#reghan's writings
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rockwoodchevy · 3 days ago
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Jackson!Joel Miller x F!Reader
summary: after an attack by raiders, you end up lost in the dead of winter. Joel doesn't take the news very well.
Word count: 2.9k
warnings: mentions of death (no actual death though), some swear words
a/n: hi all! this is my first piece of Joel workings so please let me know what you think! i have some WIPs that i am excited for as well so look forward to those as well! thanks for reading!
You’re smart enough to know that the fact that you no longer feel the cold isn’t a good thing.
The shaking has stopped, so have the pins and needles in your body. Your breathing is shallow and little puffs of what seems like fog come from your mouth as you exhale. The ripped up puffer jacket on your body is no longer keeping your body heat in, the thick leggings barely helped in the first place but now helping even less with the rips. In all honesty, you’re slightly surprised that you’re still alive or at least conscious. You know that you’ve probably lost quite a bit of blood from the stab wound in your upper thigh and maybe the laceration on your head. You can’t feel if the beanie you were wearing hours ago is still there but that thing was pretty itchy anyways so you don’t necessarily mind. The only thing you can feel right now is the pressure of your body pressed against the ground, your eyes locked on the sky. What seems like thousands of stars staring back at you almost taunting you, waiting for you to join them. You can’t feel it in the slightest, but a tear rolls down your temple. It’s a beautiful way to go, numb and looking at the galaxy above your head. 
You aren’t completely positive what happened, all you know is there was a yell from one of the others on patrol behind you and suddenly you were on the ground, head ricocheting off of something, what it was you aren’t sure. It took a second to come to, but everyone was a blur. The only person you could really recognize was Jesse who was fighting off some raider. In your attempt to help him, one of them stabbed you deep in your thigh. The last thing you remember is Jesse telling you to run and you didn’t second guess his words. You took off in the first direction that you saw, running until your leg could no longer hold you up anymore. You were losing too much blood and the cold was no help. You had no idea where you were or what your surroundings were. No idea how far away Jackson was. All you knew was that you were going to die here. No warmth. No pain. 
No Joel.
God, you almost want to pray to whatever deity was listening that your body would rot away out here after you die and nobody, at least nobody from Jackson, would ever find it. You would hate for Joel to have to see you like this. You know that he isn’t a very emotional man, but good God, does he love you. You’ve heard it from multiple people in Jackson; Ellie, Tommy, Maria, even people that you have never even talked to before. You can hear it in his voice, see it in his eyes, feel it in his touch. You’ve never had to worry with him, knowing that you were safe, appreciated and loved every second of every day. You couldn’t bear the thought of him having to see you like this; broken down and dying if that is what this is. Knowing that he’ll be in pain once you go, that is the worst part of all of this.
What you don’t know is that Jesse spent the better part of an hour searching for you. He began panicking once the sun went down and decided he had to make his way back to the town and gather a search party. He feared having to explain to Joel and Tommy why he was alone. As he rode up to the gates on one of the horses that was spared in the fight, he could hear one of the gatekeepers yell out ‘lone rider!’ and his heart dropped. He knew that Joel waited for you after every patrol shift that you had and that he most likely heard the keeper yell. As the gate opened, he could see multiple people, including both Joel and Tommy, run out to him. While a couple of the people including Tommy helped tend to Jesse’s wounds, Joel immediately started questioning him about your whereabouts. Jesse could only babble out what he could about the raid as he broke down into tears, explaining the attack and him telling you to run so you wouldn’t get more hurt all the way up to his search for you in the surrounding wooded area. Joel’s heart fell completely out of his body, freezing as it landed in the soft pile of frosted grass beneath his feet. He didn’t hesitate to help drag Jesse back inside the safety of Jackson’s walls, not to ensure their protection but to question the hell out of him as to where he looked. Jesse told him everything he could. After Jesse was brought to the infirmary, Joel looked to Tommy who was already looking at him wearily. 
“Joel-“ Tommy began, but Joel didn’t let him finish his sentence.
”I’m going whether ya like it or not. With or without ya.” 
In 20 minutes time, a search party of about 10 people, including Tommy, Maria and Ellie, had gathered together to search for you. Joel’s heart couldn’t stop its rapid beating in his chest. Jesse told him about your hit to the head and injury to your thigh. They didn’t know the severity of them both. The party headed off in the general direction of where both you and Jesse were attacked and spread out from there. Joel started to yell out your name in hopes that you would be able to respond to it. Tommy immediately began to shush him.
”Joel, we can’t just start screaming her name out here, there could be more raiders in the area-“
”I don’t give a fuck who else is out here,” Joel interrupted Tommy. “My girl is out here and we are gonna find her tonight.”
