#recommend rune to other people! not me! I'm already here!
lea-andres · 5 months
Oh that's cute, Tumblr recommending I follow @virune like I don't already, like I don't already have notifications turned on, and like I hadn't missed them dearly since they went away.
Tumblr media
Get out of here Tumblr, lmao.
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mannazandwyrd · 2 years
I am jumping in on @elizatungusnakur ‘s brilliant Seven Days of Lokabrenna devotional blogging exercise. I like that it’s easier to manage than a full month, although my 7 posts may not be on consecutive days, and I love that it’ll be like playing tag with my mutuals. For me, living at Latitude 52(ish) above the equator, I am guesstimating that Sirius A & B pop above the horizon of the Canadian prairies around August 23rd this year (2022), although it may in fact be a couple of days earlier depending on the calculators’ accuracy. It’s much earlier for Mexico and the United States, and later for those parts of Europe north of the British Isles. I have no idea how Sirius moves through the sky for the Southern Hemisphere. But it’ll be like the blog version of a relay race as various Norse pagans who interact with Loki and his friends and family join in the fun. I like the mental image of us passing the baton to each other.
I also like the wide open format, that you’re not guided with or limited by daily prompts. At first, I thought I might do seven posts about the runes, or seven days of the devotional fibre art I am making using various techniques. But I think instead my topic may vary from day to day.
Today’s topic: pagan monasticism.
Mutuals who are on Discord with me (heyyy gang) know this topic has been much on my mind lately; a few of us have read the essay collection edited by Janet Munin, we discussed it in our book club, and two of us are currently in John Beckett’s course on the topic. (Those essays vary in quality but all provide food for thought on what a devotional polytheist’s practice could be. I’d recommend the course for anyone who processes information through audiovisuals better, or who hopes to plug into a community of like-minded people, but so far it hasn’t offered many ideas beyond the book.) For the past couple of months I have been writing and refining my plans for how my version of inclusive norse heathen monasticism might work in practical terms. When I checked in with Loki by divination, he was insistent that this should be my first topic.
Many modern Catholic and Orthodox monasteries in North America have downsized from large campuses to a single house shared by a handful of monks or nuns, not so different to how the (fascinating) medieval Beguines lived. That downsizing made me think about how a pagan monk or nun - or a group of two or three - could convert a typical urban or suburban home into a live/work space, and then combine their devotional/contemplative work as an artist or writer with teaching workshops or facilitating retreats on their areas of expertise. I'm not yet at a life stage or level of expertise where I can do this myself, being married with teen kids and elderly parents and in-laws who could need caregivers, but my husband and I will likely in the next decade or so be empty-nesters with spare bedrooms, so I plan to work toward that goal and level of expertise.
This idea seems like an easy-to-reproduce and versatile way to create small-scale pagan sanctuaries, so I am sharing it here. Some of you may be able to adapt it to suit your own practices.
In my case, my suburban-retrofit mini-monastery will be Roasted Heart Fibre Arts Studio & Sanctuary, a contemplative space that offers a full suite of fibre artists’ tools, workshops on fibre arts (and related disciplines like seidr), and a stacked library of reference materials. The arts can help keep it going, and residencies could require the visiting artists to teach a workshop and/or create a body of work. Alternatively, visiting artists could be advanced students looking for mentorship in skills the permanent residents teach. The space could also be a community hub for events and daytime workshops. In my personal practice, I’d like to pair my textile art with work to mitigate the climate crisis’ effects (the focus of much of my volunteer work already), and to develop pagan monasticism and theology.
As an aspiring polytheist monastic, I strive to embody my deities’ values. I can live my life as an example, and I can be my deities’ hands in this realm, in addition to offering them my head and heart.
This, I think, is my answer to John Beckett's question, "What about monasticism calls to you?" I'm already a devotional polytheist and deity-partnered with an evolving lifetime vow, so using what abilities I have to help my pragmatic, opportunist, loving deities do work that needs doing, in service to communities of various types (local and nonlocal, human and other-than-human) — it feels like a logical next step to studying lore, runes, and seidr in my role as a vitki-trainee for my local kindred. It’ll allow me to continue to deepen my spiritual practice while integrating devotional textile art and fibre magic seamlessly into my artistic practice.
