#radio company gifs
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source https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe3ru13K/
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justjensenanddean · 1 month
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Jensen Ackles | Radio Company Live Concert | Austin, August 20, 2024 [Zrreik96]
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klauslovecaroline · 7 months
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Happy 46th birthday Jensen Ackles!
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Jenna do you take requests and if so can you gif Jensen's little booty dance from the performance today
yeah sure why not i'll take requests!
i hope this is what you're talking about:
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radio company || austin, texas - night 2
*in the future (and fyi for anyone else) if you wanna be sure im giffing what you want when you send a request you can send a link to the video! or if it's an spn episode just tell me what episode/scene. can't guarantee i'll always be able to do it but i'll always try!
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deansraspberrypie · 1 month
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Jensen Ackles ❤️‍🔥🥵🤘🔥
Radio Company Live Concert | Austin, August 20, 2024
Video: KeepFrmDrowning (Twitter)
🍰 Tag list: @undisputedchick2 @jranutter @kazsrm67 🥧
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kittybitx · 19 days
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i want him so bad.. goddamn!!
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ughmerlin · 8 months
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— WATCHING OVER ME, radio company
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 1 month
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The struggle to not abandon my current WIP for some rockstar!Jensen is real...
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Radio Company in Austin #1&2!
I was gonna share some screenshots, but my room where I was watching is an absolute sauna and I needed to get out to our little air conditioner in the living room. Lol!!
But I'm gonna keep sharing all the incredible shots other people have captured so beautifully.
I was only going to go watch last night's concert (on Stage It) but I loved last night's so much, I just HAD to watch tonight's too!
Both concerts were absolutely stellar! Loved every second!! 😍
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winchesterwild78 · 2 months
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A Short Story
Characters: Jensen x Reader, Steve Carlson, Abby-Org Char
Warnings: None, just fluff
A/N: This is just a short story I came up with while listening to Radio Company today. The timeline for this story is before Jensen and Steve released their first Radio Company album. Inner dialogue in italics. This is a work of fiction, not a reflection of real life. Jensen is single in this story. No disrespect to anyone. 
This is my own work, please do not take it or copy it without my permission. I wrote it fast and edited it fast. Please overlook any errors. 
Minors DNI 16+
Here you were, your first day at Arlyn Studios in Austin Texas. You hadn’t been in Texas long, but you were excited to have found a job so quickly. Your cousin knows the owner and told you they were looking for someone to help out around the studio doing odd jobs like answering the phone, helping the talent, cleaning the studio, etc. 
You interviewed and a few hours later you got the call with the job offer. The hours varied, the pay was amazing, plus you got to be around music and musicians all day. So, here you were ready to start the day. You were shown around the studio, given your badge and key, introduced to the other staff and given your agenda for the day. 
Your day started with making sure the studio was ready for the next band coming in. This included making coffee, cleaning the equipment and being available for whatever was needed. You started the coffee and went about cleaning the equipment. Standing in the vocal booth you started cleaning the microphones and stands. You had your headphones in and were singing and dancing while you cleaned. 
You didn’t notice the two men standing in the control room watching you. Continuing cleaning, you belted out song after song, swaying your hips to the beat. You looked at the time, figuring the band would be there soon and you decided to leave the room. You looked up and saw the two men standing there and you jumped, pulling your headphones from your ears.
“Oh my God! I didn’t know anyone was standing there. I’m so sorry.” You blushed with embarrassment. The two men chuckled. The one closest to you, you could see clearly. He extended his hand, “Hello I’m Steve Carlson, and you are?” You cleared your throat, extended your hand, “Oh, I’m Y/N. I just started today. I am so sorry Mr. Carlson, I thought you wouldn’t be here for at least another 10 minutes. I’ll grab your coffee.” “Please, call me Steve, and you’re fine. You have a very beautiful voice, and some pretty sick dance moves.” He smiled at you and you hung your head blushing. 
“Well, Steve, thank you, but I should get out of your way.” You noticed the other man standing off to the side, but his back was to you. He didn’t speak to you, but there was something familiar about him. You walked out of the room and went to grab two coffees. Abby came up to you and had a huge smile on her face.
