#rear facing car seat airbag
zahrabookz · 23 days
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What if the Tony Stark survived the snap and was able to live with his family after ? What if Morgan has grown up to be a beautiful teenager ? And life is good for the Stark Family ? Until a horrible car accident ruins it all leaving Morgan the only survivor of the crash. Tony was unable to make it to the crash in time to save Pepper. Now with Pepper gone, Tony has fallen into terribly grief that could split his relationship with Morgan.
TW : Verbal Abuse, Depression,
The sound of screeching tires filled the air, as the car's wheels spun against the grey pavement, desperately trying to find traction. Black tire marks left behind. The driver's foot slammed down on the brake pedal, causing the vehicle to uncontrollably lunge forward then careen to the side A brief glance at the rear window, despair creeping in as one car slams into the left side and an oncoming truck smashing into the drivers side. Glass breaking at impact. A mother and child trying to comprehend whats happening. With a powerful force, they were jerked upwards by the impact and violently slammed back down into their seats by the seat belts that held them in place. The air bag deploying out sending debris to fly in front of them with a sudden burst . No time to blink. No time to call for help. The world seemed to spin and slow down, time itself seeming to stretch and bend around them. A broken seat belt torn at the top, flapped back and forth in the rushing wind. Morgan turned her  head toward the drivers seat, noticing her mother's arms reaching for her,desperately straining against the restraints. The car, now out of control, was flung off the road, crashing into a tree. Everything went black. Two heartbeats that were beating, faded into silence, leaving only one beating heart behind.
Morgan's eyes slowly fluttered open, groggy and disoriented from the impact.  Her head facing the ground as she he could feel a strange weight pressing down on her body. Morgan's vision blurry at first but slowly becoming clear as senses came back to her. A battered mug her mom had in the cup holder lay spilled on the floor near her feet, soaking into the carpet mats and slightly on her converses. The dashboard, floor, and seat were covered in shattered glass. "What a mess", she thought to herself, her eyes fixated on the coffee spilling out on the floor. Morgan slowly lifted her head, wincing as a sharp pain shot through her neck, yet the pain was overshadowed by the concern of her mother's well being. Morgan looked to her right noticing the deployed airbag, the smashed driver's side window, and the blood. Blood ? Was it her mom's ? Was it her own ? In a flash she suddenly remembered her mother reaching for her as if going in for a protective hug. When Morgan looked slightly down.....there she was.....her mother slumped over against her with her arms slightly in circled around Morgan. No, no, no, she has to be okay right ? She's just not moving thats all. Maybe she got knocked out.  Morgan's body went limp with despair. She summoned a flicker of strength and managed to unfasten her seat belt. However, pinned beneath her mother's weight, she was unable to move anymore. She was trapped. The uncertainty of her mother's condition and the possibility of help arriving weighed heavy on her mind. As long as she held on to her mother  maybe this nightmare will end.
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Annalise Keating and Female reader "I Didnt know where to go, so I came here." Annalise's gf, shows up in the middle of a case after facing a tragedy. Please make it as fluffy as a blow dried sheep
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of a car crash and blood/bleeding wounds. The plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Tires squealed, people screamed and shortly afterwards, you could hear cars colliding. Your Audi skidded over the side of the road, hit another car and both were eventually stopped by a tree. The car on the opposite side of the road could not brake in time and grazed the rear or yours, shortly afterwards fire broke out.
Then everything was quiet, dead quiet for a few minutes.
Only the constant ringing in your ears and the pounding of your heart, which tried to chase twice the amount of blood through your body, remained in your auditory canal and did not leave you alone.
Less than fifty meter away from your car was a white Mercedes, the front of which was completely dented and wrecked. The man sitting in the drivers seat was in shock. In a flash, he jumped out of the car and ran towards you, but he got dizzy and fell to the ground, losing consciousness while falling.
A young man, barely reaching adulthood, was behind the wheel of the Hyundai in front of you, which was pinned against the tree by your car. Slowly, he regained consciousness and tried to understand the situation he was in. Panic shot through his body and he tried to free himself through the passenger side, but all efforts were unsuccessfully. He did not get out of his seat, realizing he was trapped.
And then there was you, your head on the steering wheel, wrapped in the airbag that erupted right after the first impact. Due to the force of it, you flew forward quite a bit, so that you were violently pressed into the seat belt. This caused you to gasp painfully for air in a daze. Your blood spread on the white sheet, the laceration on your head bleeding profusely.
"Ma´am, are you all right?" the boy in front of you asked, trying to get to his cell phone. He carefully tried to stretch forward, but the pain in his chest prevented him from doing so. No matter what he tried to do, he could not reach his phone. "Please answer me"
As you agonizingly tried to pull yourself out of the junk that used to be a car, slamming open the door with a thud and pushing yourself out of the seat to painfully fall onto the wet street, you heard a car pull up behind you. "I am fine, help is on the way"
When the rescue team arrived, two paramedics helped you into an ambulance and took your vital signs while an police officer questioned you about what happened. As detailed as you could in this situation, you described the accident and explained that the driver of the Mercedes was to blame for it and asked about the other people who had been hit much worse.
After half an hour, during which the doctors tried in vain to persuade you to take you to the hospital for a check-up to be on the safe side, you left the place with a few bandages and plasters on your hands and face, limping and with bloody clothes.
You only had one goal in mind; Annalise.
You walked the streets of the settlement only slowly, due to to the effect of the adrenaline you did not noticed the pain, which went far beyond the usual hematoma caused by seat belts in such accidents, until now.
Warm blood dripped down your forearm and fingers and you heard a whimper escape your mouth. Your breath quickened, tears stinging in your eyes as you pressed your palm to the open wound on your upper arm. The paramedics had not checked you out further, had not looked under your leather jacket, which, despite the profusely bleeding wound, had not gotten a single scratch.
You had almost arrived, had almost reached your destination when a sharp pain in your left side made you groan briefly and you fell down onto the steps of Annalise´s office. Even a brief twitch in your muscles suddenly sent a chilling throb from your hips up your spine to your head.
-Control yourself, Y/n. Put the pain aside and stand up!- you mumbled to yourself, but your body did not respond to your commands. Instead, your skull pressed against the pillar of the terrace and you closed your eyes for a moment.
The loud bang of your body weight on the old wooden floorboards had caused a stir; the door jumped open with violence. Your head stretched up as far it could, your eyes scanning the human standing in the open door. His expression was a mixture of shock and fear, concern and agitation.
"Y/n, what the hell happened? You look like someone straight out of a horror movie!" Frank shouted a little louder than expected, making you wince and cry out in agony. He pushed forward from his stand and ran down the stairs to perch on the first of these to survey you. "Annalise, you need to come quickly!"
He examined every limb of your body, roughly skimming the outward appearance of the uninjured areas and keeping his eyes glued to the blood pooling on your palm while he nervously listened to the bleating from his boss, who was obviously deeply involved in a case, talking to her client. "Frank, I don´t have- my Y/n.."
You felt your girlfriend´s strong arms nestle under your body, pulling you up and letting your head sink into your carrier´s shoulder as you tried to hold back the tears of pain and shock. But all you could manage was a pitiful whimper. "Shh, it´s okay. It will get better soon, honey."
Annalise soothing voice calmed your insides and you forgot the pain for a short while. "Y/n, what happened?" your girlfriend asked worried as she entered her office with you. You looked more than worn out, judging by your pale complexion you had been roaming the streets like that for a long time.
You did not answer and she dragged you over to one of her couches where she carefully sat down with you and you took a seat on her lap. Your tired upper body was still pressed tightly against her, the pain overcoming you with an ice-cold shiver down your spine.
"Honey?" the lawyer asked again, leaning over and looking at you worried with her enchanted eyes. You grimaced in pain as you braced your arm against her thigh to position yourself slightly differently and comfortable. "I.." you started, searching for the right words in the fog that surrounded your thoughts. "had a car accident. Someone hit me, crashed into another car and ended up curled up against a tree."
Annalise´s eyes widened and she had to swallow hard. With her mouth wide open, for the first time ever, she had no words to vouch for. "Why the hell are not you in the hospital right now? You need to get checked out!"
"I did not know where to go, so I came here. No need for hospitals, only you."
Tentatively but quickly, she began to strip of the blazer and then your top, exposing the bleeding skin under the blue colored fabric of your sleeve. You sucked in the air sharply while an unintentional whistle escaped your lips as the filthy and dried blood spattered top brushed the left part of your shoulder.
The brown-haired woman instantly saw why.
