#read arthur put mordred in charge of the kingdom while he's away like ohhhhhh i know this bit. i know whats gonna happen. MAN
neomedievalist · 3 months
Man i finally fucking finished the morte d'arthur. not all of it since in class we kind of skipped around and read parts (ill need to fully read it another time, because i am crazy) but like. man why does it still hit. i was skeptical at first bc malory's writing style is. ??? and as much middle english lit as ive read i never really get used to (or like) it. but like. haha whydo i feel this bone deep sadness at the end . why is the tragedy of it all getting to me. Mfw the timeless art of storytelling is getting to me? Mfw (some argue) the first novel ever written is actually really good?
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