#reader POV
Abs Sans Brain
Top Gun: Maverick - Jake “Hangman” Seresin x f!pilotreader [no use of y/n]
2.6k || Your date with Jake at the Hard Deck is crashed by the rest of the squad.
==== Genre: Fluffy, flirty, and funky
CW: Swearing, drinking
Author’s Note: I’m writing this before I start writing the fic itself. I’m shooting for 600 - 800 words. Please laugh at me when we see how wrong I end up being. Oh, and the reader is best friends with Bob because I said so. || cross-posted on ao3
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There were very few things you had asked for in life. Good health, good people, and the entire sky at your disposal. A small list, if a bit demanding. One thing you hadn’t been expecting when you’d asked for the Heavens was all those who came with it. In particular, Jake Seresin, who slid into the booth across from you. Beers in hand, grin in place.
“Come here often, doll?”
You roll your eyes at him. A movement that does little to hide the smile blooming across your lips. “I can’t believe I ever let that line work on me.”
“In your defense,” he said, taking a long swig of his beer. “The first time I used that line, we were thousands of feet in the sky. It’s where I’m at my most irresistible.”
“Ah, yes. That must have been it. Everywhere else you’re just insufferable.” You laughed and took a significantly smaller sip of your beer. It’s your second one in ten minutes. “If I didn’t know you any better, Seresin, I’d say you’re trying to get me drunk here.”
“Tryin’?” he scoffed, “and you say you know me.”
The unfortunate thing about this whole situation was that you did know Jake. You knew him well, better than Coyote. You knew his favorite color was yellow. That’s why it had been put in his helmet. (He’d also left off the ‘a’ in his helmet because the idea of filling it in to say ‘Hungman’ fit his sixth grade sense of humor). You knew he over-exaggerated his southern drawl whenever you walked into a room because you’d once drunkenly admitted to him that hearing him talk flooded your mind with dirty thoughts. You knew Jake’s mind was fifty percent dirty thoughts, twenty-five percent sky, twenty percent you, five percent ways to school you at cards and five percent cheeky comebacks he was sitting on to annoy the rest of the squad with. And, most disheartening of all, you knew Jake was not a romantic.
It didn’t bother him that date night was a few beers, fried food, and a game of pool. It didn’t bother you either. Not entirely, but you were hoping for one night where you could dress up nice and go out somewhere fancy. Somewhere along the lines of joining the military and ending up at TOPGUN the line of being feminine had been blurred. Commanders couldn’t understand why you’d want to put on a bit of mascara to fly a plane. In the same stretch of imagination, Hangman seemingly couldn’t put it together that you’d like a bit of romance in your life beyond the cheesy pickup lines and pet names.
If you could add anything to your list of ‘good health, good people, and the entire sky’ it would be a few nice dates. You’d say nothing fancy, but you wouldn’t mean it. You wanted fancy. Even if it was just to realize that fancy is actually not what you wanted at all. Something to change up the pace of playing pool with Jake and being hit on by him like you were his latest conquest and not his girlfriend of six months.
Part of you felt like you were being slightly unfair.
“Your turn, doll,” Jake said, but when you went to pass in front of him he grabbed you by your belt loop. He pulled you back towards him, matching your laugh, and captured your lips with his.
Moments like these almost had you convinced that maybe you could push those selfish date ideas off to the side. Jake liked showing off. He liked being able to flirt with you in a place where you could laugh loudly and no one would look at you weird. He liked being able to slip out the back door to walk down the beach with you under the stars.
“If it’s my turn,” you said between kisses, “then let me shoot the ball.”
Reluctantly, he let go of your waist and you positioned yourself to sink yet another ball into the pocket. You planned to kick his ass in an embarrassingly short amount of time to get the pettiness out of your system, then enjoy your night together.
Except for the fact that the front bell chimed, and familiar shouts filled the bar. Familiar because you’d heard them less than an hour ago. You considered altering your list once more. ‘Good people who knew when not to come get a drink.’
“Hangman!” Payback shouted across the bar. “Rack ‘em up. Rooster was just telling me how the two of you ended in a tie game last week.”
Jake’s laughter filled your ears. He still had a hand on the small of your back, but his attention was entirely on your group of friends trailing through the door. “Chicken doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ about. I smoked his ass.”
“I’d like to see you put your money where your mouth is, Seresin. Unless you’re still broke from the last time I kicked your ass.”
Rooster headed over to the pool table followed closely by Fanboy and Coyote. Payback, scribbling in a notebook, hung back for a moment. Then opened his mouth to edge the tension on a bit more. You knew your date night had been pushed aside, so you took it upon yourself to step off to the side yourself.
Phoenix smiled at you, waving, and tilted her head. “I thought you guys were on a date?” She asked. You shot her a look that said ‘We’ll talk later.’ Natasha let out a laugh. “Sorry. Look, I’ll get you something strong to drink.”
“Make it a double!” You called out after her as she made her way over to the bar where she’d be trapped by millions of questions from Penny. The sound of your name, your government name, being called by a certain southern drawl caught your attention. “Yes, love?” You asked, hoping that your boyfriend was about to make an unexpected promise that the two of you could leave after one game.
“What’s the matter, darlin’?” Jake nudged you softly with his shoulder then threw his head over in Bradley’s direction. “We can always just ask the peanut squad to leave. The small man will only get so much smaller when I whoop his ass for the hundredth time”
Rooster stiffens, almost to attention. He holds the pool cue next to him. Straight and tall. “I’m taller than you are, Bagman.”
It had become a trend of sorts to refer to Jake with various insults that fell so effortlessly from Bob’s mouth. You had tried your hardest to resist, out of solidarity for your boyfriend, some of the nicknames were too creative to avoid… and it gave you an excuse to make Jake try and draw his true name from your lips.
“I wasn’t referring to that kind of height, Chick.”
“C’mon, Jake,” you whine, “can you please just be the polite Jake I know you to be?”
“Oxymoron!” Rooster calls from across the pool table to which Jake whirls around and says, “What the fuck did you just call me?”
You shoot a glare in Bradley’s direction. “Seriously?” Out of the corner of your eye you see Payback pulling that same little notebook out of his pocket to make a mark. You turn on him. “And what the hell are you doing?”
He turns the page towards you. On it in crude, unintelligible handwriting is what you can only assume to be two columns labeled “Hangman” and “Rooster�� with a series of ticks beneath them. Jake in the lead by a long shot. “I like to keep track.”
In the corner, you noticed when you squinted to read the handwriting, was a third little box. Completely full of ticks. “Who is that?”
“Bob,” Payback said at the same time Bob said, “Mine.”
You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to Jake. “Can I talk to you?”
Your tone is enough to etch worry on his face. He set his pool cue against the table, grabbed you by the waist, and pulled you off to the side. “What’s wrong, doll?”
“This isn’t a date.” The whiny lit to your voice didn’t make you feel the most sexy, but you’d tried seducing Jake to go to a movie so the two of you could make out in the dark instead and that hadn’t worked. Pouting was your last resort. “Every time we go on a date, they show up. They’re like fleas!”
“At least fleas can do tricks.” Jake turned to look over his shoulder. “Rooster can’t even hit a ball straight.”
“Jake, I’m being serious. Why won’t you just take me on a date? A real one.”
“Look, pretty girl, I’ll make a deal with you.”
You side-eyed him, unconvinced, and sighed. “Lucky me.”
“Play me in darts. I win, we stay and hang out with everyone. Lord knows Rooster and Phoenix need to be humbled in pool. Plus, you’re the only one here who can get Bob to do enough shots to start doing karaoke.” He rests his forehead against yours. “I know how much you love his drunk renditions of ‘Sweet Caroline.’”
Jake had a point. There had been one night - shockingly, another date night at the Hard Deck turned into a group activity - where you went to sulk in a booth while your schmooze of a boyfriend fueled his bromance with Coyote, Rooster, and Payback. Bob, still not the biggest partier, had grown tired of the swapping insults over darts and was worn out from dodging Phoenix and Fanboy’s attempts to get him to dance with them. So he’d ended up in the booth across from you.
You’d been pounding back shots of tequila like they were water. “He’s stupid,” you had slurred to Bob, “but you’re not stupid. You’re fun. Here, do a shot with me. Let’s be fun.”
He would tell you the next day that he had only intended to do one shot but one turned into two which turned into four which turned into Bob unplugging the jukebox to sing a melody of songs from your Grandma’s playlist with impressive range. After each one he would make sure to point you out of the gathering crowd of dazzled patrons. “This one’s for her!” He’d shout in dedication and start up singing again.
It hadn’t been a bad night then, and, even though you’d never admit it to Jake, you had a lot of fun. Tonight would be the same if you could let yourself stop moping long enough to enjoy it. But there was still the matter of:
“What if I win?” You ask. Competition was the reason you were here on the West Coast to begin with. You were the best of the best because you refused to let anyone else get the upper hand on you. “What do I get then, Seresin?”
“If you win,” Jake said, slowly kneading your hips with his hands. “I will take you out on another date - a fancy one. With roses and the opening of doors and the biggest bottle of wine this nice restaurant downtown has to offer. I’ll dress up and give you the most romantic night of your life. But tonight we’ll stay here and do everything we’d do anyway if I had win.”
“If I win.”
“If you win… but you won’t.”
He didn’t have to say it for you to know it was true. He threw darts the same way he flew planes: with deadly precision. There was a reason Hangman was the only one out of everyone in their generation with two confirmed kills. He could land a shot with his eyes closed. In the air and with two feet planted firmly on the hardwood floors of the Hard Deck.
“That’s not fair at all.”
“I don’t make the rules, sweet thing.” That stupid smirk was back on his face. The two of you hadn’t made it back to your booth yet for appetizers, otherwise there’d surely be a toothpick rolling between those lips of his too.  “C’mon, we’ll make it easy. Three darts each. Most points win.”
“That’s not how you play darts, Jake. Even I know that.”
“Bagman,” Payback called out, “what are you doing, the balls are racked?”
You went to grab the darts from the board as Jake said, “Kicking my girl’s ass in darts as a warm up for kicking your sorry asses in every game after.”
“Ladies first,” you gestured, mimicking his smug smirk. He glared playfully at you but stepped up to throw the first dart in a movement almost too quick for you to see. A perfect bullseye. “Show off.”
“Got to put some skin in the game.” Jake moved you in front of him. His hands gripping your waist to hold you in place as he pressed kisses to your neck. “I like your skin better, darlin’.”
You shooed him away. The dart felt heavy in your hand. Screwing this up would essentially be throwing away your only sure shot at the date of your dreams. You lifted your arm and threw the dart. It flew, fitting itself snugly into the single bull.
Jake’s turn. He moved just as quickly as the first time, but the angle he shot at landed the dart in a single scoring 18. Winning was still well within your grasp. A decent date was inching closer and closer.
Your turn. A deep steady breath. This dart felt weightless. An extension of yourself. You throw the dart in a less fluid motion than Jake, but manage to stick it in the bullseye right next to his.
