while you're out, find a place outside and bring multiple masks so you can put on a fresh one when you're done. For thirst, they actually make something for this. Do not take off the mask.
"What if we wanna take a selfie?" Take them beforehand or keep the masks on. Do not take off the mask.
"What about air breaks?" No air breaks. If you can't tolerate being in a mask for long periods, you cannot safely go to long events. Do not take off the mask.
Respirators have a seal. When you break the seal by taking it off, they do not work as effectively. The seal can also break after a certain amount of use, which changes depending on how many other people are masking around you. I used to have a diagram showing how long each masks last in different situations, but I sadly cannot find it so I won't say a specific time since I can't confirm it, but this is essentially why if I'm going to attempt something riskier, I wear a p100 because those are good for 8hrs before you have to change the filter, and anything that I go to indoors won't be more than 3hrs (simply because I'm old and I ain't staying out longer than that lol)
I really appreciate that op made a psa, because the point of that post I think a lot of people are missing is that we need to be in full pandemic mode specifically because of the wave. But the problem with writing Covid things in a sensational kind of way is that it makes mitigation seem like an impossible task that requires monk like sacrifice, and that makes people immediately shut down. It's not, even in a huge wave like this. Will you have to change your routine and behaviors, and some of those changes might be inconvenient? Absolutely. But they will never be impossible. It's important to remember that adaptation isn't sacrifice. You're not "giving up" anything. You're still gonna be able to have your social needs met, you'll just be doing it in a different way for awhile.
If you want to hang out with a small group of friends at their/your house, and it's too cold to be outside or you just don't want to, the safest way to do it is universal masking, full vaccinations, testing multiple times beforehand, and using at least one air purifier that filters up to 0.1-0.5 µm in the room you'll be gathering in. This can be done diy with a Corsi-Rosenthal box if you need something cheaper! Air filters suck in viruses faster than people can breathe them in, so the risk of getting covid would be incredibly low in this situation (but never zero). If you want to share a meal, know that taking off the masks will increase the risk, but at least let the purifer run at the highest setting tolerable for an hour before doing so
If you can't afford to stop reusing your N95s, I recommend either locating a mask bloc near you and ask for some mask donations, or buy an elastomeric n95 like this one. There are many to choose from and while they are more expensive, they're reusable, with the filter only needing to be changed after 8 hours (or sooner if in a big crowd)
Some people are currently inventing portable air-purifiers you can pair with masks, and you can 3-D print them!
You're at work/the dentist/some other situation where you absolutely can't go outside in a non-crowded space, and you need to take down your mask? Nasal sprays like this one can be a good extra layer of protection for these situations. You can always, like with most viruses, rinse out your nose after being in public and rinse your mouth with CPC mouthwash for even more extra layers of protection.
One of the frustrations I have with the current Covid advocacy is that it's still largely focused on near-total abstinence, which has never been and never will be an effective education tool. I prefer taking a cue from AIDS advocacy and focus on education and providing resources. Of course, staying home is the only way to stay 100% safe, and you should choose contactless options whenever you can as long as the pandemic is still going. But isolation is becoming less and less realistic for most people and I want to still show them that you can stay safe even if you can't stay home.
Covid is not an impossible task. It's not magic. You do not need to catch that wave. These are imperative facts we as a collective have to internalize if we want out of this pandemic. You are not helpless. We've had airborne viruses for years and years, and we've known how to protect ourselves from them as well. We've known how to protect from Covid, specifically, for years. The only reason it's gotten this bad and is still a pandemic is because our governments benefit more from the masses being sick and needing resources, full stop. Like climate change, we have the tools to beat this virus back at any point. Because of this, even in this huge wave, there is no reason you have to only exist online. There are ways you can see your friends safely.
All people like OP are saying is that, at least until this wave improves, you should do that without going to the bars, clubs, restaurants, concert venues, etc. Because it's not only extremely unsafe for you, but it's putting other people in danger too.
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rathockey · 3 months
Have some COVID resources!! I recently started looking into the current state of COVID when I saw that cases were surging again and realized I was pretty uninformed about the current state of things, so I figure other people might be too.
So I‘m linking a few resources I‘ve bookmarked that has some good info about COVID and how to protect yourself and others.
