#rage replies
midnightfire830 · 3 months
Hello sigma, if you have the time would you please bring out some more blackout cup head art, no pressure ofc, I just think it's unappreciated in the fandom, even if it shouldn't be, I just thinks it's neat😋
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How about a redraw of the OG comic? (I just realized this panel isn’t grammatically correct lmao)
I agree. Cuphead during a blackout isn’t given nearly enough attention (prolly bc we haven’t officially seen one in IM outside of what’s in the comic) *cough* someone should totally make a fanfic or write it into IM *cough cough*
Also thanks for the request! ive been needing more prompts to draw lmao. If you want me to draw more request feel free. I’ve got nothing else atm. 😭
Also! Bonus OG comic redraw!
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Thanks so much for the request!!!
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anghraine · 1 month
Is there a good post outlining all the evidence against Gaiman? I know the podcast has it and that's what people pointed to me, but considering it has been days I was wondering if someone had gathered it all into seperate post so one does not have to listen to someone advertising their work every few minutes in order to listen to the important parts.
Belatedly (given that at least three other women have accused him since my post), there are some. The best of the original ones is probably "Manufacturing Consent" by Annabel Ross, but there are also transcriptions of the original accusations that, iirc, weed out some of the editorializing and focus on the raw material (which is, just be warned, very raw).
This (long) thread provides the important links in terms of the accusations conveyed by Tortoise, I think (a more to-the-point list is here at muccamukk's Dreamwidth account). I included the long thread because I'm in strong agreement with the final person in the chain that, Tortoise's many failings notwithstanding, they provided enough evidence for the SF/F community to judge and respond more appropriately than with a collective blanket of silence punctuated by occasional cavalier or desperate dismissals of the accusers, before the other accusations broke.
In all honesty, I'm pretty appalled by the idea that, well, now there's enough to start talking about it with a modicum of decency and respect but wasn't before, because apparently it was okay to use trans people (who had nothing to do with any of this) to justify defending a cis guy beloved of fandom from very thorough rape accusations.
I particularly feel this way about the parts of the community dedicated to publicizing news and major ongoing discussions that simply said and did nothing. Scalzi's "I'm horrified, might take awhile to process, here's a link to RAINN" personal statement was fine (Vernon's wasn't), and I don't think every random author was obligated to make their own statement as such. But spaces that exist specifically for covering ongoing discussions and news in the SF/F community not saying anything at all—even that the allegations existed—was far worse and really disheartening. So I wanted to link to a discussion that acknowledges how very few people lived up to their stated principles when there was solid evidence against an influential, popular man in their own circles who knows the right catchphrases and terminology.
I was particularly unimpressed with Mike Glyer's handling of discussion at File 770 and, as far as I could tell, Tor only acknowledging the whole thing on their German-language site. The German article seems to be very good, but ... they're based in NYC and Gaiman is an English-language writer, why was their only commentary for weeks shunted away from the English site? US law should absolutely cover acknowledging the existence of the accusations.
There was, let's say, a lot of disappointment to go around, so I'm also grateful for the other women who kept the ball rolling, awful as it is that they a) had similar experiences and b) had to reveal those to get the whole thing taken seriously.
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ash-and-starlight · 10 months
Hello Ash.
I just finished She Who Became the Sun and I’m crying. Dying. Dead. Deceased. Thank you for jumpstarting the ripping out, stepping on, roasting, and eating of my heart that has just transpired.
Aside from the obvious Zhu and Ouyang, what’s your favorite character parallel in the first book?
HIII thank you THANK YOU im so happy the propaganda got you too <33 and HMM much to think about!! I will say that it's been a couple of years (I think?) since I read swbts so the details are fuzzy but one of my fave parallels are between Ouyang and Baoxiang, especially for how strong they become in hwdtw too. They are both seen as lesser and not conforming to the "male" mongol ideal, ouyang because he's a eunuch, wbx because he's not a warrior. They both go against their roles in a very explicit and performative way: ouyang by becoming a war machine and truly embodying the masculinity of a mongol warrior despite his inability to truly ever being considered one bc of his mutilation, wbx by refusing to become a warrior and acting super feminine (genuinely don't remember how much of it is genuine and how much is out of sheer spite but id say at some point the lines got blurred for him too. the guy has Problems.) Something something "femininity" being forced on someone vs being choosen and its Consequences. They hate each other. they're scheming together. they're scheming against each other. they loved Esen. they had to kill him. being gay is a curse. being gay is a game and i am winning. they fucked each other in a parallel reality. and most importantly they're twinks. this does not even begin to cover how insane their dynamic truly is.