“Look at that!” You shouted, pointing and jumping. Joy overwhelmed you not just because you were currently winning, but because this had been the first bullseye you’d made without Jake helping you in the slightest. He’d likely still claim this victory as his. It was his silly deal that made you so determined in the first place.
Jake’s final turn. He still had the chance to put you in the dust. Your eyes were glued to the board, but the dart never came. When you turned to look at him, Jake threw the dart at the ground. “You win,” he said, but you shook your head. Eyes back to the board. You won even without throwing this last dart.
You snapped your head in his direction, ready to call him out for cheating, but you were cut off by Jake’s lips crashing onto yours. He pulled away quickly, muttered a small, “You really think I’d deny you anything, doll?” then rushed off to join the restless group at the pool table. Leaving you to glance from the stray dart stuck in the floor and the man you were beginning to fall for at the pool table.
Phoenix saddled up next to you, drink in hand, and passed one over to you. “What did he promise you if you won?”
“A real date.”
“The fancy one with all that inspiration you’ve been sending me on Pintrest.”
“That’s the one.”
She let out a low whistle. “Wow, and I thought he loved you just by the way he looked at you, but this is something else. He’s smitten.”
“I guess I have that effect on some people,” you said and hid your giddy grin with a sip of your drink. “Did you ask Penny to get the tequila shots ready?”
“The real question is if we’re ready to hear Bob signing.”
This might just be one of your favorite dates yet.
oneshot taglist: 
@rosiahills22 @pono-pura-vida @gizmodear​
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olicitymckono · 7 months
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Best friends are always there for each other. Yes they will fight and not always agree on everything but if one of them is hurting, it’s the best friends job to help in an way they can. Charles Leclerc and Yn D’Marco were two such friends. They had met in Kindergarten when a young boy had pushed her off the swings. Charles had pushed the boy back and helped her up and since that day they had been inseparable. The Leclerc family had become her second family especially since her mom had disappeared when she was 2. Maria D’Marco had not been built for motherhood as she said and had decided she wanted to see the world with her hippie boyfriend Tommy. Her father Alistair was a wonderful man who loved life and especially his daughter. Having no siblings, she had quickly been adopted by Lorenzo and Arthur as their little sister. Yn had been there through all the trials and tribulations, the death of Jules and Hervé. His highs and lows and even his girlfriends. Yn was unfortunately the typical girl best friend having realised her feelings for him when he had started dating Giada. But thankfully she was not the type of girl to mope around and pine for him. It also helped that for the most part she got along great with his girlfriends. Except his latest girlfriend Alexandra. For some reason Alex had an attitude with the blonde and hated whenever Charles would spend time with his friend going so far as to worm her way into their plans and even manipulating him into cancelling them. One such occasion was about to occur. Yn’s 26th birthday was approaching and since it fell in the 3 week break between races the Leclerc boys and Yn had organised a week long trip/birthday celebration in Las Vegas. It was something Yn had been looking forward to for months. With her ever growing photography business and his races they hadn’t gotten to see each other in months and Facetiming wasn’t the same. She missed her friend terribly and so had he.
Two weeks before the trip Alex was laying on the bed watching Charles get ready for some event. She didn’t want to join him so her friends were coming over. She saw his phone ping indicating a message and she rolled her eyes seeing her name. Yn had not done anything to her other than being his friend and she was jealous of the girl because Alexandra believed he had feelings for the girl. When Charles headed into the bathroom, she grabbed his phone. “Hey Charlie. Good luck tonight. I know how much you hate these things. 😊 But Las Vegas is almost here.”
“Not if I can help it,” she thought. That night while Charles was gone she and her friends began planning to keep the two friends apart. By the time he had gotten back, she had talked or more so guilted him into a romantic getaway for the two of them to Bali. And the temptress had even made him forget about how he was going to lie to Yn.
“Hey Charlie,” Yn smiled as she answered the phone. “You started packing yet?”
“Hey Ynn,” he sighed. “About that.”
“Everything ok?”
“I won’t be able to make it this year.”
“The team hasn’t done particularly well so far and they want to work over the break to improve if we stand a chance at the championship. I’m sorry Cherie. But I’ll make it up to you.”
“I understand. Sucks though.”
“I know. Believe me I would rather be spending time with you but I need to do this.” He lied to spare her feelings but he seemed to forget that he was famous and sooner or later she would find out the truth.
Three days into the trip Yn was sitting at the hotel pool, laughing at something stupid Arthur had done. Carla was sitting next to her on Instagram when she turned to Yn. “Hey, I thought Charles was working?”
Yn turned and shrugged, “That’s what he said. Why?”
“So why’s he in Bali?”
“Huh?” Carla passed her the phone. Alexandra had posted pictures of the couple enjoying the white blue beaches of Bali capturing them “Bali vaca with my ❤️.” Had Charles really lied to her? “Maybe I misunderstood.” But she knew she hadn’t. For the first time in their friendship he had lied to her.
The vacation and her birthday suddenly felt different. The others could see she was trying hard not to let Charles’ lie spoil it and so they tried to make it unforgettable.
Charles knew something was off when he face timed her for her birthday. “Happy Birthday Cherie.”
“Thanks Charlie,” she forced a smile. “How’s the training?
“Boring as hell. Wish I was there with you.” She simply nodded. “Maman can’t wait for you to get back and neither can I. I’m going to make it up to you.”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to.”
“I want to Cherie. We haven’t missed each others birthday since we were 3.”
“We’ve never lied to each other either,” she mumbled soft enough that he didn’t hear.
“Are you okay Yn?” he asked concerned.
“I’m fine. Think I’m just tired from all the sun. I’m going to go lie down for a while before dinner. Thank you for calling Charlie.”
“Are you sure?”
She nodded, “Ill call you later ok?”
“Sure, goodbye Cherie.”
Even though she hadn’t said anything Lorenzo had decided not to let his brother get a pass. While the others were around the table he decided to give his little brother a call and excused himself. “Hey man, how’s Vegas?”
“What’s wrong with you?” Lorenzo skipped the pleasantries. As much as he loved his brother he loved Yn too, she was a little sister to him.
“Excuse me?”
“Why did you lie? You’re not in Maranello.”
Charles scoffed, “Where else would I be?”
Charles’ face paled. “What?”
“We saw the pictures. Alex posted.”
Charles closed his eyes and sighed feeling guilty and realised that was why she had been so off. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m not the one you should be apologising to.”
“I’ll make it up to her.”
“You better. Since when do you lie?”
“Enzo, I just didn’t want a fight. I know Yn and Alex aren’t that close.”
“I wonder why,” Lorenzo replied sarcastically.
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly how it sounds. Since when has a girl every made you lie not only to your best friend but your brothers too?”
“Lorenzo, I’m really sorry. I fucked up, I know.”
“You’re going to have to fix it.”
“I will.”
When the group returned from America, Charles was waiting for them and no Alex in sight. As frustrated and hurt as she was with him, Yn was happy to see Charles. The first person he reached for was her and he pulled her tightly into his arms. “Cherie, I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
“You, me, my apartment tonight. We’re having a movie night.”
“I thought you’re leaving for Spa tomorrow?” she asked.
He shook his head, “I postponed my flight till Wednesday. That way we can spend time together. I missed you.”
“I missed you too Charlie.”
Unfortunately things were only going to get worse.
Arriving at Charles’ apartment that night Yn was surprised to see Alexandra there. He saw her deflate slightly trying her best to be polite as she greeted the brunette. He followed her into the kitchen as she grabbed a glass filling it with water. “She just showed up. I thought she was in Paris.”
“It’s ok Charles.”
“Are you sure? I know it was just supposed to be us.”
She placed a smile on her lips, “I’m sure.”
Throughout the evening Yn noticed how Alexandra would try to make it all about her. Every time Charles would try talking to Yn, she wasn’t even able to get to finish her answer before the other girl took his attention away. And it was beginning to piss Yn off.
Before the movie was even done, Yn had had enough. Alexandra had become increasingly touchy with her boyfriend and Yn happened to notice a moment when it was painfully obvious that the girl had placed her hand into his shorts. He had unknowing let out a soft moan and Yn saw how Alexandra had looked at her with a smirk. Yn was done. She silently grabbed her bag and got up.
“Where are you going?” Alexandra asked acting dumb. Charles had opened his eyes and adjusted himself looking at his friend in concern.
“I forgot I have an early start tomorrow. But you have fun.” She didn’t wait for a answer and headed for the door. She made it to the elevator when he reached her.
“Why are you leaving?”
She looked at him disappointment in her eyes. “You obviously have better things to do.”
“Why do you not like her?”
“This has nothing to do with Alexandra.”
“Really?” he asked sarcastically. “Then why leave.”
“Kinda awkward when you two are practically wanting to fuck each other right there.”
“I’ll tell her to cool it.”
She shook her head, “Don’t worry about it.” She hit the button waiting for the elevator to open.
“Why do you do this?”
“Do what Charles?”
“Make her feel so uncomfortable?”
“I told you this isn’t about her!”
“Right, so you’re not pissed because I choose to spend my break with MY girlfriend!”
“I’m pissed because you LIED! If you wanted to be with her then you should have said that!”
“You are so suffocating!”
Yn felt her heart break and he could see in her eyes he had hurt her and had gone too far. Hell he didn’t even mean what he said, but as he opened his mouth to apologise Alexandra called from his door about a phone call. The elevator doors opened and she climbed in pushing the ground floor button. She waited for the doors to close before letting the tears fall.
“Cherie I’m sorry!”
“I didn’t mean it!”
“Please pick up.”
A few weeks had passed and Yn had not spoken to Charles or even replied to his messages. Their friends knew something was wrong even some of the fans were picking up on something. Charles was not himself and Yn who was a regular face in the paddock hadn’t been to any races since the break. She no longer commented or liked his posts. No more good luck messages before races, no more messages at all. He missed her. It was hard for her too. When he had a bad race she wanted to message him, but she didn���t. She missed her friend so much but she couldn’t forget what he had said. She had been there for him through everything; Jules, his father, when Ferrari let him down. Even when she had needed her friend, like when she had caught her ex boyfriend in bed with someone else, she pushed it aside because he had needed her. But she was suffocating him!
She put all her time and energy into her little photography business and it was after a photoshoot that she ran into David. Well actually he ran into her, literally.
“Shit, I’m so sorry.” He rushed to help her get up.
“It’s ok. I should have looked where I was going.”
“No it’s my fault. Is anything broken?”
She shook her head, “Doesn’t look like it.” She noticed to he had spilt coffee all over himself. “Seems like your shirt got the brunt.”
“Huh?” She pointed at his shirt. “Oh, I didn’t even realise.”
“Can I buy you another?” she really did feel bad.
“You don’t have to do that. But I won’t say no. I’m David.”
David turned out to be a really nice guy. He was from South Africa and was a professional cricket player. Yn had never heard about the sport but could tell how passionate he was. They got along so well and really enjoyed each others company that they spent the rest of the day talking. As day entered night, David asked if she would like to have dinner with him and she found herself accepting happily.