For accountability and mutual support I will share my to do list here:
1. Mundane before magical: I need to declutter my home and my life in preparation for this next phase, and years living in the same home with children means lots of accumulated stuff to sort and donate. I think I’ll take a Konmari approach to it, which will help me strengthen some animist thought patterns too. Knowing my long-term goal should make this process easier - but it’s an ongoing elephantine task to tackle one bite at a time.
2. Study and practice. I am in the process of getting certified as a textile arts instructor in my primary technique (hand-hooked rug making, like many textile arts, emerged from the Arts & Crafts movement with a guild-based training and mentorship model). I am also at beginner level in other techniques I want to incorporate into my artistic and devotional practices. I need to set aside a little time each day for handwork.
3. Study and contemplate and practice. My current focus is still the runes, but soon I will be finished version 1.3 of the rune card project and able to shift my focus to reading all the books and academic articles I have been collecting on seidr. I am also assisting my gothi with updating study circle notes, participating in a couple of local and online study circles, and reading books on lore. I need to set aside time each week for reading, writing. and integrating new (to me) information into my practice.
4. Prayer and meditation and connecting with Deity. Right now, almost three years into my path, the Gods are never far from my thoughts, and all my meals and daily activities are offered to Them in one way or another, but I don’t have a particularly disciplined day-to-day schedule — so I need to develop and gradually add to that. The beginning of my kids’ schoolyear seems like a good time to work on adding new habits. The seasonal rhythm of worship is already part of my practice, as I have from the outset tried to build a bioregional and garden-witchery version of a Nordic wheel of the year for myself, and I now have local community in addition to online community to do ritual with. But I would like to deepen that, too.
5. Developing a simple pagan monastic habit / wardrobe. I have experimented with slow fashion and wearing a capsule wardrobe previously, so as I declutter my closet I will be drawing on that experience (I recommend Project 3/33 to anyone wanting to give a capsule wardrobe a go.). I already have some ideas about this: modern, pragmatic, unisex, partially handmade from zero-waste sewing patterns, in natural fibres, with inspiration from the past. As an artist, the utility of workwear and artists’ smocks with deep pockets is appealing; this could be adapted from a medieval tunic, or the tunics already in my closet. As a protester, I am aware that sometimes you need to blend into a crowd in solidarity rather than stand out, so clothing reflecting that modern reality seems necessary, and I already live in t-shirts and jeans. For ritual, I am working on a modern version of a Skaldenhamn hood for cool days, and a hand-dyed linen duster coat of a type popular among textile artists but reminiscent of the Vendel-period klappenrock riding coat.
If you’re interested in following along as I explore a polytheist monastic path, I will be tagging all my posts on it with #monkposting as well as tags already in use by the community.
XO Eira
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niuniente · 5 years
I remember something like a while ago the universe gave you messages about letting go past relationships and past people. Is there any proper way to do this? I need to release people too (which I have tried to do, but clearly it's not working out) since I'm getting messages about that.
I’d say there isn’t any one simple trick which works for everyone, as we’re all individual and we have individual lessons. Unless the lesson is learned, no trick works. Just like you can’t in real life advance from 5th class to 6th class until you have completed the 5th class, the same works in spiritual and emotional lessons.
I’d ask from myself; why isn’t this release working? How does it appear in my life? Do you take contact to the people? Do they approach you? Or are they already gone but you are mourning, feeling sad or having other type of emotional reaction to this loss and experience?
If you keep approaching people when you shouldn’t, it is most likely a lesson of self-discipline and self-reliance, so that you don’t pity yourself and thus allow yourself to fall back to things which don’t work.
If others keep approaching you while you don’t want them to, it is most likely a lesson of setting boundaries and self-respect, so that you don’t try to please others so that you’d feel better. It can be also a lesson of a positive aggression.
If it’s that you are mourning a loss, then give yourself time to be sad. Forgive yourself if you made mistakes and remember that when we have experiences of what we don’t want, then we can identify better what we do want. It works as a compass so to say.
All these three examples need different approaches of how to achieve your goal (and if you want, digging up what it causing this to happen to you, what in your behavior, thoughts, acts, believes, experiences etc. enables this to continue). But, one thing is common for them all; putting yourself first. ACTIVELY putting yourself first no matter what.
