#remiel x reader
sketch-guardian · 2 months
I finally had the time to draw again some messy sketches of my NEW EXCHANGE STUDENTS FROM THE CELESTIAL REALM with sheep MC (😇 x 🐑)
Not very good, but I hope it's enough anyway🙈
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grievedeeply · 2 years
saw you were accepting requests for overwatch sooo... can i get some dating genji headcanons??
genji has been the love of my life since 2017 so absolutely i will write this. decided to include both pre and post hanzo almost killing him just for fun :)
tws: death , grieving
dating genji shimada headcanons
genji is known to be a bit of a playboy. he's flirted with a lot of people and it mostly hasn't gone anywhere. he does want a serious relationship at some point but it isn't a huge priority for him until you come along
of course, he acts all smug around you— trying to impress you with anything and everything to get your attention. you're different from the other people he's messed with in the past
he falls for you really quickly, even if you try to ignore his advances and obvious adoration for you. the more you reject him the harder he falls, honestly
he's used to people being right at his feet as soon as he shows any type of interest in them, and you're a breath of fresh air in that sense
genji really does like you, even if he tries to play it off as just messing around. he knows he isn't, and it scared him, especially if you don't show any interest in him
he tries hard to get closer to you— beginning to flirt less as time went on. he knows that his feelings for you are genuine, and he wants to prove that to you too
it shocks you when he tones it all down and you worry about it, wondering if something happened. he's asking you about your interests, how your day was— taking the time to get to know you
you'd be lying if you said that his sudden kindness didn't make your heart flutter. he always played around as if he liked you, but you assumed it was just something he did with everyone
as soon as he dropped that act though, you began to open up more to him
he was so happy actually learning more about you. he's asking you if you want to learn the ways of the blade (he thinks you'll look cute)
he'll eventually let his crush on you slip to hanzo. he knew all along about his feelings for you, stating that it was obvious to him. genji swears it wasn't, but all hanzo does is shrug his shoulders
he asks you out on a proper date after a few months of hanging out as just friends. he'll take you to that arcade in hanamura that he loves so much, buy you dinner— trying not to overwhelm you with everything
he's shocked that you even said yes in the first place, but he's grateful for the chance you're giving him
unbeknownst to genji, you fell for him hard. you tried your best to hide it from him but as soon as he asks you out the "yes" flies out of your mouth faster than your brain could think
he abandons his playboy thing entirely after he meets you. he puts all of his effort into trying to form a real connection and relationship with you and it is the sweetest thing
he'll give you flowers and sweet gifts as a way to show his love and appreciation for you <3
he asks you to be his partner on your third proper date. it's all very rushed but he can't hold back on his feelings anymore. he sees a future with you, away from his families criminal dealings
you say yes. of course
he's the definition of a malewife in this part of your relationship. everything you do, he'll make sure you know he's proud of you
he tells you he loves you not too long after you get together officially. it slips out casually while you're laughing about something, and the room goes silent. you return it after a few moments and the smile on his face is so big
he kisses with so much love and passion. he can be a bit rough with it sometimes but you never mind it. he'll hold your face in his hands, his lips moving so gracefully against yours as he cradles you against him
his hands definitely wander a bit......... they do. he doesn't even think about it, either
okay getting into a little bit of angst...
when you find out about what happened with genji and hanzo, you're beyond devastated. you regret rejecting him so many times in the beginning, you regret every time you didn't tell him you love him. you regret so much
you find hanzo and you're screaming at him through sobs, smacking at his chest with every word you say to him
his face is unreadable the entire time until he finally breaks down, his body wracked with sobs
your heart drops as soon as you see him on his knees, face in his hands— crying out for his lost brother
you sit there with him for awhile, hugging him. crying together. you knew hanzo was the one who committed the act, but you knew who was really behind it
you mourn him every day, thinking of every moment you shared with him as soon as your eyes open in the morning
during overwatch
if you meet genji after his cyberization, expect him to be incredibly distant. he has trouble trusting people at first, afraid of them getting hurt because of him
you're a new overwatch recruit assigned to blackwatch. you're a talented medic and warrior, and you were specifically brought into blackwatch because you offered something none of the other members had (soldier's words)
you have to initiate conversation with genji. he isn't too keen on making friends or getting attached to people and he doesn't want anyone in more harm than they already are
you continue to talk to him even through his unenthusiastic responses, and eventually he manages to warm up to the thought of you becoming a real friend outside of missions
he'll become more interactive with you, friendlier and nicer, too. it's nice to see him come more out of his shell and you can't help but to wonder why he's so standoffish in the first place
it takes a LONG time for him to actually consider you as a friend. he trusts you and cares for you a lot by this point
skipping forward
you develop feelings for him relatively quickly. after all, he's mysterious— tall, intimidating, you can't help but to be curious
it takes him a lot longer to realize his feelings for you. he only realizes when you save him in battle, your hand extended for him to take with a warm smile on his lips
he feels his heart skip a beat, even through the cybernetics that keeps him alive
he acts differently as soon as the realization comes through. he avoids you hoping to make it go away only for it to completely backfire
he doesn't want to give in to these feelings he has for you. it scares him. what if you don't like him? what if you're afraid of him? do you even think of him as a man?
when the fall of overwatch happens, genji leaves. he says goodbye to you, his heart breaking at the thought of never seeing you again
YEARS go by before you see him again. the two of you first reunite quickly after winston's recall
you're met with a happier sounding genji, one who seems content with his cyborg body and what it came with
you can't help but hug him as soon as you see him. his body is still cool to the touch, but your heart pounds and your face heats up
not a day went by where you hadn't thought of him, and those feelings you had for him remained tucked away in the back of your mind— hanging onto him and the memories you shared
you have a lot of catching up to do and he tells you all about zenyatta and how he helped him accept his body. he informs you of how he had so much conflict within himself during the days of blackwatch and it was part of the reason as to why he was so distant then
you eventually meet zenyatta and you thank him over and over for the peace he brought to genji. ever humble, zenyatta only laughs and insists to you that he was the one who made it this far
you rekindle your "relationship" after a little bit. his feelings for you hadn't gone away in your years apart. he still had his doubts and worries about confessing to you, scared you'll reject him
you don't, of course
you're pretty much inseparable. you go everywhere together. you train together, especially. he teases you a lot by telling you that you need to be quicker to catch up with him
it takes him a while to feel ready to show you his face
he worries about not being attractive enough for you, or scaring you away. he'll have to give himself a pep talk. he wants to kiss you so badly it's really getting to him
as soon as he reveals his face to you, your heart melts. it's covered in scars, but his eyes are a deep brown— warm and filled with love. the corners of his lips are turned upwards in a small smile as he stares at you, waiting for you to say something
you can't find the right words, and all you can do is extend your hands to his cheeks, your thumbs caressing them as gently as possible
his skin is incredibly sensitive, but he had been yearning to actually feel your touch for years. it's worth any discomfort
one of his love languages is quality time. he knows he isn't the most comfortable to hug or cuddle with, but to make up for it he spends a lot of his time with you even when he has something he needs to do
he'll buy you gifts every now and then or find something while out on a mission to bring back and give to you as a way to show his appreciation for you
it's very sweet
you can't believe this is the same man who was once so intimidating and distant all those years ago. he seems so different
he's happier. you're helping him though a lot more than you realize you are
he still has his anxieties, scared that you'll wake up and say that you deserve better— say that you want someone who can give you everything he can't— but you never do
you stare at him in adoration, and he feels his face heat up underneath his mask whenever he catches you
he's incredibly protective of you even though he knows you can handle yourself
you make him the happiest he's ever been
he never intends to let you go :)
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skyrimpals · 1 year
Guard: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single horse.
Gore, with Y/N and Xelzaz behind him: Wait, what do you mean THREE?!
Guard: Yes…three.
Gore: Oh, my Gods— What the fuck!?