A cut ran from the outer edge of your left shoulder down to about midway on your upper arm. She immediately motioned for you to let yourself fall into her arms and to close your eyes; she knew how much you hated blood and could not stand seeing it. "Frank, I need clean and fresh clothes- a shirt that has wide, short sleeves. A bowl of warm water, a cloth and bandages. Now."
The man, who stood nervously in front of you and observed the situation, disappeared from the room with a nod and returned shortly afterwards with the medically necessary items, which he placed on the small table beside his boss before letting you both alone.
She took the washcloth in her hand, soaked it in the bowl of water and began cleaning the wound. "This is going to hurt, I am sorry baby."
You tried not to let it show, but your arm spasmed several times and your fingers clawed at her thigh as the burning in your upper arm intensified. After each swab, she looked up at you and concern crept onto her tired face.
"Ahh!" you gasped in tears and clenched your teeth. Annalise was working as neatly as she could, not wanting to continue to watch your suffering. When she was done with that, she bandages your wound and tended to the small cuts on your face, which would heal just as well.
She quickly threw the used things on the floor and picked you up to lay you flat on the couch, which she lined with some pillows from the other sofa and an comfortable blanket. The brunette carefully lifted your wounded arm over the blanket and placed it high on another pillow before dabbing your forehead, which was clearly covered with sweat, with the washcloth.
Gently pressing the damp cloth against your cheek, wiping away some tears that were running down your neck, she watched you. "You should get some rest, my love." she said, tossing the damp cloth back into the bowl and stroking your wounded arm soothingly.
Instead of the expected pain, you thought would be rushing through your system, a sense of security flowed through you.
Your hand reached up to her, placing itself on her neck, gently pulling her towards you. Annalise closed her eyes as she felt your lips on hers, kissing her passionately, unconsciously leaning in a bit. Her forehead rested against yours and you let your eyes fall close.
"Will you lie down with me? I could use a good cuddle session. For the healing process if you understand" you whispered to her and she grinned into another kiss before pushing herself away from your face. The brunette gently ran her fingers over your hair and helped you push yourself a little to the side.
Annalise took off her high heels and carefully crawled under the covers. Her arms gently wrapped around your midsection, careful not to bump into your wound. "For the healing process, huh?"
You nodded and snuggled closer to her. Annalise kissed the bare skin of your collarbone, earning a tired moan while running her fingers in circles over your chest as she watched you enjoying the closeness and slowly drifting into a deep, well-deserved sleep.
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direwombat · 8 months
[CHECK]: after an unexpectedly violent situation, sender frantically rushes to check if the receiver is okay, cupping their face to look closer. 🤍 + your choice of ship
comin' out with another prompt fill because i needed to finish something. so. here's syb getting into yet another vehicle accident, but this time jakey is there to lend a hand. tw: car accident, brief mention of decapitation (not related to the car accident) rating: T | word count: approx 1.4k
With Eli dead, most of the Militia had fled south into the safety of the Valley. Without their leader, they had no guidance, and after word had spread that Sybille had severed Eli’s head from his body to take back to Jacob as a trophy, the majority didn’t want to press their luck. 
Everyone knew she was a killer. They just never thought that they’d be on the receiving end of her wrath. 
Those who stayed -- those who were the dangerous amount of angry and stupid -- had mostly scattered to the wind. They operate in small groups, ill-equipped and uncoordinated. They lack the supplies, ammunition, and experience that made Eli as successful as he was. The Chosen have done well to smoke out and quash rebellion where it rises. 
For the most part. 
But, like a cancer, the disease of Sin only seems to spread, and so long as it remains, the Project’s work is never done.
Sybille had volunteered to take point in the convoy headed towards Joseph’s compound. The trucks are loaded with an assortment of processed materials from the lumber mill, and a fresh batch of newly trained soldiers to protect the island. 
The drive itself takes longer than anticipated. They’d been forced to detour after finding a rockslide blocking the road, and then again after scouts radioed saying they’d spotted suspicious Militia activity down the alternative route. So here they are, on option three, taking the long, scenic way to cross into the Henbane before heading to Joseph. But, that hiccup aside, once they were on their way, the drive had been relatively quiet. 
Or, at least it was until a deafening BOOM rings out and Sybille’s rear wheels are suddenly lifted off the ground, flipping the truck and sending her rolling across the asphalt. The airbag deploys, but not before she bangs her head against the steering wheel, plunging her vision into darkness. 
She comes to with the odd sense of deja vu. 
Buckled into her seat, she dangles, helplessly, upside down. A high pitched ringing pierces her skull before it slowly fades. Only, rather than hearing the soft, murmuring of Joseph Seed singing Amazing Grace, all she hears is gunfire and shouting. Blood drips down her face, stinging her eyes, and the potent stench of gasoline burns her nose. Yet, it isn’t until the smell of smoke joins it that she snaps out of her daze. 
The truck is on fire. 
She needs to get the fuck out. 
Gritting her teeth through the pain erupting all over her body, Sybille pushes against the airbag to deflate it. She tests the door, pulling against the interior handle, but it won’t budge -- not even when she throws her weight against it. Changing tactics, her focus shifts to the cracked window instead. The impact of the crash had weakened the glass, and while it’ll take some effort, she’s fairly certain she can break through. She  slips her right arm free of her jacket and uses the garment to pad her elbow. Clasping her bloody hands together, she bashes against the window with all the strength she can muster. 
After a few blows, it shatters completely. Tiny shards of glass scatter like diamonds over the road. 
She’s fussing with her seatbelt, the locking mechanism cracked and jammed, as a rush of heat envelops her. The air grows heavy and thick with smoke. Her eyes water and she tugs harder at the polyester sash across her chest. “Fuckin’ -- c’mon!” she hisses to herself before giving up in frustration and pulling the knife from her thigh holster. 
Through the din of combat she distantly hears Jacob, who’d been in the truck behind her, calling out for her. 
“I’m here!” she calls back, furiously sawing her way through the belt. “I’m --” she pauses to cough, the smoke burning her lungs and eyes, “I’m okay!” 
The belt across her chest frays and snaps. The one over her lap soon follows. Her stomach lurches as she begins to fall and she hunches her shoulders to protect her neck. Only, instead of landing on the ground, she remains stuck where she is, her ass off the seat, but with her leg pinned between pieces of crushed metal. She gives it a tug, trying to pull it free, but all she does is cry out in pain at the sensation of her leg being crushed. 
Her heart races in her chest, her breath, already shallow, strains even more. 
She’s trapped. 
The truck is on fire, and she’s trapped. 
Panic rises and she calls Jacob’s name. 
Gunfire continues to ring out, and she shrieks for him again when something explodes dangerously close by. The ground shakes. Sweat and blood pours down her brow, dripping onto what used to be the ceiling of the truck. Frantically, she pushes at the metal pinning her leg in place, first with her hands then with her free foot, desperate  to free herself from the burning death-trap. “Jacob!” she cries again, only this time it devolves into a series of coughs that she can’t seem to stop. 
Over the roaring flames and her own panic, she nearly misses it, but there’s a bellowing cry of “Cover me!” followed by sustained gunfire. 
Moments later, there’s the high pitched groan of metal scraping against metal. Suddenly the door she’d been unable to move flies open. The rush of fresh air is a reprieve from the suffocating smoke. Jacob stumbles back as he nearly rips the door off its hinges and he shields his face from the rush of smoke escaping the cab. But he only falters for that single moment, quickly composing himself and rushing in to help free her. 
“‘S m’leg. Stuck,” she hisses, wrapping her arms around his neck, simply grateful that, at the very least, she gets to hold him before the flames carry her to Hell. 
He shushes her with a quiet, “Hey, hey, hey.” He pulls her arms from his neck and pushes her hands to her chest. “I’m gonna get’cha outta here, okay?” He ducks down to investigate where her leg is stuck. His fingers wrap around the metal and he pulls. The shift in pressure forces a grunt from her, one that’s bitten back behind clenched teeth. 
“Shit,” Jacob curses when he can’t get it to budge. He turns to look at her. His eyes are wide, but his brow is furrowed in fierce determination. “I’ll be right back sweetheart, I promise.” 
Sybille coughs a laugh. “I ain’t --” another cough, “--goin’ nowhere.” 
It pains her to let him go, but she trusts him. Trusts that he’ll do as he says. Trusts that he’ll set her free. Just like he did before. 
He returns a short moment later with a crowbar in hand, crawling into the overturned cab and wedging it between the pieces of metal. “It’s gonna hurt like Hell, but when I start prying, you start pulling.” 
