#reminder to read people's guidelines and muses bios (if available) before interacting with them
soulsmashers · 10 months
About your post maybe people unfollowed not because of intimidation not everyone will like the muses i dont see the big deal but I’ll agree on the opens people often reply or disappear and ignore the next
i really didn't think it was so deep that someone would send me an anon about it but i guess here we are loool i just feel the need to clarify on a few things though
1, i really don't think it's a big deal nor do i really care if people like the muses or not. at the end of the day, i'm here to write for my own creative freedom so whether people 'like' the muses is really out of my reach and not at all a concern for me. the issue i have with this is mainly 2 things – for every open i post, i actually have the muses' biography linked in the source. in addition to that, my pinned post at the very top of my blog has a link to not only my guidelines, but a mobile muses page linking to all my muses' biographies. this means that you can literally read about the muse and my guidelines before replying to an open at all. before drafting anything, i actually copy and paste the other persons reply on google docs before typing my own reply... you can imagine how annoying it is doing this, typing a reply, just to go to my activity bar to draft it and paste my reply, only to see that the reply is no longer there. this would not annoy me as much if i didn't have guidelines available and my muses' biographies were not present, but they are there, clear as day... i am literally linking the biography for the muse on the source link to my open. more than anything, i made a post about it because it's annoying and a waste of my time. this is showing me that you replied, but didn't bother to read about the muse or my guidelines. this indicates that after you replied, you most likely decided to look at either the biography, my guidelines, or both, didn't like something you read, and went to delete the reply and unfollow, which again... not only a waste of my time, but a waste of the other persons' time as well. i think guidelines and biographies ( if you write muses' biographies on your indie, i know some people don't ) are there for a reason. i don't know about you, but before i reply to any open in the tag at all, i make sure to do 2 things
1, read their guidelines and check to see if they have any banned fcs
2, check to see if they have a biography or basic information about the muse they posted an open starter with
after i've done this is when i conclude whether i will reply to their open or not, but one thing i am not gonna do is impulsively follow someone, reply to their open, then check these two things, see something i don't like, then delete my reply and unfollow this person. i'd rather not waste their time, and my own in the process. this is all i really have to say in regards to this tbh
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crisiscrafted · 5 years
These are the guidelines and rules for interacting with me. It’s good to at least skim through them before doing anything, just in case there is something we don’t agree on.
This blog will contain violence and possibly graphic violence.
This blog contains a muse from an extremist Omnic rights organization and will delve into such themes as discrimination. 
This blog will contain discussions and depictions of physical and mental trauma and indoctrination. 
This blog is fine with handling and will handle NSFW if it comes up.
This blog will contain a lot of ooc.
This blog is fully headcanon based until Michael Chu personally tells me the facts of this character.
This blog will contain swearing.
This blog will contain possible mentions of religion. 
No godmodding. So no taking control of my characters for me, and no being invulnerable.
No partaking in violent or sexual content under 18. People and muses under 18 years of age should not ask or partake in any sexual or otherwise graphic content and will be blocked for attempting to do so. That is non-negotiable. This counts for both text and image.
Don’t force ships. Let them progress naturally, and don’t assume. This will prevent a lot of awkward moments for the both of us and our muses.
No noncon, incest, bestiality, or pedophelia. I refuse to interact with people who rp incest, bestoality, and/or pedophelia. You will be blocked and possibly reported where necessary and viable.
Don’t reblog threads you aren’t a part of.
Don’t be a jerk to me or other role players for no good reason. That ain’t cool. This involves: No hate/phobia towards GSM(gender and sexual minorities)/LGBT+/MOGAI(Marginalized Orientations, Gender identities, And Intersex)/SAGA(Sexuality and Gender Acceptance), no abelism, no toxicity, and so on. I honestly can’t believe I have to even clarify all of this for some people.
I will not rp with non-rp blogs.