I think all the lessons we have stem from us putting ourselves last and also talking to ourselves in a horrible manner. Like would you say the things you say to yourself to your best friend or a partner? NO! You’d be horrified if someone spoke like that to their loved one. Why do you speak like that to yourself?
Now, what you could do is knowing that you are already ready. Finished. Completed. You have just forgotten it. It is time to remember that. What could help is meditation (Youtube is full of guided meditations), listening to drumming calmly and see what emotions come out, getting yourself an oracle deck/runes and starting to tackle this matter together with the guidance from your spirit guides, therapy, reiki, studying more self-love and self-respect and maybe spirituality or psychology (or both!) with some virtual teacher (again, Youtube is full of different teaching videos), spellwork, working together with Gods and Goddesses, animal spirit guidance, astrology and getting to know yourself with your life lessons via it. Many ways to approach this! You know the best which feels the right for you.
Youtube has Pick a Card guide videos, which can be very helpful to you connecting with your spirit guides, as they can deliver messages via those options, too. I recommend such readers as
Supermoon Tarot
Tarot Priest
Marion Lemos
Charmed Intuition Tarot
But you can go through different readers and see who resonates with you the best :3
If you don’t have oracle deck or you don’t want to get one, here are a few places where you can do online readings to yourself to find out what approach is the best for this situation, and why has it appeared into your life:
Angel messengerhttps://www.angelmessenger.net/free-angel-card-readings/Salem Tarothttps://www.salemtarot.com/threecardreading.html
For Salem Tarot, you can read more into what the cards mean via
Psychic Revelation Tarot Guidehttps://www.psychic-revelation.com/reference/q_t/tarot/tarot_cards/
Biddy Tarot Tarot Meaningshttps://www.biddytarot.com/tarot-card-meanings/If you want to order a deck, Book Depository has a gigantic collection of oracle cards and tarots!
Now, I have heard in Twitter this insane superstition that you can’t buy your own deck. Absolutely nonsense! I have gotten majority of my own decks myself and some decks have been given to me, and frankly, I have noticed no difference. When you choose your own deck, you get the deck you vibe the best with and thus they are easier for you to use. You can get as many decks as you want and mix them together in your readings, too. There are no rules! The spirit doesn’t need any rules or tricks to deliver the message ;3 
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thealchemyth · 4 years
Dancing With Dust
Chapter 1: Indelibility
Genre: Magical Realism
Word count: 1,677
Phan is doing fine in his everyday life; studying magic under the tutelage of his eccentric master, hanging out with his annoying friends that he can't live without, enjoying his college life, and probably failing at Potion again but that's fine.
What he last needs is catching feelings for the most annoying sentient being on this planet who also might be his master's new disciple. And admitting it feels like a punch in the gut.
He's not fine.
Every character in this story has two names: birth name and chosen name. They usually prefer to go by their chosen name and keep their birth name a secret. The importance of a birth name depends on the wizards themselves; some of them might feel that being called by their birth name is a symbol of intimacy and some feel that it doesn't represent their identity and hence, could be thrown away if they feel like it.
Benefactors or Wizard Masters are well-respected members of colleges of wizardry. They are either professors or grandmasters in said college.
The college the main characters enrolled in is Ganesha college of wizardry. It has four houses: Garuda, Lembuswana, Barong, and Naga.
The first time they met, it was uncomfortable.
Perhaps it was the way he came up to him and acted friendly and immediately asked for permission to call him by his nickname. Perhaps it was the way he smiled with the hint of amusement hinted at the curve of his lips. Perhaps it was the way he looked at him with raised eyebrows, expecting a response as if he had the obligation to.
It began with him and his friend, Clarity, stuck in an empty lab brewing Inversalius potion, which according to the book, was supposed to have an effect to reverse genetic mutation if brewed properly. But so far, the color of the potion didn't show any indication of being 'brewed properly'.
Professor Adhyaksa gave them a pitying look as he gave permission for them to use the lab earlier. Perhaps he understood that for most of the students, potion wasn't the most favorite subject. And that the amount of students who failed reached the level of outstanding.