Guard: Wha-
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basketballanonsblog · 7 months
Enchanted is the longest thing I have written so far in the Jihyo x angel!reader AU, so I'm gonna split it in two.
TW ⚠️ : mentions of blood, violence, and d***h (including a minor)
Enchanted (Pt.1)
You were shoved against the wall, and while most people would be intimidated, the tall aggressor, you were astonished. He was looking for money, and you scoffed.
Man's greed for any slither of riches never failed to surprise you.
He pressed a blade to your throat in a further attempt to scare you, but you just smirked. It amused you to see the anger in his eyes.
What you weren't expecting was a glass bottle to impact the back of his head, rendering him unconscious. You frowned and crouched to make sure he was still breathing. Damn, you were just starting to have some fun.
"Are you alright?" Her voice was captivating.
"That was reckless."
"Excuse me?"
"He had a weapon, and could've hurt you. I had the situation under control."
"Didn't look like it to me." She mumbled.
"Are you going to keep your hood up the entire time, or is my rescuer's identity going to remain a secret?"
She revealed herself, and for a moment, time stood still. She was beautiful.
"The name's y/n."
After that, when time and duty would allow, you would see her. It was refreshing, spending time with someone who wasn't your sibling. You enjoyed the friendship you shared, but you weren't naive.
Within two years, you, an angel, were falling in love with a human.
Jihyo was being chased, falsely accused of stealing. She tripped, but you landed before her, wings out and all before she got caught.
You carried her to a secluded area, where she stumbled out of your arms in shock and fear.
"Jihyo, please." You implored. "Don't be afraid, I'm still me."
"Yes, but with wings and the capability to fly."
You explained the truth of what you were, which calmed her down. She promised that this wouldn't cause a rift, lifting the weight off your shoulders.
She took it surprisingly well, but you broke a fundamental rule, something that she would soon learn.
It was dark when she saw the shape of wings. She called out your name, thinking it was you. Jihyo tensed when someone else stepped out of the shadows.
The stranger stared at first before speaking.
"What makes you so special?
"I'm sorry?"
"My sister knows we shouldn't reveal our nature to mortals. Yet, not only did she tell you, she showed you her wings."
"Remiel, what are you doing here?" You rushed there once you learned your sister had gone to earth.
"Nothing significant, I was curious."
She vanished after that, and you held her close.
"Did she hurt you Jihyo?"
"No." A sigh of relief escaped.
"But she told me something."
"She said you're not supposed to reveal what you are to humans."
"She's right."
"So why tell me?"
"Because you deserve the truth."  She rested against your shoulder.
"I didn't realise I meant that much to you."
Don't say it.
"Why is your heart suddenly beating out of control?"
Don't say it.
Say it.
"Jihyo, I love you." She snapped her head up. All she found was sincerity in your eyes. This was the first time you had shown vulnerability.
How astonishing, she thought. That a powerful being would reciprocate her feelings when you could have anyone you wanted. There was so much she wanted to say, but she struggled to begin.
The only option was to kiss you. Both of you affirmed your love, over and over again, well into the hours of the night.
It had been a while since Jihyo ran away from you. Any time outside of work was spent sulking in bed; and you certainly hadn't slept well since. That was obvious, based on the dark circles under your eyes.
"Heard anything?"
"No, Lucifer. I'm giving her space like she wanted."
"Oh, c'mon. The y/n I know would be irrepressible. Have you been keeping up with what the group is doing?" He began typing on his phone.
Lucifer took the lack of response as a no. He went wide-eyed for a split second, making you frown.
"We both know you don't lie, so whatever you saw, just spit it out." He showed an article. The top picture wasn't super clear, but you recognised her car, and the title made you freeze.
'Is Park Jihyo dating Kang Daniel?'
You faced the wall, curling into yourself and hiding under the covers.
"For once, Lucifer, would you please leave me alone."
He sighed with remorse, leaving you to your heartbreak.
"We're not dating. The article was exaggerating."
Her members kept asking her about the rumours every five minutes. It was tiring.
"Does y/n know that?"
"When was the last time you spoke to her?"
"Three months ago." A chorus of 'what?!' Made her flinch.
"Did you guys fight?" Sana asked.
"No, but it's complicated."
"But considering it's all over the internet, there's no way y/n hasn't heard about it."
Jihyo knew they were right, and that intensified the feeling of guilt.
"Just you?" She heard you murmur. "Like you aren't the reason my heart beats every day. As if I wouldn't move the heavens and earth for you."
If it wasn't for the situation, she would've asked if you meant what you whispered that night.
Damn it. Getting chocolate was a good idea at the time, but from the minutes you were in the store, the weather decided to do a 180. Of course, you didn't bring an umbrella.
Halfway home, you saw Jihyo. Sure, she was being discreet, but you would recognise that hoodie anywhere.
Her head turned, and your eyes locked.
"Jihyo!" He called out, and that was enough of a distraction, as she turned to him. You were gone when she looked your way again.
You sat on the roof of your apartment building. In your loneliness, the bitter rain became a friend; as always.
Finally, the tasks were completed. Cuddles with your girlfriend were your main source of motivation these days. It was usually Lucifer who would pester you, but today, it was someone else.
"Azrael? It's unusual to see you in this neck of the woods."
"Y/n, what's the name of your significant other?" Even the mention of her brought a smile to your face.
"Jihyo. Why?" The other angel's expression turned sombre.
"I'm sorry, y/n." It clicked after a second, and you got a chill down your spine.
"No. You stay away from her." You attempted to jump and stop them, but your sibling had already disappeared.
You travelled down to earth at breakneck speed, but it was too late. The knife had been pulled out.
"Jihyo!" Thunder and lightning danced along the sky, as you grabbed the man from behind, and threw him away. You'd deal with him later.
The blood wouldn't stop, regardless of what you did to lessen it.
"I'm here now, love. I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner. I'm going to get you help." You got ready to fly, but she weakly grasped your arm.
"I'm not going to make it, y/n."
"Don't say that. It's not too late." Your voice quivered, but she smiled at you.
"Shhh. It's okay, y/n. Our time together in this lifetime may have been cut short, but I know you'll find me again in the next."
Jihyo kissed you before wiping your tears as best she could.
"I love you, my angel."
"I love you."
She continued smiling as her eyes fluttered shut and she went limp.
You desperately sobbed, gently rocking her body.
"No, please, please. Please. Don't leave me."
The heavens opened, and the rain was unforgiving. You kept her dry with your wings as a shield.
Azrael approached, and you trembled.
"Please, not yet. Spare me this moment before you take her soul away.
"I'm sorry, y/n." Never in a million years did they think you would be on the receiving end of the angel of death's task.
Four days later, you were kneeling in front of her grave. You couldn't bear to touch the cold stone. There was a harsh finality if you were to do that.
Your heart was unprepared for this hellish reality. You bowed until your head was touching the ground and sobbed ceaselessly.
"I am so sorry, my love."
Jeongyeon, Sana, Dahyun, and Lucifer observed you in concern.
Lucifer would never turn down the chance for drinks, and the three members were the only ones available to accompany you.
You were already tipsy when they arrived and showed no signs of slowing down. They forced you to stay put after your several attempts of going around the bar singing.
In other circumstances, they would let you run free, but they knew you were hurting. You told your brother, who in turn told the others what you saw.
"Maybe it's time to stop, y/n."
"Since when did my brother, the night club owner, become the alcohol police?"
"Drinking isn't going to help you forget about Jihyo." You clasped your hand over his mouth.
"Let me stop you right there, bro. If she's happy with him, then I am happy for her. I'm not gonna lie and say it doesn't hurt, but you know, years from now if they decide to marry and have a family of their own, then I'll still be happy for them."
The longer you spoke, the more your tone dampened.
Sana wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Are you okay?"
"Totally." Even as a blubbering mess, you kept drinking. Lucifer snatched the glass away, making you angry.
