#rath claus
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frostcorpsclub · 3 months ago
The gay/lesbian couples in Suzy's life waiting for a letter from her to see which one of them she considers the man, it's like a game
Rath: "Mr and Mr James Frost??? I'm the groom!" James: "Cope and seethe little twink boy"
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months ago
Ok, but like, imagine if nobody knew Wukong had a brother because Luzhen is always going off and exploring and stuff. He loves his best life, only ever having to step up as the Prince of Flower Fruit Mountain whenever Wukong is out or unable to be there. During the 500 years he was imprisoned, Luzhen had been protecting the island. Scared Erlang a bit because he had legit thought Wukong had escaped only to check the mountain and see the golden eyes monkey still there. Form there, he figures out Wukong must have a look a like or sibling. And decided that so long as Luzhen didn't cause trouble, it wasn't something he needed to bring to his uncle's attention. Surely, if they hadn't heard of him before, he must be tamer than his criminal brother! (Oh boy, was he wring when he finally got a chance to meet the two monkeys together)
Tripitaka learns about this when he has to visit the mountain, mainly because Luzhen wasn't going to let his older twin go back to that journey after he wa banished in the White Bone Demon arc and Ao Lie and Wujing ended up having to break Tripitaka out of whatever prison he was trapped in and drag his transmutation body to the mountain himself when Zu Baije was outright refused entry by what he thinks is a glamoured-to-hide-his-circlet Wukong (it was actually Luzhen with Wukong hiding in his room crying over how nobody had believed him) and had to go back to the Pilgrims like that
Now I'm imagining various demons, celestials, and mortals coming to FFM to take over/hunt only to see who they think is the *exact same* monkey they think has just been imprisoned!
In the first few years, Wukong gets a lot of people coming to the mountain to check if he's still under there. Eventually, most assume that he either left a hair clone on the island, or that he employed a doppelgänger to mess with people. Only people who knew him before the war know that Luzhen is Wukong's brother.
Luzhen is basically the Fred Claus of Monkey Kings. Technically he's the Prince of Flower Fruit Mountain, but occasionally he introduces himself as the "back-up king".
The brothers do reunite briefly after Wukong is freed from the mountain and promptly abandons Tripitaka to go home, but Wukong ultimately decides to go back and do the Journey anyway. And of course Guanyin adds in the circlet to stop Wukong from trying to strangle the monk every time he annoys him. Wukong just sort of forgets to mention that he has a younger brother since he doesn't know the other Pilgrims that well yet.
Cue the White Bone Spirit Arc; where Wukong is banished from the group and not believed when he rightly identified the White Bone Spirit as trying to trick them 3x over. Wukong flies home crying at the injustice of being falsely accused.
I love the imagery of Ao Lie and Wujing getting so frustrated at everything thats happened over the Yellow Robed Demon Arc that they bust tiger-transformed Tripitaka out, so that they can all apologise to Wukong in person.
So now imagine the Pilgrims' absolute confusion when they go to get their monkey back, when they see who they think is Wukong (just with blue eyes) shouting and tossing rotten fruit at them. They know he's upset, but the obscenities he's throwing are a bit unlike him.
Tripitaka: "Monkey! I can only offer my sincerest apologies for not believing you in that moment! I am deeply sorry!" Wukong?: "Tell that to my brother, you empty-headed fleabag! He's inside crying like an infant! You get targeted by bloodthirsty demons literally all the time - why would my brother lie about three consecutive attempts on your life!?" Tripitaka: "I... pardon??"
It takes some back and forth between the Pilgrims, Not-Wukong, and the Stalwarts before the realize that the monkey they're talking to isn't Wukong, but rather a nearly-unknown twin brother!
Zhu Bajie loudly calls the idea an absurb lie until Wukong himself walks outside to see what the commotion is about, golden-eyed and wearing the circlet. Luzhen looks rather smug at the pig's aghast reaction.
Zhu Bajie: "Wait, there's been two of you this whole time!? Even back in Heaven!?" Wukong, sighing: "Yes. I been telling people for centuries but no one believes it unless they see us in the same room." Sha Wujing: "That certainly explains all the conflicting stories of you being in two places at once!" Zhu Bajie: "Then who was the one who did the Havoc?" Wukong, sheepish: "Um, that was still me. I was still pretty mad at not being invited to the Queen's birthday banquet." Luzhen: "I was there too! He tapped out after a single cup of wine and left to go ask Lao Tzu for some painkillers. I stayed back at to party in the orchard with the rest of the Brotherhood." All the Pilgrims: (*having separate moments of realisation*) Zhu Bajie: "You telling me our monkey is the boring one!?"
Lots of compromises have to be made before Wukong agrees to come back to the Pilgrims; one major stipulation being that Tripitaka believe Wukong next time he says something is trying to kill him, and to not default to using the Headache sutra when he thinks he's being dishonest.
Luzhen: "And if you use that sutra again - I'mma personally squish your head like a gourd so you understand how it feels for him!" :) Tripitaka: (*gulps nervously*)
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horseweb-de · 1 year ago
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kashvibatman · 3 years ago
Felix Rosier × Slytherin Mc
The changing room became deserted.