Coming home one evening after having been on another date, Yn found Charles waiting at her apartment door. He looked so sad and lost. “Hi.”
“What do you want Charles?”
“Can I come in?”
“Fine.” She heard him sigh in relief as she unlocked her door and let them in.
“You look pretty Cherie.”
She pulled off her heels and headed for her room. She quickly changed out of her dress into some sweats and a hoodie. Walking back into the kitchen she found Charles making her some tea. She opened a cupboard and pulled out some Macaroons before going to sit on the balcony. Charles joined her a few minutes later.
“How are you?”
“I’m fine thanks. You?”
“Been better. I miss you.”
“What is it that you want Charles?”
“A chance to make it up to you. I know I screwed up and I’m so sorry. I never meant it.”
She nodded sadly. “Doesn’t change the fact that you said it.”
“I never meant to hurt you Belle. Never you.”
“I miss you too Charlie. But you hurt me, twice.”
He took her hand in his and slowly began to run his thumb across her skin. “I can’t take away what I said. But I just want to prove to you that I’m sorry.”
“When my mom left, I thought it was my fault. Like I was too needy. I promised myself that I wouldn’t be like that with the people I love. That I would make sure they were ok. If me being there for you is suffocating I’m sorry.”
“Hey, no your not suffocating. I think I was projecting. Alexandra just showed up that night and I was already frustrated because it was supposed to be just you and me. I was really looking forward to it. But I’m weak. She basically threatened to with hold sex if she couldn’t join.”
“So you caved?”
He nodded. “Please forgive me?”
“You have to earn it.” But she said that with a smile.
For several weeks things seemed like they were back to normal and friends and fans alike were happy. The only one who wasn’t was Alexandra. Unfortunately for her she was stuck in Paris for a while. David had to return to South Africa for a few games and he had asked Yn to come with him. As her job wasn’t office bound and she had no scheduled jobs she agreed. Charles wasn’t happy about it though. Ever since he had met David, he had felt different. Yn had dated before but other then Adrian; her ex; she had never been serious about a guy. He had liked Adrian but he wasn’t mad that she had broken up with him. But something was different this time. Seeing her happy and possibly falling in love with this guy didn’t sit right with Charles. He just didn’t know why. She was his best friend, that was all right? A few nights before they left for South Africa, David had suggested a double date with Charles and Alexandra. He knew that Yn wasn’t a fan of hers but he also knew how important Charles was to her and that they wouldn’t be seeing each other for a while. It was at dinner that Charles realised that he was in love with his best friend and that all the fights he had with Alexandra was because she knew it. He remembered one night they were in the middle of sex and he had accidentally called her Yn. At the time he thought it was because he had spent the day with his friend but Alexandra had lashed out at him convinced he was in love with her. He had denied it then but now he knew it was true. Those weeks when she hadn’t spoken to him, had been the most pain he had ever felt. And now the thought of her leaving even if just for a few weeks clawed at his heart. Worse was the feeling he got when he had to watch David touch her, kiss her and make her smile. He wanted to be the one to do that. Hearing her laugh at something he said drew Charles out of his thoughts. He made up his mind on what he was going to do, he just hoped he didn’t end up losing her for good.
She had just kissed David good night and run a hot bubble bath when there was a knock on her door. She frowned slightly wondering if he had forgotten something. She was a little shocked to see her friend standing there. “Hey.”
She moved aside to let him in. “I was just about to take a bath.”
“I’m sorry, I need to talk to you about something.”
She could tell it must be something important, “Ok, let me just change quick. Can you put the kettle on?”
He nodded.
“Charles?” she called a few seconds later.
“Can you help me please?” she leaned her head out the door.
“Sure,” he headed into the room. “What’s wrong?”
“The damn zipper is stuck.”
He chuckled, “Turn around Belle.”
Turning around she moves her hair onto her shoulder allowing him to grab the zip. It was a bit stuck but with some effort he was able to get it to move. Problem was the more he moved the zip down the more his fingers trailed along her skin. It was having an effect on him and by the sound of her breathe intake he knew she was too. Without thinking he moved his hand across her back into the fabric stopping against her bare waist, while at the same time placing his lips against one of her shoulders after he moved the strap with his other hand.
“Mhmm,” he murmured as he moved his lips across her throat.
“What are you doing?” She asked breathy.
“I want you.”
She turned around causing his hand to slip out. “What?”
He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. “I love you.” He pressed his lips against hers but she didn’t respond except to pull away.
“I’m sorry?” she sat down on her bed where he joined her.
“I love you.”
“I love you too Charlie but what just happened?”
He shook his head, “I’m in love with you.”
Her eyes widen, “You’re in.....what?”
He brushed a strand of hair from her face, “I’m in love with you Belle.”
“Since when?”
“A while. Forever. I was just blind. But Alex knew. That’s why she’s been acting the way she has. She’s jealous.”
“Why now?”
“I wasn’t 100 percent sure until tonight.”
“Nothing happened tonight.”
“I watched you with him.”
He nodded, “Its supposed to be me. I’m supposed to be the one who makes you happy.”
“Charlie, you’re my best friend. You do make me happy.”
“Not in everyway. Yn I want to spend my life with you not just as you’re best friend.”
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”
“Do you know why none of my relationships last?” she shook her head. “Neither did I. Not till I realised it was because they were not you.”
“Yn the whole night I have been going over my thoughts, why I hate seeing you with someone else, why Alexandra is so jealous, why it was your name on my lips in my dreams and that night.”
“What night?” she asked furrowing her brow in confusion.
He sighed, “A couple nights before I lied about Maranello, Alex and I were......having sex.”
“Ok and?”
“I called her you.”
“You called Alex Yn?”
“Yes. I didn’t realise it in the moment but she suddenly got mad and we started arguing. I guess that’s why I agreed to go to Bali. I felt guilty.”
She stood up. “I’m supposed to be leaving in a few days. With David, my boyfriend.”
“Don’t go.” He stood up and took her hand pulling her close. “Belle please I know I don’t deserve it but give me a chance?” He drew her into a kiss and she knew she was in trouble. Separating their lips he placed his head gently against hers. “Tell me you feel nothing and I’ll walk away.” She couldn’t respond, she was so conflicted. When she didn’t answer him he lifted his head and kissed her cheek. “I love you Yn never forget that.”
He walked out her room and headed for the door but just as he reached for the handle she was behind him and grabbing his hand. “I love you too Charlie.” This time she was the one to pull him into a kiss and they both knew this was were they belonged, together.
 Author Note: Hi guys I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for all the love on my Max story, Verstappen's Heart. It means alot.
Please feel free to send any requests for your favourite drivers ❤️
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
Uhhhhhhh, doggy style with Price? (reader is fem) 🫠
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Pairing: John Price x F!Reader Category: Smut (18+) Warnings: Oral Sex (F!Receiving), Doggy Style, Cervix Fucking, Penis in Vagina Sex, Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex (You Know the Drill), Creampie, Praise/Dirty Talk, Spanking, Hair Pulling, Dom!Price Word Count: 1k+
Author’s Note: Hello! Thank you for your request! I can definitely see Price as someone who’d take his girl from behind. 🤭 I hope you enjoy!
You moaned as John licked a long, languid stripe over your slit. Your ass was raised in the air, John’s large hands spreading your cheeks as he eagerly ate your juicy, aching cunt.
“Fuck, you taste so good, sweetheart,” John groaned. You squealed when he laid a sudden smack on your ass. Not enough to sting, but enough to grab your attention. You wagged your hips as he pressed open mouth kisses to your folds.
“P-Please, John. I need you now,” you whined as you arched your back. His hearty chuckle reverberated deep into your core, sending sparks flying through your cunt. John gently tugged on your labia with his teeth before giving them a gentle peck.
“I’m here, doll. I’ve got you,” he reassured. It drove you up the wall to not see his rugged face, how his stormy blue eyes would grow with hunger for you when he’d fuck you like he usually would. How you'd grip onto his taut forearms, your legs spread wide open as he drilled his thick cock into you. But tonight was different. John came home frustrated...pissed, even. You, already pent up yourself, not so subtly offered to help him let off some steam. Thus, here you were: ass up, face down, and ready to be fucked senseless from behind.
John adjusted his hips, the tip of his cock kissing at your soaked entrance. You breathed through your nose as you heard him pump his cock a few times in his fist. Your mouth shaped into a wide “O” as his head breached your entrance. John groaned as he pressed into you, your walls greedily sucking him in. Both of you moaned as he bottomed out inside of you, his balls bouncing against your puffy clit.
“How are you feelin’, love?” your husband asked. You swallowed a lump in your throat, the fullness in your lower abdomen sending shivers down your spine.
“G-Good. So good,” you keened as his dick twitched inside of you. John grunted, his hands kneading the flesh of your hips.
“Good. You know…you look amazing like this: stuffed full of my cock from behind,” he murmured, his fingers tracing over the globes of your asscheeks. You shuddered and bit your bottom lip. “Maybe I’ll fuck a baby into you this way,” he said offhandedly. The comment made a whine bubble from your throat. He chuckled and rubbed your hips. “Would you like that? Like for me to make you a mommy?” John muttered with a sudden jolt of his hips. Your hands squeezed at the pillow, your breasts pressed flush against the crumpled, white sheets.
“Please, John,” you gasped. You weren’t sure if you were answering his question or just begging him to fuck you. Your mind was too drunk on the feeling of his cock molding your gummy walls to its shape.
“Can't leave my lady waiting,” John hummed. You whimpered as he pulled out, leaving his head snug inside. Chills ran down your spine as John slowly drove himself back into you, spreading you out deliciously. You clawed and gripped at the pillow as he rocked into you at a steady pace.
“God-you're so beautiful, you know that?” he murmured with a tender thrust. You moaned as his tip rubbed against your g-spot, making your vision blurry and toes curl. You shoved your face into the pillow to hide your loud moaning. His hand wrapped around your hair, tugging on it suddenly and making you hiss.
“Don’t you dare hide those sounds from me,” he snarled with a snap of his hips. You cried out, the succulent pleasure shooting into the deepest parts of you.
“Y-Yes,” you slurred. John grunted in approval, though he still kept your hair wound around his hand.
“I want to hear every little peep that spills from those pretty lips of yours,” he huffed. You gurgled beneath him, pussy clenching and uncleaning around his length. “Understand?” he said with another sharp tug. You nodded, your movements restrained with how tightly he held your locks.
“Yes!” you wailed when his cock drove into the right spot. He hummed.
“Good girl. Such a good girl,” he praised. You didn’t stop the cries and moans that erupted from your mouth as he picked up his pace. His heavy balls slapped against your clit, sending bolts of arousal straight into your womb.
