#renesmee totally has somesort of manipulative power and you can't convince me otherwise
volturisecretary · 7 years
Thoughts on Vladimir and Stefan?
Vladimir and Stefan are almost as bitter as me and I love it.
More seriously, I really enjoyed them as characters, especially because they were some of the only characters not ~completely enchanted by Renesmee (Amun being the other). They didn’t care if Carlisle/the Cullens broke any of the Volturi’s rules; they just wanted to fight the Volturi, which is honestly relateable.
I do agree with them at the end of Breaking Dawn when they said they should have went after the Volturi because 1) ‘they will never forget what happened here’ and 2) now they would have time to prepare for Bella’s shield or divide up the witness and take them out. On the other hand though, they did enslave humans. So, I’m glad SM didn’t write the Volturi falling because some people would take advantage of this period of collapse, which would be bad for humans and vampires. But, I’m sure there would have been some sort of Cullens + friends council put into place and I would have been very salty about it to say the least. 
They are partially the reason I believe vampires can move on from losing their mates and/or close friends. I’m sure they have ~done things to annoy the Volturi (@jessicanjpa​ has written some playful drabbles about them pranking the Volturi I believe), but they haven’t pulled a Victoria (i.e.: released a large batch of newborns into Volterra during a major festival) or anything. It helps me justify that vampires can move on from their mates; it just depends on their personality (like Edward and Marcus aren’t going to full ever get over that sort of thing).
Sidebar: I really want to know what the Romanian Guards cloaks/outfits looked like compared to the other ruling Covens’ outfits. I’m assuming the Egyptian, Romanians, and Volturi all had some sort of crest or symbol to identify themselves, so it be cool to see that. Or perhaps the Volturi was the first group to do that. I could potentially see someone impersonating a guard in that case though. 
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