The little jars — which mostly contained organs from varied magical creatures and herbs — felt like mocking them. It also didn't help that the temperature was too hot to their liking that even the cooling rune they drew every hour only gave little comfort. Clarity kept tying and untying her carnation pink hair in desperation. Meanwhile, his black with blue highlight hair kept reaching a new level of messiness the more it was exposed to the potion smoke he honestly gave up trying to keep them looking presentable.
It was somewhere during their peak of suffering that someone opened the door to the lab and made him so startled that he almost dropped the mixing spoon. He thought it was Professor Adhyaksa at first; perhaps he came to say their time was up or something. But once he looked up and opened his mouth to form an apology — and maybe beg for another additional time, he found that the one coming in was another student; from the house of Naga if the emblem embroidered on his tie was any indication.
"Hey, are you the one named Phantasia?" The boy asked after he walked over to him and Clarity, suspiciously looking like he already knew which empty lab they were currently using; his head tilted to the side as he looked at him. His hair was a nice combination of gray and brown with some of his bangs falling nicely to hide part of his forehead, and his hand casually wrapped around Clarity's shoulders as he sat beside her to insert his presence and make it impossible to ignore. His eyes, Phan noticed, appeared to be a warm shade of chocolate; and they looked bright and friendly and innocent-looking as if he didn't just barge in uninvited.
"I've heard about you from Clarity. Can I call you Phan?"
Phan frowned, looking sideways to their apparently mutual friend, Clarity, whose shoulder was borrowed, and silently asking who the heck that was and why he was acting so familiar.
Clarity only snorted in amusement.
Phan's gaze returned to the intruder whose face he finally recognized from a few encounters they had before (even if they had never talked) — in the hallways, in front of the classrooms, at the training ground, in the canteen.
Talking to new people was never part of Phan's ability, especially the too-friendly type. His frown deepened as he answered icily, "No." And it was almost venomous too. His gaze slid back to the small, sad-looking cauldron he was using which contained asparagus green potion; and it looked as pathetic as the cauldron itself if Phan was honest.
He did not want to hear about what Clarity said about him to…whoever this guy was. And he did not want to get involved in a stranger's business.
"That's too bad. I'm Vadimas, by the way," the boy continued to say, standing up and rounding the table so he was standing right in front of Phan. "Thank you for the warm welcome."
Phan heard him chuckle. And he sent a glare after Vadimas put his hands on the table whilst leaning into his personal space.
"You're annoying the shit out of him, you know that right?" Clarity pointed out but without a bite and not without a chuckle. "When I said make a good first impression, I didn't mean it like this."
Vadimas pouted, but quickly recovered as he paid her no mind anymore. He crouched down and put his hands on top of another as he sent Phan what people might call puppy eyes.
"So, Phan. Phantasia, apologies for bothering your time. That was rude of me, but could you at least hear me out first, pretty please?"
Phan glanced at him for a moment before sliding his gaze back to check on his potion which almost turned to a worrying shade of gray as he stirred. And the smoke attacking their faces smelled too sour to be called a successful result.
"What do you want?" He said, finally after a long pause, albeit half-heartedly. And somehow, he could imagine Vadimas' expression brightened even without glancing at him. "And how did you find us here?"
"Mmm," Vadimas pretended to think, lifting his hand and touching his chin with his fingers; a silver ring sat comfortably on his pointer finger, giving occasional glint when the light hit it at the right angle. "A little mouse might have blabbered to me that you two would study together for the Advanced Potion exam after class — and oh, she said you're kinda hopeless in that subject, by the way — in exchange for caramel canonball*."
At that, Phan immediately whipped his head to the side to glare at his friend who, in turn, hid her face behind the second edition of 'Advanced Potion Making' textbook so only a mop of pink hair could be seen.
"As for the first question," Vadimas continued as he grinned sheepishly, saving Clarity from almost being hexed. "I actually need a favor."
Before Phan could open his mouth, Vadimas clapped his hands together in a pleading gesture to halt whatever kind of rejection his brain came up with. "Could you possibly arrange a meeting with your benefactor for me? I need to talk to him about urgent matters," pleaded Vadimas with the hopeful tone coloring his words.
Phan blinked; stunned. It was so out of the blue. "With Master May? What for?"
"My current benefactor is about to work abroad and she recommended that I come to yours. And I really need a new benefactor if I still want to stay in this college. So, please?"
Ah, shit.