“Love how your perfect pussy swallows my cock,” Price growled. "Fuck, you take me so well," he hissed through gritted teeth. You lurched forward as he slid his cock back into you, stretching your hole in all the right ways. You slurred out incoherently as you felt him release your hair to grab your waist, pushing your ass back to meet his hips. You quickly turned your head to the side. John's eyes were blown wide with lust, watching the way your ass would jiggle each time he thrusted into your plush, tight cunt. Wet slapping sounds filled the room as you pushed your ass back into his hips.
“You feel so good-fuck-gripping me like this,” he moaned loudly. Your walls squeezed and rubbed against his cock as he pressed himself deep inside you with each delicious thrust. Your mouth was agape as you rested the side of your head on your pillow, drool slipping down onto the white fabric.
“J-John,” you keened when the head of his dick pounded into your cervix. Your back arched as he leaned forward, his sweat-soaked chest pressed flush against your upper back. Just when you thought you were catching a break, he started to piston into you. Your throat felt torn up with how loudly you were moaning, hot tears of pleasure streaking down your cheeks. Your pussy was absolutely gushing, creating a ring of cream around his thick girth. Each slap of his heavy balls against your clit sent you closer to the edge.
“Gonna cum for me, (Y/N)? You gonna cum on my cock like a good girl?” John mused. You shook wildly beneath him, your body feeling like a freight train careening off the tracks. You clawed at the pillow and sheets as your clit throbbed, your walls tightening painfully.
“Yes, p-please don’t stop!” you begged. He groaned before snaking a hand below, pinching your clit. Your whole body tensed as you released a reverberant wail, the room growing dim to your bliss.
“Fuck,” John cursed as he felt your pussy clamp down around his pulsing length. You felt him still inside you, keening as ropes of his hot cum lathered your juicy walls. You panted below him, feeling every contraction of your walls milk him dry. You shuddered as you felt his cum leak from where he was plugged into your cunt. Your mind was warm and dizzy as you drifted down from your orgasm. John licked his lips before pulling out of you, which earned him a defiant whine.
“Shh. It’s alright, love,” he cooed as his softening cock fell from between your lips. He watched hungrily as his cum began to drip from your stretched hole. You squeaked as he massaged the red marks on your plush ass. "Oh, love. I'm sorry. Didn't realize how rough I was bein' with you," John apologized, genuine concern heavy in his voice. You shook your head and turned to him.
"N-No. I actually...liked it," you admitted, a dark shade of red crossing your cheeks. He raised his dark brows before a small, sly smirk stretched across his face.
"Yeah?" he hummed before shoving his loose cum back into your pussy with a loud squelch. You moaned at the feeling of his fingers reaching into your sensitive walls. "Well then, I guess we'll both have something to look forward to the next time I come home cross," John chuckled. You nodded and gave an airy laugh. Your eyelids began to feel heavy as he slid his fingers out. You flipped yourself onto your back, carefully to not let any more of his seed spill out of you. He smoothed some hair out of your face and kissed you deeply on the lips. His blue eyes were gentle now, watching as you smiled while he pulled away.
“I'll be right back. Gonna get something to clean you up,” John said softly. You could only nod, mind still reeling and drunk from your high. He pecked your lips before slipping through the door. When he stepped back into your room, you were already fast asleep. He smiled before sliding beneath the covers and softly kissing your temple, letting his own deep slumber overtake him.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
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joka13 · 3 months
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 31
WARNINGS: light kissing
"Merlin's beard..." Fred whispers in disbelief.
"We've done it!" you exclaim, squealing cheerily and clapping your hands together.
"No," George says. "You've done it!" He stands up, taking your hand and leading you into an energetic dance. You both laugh as he spins you around.
"I hardly did anything," you humbly point out. "The Room gave me the last ingredient."
Before you can think about it, George passes you to Fred, who rolls his eyes and says, "Whatever! You found all of the other pieces." He ends the dance with a dip. As he cradles you in his arms, Fred leans down so his face is only inches away from yours. You can't help but giggle as he proceeds to plant multiple kisses all over your face. "Thank you, y/n," Fred says sincerely, then kisses you once more on the lips.
"Aww," you swoon and blush as Fred lifts you upright. "It was nothing really..."
"Let's collect the remaining nougat!" George says, rubbing his hands together excitedly before placing his bag on the table by the cauldron. "We can start selling tomorrow!"
Fred goes to help his twin carefully cut the purple candy into small rectangles. "Our Skiving Snackboxes are now complete!"
At hearing these words, a feeling of dread wells up inside you. The first time you'd felt this particular dread, you'd told yourself to simply stop worrying. But now that the moment had come in which the Weasley twins would no longer have use for your academic skills, you begin to panic.
"No... no, no, no, no..." you whisper. You turn away so that Fred and George don't see the tears in your eyes. But, before you can pull yourself together, the twins notice that something is wrong. The shuffling sounds at the table behind you stop.
"Y/n?" Fred asks.
"Are you alright?" George finishes.
"I-I'm fine," you reply, though your shaky voice betrays you.
You cover your face in shame as you hear the twins' footsteps coming toward you.
"Hey, hey," Fred's voice says softly, concerned. You feel his fingers try to coax your hands away from your face, but you keep your palms tight over your leaking eyes, moving away and accidentally bumping into George.
George steadies you with a gentle hug. "What's the matter?" he asks.
You choke. "It's stupid..."
"Your feelings aren't stupid," Fred consoles. His fingers pry at yours once again, and this time you let him pull your hands away from your face. You look up to meet his eyes as he stands behind George, resting his chin on his brother's shoulder. He gives you an empathetic, crooked smile. The sight of it overwhelms you, bringing more tears to your eyes, and you hide your face against George's chest.
"Talk to us," George encourages. He rubs your back soothingly.
You take in a deep breath. "I... I got t-the idea into m-my head a while back... that when I was finished h-helping you with project nosebleed..." you sniff. "You wouldn't... w-want me around anymore..."
For a moment that felt like a lifetime, neither of the twins speak. Then you feel George's hold loosen around you, and you look up at his face in confusion.
"You're right," George says, his brow furrowing and his mouth in a frown. "That is stupid."
"George!" Fred hisses at him, but you just chuckle gingerly.
"I know, I know..."
George takes a step back as Fred quickly comes forward to hold your hands. He kisses the top of each. You won't look him in the eyes, so he crouches down to where he can see yours.
"Y/n," Fred sighs, shaking his head and smiling. "Have our previous affections meant nothing to you?"
You start to defend yourself. "W-well, there are some people in this world—"
You hadn't noticed him come up behind you, so you gasp in surprise when George's arms snake around your waist. He kisses the top of your head and continues, going down your temple and to your ear. He nibbles at it, causing you to giggle and squirm, but he holds you in place.
"We have no intention of ever leaving you," George whispers into your ear, and you love the sound of his voice, for something about it makes you sure he's telling the truth.
"In fact," Fred begins, pausing to glance at George attentively. You sense a moment of tension, and then George nods. Fred grins ecstatically and goes on. "We were hoping you would leave with us."
TAG LIST: @tomhockstetter7-111 @jasm-1ne @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @weasleylady92 @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva @georgeweasleyslostearhq @im-coolrat @them-cute-boys @xmadigurlx @keirasinbin @huayan
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The Token Human - part 1
So that Welcome Home ARG eh? Eh? You know it right, my followers? You should look into it some, it looks like it's shaping up to be something really, really good.
Anyway I'm a sucker for well-made evil children's characters in horror media so I tried to capture the ✨vibes ✨. I don't feel I succeeded, but oh well. Part 1 of a possible series? We'll see.
Reader [gender not stated] pov CW: Body horror, eye horror, size horror[?], creepy puppets, memory alteration, whump? ask to tag Part 2
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Nobody else in Home was quite like you. But nobody in Home was quite like anyone else, either! Everyone was different, and unique, and special! That's what Wally told you when you first moved in. And he was right, like he always was. 
But still. Nobody was quite like you. Nobody had hair like yours, on your head, on your arms and legs. Nobody had skin like yours, soft and squishy in a different way than everyone else. Nobody had eyes like yours or ears like yours.
Nobody had hands like yours. And you noticed that right away the first time you held hands with them in a game. You had five fingers total. They had four.
You were pretty sure you were human. Julie was human too, but… a different kind of human, you were pretty sure of that, too. Really, everyone just seemed to be… them. Frank was Frank and Howdy was Howdy, Eddie and Julie and Poppy and Sally and Barnaby were all themselves too.
And Wally…
Wally was your best friend.
That's why when he invited you to his Home, to prepare a surprise party, you jumped right at it. You were always up for a party! You were too big for most of the games they played but you could put up the decorations and light the candles on the cake and clean the hard to reach spots your friends couldn't! You were a perfect fit in Home-
Wally called your name.
"Be careful!"
Bit late for that. In your little thought train you stepped back and right off the little ladder you'd been standing on to clean. It wasn't a bad fall, the step ladder was built for your friends after all. No, it just knocked the air out of you. But it reminded you of something else.
Your friends… didn't really seem to feel pain.
"I'm okay!" You called out as the air returned to you.
Wally had been standing nearby with one hand over his mouth, but lowered it slowly. His smile returned, and he laughed.
"Silly, silly," he said between the distinctive sound of his amusement. "You were thinking too hard!"
Yeah, you were. You laughed with him and sat up. He stood over you now, his soft little hands helping you stand. 
"What were you thinking about?" He asked. "Was it the party?"
You hummed, backtracking your thoughts. What had you been thinking about, really? What set that train of thought rolling…? 
"I think I'm forgetting something again," you said, looking at him.
Wally tilted his head to the side.
"Silly," he said. "You're always forgetting things. What is it this time?"
"I don't know!" You said, smiling. "If I knew, I wouldn't have forgotten it, would I?"
You both laughed, but yours faded sooner than his. Your smile fell. What had you forgotten?
A door creaked and swung open. You and Wally turned towards the sound.
"Maybe," Wally said, "you forgot to eat. Let's go in the kitchen!"
"Okay!" You couldn't remember anything else you could've forgotten so into the kitchen with him you went. 
It was a nice little kitchen, though Wally never seemed to use it much unless you were here. He didn't like anyone seeing him eat. In fact, other than apples, you didn't know what he liked to eat at all. He liked sweets, you knew that much…
As you looked down at the colorful kitchen table, you frowned. You didn't feel hungry, now that you thought about it. You couldn't remember the last time you ate but it didn't seem that long ago. 
Maybe, you thought, running your hand over a scratch on the table, Wally was the hungry one but didn't want to say it. That didn't seem like him though, he was so open and sincere…
Your hand ran over and over the scratch. 
"Hey Wally?" You asked. "What happened to your table?"
Everything seemed quiet.
You lifted your eyes up towards the wall. The quiet stretched on and on. 
You had forgotten something. You had. You knew you had. It was close to you, slipping away from you like dangling strings every time you reached towards it.
It was close to you. Right there. So important. 
What did you forget?
You looked over your shoulder.
You looked up at him.
Your stomach dropped. With a gasp, you stumbled backwards, away, your eyes wide as you looked at him. Looked up at him.
