#rambling team unite! whooo!
It is so strange that Chanyeol is going off for army... I don't know why. Baek's turn is probably coming up too right? I haven't really been keeping up on EXO since they started enlisting...
It's also weird that D.O and Xiumin are back...
I think in conclusion, until every last EXO member has served army and return... it will be weird to see them promoting again.
Actually, no, screw that. I just don't think I will ever get used to them returning...
It feels like a "post army" effect with KPOP cause it feels like this too with SUJU...but thinking about it, when SHINEE 'came back', it didn't feel as awkward...
Is it because SHINEE generally came back with all their members (well, minus one.. May he rest in peace)? Due to SUJU's and EXO's size, whenever one returns from army, another one leaves...
Makes me wonder about NCT... sure they are mostly international... I've seen the memes. I guess they're also structured in a way that when one unit is mostly off in army (127 for instance), the other korean team is still around (I.e. Dream). Of course the 'non-korean' team/teams will also be around to keep the game running. Heaven knows if SM will debut another korean team under NCT...
I think another reason why I feel it is so weird that Chanyeol and Baekhyun are ultimately going off to army is that they're my age... in Singapore, guys my age have generally finished their army (National Service) and are doing their reservist... the saying had always been that they enter army as boys (18 to 20 years old in general) and leave as men (in their early 20s).. I've always thought how much of a man are you/can you be when you are still in your early 20s?... like... the KPOP boys in their early 20s, who have yet been to army are still seen as boys. Will they be seen as 'men' too after they served? Then it will definitely be weird that Singaporean guys are men in their early 20s but Korean guys aren't yet?
I know the criteria, rules, procedures and requirements for serving NS in SG and SK differs but I guess that is why I find some things weird... my brain couldn't register.
Any whooo... I am obviously just rambling here. Hahah. Have a nice day everyone!
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