Few things that stuck out to me:
1. We should all be masking at the very least indoors and in crowded outdoor settings (like concerts/festivals/etc)! PLEASE please mask if you are able to. N95/KN95 if you can! Surgical masks and cloth masks are better than nothing, but really try to get the respirator masks. You can reuse them as long as they don‘t get wet or crumpled.
2. The vaccine helps with severity but is actually not that great at preventing infection. Another good reason to be masking up - reducing the viral load you get exposed to helps the vaccine out.
3. Advocate for air purifiers in indoor spaces. We should be breathing clean air!
4. All COVID infections are severe or should be treated as such- ‚mild‘ cases included. Any infection is going to do damage to your body, and repeated infections increase your risk of Long COVID.
5. If you get COVID and you are able to, REST! Mind and body. This will go a long way to preventing long COVID. I know not everyone is in a position that they can do this, but take whatever time you can and let your body rest and heal.
And here are the resources I‘ve found:
This has a great PDF with a lot of good info and sources for all of it, as well as a small zine version you can hand out - https://linktr.ee/act_up_mask_up
This is a map with wastewater data, so you can see how things are trending nationwide (US only sorry!) and in various regions. Check and see if your state or city has its own tracker as well - I know Chicago does.
And here is a site that provides information to some questions/statements people say in attempts to get people to „move past“ COVID. This also has a lot of good information about the current state of COVID.
In conclusion (because this is a middle school paper now i guess)
Get the boosters! There are new vaccines being developed that will hopefully help us stay ahead of these variants that keep evolving, but the best way to help those are to mask! Less infections mean less variants :)
AND ADVOCATE FOR BETTER COVID PROTECTIONS AND PROTOCOLS!!! We can only do so much as individuals, we have to lobby for governmental and systemic changes.
Also pls reblog this (and feel free to add your own resources! especially if you have resources for non-usamericans, mine are all pretty US focused unfortunately)
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aropride · 2 months
saw ur recommendation for 3m aura n95s 👀👀 any advice on where to get them from? heading back 2 school in a few weeks and wanna stock up — tysm !!!!!
ok so!! my first recommendation is to see if there is a mask block near you, in my area it was CRANE (covid resistance action northeast), they're having trouble stocking and filling orders rn so mine took ~a month to arrive but the time would've passed anyway as they say . if ur in a more urban area ur a lot more likely to have one near u tbh, idk if it'd work but it'd be worth reaching out to the closest one even if they're not technically working in ur exact area just to see . here's a map of mask blocs worldwide- they're mostly in america (continent - but mostly in the US+canada) & europe (mostly in great britian) but there are some others too
otherwise the safest way to get some that are 100% not counterfeit is ordering directly from a supplier, but that can be expensive . project n95 is inactive now but theres still a list of suppliers there !! 3m is really good from experience . u can also get n95s/kn95s/p100 respirators from home depot if u have one near u- however the supplyaid kn95s they sell arent very good, i had them and theyre better than nothing but they only have a 67% filtration rate (as opposed to the 95% expected from n95s and kn95s - thats what the 95 stands for i was mindblown when i discovered this)
also while im thinking about it, part of the reason n95s are more protective than kn95s despite both filtering 95% of particles is bc the seal on the n95 is a lot more reliable than the kn95 :}
me personally ive been getting mine from amazon (not recommended) (i have gift cards there so im not giving them My money at least) and trying my best to make sure they're legit . i referenced the 3m n95 1870s i got using this twitter thread and they seem to be legit? on amazon it also usually says where it ships from and check the storefront, the reviews etc etc. i basically have to do an entire vetting process every time its very annoying ❤️ it is a lot less expensive though, especially if they have a sale going . (here are the ones ive been getting- the listings look the same as of rn but amazon changes them all the time so take this with a grain of salt, person i imagined reading this in 2027. link 1, link 2)
ive tried the holy trinity (new term i made up for the 3m n95 1870 (red straps), 3m n95 9205 (blue straps), and 3m n95 9210 (braided white straps)) -- ime the 9210 definitely has the tightest head straps and i have an abnormally small head on account of being 3 inches tall and born in a thimble all alone . so thats something to be aware of, if u have an abnormally big head the 3m auras might not be the best bc of the strap tightness .