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bedforddanes75 · 4 months
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never occurred to me he has actual haters
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lanaevyssmoved · 11 months
i wrote this in replies to a mutual but actually it deserves to be its own post that gets expanded on
gonna be real fandoms generalised interpretation of gale is ooc
lets be honest, hes the normal ass brown haired white guy that looks so like all the other brown haired white guys people (you know who) obsess over and they all do the same thing. lets turn him into generic very nice man who loves us muchly and will fall in line perfectly with our happily ever after headcanons. its not about /gale/, its about him aesthetically fitting the mold perfectly
lets ignore his flaws and his hubris and his mental illness and his chronic pain and how he gets pissed off at his students and how obsessive he is over his research and how his passions in life fall in line perfectly with 'hermit man that has no social circle and no children'
basically. woobified gale is real and i hate it
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crimeronan · 19 days
Odalia stop being the actual worst challenge: Impossible
I love the image of Hunter and Amity doing their usual bitey bitchy Thing and Odalia going “Yes, Good Amity Undermine and Destroy Him” meanwhile Luz is looking at the same image and is going “Aww they’re such good friends :)”
The funniest part is that Luz is Right
LITERALLY. amity is like oh man i need to make sure my mom NEVER finds out how many ribs of hunter's i've already broken or how many times he's broken my nose. because she will be INSUFFERABLE.
odalia: yes, fight for your girlfriend's favor :) destroy your opponent :) humiliate him and watch him slink off to lick his wounds :) make her invested :) make her concerned :) maybe even make her jealous :)
amity: ....jealous of WHAT. my NOSE SPURTING BLOOD??
odalia: ;)
odalia: ;D
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Why is there no Vargram fanart or anything for him at all?! D:
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Oh deeeear.....
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This specific issue is the absolutely awful dumb thing that rotted the whole artistic side of the fandom. Fromsoft, the absolute buffons, the complete and utter FOOLS, decided that it was a wonderful idea to straight up erase a character with established lore (!), and outfit unique to him (!!!), so they can instead use his drip under guise of 'John Eldenring'.
Do you even realise? Can you even begin to comprehend my pain? When 90% of the shitposts and fanarts featuring "default Tarnished" instead draw VARGRAM and not even care? Yes, I get that, he is somewhat easy to miss because he is encountered through following the Volcano Manor quest, and Fromsoft shoves him on every promo and all. But like, how does no one still have the sense of wonder to read the description of so-called "default Tarnished" and see that it is NOT their!!! AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, as for the ACTUAL default Tarnished wear, a much better choice is the Knight Set, also known as Tutorial Set!
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It is not worn by any NPC in the game, it is not attached to any pre-existing character, it is sold by Twin Maiden husks in the Roundtable Hold and it is the set that appears on the tutorial windows! If you own digital artbook for SoTE, you can also confirm this is the set used for the player there!
And yet, Fromsoft chose to ensure erasure of pre-established character in the fanarts. I'd say 49% of the fans don't even know Vargram exists, other 49% decide that erasing a minor NPC is not a big deal for more "aesthetically pleasing" default Tarnished, and the remaining 2% are me, you, Fantomette and Val. xD
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Y’all seeing what I’m seeing right ??
( what’s a King to a god )
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
plonks a raccoon skeleton down
Danny is Old. not old, but Old. he has seen the creation and destruction of many universes.
they've faded from his mind, but he will always remember the first. his home
this new universe has heroes, so so many heroes.
he wishes he had them in his universe, maybe they could've stopped the destruction of his home
with most universes, he simply watches and interferes only when absolutely necessary. but this universe...... it whispers to him, compelling him to "stay" and "help"
he asks Clockwork, but the old ghost just gives him a cryptic smile and says "this will be good for you"
so now here he is. standing in front of a blown up warehouse in Ethiopia holding a small too small TOO SMALL kid in his arms
he doesn't know what to do, but his core thrums with protectprotectprotect and he knows.
this kid is his now
Okokok this is so incredibly sad but I raise you:
Batman sees this figure grab Jason from the rubble and then float into the sky going god knows where.
This bastard just took his son.
And he’s going to do everything to get him back
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ppl who come under posts where eldest siblings are venting abt the hardships they experienced due to being the eldest sibling like “actually this is middle sibling coded this happens to youngest siblings because of ppl like you this experience doesn’t belong to you where is the younger sibling rep” STOPPP i get it these are realities that exist for ppl who aren’t eldest siblings yes I KNOW every family situation is different maybe your older sister sucked maybe you had to take take care of your siblings idk idk idk but for fucks sake let people vent without invalidating them??? shit like this is WHY eldest siblings have complexes lmaooooo leave us ALONE and make your own post!!!