Wally once proudly told you he was twelve apples tall. You, uh, weren't. You were taller than him by a lot. But now he was tall, taller than you, looking down at you.
He tilted his head.
"Is something wrong, friend?" He said. "You don't look well. Maybe you should… sit down…"
"Wally," you said. "What happened to you?"
His mouth curled up, and your gut churned. That kind of smile didn't fit on Wally's face. That kind of smile shouldn't be possible on his face. He was a puppet - 
A puppet? What was a puppet?
Wally laughed. It shook his shoulders, every syllable moving them in a rhythm. As if string moved his shoulders, but he wasn't that kind of puppet so he couldn't-
What was a puppet?
He tilted his head the other way. Jerked it, really. 
"You're thinking too loud, friend." He jerked his head to the other side. "What do you mean, what's a puppet?" He laughed, ha ha ha. "Silly, silly, silly. That's you. You're my puppet."
His pupils went wide, and it was horrible how familiar it was, the feeling of teeth clenching down on - not your skin not your flesh not your head or your arms or any part of you.
You were. So tired. Like the energy poured out of you into a tiny drain.
My fear, you thought, he's eating my fear.
When he stepped towards you, you heard the click of his shoes on the kitchen tile. Had you ever heard that before? Your mind spun, you stepped away from him again.
"Don't-" you started.
Your name comes from his mouth in a tone you've never heard before.
"I won't," he said. "If you promise to stay."
And you knew exactly what he meant. And you knew you would do anything you had to, so you could go home.
You ran for the door.
It slammed shut.
The handle was meant for puppet hands, not human ones. Your legs gave out from under you as you scrambled with it, nails scratching the wood behind it as you tried to open it. Behind you his footsteps clicked, clicked, clicked towards you.
He said your name again, so sweet, so hungry.
"You don't really want to leave," he said. "I don't believe that at all. I know how much you love it here. We'd all miss you so much."
His arm reached out. His hand, with four fingers, took your wrist and pulled it away from the door. You shook your head, your throat wouldn't make a sound.
"Hey now," he whispered. "No more mysteries this time, okay? Don't go digging into things you don't understand. And everything will be fine."
You felt the teeth again, biting chunks into your mind. The panic. The fear. The dread. Gone, gone, gone. 
My memories - you thought. He's going to eat my memories, too. He's going to eat my memories and put me back at square one. I was so close. I was almost-
You took a deep breath and groaned. Your eyes opened to a strange place, one you didn't recognize for a moment or two. The evening sun streamed in through a window, onto the couch you laid on. You groaned again and covered your eyes with your arm.
"Where am I?"
A familiar voice called from another room. You lifted up your arm, and smiled. Of course. You were at Wally's Home.
"What happened?" You asked.
"You fell off the ladder!" Wally said. "You must've been thinking too hard again. You think too much, I think."
You laughed a bit. "Maybe I do. Falling off a ladder? That's a bad time to get distracted."
You frowned. Wally watched for a moment.
"Did you forget something again?" He said 
You sat up fully with the realization.
"The games!" You cried. "I left the games for the party at my house!"
Wally laughed. Was it just your imagination or did it seem… relieved almost?
"You can get them tomorrow," he said. "It's getting dark. You should stay here for tonight. I don't want you to trip on anything."
You thought about it, frowning at the patchwork blanket draped over you.
It would definitely be bad if you tripped and hurt yourself in the dark, you thought. Wally was right, like he always was.
"Okay!" You said at last. "Thanks Wally." You smiled. "You're a good friend."
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ivyflowers13 · 2 months
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Sleepover with Spencer
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mortemtheraven · 2 years
Fire and Rain
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Pairing: Ajax Petropolus x GN!Reader
Summary: When the Rave'n became the talk of the town, you were more than ecstatic to be asked by your best friend aka long time crush, Ajax with him as his partner. But things took a different turn when you saw him more interested in Enid Sinclair than his own date.
Warning(s): Angst (fluff in the end)
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"This school is getting on my nerves," You ranted to Ajax while hanging out in the quad. "All everyone's talking about is the upcoming Rave'n!"
"No one's asked you yet?" Ajax chuckled.
You rolled your eyes. "As if I care. I'm not going anyway."
Ajax turned to face you abruptly. "You're not?"
"Nope, I'd rather study alone in my dorm." No matter how bad it sounds, it's better than going to the Rave'n with a random person that's not Ajax. Yes, you like him for a long time now, but he's too oblivious to notice. Suppose it comes with liking a cute but an absolute idiot of a gorgon.
"Geez, Y/n. Aren't you smart enough? Enjoy life for once."
You clicked your tongue. "One can never be smart enough, Ajax. And I enjoy studying, or maybe I could find a good book and read while you guys dance the night away."
"You're such a bummer, Y/n." You rolled your eyes. Maybe I wouldn't be if you would just ask me, idiot. You thought.
"So, how's that date with Enid?" You asked, clearing your throat. He told you before that he asked Enid out after she snapped at him. As much as it hurts on your part, it's not like you could do anything about it.
"Oh, uh," Ajax laughed awkwardly. "It never happened. I k-kinda stoned myself accidentally and she assumed I stood her up."
You couldn't help but laugh.
"Stop it, Y/n. It's already embarrassing that she already has a date to the Rave'n." he pouted.
"Sorry, it's just a little funny. By the way, I still have to return the book I borrowed. See ya later!" You stood up, still laughing a little and went to the library.
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Later that night, you were answering some of your homeworks when someone knocked on your door. Your siren roommate left awhile ago so you had to open the door yourself, grumbling because of the interruption of your study session. But all your complaints immediately vanished at the sight of Ajax standing outside your door with his hands buried in his hoodie's pockets.
"Ajax! What brings you here?" You asked in surprise. It's already 9 PM after all.
"I'm not gonna be long. I just wanna ask you–" he sighed and scratched his nape awkwardly. "W-Would you like to go to the Rave'n with me tomorrow, Y/n?"
You were too stunned to reply immediately, but when you finally processed the sudden information, you practically beamed. "Yes! Yes, of course."
Ajax smiled, his smile basically radiating making you swoon internally. "Great! See you tomorrow, Y/n. Goodnight."
"Night!" You jumped on the balls of your feet, giddy and grinning widely while Ajax turned around to leave, muttering a silent yes.
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The time of the Rave'n came, you're already dressed up in white according to the chosen theme. By the end of the night, you hoped everything goes according to your plan. Confess, be Ajax's (s/o), and finally have your wish come true.
Someone knocked on your door and you immediately opened it to reveal Ajax in a white beanie, blazer and slacks. Gosh, he's amazing. You thought, drinking in his appearance.
"Hi," Ajax greeted, grinning widely.
"Hi," You replied, practically forcing yourself not to act all stupid and giddy in front of him.
"You look amazing, Y/n." You blushed at his simple compliment.
"Thanks, you look nice too." You silently scolded yourself for using the word ‘nice’ to describe him. He's way above that.
Ajax chuckled and offered his arm. "So, shall we?"
You ducked your head to hide your red face and clung to his arm. He smells great, you thought. Shut up, Y/n.
It didn't take long for the two of you to arrive at the venue, Ms. Thornhill greeting you by the entrance. You only smiled timidly at her and anxiously looked around. Ajax noticed how you tightened your grip on his elbow.
"Hey, it's gonna be alright. I'm not leaving your side. We're gonna have a blast." Your heart fluttered at his words. He knows you so well, how bad you get when you're in a big crowd, especially when you're conspicuously noticable in your stunning look. People are starting to look at you in surprise, not believing the once plain-looking Y/n bloomed into a beauteous flower.
"Shall we find a seat?" You nodded at Ajax, happy that his mere presence is enough to distract you from the stares you're getting.
"Don't mind them, Y/n. They're just staring at you because you startled them. You look great after all." You smiled at Ajax's words after he guided you to an empty chair, blushing at his gestures.
"Thanks, I'm not really used to compliments."
"Well, you'll be getting them more and more from now on." Ajax grinned cheekily.
Minutes later, you were anxiously tapping on your lap. Why hasn't Ajax asked you to dance yet? What's he waiting for? The two of you are just sitting silently on your table, watching as the other partners take the floor.
And then you saw it. You noticed Ajax staring unblinkingly at something. . . or perhaps someone. You followed his gaze and spotted Enid with her normie date. Of course, you thought bitterly. He only asked you to be his date because he can't have her.
The fact hurts more than it should. You couldn't help it, the sight of Ajax jealous of Enid's date is much more painful than him not asking you to dance. So you stood up, chair scraping loudly against the floor and finally getting his attention.
"Y/n?" You ignored him and began to walk away. "Where are you going?"
You turned to face him with tears threatening to fall from your angry eyes. "Out of here. I'm done being an option to you, Ajax."
With that, you turned around and finally walked out of that place.
"Y/n! Wait up!" You cursed, why couldn't he just leave you alone?
"Leave me alone, Ajax," You grumbled, walking faster. "Go back to Enid!"
"We should at least talk about this!"
You finally turned around angrily, him stopping a few feet away from you. "There's nothing to talk about, Ajax. I get it, okay?! You asked me to be your date because you can't ask her. I'm so stupid to just notice it now!"
"It's not like that–" You cut him off.
"Yes, it is! Don't even deny it! I was just an option to you. I have done everything for you to notice that I shouldn't even be a choice! I've been with you since you transferred to Nevermore! Helping you through and with everything you're having problems with! Yet all I receive in return is rejection and pain from you!"
"What do you mean rejection?" You literally facepalmed at this point.
"Ajax, wake up for once! I love you! And you don't even notice it, not even once. You're always pining over different girls, any girl but me! Am I not enough for you?" You pointed at yourself, hot tears spilling from your eyes.
"Y/n, no–"
"Then why haven't you looked at me in a different light?! I'm always your best friend, only your best friend—nothing more. . ." You wiped your tears angrily. "And I'm done, Ajax. I'm done trying, you already exhausted my patience and hope that you'd ever love me back the way I want you to. So have a blast, Ajax, go back to the Rave'n and ask her out."
You turned to leave once more but a tight hand gripped your wrist and pushed you against a parked car. Ajax was breathing heavily, looking at you with a foreign look on his face. Mostly annoyance.
"Will you let me finish my sentence for once?! I'm sorry, okay?! I should've noticed it earlier, but I'm a gorgon and I'm mostly oblivious about things. If only you've cleared things up with words instead of confusing signals, I should've kissed you long ago!"
Your eyes widened, heart thumping nervously against your chest. "W-What?"
Ajax stared at you through his eyelashes. "Yes, Y/n. I do feel the same way if not much more. But you keep hinting stuff at me and then act casually after, I couldn't help but think that maybe you just want us to stay as friends. I like you a lot, and labeling us as best friends doesn't really make me feel better so I try to distract myself with other girls except you. But I couldn't. Enid is a good friend and when she said she's going with someone else, I couldn't help but feel slightly offended."
You raised your eyebrow. "And that means?"
