#really all nomura has to do is confirm that subject x and stella are the same person and it really won't matter if it's skuld or ava
marcirose · 2 years
Subject X and Nameless Star Could Be the Same Person
I talked about this on Twitter a long while back and I kinda forgot to talk about it here so here we go (I'm really just gonna copy/paste from that thread and add on what I forgot to add back then)
Since Toy Box is just "foreshadowing: the world" and how it has lots of ties with Quadratum, it's possible that Amber could be foreshadowing what exactly happened to either Skuld or Nameless Star and we might see either of them (or both) in Quadratum.
We'll start with Skuld. I'm going to go off of the impression that Subject X is Skuld because that seems to be the most plausible case. The biggest thing that we know is that we have no idea where she is. All we know is that Luxu took her and that's it.
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It's very possible that Skuld could have ended up in Quadratum, and it could be a reason how Xehanort thought it was possible for Kairi to go to "the other side" to begin with. This leads me to think that Subject X could possibly be Nameless Star.
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We know Nameless Star's heart is in the Final World, and she tells Sora that everything of hers was taken by somebody (I assume her body is also included in the "everything")
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How her heart ended up in the Final World is another mystery, but I do think it has to do with the giant vortex portal thing from the Verum Rex trailer that we quite frankly know nothing about or why she was even at the center of it to begin with.
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Another indicator to me is Amber isn't sentient or "hasn't figured it out" as Woody put it earlier. This tells me Amber possibly doesn't have a heart. Once the fight is over, she's slumped over and lifeless and we never see her again.
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So, what does that have to do with Nameless Star? Like she said, everything except her heart was taken from her. That possibly includes her body. Who took it? We don't know. It could be MoM or it could be someone else. I'm also saying this under the impression that the concept of heartless and nobody don't exist in Quadratum as it's confirmed that the concept of light and darkness don't exist there iirc
What I'm saying is Amber is foreshadowing that Skuld/Nameless Star's body is possessed by something in Quadratum. I'm not quick to call it (D)arkness but there's possession involved and we might have to fight this possessed person eventually.
I also have the idea that Amber could be foreshadowing Ava instead of Skuld. I'm not as convinced with Ava, but it's still a high possibility.
Unlike the khux kids, the foretellers disappeared together, but Ava somehow got separated. Unfortunately, the reports don't describe Subject X outside of gender and age so anything is up in the air, and if Ava is Subject X, she and Nameless Star could be the same person.
I also got the impression from Luxu that he knew where Ava was and he also knows where Subject X is cause he's the one who hid her.
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I also feel like Luxu knowing about Quadratum/"the other side" makes sense with the idea that MoM told him about it cause he's seen it through the Gazing Eye.
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And since Subject X arrived to Radiant Garden with no memories, it's possible that she gained a new name and identity after she arrived in Quadratum.
Basically, Skuld (or Ava) is "dead" and was "revived" as Stella/Sora/Hoshisora or whatever her name is revealed to be.
The reason why I'm more convinced it's Skuld (aside from Luxu being the only character from the khux era aside from MoM to know about Quadratum) is because she and Nameless Star share star motifs so take that what you will.
Both are viable contenders, but hey maybe Subject X and Nameless Star are two completely separate people. Skuld is related to whatever is going on in Missing Link and Xehanort's mom/not really mom who knows, so we'll have to wait and see.
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