For a moment, I'd hoped Skye would stay back and enthuse me with her bickering about Rath.
Facing Gryffindor was a big thing and I just couldn't think of anything to calm down.
Orion's pep talk had lowered my anxiety a great deal, but it still plummeted and expanded all through my chest as if I was made only of it.
There were still 10 minutes for the match to begin and I still had no clue about what to do about my nerves.
Should I have walked out with the team?
Was staying back for a introspection moment a good idea?
What if I end up messing things?
We need to win this match no matter what after all.
What if we lose because of me and all of Slytherin never forgives me?
What if I'm not good enough?
"Hailey!" Came a voice which was the song of peace.
I turned almost immediately.
Felix stood at the entrance. Wearing a light blue shirt and A hunter green turtle neck sweater and the Slytherin Muffler wrapped around his neck.
"Felix." I breathe out.
"Why aren't you out with the team?" He asked coming towards me concerned.
"I'm... I was just... just going!" I babble, trying to look normal but one thing I hated about myself was that I could never lie to or fool Felix.
Felix seems to realize my discomfort and anxiety.
I turn to grab my Comet 260 and start walking out of the room..
Felix grabs my hand and pulls me to him.
And I stand infront of him, his hands gently placed on my waist.
I look up into his eyes.
"Since when is the Curse Breaking Slytherin a victim of nerves and anxiety?" He smirked.
"The Cursed Vaults are my business and I suppose of all those who support me... but this... This is..." I stagger and look into his eyes again for more will power.
"This is bigger business. This is about the house. Slytherin and The Cup and if I don't do well-"
"You're going to be fantastic. That's who you are." Felix nuzzles his nose into mine.
I could stand here forfeiting the match and do this all day.
All the anxiety seems to ebb out of my body.
"I don't know Felix.. what if I fail?" I whisper, staring deep into his eyes.
Felix chuckles.
"You remember, when we were decorating the Christmas Tree in the Common Room?" He asked me, bringing me close to him, his nose tracing my cheek as I pull him in closer.
"Hmm.." I ooze, feeling his closeness.
"You told me you had faith in the muggle myth of Santa Claus for Like 10 years of your life?" Felix was trying not to laugh.
"Yeah." I grin.
"If you can have faith in a myth for like 10 years of your life." Felix brings my chin close to his face.
"Surely you can believe in yourself for like half an hour."
I burst out laughing. 
"I can't defend against that." I grin.
"And no matter what, I'm... I'm.." He stumbles this time.
That's so rare.
"I'm in the stands. With Rowan and Snyde. If you need to feel calm  while you're out there. Just look at me. My eyes will always be on you."
I throw away my broom and kiss him.
I bring him close to me and his arms wrap around my body and it's almost like with every kiss he sucks out all of my anxiety and nervousness.
He presses me closer and kisses me like nothing else matters.
Heavily and Hungrily. Like he knows I like it.
Our kisses are open mouthed and so dizzy that I really don't want to stop.
He runs a hand through my hair and steadies my face with his.
I move my mouth in coordination with his.
I clutch at his sweater as I pull him in for more.
"Hailey! Where in the Merlin are you?! Madam Hooch- OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY! I had no idea.!!" Skye had come in and she spooked both me Felix.
"Next time knock before entering Parkin." Felix growled.
"Sorry Skye. I'll be with you in a minute." I say blushing down to the floor as I pick up my broom.
"All the best." Felix whispers and we lock eyes.
I pursue my lips and lean to give him a quick peck and before he could pull me in again, I walk out and hurry to the stands.
"Never had a reason to like... celebrate till now.." He beams at me.
"But we've won dozen other matches." I rebut.
"None as special as today's." He stares at me and I blush madly, holding my butter beer glass way too tightly.
"Go on." He told me gently, gesturing towards the dancing and singing Slytherins who were partying.
"I'm watching from here. Go on have fun. You deserve it." He said pushing me to them.
"HAILEY! COME ON! LETS DANCE!" Rowan cried, in the bass music.
"But what about you?" I ask Felix, undeterred by the crowd. 
"I'm content watching from here." He told me sitting down on the couch.
Before I could retort, I was pulled into the Dance circle with the Slytherins.
I shook a leg with Rowan at the music and did a bit of solid moves I remember from the Muggle dance forms.
I see Felix applauding the loudest and hooting at my dance.
Honestly, I've never seen him smile that big.
I feel Felix's eyes on me all the time and it feels wrong to dance here all alone as he just watched.
"Hey Hailey!" Gardner came upto me.
"Hey Gardner! How's it going?" I say still swaying in the music.
"I'm all up in spirits! Thanks to you. You were amazing." He says, staring very deeply into my eyes, making me uncomfortable.
"OH! Umm... thanks." I say, hoping Rowan would Come back with butterbeer and save me from this situation.
"I wanted to ask you something." He whispered very creepily, coming close to me.
"What?" I say swaying away from him in the music.
"Are you seeing someone?" He asked me attentively.
I blink freezing for a second.
"Umm.. yes." I said the truth out.
"Who?" He asked me almost pissed.