"Hey, that's mine!" You took a swing at him but failed. Instead, it sent you falling into the chair and table.
The four of them dragged you outside after apologising on your behalf. You quickly passed out against Dahyun on the way home.
Your brother sighed, glancing at you through the rear view mirror.
"I'm worried about her. For the past week, she's been doing this. It's not healthy."
You kept flickering into a frown. Even in sleep, you were troubled.
"My sister loves her." No surprise for anyone in the car. "It's my fault y/n is like this. My intention wasn't malicious, but I forced her hand into telling Jihyo something personal."
You whimpered, and the idol trio knew what they had to do.
"Then it's time to fix it."
"The three of you are back early. Did you get bored?"
"Not exactly, but there's someone for you."
Lucifer peered around the corner, and his presence made Jihyo nervous yet disappointed. She hoped it would be you.
"I need to talk to you."
"I can't."
"Please, even for a few minutes."
They sat in the park opposite their residence. It might have looked odd, a man dressed in a suit sitting on swings next to an idol.
"I'm not going to hurt you if that makes you feel any better. Not like I could anyway, y/n would kill me."
His attempt to lighten the mood wasn't well received.
"I'm sorry, Jihyo, for what you saw that day. I forced my sister to tell you something she wasn't ready to say. Now look what happened."
"Is she okay?" Concern spiked inside.
"No. She hasn't been herself for the past few months. When she's not at work, then she's hiding in her room or at the bar. As of late, alcohol has been her friend, and I'm afraid she'll end up hurting herself. She misses you. "
"I miss her too. It's just a lot to process."
"I understand. But just so you know, she cares about you deeply. Everything she does is all for you. Just consider it, she's working tomorrow."
He left her alone then, leaving Jihyo a lot to think about.
You were in the nursery, checking over the newborns. It was an aspect of your job that you loved.
You wanted to protect their innocent hearts, especially from the cruelty of the world.
"For the hundredth time, Lucifer, you shouldn't be here."
"How -"
"I'm your older sister. Of course I know." Plus the overwhelming scent of aftershave. "Seriously, brother, they're vulnerable. I don't want you potentially infecting any of them."
"I'll go in a minute, but I want to talk about last night."
"I've thought about it, Lucifer. If she's happy with someone else, then I'll let her go."
"What?!" He accidentally startled one of the babies, making them cry. You took them in your arms and gently rocked them back to sleep while glaring at him.
"Sorry. But seriously, are you going to give up just like that? After everything you did so, Jihyo would be brought back?"
You turned sullen.
"A second chance didn't necessarily mean another chance with me. I asked Father to bring her back, and he did. I won't be selfish "
"You're trying to be righteous again. This is anything but selfish. Listen to me, I have never seen anyone love another person, the way you love Jihyo. So please, y/n choose your happiness too."
"But -"
"No, look." He turned you around, and you saw her. She heard everything.
She ran to you once you were a few feet away. Holding her felt right, like you were home.
"The article. It's not true." She muttered.
"Y/n I lo-"
A commotion from the waiting area caught your attention. You ran there, only to see a man waving around a gun. Jihyo stood behind, clutching your arm.
"Do you trust me, Jihyo?"
"Most assuredly." You smiled.
"Don't be scared." You stepped out of her hold, approaching him. He was carrying an infant.
"I need a doctor. My son isn't breathing!" You sprung into action.
"Can you explain what happened?"
"He wouldn't stop crying, and I just wanted him to be quiet."
You tried to find a pulse, but there was none.
"How long has he been unresponsive?"
"Two hours." Damn it.
"Sir, I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do. Your son has passed away." The man started crying, and your heart filled with pity. But that changed when you heard him mumbling about he didn't mean to press the pillow down so hard.
This was something you couldn't ignore.
You instructed Jihyo to call the police but he didn't like that.
"It was an accident!" He shouted.
"And due to the circumstances, I have an obligation to report it as what you have done is a crime."
"Then I'll bring her down with me." He pulled the trigger, with Jihyo being in the line of fire.
In your eyes, time slowed down. Before the bullets could reach their target, you jumped to shield her.
The excruciating pain made you collapse.
"Y/n!" Lucifer became furious. He easily crushed the gun, crimson eyes ablaze, frightening the man.
"Lucifer, she's hardly breathing!"
Your colleagues took you away and whisked you into the operating rooms.
The love of your life and brother could only look on helplessly.
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anonymousewrites · 10 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 4) Chapter Fifteen
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Chapter Fifteen: I Don’t Want to Go to Heaven
Summary: Amenadiel speaks to Lucifer and (Y/N), and trouble starts.
            “Dad,” yawned (Y/N), walking into the main room of the penthouse. “Could you not kidnap people in the middle of the night?” They looked between Lucifer and the poor doctor he held by the collar.
            “Ah, right, sorry,” said Lucifer, letting go of the doctor.
            “What are you even doing?” sighed (Y/N).
            “Trying to fix my wings,” said Lucifer simply.
            “I thought we established they don’t go away when you cut them off,” said (Y/N), crossing their arms.
            “They’re less angel and more…devil right now,” admitted Lucifer, shifting uncomfortably. He didn’t like how disgusting his wings had become. They mirrored the way he felt inside.
            “Oh,” said (Y/N), frowning in concern. The unlucky doctor just looked between them in fright.
            “Please…just let me go,” he said.
            “Lucifer, (Y/N)…what’s going on?” Amenadiel stepped out of the elevator and looked at the scene in front of him.
            “I really need to put a lock on that elevator,” muttered Lucifer.
            “I would prevent a lot of our problems,” said (Y/N).
            Lucifer let go of the doctor. “Useless, Doctor. Get out of my sight.”
            The doctor scrambled away, and (Y/N) mouthed “I’m sorry” to him as he disappeared from the penthouse.
            “Luci, what were you doing to him?” demanded Amenadiel.
            “Nothing,” said Lucifer.
            “He’s having one of his appearance spirals, apparently,” said (Y/N). They frowned and looked at Amenadiel. “But what happened to your face?” He was bruised, and (Y/N) wasn’t sure they’d ever seen Amenadiel injured in any way.
            “Hit another bridge whilst flying?” teased Lucifer, eager for a distraction from his current crisis.
            “That happened one time, Luci,” said Amenadiel. “And no. I got into a fight with Remi.”
            “Remi?” asked (Y/N).
            “Remiel, our sister, and his little clone,” explained Lucifer. “I can’t believe she visited Earth. How is she?”
            “Angry,” said Amenadiel, pointing to his face. “She wanted to take Linda’s baby, my child, back to the Silver City with her. The argument escalated. Of course, I was victorious, and now the child will be raised here on Earth.”
            “Why’d she want to take your kid?” said (Y/N), narrowing their eyes.
            “The Silver City has sensed new Celestials,” said Amenadiel. He crossed his arms. “Which is why I’m here.”
            “Oh?” Lucifer took a sip of his drink and raised an eyebrow. “And why does that matter to us?”
            “Because although my child is one of the new Celestials, yours is the other,” said Amenadiel.
            “Huh?” said (Y/N) and Lucifer.
            “(Y/N) is a Celestial because they’re your kid, not by blood but I guess emotions count,” said Amenadiel.
            (Y/N) coughed. Lucifer shifted awkwardly. Amenadiel stared.
            “You knew!” he cried in realization.
            “Well, I mean, we didn’t know I was a Celestial,” said (Y/N) in a poor attempt to defend themself. “But, uh, I’m not completely surprised.”
            “I am,” admitted Lucifer.
            “Yeah, but you don’t have Em giving you an identity crisis,” said (Y/N).
            “But you two knew something was happening,” said Amenadiel, still in shock. “How?! Linda and I haven’t noticed anything strange about the pregnancy.”
            “It is a pregnancy,” said Lucifer.
            “Not helping, Luci, you hid that your kid is a Celestial,” said Amenadiel.