"Yes, I am an idiot. But then Enid said that I should just man up and ask you, so I did. I actually hoped I would be able to confess to you after the dance, but not like this. Not outside in the freaking parking lot."
"But why didn't you ask me to dance? You just kept on staring at her." Ajax's eyes softened.
"Because I thought you hated dancing, you mentioned it once during detention with me. As for Enid, she was secretly giving me to-go signals." Ajax mumbled in embarrassment, his face turning red.
Your chest hurt at how fast your heart is beating at the moment, you wondered if he could hear it pounding loudly. "You really mean that?"
Ajax chuckled at your big, glistening (e/c) eyes. "Yes, Y/n. With all sincerity I could muster."
"You're really not just saying all that because you feel bad–" Ajax cut you off by crashing his lips on yours.
A bold move. . . but you loved it anyway. So you kissed back, moving your hands to the back of his neck whilst he pulled you closer by the waist. You couldn't believe what was happening, especially when he started pushing you against a parked car slightly, leading into a full-blown make out and yet his hold on you still gentle and careful.
"I do like you, Y/n. Love you even, for everything you are. Y-Your snarky wits, the way you're not afraid to snap at people who makes fun of me for being a dork sometimes, the way you prefer to study alone in your dorm rather than go to parties, the way you smile at me and just–" Ajax sighed dreamily. "Everything about you basically."
You cradled his cheek, smiling and genuinely touched at his rambling. "You're lucky you're cute, so I forgive you." You said in a joking manner and he laughed, kissing you again as though he could never get enough of you.
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queenbwee · 2 years
Mama Is Here.
Don't you worry your pretty little head, Mama is here to take care of you and make you happy. You're so cute Baby, cute and fat, just how Mama likes you. I'll make you so much food that your tummy could pop, but don't worry.. Mama is gonna rub your tummy and make all the pain go away..~
That's why I have a room full of pillows for you to relax and just let that food settle. You're my Baby, and you're gonna get nothing but the best from me. I have plenty of money, so I'm gonna spoil you.
You want $100 worth of food? You'll get it.
You want bigger, cuter clothes? I'll buy it in a heartbeat.
You want expensive weight gain shakes? I'll get it.
Anything, literally anything you want.. Mama will get it for you. Because Mama loves you with all of her heart. You just have to return the favor.
You have to eat for Mama, I'd take it as disobedience if you don't. Try to avoid walking around so much, not like you're going anywhere and not moving as much will make you gain so much more weight..~
Mama wants you fat. And that's what Mama will get.
It doesn't matter how full you are.
It doesn't matter how much you beg me.
You'll eat like a good piggy, and there's no other way around it.
You know I love you, so be good and eat up for Mama.
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dear-november19 · 11 months
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you are theo's girl
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kaspavanlortsyal · 9 months
❄️✨Smutty Quaritch Oneshot - Christmas Eve✨❄️
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CONTENT: Christmas!, I Wanted Quaritch to Wear a Santa Hat, Ribbons for Lingerie, You Are The Gift✨ AHA—, Light Bondage (with the ribbons), Gagged, Teasing, You Get Glazed like a Donut, Oral Sex (receiving), Vaginal Sex, Size Difference (per usual), Multiple Orgasms, Nipple Play, Fingering, Tit Sucking, if I had to write “If there’s one thing Miles Quaritch enjoys eating more than Christmas cookies, it’s your pussy” you have to read it, Sprinkle of Fluff.
Nobody wants to spend Christmas Eve alone. You were waiting a while. Almost too long—almost long enough that you considered sending him a picture of exactly what he was going to find on his bed—but finally, the door opens.
Quaritch’s glowing amber eyes narrow onto you. You’re laying on the bed, propped up on your elbows, and wrapped in thick army-green ribbon. Candles flicker on the beside table and the top of the headboard is wrapped in twinkling lights that cast seductive shadows across your body.
The colonel reaches for you, but you stall him with a look and nod your head towards the Santa hat on the corner of the bed.
He huffs a laugh. “Really?”
You bite your lip and grin.
“Fine,” he muttered, snatching the hat and tugging it on, careful not to trap his sensitive Na’vi ears. It was a little small, but that added to the charm.
Quaritch grabs your ankles and slides you to the foot of the bed, tail swishing in anticipation. “What a pretty present,” he murmurs, fangs flashing with a wicked grin. “All wrapped up for me, huh?”
“Merry Christmas, colonel,” you say.
His long blue fingers brush the edge of the ribbon snug against the top of your breasts, tied with a large bow in the centre. Your nipples peak the shiny satin as a shiver shoots down your spine. There’s a matching bow between the dimples in the small of your back.
Quaritch pulls his shirt off and tosses it aside. On cue, you undo the large buckle of his belt. You take your time, fighting the desire to touch as much of him as fast as possible after dreaming about this moment all day. Judging by the stiff bulge in his cargo pants, you’re not the only one, but he stops you before you reach the zipper.
“My turn,” he says.
He tugs one side of the bow holding your breasts and watches hungrily as the ribbon falls away. Part of you is annoyed that the hour you spent tying yourself up /just right/ is unravelled so easily, but those thoughts fade as the colonel kneels before you and flicks your nipples with his rough tongue. You arch and gasp, locked in place with his hands on your hips.
Your fingers tangle in his cropped hair and the fuzz of the Santa hat as he sucks your tits into his hot mouth, his tongue continuing to work the rosy bud as his teeth scrape your tender skin. His breath tickles your collarbone as he pulls you in, tasting you like a man starved. His attention travels from your breasts to your neck, inhaling the sweet vanilla perfume as he nips and sucks.
“You’re like a god damn Christmas cookie,” he grunts.
He devoured the batch you’d made earlier this week. “Gonna eat me too?”
“Damn right.”
You squeak as he tosses you back on the bed. The mattress dips under his weight as he crawls on top of you, caging you within his powerful limbs. For a moment he simply studies you, your breasts gleaming with his saliva and half-unwrapped. Then, Quaritch smirks and picks up the discarded ribbon. He brushes the soft fabric over your skin and watches the goosebumps form across your flesh.
You close your eyes and arch, thighs squeezing together. He takes his sweet time teasing your flushed skin with the feather light touch of the ribbon, teasing over our belly and chest before up your arms. You don’t notice that he’s looped the ribbon around your wrists until he pulls it snug, shackling you to the headboard.
He chuckled as your eyes fly open. “Don’t give me that. I think this is exactly what you had in mind,” he tells you, leaning down and kissing his way down your arms.
You couldn’t deny that. A moan escapes you when his mouth finally meets yours, the kiss deep and full of promise.
Quaritch’s knee parts your thighs and you whimper at the delicious friction. He lets you grind against the thick muscle of his thigh as he slips his hands beneath you and unties the second emerald ribbon. He smirks upon finding the section that falls away from your needy cunt already wet with desire.
“Open up,” he instructs, and slips the damp ribbon between your teeth, gagging you with it before you can protest. The sight of you tasting yourself as he ties it snug darkens his eyes with a more carnal desire.
Deciding he’s going to taste you too, the colonel pins your knees to the mattress and parts your slick folds with his tongue. His groan of satisfaction reverberates through you. You strain against your bonds with building pleasure as his devilish mouth works on you, arching. Muffled by the gag, your moans fill the room, mingling with the sloppy attention of his mouth.
If there’s one thing Miles Quaritch enjoys eating more than Christmas cookies, it’s your pussy.
He sucks your clit until you shudder before soothing you with greedy licks. Covering your entire cunt in his fanged mouth, he lets you grind against his tongue until your pleasure soaks the blanket. He kisses the puffy lips of your pussy as you ride through the aftershocks of your orgasm, almost reverent, and nuzzles the flat bridge of his nose against the apex of your thighs. You squirm and whimper, already aching for more.
Quaritch slicks two fingers on your pussy and pushes them deep into the burning heat of your core. He curses under his breath at the unbearable tightness and pumps his hand slowly to relax the quivering, silken walls.
You want to beg for more, to insist you’re ready to take him, but the ribbon pressing against your tongue betrays you. You can only moan and hook an ankle around his neck, pulling him closure, desperate.
The ribbon binding your wrists doesn’t budge. Of course he knows how to tie a damn good knot, being marine a and all. The burning strain in your shoulders reminds you just how much power he holds. You want him to unleash every inch of himself upon you. You were his Christmas present, after all.
Quaritch sits back on his knees and wipes his chin on the back of his hand. As he removes his pants, you strain your neck to glimpse the thing you’ve been craving all day. He adjusts the santa hat, securing it. You giggle breathlessly around the gag.
He rests down on you, smirking at how your body tenses when his member brushes your inner thigh. Your moan of impatience is almost animalistic as he rubs the head of his cock between the wet lips of your pussy, lubricating his ribbed shafted in preparation.
He kisses you, then pulls back just enough to watch your expression as he thrusts his hips.
You scream around the gag as his alien cock forces its way into you. It burns like sweet fire as the walls of your cunt stretch to fit him. Your back arches as he works his way deeper with each thrust, hissing at the sensation of your tight sex gripping him, sucking him in.
It’s far from the first time he’s fucked you this way, yet every time you’re not sure you can take it. He pants and grunts as he ruts into you, the head of his cock pounding your cervix. You can’t scream his name so you settle for wordless moans that grow to hoarse cries which each slam of the headboard.
The colonel grabs your hips and lifts your lower half from the mattress, growling as he brings you down onto his cock, again and again. He’s tense with concentration and a thin sheen of sweat gleams gloriously upon his striped skin.
His relentless pace doesn’t stop as your mind shatters and another orgasm bleeds through you, white hot fire spilling out from your core into every nerve and fiber of your being. You’re vaguely aware that he keeps going, growing closer to his own release in your spasming cunt, but for a moment all you know is weightless pleasure.
Quaritch drops you to the mattress, leaving your thighs to tremble on either side of your ruined pussy as he fists his cock. Hot, glowing cum coats your stomach and tits in thick ribbons as he roars his release, tail lashing through the air behind him. The bioluminescent dots of his skin flicker.
You tilt your chin up, whining softly.
Chuckling, Quaritch tugs the gag down and kisses you. The white pompom at the tip of the santa hat tickles your forehead. He drags the ribbed underside of his cock over your overstimulated clit and you shudder, twitching away.
After a long shared shower and another round beneath the steaming water, you find yourselves curled up in bed amid the twinkling lights.
Wearing the Santa hat once more, Quaritch produces a small gift from beneath the bed. He hands it to you wordlessly as his fingertips trace your bare shoulder.
You frown and tear open the plain wrapping paper and reveal the present. It’s a pair of fuzzy pink socks.
“I thought we weren’t doing gifts,” you protest, caressing the buttery material.
“Yeah, well, your feet turn into damn icicles at night and I’m tired of you warmin’ them up on my back while I’m sleepin’,” he says.
You smile. You can’t help it, not as he fails to suppress the hint of softness in his tone. “Thank you.”