"Its none of your business really." I say sassily.
"Anyway ditch him. I'm hundred times better." He smirked coming in closer.
"No. I like him and I want him."
"Please.. One chance." He said, coming in trying to kiss me but-
"DUDE SHE SAID NO!" Felix shouts very angrily pushing him away from me and he falls flat on the floor.
"Detention Gardner. One month. I'll see to it you get something worse. Get lost now." Felix snarled.
I realised everyone had stopped to stare at us.
"WHAT ARE YOU ALL STARING AT?! GET BACK TO YOUR THING!" Felix snapped, clearly very furious as he starts walking back.
But I hold his hand and pull him back.
He turns and locks eyes with me and I beg him to stay.
Everyone was back to party mode and I pull him along onto the dance floor where everyone was screaming and shouting.
Felix looked hesitant about this. I knew he'd never done it before.
I tug him close to me and lock my hands with his and we sway very gently in the soft punk music.
"He didn't touch you did he?" Felix almost growled.
"He almost did." I say truthfully.
"That Idioic-" Felix was cursing with grit teeth but I pull him in for a hug.
And I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into his neck and face.
Felix's arms find their way around my body.
"Dance with me." I whisper into his ear.
"Just us." I say softly, steadying my hand on his waist.
Felix pulls away just enough to look into my eyes.
"Okay." He says. "But don't laugh at me if I'm a total menace."
I grin as the music changes into a fun punk rock.
Felix stands a few centimetres away from me watching me as if waiting for me to begin.
I do some shoulder bobs and body curves at level 1 which he imitates and let me say he's quite good but also hilarious at times with the curves.
"You're doing good!" I say cheerfully watching him make a fool of himself imitating me.
"Is that why you're trying not to laugh?" He said sarcastically.
"Im serious. You're great."
The music changes a little and I change my steps just a little and Felix does same shoulder Bob and starts circling around me as I keep stuck to one place giggling.
He comes infront of me still with bobbin shoulders and we both Bob our shoulders in cohesion at the music beats and what I feel is that with every beat he comes closer to me.
He reaches me and his nose is aligned next to me and we wrap our arms around each other unknowingly and just sway in the music.
He kisses my cheek and I run my hands through his hair.
"This is nice." He whispered.
"What are you doing?!" I whisper yell pulling away from him.
He Jumps a bit and says, "Nothing! I'm..  I'm just dancing." He says grinning.
"Felix we've talked about this." I say with my arms crossed.
"We can't go so public."
"But Hailey I wasn't-"
"Its okay Felix." Looking him in the eye, disappointed.
"I want to grab some more butterbeer anyway."
And I walk away from him, towards the tables and fetch myself a big round of butterbeer.
Christine comes upto me. I groan.
"What happened between Felix, you and Gardner?" She asked.
"Gardner tried to flirt with me and Felix threw him away." I said.
"Because he was flirting with me." I repeat annoyed.
"No why does Felix care about who flirts with you?" Christine said suspiciously.
"I guess coz he noticed how evidently uncomfortable I was with it, and as Prefect it was his duty to stop Forceful bullying."
"Why were you both dancing together?" She rebutted.
Just how nosy can someone be?
"I was teasing him." I blurt out the first think I could think of.
"That he couldn't dance. So he danced to prove he could."
"Ohh I get it." She sounded very relieved.
"Where is he now by the way?" She asked with a blush on her cheeks.
"Probably back on the couch. He can't leave until the party ends to maintain decorum remember?" I grin..
"Oh okay thanks Hailey!" She said adjusting her hair and walking towards the couch.
And before I realised, I was following her.
I made my way through the dancing crowd and I saw him, sitting dejected on the couch, staring very still at the lamp kept on the table.
Christine went and sat beside him.
Felix jerked up and gave her a small smile as she batted her eyelashes at him.
I tightened my grip around my glass for some reason.
They were talking about something.
Christine was flirting brutally.
Felix was responding too. He got up and started walking up to the dormitory staircase and she followed him.
My heart gave a pang as it literally banged in my chest.
I kept swaying slowly in the music, to keep everyone who came to me occupied.
But my eyes were locked on the Dormitory entrance.
Almost ten minutes later, they both came out. Walking beside each other.
Christine held some thing in her hand I couldn't see.
She held Felix's hand in hers and Felix gave her a smile.
They exchanged a couple of words again.
She asked him for something for which Felix shook his head saying no as he said something that excused him of her as she walked away waving bye which Felix  didn't bother seeing.
His eyes were stuck on the crowd of dancing people. Scanning the crowd for someone.
I suddenly felt sick. I couldn't take the crowd of people around me so I dashed out the common room to take some fresh air.
I reached the Great hall and found myself running into Bill.
"Hey Hailey!" Bill greeted me, as we slapped hands.
"Awesome game against Gryffindor today! Charlie was pretty impressed with how you had control with the Quaffle." Bill patted my back.
"Thanks! It was an exciting game. Charlie gave our seeker a massive challenge! He was telling me that He was about to jinx Charlie but he couldn't because Charlie is pretty fast." I say grinning.
