#reign starter
Why doesn't the justice league know about Amity Park?
Okay so it's been a bit sonce I watched the show but one of the things in DpxDC is the anti-ecto acts, which I love, but correct me if I'm wrong, I THINK ??? they only show up in reality trip? SO: What if Danny, when using the gauntlet to undo everything, also got rid of the Anti-Ecto acts? but this is babys first time editing reality so he uh Fucks Up A Lil'. As a result when Danny used the reality gauntlet to wipe the AEA from existence he accidentally wiped Amity Park from perception. A big 'nothing matters over here' jedi mind trick, and now no ones looking at Amity. So, the Justice League actually WERE looking into and monitoring the situation in Amity, but when the perception filter closed them off, all of that suddenly went ignored.
This is noticed when someone (Alfred, Dick, Tim, literally anyone) realises theres just. A BIG dusty pile of case files semi abandoned somewhere in the cave when going through a (time period)ly cave cleaning.
They put it down because it's Not Important.
They come back to finish the cleaning the next day and do the exact same thing, but there's nothing to actually distract them this time and it pings as weird. Because why would case files be not important? They are by definition important, because only things flagged as important go into case files.
They try to get someone else to read it, because as long as they don't read the information in the file, they don't put it down.
That person goes to read it, gets a line in and then says something like 'that isn't important' and goes to leave. Person A pushes it and person B ALSO catches on.
Que the Batfam trying to figure out hey, what the fuck actually?
Meanwhile, how is Amity fairing? Canon compliant everything's going alright? Or have knock on effects to No One Look Here started to show?
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tofeelthecold · 2 years
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open to: everyone verse: undetermined (one of her modern verses though)
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“You don’t need to spare my feelings, I know they suck,” Mary sighed. “Back to the drawing board I guess. Maybe pumpkin bars?”
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alwaysaqueene · 2 months
Open Starter — Test Muse: Prince Alastair — V: Reign of the Phoenix Queen / Phoenix Queen
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“Is it childish of me to hope for one true love someday?” Prince Alastair inquired of his companion, sighing as he knew the council would eventually push an arranged marriage on him. His eldest sister, the queen, had promised she’d fight for him to be able to marry for love, but the years were passing and the prince had yet to find someone he genuinely romantically loved.
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at-sabohteurs · 5 months
who's old enough in the tumblr rp community to remember when we used to write welcome starters whenever someone followed us ?
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cherrysugcr · 7 months
open to males 25+ connection: dating, first date, v casual romantic connection tate is bi but very inexperienced with dating men
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"What do you mean it's obvious I don't do this often, I do this all the time." Tate replied to the other's remark about him seeming nervous tonight. "It can't be that obvious no way. You're just making it up or something seriously I'm completely fine." Meanwhile internally he was more hyper aware of his behavior. "C'mon just ask me something else promise I'll be completely calm and not nervous at all in my response."
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lcstinfantasy · 8 months
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muse: reign grey
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❝ no, i don’t need you. but i do want you. my life is fine without you, but it’s great when you’re in it. i don’t need to be dependent on you for this relationship to be important. ❞
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miidnighters · 6 months
@yxkanna | birthday !
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Bella doesn't make a big fuss about it. There's a soft happy birthday and extra kisses in the morning - and for a while that might be all Nick thinks there is. But by the afternoon, he'll notice an unmarked envelope in the spot where his keys normally go (so she can be sure he won't miss it). Inside are a pair of tickets for the next Rangers game - close, only a couple of rows back. Importantly - its a night game, so if he wanted, Bella could go too.
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sabohteurs · 3 months
’ starter call / specify muse.
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villainsrph · 11 months
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pack #1 example ft. carrd, pinned post, post banners, detailed blockquote icons, promo, dash icons, & header !
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wearetheonesx · 2 years
Ezra sighed deeply as he sat back against the cold brick wall of the subway station, taking a moment to catch his breath. It was hard to grasp what had taken place these last few hours. People seemed possessed, like they were on drugs or suffered some form of encephalitis. The more he learned, the less he understood. Like everyone, he was in over his head. The only reason he was still breathing was because of the delayed bombing of Manhattan, giving him and a few other people enough time to hide underground. Whether that was a solution had yet to be determined; they were stuck, and if they would not be able to find a way out, they were going to die in this place.
Glancing down at his blood stained hands, he could feel the adrenaline slowly leave his body. His shoulders started feeling tense, sounds that used to be muffled now slowly started to take form and he noticed he was shaking slightly. The woman he had just tried to safe was no longer breathing. She died alone, in the arms of a man she hadn't known and all he could think about was that her family was probably out there, unaware of what had happened. It made him think of his mother and how he had no idea how she was doing. Just like he had no idea how anyone he cared about was doing, because like the woman besides him, he was alone, surrounded by a bunch of strangers; A man in his fourties was sitting at the side of the track with his face buried in his hands, this group of teenagers were drastically trying to find a signal around the young woman who seemed to manage to get a phonecall through. People were hurt, afraid-- some were crying. They were asking why, contemplating, discussing what was next, a subject that kept him busy too. What was he going to do next? Was he going to try and find his sister in a city that was on fire? Or should he just get out, trust that they would both do what needed to be done to survive so they could actually have a chance to find each other again? @brklynbxby
After a frail attempt to wipe some blood off of his hands by dragging them over his jeans, he reached for his phone. This was the first time he owned a smart phone, now cracked all the way round-- he would bet his old nokia would have survived the same trip. He disgarded the remains on the floor before him and glanced up just in time to catch one of the presumed dead bodies come to life to grab the arm of a young boy. From there everything went down as quick as it had when the first bomb hit New York. The boy screamed as the creature dug his teeth into his skin and as Ezra tried to get up to help, he was met by his own nightmare. Right in his face, the woman he was sure had stopped breathing now went for his jugular. He punched her throat, without getting any form of response and was just in time to catch her and throw her off of him. "Go, get into the tunnels!" He yelled into the chaos, watching everyone but two people move. The father trying to safe his son, now suffering the same faith as him, and a brunette with her phone locked in her hand. Before he could say more, all the lights shut down and darkness surrounded them.