            “We didn’t know (Y/N) was a Celestial exactly, just that they’re…” Lucifer faltered.
            “Weird,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “ ‘Weird?’ ” repeated Amenadiel in exasperation.
            “Weird,” repeated (Y/N).
            “How in Father’s name would being ‘weird’ suggest that you’re a Celestial?” cried Amenadiel.
            “Show him,” said Lucifer, waving a hand.
            (Y/N) raised a hand, and the shadows around them swirled to life and climbed over the piano. Amenadiel stared.
            “Oh. That weirdness,” he said. He wasn’t sure what else to say.
            “Just wait, it gets better,” said Lucifer, grinning proudly at his kid.
            (Y/N) rolled their shoulders, and their wings spread out. They were large and red and magnificent. They waved slightly and glowed ever-so-slightly golden in the light.
            “You have wings. Like an angel,” said Amenadiel in shock. He had been right in his assumption that (Y/N) was the second Celestial, but he hadn’t expected them to really be showing signs of being one. They were born human. This was weird.
            “Uh, yeah,” said (Y/N).
            At least they do. If I were to somehow affect them and make them feel like a monster… Lucifer would never forgive himself for making them feel insecure.
            “So…What do you plan to do is Remiel comes?” said Amenadiel.
            Lucifer’s gaze darkened. “Why would Remiel come? We’re not exactly friends.”
            “Because (Y/N) is a Celestial. And apparently there are certain parties in the Silver City who think that Celestials should just be raised in the Silver City,” said Amenadiel.
            “That’s ridiculous. We’ve never had any Celestials outside of us and our siblings, so why should they care?” said Lucifer, angry at the idea of someone taking (Y/N) away.
            “Well, they exist now, so people are talking about it,” said Amenadiel.
            “Don’t I get a say in this?” said (Y/N), raising their hand.
            “Our siblings aren’t exactly the best at rational discussions,” said Lucifer.
            “Oh, so you are related to them, but only in the worst ways,” said (Y/N). Lucifer scowled, and they grinned teasingly, which turned Lucifer to rolling his eyes.
            “Focus, you two,” said Amenadiel.
            “I still think I should get a say in this,” said (Y/N). “I don’t want to go to Heaven.”
            “Exactly,” said Lucifer. “They don’t want to go. So they should stay here where they’re safe.”
            “That’s a lie, but I don’t think being surrounded by irrational angels would be any better than the idiots we have on Earth,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “Why aren’t either of you taking this seriously?” asked Amenadiel.
            “Because (Y/N) won’t be threatened by anyone because no one would mess with me,” said Lucifer. “That and our siblings aren’t exactly smart enough to figure out that someone who was born a human is a Celestial now.”
            “Do your siblings not know what adoption is?” (Y/N) paused and flushed. “I mean, fostering.”
            Lucifer paused as he heard the words but cleared his throat, deciding to bring it up at another time since he had been thinking about the same topic.
            “Well, no,” said Lucifer. “Most don’t understand much about humanity.”
            “That explains a lot,” said (Y/N).
            “Lucifer, (Y/N), you should be careful,” said Amenadiel. “If Remiel was willing to come down from the Silver City, who knows who else might come looking. She listens to me, but others won’t.”
            “If they try to take (Y/N) against their will, they have to deal with me,” said Lucifer, narrowing his eyes and putting a hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder.
            They brightened and smiled at him, glad their dad was there to honor their decisions instead of focusing on what he or the world wanted.
            “Luci, we both know some angels don’t care about your reputation,” said Amenadiel.
            Lucifer’s gaze darkened. He knew exactly who he was talking about. “Then angels like him would have to go through me. (Y/N) doesn’t have to do anything they don’t want. And if they want to stay here with me, then I’ll protect them.”
            Amenadiel’s gaze softened. He could see why their bond had caused (Y/N) to become a Celestial. They really were father and child. “Alright, Luci. Just…be careful.” He looked at (Y/N). “You, too. And if you two need help, let me know. I don’t want anything to happen to (Y/N) or my child, either.”
            “Thanks, Amenadiel,” said (Y/N).
            “Thank you, brother,” said Lucifer. “But I can’t imagine there could be worst than a couple nosy siblings.” He grinned. “And those we know how to handle.”
            “Lucifer, can I talk to you?” whispered Chloe nervously at the scene of their latest case. “Right now.” She spoke urgently, and Lucifer noticed clearly. She pulled him away, and he followed.
            “What is it, Detective?” said Lucifer.
            “Okay, well, I-I need to tell you something,” said Chloe.
            “I’m all ears. Or horns, rather,” said Lucifer, trying to make light of the situation.
            “I went to see Father Kinley,” said Chloe seriously.
            Lucifer scoffed. “Oh, did you now?” He still didn’t like that man and didn’t want Chloe near him after he threatened all of them (especially (Y/N)). “Conjuring up more ways to send me back to Hell, are we?”
            “No, no,” said Chloe, shaking her head. “Father Kinley had been asking to see me, so I-I finally went, and he told me about…a prophecy.”
            Lucifer laughed at the statement. “Right. What is it this time? Are frogs about to start falling from the sky? Or perhaps winter is coming?”
            Chloe sighed. “All of this celestial stuff, it is new to me. I don’t know what is good and bad, what is real and fake, but what he said…it scared me.”
            “Well, come on then, Detective, what did he say?” asked Lucifer.
            “ ‘When the Devil walks the Earth and finds his first love, evil shall be released,’ ” said Chloe.
            Now, Lucifer didn’t put much stock in prophecies, but all he could hear was the idea of (Y/N) being in danger, and a shiver ran down his spine. No. He refused to let Heaven or Hell hurt them. So whatever he had to do for this stupid prophecy to not happen on that off-chance that it was real, he’d do it. Lucifer wouldn’t risk (Y/N).
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jester-lover · 2 years
Important Stuff
The masterlist is updated after 5-7 posts usually!! You might see some of my work on Quotev or Ao3!!! (Or even wattpad:0) :)
I'm Jester, and I'm a minor.
Other Blogs of Mine
- MAIN- @vampire-beloved
- other acc- @pierrotsmoon , the works from here will also be in my masterlist
Be nice 
Have manners, be polite
I have a life outside of this, know that I cannot always immediately respond
I will not tolerate spoilers, I will block you
I reserve the right to delete asks I feel I cannot do for you, do not take it personally, it just means I couldn’t come up with anything for your ask
Do not ask personal questions
I do not own the characters I am writing for
Will write:
Female reader (personal reasons)
Mild blood
Won't write:
Male reader (i have no experience being male)
Extreme Angst
p*do, be@sti@lity, inc3st,non-c0n, morally wrong things like that
character x character
character x OC 
On to the fun stuff!
Fandoms I will write for:
Marble Hornets
Gotham (tv)
DC Comics
Sandman (both netflix and comics!)
Metalocalypse (warning: I know little lol) 
Lost Boys (1987)
Twisted Wonderland
My Babysitters a Vampire
The Young Ones (1982)
One Piece (live action)
Frankenstein (only the creature)
Once Upon a Time
Characters I will be delighted to write for:
Tim Wright
Edward Nygma (pre and post riddler)
Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)
Victor Zsasz
Klarion the Witch Boy
Laurits Seier
Magne Seier
Herbert West
Toki Wartooth
Sebek Zigvolt
The Creature (Adam) from Frankenstein
Felix from OUAT
DM me about my preferences for specific characters.
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pierrotsmoon · 2 years
I'm J, and I'm a minor, I write on Ao3 as PierrotJester.
Be nice 
Have manners, be polite
I have a life outside of this, know that I cannot always immediately respond
I will not tolerate spoilers, I will block you
I reserve the right to delete asks I feel I cannot do for you, do not take it personally
Do not ask personal questions
I do not support JKR
I do not own the characters I am writing for
Will write:
Female reader (personal reasons)
Mild blood
Won't write:
Male reader (i have no experience being male)
p*do, be@stiaity, inc3st,non-c0n, morally wrong things like that
character x character
character x OC 
On to the fun stuff!