"Ah I have to admit Charlie does beat me at Quidditch. Anyway what you doing here? You aren't Celebrating? You guys aren't that dull." Bill said as I kicked his shin.
"Nah We are." I say softly. "Celebrating." I say as a image of Felix and Christine laughing together flashes past my mind.
"Let me guess. You just needed some air." Bill smirked.
You see. This is why I love Bill. He just gets me..
"You got me brother." I say ringing an arm drunkly around his shoulders.
"Hailey you look a little drunk to me." Bill said concerned.
"I guess I am."
"How much of what have you had?" Bill asked.
"I had only butterbeer."
"How much?" Bill pressed.
"A lot." I don't lie.
"Geez Hailey. Cmon take a walk with me as I do my patrol. You'll feel better." He said pulling me along as I follow along in his wake.
We go up into the courtyard and we both throw galleons into the fountain and wish for something. And then we walked upto The west wing and east wing and kept chatting randomly about Quidditch, our plan on the cursed Vaults, Merula etc.
"You feeling better now?" Bill asked giving me a nudge as we halted infront of the Training grounds hall.
"Much better William." I smirk.
"Good this is the last place I've got to patrol then I'll drop you back in the Dungeons."
"Do you always patrol this much everyday? It's almost 12 am. We started at 11:15pm. Basically 45 minutes." I ask surprised.
"Oh no. I had to do extra today. Because One of the Prefects didn't come up. It's tough to take an off from patrol. You've got to do something to make up for it. It's almost like detention. No prefect generally takes an off duty."
"Who is this Prefect? Any idea?" I ask.
"He's from Your house."
"Our house is celebrating a big win. Of course no Prefect would want to miss the fun."
"Apparently, Professor Snape didn't allow them to take an off. Who ever this prefect is, they are doing it behind his back.. and you know Snape's wrath. Good luck to them. Surely they have good reason to stay back. I am only doing it because we Prefects understand and help each other whenever possible." Bill said sitting down on a bench as I stand behind him.
"Hooo..." Bill exhaled massaging his head.
"Does you head hurt?"
Bill nodded and without a word I massage his head.
"This is nice." Bill grinned staring at the stars.
"Great I'm good now Hailey. I feel like I could fight 20 acromantulas."
"Thats the spirit Brother." I grin, keeping my hands on his shoulders.
"You think the forest is-" Bill was saying but he was cut off by another voice.
"Hailey!" Came a voice at the end of the corridor of the training grounds.
It was pretty dark so we couldn't see who it was. But I knew. From the voice.
"Felix?" I said blankly, in the darkness.
Felix lights up a lumos and comes to me.
"Hailey what in the name of Merlin are you doing here?! Its 12 am!"
"Hailey who's it?" Bill came up behind me.
"Who's that?" Felix asked and then with a irritated grunt he flashed his wand in the air shouting,
"Lumos Maxima!"
A Big sphere of light took over us. I'm forced to shut my eyes with my hands.
"You?!" Felix asked his eyes shining with rage as he saw Bill.
"Hello Felix." Bill said flatly.
Felix looks at me. His eyes are demanding.
"What are you both doing here?!" He asked as Bill approached.
"I just finished Patrolling and was resting and chatting with Hailey." Bill said.
"Where have you been for the past 45 minutes?" Felix asked me as if Bill wasn't there.
"She was with me." Bill answered.
Felix's eyes snap at Bill ragingly.
"You were with him since the last 45 minutes?" Felix asked me stepping forward.
"Yes." I say looking at him.
Felix doesn't say anything. His eyes are changing so quickly that I couldn't catch any emotion.
"We're going back now." He said coldly, as he took my hand and started walking back.
"Bye Bill! Thanks for tonight!" I said as Bill waved bye.
Felix pulls me along without a word.
"Felix." I say softly as I try to catch up with his pace even when he's pulling me along.
He doesn't stop but I felt his grip on my hand tighten.
"Felix!" I say tugging him back, looking into his eyes as he turns.
"Thank you for tonight Bill!" Felix imitated me suddenly making me jump as he stopped.
"What did you do with him that deserved gratitude huh?"
"Felix we were just walking-"
"You're dating me!" Felix cried, his eyes shining as he ragingly makes me stick against the wall.
"And you hang around with Bill at 12am for 45 minutes! Imagine if I was doing the same with some other girl, how'd you feel?!" He cried angrily, a tear slips down his eyes.
I have never In my life seen Felix cry. Never.
My Prefect. So stern and strong. Could take anything to any level.
Felix hastily wipes the tear away, as he looks away from me.
"I'm sorry Felix." I say instantly.
"I wasn't feeling that great and-"
"Then why didn't you tell me?!" Felix asked stupefied.
Why didn't I tell him?
"Because-" I paused suddenly as him and Christine flash infront of my eyes again. But it felt like I'd made a big deal out of nothing.
I don't say anything.
"Say something!" Felix cried.
"Hailey, I've been looking for you for the past 45 Minutes! If I knew that you were planning on going out, I wouldn't have ditched my duties. I've basically patrolled the whole school searching for you!"
My eyes widen.
"You?... you were the prefect who took the illegal off?"
"Yes." Felix said impatiently.
