#repairing Sash Window
parsonsjoinery · 9 months
Timber in Contemporary Architecture: A Versatile Design Element
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Timber, a timeless and versatile building material, has been a fundamental element in architecture for centuries. While modern construction has introduced various alternative materials, timber continues to play a significant role in contemporary architecture. Architects, designers, and homeowners are increasingly recognizing its unique qualities and sustainable characteristics. In this blog, we'll delve into the enduring appeal of timber in contemporary architecture, its versatile applications, and the latest statistics related to its usage.
1. The Timeless Elegance of Timber
Timber's timeless elegance remains a cornerstone of contemporary architecture. Its warm, natural aesthetics add a touch of sophistication and serenity to any structure. Wooden doors, in particular, offer a welcoming and classic charm to both residential and commercial spaces. When paired with well-crafted wooden windows, they create a harmonious blend of design and functionality.
Recent statistics show that the demand for wooden doors has seen a steady increase in the past decade, with more homeowners and businesses recognizing the enduring beauty and durability of timber. Moreover, timber windows, often requiring sash window repairs or a glass upgrade, have gained popularity as energy-efficient solutions.
2. Sustainable Building with Timber
Sustainability is a driving force in contemporary architecture, and timber is a frontrunner in this regard. As global concerns about environmental impact grow, the use of timber aligns with the principles of sustainability and eco-friendliness. Timber is a renewable resource that stores carbon dioxide, helping reduce the carbon footprint of buildings.
The latest statistics reveal a notable shift in the construction industry towards eco-friendly practices, with an increasing number of architects and builders opting for timber as a sustainable building material. In fact, timber's sustainability has made it a sought-after choice for wooden doors and windows, promoting responsible building practices.
3. Design Flexibility and Versatility
One of the defining characteristics of timber in contemporary architecture is its versatility. Timber can be manipulated and shaped to fit a wide range of architectural styles, from traditional to ultra-modern. Its adaptability allows architects to explore innovative designs while maintaining a natural and warm ambiance.
Wooden doors and windows, often considered focal points of a building, are no exception to this versatility. The latest trends indicate a growing demand for bespoke wooden doors and windows, where architects and homeowners can customize their designs to complement the overall aesthetic of the structure.
4. Thermal Efficiency and Insulation
Timber's natural insulating properties make it an excellent choice for enhancing a building's thermal efficiency. Timber doors and windows can contribute to lower energy consumption by minimizing heat transfer, keeping interiors cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. This results in reduced energy costs and a smaller environmental footprint.
Recent statistics on energy-efficient building materials reveal that homeowners are increasingly investing in wooden windows with wooden window glass upgrade options to improve insulation and reduce heating and cooling expenses. Additionally, older timber windows can be refurbished with sash window repairs to restore their energy-saving capabilities, further highlighting timber's durability.
5. Aesthetic Harmony with Nature
Timber's connection to nature is unparalleled. Its use in contemporary architecture establishes a harmonious relationship between the built environment and the natural world. The organic textures and earthy tones of timber create a sense of tranquility, promoting well-being and a connection to the outdoors.
Statistics related to biophilic design in architecture show a growing trend towards incorporating natural elements like timber to improve occupants' mental and physical health. Timber elements, such as wooden doors and windows, contribute to this trend, providing a bridge between the built environment and the natural world.
6. Longevity and Durability
Timber, when properly maintained, can last for generations. Its durability is one of its most compelling attributes. Timber doors and windows, if well cared for, can withstand the test of time, making them a sound investment in both residential and commercial properties.
The latest data on building materials longevity emphasizes the long-term value of timber, and its capacity to withstand the elements and the wear and tear of daily use. This aspect makes it a dependable choice for architectural elements like wooden doors, which are subjected to frequent opening and closing.
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imarksimon · 2 months
Expert Sash Window Repairs and Restoration in Coogee
Trust The Sash Window Doctor for professional sash window repairs and restoration services in Coogee! Our experienced team specializes in preserving the charm and functionality of your heritage windows with meticulous attention to detail. Call today on 0403 943 573.
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jennhoganillustration · 8 months
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Traditional Exterior - Tile Idea for a traditional, mid-sized two-story brick home with a tile roof.