Fandoms I will write for:
Marble Hornets
Gotham (tv)
DC Comics
Sandman (both netflix and comics!)
Metalocalypse (warning: I know little lol)
Lost Boys (1987)
Twisted Wonderland
My Babysitters a Vampire
Repo the Genetic Opera
The Boy (Brahms Heelshire)
Black Christmas (1974)
Characters I will be delighted to write for:
Tim Wright
Edward Nygma (pre and post riddler)
Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)
Victor Zsasz
Klarion the Witch Boy
Laurits Seier
Magne Seier
Herbert West
Toki Wartooth
Sebek Zigvolt
DM me about my preferences for specific characters.
masterlist is on my previous account, find it in my bio
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vivalioo · 2 years
Welcome to my blog!
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Hello hello! My name is Remiel, I'm an aspiring writer and I'd like to churn out my current stream of motivation into writing requests! And what better way to do it than with topics that interest me (for art requests just assume I'm open to any character/fandom)? This brings me to my introduction post/request guideline!!:
I don't have much structure going into this, so I will update this with any other information I can think of. For now, all you need to know is that I will currently write for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (parts 1-6 and 9, I am s l o w when it comes to reading manga) and Mob Psycho 100! I will do character x readers or character x character, and I'm willing to try my hand at writing for almost anyone! I will not write about anything straight up illegal tho so dni if you condone anything that follows under the 'proship' category.
Requests are pretty much always open and I'll get to them ASAP, so feel free to hop into my inbox and request to your heart's desire! Be as specific as you'd like ^^ and if you don't specify a gender for an x reader I'll default to gender neutral pronouns o7.
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dilvei · 4 days
NOT A REQUEST!!!!! https://www.tumblr.com/dilvei/758120230165872640/thyon-x-reader-when-3-cough-cough-im-joking-do?source=share I SAW THIS AND I GOTTA ASK... ARE YOU BEING FRFR? Cuz once requests are open i might send something........ This is very out of character of me (self proclaimed number 1 Thyon hater)
yes i was being forreal number 1 thyon hater :)))
i would write any of my main ocs in my stories hehe (for example mythical devotions' list would be: idris, thyon, remiel, etc) though if you're going to request any of them i'd like you to be a tinyyy specific as to what reader u want (original mc or a new one) and the scenario you'd like (aus and such hehe)
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asvterias · 2 years
𝘙𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘮 𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘮𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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⋆ ꉂ one-shots — 2k+ wc
Remiel: Lucifer (FOX)
i. Surprise, I’m Pregnant
[Name] is pregnant with Remiel’s baby but panics and doesn't tell her wife about it because she knows how much she depises the little human creatures. So being a responsible woman, you rant about it to your best-friends’ Chloe and Maze, unaware that Remiel heard all of it.
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⋆ ꉂ drabbles — 1k to 2k wc
Melissa Hastings: Pretty Little Liars
i. Crush On Me
[Name] Fields, the older sister of Emily comes back to rosewood with nobody knowing. She is Melissa’s bestfriend but they both want something more than friendship.
Emma Duval: Scream (TV Series)
ii. I’m Here
The killer calls Emma and threatens to hurt her girlfriend but the blonde hangs up, scared. She calls [name] to come over to her house and [name] comes over and reassures her and cuddles Emma to sleep.
Remiel: Lucifer (FOX)
iii. Not All Humans
Remiel comes back down to earth not knowing that she could find a potential love in her heart for one certain human.
Moe Traux: Trinkets
iv. Kisses and Confessions
Moe caught feelings for her childhood bestfriend, [name] and is still friends with her because to Moe’s disappoint; the foster girl was straight. During a party when playing 7 minutes in heaven, someone dared moe and [name] who has a boyfriend, could the odds be against moe for just one night?
v. Kisses and Confessions (2)
Moe and [Name] are locked in the bathroom after the huge make-out in front of Shawn. Now having no where to hide, Moe confesses to you about her feelings for a certain someone but could it be what she wanted after all?
vi. Kisses and Confessions (3)
[Name] and Moe are now secretly dating - Tabitha doesn't know but suspects it. [Name] is not out to her family but could one tiny slip up ruin everything when Brady catches you and Moe ‘performing’ in your bedroom.
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⋆ ꉂ blurbs — wc less than 1k
Cora Hale: Teen Wolf
i. Pretty Girl
In which, [Name] and Cora wakes up in each other’s arms as they struggle to get out of bed.
ii. Her Soft Spot
In which, Cora develops a rigid soft spot for her childhood bestfriend whom she also has a secret crush on.
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saebyeoked · 3 years
things that are currently in my drafts / wips 
this is basically for me to keep track but also for you all to see what to expect from me soon! :)
squid game
ali w/ a s/o who suffers from anxiety headcanons
saebyeok w/ an s/o who the opposite personality as her headcanons
dating deoksu headcanons
alice in borderland
jealous arisu headcanons
chishiya fic w/ a s/o who has a similar personality as he does
arisu w/ an s/o who cares about no one but him headcanons
dating karube headcanons
sweet home
dating hyun-su prior to the events of sweet home headcanons
dating eun-yu headcanons
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sketch-guardian · 1 month
I finally finished the New exchange students' true celestial forms sketches😭it was a nightmare and now I need to get some sleep😞I apologize if they are disappointing, but here they are🙈:
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plus some close-ups to show their faces better:
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grievedeeply · 2 years
whoever told me to just "make tracer bi," fuck you. i will not be erasing her sexuality for your fantasies. she is a lesbian. she is not interested in men.
i don't care if she's fictional, her identity is not.
lesbianism is erased in so many places. this blog is not one of them.
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skyrimpals · 1 year
I've already used this I know
For my Gore lovers out there *cough* including me *cough*
Gore: I hate touching people
Gore: the only feeling I know is the feeling of slapping a bitch
Remiel: Y/N's literally in your arms right now
Gore: *hugs Y/N closer* this is entirely different
Y/N: :)
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matth1w · 5 years
Can I ask for a Lucifer Morningstar fic where the reader to pregnant, hasn’t told Lucifer yet and panics starting to lie to him and avoid him. They resolve it when he does some of his own detective work and he decides he wants you to know he likes the child. Bonus points of stuff like ‘well now I’ve trapped you and you’re mine...’ (like playfully) Thanks.
Detective Morningstar
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Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Summary: You’re pregnant with Lucifer’s baby. Great, right? Wrong. You know how much he doesn’t like children. So being a responsible adult, you… lie and avoid him. Lucifer does some detective work and finds out, because of course he would.
Warnings: Unplanned pregnancy, angst, language, talk of period, talk of yeast infections (just wait) 
Rating: Everyone
Word Count: 2,709 words
Note: Lots of internal dialogue in this one, with lotsa cursing. Indicated by italics. Also, part of what took so long - my first attempt at this was much less happy and required me to get into a certain mindset. The rewrite is much happier and lighter. And pregnancy fics just take more effort from me.
Note to Requestor: Thank you for requesting and your patience, nonnie! I hope you enjoy! 💕
Tags: @kittenlittle24​
It was about four in the morning and you were thankful for your natural inability to hold your bladder through the night. Lucifer didn’t seem disturbed by your getting out.
Heavy sleeper and used to it, I guess.
You slowly closed the bathroom door with a soft click and opened the cabinet just as slow. Thankful you had fixed that squeaky hinge.
Your eyes fell on the bright box in front of you and you grabbed it with trepidation - hoping your period would start and wake you from this nightmare. You opened the box quietly, swearing internally at the foil wrapping.
Why did they make these things so loud??
It wasn’t necessary. All it did was make it perfectly clear to anyone within a mile’s radius that you were taking a pregnancy test.
You paused after finally pulling it out - so on edge and nervous of making any sound Lucifer would overhear.