"Why?! Because I wanted to celebrate your win with you!" Felix said groaning.
"And you spend the time I wanted to spend with you with Bill!" He snapped looking away.
I stay stuck against the wall unable to forgive myself for what I've done.
"Makes me feel like you love him and not me." Felix said in a tone which genuinely sounded like he was hurt.
Before I know it, I've pushed Felix against the wall and I am kissing him so brutally, more than I've ever done before.
I take his face in my hands and move my mouth against his. His arms wrap around me tightly pulling me in.
"I love you Felix." I say softly pulling away for a moment.
"Nothing will change that." I breathe giving him another kiss.
"Bill is my brother. And you are my love." I say locking eyes with him.
He suddenly swaps our positions and I am against the wall now.
"Kiss me." He breathed staring at my lips.
"As you wish." I grin, kissing him like nothing else mattered.
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kisruf8391 · 2 years ago
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Just a quick reminder. Tomorrow 7PM - „ROSA“ Hope to see a lot of you lovely peeps! Opening: Sa. 14.01. - 19 Uhr Open: So. 15.01. - 15-18 Uhr Philipp Ackermann @printsphilipp Patrick Alt @patr_alt Elia Beyer/emely Mair @elia_beyer_ Joscha Blankenburg @sued_blankenburg Julius Bobke @jf_bobke Adrian Buschmann @adrianbuschmann Naomi Citlali @effect137 Sophie Darwisch @sophiedarwisch Thorben Eggers @thorbeneggers Julia Fuchs @_julia.fuchs_ Lukasz Furs @lukaszfurs Felix Gienger @felixgienger Diane Häfner @diane_o_h Janus Hochgesand @janushochgesand Daniel Hörner @d__hoerner Henning Kles @henningkles Richard Klippfeld @richardklippfeld Tilman Knop #tilmanknop Ilia Kobeshavidze @unknown.landscapes Inge Krause @ingekrause13 Jessica Leinen @jessicaleinen Anne Linke @annelefty Linus Lohmann @linuslohmann Anna Mieves @annamieves Micha Mohr #michamohr Lawrence Power @lawrencepower_ Christoph Rossner @christoph_rossner_painting Hannah Rath @rath.hannah Yannick Riemer @yannick_riemer Claus Sauter #claussauter Sven Scharfenberg @sven.scharfenberg Achim Schauffele @achimschauffele Anton Schön @antonschoen Verena Schöttmer @verena_schoettmer Regine Schulz @regine_slz Anna Steinert @anna__steinert Amanda Trygg @amatrygg Christoph Wüstenhagen @wustenh #lycraraum #lukaszfurs #noimageavailable #placeholder #rosa #art #hamburg ——————————————- Eiffestrasse 432 - Hamburg https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWjeM9oc-h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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elsakdalton · 3 years ago
KFC cuts queues to keep Japans fried chicken Christmas custom alive
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Rocky Swift (Reuters)
Tokyo, Japan   ●   Wed, December 15, 2021 2021-12-15 14:00 21 7c8de5fbfa8fecad7676baf183116459 2 Food kfc,Christmas,Japan Free
A long queue of patrons running out the door of nearly every KFC has been a perennial Christmas sight in Japan but COVID-19 social distancing rules that discourage lines and place strict conditions for dining-in are threatening the custom.
This year, KFC Holdings Japan, the domestic licensor of the Yum! Brands Inc franchise, is nudging customers to order online and then pick up their chicken at a certain time, rather than forming up in the traditional queues.
The run-up to Christmas is the company’s biggest sales week and it hopes the move will help maintain those revenues, which fell last year from a record, and let customers keep a tradition that stretches back to the 1970s.
While only around 1% of Japan’s population is Christian, the holiday’s commercial aspects have been embraced.
Company lore says the Christmas campaign was inspired by foreign customers in Japan who lamented that they could not find turkey during the holidays. The first “Kentucky for Christmas” promotion started in 1974, marketed towards couples and including a bucket of chicken along with a bottle of wine.
KFC Japan has moved up the start of the campaign this year and offered price incentives for early birds to comply with the COVID-19 rules.
“As an infection countermeasure, we’re spacing out reservations to try to limit as much as possible the times when people are bunched together,” said company spokesman Tetsuya Noguchi.
Customers have seemingly embraced the change, even seeing making the reservations as a sign of maturity.
“I made a reservation for Kentucky yesterday, so I don’t think I’ll have to run around looking for chicken this Christmas,” Rise Ito, a 24-year old musician from Tokyo wrote on Twitter. “I’ve grown up since last year!”
KFC Japan’s Christmas sales in 2019 reached a record 7.1 billion yen (US$62.5 million), according to research house Shared Research, but revenue dipped in 2020 to 6.9 billon yen, amid the imposition of social distancing measures and a wave of COVID-19 cases.
Since the promotion began, the company has given out commemorative plates and statues of KFC founder Colonel Harland Sanders dressed as Santa Claus.
Other companies have gotten in on the chicken tradition, with convenience stores chains Seven & I Holdings and FamilyMart Co offering their own holiday platters.