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bossmaxfitness · 11 months
Details Presentation SashWise Ltd
We have been specialising in the repair, replacement and full restoration of timber box sash windows since 2006. We recognise the importance of timber sash windows to our architectural heritage, and we take great pride and pleasure in returning these historic features to their original beauty.
39 Popes Grove,Twickenham,TW1 4JW
0208 977 4627
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At Traditional Carpentry, we have extensive expertise in all wooden windows repairs from box sash windows to casement windows. Having any sash repair work carried out on your property can be stressful at times, so we aim to make the process straightforward to meet your needs. We pride ourselves on the quality of our sash window repair and restoration services.
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morticeseo · 2 years
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Buying and installing new windows can be a pricy and daunting experience, but it can also be incredibly gratifying, exciting, and impactful. So much needs to be considered when choosing the right windows, aesthetically they can make a massive difference to the overall look and feel of your home, they can add significant value to your property, and they also very practically protect the house against weather, drafts, dirt in addition to outside noises and providing security.
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aurevell · 9 months
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Returning the Favor Sterek | 5k | T
Stiles pays a nighttime visit to his boyfriend in secret, or so he thinks. Unfortunately, the Hale family has keener ears than he realizes.
It’s late when Derek hears the noise at the side of the house. A creak of siding that cuts through the backdrop of cricket song. Just one lone sound, but there’s something cautious about it. Probing.
He lowers the book he’s reading, but no other sounds follow. Derek has been lying sprawled across his bed, drowsy and warm and comfortable, sweatpant-clad legs resting against the wall—but now that he’s conscious of the sound, his focus sharpening, he thinks he’s been hearing quiet noises grow nearer for some time without quite comprehending them. A wild animal outside, maybe, creeping slowly around the foundation of the house. Something large enough that the mulch in the flower bed crunches beneath its weight.
It’s not often that a solitary animal grows bold enough to venture this close to a werewolf pack—the scent always scares them off first. They don’t even get raccoons out here, especially not with the cold this time of year. It could always be their cousin Warren, who’s always thought it funny to startle his relatives with unexpected visits in the dead of night. Or any one of the nasty things in Uncle Peter’s wild stories, supernatural things that creep into the house come dark.
Derek glances at the window, book still resting on his chest, but the house is still.
Maybe it’s gone. That’s just as well: he’s too comfortable to drag himself over to the window to look.
And then another sound comes, an unmistakable creak. Heavy weight settling into place.
Downstairs, his mother sighs. “What was that?” she demands, her voice faint with distance. She and his dad are likely out on the porch swing at this time of evening, even though it’s nearly winter, lunatics that they are. “If Laura and Cora are at it again—”
“I’m sure they aren’t, Tal,” Derek’s father replies, sounding amused. “You put the fear of god in them.”
Mom scoffs. “If we have to repair another door, it’s coming out of their pockets.”
“Not everything is my fault, Mom,” Cora mutters pointedly from down the hall. There’s heavy metal coming from the vicinity of Laura’s bedroom, just low enough to be blasting from her headphones, and she doesn’t pipe up to defend herself.
The thing hasn’t gone away. Metal squeaks a moment later, and then the scrabbling returns, punctuated by a thump and a muffled grunt.
Annoyed, Derek tosses the book aside and clambers to his feet, crossing over to the window. When he hoists up the sash, letting the night chill waft in, he peers down into the dark and finds that the source is worse than anything he could have imagined.
It’s his boyfriend, scaling the side of the house like some deranged cat burglar.
Stiles is hanging onto the drainpipe, having managed to hoist himself several feet off the ground. He’s leaning against the metal awning over the kitchen window, one foot atop the shutter and the other scrabbling for purchase against the siding. At the clatter of Derek’s opening window, he looks up, startled, and nearly loses his balance.
“What are you doing here?” Derek hisses.
“Just returning the favor.” With a moment to catch himself against the awning, Stiles gets his bearing and grins. “What? Don’t make that face. C’mon, you can show up at all hours of the night, but turnabout isn’t fair play?”
With that, he sticks his tongue between his teeth, which he sometimes does unconsciously when something demands his full attention. And the perilous task of climbing should get his full attention, given how often he stumbles when both of his feet are on the ground. God, Derek is about to witness his idiot boyfriend fall to his death or something.