They agreed, much to both Joel and Ellie’s dismay, that an hour-long search would happen before they would all have to retire until the next day. They all separated in 5 groups of 2. Each with weapons to defend themselves, whistles around their necks and first aid in the hopes that they could find you.
But you had already given up mentally and almost physically. You couldn't ask for better company in death than the stars. The crickets. The wind. The trees. Death would be peaceful, painless, easy. The only thing you wished was that you could say goodbye to Joel. Kiss him one last time. Hold him one last time. The only heat you’ve had in a while bursts in your chest at the thought of him. You close your eyes, the heat dissipating. 
Maybe you’re dreaming or maybe you’re just hallucinating, but you think you can hear someone calling your name. You think it could be an angel calling you home or some religious shit like that, but no, you know that voice. You open your eyes, looking back at the stars. You hear it again and another familiar voice echoes behind it. 
Tommy and Maria are here.
You could cry, out of happiness or sadness you don’t know. Happy that you could be rescued and brought back to your home, regardless of either it was Jackson or Joel. Sadness because you know that there is a bigger chance of you not making it than there is that you will, and either they or Joel will have to watch it happen. But regardless, you’re happy it was them and not Joel. 
Your name is called again, slightly closer than it was before. You know that you won’t be able to speak, to call out that you’re here, so close yet so far away it seems. You worry that if you don’t make noise soon, they’ll turn the other way and your fate will be sealed. You think fast, remembering that small handgun Joel likes to shove into your pack. You muster up all the strength that you can and search for the pack without turning your head. Feeling the zipper, you undo it and slip your hand in, feeling around until you grasp the handle of the gun. Pulling it out, achingly slow since the burn in your muscles is agonizing. Tears fall down your temples again as you hear your name once more, now further away. Using all the strength you can, you aim the gun away, cock it and shoot. The sound of it is almost deafening, the shot making your arm fly back some. That shot is all it takes.
Tommy and Maria both turn towards the sound of the shot, both of them reaching for their weapons. They’re confused when they don’t see another raider but continue towards the area. Maria gets there first, gasping and throwing herself off of her horse and falling to her knees at your side. She touches your face a few times and says something to you, but you can’t hear it through the relief that floods your brain. More tears fall as Tommy slips off his thick jacket, laying it on top of you. Maria rubs her hands along your arms to attempt to warm you as much as she can. 
“We gotta get her back to town. She’ll die out here.” Tommy says hastily. 
They both aid each other in helping to lift you up and onto Tommy’s horse. He straddles it behind you, praying Joel will forgive him for doing what he has to in order to keep you both warm and alive. He pressed his front to your back, resting his head on your shoulder and immediately began to ride back towards Jackson as fast as he could. He was speaking to you, telling you that you had to hold on, that you had to fight because he didn’t know if Joel could take another heartbreak like this. He had one hand on the reigns of the horse, the other one rubbing against your thigh to try and help you gain your heat back. His hand felt wet and he pulled it back to see it covered in crimson. His stomach churned and he attempted to get his horse to ride faster. He couldn’t let you die, Joel wouldn’t be able to come back from this. He barely came back from Sarah, he couldn’t imagine what this would do to him. 
Maria rode back towards where the party originally separated and blew her whistle as loud as she could. She did it for a few moments before turning back towards the town while still blowing it. As she left the wooded area, she could see a few of the other riding back towards Jackson as well. Mostly, she could see both Joel and Ellie riding as hard as they could back to their little sanctuary. They all reached their within the same small time frame. Maria, Joel and Ellie all stormed towards the infirmary and saw Tommy’s horse abandoned outside. Maria could see the fear in Joel’s eyes as they stormed inside, pushing past the doors and into the main room. 
Joel pushed past a few people to get to the back room that they usually keep unoccupied for emergencies. When he pushed the door open, the doctor was hovering over Tommy who had her huddled in his lap, hands gliding up and down whatever inch of skin he could reach. Joel promised himself that this was the one time he would let that slide, especially since her life depended on it. Tommy made eye contact with Joel as he stormed over to them, subtly sliding her over to Joel as he sat next to them. Joel could feel her weight press down on him and first the first time that night, the tightening in his chest loosened just a little bit. He immediately started to run his hands up and down your body through the two blankets that were tucked around you. The doctor was speaking to him, but he wasn’t listening. He called your name a few times, hoping that you could hear him. 
“C’mon, honey,” he begged, “I need you to open those pretty eyes for me. Lemme see them.”
He was practically talking to a statue, the cold almost becoming you. Joel didn’t cry very often but he figured now would be an exception. They ran down his cheeks rapidly as he held back a small sob; he couldn’t care less that Ellie, Tommy and Maria were there to see it.