“Heard,” she pants, already bracing herself for the pain.
The metal groans as Jacob leverages his weight with the crowbar, pushing the metal apart just enough for her foot to finally slip free. She lands on the ground in an inelegant pile of limbs and what little wind she had in her lungs is pushed out with a low oof. 
Jacob is quick to scoop her into his arms, dragging her free from the burning wreckage. He pulls her to her feet, the two shambling hurriedly back towards the remaining convoy trucks. The doors are flung open, the Chosen using them as makeshift cover while they volley shots further down the road and into the treeline. He half-carries her around and the two collapse to the ground. Jacob’s back leans against the rear bumper and Sybille rests curled up in his lap. 
Her trembling fingers clutch tightly at his field jacket and his arms wrap tightly around her. A large, warm hand comes to cradle the back of her head and he pulls her close to press his lips to the top of her head. “It’s okay, Sweetheart,” he says, rocking her gently. “I’ve got you. You’re okay. You’re okay, honey.” He repeats the words over and over, reassuring himself just as much as he is her. 
She nuzzles at the underside of his jaw, and he pulls away just enough to lift his hands to cradle her face. His thumb, rough and calloused swipes over her cheekbone, smearing blood and grime against her skin more than he wipes it away. “You’re okay?” he says again, this time as a question. 
Sybille nods, leaning into his touch. “I’m okay,” she says, pulling him in for a kiss. “I’m okay.”
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gerardpilled · 2 years
Frank is not tall enough to drive in the passenger seat the airbags would take him out
Wait sorry yeah you’re so right I checked his Wikipedia and it did say he has yet to graduate from the rear facing car seat. Sorry for my ignorance 🙏
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loudlooks · 2 years
Fender Bender
Tiva meet cute AU, requested here.
Word count: 1606 (it was half that when I started editing, something got out of hand)
As the green light changed to yellow, Tony slowed down, smoothly coming to a full stop. He revved the engine—hard to resist after driving around in a Japanese rental for a few months—and grinned widely, the roar of the revised 1967 engine music to his ears.
In a split second, the sound of screeching tires, instantly followed by the crumpling of metal, wiped the grin of his face. Instinctively, he hit the brake pedal as if his life depended on it, knuckles turning white as his fingers gripped the steering wheel like a vice. The Mustang jerked forward, and his whole body tensed as the seat belt snapped him back into the leather seat. Once the car came to a full stop, heartbeat pounding in his ears, he slammed the steering wheel with both hands. “Oh, come on!”
Unbuckling the seat belt with one hand while opening the door with the other, heat flushed through his body. “One week,” he grumbled, all but jumping out of the car, anxious to inspect the damage, and give the idiot that slammed into him a piece of his mind.
Spotting the white of a deflated airbag through the windshield of the other car, and movement of the driver’s door, Tony assumed the other driver most likely was not severely injured either.
From the corner of his eye he spotted the back of his car, stopped dead in his tracks, and ran both hands through his hair. “Are you kidding me!”
Taking a closer look, it became clear the front of the other car seemed to have folded itself around his Mustang’s rear fender. The crumpled hood of the Mini was about five inches higher than it should be.
Tony stood up straight. A Mini! His Mustang Shelby, a highly desirable classic, a feat of American engineering, rear-ended by a Mini. He groaned in frustration, as footsteps came to a stop beside him.
Running a hand over the shiny bumper that was exposed, he snapped, “Where did you learn how to drive?”
“Israel,” a woman’s voice said sharply.
Not the answer he expected. He turned towards her, spotted a small burn mark on her chin, most likely from the airbag, before making eye contact.
“Where did you learn how to drive?” she shot back.
“Me?” he asked incredulously, then pointed a finger at her. “You rear-ended me.”
Her eyes seemed ablaze in the streetlight. “You suddenly hit the brakes for no reason!”
“I slowed to a halt when the light turned yellow.”
“You speed up when the light turns yellow,” she said, gesturing widely at the traffic light.
He closed his eyes and grit his teeth. “Not in America!”
“Well, that is just dumb,” she said, rolling her eyes.
He raised his eyebrows and scoffed. She was going to be a pain in the butt.
The woman briefly looked away to check out the vehicles. “It does not look like your car is that badly damaged.”
Tony complained. “I’ve only had this car for a week.”
She glanced at him. “What happened to your previous car?”
“It got totaled.”
“Oh!” She pointed at him. “You are a bad driver.”
Tony clenched his jaw and glared at her. In a carefully controlled tone, he said, “A thief totaled it during a police chase.”
“Oh, well, that is why you have insurance, yes?” She looked at him with a glimmer of sympathy, and he realized for the first time how attractive she was.
Giving her a quick once over, his thoughts immediately snapped back to his car insurance. He scrubbed a hand over his face, remembering the paper work, the red tape, the endless phone calls, the burning hoops of fire they had made him jump through to get the money they owed him according to his policy.
She shrugged. “It looks like an old car.”
He held up a finger, the tension in his neck building. “It’s a classic car.”
She made a face. “What is the difference?”
His eyes widened, mouth open, yet at a loss for words. This was insult to injury. Definitely a pain in the butt.
“I will back up my car,” she said, “to get a better idea of the damage.”
Gut churning, he held up a hand. “No no no no, we’re filling out the paper work first.”
She glanced away, then stepped in closer. “I was hoping we could,” she looked him up and down, and  bit her bottom lip, “skip the paper work.”
Narrowing his eyes at her, he opened the right side of his jacket, exposing his badge and gun. “I’m a cop,” he said matter-of-factly.
Her gaze flitted down once more, a dangerous look appeared in her eyes. “Nice gun.”
She licked her lips, and a knot tightened in his stomach.
“I bet you impress a lot of women with that,” she raised her eyebrows, “or men.”
Tony’s brow furrowed as he let his jacket fall back into place. Technically he was off-duty, but this wasn’t the first time someone had tried to flirt their way out of trouble.
“Ziva,” she said abruptly, stepping into his personal space.
He did not like this. He inhaled sharply through his nose, a delicate, tropical fragrance clouding his mind momentarily. The deep and mysterious look in her eyes would’ve made Jules Verne’s head spin. It was certainly making his head spin. Or maybe that was a concussion.
Tony blinked slowly. Oh no, he did not like this, at all.
She pulled out her phone. “I know some people who can repair your car in no time.” And before he could comment, she was focused on the conversation in rapid-fire Hebrew. Cradling the phone against her shoulder, she fished a pen out of her pocket, grabbed his left hand and began writing.
The warmth of her hand, combined with the almost tickling sensation of the pen moving over the back of his hand, sent a tingle down his spine. He inhaled deeply, itching for another whiff of, what was that, coconut? Vanilla?
Ziva looked up at him abruptly, a dark twinkle in her eyes.
Tony swallowed hard, as she continued the conversation, never breaking eye contact. The tip of the pen had long left his skin, but for some unknown reason her hand hadn’t. Not that he was complaining.
She ended the conversation with one of the few Hebrew words he knew, and pocketed the phone and pen. “Meet me here,” she held up his hand, “in an hour.”
He glanced at the address, rough part of town. Busted a chop shop there two months ago. Didn’t quite go as planned.
“Do I need to remind you I’m a cop?”
“I would not mind checking out your gun again,” she said in a smoky voice, “as a reminder.”
Her thumb ever so lightly caressed the back of his hand. Or maybe that was just his imagination, heightened senses, rushing adrenaline, car crashes, and all that will do that to you. Not to mention beautiful, mysterious women that change their mood like a weathervane.
“Why don’t you want fill out the paperwork?”
“It is such a, how do you say, pain in the button?”
Tony shook his head slightly. “Butt.”
“But what?”
“No,” he pointed at his backside, “butt, double t.”
Ziva’s eyebrows squished together. “You want to show me your butt?”
Tony opened his mouth, then stopped short. His instinct had been right, she was an absolute pain in the butt.
He rubbed his brow with his free hand, becoming vaguely aware of a headache. “Are you in the country legally?”
She shrugged, holding his gaze. “Legally enough.”
Tony leaned in closer, and stared at her fixedly. “Do you have any idea how shady you sound?”
Ziva tilted her head, a coy smile tugging at her lips. “I have an idea about how intrigued you are.”
He stood up straight, and wrinkled his nose.
Ziva chuckled, let go of his hand, and patted his cheek. “Do not worry, I will not let anything happen to you.”