Stiles heaves himself mostly onto the awning, clawing for purchase with a grunt. When he reaches for the window, he loses his grip, nearly sliding backward onto the grass; in a flash of panic, Derek grabs him by his shirt and yanks him forward.
“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” he demands, aware of their volume and even more aware of their audience.
The awning rattles as Stiles draws up his long legs to slip inside the window feet first, ducking under the sash. He’s panting a little as he pulls himself upright, though he bats his eyes sweetly in the face of Derek’s scowl. “Oh, please. I knew you’d catch me. ‘My hero,’ and all that.”
“Should have let you fall and die,” Derek retorts, shutting the window.
“Probably. Oh man, that was so athletic. Sometimes, I amaze myself.”
Derek doesn’t have anything smart to say to that. He’s only half paying attention, too busy bracing for the discussion sure to follow.
He and Stiles may as well have stomped up and down the stairs blowing air horns as far as the rest of the house goes. Everyone will have heard. Derek is absolutely sure because you can hear a pin drop, like no one’s even moving, like everyone’s waiting with bated breath—either gleeful or judgmental or both—to hear what comes next. Even Laura’s deafening headphones have gone silent. Fuck.
Worst of all…Stiles doesn’t know any of this. He doesn’t yet know about the secret the Hale family hides, or how keenly they can hear, or that every word he says will be seized up and cheerfully dissected and gossiped about in real time.
Read the rest on AO3
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Staving off a tide of violent urges as I process the various horrors I saw today. This job is becoming actually bad for my brain. Today I went to an apartment complex that I’ve already bitched about a few times, but today was my breaking point lol I was lead into the apartment by this Maintainance man, who promptly took off the second he knocked on the tenants door, they came to the door abs I couldn’t even process what I was seeing when the door swung open. One bedroom apartment, 5 people on the floor wrapped up in blankets and literal crack smoke in the air. A windowsill is stacked high with picked clean chicken bones? Roaches everywhere. as soon as I walked in one of the people in the apartment went up to this girl who was completely still on the couch and started violent shaking her screaming “WAKE UP HEY WAKE UP THERES PEOPLE HERE” and she was 110% unresponsive. The windows had been broken for about a year and just had a board put over them….on the inside. Here’s a fun fact: When you break a window and board it up from the inside, all of mother natures mighty feats of degradation of man made materials will ruin your sashes and window frame forever! At least that’s what happen when you leave busted windows up for a FUCKING YEAR WITH NOTHIN TO PROTECT THEM BOARDING THEM UP FROM THE INSIDE MAKES 0 SENSE
Just a week before when I went to measure the windows The aforementioned maintenance man insisted I measure these windows from the outside, because he “didn’t wana take thee boards down” so I was like “uh ok” I really didn’t see a problem at the time. So he very clearly didn’t want me to see the inside prior, for obvious reasons, so he had me do it from the outside so I’d show up and be blind sided. That was my working theory when this happened initially. Come to find out, my co-worker / best buddy already went and measured these 7 months ago and told them they were beyond repair and glass replacement wouldn’t even work at this point. So this guy Fucking knew what he was doing the entire time.
So when I got back to the shop and informed my boss of what happened she called and said she didn’t want to put her technicians in any danger so we wouldn’t be returning. This Fucking maintenance man told her that he was in there the whole time. Like I wish I took a picture of this mother fucker when I came outside of that actual nightmare, he was sitting on a picnic table smoking a cigarette, this guy bailed on me as fast as he could and went out for a lil smoke break while I tried by best to avoid any stray needles that may have found their way onto the carpet. Then tells my boss on the phone that he was in there with me lololololol sublime excellent wonderful amazing im this close to turning one of these mother fuckers into an example it’s not even funny.
Either way, my boss said she’s going to try to get permission from the big big bosses (we’re a small company owned by a multi-billion dollar company) and she said even if we do go back in the future we’re going to have ground rules that these maintenance blockheads have to follow the second they don’t were Fucking splitting.