Nothing came from the bedroom so you got down to business.
Yuck, of course you got a little on your fingers.
Okay. All done. Now just five minutes.
God it felt like an hour.
Any bleeding?
You checked. Still had hope even if it was a week late. You had been practically begging for your period.
You made empty promises to never complain about your period again.
You checked your phone for the hundredth time in the five minutes.
You didn’t even pause before looking at the test.
Hold up, it could be a -
Nope. Definitely a +
+ means pregnant right??
Shit shit shit.
Could be a false positive. Those happen all the time.
Yeah, sure, your brain aka reasonable Y/N thought.
You looked into the cabinet to get another one, a different brand.
As much as you were freaking out, you realized that wasn’t the best idea. You’d wait until tomorrow.
I’m sure I’ll get my period by then and it’ll be some weird false positive...
You pushed the feeling in your gut down. It could be wrong.
It had to be.
1 day and 1 more positive test later...
You sat on the couch, Netflix running but not earning your attention.
You were too busy thinking at break-neck speed.
... Well he came around to liking Trixie. Becoming like an uncle to her. Now when he called her monkey it was affectionate.
And he loved and was even affectionate to baby Charlie.
So maybe he wouldn’t be mad. Or upset? Or idk disappointed?
Oh God, that would be the worst.
Wait, God!
Hey! Dad in law! Can you help out here? Take little bugger out?
I mean you helped Mary so just like say the spell backwards.
Let’s hope He wasn’t listening. Pretty sure that sent you straight to Hell ten times over.
Speaking of Hell, this was his fault! He’s the one with the freaking sperm!
But.... you’re the one whose body betrayed you. Apparently your uterus had too many months of preparing for a baby just for it to get torn down.
Maybe it was a fake. False positive. People get those all the time.
Across two different brands?
Ugh, shut up, reasonable Y/N.
3 days and 3 more positive tests later...
Maze you whisper-yelled through your teeth and shook your hand to get her to come over once she looked up from her spot on the barstool.
“I’m fucked.”
Maze asked with a suspicious look.
“I’m... fucked”, you cursed.
“You can’t tell anyone. Especially you know who.”
Maze smiled and nodded, curiosity piqued. She loved secrets.
You sighed, the omnipresent string of curses running through your head before you spoke again, taking a deep breath and spilling it all out.
“I’m like 99.999 percent sure I’m pregnant.”
You sucked in air, having to breath after saying that all so hurried also because FUCK, you just said it out loud.
Your best friend/practical sister just started at you, chewing on your lip.
She shifted on her feet.
“Are you...” she was trying to gauge you and the situation. “Happy?”
You made faces as you tried to think.
Were you?
Petrified. Anxious. Happy? Okay a little. If you weren’t worried about Lucifer’s reaction maybe you would be.
You mean, it was kinda cool you were like making life.
Maze nodded slowly at that. Understanding nearly perfectly well what was going on.
“I see. And you’re worried about Lucifer?”
You nodded, scared of even saying his name.
“What if he doesn’t like me like that?”, you sighed, wanting to cry.
She just stared at you, but it was no use as you had dropped your head in your hands. She waited until you lifted your head back up before speaking.
“You’re literally married.”
Oh. Right.
“Yeah but...”
She flicked you in the forehead.
“Stop being an idiot, YN.”
“What are my two favorite ladies gossiping about?”
You jumped out of your skin. Neither of you had noticed your husband/ father of your child until he stood just a foot away.
Shit shit shit.
Say something!
You looked to Maze but she was giving you nothing.
Fuck. Okay uh...
Lucifer stopped himself from putting his hand on your shoulder. His face was a hilarious mixture of confusion and strange acceptance.
No one said anything so you had to go again.
“Um... yeah. Maze,” you gulped at the daggers coming from her eyes.
“I mean, I.... uh, I think I got a yeast infection.”
Lucifer nodded furrowing his eyebrows. He just turned on his feet and walked away.
Once he was out of reach, Maze snorted.
“You’re a mess! Vaginal itching??”
You buried your head in your hands once more and groaned.
— — —
When you went to bed that night Lucifer was already there.
“What have you been up to darling?”
Reading articles about how to tell your husband you’re pregnant.
“Um. Uh.... Reorganizing the closet.”
You smiled and laughed a little too loud as you realized how utterly stupid that was considering he was in the bedroom. With full view of the closet.
You blushed and tried to laugh it off.
“Sorry, babe. I’m super tired. I’ve been out of it.”
He chuckled. “That yeast infection?”, he mused.
You nodded over enthusiastically. “Yeah the uh, yeast infection.... Itchy itch!”
You cringed.
Itchy itch? Who says that??
Lucifer pursed his lips, trying so hard not to laugh at you.
“Yes, itchy itch indeed. Let me know if you need me to run to the store and get you something for that. I was planning on going out tomorrow.”
You gulped. Fear and paranoia coursing through your veins.
He nudged your shoulder.
“CVS has those chocolates you like on sale so I thought I’d pick some up.”
You sighed. A little too eagerly. Then tried to cover it up.
You couldn’t trust your words so you smiled and leaned in to kiss Lucifer.
He held your lips for an extra moment and pulled away slowly.
“I love you, Y/N” he said. Certainty and firmness evident through his tone and eyes that held yours.
You closed your eyes.
“I love you too, my angel”
— — —
You stopped as you stepped out of Lux, taking a moment to appreciate the warm LA sun hitting your skin. You closed your eyes and held your head high.
Today was going to be a good day.
Someone cleared their throat next to you and you frowned.
Or not.
Opening your eyes you saw you sister in law, Remiel.
Ah, fuck.
“Remy!” you exclaimed, trying to be excited. Like you didn’t know what was going on or why she was here.
She looked at you unamused.
“Y/N. I thought you said you used protection.”
Your face fell and you slumped. Embarrassed as Remy brought up your old conversation.
When she came down to try to take Charlie to Heaven she made a comment about expecting Lucifer to be the one to create a nymphlim.
And you of course said that you two used protection and she wouldn’t have to worry about that.
Which wasn’t a lie, you had been! You just... kinda stopped.
You laughed awkwardly.
“Yeah…” You swallowed.
“Since you’re here... am I actually…?” your throat tightened. You couldn’t say it.
In an instant your sister in law eyes softened.
You nodded, looking away as you bit your lip, trying to hold back the tears from spilling onto your cheeks.
Remy came closer to you and put her hand on your shoulder.
“Hey,” she began, her voice soft and almost unfamiliar from what you knew of the hunter.
You looked up at Remy and tried to smile.
“I guess,” you sniffled. “I kept thinking it wasn’t real. That all the tests were somehow wrong.”
You shuddered out a shaky laugh, meeting her eyes quickly.
“But I guess if you’re here and you can tell...”
Remy grunted in agreement. “I can smell it clearly.”
You chuckled and looked back at her, not surprised to see her serious face. But that left after a moment to a sly smirk.
You sighed and decided to go in for a hug. After a quick flinch, Remy brought her arms loosely around you.
“You’re not mad?” You sniffled against her shoulder.
She laughed under you as she pulled away, holding you at arms length.
“No. I learned my lesson with Amenadiel. I wanted to offer my help. The child of Lucifer will be highly sought out.”
You blanched. “Sought out? Like...”
She nodded seriously. Her mood instantly changing.
“Yes, Y/N. Many will try to get ahold of your child for their own benefit.”
You just nodded back, unable to handle the situation and desperately wanting to not think about it.
Remy seemed to notice your fatigue and tried to smile again.
“But there’s no need to worry about that now!”
You smiled back, trying to relax as well.
“Well... since you’re here...”
Lucifer shouted from behind you.
Your husband walked up to you both and pulled his sister in for a tight hug.
“So lovely for you to stop down. What are you doing here?”
Remy went to say - the truth. So you spoke up first. Almost drowning her out.
“I invited her for pedicures!”