Tony licked his lips. Either his car would be fixed by the end of the evening, or both he and the car would end up disassembled for parts. Maybe he should let his partner know where he was going. Wait, when had he decided he was going?
Ziva walked backwards towards her car, holding up a finger. “One hour.”
He glanced at the address again, mind racing, and offhandedly said, “It’s a date.”
The wide smile Ziva sent him made his stomach do somersaults.
“Only if you bring flowers,” she said, and winked, before disappearing inside the Mini.
Tony cocked his head. Beautiful women always knew how to get his motor running. Through the windshield he watched her rip out the deflated airbag, casually throwing it on the passenger seat, as if she had done so a dozen times before. He pursed his lips, beautiful women with a dangerous edge shifted his motor into higher gear.
“I’m not sure your car is safe to drive,” he called out to her.
Ziva popped her head through the door window, amused look on her face. “I have driven worse.”
The Mini’s engine roared to life, as Tony’s mind tried to hold on to this roller coaster of a conversation. “What?”
The Mini backed up, and with unnecessary speed, and far too little distance, sped past him, making him jump back against the side of his car.
He ran a hand through his already tousled hair. “Crazy chick.”
Once seated in the driver’s seat, he checked his watch, and mumbled, “I wonder if Walmart has any fresh flowers left.”
tagging @ziva-david​, @indestinatus​, @benedettabeby​, @hopeless-nostalgiac​
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tkeyahwrotethis · 8 months
Eleven: I Told Him Black Lives Matter, Imma Riot.
I just became a nurse and decided working the night shift was for me. After working a long ass shift my Nurse Supervisor told me we were having a floor meeting to discuss some new protocol so I wound up staying an extra 15 minutes after my shift. I was EXHAUSTED, to say the least. I hopped in my car and jumped on the highway. Of course, there was that weird morning rush hour traffic of the night shift getting off work and the day shift rushing to get into work. I noticed a black Acura truck speeding behind me in my rear view mirror. I thought okay maybe he’s not paying attention but he’ll stop soon or stop short. Then I thought maybe he’s not getting off at this exit with stand-still traffic and he’ll change lanes going at that pace. Then at full speed, he crashed into my back and deployed my airbags. I was screaming and completely out of control of my car I could barely see because all my airbags exploded. My head hit every hard surface there was and my seatbelt constricted me for dear life. I didn’t know what to do or how to feel I was screaming and crying and then my car finally came to a stop I wiggled my fingers and my toes. I touched my face and then checked my hands to see if there was any blood. There wasn’t. A police officer was the first one to open my door. He helped me out of my car and got on his phone I can’t even remember what he was saying it all felt like a blur. I survived my first car accident. I’m alive. 
Once I realized that I was safe and okay. I was filled with RAGE. My first car, which I worked so hard to afford is completely totaled. I didn’t even know who was in the driver’s seat and I didn’t care. I charged at his car and grabbed at his shirt ripping it, punching and scratching his face, and screaming at him,” YOU STUPID ASSHOLE YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME!! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED US !! I HATE YOU LOOK AT WHAT YOU’VE DONE TO ME!! LOOK AT WHAT YOU’VE DONE TO MY CAR! TO OUR CARS!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!!”  In one swoop the police officer grabbed me with his big strong arms and threw me over his shoulders while I was hysterically crying and screaming I HATE HIM!! I HATE HIM!! LET ME GO!!! PUT ME DOWN!!
The police officer sat me down on the grass by the guardrail. He was so tall & squatted down in front of me so that we were at eye level. His eyes were really blue and piercing. He was firm and kind when he told me I could not attack the man who hit my car. Look at the extensive damage on your car and now look at you, you survived a terrible accident unscathed. You should be happy and you should be thankful for your life. Adrenaline was coursing through me but I was able to finally catch my breath. The ambulance finally came and a very short Spanish lady EMT with a long curly ponytail said she had to assess me. The cop told her to make it quick so he could ask me some questions about the accident. The cop said he would be sitting in on the assessment and made casual conversation with her while she took a pair of scissors and cut off my Grey’s Anatomy scrubs from my body. I felt a bit uncomfortable because she told me to lie still just in case I had a concussion but I could feel his eyes on my body. I was just in my panties, bra, and socks. The officer’s partner knocked on the ambulance door. His partner was a tall beautiful Asian man. He asked me if there were any belongings I could think of that he could grab for me because the tow truck had just arrived to take my car.  My phone and my purse, please! I told him. He came back and brought me my belongings. The officer in the ambulance with me asked the EMT to hang out with his partner while he asked me a few questions alone. She seemed reluctant to leave me behind, but she did. I felt exhausted after working the night shift and getting into a car accident. The officer made sure the ambulance doors were closed and he caressed my left foot. I looked at him very puzzled. Then he snatched my sock off my left foot exposing my pedicured pink toes. He put the sock in his pocket. I was extremely confused and then alarmed when he squatted down and smelled my foot. I had just gotten off working a 12-hour shift like wtf was he doing inhaling the scent of my foot like that? He never took off my other sock. He took out some handcuffs and I started panicking as he handcuffed one of my wrists. I started kicking and yelling asking what did I do?? Am I under arrest for something?  He calmly asked me if maybe I SHOULD be under arrest for something… maybe perhaps for assaulting the man who hit my car right in front of an officer. I started crying I told him that's not fair. He said he could forget what he saw IF I did a favor for him.
I narrowed my eyes at him and told him no. Let me go! I haven’t done anything wrong! He got a little bit red in the face he probably never heard the word no in his life before. I noticed his gun and got a bit scared. He pulled my sock out, shoved it in my mouth, and told me not to say another word. Tears silently fell out my eyes as I gagged from my work sock being jammed in my mouth. He took the scissors, cut off my panties and bra, and left my one sock on my right foot of course. He told me he’d take the sock out of my mouth if I behaved, and to nod if I understood. I nodded my head and he took the sock out and put it back in his pocket. He grabbed my cheeks and told me to open my mouth I did it and he hawked up something nasty and spit it into my mouth. He covered my mouth with the palm of his hand and told me to swallow it. Suddenly I knew how he tasted. Then before I had time to process what he was doing to me, he licked my neck slowly up my face, up my forehead to my hairline. I’m sure he could taste the fear in my sweat and now he knew how I tasted as well. He spit on the hand that was handcuffed to the ambulance stretcher and told me he wanted to use my hand as a favor to him. I jerked him off with my hand in the handcuff and after he came he told me to lick up the mixture of his cum and spit and swallow it and I obeyed. He uncuffed me and gently dressed me in a hospital gown. He threw away my cut-up underwear and threatened me not to tell anyone what happened. I promised I wouldn’t. He opened the doors and told the EMTs I was ready to go to the Emergency Room to get treated for my injuries from the accident. I rode in the ambulance back to my job where my coworkers frantically asked me a million questions about the accident which seemed so far away from what I just endured. After I was released from the hospital to go home I felt different, happy to be alive, aware of my existence, and terrified of things I couldn’t control like car accidents… and men. 
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking about Eddie wanting to put babygirl in the passenger of his decrepit van that’s so dangerous even if she’s in a car seat. It is technically legal if you remove the airbags from the car but I was taught at work to strongly recommend parents to never put baby in the front seat because it’s so much more dangerous than the back seat.
I used to work costumer service for a baby store and the amount of costumers I’ve had to explain to that if they put their baby in the front seat if their car has airbags it’ll die is absolutely insane.
I’m going to call cps if Eddie tries to put babygirl in that van.
Hiii babes!! It’s wild the way people try to put their kids in the passenger seat!! I worked at a daycare and I’d always be like “uhm they need to go in the back and rear facing..” and they’d wanna argue with me like I’m not risking anyone’s life!! So trust me Eddie will NOT be driving with his daughter unless he gets a new van with a backseat that can safely hold her car seat😂💖
Us if Eddie tries to but his baby in his shitty van:
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Smart Crossblade 
The Crossblade was an extravagant car, in every way. It had no roof, windshield or doors. The only side protection was a steel bar that opened vertically, like the scissor doors on a Lamborghini. Having no roof, if it suddenly started to rain, you had to find shelter somewhere. At least it had a tarp cover to protect the interior from sun and rain when it was parked. Lacking a conventional windshield, it was surely necessary to drive the car with a helmet to protect the face from the wind and from any external element that could jump into the interior, such as small stones. Inside, the upholstery and linings were designed to be weather and water resistant, and the electrical systems were well insulated and even had a piping system to evacuate water from the passenger compartment. For the rest, it was the same as the conventional smart that was sold at the time. It was equipped with a 599 cubic centimeter engine that produced 71 hp, thanks to the collaboration with Brabus. It had 195/40 R16 tires at the front and about 215/35 R16 195/40 R16 and about 215/35 R16 at the rear, quite large for a car of this size, and 16-inch wheels with a three-spoke design. Among the security systems, the two frontal airbags, the seat belts with tension limiters and a structure called Tridion, based on that of other smart, stood out, but they are reinforcements and a safety arch.