”Please, baby. I need you to look at me.” He sniffled some. “I can’t do this without you. I’m so sorry; I should have been there. I should have protected you. You… you’re everythin’ to me. Please don’t go. I promise I’ll do anything as long as you stay. I won’t… I won’t make it through this.” Joel shook his head, pulling you closer to him. “I need you to stay with me. I’m beggin’ you.”
Ellie had to turn and leave, she thought she was going to be sick. Maria left with her, not wanting to interrupt this moment, whether it ended good or bad. Tommy stayed with Joel, assisting in trying to get your body heat back to somewhat normal. 
You, on the other hand, felt like you were floating. You could hear Joel’s words, the pleading in his voice, the urgency in his and whoever else’s hands were brushing up and down your skin. You thought that the stars were the perfect company in death but now, you realize that if there was something you’d want to look at as you go, it would be Joel. You wanted so badly to let him know that you were here with him, that you could hear him but your muscles were so tight, so tired. All you could get out was a deep hum from the back of your throat that you weren't sure was even your voice, you couldn’t recognize it. But Joel did, pulling you tighter against him. 
Joel turned to Tommy quickly with an urgent look in his eyes.
“You gotta leave.” He told him.
Tommy looked at him oddly. Joel shook his head.
“Body heat. She needs body heat.”
Tommy finally understood, standing and exiting the room to go and find both Maria and Ellie. The doctor excused himself as well, standing outside the room in case there was some sort of emergency. Joel wasted no time in stripping off any layer of clothing that he could get to. It didn’t take much to rip off what was left of the leggings that you wore but he struggled a bit with your jacket. He laid you down on the small bed, taking off his clothes as fast as he could; he didn’t want you away from him, worried that even a second not near you could do more harm. He laid himself on top of your body, both of you now only covered in your undergarments. He knew that you would most likely complain about the fact that we were practically naked in a public place but at this point, he couldn’t give a shit. All he cared about was making sure you stayed alive. He covered as much of your body as he could while still whispering sweet nothings into your ear, trying to get some sort of reaction from you.
It took about half an hour but your body temperature was coming up slowly. You almost wished you were still numb because the pins and needles were returning, causing some discomfort. You found your voice a little while later, moaning out of pain. The dull throbbing in both your thigh, now stitched and covered up, and your head (which surprisingly wasn’t busted open like you thought it was) was hurting. Tears developed in your eyes and for the first time that night, you could feel them running down your face. You could feel a sob rising in your chest quickly before it came out of your mouth. And though it was a sign that you were in pain, Joel was ecstatic. Because it meant that you were warm enough to feel again. 
“I know, I know honey. I know it hurts. I’ll get you taken care of.” Tears rose in his eyes. He never thought he would be excited to hear you crying, but here he was. He continued to warm your body as he held you while you cried. You genuinely thought that you were going to die out there, alone with the stars and sounds of nature. You never realized how you had taken being held by Joel for granted and boy, did he know how to hold you. 
Once you could feel your limbs again and had full control over them, you slowly lifted an arm to warm around Joel’s middle, holding you to him as tight as you could. Joel released a sob at the touch of your skin on his. Like you, Joel started to realize how he had taken holding you for granted. The world was a scary, uncertain place. Every day, people walked a thin line between life and death and today, you almost crossed it. You were both so close to never being held by each other again and Joel couldn’t handle the thought of that. 
“It’s alright, honey. I gotcha. I always have ya.”
And you believed him. Because he saved your life. 
And unbeknownst to you, you had saved his too.
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rightcrowlung · 11 months ago
Call of Duty OC
note: yes, COD has its nails dug into me now. This is my OC, Reghan (he/she). He’s in the MW reboot timeline. I’m gonna be writing headcanons and shit for the reboot folks since I think about them so much. He is black btw.
Reghan Twia Anjo Satrinava-Idrissu
Bravo 1-1 (would not leave Price alone until he allowed this)
Rhys (by John Price and family)
Rhea (by Soap and Price)
Angel (ONLY by Soap)
Sheepshagger (do not call her this, he will kill you)
Grim fucking Reaper (a Shadow)
D.O.B.: June 1st, 1997
Gender: X (intersex)
Nationality: Welsh
Laterality: Ambidextrous
Height: 223 cm
Weight: 285 lbs
Vision: good enough, do not ask him for specifics
Blood type: O-
Fia Satrinava-Idrissu (Mother)
Aakesh Satrinava (Father)
Major Somatra Satrinava-Idrissu (Oldest Sister)
Cardamom Satrinava (Older Sister)
Basil Satrinava (Older Sibling)
Priya Satrinava-Idrissu (younger sister)
Paternal+Maternal Grandparents
Salem Satrinava (Cousin)
Wraith Satrinava (nephew)
Marital status: Single
Eye colour: Gold
Hair colour: Black
Languages: Welsh, Portuguese, Twi, Scottish (Gaelic)
Children: None.
