#rather than this aspect that exists in ew thats like ''this was Necessary it had to happen (for contrived fantasy reasons)''
valfruits-archived · 2 years
(in the context of the like constant comparisons about whether which one was worse or more justified btwn venat & emet) the only framing (of venat's actions as terrible) that i can get behind is that it was the final nail that resulted in this entire civilization/culture being gone/lost and how thats always a tragedy. but even then the text (prior to some things ew did that im ambivalent about) presents the situation like the ancients were already on this unstoppable path to tragedy (continuously sacrificing their own dwindling numbers in attempts to fix things) and venat & her group were basically responding to that by putting their feet down and saying "you cant do this anymore" and thats very different from the situation w emet & his fellow maladjusted pathetic evil sad men. like i think its disingenuous to compare venat/her group looking at their own civilisation & saying they would oppose it because it was going down a path they thought was unconscionable vs the ascians condemning multiple other worlds/cultures/etc to extinction bc they thought it was worth it if they got theirs (this is a comparison i see a lot and its frustrating bc theyre really not the same situation at all & yet...)
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