#random side note about Damien: he fucking hates wearing blue
oneletteredwondered · 6 years
Uuuhhhh sanders sides mental hospital au with a bunch of cliches that literally no one asked for but it's also a soulmate au????
uhh warnings for disorder talk, suicide mention, swearing?
Polyamsanders mostly
Main story line?
When Virgil was a kid his parents were nice and all, but they did punish him for seemingly random things
They had him do chores a very specific way and if it wasn't done that way, he had to do it again and again to make sure it was proper
It resulted in him having a very high anxiety disorder, both socially and in general
He found he couldn't talk to a lot of people afraid to mess up, and over thinking how he messed up
Especially when it came to his soulmates
Had never written to them, refused to look at their notes, didn't think he would be able to keep them with how he is
Does not do well in messy environments, not necessarily OCD, but close
When he managed to move out his anxiety left his home foodless, and he couldn't talk to get food, so he went hungry
Ended up a cycle and punishment system for himself
Can't talk so can't eat, couldn't talk don't deserve to eat
Someone found him passed out in the laundry room of his apartment complex
Doctors found him extremely malnourished and unable to communicate, so they sent him to the mental hospital to get better
Virgil had the absolute worst time adjusting, had multiple panic attacks every day for like a week straight
He wouldn't talk to anyone and could barely be forced out of bed to join group sessions or meal times
Barely ate anything and almost passed out again
After two weeks of straight up anxiety and no food exhaustion, he finally got tired enough to actually talk to his therapist
Dr Picani is wonderful, says things light hearted and never tries to pry. The kind of therapist to make a small joke or reference to make sure his clients aren't having huge breakdowns
Virgil does open up to him, they decide to tackle the anorexia first
It's difficult to convince Virgil he’s worthy of eating and that food should never under any circumstances be used negatively
But they manages to get him to at least eat something and that's a start
The first time Picani asks about virgil’s soulmate, Virgil has a panic attack
And every time after as well
Come to find out the word 'soulmate' is triggering to him
Sudden flashes of hunger pains and a blinding feeling he's not worth it
They start using the word heartbound
Virgil starts trying to hang out and talk to some of the other residents
Has a panic attack before he can say hi, but the others walk him back to his room and invite him to hang out later
He does, and its good for his recovery
It takes some time to get virgil proper anxiety medication, his body rejects the first two, throwing up and feeling too tired
Virgil wants to stop feeling helpless and so scared all the time, wants to start getting better
They get him on a small dose of one kind, and it works for a while
Picani convinces Virgil that even if he wants to get better on his own, his heartbounds deserve to know he exists, that Virgil shouldn't be afraid to do so
So Virgil does, with overwhelming support from people he doesn't know
He doesn't talk to them, but he no longer hides their notes from himself
Visiting/progress update day is coming up, and with Picani there to tell him it's okay, Virgil writes the address of the hospital asking them to come
He gets confirmation and is able to calm himself out of an attack before it can really start
It's a good day
They carefully raise his dosage till he can be more personable, more himself
He's shaking visiting day, a message on his arm that his heartbounds will be wearing black, blue, and red respectively
So when three people walk in, one in a black button up with the sleeves rolled up to their elbows, another in a blue tee with a design on it that looks like it could be a grandma sweater, and another in a red shirt with white sleeves and heeled boots, Virgil almost faints
There's a lot going for him and it's hard to handle
So the one in the blue sweater is the first to notice Virgil staring bugeyed at them and just knows
So they all go over to him and Virgil stands in a daze and just falls into their arms, clinging to each of them with all he has
They whisper words of encouragement and love and someone is kissing his head and hands and gosh there's a lot going on
The actual session is good, Picani tells virgil’s heartbounds his progress (eating more, anxiety medication getting to the right spot, self confidence boosted) and they are so happy and proud!!!!