Phan bit his lip as he considered the sudden request. Benefactors were essential in wizards' education system. They were the guardian as well as mentor that young wizards' parents sent their children to for learning about basic magic and everything related to it. They didn't have to live with their benefactors, but some of them preferred that for different reasons.
And when the wizards reached age 19, their benefactors would register their disciples to the universities they had affiliation with.
But, out of all benefactors available, why Master May?
"Why didn't your benefactor contact mine themselves?" Phan asked curiously; his head tilted slightly, mirroring Vadimas' gesture earlier. "Surely, discussion between benefactors directly would bring a better result."
"Err, how to put this," Vadimas gave a pause and looked sideways. His hand came up to rest at his neck before running his palm on it as he thought. "My benefactor and yours have a, uh, complicated relationship. She only said that in order to arrange a meeting with Master Mayhem, I have to talk to his disciple. And I only know that it's the guy from the house of Garuda. But luckily, I know an insider."
Vadimas glanced at Clarity, which was then confirmed by her with a nod.
"...How complicated?" Phan inquired. Master May, short for Mayhem as Vadimas pointed, was a bit eccentric. And even that might be an understatement. And, like Phan, he was difficult to approach and didn't have patience for any bullshit. "And if that's so, why wouldn't she recommend you another benefactor? Besides, Master May only accepts one disciple at a time."
Clarity nudged gently at his elbow, pulling his gaze away from Vadimas. "Because his benefactor is Master Salva."
Phan mouthed 'ah' at the unexpected revelation. That answered all of his questions, then. But still. "There's no guarantee that Master May will be willing to accept you, though."
The 'are you sure you still want to try' was left unsaid but obviously understood from the hopeful and determined look Vadimas was giving him.
The other boy nodded firmly. "Just leave the persuading to me."
"...Alright." Phan shrugged, "it's your business, anyway."
"You'll do it?!" Vadimas jumped and reached for his hand as excitement overtook him which made Phan jerk back almost immediately.
Noticing his touch was unwelcomed, Vadimas released his hand with an apologetic look. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."
Phan lowered his gaze and nodded slightly. "You're welcome," he said drily whilst feeling the heat spreading on his face.
Vadimas gave him an ear-to-ear grin, looking so pleased. "Thank you," he uttered softly; the sincerity that bled from those two words sent a fluttering sensation in Phan's stomach.
"Oh anyway, your potion is incomplete. It lacks salamander eyeball and snotty beans," Vadimas jerked his head toward the small cauldron. "See you later, Phan!"
And then he was out the door. Just like that.
"How the heck did he figure that out?" Clarity grumbled, flipping through the pages frantically.
"Who even allowed him to call me Phan!" He cried and put down the mixing spoon, giving up on stirring the ridiculous potion.
When Clarity was busy checking through the shelves and jars for the ingredients Vadimas mentioned, Phan's right hand rested on top of his left wrist. The weight of someone else's hand still lingered there. Vividly. And hauntingly.
It felt uncomfortable.
So uncomfortable that his ears turned red.
*: Phan and Clarity's favorite snacks. It's a bag of small chocolate caramel balls that would explode once they're inside your mouth.
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ofools · 7 years
yo so I saw a Thing where it was like apparently Joanne Harris and a bunch of her fans tried to fight u over something? and um. i actually like that series (runemarks or whatever, i just am always Here for the Gospel of Loki even though the actual series itself was kinda meh) but also please spill the tea on runemarks bc i love to hate the things i love and i wanna Know what was so bad they tried to argue with you. probably because i'm a nosy fuck but i'm legitimately intrigued now
i legitimately just didn’t like the book, it wasn’t awful or anything it was just bland and forgetful and also sometimes down right weird (like all the parts where people randomly got naked to transform, and just, had arguments w other characters, while naked) and it was just a dumb book over all nothing hugely special
i’ve grown a grudge against it because people would always recommend it to me, so i used to make jokes about not liking it so people would stop asking me my thoughts on it.
Eventually my slightly tipsy ass got on twitter and made some super dumb and vague tweets like “My book will be the better compound title using the word ‘rune’”, and “you: you should read rune marks, me: [shrieking like a chimp while i tear the pages out shitting]”. Just my usual garbage.