Like I just can’t do this anymore, one of my clients at this job is a housing assistance program that provides housing for addicts and that’s like my main daily thing. And like I’m not looking down on anyone in that kind of position, I have addicts in my life and it’s terrible and sad, but I can’t help but not feel safe. Especially when the extent that the people who are supposed to be coordinating this Shit for me do is call me and warn me about the bad stuff lol I’m not accusing anyone of trying to steal my tools, but I’ve been told probably 10000 Fucking times by the same guy “not to leave any expensive tools around because the people in this unit have already stolen from several contractors” it’s like dude what the Fuck. I make $19 an hour I don’t get paid enough to fight off the most desperate people alive.
And this keeps happening every Fucking day because they’re putting me in charge of all the glazing jobs that the more senior glazer doesn’t want anymore lol so this is just my life for probably the next couple years. Trying not to get killed for the $10,000 worth of tools in my van or just the van in general. Like it’s really Fucking dumb. I’m sorry if I sound insensitive to the struggle of the people in these situations but I promise you anyone in my position would be incredibly frustrated and generally unhappy lol
Thanks for reading
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Sash & Case Windows are a major factor in Edinburgh’s period properties. We specialise in repairing, restoring and replacing your windows. We are Sash & Case Windows Edinburgh. It’s not all about looks, however; these windows have been created to endure the wild, wet Scottish weather, to keep your home warm and dry whilst allowing plenty of space for light to shine through. Either way, we are here to help.
Website: https://sashandcasewindowsdirect.com
Address: 13 - 15 Rodney St, Canonmills, Edinburgh, EH7 4EN
Phone Number: 01315106868
Business Hours: Monday - Friday : 09:00 am - 05:00 pm Saturday - Sunday : Closed
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imarksimon · 4 months
The Sash Window Restoration Experts Across the Northern Beaches
The Sash Window Doctor is the name to remember for simple, straightforward, hassle-free sash window repairs and restoration in the Northern Beaches and throughout the surrounding suburbs.  To learn more about the benefits of working with The Sash Window Doctor team, don’t hesitate to give us a call today on 0403 943 573.
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sgmluvsyah · 7 months
1. Duyog
English Translation : Eclipse
Definition: An occasion when the sun looks like it is completely or partially covered with the dark circle because the moon is between the sun and the Earth.
2. Sambat
English Translation : Fork
Definition : An implement with two or more prongs used especially for taking up (as in eating), pitching, or digging.
3. Pulot-Gata
English Translation : Honeymoon
Definition : A period of unusual harmony especially following the establishment of a new relationship.
4. Labaha
English Translation : Razor
Definition : A keen-edged cutting instrument for shaving or cutting hair.
5. Anluwage
English Translation : Carpenter
Definition : A worker who builds or repairs wooden structures or their structural parts.
English Translation : Airplane
6. Salipawpaw
Definition : A powered heavier-than-air aircraft with fixed wings from which it derives most of its lift
7. Irog
English Translation : Love ones
Definition : A dearly loved person
8. Awangan
English Translation : Forever
Definition : For a limitless time
9. Durungawan
English Translation : Window
Definition : An opening especially in the wall of an opening especially in  a building for admission of light and air thatis usually closed by casementsor sashes containingtransparent material (such as glass) and capable of beingopened and shut
10. Batlag
English Translation : Car
Definition : A vehicle moving on wheels
Sentence Example : Kapag ako ay nakapagtapos nga aking pag-aaral, bibili din ako ng batlag na kulay asul.
That’s it, I hope that these 10 Uncommonly Used Filipino Words you learn will help you to deepen your Filipino word knowledge. Learn more Uncommonly Used Filipino Words because even though we are Filipinos, we’re still unfamiliar with the other words we have. Be proud of our language, be proud of being a Pilipino.