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novumtimes · 1 month
2025 Chery Shuxiangjia (eQ7) entered market at 22400 USD
Recently, the 2025 Chery Shuxiangjia (also known as the eQ7) all-electric SUV officially entered the market, available in two trims (Ziyou Edition and Changyou Edition), priced at 159,900 yuan (22,400 USD) and 164,900 yuan (23,100 USD), respectively. Previously, the series has nine trims on sales. The two new trims launched this time mixed and matched existing configurations from the nine trims while the design remained the same. – Advertisement – For reference, the existing nine trims have a price range of 129,900 – 172,900 yuan (18,200 – 24,000 USD). The 2025 Chery Shuxiangjia (see spec here) is positioned as a medium-sized SUV, with a body size of 4675/1910/1660 mm and a wheelbase of 2830 mm. The curb weight is 1769 kg. – Advertisement – Power continues to come from a rear electric motor with a maximum power of 155 kW (208 hp) and a peak torque of 285 Nm, paired with a 67.12 kWh lithium iron phosphate battery pack, providing a CLTC range of 512 km. The official 0 – 50 km/h acceleration time is 4 seconds and the power consumption per 100 km is 14.8 kWh. In addition, the vehicle is equipped with an intelligent battery thermal management system and an external discharge function. Under fast charging, it takes 30 minutes to replenish the battery from 30% to 80%; while slow charging takes eight hours. There is no change in the appearance of the new car, featuring a closed front face, split headlights, the Chery logo inlaid in the middle, conventional door handles, and through-type taillights. There is no change in the interior layout, equipped with a floating dual screen consisting of a 12.3-inch full LCD instrument panel and a 12.3-inch central control screen, and a leather flat-bottomed three-spoke steering wheel. The Ziyou Edition offers configurations such as tire pressure display, a rear parking sensor, cruise control, electric adjustment/ventilation/heating of driver seat, and voice recognition. – Advertisement – On top of Ziyou Edition’s configurations, the Changyou Edition adds side curtain airbags, forward collision warning, lane departure warning, traffic sign recognition, lane change assistance, lane keep assist, and automatic emergency braking. Additionally, new configurations including a front parking sensor, an electric tailgate, and acoustic glass on the front windshield are added. The number of speakers has also increased from four to eight. A front trunk with a storage volume of 40 L is also provided for the Changyou Edition. Source: Chery, DongCheDi Source link via The Novum Times
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taxi-bambino · 4 months
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Taxi Bambino is a service providing clients with taxis with car seats for the safety and comfort of their families. According to the law in Denmark, UNR44 or R129 approved car seats must be used until children are 135cm tall. Rear-facing seat in the front seat of a car is not allowed unless the airbag is deactivated.
For More:- Family Taxi With Car Seat Kuala Lumpor
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lakesidekiau · 5 months
Why You Should Consider Kia Used Cars for Family Use?
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"Ever wondered how a car can become a part of the family? Let's talk about how Kia used cars might just be the missing piece of your family puzzle!"
When it comes to choosing a vehicle for family use, safety, reliability, and comfort are usually at the top of every parent's checklist. But, let's face it, new cars can be a significant investment, one that not every family is ready or able to make. 
That's where Kia used cars Melbourne comes into play, offering an exceptional balance of quality and value that fits perfectly into the family budget. 
Here's why considering a Kia used car might just be the best decision you'll make this year.
Unmatched Value for Money
Kia used cars are well-known for their affordability, but did you know they also hold their value remarkably well? This makes them not just an economical buy upfront but also a smart choice in terms of long-term investment. When you purchase a Kia used car, you're getting more than just a good deal at the moment; you're investing in a vehicle that will continue to deliver value for years to come.
Safety Comes First
When your car doubles as the family bus, safety is not just a feature; it's a necessity. Kia has consistently been awarded high safety ratings across its models by major safety institutions. From advanced airbag systems to high-tech driver-assist features, Kia used cars Melbourne often come equipped with modern safety technologies designed to protect you and your loved ones. 
This commitment to safety means you can feel confident and secure, whether you're dropping the kids off at school or heading out for a family road trip.
Dependable Reliability
One of the biggest concerns when purchasing a used car is reliability. However, Kia used cars are renowned for their durability and excellent build quality. 
Many models feature industry-leading warranties that are still valid when you buy them used, provided they're within the warranty period. This shows Kia's commitment to their vehicles' lasting power and gives you peace of mind knowing that your family's new ride is built to last.
Family-Friendly Features
Kia has a knack for packing its cars with features that cater to families. From spacious interiors that comfortably fit car seats, kids, toys, and groceries to entertainment systems that keep the little ones busy on long drives, Kia used cars are practically designed with families in mind. 
Features like rear-view cameras, ample cargo space, and easy-to-clean surfaces make these cars practical for everyday family use.
Eco-Friendly Options
For families looking to reduce their environmental footprint, Kia used cars include several hybrid and electric models. These eco-friendly vehicles not only minimise your family's carbon footprint but also save you money at the gas pump. 
Opting for a used Kia hybrid or electric vehicle is an excellent way to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle without breaking the bank.
Wide Range of Choices
Whether you need a compact car for city driving or a larger SUV for family camping trips, Kia has a variety of models to suit different family needs and lifestyles. 
This variety means that you're more likely to find a car that fits your specific family requirements in the Kia used car lineup. With so many options available, you can choose the right size, features, and even colour that best fits your family's personality and needs.
Choosing a car for your family is a big decision, but it doesn't have to be a difficult one. Kia used cars offer a compelling mix of safety, reliability, comfort, and value, making them an ideal choice for families looking to make a smart, economical, and safe vehicle investment. 
So, why not visit your local dealer and see if a Kia used car is the right fit for your family? After all, the right car doesn't just transport your family—it becomes a part of it.
Next time you're considering a vehicle upgrade, remember that Kia used cars Melbourne aren't just about getting you from point A to point B; they're about making every journey safer, more comfortable, and more enjoyable—for the whole family. Your next family adventure awaits with a Kia! Source By: Why You Should Consider Kia Used Cars for Family Use?
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spookysaladchaos · 7 months
Automotive Pneumatic Seat System, Global Market Size Forecast, Top Nine Players Rank and Market Share
Automotive Pneumatic Seat System Market Summary
The automotive pneumatic seat system adds a pneumatic device in the seat, the air pressure is provided by the air pump in the engine compartment, and there are 4 or more air pressure chambers at the rear of the seat to realize the protection of the lumbar spine. At the same time, these air chambers are controlled by electronic oscillators, which change the pressure in the air chambers according to the pre-written program, so that the seat surface moves accordingly, so as to achieve the purpose of massaging the driver/passenger.
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According to the new market research report "Global Automotive Pneumatic Seat System Market Report 2023-2029", published by QYResearch, the global Automotive Pneumatic Seat System market size is projected to reach USD 928 million by 2029, at a CAGR of 0.8% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Automotive Pneumatic Seat System Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Automotive Pneumatic Seat System Market Report 2023-2029.
Market Drivers:
1. National policy support is the primary driving force for industry development. Strong policy support for the automobile industry has promoted the steady growth of the automobile industry.
2. Increased car ownership: By the end of 2022, there will be 283.2 million cars in the US; 319 million cars in China. With the increase in car ownership and the increasing awareness of car driving medical examination services, the car seat market is facing major opportunities for development.
1. Product Reliability and Maintenance: Complex pneumatic seating systems may require more maintenance and upkeep, and in some cases may malfunction. This could have an impact on user experience and vehicle reliability, reducing consumer confidence.
2. Excessive Cost: The manufacturing and integration of automotive pneumatic seat systems may involve high costs, including material costs and production costs. Excessive cost superposition will lead to an increase in the price of the entire car, which limits the willingness of some consumers.
1. Seat Comfort and Customization: Seat comfort is still an important development factor in the electric vehicle industry, and the pneumatic seat system can provide better support and comfort by adjusting the inflation and deflation of the seat, thereby reducing fatigue and discomfort caused by long-term driving. And customization options that allow users to adjust the firmness and support of the seat will gradually become easier and more common.