Almost a panic attack when they mention 'soulmate', Virgil manages to coax himself out of it while Picani carefully explains triggers
It's a tearful and loving goodbye and Virgil is sure he might just explode because his mind had thought about this moment before and it's never been this good and this is real and oh god hes crying and now the other ones are crying and hugging him and it's a lot
He's damn exhausted at the end of the day
But he has his heartbound now, and it's okay
Eventually he does get out, better, happier, healthier, and his heartbound are 170% so ready to have him in their lives
Other character notes
Picani and Logan are brothers, Picani is older by 6 years
Picani has cute art all over his session room, also a bunch of blankets
Always has candy
Studied psychology because of his soulmate, wanted to help them get better
Turns out you can't be your soulmates therapist so oops
He likes his job a lot anyways
Logan is a history professor
He's also on the autistic spectrum
Very sound sensitive
Doesn't understand social cues a lot, not sure how to properly small talk, and ends up leaving out information that might be important
Such as telling his brother Picani that he has another soulmate who is in therapy who finally talked to him, the day Virgil writes to his soulmates for the first time
He doesn't understand why he's being teased for this
Gets in the habit of telling Virgil "this is a comfortable silence for me" because sometimes Logan will just stop and think and its.. very quiet
He also says obvious things, because honestly, it's nice for Virgil
"I find your company an enjoyable addition to my life" "this conversation is pleasant, I am just done talking now"
Hyperfixation on space and stars and history
Stims upset but clenching and unclenching his hands, happy stims by tapping
Patton works at a daycare center
Has adhd
It's hard for him to sit still and focus, can't remember a lot of things no matter how often hes been told
Has every single fidget product ever
Works best when he has three things to do at once
When he gets into hyperfocus, it's really difficult to get him out of it
Ends up skipping meals and other daily activities because of it
Wet himself once because he knew that if he moved from his spot he would never get back into the same groove
He's very embarrassed by this fact
Hyperfixates on dog and cat breeds
Roman does a bunch of shit
Acts, dances, designs, creates, anything that involves doing and 'art' has doing it
Has manic depressive bipolar disorder
His room is atrocious and there are half finished projects everywhere
He can never seem to complete anything, and when he does he hates it
His depressive episodes come about after finishing things or having not finished something in a long time
He feels worthless and that he can't do anything
His lows are not often, but they hit hard.
He's very dead to the world in such a state, likes it when Logan reads to him
Was treated by Picani too
They have all been living together for three years before getting their first message from virgil
Patton FLIPPED OUT, Roman screamed, and Logan kind of just went 'oh' but they could tell he was happy because he kept tapping his hands to his legs
At the hospital virgil made friends with the following people:
Elliot is one of the first to welcome Virgil and always invited Virgil to hang with the rest of them, no matter how many times Virgil said no
Virgil walks past the hang out room, he calls to ask if he wants to hang out, virgil shakes his head hard and runs. every day for like a month until virgil says yes.
Got really happy when Virgil said yes
In the hospital to get over trauma from an abusive relationship, flinches a lot
Declan, is, an asshole
He's also a pathological liar
has scratches down the side of his face from when one of his parents threw a vase at him
No one knows what is real name is, said is was felio, fabian, Damien, declan, dimitri, dolos, lionel, loki, belial, cody, and on one momentous occasion, Samantha
Most of the names he give a start with d, so most just call him Dee or declan, its the name he gives out most
Sometimes hell ask to be called a certain name for a day, everyone just rolls with it
Declan learned to lie and lie well due to overly strict and picky parents, it was to protect himself from them and even protect his older brother who was a lot softer than him
older brother, who is actually called fabian, is there for him on visiting day.
Will say something, wince, take a deep breath, then say the truth with a lot of effort
Writing is so much easier for him
Has insane trust issues, his name being one of them, only his family really know it
Has only told his soulmate his name
Picani knows his name, won’t tell anyone
Is also an asshole but like in a nice way?
Fucking loud to compensate for how tired he really is
In his own words, ‘has insomnia and is depressed A-F’
Wanted to kill himself
Will claim Starbucks saved his life to be dramatic, only few people know why, declan virgil and picani know
Remy is the kind of depressed where he wouldn’t kill himself because of 'future obligation’
'My parents aren’t home I could easily do it but I told them I would feed the cats and they wont get fed if i do it now’ or 'i have so much time but I told my friend i would edit their essay and I need to do that first’
Went out with friends to just dick around, got a stupid fancy drink at Starbucks, and told his mom about it when he got home
Decided he would kill himself tomorrow, he gave his friends one last good memory, told his mom he loved her, he was ready
Next day his mom give a him a 50$ gift card to starbucks, told him it’s for him and his friends because that’s the happiest she’s seen him in so long
He fucking broke down because he can’t kill himself now, he can’t waste her money or her kindness but he’s so fucking tired and so done and he can’t do it anymore
She supports him as best she can and gets him to the hospital
During visiting day she brings his friends, all wearing matching sunglasses, and a coffee carrier with like five different drinks all for him
They all scream at each other happily and they talk about how much better he looks, how much happier
His friends are the slowmo super heroes and sun and moon
No one in the hospital knows his soulmate or if he even has one
uhh taadaa! do with this what you will
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