KFC’s market entry in Japan in the early 1970s and its Christmas push were neatly timed to a shift in the nation’s dining culture, said Eric C. Rath, a University of Kansas professor who researches the topic.
“Dining out was becoming much more frequent for families and young people, especially young women,” he said.
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darenmbrown · 3 years ago
KFC cuts queues to keep Japan’s fried chicken Christmas custom alive
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Rocky Swift (Reuters)
Tokyo, Japan   ●   Wed, December 15, 2021 2021-12-15 14:00 21 7c8de5fbfa8fecad7676baf183116459 2 Food kfc,Christmas,Japan Free
A long queue of patrons running out the door of nearly every KFC has been a perennial Christmas sight in Japan but COVID-19 social distancing rules that discourage lines and place strict conditions for dining-in are threatening the custom.
This year, KFC Holdings Japan, the domestic licensor of the Yum! Brands Inc franchise, is nudging customers to order online and then pick up their chicken at a certain time, rather than forming up in the traditional queues.
The run-up to Christmas is the company’s biggest sales week and it hopes the move will help maintain those revenues, which fell last year from a record, and let customers keep a tradition that stretches back to the 1970s.
While only around 1% of Japan’s population is Christian, the holiday’s commercial aspects have been embraced.
Company lore says the Christmas campaign was inspired by foreign customers in Japan who lamented that they could not find turkey during the holidays. The first “Kentucky for Christmas” promotion started in 1974, marketed towards couples and including a bucket of chicken along with a bottle of wine.
KFC Japan has moved up the start of the campaign this year and offered price incentives for early birds to comply with the COVID-19 rules.
“As an infection countermeasure, we’re spacing out reservations to try to limit as much as possible the times when people are bunched together,” said company spokesman Tetsuya Noguchi.
Customers have seemingly embraced the change, even seeing making the reservations as a sign of maturity.
“I made a reservation for Kentucky yesterday, so I don’t think I’ll have to run around looking for chicken this Christmas,” Rise Ito, a 24-year old musician from Tokyo wrote on Twitter. “I’ve grown up since last year!”
KFC Japan’s Christmas sales in 2019 reached a record 7.1 billion yen (US$62.5 million), according to research house Shared Research, but revenue dipped in 2020 to 6.9 billon yen, amid the imposition of social distancing measures and a wave of COVID-19 cases.
Since the promotion began, the company has given out commemorative plates and statues of KFC founder Colonel Harland Sanders dressed as Santa Claus.
Other companies have gotten in on the chicken tradition, with convenience stores chains Seven & I Holdings and FamilyMart Co offering their own holiday platters.
KFC’s market entry in Japan in the early 1970s and its Christmas push were neatly timed to a shift in the nation’s dining culture, said Eric C. Rath, a University of Kansas professor who researches the topic.
“Dining out was becoming much more frequent for families and young people, especially young women,” he said.
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hiccupsandkicksuk · 3 years ago
KFC cuts queues to keep Japan’s fried chicken Christmas custom alive
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Rocky Swift (Reuters)
Tokyo, Japan   ●   Wed, December 15, 2021 2021-12-15 14:00 21 7c8de5fbfa8fecad7676baf183116459 2 Food kfc,Christmas,Japan Free
A long queue of patrons running out the door of nearly every KFC has been a perennial Christmas sight in Japan but COVID-19 social distancing rules that discourage lines and place strict conditions for dining-in are threatening the custom.
This year, KFC Holdings Japan, the domestic licensor of the Yum! Brands Inc franchise, is nudging customers to order online and then pick up their chicken at a certain time, rather than forming up in the traditional queues.
The run-up to Christmas is the company’s biggest sales week and it hopes the move will help maintain those revenues, which fell last year from a record, and let customers keep a tradition that stretches back to the 1970s.
While only around 1% of Japan’s population is Christian, the holiday’s commercial aspects have been embraced.
Company lore says the Christmas campaign was inspired by foreign customers in Japan who lamented that they could not find turkey during the holidays. The first “Kentucky for Christmas” promotion started in 1974, marketed towards couples and including a bucket of chicken along with a bottle of wine.
KFC Japan has moved up the start of the campaign this year and offered price incentives for early birds to comply with the COVID-19 rules.
“As an infection countermeasure, we’re spacing out reservations to try to limit as much as possible the times when people are bunched together,” said company spokesman Tetsuya Noguchi.
Customers have seemingly embraced the change, even seeing making the reservations as a sign of maturity.
“I made a reservation for Kentucky yesterday, so I don’t think I’ll have to run around looking for chicken this Christmas,” Rise Ito, a 24-year old musician from Tokyo wrote on Twitter. “I’ve grown up since last year!”
KFC Japan’s Christmas sales in 2019 reached a record 7.1 billion yen (US$62.5 million), according to research house Shared Research, but revenue dipped in 2020 to 6.9 billon yen, amid the imposition of social distancing measures and a wave of COVID-19 cases.
Since the promotion began, the company has given out commemorative plates and statues of KFC founder Colonel Harland Sanders dressed as Santa Claus.
Other companies have gotten in on the chicken tradition, with convenience stores chains Seven & I Holdings and FamilyMart Co offering their own holiday platters.