2. Lightweight Design: The automotive industry is increasingly focusing on reducing vehicle weight and improving fuel efficiency to lower emissions. Lightweight seat components and effective seat airbag design help improve fuel economy.
Figure.   Automotive Pneumatic Seat System, Global Market Size, The Top Five Players Hold 75% of Overall Market
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Automotive Pneumatic Seat System Market Report 2023-2029.
This report profiles key players of Automotive Pneumatic Seat System such as Gentherm (Alfmeier), Lear (Kongsberg), Leggett & Platt, Continental, Faurecia, Aisin, Hyundai Transys, Ficosa Corporation and Tangtring Seating Technology.
In 2022, the global top five Automotive Pneumatic Seat System players account for 78% of market share in terms of revenue. Above figure shows the key players ranked by revenue in Automotive Pneumatic Seat System.
Figure.   Automotive Pneumatic Seat System, Global Market Size, Split by Product Segment
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Automotive Pneumatic Seat System Market Report 2023-2029.
In terms of product type, pneumatic support systems are currently the most important segmented products, which mainly include support systems such as side pillows, waist, legs, and shoulders, accounting for approximately 85% of the market share.
Figure.   Automotive Pneumatic Seat System, Global Market Size, Split by Application Segment
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Automotive Pneumatic Seat System Market Report 2023-2029.
In terms of product application, Passenger Vehicle is the largest application, hold a share of 90%.
Figure.   Automotive Pneumatic Seat System, Global Market Size, Split by Region (Production)
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Automotive Pneumatic Seat System Market Report 2023-2029.
In terms of output value, Europe and the United States are the main producers of automotive pneumatic seat systems. The two regions account for more than 80% of the market share. The companies mainly include Lear (Kongsberg), Leggett & Platt, Continental and Faurecia.
Figure.   Automotive Pneumatic Seat System, Global Market Size, Split by Region
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Automotive Pneumatic Seat System Market Report 2023-2029.
The three major consumer regions of automotive pneumatic seat systems in the world are Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America (the United States and Canada). The Asia-Pacific region occupies the main market share, close to 40%, followed by Europe with 26% and North America with 24%. It is expected that the share of the Asia-Pacific region will continue to increase in the next few years, and is expected to exceed 45% by 2029.
About The Authors
Jiashi Dong
Lead Author
Tel: +86-15278314535
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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Understanding Common Honda Car Problems
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Honda, a Japanese multinational corporation, is renowned for its high-quality vehicles. However, despite their reputation for reliability, Honda vehicles are not without their fair share of issues. This article aims to explore some of the most common problems reported by Honda owners, providing a comprehensive guide to potential issues that may arise with various Honda models.
Airbag Issues
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Honda has faced significant scrutiny due to airbag-related issues. The 2008 Honda Accord, for instance, has been under investigation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) due to multiple complaints about airbags failing to deploy upon impact. Furthermore, Honda had to recall over 24 million vehicles due to defective airbags supplied by Takata, which could explode and eject debris upon deployment.
Engine Block Cracks
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Another common issue with Honda vehicles is cracked engine blocks. This problem particularly affected 2006–2009 Honda Civics, which were prone to coolant leaks due to engine block cracks, often leading to engine overheating and failure. As a result, Honda extended the warranty for these models to ten years.
Locking Problems
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Honda CR-V models from 2007–2009 often displayed issues with driver-side door locks. The door either failed to lock altogether or got stuck in a perpetual cycle of locking and unlocking. While not a major defect per se, this problem could create a security risk.
Transmission Failure
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Certain Honda models, including the Civic, Accord, Pilot, and Odyssey, produced between 1999–2004, faced high instances of automatic transmission failure. The culprit was often identified as a defective torque converter, which could cause the transmission fluid to burn up and prevent the vehicle from shifting gears or moving. These issues typically occurred before the vehicle reached 90,000 miles and could cost upwards of $2,000 to repair.
Vibration While Idling
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Newer Honda models have also had their share of problems. The 2015 Honda CR-V, for example, has been reported by many owners to have a vibration issue when the car is idling, with some describing the shaking as “violent”. This situation has led to a Change.org petition, signed by over 100 supporters, urging Honda to recognize and resolve the issue.
Air Conditioning Issues
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Various models of the Honda CR-V have also been reported to have issues with their air conditioning systems. Problems include the A/C not blowing cold air or, in some cases, blowing warm air. These issues seem to stem from a faulty A/C compressor that seizes and often ends up contaminating the entire system with debris.
Premature Brake Wear
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The 2008–2009 Honda Accords and 2009 Acura TSXs have been reported to experience premature brake wear. Front and rear brake pads would often need to be replaced and rotors resurfaced as early as 15,000 to 20,000 miles, whereas they are typically expected to last up to 70,000 miles. Initially, Honda denied the issue and refused to cover these expenses under its warranty, leading to a class-action lawsuit in 2009. A year later, Honda settled to compensate car owners for rear brake pad replacement.
Common Issues With Specific Models
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Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common issues associated with specific Honda models:
1. Honda Accord (2003 model)
Most common problems: Electrical issues, brake rotors.
Most common minor issues: Excessive fuel/oil consumption (V6 models), electrical issues, uncomfortable seating.
2. Honda Civic
Most common serious problems: Cracked engine block, worn brake rotors, transmission issues.
Most common minor issues: “Emissions system problem” error, “Electric parking brake problem” error, Takata airbag recall.
3. Honda Pilot
Most common serious problems: Transmission fluid leak, excessive premature brake rotor failure, clogged fuel injectors, differential fluid breakdown.
Most common minor issues: Defective low beams, excessive oil consumption.
4. Honda Fit
Most common serious problems: Premature engine failure, power steering failure.
Most common minor issues: Uncomfortable seating/headrests, cracked front door armrests.
5. Honda Element
Most common serious problems: Bad brake rotors, differential fluid breakdown, faulty seat belt wiring harnesses.
Most common minor issues: Body paint/clearcoat issues, electrical/mechanical issues affecting door locks and rear tailgate, mechanical key failure.
Most Reliable Honda Model
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Despite the issues listed above, Honda is still considered one of the most reliable car brands on the market. The 2021 Honda HR-V is currently considered the most reliable model from the brand, with its most common problems being road noise and electrical issues.
Least Reliable Honda Model
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The 2003 Honda Accord is regarded as the least reliable Honda model, with the most common problems being electrical issues and problematic brake rotors.
Thanks for giving your valuable time to read this blog, In case you are having an another brand car for example Buggati car and you are looking for buggati repair center then visit Service My Car website in case you need any service or repairs.
While Honda is a reputable automaker renowned for its reliable and safe vehicles, potential buyers should be aware of the common issues that may arise. By understanding these problems, you can make an informed decision and ensure that your Honda remains in optimal condition for years to come
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How Should An Infant Car Seat Be
Are you a new parent, eagerly awaiting the arrival of your little bundle of joy? As you prepare for this exciting adventure, it's crucial to consider the safety and well-being of your precious infant, especially when on the go. A vital item that should be at the top of your priority list is an infant car seat. But with so many options out there, how do you choose the best one? Fear not! In this blog post, we will guide you through everything you need to know about selecting and correctly using an infant car seat to ensure your baby's safety during every car ride. So buckle up (pun intended) as we embark on this journey together!
What is the best type of car seat for an infant?
When it comes to selecting the best car seat for your infant, there are a few options to consider. One popular choice is an infant-only car seat, which is specifically designed for newborns up until they reach a certain weight or height limit. These seats typically feature a convenient carrying handle and can be easily detached from the base. Another option is a convertible car seat, which offers more longevity as it can transition from rear-facing for infants to forward-facing as your child grows. This means you won't have to purchase another seat when your baby outgrows the infant stage. If you're constantly on the go and need a versatile solution, a travel system might be ideal. These systems consist of an infant car seat that seamlessly attaches to strollers, allowing you to effortlessly move your sleeping baby without disturbing them. Whichever type of car seat you choose, always ensure that it meets safety standards and has proper installation instructions. Keep in mind that different models may have specific weight limits and requirements for use. Remember, safety should always be prioritized over convenience or style when selecting an infant car seat. Now let's delve into the correct installation process so you can provide optimum protection for your little one during every journey!
visit the website:
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How to correctly install an infant car seat
Installing an infant car seat correctly is crucial for the safety of your little one. Here are some tips to ensure you get it right. First, read the instruction manual provided by the manufacturer. Each car seat may have specific installation guidelines that must be followed. Next, choose a suitable location in your vehicle for the car seat. The backseat is generally considered safer than the front, especially if your vehicle has airbags. Ensure that the base of the car seat is level and securely fastened to the vehicle's seat using either LATCH connectors or seat belts. Double-check that there is no excessive movement or wiggling. The harness straps should be properly adjusted to fit snugly against your baby's body. The chest clip should be positioned at armpit level and not too low on their abdomen. It’s important to note that bulky clothing like winter coats can affect how tight you can secure your child in their harness. Remove any unnecessary layers before buckling them up. Regularly check and adjust the straps as needed to accommodate for growth spurts and changes in clothing thickness throughout different seasons. Always double-check that everything is secure before every trip – a quick glance could potentially save lives! Remember, proper installation of an infant car seat is essential for ensuring your baby's safety while traveling. Take time to familiarize yourself with all instructions and guidelines provided by both the manufacturer and local regulations!