He catches your chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Your gift, though?” he smirked, and kisses you. “Outstanding.”
Happy Holidays, Simps!
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ze-writing-qprs · 6 months
Bad Day?
Velvette x Model GN!Reader [QPR]
Queer-Platonic Relationship [🩷] (can be read as romantic)
Short & sweet (Fluff/Comfort)
written in 1st person reader pov
Willing to make part 2 if the people want it👍
“Are you stupid! Those pants look daft, do you want to lose your job?”
“Those look bloody dreadful and NOT in a good way. Get out of my sight.”
The set was busy, I could hear Velvette fussing about the designers’ incompetence from the door. Assistants and models rushed around in a hectic manner desperate to please her or to flee the scene before they became a victim. Today was my day off, but I wanted to see Velvette.
“Hi, Love,” I looped an arm around Velvette’s neck loosely, “are you doing alright?”
“Ugh, not at all, Darling,” Her arms dropped to the side as she leaned into the partial hug, searching for a bit of relaxation.
“How about after this set we go sit down for a bit and have some lunch?”
“That sounds amazing.”
My other arm found her waist as she turned to fully lean into me. I massaged the back of her neck with the arm resting around her shoulder. Her hands circled my waist and hugged for comfort. We stood like that for a few minutes.
Kissing the top of her head I gently push her weight off of me. She frowned, still holding on to me.
“Let's finish this last set of clothing and then we can cuddle, ok?” I reiterate my previous suggestion.
Velvette narrowed her eyes at me, “You better hold up to that promise.”
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iluv-m · 2 years
Things I want to do with them😭😭 Part 2 ( gender neutral)
Back hugs. Please. I need them. And if he’s taller or if she’s shorter. 😩
Picnic dates. In a park and the classic red and white sheet with a cute basket.
Cheering for them if they play a sport + getting to hug them after they win <33
Late night discord calls or FaceTime or normal calls or video calls anything rlly. And falling asleep while talking to them.
Forehead kisses.🥹🤭
Reading romantic books together or them reading a book if you recommended.
Remembering the lil details. Honestly it shows how much they care 😭.
Skipping class together 🫡 I don’t wanna do physics pls-
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tulipe-rose · 9 months
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Muichirou tokito x f!reader angst.
Tragic, seriously grab some tissues.
Time line -> post Swordsmith village arc
He ran into the estate, without a care to his surroundings. His mind was running a mile a minute, and his ears were ringing. His expression was fixed into one of panic, and hurt. He zoomed through the hallways, trying multiple doors. He had to get to you.
The moment Ginko came to him with news, he dropped everything to see you. She said you were in critical condition due to your latest mission, and that you might not make it.
He tried a few more doors, before stumbling upon a nurse, who told him that she was still in treatment, which took place in the ground floor, first door to the entrance. Not so much as sparing another glance, he bolted towards the stairs, frantically looking for the said description, before spotting the door and sliding it open, only to stare in horror, eyes as wide as his sword's hilt.
There you were, barely breathing, face contorted into a wince of great pain and anguish. You were placed on a stretcher, being attended to by the head of the estate herself, and a variety of helpers. The kakushi were trying to ward him away, as you were quite fragile, and teetering on the thin line of life and death. The head doctor was moving rather quickly, scattering commands and instructions left and right. She was sweating with worry, trying her best to save you. She wouldn't forgive herself if she didn't at least try.
Muichirou made it past the kakushi, kneeling down by your side, clutching your hand gently. He couldn't bear to see you like this, and hated how little he could do. He was on the verge of tears. He trusted the butterfly lady's capabilities, but his heart wouldn't rest.
You looked around, at all these sad expressions, they were all people you loved, and you couldn't bear to see them like that. You felt your end nearing, as much as you hated it, you were aware. You didn't like dying so young, you still had many things to try.... You had so many loved ones that you'd be too pained to leave, but it was too harsh to give them hope.
You slowly reached to Shinobu's trembling fingers, urging her to stop. She gave you a panicked and greatly irritated look, but before she could scold you, Muichirou overtook her, crying, begging, for you to let her continue, he tried to assure you this could be fixed, however before he could continue, you interrupted him, gazing deep into his eyes, tears flooding yours.
'' Please... Let me go... I can feel myself going numb. I'm dying. ''
'' No! Please, listen to me- ''
'' Mui... Stop. I love you... But there's no changing what is... ''
You smile solemnly, recognising his denial, and feeling Shinobu back at work. An idea pops into your hazy mind, and you decide to act on it.
'' How about this, Mui? I'll promise myself... to you as a bride, but in another lifetime... If you let me go in this one... And become the best person you could be... I'll let you take me as yours... ''
Your breathes were getting shorter and more shallow, your essence slowly fading.
'' No. I want you here with me! I don't even know if we'll ever cross paths in some supposed lifetime! ''
He was growing pale and desperate, grip tightening around your hand.
'' But... This... Is my last wish... Please... Promise?... I wouldn't want another... ''
You stick your pinky finger out towards him, before he hesitantly intertwines your fingers, tears falling harder than before.
'' This life is now complete... I hope... for the next... to be better... ''
You smile contently, before turning your gaze to look to your friend and comrade, flashing her one last smile, before all goes numb.
'' Shinobu... Take care of yourself and him for me, will ya? ''
Your finger falls from Muichirou's hold, and sad stillness befalls the room.
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overprogrammed · 3 months
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Machine!Reader - Reclaimed by Nature
Abandoned, left for scraps, your frame deteriorates as your mind fades. Yet, you find your self at peace, surrounded by the flora and fauna that has reclaimed your body.
[ 460 words - 1.42 minute read ] Nondescript Machine reader, Second person pov, Angst, Hurt and comfort, Death Reader can be interpreted as a Robot, Computer, or any machine.
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Your lights dimly flickered on, hundreds of critical warnings blaring inside your mind as you powered on. Your internal clock had died long ago, you had no clue of how long you were powered down for.
But it sure felt like ages. Your entire body hurt. Rusted and deteriorated, your metal coated with browns and reds, your sensors flare up with conflicting warnings. It’s both too hot and too cold. You’re certain these warnings are caused by damaged or just flat out missing pieces, devices end components. You wouldn’t be able to move, not even if you wanted to.
Your corroded optics adjust to the rays of sunshine peeking through what you can asume to be leaves among dead pixels, as the muffled sound of birds chirping fills what remains of your sound systems.
You seem to be propped up against a tree. Who knows how long you’ve been like this. You can’t even take a good look at yourself, but gathering from what you can see, you’re just a bunch of rusted, old scrap. A layer of moss growing over you, weeds and vines creeping up your chassis.
Between the corrosion and damage your body has sustained, you’re certain that the fact that you’ve powered on was nothing more than an anomaly. You’re going to turn off again anytime soon, most likely to never awaken again. Looking for comfort, you try to look through any memory files that would still remain in your drives - ERROR: Files are missing or corrupted.
...Well, this is how you’re going to go out. Not even remembering who you are, or anything about what your life was like. You stare up at the sunrays making whatever patches of non-rusted metal that remain on your body shimmer, waiting for your inevitable shutdown.
At least, you were grateful that this is how you were going to go out. You weren’t in pain, the only thing really disturbing you at this moment were the unending warnings and system errors, a constant reminder of your inevitable end, but you could dismiss those.
You’ve... never noticed how beautiful it is, though. All those saturated pixels of greens and blues. The harmonious sounds of the bird species around. The rustling of leaves and the sound of the wind. You’re a part of this ecosystem now.
The sudden snap of a twig catches your attention, as an animal approaches you curiously. You’re unable to recognize it’s species, both your sensors and system are too damaged for that, but it seems of either a vulpine or canine variety.
It approaches you curiously, sniffing the air around you, and makes itself comfortable lying next to you, seemingly enjoying the warmth your metal body has absorbed from the sun.
And your lights flicker off.
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joka13 · 1 year
Hiya feel free to ignore this if you’re not doing requests but i was wandering if you could do a george weasley x reader where they’re in a secret relationship and maybe one of George’s siblings outs that the reader has a crush on George in front of them both then george kind of teases the reader for it afterwards ?
Thank you :)
Hello, I do take requests! And thank you for requesting; this was so fun to write! I hope you won't mind that I added just a few more background details to what you specified😁 Enjoy!❤️❤️❤️
Dear Reader,
As you may or may not know, I post extensive, multiple part fanfiction stories. I must remind you or clarify that I do not consider any requests I write as parts of those stories. Thank you for reading❤️
FANFICTION (REQUEST): George Weasley x y/n Malfoy
WARNINGS: passionate kissing
It had been a long while since you began your concealed, romantic relationship with George Weasley. It was a rather difficult situation to maintain, but it definitely had its advantages. You're a member of the Malfoy family and wouldn't be caught dead associating yourself with a Weasley, for if you were indeed caught associating yourself with a Weasley, it'd be the end of you. Your father, the infamous Lucius Malfoy, viewed every one of them as nothing but muggle-loving blood traitors. You once considered briefly the possibility of your father accepting George as your boyfriend because George was, still, technically a pureblood. But, in the end, you decided to play it safe, to stay quiet about the whole thing. Your father wasn't the only person you worried wouldn't take it well. You greatly admired your older brother, Draco, and feared you would lose his respect forever if he ever learned of your feelings for George. And so, when George Weasley expressed his similar feelings for you and you couldn't bring yourself to reject him, you promised to be George's girl as long as he did his best to keep it a secret.
George was entirely willing to pay the price. He'd been aching to have you for so long; there was nothing he wouldn't do for you. You enjoyed it immensely as well. Butterflies came to life in your stomach every time he took your hand and led you away to some new corner of the Hogwarts castle when no one else was watching. You'd kept secrets before, but this one was different. It was shared, special, personal, and intimate. But there are just some people you can't keep secrets from forever.
You and George played a silly game you called "Straight Face" while lounging on the couch in the Gryffindor common room (this would have been self-sabotage if it weren't for George "borrowing" Harry's invisibility cloak, under which you both sat; it was also late at night when everyone, including the two of you, should've been in bed, so there wasn't much risk of getting accidentally sat on). The goal of the game was to simply get the other person to smile and keep yourself from smiling when it was their turn to try and get you to smile. George almost won every time you played against him, though it didn't really matter to you. The end always resulted in at least one person smiling while the other won the game. It was, almost literally, a win-win situation.
It was your turn, so you pulled a funny facial expression. The corner of George's mouth twitched slightly, but he did not smile. For his turn, George performed for you a rather accurate voice impression of Professor Snape that easily broke you.
"Oh, bugger!" you laughed as George grinned smugly. "You're too good at this game!"
"Alright, alright, it's your turn. Show me what you've got," George chuckled.
George returned to his blank stare while you thought of something to do to make him smile. You then shook your head with a knowing smirk as an idea formed in your mind.
"You've left me no other choice," you sighed, looking up at him through your lashes. George raised a red eyebrow curiously, but otherwise didn't budge. You glanced down at his lips.