KFC’s market entry in Japan in the early 1970s and its Christmas push were neatly timed to a shift in the nation’s dining culture, said Eric C. Rath, a University of Kansas professor who researches the topic.
“Dining out was becoming much more frequent for families and young people, especially young women,” he said.
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frostcorpsclub · 11 months ago
I have this running joke in my head of Jack asking Santa when he knew Rath was gay and every time my brain comes up with a different increasingly gay answer
Once it was when he walked in on him making out with the NSync poster on his wall
Another time it was Rath telling his parents he had something to show them and then busting out the entire background dancer choreography to Lady Gaga’s Judas which he had practiced and memorized
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adrias-au-rath-blog · 8 years ago
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Adrias stood at the third story window of his family’s most private living room. He gazed out over the trees and clearings that made up the vast expanse of their owned land. The au Raths were a dark wizarding family with ministry position and prestige. It was known that the au Raths had ties to the dark arts, and that they were pure-bloods with matching magical ideals, but Adrias’ family blended with the magical community well. His mother, Silvia, an elegant witch with long, dark red hair, kept good confidence with many of the other ministry mens’ wives. Her web was extensive. His father, Roman, a handsome man with a chiseled face and warm yet steely demeanor was a ministry official in the department of international and global ministerial diplomacy. They had four children including himself. There was the oldest, Goryan, already at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardy in his third year and in house Griffindor, much to the displeasure of his parents, who upheld the family tradition of being proud Slytherins. Goryan, however, was more than pleased to be separated from such a tradition and to distance himself from his dark wizard kin. His own form of pride rivaled his family’s, and he was not known for compassion, though he was certainly made of stern stuff. Then there were Adrias and his sister, Antonia. Antonia was born to be Slytherin. Graceful, elegant and clever like her mother, with a lofty air and ambitious ideas involving magic. She was outspoken about her agreement in her family’s belief in the motto “magic makes might” and their detestation of the “statute of secrecy.” Her father scolded her for this often, though he was pleased with her, as it was important for their family to, as he put it, “save face” with those of lesser ideals, especially considering their position. Antonia was Adrias’ closest friend and ally in life. Adrias, dark skinned with thick black hair, was a reserved boy. Only ever becoming energetic and outspoken when around his sister, who, despite their difference in appearance, could have been his twin for their bond. Antonia was very nearly a copy of her mother; fair skinned with dark red hair. Adrias was calculating, his gaze being described by his peers as analytical and appraising, almost condescending at times. But he was also deemed sweet and considerate by older adults, who always found him to be quite charming. He welcomed his family’s ideals and beliefs as his sister did, partly because he loved magic more than anything and partly because his time in muggle education did nothing to warm his heart toward the non magical community. Then there was the youngest of them. A sweet and timid boy named Claus. He was loved dearly by everyone, and was the only member of the family to receive Goryan’s favor. 
Today was the day Antonia and Adrias were to receive their letters of acceptance to Hogwarts. Adrias was inwardly elated to go to this school of magic, and leave the mundane, pathetic muggle work behind him. Perhaps, he thought, he would come back when his skill had grown and bring his old school to ruin, and terrify his former classmates. 
“Adry! The owl arrived! I’ve got your letter!” Antonia came striding through the large dark-wood double doors far across the room in her flowing Sapphire garb. She was waving the letters in the air in excitement. Adrias turned to her with a slight grin. “Well, here we go.” He stated simply, plucking the letter from her grip. She took his arm, grinning back, “Let’s go! I want to open them in front of mother.” 
They did so, and Silvia, their mother, took them promptly to Diagon Alley to fetch their supplies. They had been there before many times, but as this time was to gather what they needed in order to go to Hogwarts, it was full of excitement. 
Roman appeared as they were boarding the Hogwarts Express, and Antonia and Adrias hugged their parents. “I’m sure you’ll make Slytherin house proud.” Roman said, beaming at them. Silvia kissed her children and sent them into the train.
The two found a space they could occupy alone, and began chatting away about plans and ambitions once they reached the school and once they were trained as full magicians. 
—(time skip)—-
The time had come to be sorted. Antonia and Adrias were shepherded into the great hall along with the other first years, where Professor McGonagall, a tall, stern, powerful looking witch would list off the names for “the sorting hat” to then place in the proper house. 
“Au Rath, Antonia!” Called Professor McGonagall, and, her new robes flowing around her, she glided proudly to the stool and sat, crossing one leg over the other as the hat was placed over her head. After a mere three seconds, the hat called out what Adrias already knew was to be her new home. “Slytherin!” He applauded along with Slytherin house as she swept over to their table, beaming at him as he caught her eye. She winked, and made sure a space was left for him next to her. Adrias glared malevolently at the “boos” of a few Gryffindors, feeling disgust rise in his stomach. 