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dogdownloader · 1 year
thinking about how when i was 10 i wrote like a 4 page global warming psa to my whole class and one girl replied that she doesnt believe in global warming and i got so fucking mad i started typing in red text
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midnightfire830 · 3 months
Can I request some Cuphead blackout angst?
Sorry if I'm bothering you
Have a good day,take care,eat good,sleep good,stay hydrated ECT ECT you are loved midnight :)
Have a great day and take care :3
Of course! Damn everyone rlly loves rampage blackout cup art! XD
And dont worry im not bothered what so ever! I love these requests people are sending in! Gives me something to do on my vacation.
This one I think is what I think would happen when mugs first sees cup in a blackout.
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Enjoy Bella!! Thanks so much for the request and I wish you a wonderful day!
Thanks for the request!
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thevioletcaptain · 4 months
Dean’s not staring. He’s definitely not staring.
He’s so consciously and deliberately not staring that he sinks down a little lower in the driver’s seat of the Impala, just in case Cas happens to glance over and see him from where he’s standing like some kind of calendar model on the opposite side of the Smith Center Public Swimming Pool.
Not because he thinks he’s doing anything wrong, though. Cas is hot, and Dean knows that Cas is hot. He's long past having a crisis about the fact that he wants the guy. But he's off limits. He can't quite remember why he'd decided that he was off limits, but he's sure he had a good reason for it.
So he's not staring. And he's not hiding, either.
It's just that Dean doesn’t want Cas to see his face through the windshield, all distorted by the glare of the summer sun, and mistakenly think that he is staring.
Because he’s not.
But. Well. It’s kind of hard not to look, is the thing.
And looking isn’t staring. It’s just — seeing. With his eyes. Which he kind of can’t help but do. And is that a crime? Is it a crime to see?
Anyway, Cas is the one who decided to buy himself a neon green Speedo for the adult swimming lessons he’s insisted on taking now that he’s human again, and it’s hardly Dean’s fault if his eye is naturally drawn to bright colors.
That’s just… evolution. He thinks he read that somewhere, once. Survival instincts, ingrained over countless generations and hardwired into his monkey brain, so that he won’t accidentally put poisonous tree frogs in his mouth or whatever.
Not that he's letting his monkey brain take control right now. Not that he’s thinking of putting his mouth anywhere near Cas’ —
“You can’t park here.”
He jumps, his forearm pressing hard into the horn, and half a dozen people — Cas included — all turn to stare at him from the poolside.
Now they're staring. Not just looking. Definitely staring. Dean knows the difference.
Cas lifts his hand and waves.
It’s probably Dean’s imagination, given the distance, but he’s pretty sure he can see a bead of water — maybe sweat — trickling down his side. It starts near his armpit. Trails down over his ribs.
As Dean watches — looks, really, just happens to see — Cas pushes his fingers through his hair, and shakes his head, and an arc of droplets sparkles through the air around him before he drops his hand back down and wipes it off on his thigh. And now his thigh is wet again.
Who gave him the right to fucking glisten like that? Who the hell does he think he is?
Dragging his eyes away from Cas, Dean glances up at the woman ducking down to peer in at him through his open window. She’s wearing a navy blue polo with the pool’s logo, and she’s missed a spot with her sunscreen, so there’s an oddly shaped patch of red in the middle of her forehead. The pinched-mouth expression on her face suggests that perhaps she's spoken to him more times than he’d noticed. He shakes his head a little.
“Huh, sorry, what?”
“You can’t park here,” she says, tone harsher than before, and points up at the staff only sign he’d missed when he arrived.
In his defense, the sign is kind of dull, and decidedly not brightly colored, and by the time he’d been pulling into the space, he’d already been kind of distracted by Cas and his glow-in-the-dark-and-the-daytime-too crotch.
Some part of him — the monkey brain, probably — desperately wants his eyes to flick back over toward the pool to see if Cas has decided to do any more post-swim stretching. He valiantly fights it. The effort uses enough brain power that he barely remembers that he's probably supposed to respond to the woman talking to him.
“Oh,” he says, finally.
She waits. Raises her brow. He figures he should say more.