You, very slowly, leaned forward towards George as if you planned to kiss him. Then, just before your lips could touch his, you froze in place. When you observed no reaction from him, you looked up to find George staring coolly down at you.
"Come on. Where's that handsome smile of yours?" you encouraged quietly, giving him your own best smile. You slid your hands gradually up his arms, feeling his muscles flex in anticipation. Touching was actually against the rules of the game, but George wasn't complaining, so you proceeded to wrap your arms around his neck.
"He's a little shy," George replied. His face might have been blank, but you could tell he was enjoying himself.
You chuckled. "Well, then what's it going to take to have him show?"
You pretended not to realize how fast your heart was beating when you moved to sit on George's lap, still holding your face so very close to his. As you settled in, George exhaled heavily before placing his hands around your waist. He didn't verbally reply to your question, but looked at you in a way that said, "You know what."
And so you kissed him. You kissed George and was taken to cloud nine when you felt his lips smile against yours. He chuckled, then began to kiss you back earnestly.
George's hands cradled your body, laying you down on the couch cushions behind as he smoothly advanced toward and onto you. You giggled helplessly when he moved his face away from yours to nuzzle his nose affectionately against your neck.
"I love you, y/n," George breathed, and his words meant the world to you.
Suddenly, something sort of like a gasp sounded from the stairs to the Gryffindor girls' dormitories, causing your stomach to drop with dread. You couldn't see what was happening from your position, so you watched George's face as he slowly propped himself up higher above you to get a look at the intruder.
His eyes widened, and George glanced down at you. "It's Ginny," he mouthed silently, then looked back up. You and him both remained quiet and unmoving, hoping Ginny would eventually go away.
You heard some shuffling footsteps, and then Ginny spoke. "George? Fred? Who's there?" her voice sounded closer now, much too close for comfort. You gripped the fabric of George's sleeves absentmindedly in fearful suspense.
"Aha!" Ginny exclaimed, and you knew you'd been caught. "You're using Harry's invisibility cloak! And you've left your foot uncovered." You saw a small hand reach over the couch's arm rest, over your face and grasp a fistful of Harry's cloak. George's expression was more annoyed than fearful as Ginny yanked the cloak off of the two of you and gasped in alarm once more.
George moved off as you quickly sat up. "Er, hello, Ginny," you chuckled gingerly.
Ginny looked back and forth between you and George in shock. You thought for sure she was going to faint or scream, but an ecstatic grin quickly filled her freckled face.
"My brother and y/n Malfoy!" Ginny squealed, clapping her hands together cheerfully.
George shushed her. "Pipe down!"
Ginny lowered her voice. "Sorry, sorry. Merlin's beard, I can hardly believe my eyes! Well, now I can." She giggled and waved the invisibility cloak about. "I was beginning to think you'd die alone, Georgie! How long has this been going on?" You and George looked at each other uncertainly, but before either of you could answer, Ginny continued to spout.
"I'm guessing it all began three months ago. That's about the time I started noticing Fred standing all by his lonesome. It must not have been much of a bother to him, though. He's had his fair share of slinking off with that Johnson girl. Am I right? It doesn't matter. I'm just so happy that you found someone... even if she is a Slytherin, let alone a Malfoy..."
"Ginny!" George scolded. You merely shrugged. You had expected a much worse reaction.
"I'm only joking," Ginny laughed. She sat down on a nearby ottoman. "Honestly, I think it's the perfect match!" Ginny turned to you. "I've always thought that if Fred and George weren't sorted into Gryffindor, they would have been put in Slytherin," she chortled.
You laughed, "I've said the same thing!"
Ginny laughed with you while George rolled his eyes, smiling.
"I know I probably don't need to say it," George said. "But if you wouldn't mind keeping quiet about y/n and I..."
"Of course!" Ginny scoffed. "Anything for you, George." She stared at you and George contently.
After a moment, George cleared his throat. "It's 'bout time you got back to bed, Ginny."
"Oh, if you say so," Ginny sighed, standing up reluctantly. "I know that you two will just go on snogging again."
George snorted.
"What'd you come down here for anyway?" you asked quickly to change the subject.
"Oh, yeah! Thanks for reminding me." Ginny went over to the side table, opened its single drawer, and pulled out a tattered, black book. She tucked it under her arm. "Goodnight, you lovebirds!" Ginny said, then headed back up the stairs to the girls' dormitories.
You and George sat in silence for a short moment before he began to chuckle.
You blinked in confusion. "What?"
"I just can't believe how scared you were," he snickered. You shoved George playfully, causing him to laugh harder. "Terrifying, little Ginny!"
"I didn't want to be discovered, same as you!" you giggled, slightly embarrassed. Your smile drifted away as concern filled your mind once again. George stopped laughing when he noticed your mood faltering. "You really... you really don't think she'll tell anyone?" you asked timidly. You had a suspicion that Ginny might be one to gossip.
George smiled caringly, lovingly, and pulled you closer into a warm embrace. "Yeah. I trust her. And..." He stroked your hair as he carefully chose his words. "I've been meaning to... this was good timing. I think it's about time you met my family anyway."
You pulled away slightly so you could look George in the eye. "Do you really mean it? Even if you don't meet mine... just yet?"
"I do," George replied, then sweetly kissed the top of your head.
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The Token Human - Part 2
Got a much more enthusiastic response to that last part than I expected. I even got some great comments! Holy crap! So uh, yeah, here's part 2.
Part 1 Set a bit after the events of part 1 CW: Body Horror, chasing/running, memory alteration, Wally is Creepy and maybe a bit obsessed...?
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No crickets. No night birds. No background hum of modern technology. No moon.
Curiosity was dangerous, but this went beyond curiosity. This was an obsession now.
I've forgotten something. What have I forgotten?
You didn't know. You couldn't remember anything about it. All you could remember was…
It seemed so absurd you could have laughed, if that wouldn't have broken the utter stillness of the night.
All you could remember was Wally Darling wasn't your friend.
But that was absurd. Absolutely nuts. A crazy shake with crazy sprinkles on top. Wally had been nothing but kind to you since you arrived at Home. He helped you get comfortable in this place that wasn't exactly meant for you in any way. "Not yet at least," he said.
You looked over your shoulder into the darkness, and not even the wind greeted you.
But you couldn't shake it. That single sentence that turned everything upside down.
Wally Darling wasn't your friend.
Standing in the dark, shivering and not from any cold weather, you wondered… if that were true, how long had it been true?
Someone said your name.
The hair on your arms stood up.
Someone said it again, a singsong call from deep within the darkness.
Not just someone. Not just any old person.
Nausea rushed through you. A strange, deep dread filled you, like it came from within your bones. You covered your mouth, like it would muffle your breathing, silence any noises that could reveal you.
And he called your name again. Dragging the sound out, causing it to echo through your little town.
"What are you doing awake right now? It's nighttime. You should be in bed."
You wrapped your arms around yourself, tight as you could. 
"It's not good to be up in the middle of the night."
His voice was right next to your ear.
"Don't you know what's in the dark?"
You ran. Without a sound you ran, fast as you could. Behind you, Wally laughed, ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You didn't look back. You didn't want to find out what might happen if you did.
You had a feeling you already knew what would happen. You just didn't remember it right now.
None of the houses here were a sanctuary to you. The last thing you wanted was to pull one of the others, so innocent and trusting, into your mess. But it seemed like the more you ran, the less you saw. Where was Poppy's house? Where was Howdy's store? Where was the post office? There was nothing around you but the path, stretching long into the darkness…
And Home.
No matter where you ran, you were never, ever, far from Wally's Home. It was always there, in the corner of your vision. Watching you. Smiling at you.
Wally's Home seemed to like you as much as Wally did. He told you that once.
There were a lot of ways to like someone. You were starting to think Wally and his Home didn't like you the way the others did. If he really liked you at all.
Again, he called your name, called to you like he was singing a song. He said your name over and over, almost like he was tasting it, enjoying it.
"Where are you going, neighbor?" He called. "It's too late for a game. We need to go to bed. You can stay at my place tonight. I don't mind. I like your company. I think, spending the night with you again would be the absolute most."
Your legs threatened to give out, shaking under you. Your lungs burned. How long had you been running? How long could you run? How long had it been since you ventured out into the night?
Wait, why were you outside at night in the first place? What was the purpose of this? How was this going to help figure out what's going on around Home?
… You don't remember.
Oh, god, you can't remember.
Was this… was this even your idea?
Your legs gave out. 
You laid on the grass, struggling to catch your breath. Your legs, they hurt, burned and ached with pain. Tears stung your eyes. You swallowed down a sob. 
I can't give up, you thought. I won't let him win. I won't let him get me.
You stretched out your hand. If you couldn't run, you decided, you'd crawl. 
A well polished shoe stepped down on your hand. You cried out in pain, your vision jerked up-
He was taller. So much taller. So tall his face was in shadows of his own making. But his eyes, you could see them. And he could see you.
"Be quiet," Wally said. "You'll wake up all of our friends, and what will we do then? Silly neighbor."
A tear forced its way down your cheeks.
"Wally," you said. "Wally, please-"
He tilted his head to one side, slow and deliberate.
"You know you can't run away," he said. "I'll find you. I'll find you no matter where you go. That's why, I let you out tonight. So you can remember where your Home is. With us. With me. Okay?"
"Please," you begged.
"Don't be scared."
He knelt down, and the closer he got, the more of him you could see. His face, his eyes, his intense, hungry eyes.
"Didn't I tell you? I'll take good care of you."
He smiled. The felt mouth stretched wider, wider, until the fabric gave way to something black and oozing. He smiled and the black dripped down onto the grass, onto your hand. He smiled and his mouth was full of perfect white human teeth, and none of them moved when he spoke.
"Good night, puppet," he said.
You squinted in the light that streamed through the window. Morning already?
From another room, Wally called your name. You rubbed the heavy crust from your eyes and stood up. Stretching best you can, you turned towards the door, where Wally waited and watched.
"Good morning!" He said.
"Good morning," you said, stretching your arms over your head. "What happened?"
He looked at you in that special way of his. "Did you forget again? Silly, silly. You had so much fun yesterday you fell asleep on my couch when I was talking to Julie and Frank. Barnaby helped move you in here. Did you sleep okay?"
You blinked. That seemed right. You could definitely remember being so tired after all those games…
"Yeah, I slept great!" You smiled. "But no more tag for me for a while. I'm really sore."
He laughed. You looked around. Where were your shoes?
"I'm thinking I'll go to Howdy's place to pick up some stuff for breakfast," you said. "Would you like to come with me?"
"Sure," Wally said. "I know you hate to be alone."
As Wally turned around, you found your shoes, left neatly by your bedside and not where you thought they'd be. Frank's doing, you thought.
You reached for one, then stopped. What was that on your hand? It looked black… 
Wally called your name, his Home creaking in response. Rubbing the dried off black stuff on your jeans, you put your extra dirty shoes on - tag was so messy! - and headed towards the front door.
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