Personals and other non-rp blogs are welcome to follow, but don’t reblog threads, ooc posts, ic posts, or ask answers to asks you didn’t send. The only exception is those tagged with #ok to rb or #personals welcome.
Do not reblog asks without ever sending something. That’s just rude. Not to say you must always send something, but at least space your reblogs so my activity isn’t flooded and/or send something so you’re not just that guy using me as meme archive whom I may block because it’s annoying me. If we never talk and all you do is reblog ask memes, you might as well not follow me is all I am saying.
You can post as much ooc as you like, just try to tag it.
I generally dislike passwords, so if you have a password, it is likely I will not follow. If you do and you follow me first, it is safe to assume that I have read your rules and bio before following back, as I dislike following back without doing so. If the page is on a post, I will like the post to show I have read it. This rules page has no password. I assume all who follow have read and agreed to the rules.
You may remind me of threads via IM, or discord if you have me added there, but limit it to one reminder a week and be polite. If I sense any form of manipulation, I will not continue the interaction.
You need not notify when a thread is dropped. It is nice to be notified, but that’s it. Besides, I really don’t mind if people forget threads either. If a thread is really old, maybe even a year, it’s fine to ask to continue.
This is a single-muse side blog to bluesunsdusk. All follows will come from there. If willing to deal with multi-muse, one is welcome to just send asks for mystery/nameless omnic there instead of here.
This blog is not mutuals only but is semi selective.
I will rp crossovers and AUs. If there is a fandom I have no verses for which you want to rp in, let me know.
I will rp with duplicates if we get along ooc. I am no fan of dupes, but they are bound to exist and I’m not about to be a dick about it. That being said, unless we’re bros, I won’t follow one.
I have restrictions on ship dynamics. Toxic ships will only be available for people I talk to ooc and whom I can tell if it’s at a point I find uncomfortable. Cheating plots are a no go. Anyone I hold the right to say when a muse is too young for mine. I do not do teacher/student ships. No dd/lg stuff in my Shambali Minecraft server. If you call Set daddy, you’re blocked. I jest on the last one, but please only use it jokingly or familially.
I don’t tend to do exclusives. With ships, that would only happen if we’ve both agreed to it. I may do mains, however.
This blog is multi-ship. Any ships will be separate from each other in their own little timeline.
OCs are welcome! I love OCs. Give your omnic ocs especially. There aren’t enough of them.
If you have some headcanons that conflict with mine, it does not mean we cannot rp together, we could just do a compromise or something.This character is very much headcanon-based due to only having a crumb of information shown in canon. Nothing is set in stone and things may have to change whenever the OW dev team announces new info.
I currently do not use a thread tracker.
I do not interact with muses from media such as Steven Universe.
I don’t know much beyond the Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, Dynasty Warriors, Doctor Who, Overwatch, Fallout, and Fable franchises at all.
Don’t rush yourself with responding. Taking your time is fine. 
Multi-ships will be AU.
Feel free to suggest headcanons and theories, if you want.
Links and link page still to be made.
Any Sigma blog run my non-Dutch-speakers may ask questions regarding the language and the Netherlands itself. Keep in mind, however, that I was raised bilingual from birth, unlike many other Dutchmen.
Mun is 24 years old as of August 2019.
Mun speaks Dutch and English.
Mun is in one of the European timezones.
Mun has no triggers, but ask that one tags graphic imagery, irl violence/news, and sexual content.
Mun may not follow people who post too much too often, as it clutters the dash and makes it overstimulating.
Mun is currently in college and has limited time to be online.
The mun is shy, has other hobbies, is still studying, isn’t very talkative to most, and is forgetful. 
Mun is not always active. Muses do not always cooperate. Do not take my slow response time personally, and don’t worry about how I’d react if you reminded me of a thread. 
Mun =/= muse. I do not condone everything my characters do/have done, and their behavior should not reflect on mine. Do not mistake their hostility to your muse as hostility from me to you.
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