Little did i know that Joanne Harris was not only ON twitter but constantly searched for terms related to her and her work, so she stumbled across my tweet saying I’m a screaming chimp and tearing up runemarks. Then she went through my whole timeline, because i’d made like five tweets all vague enough that they couldn’t be just stumbled upon, but all related so you would know from context they were all about that book.
So she like
honestly replied to some of them in the most hilarious old lady way like I was going to feel really bad, just saying stuff like “:-) that’s nice”
this coupled w the fact she’d gone through my whole feed was making me lose it. Then because she replied to it, her followers who turned out to be all middle aged women, started like trying to have a twitter beef with me, and saying that I was an ignorant troll and like didn’t know what i was talking about
at this point i have already drunk another vodka cruiser and im having the time of my life responding to these old women and having my friends respond in just fucking nonsense sentences, and my friend made a sick joke about someone needing to write about this on their wordpress blog.
this was insane because joanne harris is a rich successful old lady and i was a 21 year old slightly inebriated idiot no body and she could have just easily ignored me but instead tried to own me
anyway and then she blocked me 
Unblock me Joanne, I’m ready to continue our fight
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ratmonologue · 7 years
ANSWER ALL THE HOGWARTS QUESTIONS!!! FEEL MY PAIN!!! (no I'm just kidding it was actually really fun to answer all of them I recommend it)
CHALLENGE SO FUCKING ACCEPTED thank you kayla for enabling my nocturnalness
1. What house will you be in? SLYTHERIN
2. If the sorting hat was on you and it said you’d be great in a house you didn’t consider before, will you follow his advice or choose what house you want? I mean I think my ambition to be a Slytherin kinda automatically makes me a Slytherin… If the hat insisted on Ravenclaw that’d be okay, I have a lot of Ravenclaw traits. If it said Gryffindor or Hufflepuff… lmao no.
3. What kind of animal would you bring to school? I’m very much a cat person so probably a cat, but I remember one of the books mentioned ravens in the magical pet store? And a pet raven would be SUPER cool. I’d teach it to talk and stuff. Also the #aesthetic. Yeah, raven.
4. If you were in class, where would you normally sit? Near the front
5. What do you think you’ll be doing right now? 5am on a Saturday. Ideally I’d be either asleep or at some wizard party; realistically I’d be up late reading or something.
6. What’s the core of your wand? I think Pottermore said unicorn hair, but Pottermore also said I wasn’t slytherin so I’m not sure how much I trust them
7. Do you think you’ll be part of the quidditch team? No I’m not athletic enough
8. Will you be part of any organization??? HECK YES student orgs are the best, seriously what else do people do with their time
9. Will you go home during holidays? Fuck no
10. Do you think you’ll have friends from other houses? Seeing as how about 80% of my current friends are hufflepuffs and ravenclaws, definitely
11. What will you pack for school? The necessities, like clothes, books, pet raven, etc
12. How about when going home for holidays, what will you bring home? There is no way I would go home for the holidays when I could have Christmas at HOGWARTS in SCOTLAND like come on
13. Would you consider studying in another wizarding school? The above being said, I’m all for studying abroad so I’d love to do a year at Durmstrang or something
14. Do you think you’ll be a prefect or head girl/boy? God I hope not
15. Are you going to be a pure-blood or half-blood or muggle-born? My parents and sister all could not care less about Harry Potter so I guess that makes me a muggle-born
16. Will you be related to any wizarding family? Only by marriage, and even then Sirius and his family have kinda disowned each other, so no
17. Will you be a student who gets into trouble a lot? We all know I’d get written up by Filch for climbing the whomping willow
18. Do you think you’ll get a lot of detention? For what reason/s? The occasional lateness or talking-in-class detention, probably
19. On hogsmeade visits, what shops will you go to? Honeydukes of course, I don’t even remember what else is there tbh but I’d visit all of them (except that nauseatingly cutesy tea place). Honestly I’d probably just hang out in the Three Broomsticks or the Hog’s Head because chilling in pubs with friends is kind of the best thing ever?