Have pictures of soap since I have no pictures of my OC
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sthenosims · 7 years ago
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inspo for this whole set (x)
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sosavtoday-blog · 8 years ago
April 2nd, 2017
Hello!!! What is up what’s the deal :-) OK so I haven’t had like a long blog post for a WHILE because, well, I don’t know. I’m really lazy. Since I blogged last, a lot of shit has happened. I ran away from home, I qualified to state for DECA, went to state for DECA, got a new job, quit my old job via text message, started smoking again, got myself a boyfriend, fallen behind in school, broken ALL my new years resolutions, slept in my car bc I was homeless, went to California for spring break, cheer ended, and that’s about it I think. Ok well I’ll start with the most significant thing I suppose. ME running away from home!! Haha okay so once upon a time there was a girl named savwal who wanted to see a movie with her friend Haley Higgins. she asked her father if she could. her father proceeded to insult Haley resulted and savannah having to defend her friend. her father finally agreed but on conditions of savannah having to have her room, bathroom, downstairs and catbox clean which would take a span of at least an hour-hour and a half and the movie would start earlier than that. savannah then told her father never mind and to forget the whole thing. she said she would NOT be hungry for dinner and she would NOT be eating with him. shortly after she sent that text she heard footsteps stomping down three flights of stairs. she then heard her father barge into her room and demand her phone. she asked why he was taking her phone and he replied that she was grounded. he then asked for the passcode which she replied no. she knew that if he looked through her phone she would be in a lot more trouble than she already was. he said she would not be receiving her phone back until she gave up the password. this was not the first time savannah’s father was being mean to her. he had been narcissistic and rude before this day and savannah was FED UP with it. she packed her old GAGE cheer bag, her sesame street suitcase, school backpack and outer space backpack up and ran outside to her car and peeled out!! she saw her dad behind her running inside to get his keys and shortly after, his car pull out of the driveway. savannah thought to herself, “no way am i letting him catch me” so she turned left out of her neighborhood and took the first right and proceeded on to her supposed friend Taylor’s house. Once she had arrived at Taylor’s house she walked to the front door with tears streaming down her face with nothing but her car keys in her hand. Taylor’s very nice mom answered the door and said Taylor wasn’t home but that savannah was more than welcome to come inside. Savannah had no where else to go so she went inside and sat with her mom. Her mom said that if there was anything she could do just to let her know. I asked if I could stay there that night. She said of course. Fast forward to when Taylor got home, savannah asked if she could borrow Taylor’s phone to log onto her snapchat. While on Taylor’s phone, she saw that she was texting her mom. Savannah then saw what they were talking about and that was Savannah. Taylor was saying mean things like how do I get rid of her and I don’t want her to stay here. Savannah then got very sad and walked outside to grab her laptop. While outside, she saw her friends Adrian and Reghan. They invited her to go eat with them and she agreed. 
(i’m sleepy. it’s kind of fun writing in the third person lol.. good night)
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karpedayam · 7 years ago
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Days 42-46: Paper Writing and Dancing! - July 2-6
This week was filled with a lot of writing for my three courses. I had 3 research papers to write, 1 take-home exam and an in-class exam. I think everything went quite well, but it was definitely a tiring week! 
We had our last cooking class on Wednesday the 4th, we made 2 types of Gobi Manchurian. It’s kind of like that new trend of Cauliflower Wings but more flavourful. We made a batch which you deep-fry, then fry in a sauce, and a batch where you coat them in the seasonings and then fry. Both were fantastic. 
On Friday, everything was submitted by 1:30 so I spent the afternoon relaxing. We had a meeting with Dr. Rehka and she gave us these beautiful mugs with a picture from our Orientation on them, so so sweet. That evening we had our final cultural event which was traditional dancing and it was so cool. Normally the dance lasts about 4 hours as it tells the story of the entire epic called the “Ramayana” which is one of the great Hindu epics. They condensed their performance to 1 hour for us. There was a live band and they were so in sync with the dancers it was really amazing. Their facial expressions were coordinated too and there were short bursts where they would dance kind of similarly to step-dancing which was really cool. 
That evening, many of us were packing as the rest of the Mount Allison students leave Saturday morning for Delhi, but Rachel, Reghan, Annie, Saku, Jevon, and I went to the Barge for a final hurrah. We had some Fruity Sandy’s and lots of laughs. I’m really going to miss these moments together.
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