Perhaps it was stupid, an impulsive act that would get him killed, but he blindly crossed the hall to grab the stranger's wrist. "We need to go, come on" he stated with a clenched jaw, his grip on her not leaving her with much choice. He would drag her ass onto the tracks if he had to.
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hyaciiintho · 1 year
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🌸。*゚+. I just refreshed the page and got jumpscared by the new tumblr layout... is this a tee hee haha poke and prod at Muskrat complaining about the bird app's layout and functionality being 'stolen' by other social medias now that it's going under and people are jumping ship?? I hope it's a tee hee haha poke and prod and TEMPORARY and NOT PERMANENT because holy jee willickers batman is it messing with my brain...
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eatherlunch · 10 months
starter for @everyoneismytoy
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Reign sat down, clenching her palms over teary eyes. She had been kicked out of church for dancing. Dancing! All she wanted to do was praise the Lord for everything He’s given her. And this is what the pastor does?
“He said I had too many demons?!” She kneeled upon the stairs leading up to the chapel. Punching her fists at the gravel, until her knuckles bled. “I thought I was special, I thought I was your prophet! FUCK YOU, JESUS.”
More and more tears dripped down her flushed cheeks as she began to bawl. They didn’t cover this segment in veggietales. They always said God made you special, and he loves you very much. But in a world filled of such darkness, was there even a God? “Where are you?”
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hatredcurse · 1 year
Plotted Starter || @blonduzumaki
How long has it been? Time didn't seem to exist, not anymore, not after the fall of everything. It was a far cry to say that nothing matter, when everything mattered.
Bound at the wrists, blinded by a steel mask, swaddled in jacket so tight that Sasuke felt his nerves pinch at the socket joint with an assuredness that any longer in this confinement, he'd lose all precious feeling in his fingertips. Speaking of, his newly attached arm didn't seem to be hanging on so well either. Functionally sound, but uncomfortable. A static tingling took to every nerve elbow down with a temperature that was both hot and cold.
It was pure agony.
It was Hell.
And, it never ended.
The baneful wrath and charged anger faded with the minutes. Each time the sun would rise, Sasuke awoke with vigor that would soon dissipate by nightfall. When his vision was taken from him by temporary means, his body failed to invoke homeostasis, stranding him alone in an uncertain state between alive and dead. By all means a dead man by his own definition, if it were not for the blood in his veins, the pain in his wrists, and this insatiable need to get out.
By stupid luck or empyrean fate, his prayers were answered.
Well, the prayers were, anyways. When he felt claws tear at his confining jacket and rip back his blindfold to sear his sensitive sight to the world, Sasuke barely had a grip on his surroundings before his feet hit the ground. A body trained for combat taking to its instinct. A sword shoved in deft hands and the only command was to "leave, by all means necessary."
Quick with his blade, as natural as it was breathing, the Uchiha didn't waste his time with slaughter. He's above that, he thinks. The better excuse is that the drive to abscond vastly overpowered his need for revenge. And, this feeling carried him to near-flight, putting his steel to any flesh body, iron lock, or wooden door obstructing his path. Even when the sun warmed his skin and the ground was no longer stone, Sasuke kept pace well into the forest, charging farther and farther into the woodland until the high sight of Konoha was no longer within his sights.
Only when he casted his glance back and only saw a twisted treeline did his weakness catch up to him and he collapsed first on his knees before doubling over with a dry heave, expunging himself of the nothing that occupied his diet.
"..." he breathed in, once hard, twice shallow, repeating this pattern until the world steadied itself and he saw a face pushed close to him. Those once-blue eyes now yellow in their sage-form.
"... Naruto?" Sasuke choked, his throat raw from lack of use and utter confusion. Had he the strength, he gather his sword again, but all his body could was gawk at the man before him, hand on his own throat, suffering through the motions of being mobile again.
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at-sabohteurs · 5 months
canon character specific starter call : comment on this post with the corresponding emoji if you would like a small starter. if you’re a multi, please specify who you want it for-
🔪 : tatum riley
🍎 : regina mills
🌍 : martha jones
❄️ : elsa
☢️ : lucy mclean
🐝 : jackie taylor
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pleinsdemuses · 2 years
Open starter : open to mutuals and non-mutuals
Muse: Zara Petrova, Healer, Medieval Au
Crossovers & canon accepted.
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“ I am only doing what is asked of me, my Lord. ”
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silkmoontail · 2 years
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don't cry. one million catgirls in mewmoia, okay?
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