#really. i've never been an avid fan of any actors bcz of this
kadiseuldysworld · 6 years
Hello there, I've been seeing the ask you're getting from anon and felt like barging in because, this drama happened back during be positive and pushover people started jumping into conclusion and saying SM will put DO in a fake relationship to cover for the gay couple. Now here what i see logical, DO is an actor he will probably only play straight characters roles because hey it's SK so there's no need to freak out whenever he got to kiss a woman. Regarding being cold toward exo, guys please!
Couldn’t see all the things i have in mind because the ask box is pretty limited but i’m pretty sure you got my point. SM doesn’t need to cover the gay couple anymore, and has already linked to it back in 2017 if i remember after kaistal breakup news. As for DO he’s obliged to play kind to his costars because SK has manners sick policy and people with get shit for a mere misunderstood frown. While with EXO he can be himself and speak his mind. Plus, Suho, and Xiumin didn’t assist to wedding too!
finally the anon talked about ff writers and i was like biiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch, there’s a lot of kaisoo writers who joined the fandom recently. Kaisoo is still exo’s #1 otp. We don’t have to assume thing just because some writers decided to move on with there life because they’re supposedly veteran!? like i can rec to you some new mind blowing kaisoo writers you’ll probably hate the days you lived before them XD. Sorry for showering you with messages but i felt like giving my 2 cents and shit ;) 
nah, dont worry. i actually exaggerated when i said there’s proly a dating news soon, seeing how ‘supportive’ everyone is with the pairing. its just how annoyed i am with all these fanservice stuff n tbh mostly, of the way the fans reacted toward it. no one is freaking out with the kiss scene tho. we (at least me) only found it too much for them to put that pic on jd’s ost. thats just straight up bs. out of all pics available, out of all osts in the drama. smh. you said SM doesn’t need to cover the gay couple anymore, yet they still have to shove their ks-is-straight-as-a-ruler agenda right in front of our face. its never enough for them bcz (maybe) they think fans need to be constantly reminded. 
yeah i get what you mean with he gets to be himself with exo but w/ his costars, he has to put on smile or whatever. again. it gets on my nerves not bcz of ks himself. its the fans reaction that annoyed the hell out of me. its worse when everyone is talking how /real/ they are EVERYWHERE now the drama is broadcasting (while from my pov, he treats this as strictly business. its so apparent in the bts vids yet fans are blind to see that). n dont forget the all-time fave: ks-is-happier-while-acting-he’s-so-done-with-exo. i still see that everywhere. some people actually believe this is the case. about the wedding, i only feel bad that he didnt attend it just for a sudden schedule /shrugs/. sh didnt come since he has a performance that day. n for xm, God knows why.
regarding the ffs. good thing you pointed this out, bcz i really dont know much about ff world now. i only follow some authors. for the anon, you can check out those new authors if you want. 
p.s: yeah kd fandom is boring now bcz no content these days. worst, one half of the counterpart is busy getting shipped with a girl. /sigh/ we should let the fans have their time. urgh november pls come fast
p.p.s: tbh this is not really a party to bash ks or the drama. its the fans behavior that getting on our nerves and its not helping that tvn relentlessly feeding these stuff to them. we were only whining here. let us live. you dont know how much i envy you people that can take everything with open heart. the drama is just so… bad… that i cant really get myself liking anything about it :/
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