20. Will you be supportive of your house’s quidditch team? Not rabidly so, but sure
21. Will you read Hogwarts: A History? I’ll read the interesting bits
22. Do you think you’ll get a lot of letters from home? How frequent do you think you’ll get them? Probably every couple of weeks or so, because my mom likes to keep in touch too often
23. Will you subscribe to the daily prophet or the quibbler or other wizarding world media? Of course
24. Which part of the castle will be your favorite? The astronomy tower
25. When sleeping in your dormitory, will your four-poster bed’s curtains be drawn or closed? I’m pretty sure drawn does mean closed in the case of curtains, so both
26. If the team your house played against wins, do you think you’ll be bitter towards the other team after the game? Nah
27. Do you think you’ll be a fan of wizard music? Not sure but I’d definitely give it a listen
28. Will you be curious enough to try and explore the whole castle, even if you know you can get in trouble for visiting some parts of it? Um of course
29. How frequent will your visits to the library be? Since Hogwarts doesn’t have internet, probably pretty frequent
30. If someone was to form an organization similar to dumbledore’s army, will you join? Absolutely
31. If you were to get detention, what task would you prefer? Would you want to scrub cauldrons or clean trophies or sort through unlabeled books or…? Sorting through books is honestly really fun to me
32. On your o.w.l.s, what subject/s will you get an O in? Which ones do you think you’ll get a T on? (I had to look up a list of subjects) Astronomy, arithmancy (whatever tf that is, but I’m good at math?), ancient runes, and history of magic (because lbr that sounds FASCINATING even with a boring teacher. I’ll just skip class and diligently read the textbooks. I’ve aced at least three classes that way). And knowing me I’m not getting a T in anything.
33. How about in your n.e.w.t.s? See above, probably
34. If you were a pure-blood, would you take interest in reading muggle literature? I’m an anthro person, of course I’m gonna read other cultures’ stuff
35. At what time do you think you’ll go to bed on weekdays? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa…….
36. Would you prefer firewhiskey over butterbeer? Seeing as how I prefer regular whisky over regular beer… give me all the firewhisky.
37. What wizard snack would be your favorite? Or which one would you like to try? Cauldron cakes and anything else with chocolate
38. Will you collect chocolate frog cards? Not intentionally, but judging by the sheer amount of chocolate I eat (seriously, it’s… alarming) I’d amass an accidental collection anyway
39. Will you keep track of which flavor of beans you already tried? Yes, so I know which of the nasty ones to avoid in the future
40. What quidditch team (excluding hogwarts houses) will you support? Kayla I’m gonna steal your answer for this one; all-girl Holyhead Harpies quidditch sounds awesome
41. What classes will you take for n.e.w.t.s? Honestly, probably everything except herbology and care of magical creatures. I’m a nerd. I wanna learn it all.
42. What will your boggart be? Dying horribly…? Idk how you’d make a boggart out of that. An airplane on fire? An irukanji jellyfish?
43. Will you stay in the hog’s head or the three broomsticks? *insert “both is good” gif here*
44. If you are of age, will you try to enter the triwizard tournament if they ever host one again? No I kind of like being alive
45. What do you think happens during graduation? Honestly, that’s… an excellent question. There would be traditional graduation elements (reading off names, receiving some kind of certificate, speeches by faculty and the head boy+girl). Probably held in the great hall. Enchanted fireworks? Hagrid crying. Hopefully lots of firewhisky.
46. Will you see the thestrals carrying the carriages? No
47. If you were invited to join the slug club, will you accept the invitation? Yes because I hate networking so I might as well let someone else (Slughorn) do it for me
48. Will you consider becoming a professor in hogwarts after school? Nah, teaching the same thing year after year doesn’t sound interesting. I’d love to do something like Bill Weasley, traveling around breaking curses. Or a wizard anthropologist, seeing how wizards in other countries do their thing. Hogwarts needs some kind of career counseling…
49. What would your patronus be? A raccoon bc I too am nocturnal and eat trash
50. What memory will you think of when making a patronus? If we’re talking my real life, then the Poets of the Fall concert wherein I not only got front-ish row but got to MEET THEM BEFORE THE SHOW and tell the guitarist that I named my guitar after him lmao…. If we’re talking wizarding-world related stuff, then…. first date with Sirius? Because you better believe he’s #1 on my wizarding world to-do list. Pun absolutely intended.
51. What year are you suppose to be in right now? Graduated not only Hogwarts but also any wizarding tertiary education, because I’m old
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