#ref: xavier's musings
whispercddesires · 7 months
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writermuses · 2 months
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marimelwrites · 2 years
🖤 Xavier and Mads
From this Share a Pairing Meme here!
1) my muse’s initial impression of yours: Is he... rescuing me from... but why? He doesn't even know me, and he's helping me... he must be the kindest person I've ever met. 2) my muse’s favorite physical attribute of yours: His smile, and his hands. (She likes every physical attribute but his smile feels so kind that she can't help it being a favorite, and his hands have provided comfort and soothing.) 3) my muse’s favorite personality attribute of yours: His protective tendencies, as well as the gentle way he interacts with her. 4) a moment that made my muse realize how much they care about yours: Easy enough, the moment that she caught him leaving gifts for her on her doorstep for Valentine's Day. Equally, the time where he showed up hurt after having "taken care" of the problematic man who had tried to take advantage of her the first day they met. She was extremely worried and concerned for him all day, more so when she saw him, but it only made those feelings of caring even stronger. 5) something my muse never found the words to say to yours: I'm terrified that one day I will wake up and either realize you were a dream, or that you no longer want anything to do with me. 6) something my muse wishes they had never said to yours: Her history, the story about her mother, the fact that she'd been abused before. 7) something your muse does that makes mine feel safe: Rescued her, protects her, never forces himself on her and allows her time to feel comfortable around him/what he's doing. 8) something your muse does that makes mine smile: Every sweet gesture (IE: the gifts on Valentine's Day, taking her on his bike for a date... etc.) The small ways he takes care of her/watches out for her. 9) something my muse wants to protect yours from: Anything that might hurt him in any way. 10) ways my muse says ‘i love you’ without saying those words: The way she feels so at ease around him and her instant trust, the way she smiles and looks at him. The fact that she allows him to touch her without flinching/cringing/pulling away.
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loyalhorror · 4 years
series: YOUR muses (or your OCs if you want to narrow it down)
i’m doing both but separately bc fuck it
❤ male: raphael is the love of my life and i wish i had more ideas for writing him tbh.
❤ female: oh g-d do i even write any canon female characters?? i guess i technically have a couple BS ones but those aren’t really like... muses so much as npcs. rip
✖ least favorite: probably rackham and it’s purely because i can’t fucking write them. personally a BIG fan of my rackham specifically re: their gender fuckery etc, but in general i’m like EH.
✔ who resembles me: uhhhh NO...BODY REALLY... i guess if anyone it might be xavier (since i often write him with like. beardy mcavoy as a fc bc SLURP) but even then it’s like. this man looks nothing like me kjsnlkjnfg.
❤ most attractive: i can and will fuck geralt
❤ three more characters that i like: shout out to my silver who has a very special place in my heart. also my erik, because i’m apparently a better writer than the xmcu writers, though it isn’t hard. also flint, the bastard.
❤ male or nonbinary: oisín is by far one of the best ocs ive made in a long time and i LOVE him and his endless complexes.
❤ female or nonbinary: THE CAPTAIN. love that fuckin idiot. she’s just very good.
✖ least favorite: probably the serpent overall but i’m starting to like it a lot more than i did before thanks to ben kfjdnfdfdfh
✔ who resembles me: uhhhhh rook since one of the art refs i used for him just fucking looks like me kdjnlsfkdsjfn
❤ most attractive: listen saúl is my husband and i love him. too bad he’s dead.
❤ three more characters that i like: iwalewa, sax and atticus have special places in my heart
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genotypiic-a · 7 years
QUICK REF SHEET :: MUN AND MUSE EDITION! TAGGED BY :: i stole it from @quietresistence TAGGING :: Whoever wants it!
MUSE ::NAME :: Charles Francis Xavier
NICKNAME :: Charlie, Chachi, Professor ZODIAC SIGN :: Unknown GENDER :: Male FAVOURITE COLOUR :: Blue AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP :: 5-6 LAST THING YOU GOOGLED :: windsor knots HEIGHT :: 5′8
MUN ::NAME :: Mini
NICKNAME TITLES :: Mini, Minimoo, Kenz ZODIAC SIGN :: Taurus GENDER :: Female FAVOURITE COLOUR :: Emerald Green AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP :: 6-7 LAST THING YOU GOOGLED :: Charles Xavier Birthday HEIGHT :: 5′3
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writermuses · 2 months
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writermuses · 2 years
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writermuses · 2 years
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marimelwrites · 2 years
Send me a ship meme Xavier and Mads
From this Ship Meme here!
Who asks the other on dates: Xavier... Mads is too shy. Sorry about her. Who is the bigger cuddler: Madeleine. 100% she needs contact with him at all times (when it's actually feasible) Who initiates holding hands more often: I feel like this is a 50/50. Who remembers anniversaries: Madeleine remembers everything, but I also feel like Xavier would remember too. Who is more possessive: No contest, it's Xavier. Who gets more jealous: It would have to be Xavier as Madeleine doesn't get jealous. Who is more protective: Once again, no contest, it's Xavier. Obviously. If that hasn't been proven time and again. What a protector for a baby who needs protecting. Who is more likely to cheat: Xavier? By default? But I don't think he ever would. Who initiates sexy times the most: I'm sorry... what's that? haha, hasn't happened, but it WOULD be Xavier. Who dislikes PDA the most: Neither, I would imagine. Who kills the spider: Neither as Madeleine would relocate safe spiders to nature where they would be most effective. Who asks the the other to marry them: It would have to be Xavier. Who buys the other flowers or gifts: So far, Xavier has proven to be the master at surprising her with all these little gifts be it physical gifts, or experiences. Who would bring up possibly having kids: Good question, I'm not sure either of them necessarily would? Perhaps, they just kinda... let it happen organically, if at all? Who is more nervous to meet the parents: Uh... wellllll... there's no meeting Mads' parents as she has none. Let's just say, Madeleine would be nervous to meet anyone important to Xavier. Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: Goodness, NEITHER. Madeleine would never ever ever dream of letting him sleep on the couch simply because someone's angry. She also never stays angry. So, this would never be an option. Who tries to make up first after arguments: Madeleine. Hands down. While in the midst of the argument. She's already apologizing profusely before the argument's even gotten off the ground. Who tells the other they love them more often: I want to say Madeleine, but with the way Xavier treats her, I'm going to say they are equal on this.
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