“Au Rath, Adrias!” Professor Mcgonnagal continued. With an involuntary cross between a smirk and a grin, Adrias strode toward the stool. He turned on the spot upon reaching the place and sat. The hat was dropped over his head and there was blackness, and silence. He waited, starting to feel awkward. “um… Hello?” He murmured with uncertainty. After another moment, a voice sounded about his head. “Disconcerting.. very disconcerting.. The things inside your head. Slytherin house would bring you power and status for sure. You would do very well there. It would be easy for you. So easy. Oh yes.” Adrias’ heart leapt, nodding enthusiastically. ‘Yes! Slytherin is my house!’ But the hat continued, “ I have seen this path tread. Dark days. Very dark. You are very studious. You crave knowledge. I think you would fit well with Ravenclaw” Adrias’ stomach lurched “No!” He snarled aloud. He could sense Professor McGonagall shift behind him, likely taken aback by his sudden outburst. The silence of the great hall thickened and he felt his face getting hot. “I’m a Slytherin, put me in my house!” His whisper was fierce and slightly desperate. “Please!” The hat was silent once more before saying “Trust in the sorting hat, for I am never wrong. It would not have mattered what house I placed the other one in, the results would have been the same. But you, I think you could be saved if placed in another house that suits your superior mind.” ‘What are you talking about??’ Adrias thought wildly, his mind becoming static in his panic. What was this stupid hat babbling about? Why would it not just put him where he knew he belonged? But before he could protest further, the hat had called out in a clear voice, “Ravenclaw!!”
Adrias went numb with shock. He did not move. This was a mistake. It wasn’t happening. The hat was removed and yet he sat there, unseeing, unfeeling, despite the cheering and the shouts from the Ravenclaws and other tables. The numbness was cold. Professor McGonagall placed a hand on his shoulder, her grip felt unsure. “Your table is waiting for you, Mr. au Rath.” Without thinking, he stood sharply, almost defiantly. He could not feel his legs as he strode to his chosen seat. He found himself taking a seat not at his sorted table with his house, but next to his sister, at the Slytherin table. The cheering quickly faded and stopped as he took his seat. Murmuring soon followed, and the teachers looked at each other, and then to the headmaster, who calmly signaled for Professor McGonagall to continue, which she did. The murmuring also faded as the sorting continued, but many continued to stare and glance at Adrias. He could feel Antonia rubbing his arm concernedly, but he could not hear her. 
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year ago
This isn’t too much of a spoiler so I’m fine revealing it bc it’s funny but I like to think at first Rath only half told James the truth about his father because he didn’t want to give James the ick
Suzy: How is the boys…pedigree.
James: I knew you would ask, don’t worry, Ráðulfr’s father owns a factory. It’s surrounded by a town entirely made up of their staff. Isn’t that right Mr Heir to the Family Business you?~
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frostcorpsclub · 2 years ago
Forgive me if you've answered this already but I've been on a Norse kick and I was wondering:
How much Norse-related things has Santa taught Rudy and Angelica?
I remember the one piece that Santa read to little Rudy, but I'd like to know just how much he's told
Santa moreso taught them coming of age things when they were younger but that tapered off as they both got older.
Rath just wasn't super interested on top of the studying he was made to do as the anti christ, later being swept off to normal human school so he could make some friends and try and become better adjusted.
Angelica was more interested though especially since she stayed around Santa more than Rath did as a kid, she's being set up to eventually take over the clerical and managerial work that Santa has to do at the North Pole which left them with plenty of time to talk!
She's not really in the position to apply a lot of traditions or things that would be expected of her (I don't personally see Santa as one to practice stuff that he did growing up as a viking EVERY DAY, as he's more concerned with what HE wants to do above all else, not to mention he wasnt fully accepted by the people he lived around) but there are things that the whole family has adapted to doing as they just became parts of Santa's values.
Keeping cleanly, keeping their word (more like don't get caught breaking their oaths, less focus on not doing so in the first place), etc.
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frostcorpsclub · 2 years ago
Thank you to @cornerofhell for making me think of it, Rath and Angelica's middle names are
Lið-Bófi and Þióðhildr (the first letter is pronounced like th) respectively
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frostcorpsclub · 2 years ago
i really wanna do more with rudy because he is just as bad as james sometimes, especially with ego id say its-
james: the regina george kind of popular, untouchable, has actually ruined many lives, starts trends and wrecks homes
rath: like those kpop boys who people put together edits for of them making stupid pouty faces, doesnt have to actually say his opinions because he can coast through life with people projecting on him and just act stupid so he doesn't get in trouble, pretends to be a himbo
and together they make members of a boyband that the managers love to queerbait with
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frostcorpsclub · 3 months ago
Hot take to myself, but I think Santa has some teeny tiny sliver of affection for his kids somewhere inside
Maybe it's because Rath looks and acts just like his mother, maybe it's because Angelica looks so much like him and is the closest thing he has to a fellow viking
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frostcorpsclub · 3 months ago
Halloween is SO fun in the Frost house, Suzy is genuinely at her warmest because she's following clown code and James of course loves the performance of it all
I was looking at my art of him as Maleficent and imagining him coming down the grand staircase in the manor. Pyrotechnics of red and blue go off behind him and he summons down his crow familiar. Which is Rath in a costume, flying down with wires of course.
The real star of the show is little Kimmy running out from under James' robes dressed as Princess Aurora of course
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