SORRY I'M LIKE INFODUMPING AT U NOW ..!! i have more though . If you know anyone irl who masks asking them where they get theirs might help, they might know stuff locally. ALSO speaking of knowing stuff locally- i don't know if this is universal but i have a friend who's getting really into asian cuisine and a lot of asian grocery stores ive been to with her in my area have had masks. that's such a long shot but ive seen them five out of six stores ive gone to and never at, like, hannaford or market basket or whatever.
OKAY ONE MORE THING . when i got my free masks from crane (SHOUTOUT CRANE I LOVE YOU CRANE) they also sent a thing abt how to reuse them that i will add !! they can be used for like 40 hours if theyre not visibly dirty or the straps dont break or anything
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okay i am done infodumping now SORRY THIS IS SO LONG..!!! tldr: local mask bloc if it's an option is definitely the least expensive, project n95 compiled a bunch of links to buy from suppliers, home depot/other hardware stores are worth a shot, and amazon's an option especially if you're like me (poor but have money stuck in amazon gift cards) 🫡
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chronicbitchsyndrome · 5 months
i know cloth masks don't protect the wearer, but does wearing one protect others? I'd much prefer to wear reusable cloth masks, donate N95s to someone immunocompromised, and only wear them when I'm actively sick, rather than wear a disposable mask every day while barely anyone else is doing so (but I also don't want to base my actions on wishful thinking)
cloth masks are better than nothing at protecting others from your respiratory droplets, but are not nearly as effective as a kn94 or n95--they're on a similar level to surgical masks. their fit can only be so good, and they cap out at a pretty high particle size (they're not doing much to block microns, either in or out). they also get wet from breathing pretty easily, because they sit directly on your nose/mouth, which reduces their efficacy.
i will say: you can absolutely rewear n95s. they're disposable, and best practice in health care settings and settings with intense environmental contagions (something like an active workshop where you're breathing in heavy metal fumes) is to dispose of them after one use. however, in theory, n95s can be reused indefinitely. they don't lose efficacy with use time in a vacuum.
the main reason an n95 loses efficacy is due to wear and tear: the straps losing elasticity and not sealing effectively, the mask becoming misshapen and squashed, building up dampness over time (getting them wet does dampen their electrostatic field, which causes them to lose efficacy), etc. typically, i find that i have to replace mine after about 30-40 hours of use, on average; because i don't leave the house much, this means one mask can sometimes last me months. usually they last at least a couple of weeks.
you can tell when an n95 needs to be replaced by 1) its shape, is it still sealing to your face and passing quick-and-dirty seal checks? (hold the wire nose bridge down gently with both hands and exhale heavily; if it still seals well, there shouldn't be any noticeable air streams coming out the sides/bottom of the mask) 2) its texture, if it's gone "soft" and limp, it's probably not working as well anymore.
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noirhimbo · 6 months
Amazon is having a sale for N95 masks right now, and you can currently get a box of 400+ N95's for 60 dollars. This is really great, and if you can invest in 60 dollars right now I heavily encourage you to do so. It's linked for easy access. N95's are significantly better than KN95's and blue surgicals, but because of that they are also generally expensive. If you are a part of an org, think about purchasing these to share with the community you serve. N95's like this are disposable but can be reused until the straps break off. If you need financial support to purchase these, repost with your cash app, etc. and I'll share to the best of my ability.
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timeoverload · 9 months
Most of my day was alright. I woke up late again but somehow I still got ready on time. It was so hard to get out of bed but I did it. I'm still so happy my boss is back at work and we spent most of the morning chatting about random stuff so that was nice. She's a tough lady and I admire her a lot.
I also found out today that 2 of my co-workers have gotten in car accidents the past week. My friend who used to work in my department got hit while she was driving home with her grandson last weekend and her car is totaled. They are both ok but she is pretty bruised up and she had to go to the hospital after the accident. I feel so bad for her and I talked to her for a while. The evening team lead was on his way to work and he got rear ended by some lady who was driving too fast and hit a patch of ice when he was sitting at the stop light. I know he is ok so that's good. I haven't heard much else since he couldn't come to work today but that's totally understandable. I know how much car accidents suck and I hope I never have another one. I think that's why I get so paranoid about driving in the snow.