What are the common mistakes parents make with infant car seats?
Common Mistakes Parents Make with Infant Car Seats When it comes to infant car seats, the safety of your little one should be your top priority. However, many parents unknowingly make mistakes that could put their baby at risk. Let's take a look at some of the common errors parents make when using infant car seats. One prevalent mistake is not properly installing the car seat. It's crucial to carefully read and follow both the car seat manual and vehicle owner's manual to ensure correct installation. Many times, parents fail to tighten the seatbelt or latch system enough, leaving room for excessive movement during a crash. Another mistake is placing the car seat in an incorrect position within the vehicle. The safest location for an infant car seat is in the backseat, preferably in the middle if possible. Placing it next to airbags or near other potential hazards increases the risk of injury. Parents often overlook adjusting harness straps properly as their child grows. Straps should always be snug against your baby's body without any slack or twists. Ensure that you adjust them accordingly as your child gains weight and height. It’s also important not to rush transitioning from an infant-only carrier-style seat to a convertible one too soon. Infant carriers provide additional protection due to their design specifically for newborns and young infants. Using aftermarket accessories such as head supports or padding not specifically designed by the manufacturer can compromise safety measures built into the original design of an infant car seat. By avoiding these common mistakes and staying informed about proper usage guidelines provided by manufacturers, you can help keep your precious bundle of joy safe on every journey!
Common Mistakes Parents Make with Infant Car Seats When it comes to infant-only car20safety of your little one should be your top priority. However, many parents unknowingly make mistakes that could put their baby at risk. Let's take a look at some of the common errors parents make when using infant car seats. One prevalent mistake is not properly installing the car seat. It's crucial to carefully read and follow both the car seat manual and vehicle owner's manual to ensure correct installation. Many times, parents fail to tighten the seatbelt or latch system enough, leaving room for excessive movement during a crash. Another mistake is placing the car seat in an incorrect position within the vehicle. The safest location for an infant car seat is in the backseat, preferably in the middle if possible. Placing it next to airbags or near other potential hazards increases the risk of injury. Parents often overlook adjusting harness straps properly as their child grows. Straps should always be snug against your baby's body without any slack or twists. Ensure that you adjust them accordingly as your child gains weight and height. It’s also important not to rush transitioning from an infant car seat
The dangers of incorrectly using an infant car seat
Using an infant car seat incorrectly can have serious consequences for your child's safety. It is important to understand the potential dangers and take steps to avoid them. One common mistake parents make is not properly securing the car seat in the vehicle. This can lead to the seat becoming loose or unstable during a collision, putting your baby at risk of injury. Another danger is using the wrong type of car seat for your child's age and size. Infant car seats are specifically designed for newborns and young babies, providing crucial support for their delicate bodies. If you use a larger car seat too soon, it may not provide proper protection and could even increase the risk of injury in an accident. Additionally, improperly adjusting the harness straps can be dangerous. The straps should be snug but comfortable, with no slack that would allow your baby to move around excessively in case of sudden stops or impacts. It's also important to never place an infant car seat on an elevated surface such as a table or countertop. Even if you think it will be safe because you're right there watching, accidents happen quickly and unexpectedly. Always follow manufacturer guidelines when installing and using an infant car seat. They provide specific instructions on how to correctly secure your child and ensure their safety while traveling in a vehicle. Remember that protecting your little one starts with properly using their car seat every time they ride in a vehicle. Don't take any chances when it comes to their safety; prioritize following all safety guidelines diligently!
How to keep your infant safe while in the car
When it comes to keeping your precious little one safe while on the road, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, always ensure that your infant car seat is properly installed. This means following the manufacturer's instructions carefully and double-checking that it is securely fastened. In addition to proper installation, it's important to make sure that your child is strapped in correctly every time they are in the car. The harness straps should be snug but not too tight, with the chest clip positioned at armpit level. Remember to never place any bulky clothing or blankets between your baby and the harness straps as this can affect their safety. Another crucial aspect of keeping your infant safe while driving is avoiding any distractions behind the wheel. It's all about focusing solely on driving and not letting anything else divert your attention away from the road. Additionally, be mindful of temperature control inside the vehicle. Infants are more sensitive to extreme temperatures, so make sure you adjust the climate settings accordingly for their comfort and well-being. Never leave your baby unattended in a parked car - even if it’s just for a quick errand or task. The temperature inside a parked car can rise rapidly and pose serious risks to an infant's health. By following these tips and being vigilant about safety measures, you can ensure that every trip with your little one is as secure as possible!
Ensuring the safety of your infant while traveling in a car is of utmost importance. The best type of car seat for an infant is a rear-facing infant car seat that meets all safety standards and is appropriate for your child's age, weight, and height. Proper installation of an infant car seat is crucial to its effectiveness. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions and seek professional help if needed. Avoid common mistakes such as loose straps or incorrect recline angles. Using an infant car seat incorrectly can have serious consequences. It can increase the risk of injury or even death during a crash. Make sure you are familiar with proper usage guidelines and avoid any potentially dangerous practices. To keep your infant safe while in the car, it’s essential to buckle them securely into their properly installed rear-facing car seat every time you travel. Regularly inspect your child's harness for tightness and adjust as necessary. Never leave your baby unattended in a parked vehicle, even for short periods. Prioritizing the correct use of an infant car seat will ensure the well-being and safety of your little one on every journey. Remember to follow manufacturer guidelines, stay informed about current safety recommendations, and always prioritize securing your precious cargo before hitting the road!