“I’m not actually— I’m not staying. I’m just here to pick someone up. I mean, heh, that sounded wrong. I’m not trying to pick someone up, like, trying to score. I’m just here to pick up a guy. My friend. In my car. To drive him home.”
The woman’s eyes narrow a little, and she half opens her mouth like she’s not quite sure how to respond to his rambling but fully intends to, but before she can get a word out Cas is there, pulling open the passenger door. The hinges creak.
The scent of chlorine and sunscreen and Cas floods Dean's senses.
He glances over, no longer able to force himself not to, and has to bite down on his own lip to keep from letting out a deeply embarrassing noise when he finds him spreading his towel out on the seat so he can sit down, still wearing his Speedo. He drops the string bag with his change of clothes into the footwell and grins at Dean as he climbs inside.
"Don't worry, I won't get your car wet," he says.
Dean's brain is making a strange buzzing sound.
"Uhuh," he says.
“Sir,” the woman cuts in again.
Dean doesn’t even look at her, this time. Just waves a hand in the air and starts the engine as Cas buckles in. Pulls the seatbelt taut across his lap.
"You need to move."
"Yeah, we're going," Dean says.
“See you next week, Doreen,” Cas tells her cheerfully.
“Yeah,” Dean says, but his eyes don’t leave Cas. Maybe he is staring, just a little. “Maybe I’ll come, too.” [written for this prompt game] [find me on ao3 as imogenbynight 💚]
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autogeneity · 6 months
I'm so fucking mad
the earlier psychiatrist (stand-in at the facility) I saw for adhd halved my bupropion dose when she started me on methylphenidate, because she didn't want to have me on too much stimulants. ok.
then I asked for a dose increase on the methylphenidate, and had to see the current psychiatrist. she eliminated the bupropion entirely. I was hesitant about this and said as much.
predictably, this sucked, and I still don't think the methylphenidate is helping, so I was like, okay so never mind the ADHD treatment can I just go back to the way things were before.
she is only giving me the halved dose of bupropion back. for what reason??? I will not be on any additional stimulants??
she's like "oh we can always increase it later if necessary" and like. bitch we have already known for years what dose worked well for me. WHY do you want to spend time making my life worse to investigate a non-question
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lcvlettrs · 3 months
OPEN TO: @imvgincs
WHO: Noir [Zakaria] & Jinx [Sooji
LOCATION: The League's Base [Training Room]
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"Are my eyes deceiving me?" Zak's voice thundered across the training room as he caught sight of none other than Sooji. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Short Stack," he quipped, his grin giving off smugness. "To what do I owe this special occasion? Is it my birthday already? Feels like it's been ages since I've seen you around here."
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idleyuki · 1 year
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Quick redesign of Raging Bolt after the dlc trailer, because it caught me completely off guard in a bad way, but i wanted to see if a couple small changes could make me like it a bit more! (design discussion under the cut)
I mean the long neck is the obvious thing, right? For me, the problem isn't the long-ification of Raikou itself, but more its head- it has the same problem as the Therian forms for me, in that it just looks like Raikou's head plastered onto another creature's body. The body is super stocky and square in a way that means that Raikou's round face looks super out of place. I feel losing Raikou's round 'sideburns' and changing the shape of its armoured head to more closely resemble that of a diplodocus, for example, would make the design look a lot less jarring
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The red colouring is also a little strange to me- bright colours on pokemon designs can be a little hit or miss for me, as I feel it can make them feel less grounded if done wrong, and for me the red of Raging Bolt's design is just one colour too many. I changed it to black in my iteration to more closely match Raikou's colouring, and although I appreciate how the marking on Raging Bolt's design is meant to mirror Raikou's, I felt the design was getting a little clustered, and experimented with removing it
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My last big change was to Raging Bolt's neck cloud. I really like how they brought Raikou's trail around Raging Bolt's neck as though it's head is poking through the cloud layer- it's a cute way to emphasise its height and connection to thunder clouds, and makes its body look like a lightning bolt. My main problem here is how the looks in the pokemon's splash art when it's static- it's strangely round and uniform. I feel like the intention is that it's meant to look like a swirling storm cloud, with Raging Bolt as the eye in the centre, but it being flat and seemingly attached to Raging Bolt, meaning it can't swirl around, diminishes the effect.
In addition, in Raikou's design, the pokemon's head seems to be the cloud with the trail more invoking wind. Because of this, I wanted to change the neck cloud to look like it was being blown behind Raging Bolt. This version is attached to the back of Raging Bolt's neck so it can come away like a scarf as shown in the trailer, but this way it retains a sense of motion and regality even when standing still
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