I had to stay late and do his job and I wasn't expecting to have to do that today. The lady who works the night shift also called in sick. I'm glad I didn't have eye cases this afternoon otherwise I would probably still be there right now. I don't think I was in the right state of mind to be in charge. I was just acting stupid but I am so exhausted that I have been getting frustrated so easily. I know I shouldn't act like that because I don't want to bother anyone. It's hard to internalize things sometimes when I'm so burned out. I just can't handle having a lead position because it's too stressful. I would like to set a better example so I'm a little disappointed in myself. I guess I will try harder next time.
I'm so glad that Thursday is the only day I have to work next week. I got my time off requests approved finally. I haven't entered my PTO time for Christmas yet so technically I shouldn't have gotten both those days off but I'm not going to complain. I need to stay away from there for a while.
I have to be at work around 6am tomorrow, maybe earlier if I can get up on time. I have to help run BD tests and make sure everything is set up for the day. I haven't had to go in that early for a while. I guess it could be worse. I remember having to go in at 4am during the worst part of the pandemic and having to sterilize N95 masks for all of the nurses, surgical techs, and doctors with a big UV sterilizer. We had to do that because we didn't have enough masks so they had to reuse theirs. It was so gross and that sterilizer was dangerous. I was afraid I was going to accidentally blind myself. There weren't enough of those masks for the people in our department though so we all got covid eventually. I also was the first person there in the morning so I had to wipe down everything and mop the floor with a strong cleaner that made me nauseous. Things have changed and the cleaning duties are split up now so I'm not responsible for everything. That was a bad time in my life and I'm glad I never have to do that again.
I am so tired and I should probably make something to eat and get ready for bed. I don't want to wake up late again. My back also hurts and I need to lay down. I need to hook my computer back up to the tv too because I forgot how much it hurts my back to use my lap desk for my computer and it's annoying. I just want to be comfortable but sometimes it feels impossible. I know I complain a lot but I will be ok.
It would be nice if I could get off work a little early tomorrow since I have to go in at 6 but I'm not sure if that will happen. I am going to try though. I'm going to do my best to make it a good day.
I hope everyone else has a good day tomorrow too!!! 💖💖💖
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trendspotter-123 · 1 year
Will Mask Mandates Come Back: A Critical Concern
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Remember back in spring 2020, when severe personal protective equipment shortages plagued hospitals across the country? Healthcare providers on the frontlines reused dirty masks or tried cleansing them with solar power as they posted heartbreaking photos of their faces nearly bruised from the pressure of wearing an N95 for hours on end. Some who expected they would be infected even rented out separate apartments to keep their own families safe from contamination.
Eventually, global supply chains beefed up the production of masks and other protective gear, vaccines were developed and released, which combined with natural immunity massively reduced the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths. In May 2023, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) rolled back some of its transmission prevention rules, recommending hospitals reinstate mask mandates as community transmission rises, but ultimately leaving it up to individual hospitals to decide when and how that process unravels while also removing universal testing requirements for patients and hospital staff.
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howardboggs · 1 year
Unveiling the Science and Selection of Mask Filters for Optimal Protection
In an era where respiratory health has gained paramount importance, the utilization of face masks as a protective measure has become ubiquitous. While the primary purpose of masks is to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets, the efficacy of masks can be significantly enhanced through the integration of mask filters. These filter mechanisms serve as an additional barrier, trapping particles and airborne contaminants, thereby providing an extra layer of protection. This article delves into the science behind mask filters and offers insights into selecting the most suitable filter for optimal protection.
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Understanding Mask Filters
Mask filters are essential components that enhance the efficiency of face masks by capturing tiny particles, allergens, and pollutants present in the air. They are typically made from materials like polypropylene, microfiber, or other similar materials. These filters work through intricate processes like mechanical filtration, electrostatic attraction, and diffusion.
Types of Mask Filters
Mechanical Filters: These filters function much like a sieve, physically trapping particles as air passes through the material. The size of the pores determines the range of particles captured. N95 respirators are a prime example of masks that utilize mechanical filtration to capture particles as small as 0.3 microns in diameter.
Electrostatic Filters: These filters employ the principle of electrostatic attraction, where particles are drawn to the filter due to static charges. This type of filtration is highly effective against particles of various sizes, including those smaller than 0.3 microns. Electrostatic filters are commonly found in N95 and certain cloth masks with added filter layers.
Activated Carbon Filters: These specialized filters contain activated carbon, which absorbs gases, odors, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in the air. They are particularly useful in environments with high levels of pollutants or strong odors.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Mask Filters
Filtration Efficiency: The primary consideration is the filter's ability to capture particles of different sizes. Look for filters with a high filtration efficiency rating, especially if you are in a high-risk environment.