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adviserbabycom · 1 year
Car Seat Safety Tips for Road Trips and Long Drives with Kids
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Throughout this article, I will provide you with valuable car safety tips that all parents should be aware of. We will discuss important topics such as properly installing and utilizing car seats, as well as strategies for managing long car rides with children to ensure their safety and contentment. By the end of this post, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to protect your child on the road, so let's get started! Driving Safely with Kids: Understanding Child Safety in Cars When it comes to traveling with children in the car, safety is a top priority for all parents. However, many may not be aware of the most effective measures to ensure their child's protection while on the road. Child safety in the car encompasses several factors, including proper car seat usage, seat belt placement, and age-appropriate seating arrangements. Despite the importance of car seats, it's not uncommon for parents to make mistakes in their usage. Some of the most common misuses include using an incorrectly sized car seat, placing the seat in the wrong position, and improperly securing the child within the seat. However, these issues can be easily avoided with proper education and awareness. Overall, child safety in the car is achievable with the right precautions and knowledge. By understanding the proper usage of car seats and other safety measures, parents can ensure their child's protection while on the road. Let's work together to make traveling with kids a safe and stress-free experience. Road Trip Ready: Car Seat Safety Tips for Long Drives with Kids Going on a road trip with your family can be an exciting adventure, but it's essential to prioritize safety while on the road. Car seat safety tips for road trips and long drives with kids can help ensure that your journey is as safe and stress-free as possible. First and foremost, make sure that your child's car seat is appropriately installed and secured. Before you leave, double-check that the car seat is adjusted to fit your child's size and weight and that the straps are tightened snugly. Also, consider using a rear-facing car seat for infants and toddlers, as this provides the best protection for their head, neck, and spine. In addition to proper car seat usage, there are other safety measures you can take to ensure a safe journey. Plan for frequent breaks to allow your child to stretch their legs and use the restroom. Bring along plenty of snacks, water, and entertainment to keep your child happy and engaged during the trip. Best Car Seats With High Safety on Amazon Prioritizing Car Safety Features for Your Next Family Road Trip Selecting the right car for your family road trip is an important step in ensuring everyone's safety on the road. When making your decision, it's crucial to prioritize safety features that will protect your family in case of an accident. One of the most crucial safety features is airbags, which are designed to reduce the risk of injury in the event of a collision. Look for a car that has side airbags as well, as these provide extra protection in the event of a side-impact collision. Another important safety feature to consider is anti-lock brakes, which prevent your car's wheels from locking up during sudden stops or slippery road conditions. This can help you maintain control of the car and avoid collisions. Electronic stability control is also a vital safety feature that helps prevent skids and slides during sudden turns or swerves. When it comes to specific cars that are highly rated for safety, the Toyota Camry, Honda Accord, and Subaru Outback are all excellent options to consider. These cars have consistently scored high in safety ratings due to their advanced safety features, making them ideal for long drives and road trips. Car Seat Safety Tips for Long Drives with Kids When it comes to traveling long distances with kids, car seat safety is crucial. As I have seen the dire consequences of improperly installed or used car seats, I strongly advise following some safety tips to ensure the protection of your children while on the road. One essential safety tip is to ensure that the car seat is appropriately installed before embarking on your journey. You should adjust the seat according to your child's size and weight and ensure that the straps are properly secured. It's also wise to bring along additional pillows and blankets to help your child remain comfortable and safe during the long drive. Taking frequent breaks during the journey is also crucial to allow your child to stretch their legs and use the restroom. This can help prevent discomfort and minimize the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a blood clot that can develop from prolonged sitting. When it comes to car seat materials and products, I recommend investing in a high-quality seat that adheres to safety standards and is certified by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Following the manufacturer's instructions when installing and using the car seat is essential to ensure proper usage. Essential Car Seat Safety Tips As a pediatrician and mother, I understand the importance of prioritizing car seat safety while traveling with children on long drives and road trips. Here are some essential car seat safety tips that can help ensure your child's protection while on the road: Following these car seat safety tips can help ensure your child's safety while traveling on long drives and road trips. Remember to prioritize car seat safety and make sure that the car seat is correctly installed and secured according to the manufacturer's instructions. With the right precautions and knowledge, you can have a safe and enjoyable journey with your little ones. Car Seat Checklist for Safe Road Trips with Kids Before embarking on a long drive or road trip with your child, use this car seat checklist to ensure that you have everything in order for a safe and comfortable journey: How to Make Road Trips and Long Drives with Kids Easier: A Step-by-Step Guide Taking a long road trip or drive with kids can be challenging, but with the right preparation and tools, you can make the journey more comfortable and enjoyable for everyone.  Step 1: Prepare your vehicle. Before setting out on your journey, make sure that your vehicle is in good working order and has all necessary car accessories. Install a sunshade to protect your child from the sun's glare and bring a portable trash can or garbage bag to keep your car clean. Step 2: Pack essential items. Bring along essential items to keep your child comfortable and occupied during the journey. Pack snacks, drinks, and non-messy activities such as books, games, or electronic devices to keep them entertained. Step 3: Dress for comfort. Dress your child in comfortable, loose-fitting clothes and shoes. Avoid anything too tight or constricting that may cause discomfort during the journey. Step 4: Use car accessories. Consider using car accessories that can make the journey more comfortable for your child. A seat organizer can help keep toys and snacks organized, while a car seat travel tray can provide a flat surface for activities and snacks. Step 5: Take frequent breaks. Plan for regular breaks during the journey to let your child stretch their legs and use the restroom. This can help prevent discomfort and reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a blood clot that can develop from prolonged sitting. Remember to prioritize car seat safety and make sure that the car seat is correctly installed and secured according to the manufacturer's instructions. By following these steps and ensuring a safe and comfortable journey, you and your child can enjoy the adventure of a family road trip. My Top 3 Resources for Car Seat Safety Tips on Road Trips with Kids The American Academy of Pediatrics: Car Seats and Booster Seats https://www.aap.org: This website is an excellent resource for parents who are looking for reliable information about car seat safety. The American Academy of Pediatrics provides guidelines for car seat usage, including how to choose the right car seat, how to install it properly, and when to transition to a booster seat. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA): Car Seat Recommendations for Children https://www.nhtsa.gov: The NHTSA is a reliable source of information for car seat safety. Their website provides guidance on how to choose the right car seat for your child's age and weight, how to install it correctly, and how to keep your child safe in the car. They also have a search tool to help you find a car seat inspection station near you. AAA Exchange: Child Passenger Safety https://exchange.aaa.com: AAA Exchange is a resource provided by the American Automobile Association. Their website includes information on child passenger safety, including how to choose the right car seat, how to install it correctly, and how to travel safely with kids. They also provide a list of car seat inspection stations across the United States. Car Seat Safety Tips for Road Trips with Kids FAQ It is generally not recommended to use a secondhand car seat, as it may not be up to current safety standards and may have been in a crash or otherwise damaged. It is safer to use a new car seat that meets current safety standards. There are many ways to keep your child entertained and comfortable during a long road trip. Bring plenty of snacks, drinks, and toys to keep your child occupied. You can also play games or sing songs together, or let your child watch a movie or play on a tablet or other electronic device. If you have questions or concerns about car seat safety for a road trip, you can contact the NHTSA or other organizations for guidance. You can also consult with a certified child passenger safety technician, who can help you choose and install the right car seat for your child. Read the full article
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cheryfan · 1 year
Why The Chery Tiggo 8 Pro 1.6L SUV Is An Exceptional Drive
12 Reasons It Delivers The Safest And Most Stress-Free Drive
One of the most crucial aspects in the car-buying decision is safety—especially at a time when people are revenge-travelling and going back to face-to-face work and school.
And we’re not talking about your basic seatbelts, airbags, ABS, and crumple zones. We’re talking about features that will actively protect you and your loved ones by helping avoid or eliminate the risks that can lead to accidents. These are state-of-the-art smart features that will not only help prevent accidents before they happen, they actually help direct you away from situations that can lead to an accident.
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This is why Chery has loaded its 7-seater midsized SUV for sale, the Tiggo 8 Pro 1.6 Turbo, with no less than 12 Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS).
1. Rear Cross-Traffic Assist —RCTA alerts you when another vehicle is approaching you just as you reverse out of a parking space
2. Blind Spot Detection—BSD notifies you if a vehicle is approaching your blind spots on either side of your car
3. Autonomous Emergency Braking­—AEB automatically activates the brakes once it detects an obstacle and doesn’t receive any braking inputs from the driver
4. Door Opening Warning—When DOW detects an oncoming car from behind as you or your passengers are about to go down from the car, the DOW automatically issues an alert
5. Forward Collision Warning—FCW detects objects ahead and alerts the driver for potential collisions
6. Adaptive Cruise Control—ACC automatically adjusts your vehicle’s speed depending on the speed and distance of the vehicle in front
7. Lane Keeping Assist—LKA helps the driver remain inside the marked lanes, which comes in handy during drives with low visibility or when temporarily blinded by other cars’ high beams
8. Traffic Jam Assist—TJA serves as an extension of cruise control, but works in slow-moving traffic for enhanced comfort in gridlock situations. It will autonomously accelerate and brake the vehicle in traffic.
9. Integrated Cruise Assist—ICA constantly measures the distance to the vehicle in front of you in real-time and automatically maintains a safe distance
10. Intelligent High-Beam Control—IHBC automatically adjusts the headlights to maximize vision even on poorly lit roads
11. Lane Departure Warning—LDW alerts you via an audible alert and force feedback when your vehicle inadvertently drifts to another lane—very helpful when the driver’s alertness is impaired due to fatigue or other factors
12. Traffic Sign Recognition—TSR alerts you when your speed exceeds that of posted speed limits
Over and above these 12 Advanced Driver Assist Systems, this Chery Tiggo 8 for sale offers an Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD), Electronic Stability Program (ESP), Traction Control System (TCS), Hill Assist Control (HAC), Hill Descent Control (HDC), Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), and ISOFIX child-seat tethers, among others.
With all these smart safety features and Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS), the new Chery Tiggo 8 Pro 1.6 Turbo for sale is convincingly one of the safest automobiles on the market.
The Tiggo 8 PRO 1.6T is made even more irresistible with the brand’s industry-leading Chery Premium Preserv consisting of a 7-year engine warranty, 7-year bumper-to-bumper general vehicle warranty, FREE 3-year preventive maintenance service (PMS), and FREE 3-year roadside assistance.
The Chery Tiggo 8 PRO 1.6T has been a recipient of numerous awards and accolades globally and was recently lauded as the Best Midsize Crossover by the respected C! Magazine.
Info compiled by https://www.manilastandard.net/
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