“Ooh pedicures?” Lucifer turned to you with excitement.
“Yeah. Uh, Girl family bonding. Like just girls! ... Sorry uh no boys allowed.”
Luci chuckled as Remy just looked on.
“Sounds lovely.” Luci couldn’t even try to hide the love in his heart seeing his wife and sister together.
You stepped in to give him a quick peck on the cheek then back to Remy and wrapped your arm in hers.
“Bye Luci!”
There was a glimmer in his eyes as he pulled out the corvette keys from his pocket and handed them to you.
“Have fun, darling”.
You smiled up at your husband, appreciative of the act.
He gave Remy one last look before he walked back inside.
It was quiet for almost a minute before Remy broke the silence.
“You haven’t told him yet?”
You sighed and hung your shoulders.
“I’ve been meaning to but I just... I’m so scared.”
“Of what?”
You looked at her. She really did want to help.
“Hey uh, if you’re not busy. A pedicure would be nice.”
She smiled. It truly was a nice sight.
— — —
After you got home and said your goodbyes to your sister in law you hummed happily, trying to not be nervous.
Thankfully Lucifer wasn’t home so you relaxed in front of the tv with a snack.
When the elevator door dinged, you jumped up as Lucifer was quite cheery.
“What’s got you all smiley, Mr. Morningstar?”
He chuckled. “Well, Mrs. Morningstar, not only did they have your chocolates on sale. I also got a coupon!”
You giggled at him. Lucifer Morningstar. The Devil himself. Clipping coupons with such eagerness like a domestic housewife.
He walked over to you and held up the bags. You gawked.
“Luci, how much chocolate did you get??”
He gave you a sly smile.
“Oh I noticed we were running low on some items so I got them as well”
He held your eyes and in that moment you knew you were caught. But you tried to play dumb.
“What stuff?”
He tilted his head at you.
“You know, darling. Pregnancy tests. You’ve gone through quite a lot these past few days.”
You felt the color drain from your face.
He held up his hand and walked over to sit beside you.
“Y/N. Whatever the reason, I want you to know you don’t need to lie anymore.”
You had to look away at the intensity of his look.
“I’m the Devil. Sensing truth and lies is my thing.”
He put two fingers under your chin to make you meet his eyes.
“And even if I wasn’t. You’re a bloody awful liar. Pedicures?”
He gave you a crooked cheeky smile and you couldn’t help the groan that escaped you.
“I know. But Luci...”
He wasn’t moving to speak so you took a breath and continued.
“I thought you would be upset. I mean, other than Trixie and Charlie, you don’t really like kids. And having a kid, it would tie us together forever. And I know we’re married but it’s different? And I just...”
Your voice trailed off when you looked back up at Lucifer and saw him shaking his head.
“Y/N, my darling wife. We were tied together forever the moment I first saw you. And a child? To be honest, seeing my brother with Charlie it sparked something in me.
“And when I saw you and Remy standing together today - I hoped she was here for the same reason you had taken almost every kind of pregnancy test. And didn’t use any tampons. And didn’t eat any of your period ice cream.”
You felt the blush grow on your cheeks and bumped your head into his shoulder - trying to desperately hide your embarrassment.
“You used your detective skills on me, Morningstar?”
He laughed wholeheartedly as he wrapped his arms around you.
“You aren’t that challenging of a case, love.”
You let yourself laugh.
It shouldn’t surprise you.
He said hoped.
“Luci...” you stilled under him, “You said you hoped?”
“Yes,” he said simply.
“Really?”, you said softly, so surprised by his words.
He nodded then leaned in to kiss you, saying all he needed to say with the passion and love pouring from his lips to yours.
When he pulled away you took a breath, feeling like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Staring into the eyes of your husband, you knew his words to be true.
“You want this? A baby? Our baby?”
He smiled, lighting up at your words.
“Yes.” He shook you slightly.
“I want all the babies you’re willing to give me. Because it’s you, Y/N.”
You couldn’t help it.
Yep, time for the waterworks.
“Oh, Luci” you sobbed as you dove to hug him.
He held you tightly as he soothed your pain.
“It’s alright, love. Everything’s alright now.”
After a few minutes of crying and comfort, you sniffled and wiped your eyes. Unable to form words that could convey how you felt, you just looked at your husband, smiling softly, eyes glistening and showing relief, gratitude, and love.
He brought you back into his arms and hummed softly.
— — —
Later that night, when your limbs were intertwined between the sheets, the emotional toll of the day mixed with sleep to loosen your tongue.
“Luci... you don’t feel tied down to me??” Your voice was quiet - scared and hopeful.
“Darling.” Lucifer chuckled before he saw the seriousness on your face.
“We’re married.” He said as he stroked your cheek down to your shoulder.
“But a baby.” You nuzzled into him. “It I don’t know... it kinda ties you to someone forever.” The wetness of your eyes coming back again for what felt like the millionth time that day.
Lucifer shifted, pulling you closer to him and lifting your head so your eyes would meet his.
“Being tied to you for the rest of my life isn’t a prison, my darling - it’s a gift.”
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anonymousewrites · 11 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 4) Chapter Twelve
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Chapter Twelve: It Wasn't Your Fault
Summary: Lucifer isn't totally in control, and Amenadiel gets a surprise visit from the Silver City.
            “Don’t go into the living room,” said Em as (Y/N) passed to get a snack.
            “Huh? Why?” asked (Y/N).
            “Eve’s made a mess. It’ll drive you up the wall,” said Em simply.
            (Y/N) blinked. They forgot that Em had learned to read them so well. She knew their habits and idiosyncrasies. It was…nice. They shook their head and focused. “Seriously?”
            “Yep,” said Em. “And Lucifer’s not here to distract her, so if you go up, you’re going to be the target of her energy.”
            (Y/N) huffed and sat down on the couch next to Em. “We need to hand her off to a babysitter or something.”
            “A babysitter who will do drugs and party with her?” said Em sarcastically.
            “Listen, I’m glad Dad isn’t going crazy with her, but at this point, I’d settle for anyone who would distract her,” sighed (Y/N).
            As if on cue, the door opened, and Maze walked in. “Damn. Does no one need a demon right now?” She had been hoping to find at least Lucifer or someone alone, but instead, everyone already had someone else to spend time with that was more important.
            (Y/N) perked up. Now, God never favored them when it came to luck, but this seemed like the perfect opportunity. “Actually, I know someone who is lonely right now.”
            Maze raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. “Who?”
            “Eve,” said (Y/N). “She’s just waiting around for Lucifer. Kind of pathetic.”
            Maze scoffed. “Waiting around for a man? Ridiculous.” She turned and walked straight towards the living room.
            (Y/N) smirked, and Em looked at them warily.
            “When did you get so good at manipulating people?” they muttered.
            “I know people’s buttons,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “That’s concerning,” said Em.
            “Relax,” teased (Y/N). “I wouldn’t manipulate you.” They grinned. “I need you to take me to Homecoming before I get into your head.” Playfully, they waved a hand, and a shadow flipped a throw blanket up over Em’s head.
            Em blinked and turned pink, pulling the blanket off, as (Y/N) grinned, laughed, and opened their sketchbook to work on their designs for additions to their outfit.
            “Hello, Brother,” said the woman with brown hair and a spear.
            Amenadiel grinned and chuckled. “It’s good to see you, Remiel.” They embraced. “So, what brings you to Earth?” he asked as he stepped back. “Silver City run out of stags to hunt? You need a break from Cassiel’s singing? Or did you just miss your big bro?”
            “I wish I were here for such frivolous reasons,” said Remiel, growing serious. “But we have a problem. For the first time in millennia, I’ve sensed two new Celestials. A baby and a…Well, the second is stranger. I don’t understand human aging well enough to understand. But I will soon.”
            Amenadiel tensed. That meant his baby. His and Linda’s child. And…who? He and Lucifer were the only Celestials on Earth, and Lucifer was careful about that sort of thing. Still, this situation was bad. Amenadiel didn’t want his baby getting hurt.