Breathability: While efficient filtration is crucial, the filter should not hinder your ability to breathe comfortably. Strike a balance between filtration and breathability, as a highly restrictive filter may make wearing the mask for extended periods challenging.
Mask Type Compatibility: Different masks have varying designs and sizes of filter pockets. Ensure the filter you choose fits snugly and securely within the mask's designated filter pocket.
Activity Level: Your level of physical activity and the environment in which you'll wear the mask matter. For strenuous activities, prioritize breathability, whereas in highly polluted areas, consider filters with activated carbon.
Disposable vs. Reusable: Some filters are designed for single-use, while others can be reused after cleaning or replacing. Consider the sustainability aspect when choosing between disposable and reusable filters.
Maintaining and Replacing Filters
To ensure the continued efficacy of mask filters, it's crucial to follow proper maintenance guidelines. Disposable filters should be replaced as recommended by the manufacturer, while reusable filters need regular cleaning or replacement to prevent contamination and reduced filtration efficiency.
As the world continues to navigate the challenges posed by airborne pathogens and pollutants, the importance of mask filters in safeguarding respiratory health cannot be overstated. The science behind mask filters reveals their intricate mechanisms that protect individuals from microscopic particles and harmful substances. When selecting mask filters, factors such as filtration efficiency, breathability, and compatibility with mask types should be carefully considered. By making informed choices and adhering to maintenance guidelines, we can harness the power of mask filters to enhance our protection and breathe a little easier in an increasingly complex world.
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informationalblogs · 1 year
Infection Control Products To Support Your Healthy Life
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Face Mask is a barrier to help prevent contaminated respiratory droplets from entering the body. Studies show that wearing face masks over the nose and mouth reduces the spread of contaminated respiratory droplets. Hence in the current pandemic situation, it is necessary to wear a mask while you go outside, even if you do not feel sick. It is especially important to wear a mask when you are indoors with people you do not live with because the virus spreads mainly among people who are in close contact with one another.
There are different types of facemask available both at online and offline markets. But do you think all of those cater the same protection? Of course not.
Not only the quality of the mask matters but also the way of wearing it make real results. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it became impossible for most businesses to procure Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) for those who needed it, especially our healthcare and essential service workers. Many of them would go through the risk of reusing these lifesaving supplies and had to compromise on the quality of the product due to unavailability. Therefore, Oman-based Al Farsi Medical Supplies, started manufacturing surgical masks and commercial production of healthcare N95 particulate respirators and tie-on type surgical masks under the brand name TRUSTA. We just started building our own manufacturing facility for surgical face masks and healthcare respirators to accommodate the national demand for surgical masks and N95 respirators.
And we are now a premier healthcare group in Oman producing high-quality infection control products that protect people from infection spreading viruses.
Al Farsi Medical Supplies are the recognized leaders in Oman for Infection Control Products. We offer a complete solution for Hand Hygiene, Surface Disinfection, Air Sterilization, Area Decontamination, Instrument Sterilization, Sterilization Monitoring, and Covid-19 Prevention Equipments to support a healthy life all over Oman. We provide high-quality infection control products from Trusta to protect yourself from coronavirus and all other types of viruses.
Visit our website or contact us today for more details regarding Trusta Infection Control Products.
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garmentappareldony · 2 years
How to Choose the Best Cloth Face Mask
Is Cloth Face Mask A Myth?
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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is recommended to wear cloth masks in public places where social distancing is challenging to maintain. Moreover, the CDC also talked about how the cloth mask prevents function from the spread of coronavirus.
The cloth mask is not a recent invention exclusively for covid, but it has been around since the beginning of the 20th century. Medical personnel use fabric masks to prevent the spread of respiratory infections, diphtheria, and scarlet fever. 
With cotton, gauze, or fabrics, medical staff can wear these masks for several hours and reuse them repeatedly. It was only in the mid-20th century that cloth masks were significantly reduced when disposable medical masks were made.
According to the CDC, in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic raging worldwide, the cloth mask acts as a source of disease prevention sources for both sides.
For the person wearing the mask, the cloth helps to retain the wearer’s virus particle from falling to the person next to them. 
