#remember how su would be top trending after every episode? literally EVERY episode from s5 onwards even if it was 'filler'?
introvert-celeste · 4 years
Ahh yeah.. I miss the community vibe of the SU fandom (even in the bad parts), it's hard to find fandoms like that from media with such genuine diversity
Oh absolutely. I don’t have much experience with other cartoon fandoms, but every time I peruse the tags of currently airing shows, I’m always struck by how few posts there are. Maybe it’s because a lot of the fandoms for currently airing cartoons have migrated to Twitter, but it’s always disappointing checking the main tags for a show after a new ep drops and only seeing a handful of new posts.
Now the SU fandom...you check the main tags after a new ep drops and you’ll see 50 million posts, all caps, of people just screaming. My dash would just be a mile long party and it would take me hours to scroll through it. Artists would pump out spoilery pieces within minutes, theorists would write whole essays before the evening was done, people would be keysmashing incoherently for hours afterwards. It was honestly such a magical experience, and I remember absolutely shaking with excitement soaking it all in. I miss that energy.
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