            “Right here in Los Angeles,” continued Remiel. “But you already knew that. Didn’t you, Brother?”
            Amenadiel fought not to react. Did Remiel already know?
            “Let’s walk,” said Remiel, turning out of the alley.
            Amenadiel kept his face carefully calm as he walked with her.
            “Come now, Brother,” said Remiel. “We both knew it was only a matter of time before this happened.”
            “We did?” said Amenadiel in confusion.
            “Well, of course there was bound to be a child eventually because of all the meaningless sexual encounters,” said Remiel matter-of-factly. “It’s just a surprise that there are two.”
            “I wouldn’t say they were meaningless,” said Amenadiel, offended.
            “Please, our brother Lucifer is a—what do they call it here? A slut,” said Remiel.
            “Lucifer?” said Amenadiel, surprised. So Remiel had no idea of the truth. “You’re here because you think Lucifer has fathered a half-human child or two?”
            “It must have been difficult for you, bearing the burden of Lucifer’s secret alone in order to protect him,” continued Remiel, unaware of Amenadiel’s storm of thoughts. “But I’m here now, Brother. Together, we can put an end to this nonsense.”
            “Oh, whoa, whoa. Remi.” Amenadiel stopped walking. “What do you mean exactly by ‘put an end to it?’ ” His blood ran cold.
            “As we both know, it’s forbidden for humans and celestials to intermingle in an amorous manner,” said Remiel. “The children shouldn’t exist.”
            “The children are innocent.” It didn’t matter if Amenadiel didn’t know who the second was; they were a child. They hadn’t done any wrong.
            “Exactly. Which is why we must find the children, snatch them up, and take them to Heaven for the rest of eternity,” said Remiel. Her wings burst out at the force of her declaration.
            Amenadiel rushed up. “Remi, put your wings away! Humans aren’t supposed to see them.”
            “Right. Forgot,” said Remiel. “Please slow time so these barely sentient creatures won’t see us fly away.”
            “Well, I can’t slow time,” snapped Amenadiel. When Remiel looked at him strangely, he panicked and continued. “Because….that would be too easy. Look, this is our first brother-sister hunt in over a millennium. Why not make it a proper challenge?”
            Remiel smiled. “You’re right! To the challenge!” She frowned. “Where might we find the kind of human woman that Lucifer would impregnate?”
            “Actually, I know exactly where to start,” said Amenadiel. “But, um, perhaps we should begin with a change of clothes.”
            (Y/N) felt the fabric swatch and frowned. They shook their hand out as if they could rid themself of the memory of the texture. “Nope, definitely not that,” they muttered.
            Their phone rang as they walked down the rack of cloth. “Who is it?” said (Y/N), answering.
            “(Y/N),” said Chloe.
            “Oh, hey, Detective,” said (Y/N).
            “(Y/N), Lucifer…There was an incident during the case,” said Chloe.
            “Is Lucifer alright?” asked (Y/N), holding their phone tighter.
            “Physically, yes. But someone got killed. Lucifer was there, tracking down a suspect, and they got away. He’s really upset.” Chloe took a deep breath. “And I can’t help him. You get through to him. I don’t want him to be a burden, but will you check on him? I just…I don’t think Eve would be good for him right now.”
            “Yeah,” said (Y/N). They couldn’t let their dad spiral. They wouldn’t let him. “Don’t worry. I’ve got him.”
            “How can human women wear these torture devices?” muttered Remiel, shifting uncomfortably in her human clothes. “What are they called?”
            “Jeans,” said Amenadiel.
            Remiel stared out at the dancing crowd in Lux in distaste. “How could Lucifer ever procreate with these jean-laden humans? They’re selfish and greedy. And they smell wrong.”
            “Well, Remi, perhaps Lucifer discovered that not all humans are selfish, greedy, and…smelly,” said Amenadiel. “Perhaps he even met one that was rather special.” He stared out into space. “One that helped him learn things about himself and the universe that he never would’ve learned without them.”
He was talking about himself with Linda, but he was equally thinking of Lucifer with (Y/N). Lucifer had become a better person because he cared about (Y/N); Amenadiel had become a better person because of Linda. They both had humans show them more about the world.
            Amenadiel cleared his throat as Remiel looked at him strangely. “Yeah, I’m just guessing, about Lucifer.”
            “Dad?” called (Y/N), setting down their bags as they saw Lucifer taking a sip of alcohol and staring into space.
            “Ah, (Y/N),” said Lucifer, clearing his throat and putting the glass down. “Sorry about the mess. I’ll make sure Eve and I clean up tomo—”
            (Y/N) cut him off with a hug. “I heard what happened. I’m sorry.”
            “You shouldn’t know. This isn’t yours to deal with,” said Lucifer. He hugged them back. Dan’s words reverberated in his mind. “You’re not one of the good guys.”
He held (Y/N) tighter. He couldn’t stand those words. If he wasn’t one of the good guys, he was bound to get (Y/N) hurt. Like you already have, his mind told him. Just like he got the policewoman killed by Julian, he had gotten (Y/N) hurt and threatened so many times. What if (Y/N) was next? Julian had connections, and he’d done horrible things…What if (Y/N) was someone he hurt?
Lucifer glanced up at Eve standing in the doorway of his bedroom and remembered what she’d said about wanting him to be himself, the Devil, punisher of evildoers. He was all of that. He was darkness itself. (And he was a protector, a father. He was there to protect (Y/N).)
Lucifer held (Y/N) tighter. He could protect them. He could protect them by punishing those who would do them and others harm.
(Y/N) leaned back and looked at him. “It wasn’t your fault, okay?”
It was. “Thank you for being here,” said Lucifer, staring at his child.
“Of course. Just, please, don’t do anything stupid, okay? This really wasn’t your fault. Chloe will find the guy,” said (Y/N).
“She will,” said Lucifer, nodding.
But only once he was done with them. He made eye contact with Eve and nodded to her. She smiled at him. There was her devil.
            Remiel huffed as yet another woman passed without a hint of Celestial energy. No one here seemed pregnant with Lucifer’s child, and there was no sign of a second Celestial.
            “I think you’re stalling, aren’t you?” she said, looking at where Amenadiel sat drinking some beer. “Oh, don’t tell me Lucifer’s misplaced love of humans has rubbed off on you.”
            “Of course not,” lied Amenadiel.
            “Yes. The never-ending talk of ‘free will’ while you were in the Silver City? Brother, you’re the one who taught me that humans are inconsequential,” said Remiel.
            “Well, I was wrong, Remi!” cried Amenadiel. “They are living, breathing beings created by our Father.”
            “And I promise you, I won’t hurt the children, even if they are half-human,” said Remiel, disgusted at the idea of the children being partly mortal.
            “And what about the mother?” said Amenadiel.
            “I know we’re not allowed to kill humans, so I’ll be very careful where I cut,” said Remiel.
            “You’re not cutting anywhere!” said Amenadiel.
            “You know this human, don’t you, Brother? Does that mean you know where both the new Celestials are?” demanded Remiel. “Are you stopping my mission?”
            “I’m protect my child and its mother,” snapped Amenadiel.
            “So you do know the new Celestials!”
            “I know my child, and Lucifer has no children, so there is no way th—” Amenadiel stopped as he realized he was wrong. Lucifer did have a child. (Y/N). No, they weren’t biologically related, but Amenadiel’s father was all about metaphor and symbolism, so if the bond was strong enough…Oh, no. (Y/N) is a Celestial.
            Lucifer grinned at Eve as Julian screamed and tried to run. He was punishing him. He was happy, satisfied.
            But only as long as he didn’t imagine (Y/N)’s disappointment in him.
            Then his stomach twisted, and he wanted to leave Eve, Julian, and everything else behind.
            So he didn’t imagine it. He refused to.
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