At the same time, it also helps to prevent the virus particles splashing from the other person from direct contact with the masked person’s nose and mouth.
Numerous studies show that masks reduce the risk of viral transmission by more than 70% under different circumstances. One study found that using a mask prevented the transmission of the virus from two infected hairdressers to 67 clients. 
In some cases, when officials asked people to wear masks, infections and deaths were significantly reduced.
Therefore, whether it is surgical masks or cloth masks, they all serve the same purpose – protect the wearers and surroundings from infection. Although cloth mask is not as highly affected as the N95 and medical mask, they still have several benefits in this situation.
Seemore: https://garment.dony.vn/how-to-choose-the-best-cloth-face-mask/
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N95 Respirator Mask Types: Basic Information
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The N95 series is the most widely used particulate respirator masks and meets all US government standards. NIOSH – the National Institiute for Occupational Safety and Health - tests face masks to reduce airborne contaminates. NIOSH has nine approval classes: N95, N99 and N100; R95, N99 and R100; P95, N99 and R100; P99, P95, N99 and P100. These approvals are arranged by oil compatibility or filter efficiency.
This letter indicates how the filter performs in environments that are exposed to oil aerosols.
9205+ & N100. These filters should not be used with oil aerosols. These filters should only be used in areas that are exposed to particulates that do not contain oil. The n-respirators can often be reused several times.
R95, R99, & R100. These filters are oil-resistant. These respirators can be used in environments containing particulates, liquids and oil-based hazards. These masks are only for one time.
P95, P99, & P100. These filters are oil-proof. These respirators are safe to use in environments containing hazardous particulates. The time limitations for p-respirators apply.
The filter efficiency number is the percentage of airborne particles that were removed during testing. It can be either 95%, 99.9%, or 100%. A respirator that has been approved by NIOSH will be stamped with a class stamp.
NIOSH approved masks come in different sizes. It is important to have a properly fitting mask. These are the steps to follow when fitting an N95 or particulate respirator (or other mask):
1. The mask (respirator) should be pressed against your face, with the outside nosepiece at the bridge.
2. Place the top headband above your ears by stretching it. Place the bottom headband below your ears and stretch it over your head.
3. Use both your hands to mold the nosepiece from metal to your nose.
4. Place your hands on the respirator, and inhale. If you feel air circling your nose, tighten the nosepiece. If there is air around the edges of your respirator, adjust the headbands and test again until no more air escapes.
It is recommended that you consult with an experienced industrial safety professional to assess your environment before choosing the correct mask.
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nedsecondline · 2 years
Study on masks vs N95 respirators for health workers spurs concerns | CIDRAP
Study on masks vs N95 respirators for health workers spurs concerns | CIDRAP
Vaccination is important, Brosseau added, but no vaccine is 100% effective. Fit-tested N95 FFRs add another layer of protection, are superior to masks, protect wearers for much longer, and can be reused for a day or more, depending on the HCW’s patient contact. Source: Study on masks vs N95 respirators for health workers spurs concerns | CIDRAP
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rpcomtrade · 2 years
Should Personal Protective Equipment Be Reused
Table of content
Purpose of PPE
Types of PPE
 Skin protection
 Eye protection
Hearing protection 
Hand protection
Should you reuse PPE?
How to reuse PPE?
Advantages of reusable PPE
When is it unacceptable to reuse PPE?
Safety is an essential part of our lives and we need to safeguard ourselves in every path of life. For certain situations and work spaces, PPE kits are mandatory. But what is PPE?
The protective equipment protects the wearer from physical, electrical, heat, chemicals, biohazards, and airborne particulate matter. Personal protective equipment is worn for sports and other recreational activities. PPE suits look similar to cleanroom suits. 
Purpose of PPE
The employee should use PPE kits to reduce employee exposure to hazards when engineering controls or administrative controls are not practical or effective to reduce the risks to acceptable levels. If there is a presence of a hazard, there should be a presence of PPE. 
The injuries that can happen in the workplace may affect several parts of the body that includes- 
Lungs- from breathing contaminated air 
Head and feet- from falling materials 
Eyes- from flying particles or splash of corrosive chemicals
Skin- from contact with corrosive materials
Body- from extremes of heat or cold 
The personal protective equipment includes safety products and safety jackets. Gloves, masks, gowns, aprons, etc are some types of personal protective equipment. PPE is the short form for personal protective equipment.