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flackodtb · 9 months
Filipino word: Duyog
English translation: Eclipse
Definition: An occasion when the sun looks like it is completely or partially covered with a dark circle because the moon is between the sun and the Earth. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
2. Filipino word: Sulatroniko
English translation: E-mail
Definition: A system for sending messages from one computer to another computer. : messages that are sent electronically from one computer to another.  (Source: Merriam-Webster)
3. Filipino Word: Labaha
English translation: Razor
Definition: a keen-edged cutting instrument for shaving or cutting hair. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
4. Filipino Word: Durungawan
English translation: Window
Definition: an opening especially in the wall of a building for admission of light and air that is usually closed by casements or sashes containing transparent material (such as glass) and capable of being opened and shut. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
5. Filipino Word: Kansunsilyo
English translation: Boxer Shorts
Definition: men’s underwear shorts characterized by loose fit. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
6. Filipino Word: Anluwage
English translation: Carpenter
Definition: a worker who builds or repairs wooden structures or their structural parts. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
6. Filipino Word: Batlag
English translation: Car
Definition: a vehicle moving on wheels. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
7. Filipino Word: Kalupi
English translation: Wallet
Definition: A container that resembles a money wallet. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
8. Filipino Word: Sambat
English translation: Fork
Definition: A common tool used in eating that usually has three or four stiff metal points attached to a handle. (Source: ( https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/ )
9.   Filipino Word: Pulot-Gata  
English translation: Honeymoon
Definition: A trip or vacation taken by a newly married couple, A period of harmony immediately following marriage. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
10.   Filipino Word: Dupil 
English translation: Amulet
Definition: It is an amulet, or anything that is believed to have the power to save the person who owns it from any harm. The more popular Tagalog words currently being used are anting-anting and agimat.
Sentence Example: Ginamit ni Juan ang dupil upang maligtas ang kaniyang Sarili sa kapahamakan.
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jeizypayiee · 9 months
Filipino word: Duyog
English translation: Eclipse
Definition: An occasion when the sun looks like it is completely or partially covered with a dark circle because the moon is between the sun and the Earth. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
Sentence Example: Marami ang namamangha sa duyog.
2. Filipino word: Sulatroniko
English translation: E-mail
Definition: A system for sending messages from one computer to another computer. : messages that are sent electronically from one computer to another.  (Source: Merriam-Webster)
Sentence Example: Ako’y nagpadala sa sulatroniko ng aking mensahe sa aking guro.
3. Filipino Word: Labaha
about:blank English translation: Razor
Definition: a keen-edged cutting instrument for shaving or cutting hair. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
Sentence Example: Ginamit ko ang Labaha sa cr upang ipang-ahit sa Aking balbas.
4. Filipino Word: Durungawan
English translation: Window
Definition: an opening especially in the wall of a building for admission of light and air that is usually closed by casements or sashes containing transparent material (such as glass) and capable of being opened and shut. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
Sentence Example: Nakita ko sa aming Durungawan ang isang napaka gandang babae.
5. Filipino Word: Kansunsilyo
English translation: Boxer Shorts
Definition: men’s underwear shorts characterized by loose fit. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
Sentence Example: Ginamit ko ang bagong biniling Kansunsilyo ng aking magulang
6. Filipino Word: Anluwage
English translation: Carpenter
Definition: a worker who builds or repairs wooden structures or their structural parts. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
Sentence Example: Ihanap moko ng anluwageng kayang gumawa ng Lamesang pabilog para sa ating sala.
8. Filipino Word: Sambat
English translation: Fork
Definition: A common tool used in eating that usually has three or four stiff metal points attached to a handle. (Source: ( https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/ )
Sentence Example: Mas madaling kumain kung may hawak na Sambat.
9.   Filipino Word: Pulot-Gata  
English translation: Honeymoon
Definition: A trip or vacation taken by a newly married couple, A period of harmony immediately following marriage. (Source: Merriam-Webster)
Sentence Example: Pagtapos nilang ikasal ay lumipad sila papuntang Paris para sa kanilang pulot-gata.
10.   Filipino Word: Dupil 
English translation: Amulet
Definition: It is an amulet, or anything that is believed to have the power to save the person who owns it from any harm. The more popular Tagalog words currently being used are anting-anting and agimat.
Sentence Example: Ginamit ni Juan ang dupil upang maligtas ang kaniyang Sarili sa kapahamakan.
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Whatever Your Sash Window Needs, Please Contact Us For Professional And Honest Advice.
Once you sash windows, door or casement windows have been draught proofed you will need a professional decorator to finish the job. Unfortunately we do not offer this as a service. to get a high standard finish on your sash windows you will want somebody that decorates them regularly and is able to finish them off to a high standard. Don’t ruin the work you have just paid out for by using someone that will paint over the newly fitted draught strips or worse still paint the windows shut. This is a common mistake, make sure you don’t make it.
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