With personal protective equipment, you can completely trust RP Comtrade. They make sure that the products manufactured are of high quality.
First used in World War I, PPE came in the form of respirators. They allowed the troops to escape the effects of harmful toxins and gas. PPE also dates back to the middle ages when blacksmiths would wear protective aprons and hand gear. In order to prevent burns or equipment falling on them.
Historically, soldiers, workers, and miners wore headgear and hard hats, which are still in use today. Welders and construction workers first used eye protectors. The origin of gloves dates back to the eighth century BC, when Homer’s Odyssey, a well-known poet, describes Laertes using gloves to protect his hands from thorns while working in the garden. 
Currently, protective wear includes clothing, footwear, goggles, and other garments designed to protect an individual from an injury that may occur in an industry.
Types of PPE
Respirators help users to protect themselves from breathing contaminants present in the air. One type of respirator filters out chemicals and gasses, or airborne particles, from the air, breathed by the user. Gas masks and particulate respirators like N95 masks are examples of these respirators. The second kind of respirator protects users by providing clean and respirable air from another source. During the covid situation, masks have been a must. Hence, certain types of respirators are very much in demand now. 
Skin protection 
Our skin needs utmost care because it is very sensitive. Hence, we need to protect our skin from occupational skin diseases such as allergies, dermatitis, skin cancers, etc. There are four types of skin hazards: chemical agents, physical agents, mechanical trauma, and biological agents. The term “skin protection” refers to all PPE that prevents the skin from coming into contact with any of these agents of exposure. Hands are the most important part of our work, so we should protect them with gloves. To protect ourselves from future injuries or accidents, we should also wear jackets, boots, coats, and other clothing or equipment that protects the skin. Depending on the application, gloves might consist of rubber gloves, cut-resistant gloves, or chainsaw gloves.
Eye protection 
Every day people are at risk of injuring their eyes due to some chemical or harmful radiation or excessive heat. These injuries stay with the individual lifelong and prove to be harmful. Most eye injuries occur when solid particles like silver particles, metal chips, wood chips, or cement chips get into the eye. These tiny particles look tiny but may harm the eyes by giving major injuries. Apart from that, chemical burns, biological agents, and thermal agents from sources such as welding torches and UV lights can also contribute to eye accidents.
Hearing protection
The people who work in an environment with high noise levels. Here, it is necessary to consider hearing protection. A comfortable earphone is easier to wear than an earmuff. Earplugs are also more secure and are easy to remove than earmuffs. The high noise environment could damage the hearing ability of the workers. In adverse conditions, there can be hearing loss.
Hand protection
Hands are the body that is most vulnerable to injury and can spread infection. The worker should select hand protection according to their needs and according to the industry they work in. Different applications of the hand protection equipment are as follows:
Protection against cuts from sharp objects.
Protects from cold and heat.
Protection from bacteriological risks.
Protects from splashes of diluted chemicals.
Protection against vibrations.
Whatever the type of PPE used it won’t ensure complete protection unless it perfectly fits the worker. RP Comtrade is a company that provides a wide range of PPE. The company manufactures gowns, aprons, gloves, safety jackets, and many more personal protective equipment. Moreover, the company provides all these PPE in different sizes.
Should you reuse PPE?
The question of whether a PPE kit can be reused varies for different situations. There are certain places where reusing PPE kits can be dangerous, whereas there are places where one can use it as many times as possible. In general, personal protective equipment is designed to be used only once and by a single person. The wearer must dispose of it after single use in a proper manner. However, there are a few exceptions. These exceptional products should be reused by following the guidelines of the manufacturer.  We will be mentioning it in points so that you can understand it easily. 
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Hospitals, laboratories, and other healthcare establishments
The PPE kits used in this section need to be changed almost every day due to the contraction of harmful germs and viruses that may stick to the equipment. Especially during the covid virus situation, doctors and other healthcare workers need to keep this in mind. However, if the proper procedure of decontamination is followed there is some equipment such as goggles that can be reused.
 Just in case, the PPE becomes contaminated by infectious material. The wearer should remove it immediately. Although, PPE is to protect us from various infections improper disposal and removal can be dangerous. 
Chemical industries
Harmful chemicals that may stick on to the gloves need to be changed regularly. Because they may carry harmful radiations that can cause various skin diseases. 
Welding industries
Welders do not have to change their PPE kits as long as they are in good working condition. If there is a single hole or tear, it may harm the body in a greater way. Hence, the welders need to make sure that they wear PPE kits of high quality that are long-lasting and strong. 
Gardening and other minor work
Small works like gardening, plumbing, and electrician work need equipment. But they can be used for as long as the wearer would like to wear them with the only exception that it gets damaged or torn. 
How to reuse PPE?
However, it is not recommended to reuse the PPE but there are some which can be reused if properly decontaminated.
Masks and N95 Respirators
N95 respirators and masks can be reused until it becomes difficult to breathe through them. They can be reused till they are visibly soiled. The wearer should remove and store the masks or the respirators with care. Moreover, the wearer should perform hand hygiene before and after wearing the equipment.
The mask may be continuously worn until moist from respirations or visibly soiled.
Mask should be folded so that the outer surface is held inward. The mask can be folded and stored in a breathable container or a paper bag.
The respirator can be used for up to 8 hrs and be reused as long as you’re able to breathe easily and remain clean on the inside.
The wearer should store it in a clean paper bag or a breathable box.
Eye protection
Safety glasses and goggles are the equipment that can be reused.
 Cleaning of eye protection equipment:
The wearer should use a clean cloth and wipe the inside of the face shield or goggles. The person should use a neutral detergent to clean the equipment.
The wearer should wipe the outside of the goggles or the face shield with alcohol or clean water.
The worker should air dry the equipment or use a clean absorbent towel.
After the removal of gloves, perform hand hygiene.
The wearers should reuse plastic and paper gowns until they are not visibly soiled. The other equipment is disposable coveralls, disposable lab coats, and patient gowns. 
Steps to remove a gown for reuse
Wear clean gloves for the removal of the gown. Untie the gown and remove it by pulling forward. The wearer should hang the gown in an open area. Furthermore, The wearer should avoid any contact of the gown with the other garments.
Along with following all the decontamination procedures, one should remember that the equipment can only be reused according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
Advantages of reusable PPE
During the coronavirus pandemic, there was so much shortage of personal protective equipment. The use of reusable PPE overcomes the shortage of PPE. The health of healthcare professionals is at risk at times when there is a shortage of PPE. The COVID-19 pandemic made us understand our dangerous and unnecessary reliance on disposable PPE. This made us understand the need to focus on reusable options.
Although, reusable PPE would likely cost more than disposable PPE. However, the institution doesn’t have to spend large amounts daily on disposable equipment. Furthermore, reusable PPE reduces solid waste generation, greenhouse gas emissions, as well as natural resource energy consumption. Moreover, the use of reusable PPE is of great advantage to our environment. However, people should properly test and sterilize reusable PPE. The sterilization is not an easy task. We should prioritize the implementation and development of reusable PPE. 
It’s High time the hospitals should take responsibility for the implementation of reusable PPE for the healthcare professionals as well as the patients.
When is it unacceptable to reuse PPE?
We talked about the ways we can reuse personal protective equipment. Furthermore, we read about the advantages of reusable PPE. However, there are some conditions the reusing the equipment should not place, as the reuse may lead to the risk of spreading the infection or disease.
Firstly, the wearer should be aware of whether the equipment is for single use or is reusable. There is a great risk in reusing single-use equipment, which may put the wearer at risk. The reason is that the used PPE has a chance of spreading infections. Some examples of simple use of PPE are :
Disposable respirators
Disposable ear plugs
Washing the disposable will not make it decontaminated. Therefore, it won’t ensure safety for the wearer. The equipment may become ineffective if washed, and the barrier capabilities may change, resulting in a potential safety risk.
You can always rely on RP Comtrade for providing safe and high-quality personal protective equipment. Moreover, the products at RP Comtrade are available at a reasonable price.
When it comes to protective equipment, taking risks by not wearing them would be a careless attitude. Hence, one has to use the equipment effectively and ensure that they are safe not just for themselves but for their entire family. The right place to buy PPE kits is another important factor to consider.
A company that provides the best quality safety products at reasonable prices is RP Comtrade which is working in the industry with many years of experience. Customer satisfaction is the company’s priority with these products. Furthermore, RP Comtrade will provide you with the best quality products that will keep you safe in the toughest and most extreme conditions.
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