“Abby, what’s wrong with you? You look like the cat that just ate the canary.” She giggled “I saw you just leave the studio with Steve Carlson, do you know who’s in there with him?” “No, I didn’t get a good look at him. Who is it?” “Oh my god, Y/N, it’s Jensen Ackles! You know the actor.”
“What? No way, why is he here?” “Apparently he and Steve are good friends and they started a band. They are here to record some of their songs.” “Oh wow, that’s awesome. Well I better get this coffee in there. Bye, Abby, see you later.”
Is Abby right? Is that really THE Jensen Ackles in there? You walked back in the studio to give Steve and the mystery man their coffee. You handed Steve his and he thanked you. “Hey, Jens man, coffee is here.” The mystery man turned around and you came face to face with the gorgeous green eyed man. It was Jensen Ackles. You thought you would faint. He reached for the coffee and his fingers brushed against yours. Sending a jolt of electricity through your skin. “Thank you, darlin’. Y/N, was it?” “Um, yes. Um, hi, and you’re Jensen Ackles.”
He smiled and nodded, “Last time I checked I was. It’s nice to meet you, and Steve was right, you do have a beautiful voice. I hope I can hear it again soon.” Your cheeks filled with heat and you blushed. 
You nodded sheepishly. “Um, do y’all need anything else right now?” “Nope, we’re good. Why don’t you have a seat here in the control room in case we need anything else.” Jensen said. You smiled “Sure, I need to let Abby know I’ll be in here, but I’ll be back.” Jensen nodded and you left the room.
“Dude, what’s wrong with you? You’re acting like a teenager.” Steve laughed at Jensen. Jensen ran his hands through his hair and smiled. “Nothing man, what are you talking about?” “Oh I don’t know, maybe the way you’re fawning over Y/N.” “I’m just being nice, man. She seems sweet and she’s new. I wanted her to feel welcomed.” “Uh huh, sure, Jens. Whatever you say.” Steve chuckled. 
You walked back in the control room with snacks and set them down. “I brought some snacks for you guys in case you got hungry.” “That’s really sweet of you, thanks Y/N.” Steve said, smirking at Jensen. 
Jensen shook his head, laughing and walked into the vocal booth to get set up for the song he was about to sing. You sat down on the couch behind Steve and watched Jensen get ready to sing. “Okay, Jens, go ahead and sing “Drowning”. Take it from the top and we will do one run through.” Jensen nodded and a melody started playing. You weren’t prepared for his voice when he started singing. 
Your jaw fell and you gasped. Steve turned around, looking at you and smiled. “He sounds good, doesn’t he, Y/N?” You nodded yes. You watched Jensen intently as he sang each word. Chills ran through your body as each cord played and Jensen’s silky voice filled the air. You nervously shifted in your seat and bit your lip.
What was this man doing to you? His voice was like an angel and he was the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen. You’d been a fan for years, and lord knows what you’d do with and to him, given the chance. Lost in thought you didn’t realize the song had ended and Jensen was now in the control room. 
“So, Y/N, what did you think? Jensen asked as he sat beside you. Startled out of your thoughts you turned and looked at him. “Oh, um, yeah. That was incredible Jensen. I didn’t know you could sing like that.” A crimson hue rushed over your cheeks. He touched your hand “Thank you. That’s really nice of you.”
Steve cleared his throat, you and Jensen looked over at him and you smiled. “Well it’s my turn, Jensen I’m going to go sing my backup part for the song. Are you good?” Jensen nodded and sat at the control panel. Steve leaned over and whispered something in Jensen’s ear and looked over at you. 
It made you nervous but you tried to act like it didn’t. As Steve walked into the vocal booth, Jensen turned and looked at you. “Hey, Y/N, why don’t you come sit next to me and see how all this works.” He motioned to the control panel. You nodded enthusiastically. 
Taking a seat next to Jensen you looked in the vocal room and saw Steve. He smiled and waved. Jensen chuckled and you laughed. “He’s a big kid. We’ve been friends for years, and he is always so fun to be around.” “I can see that.” You smiled. You saw out of the corner of your eye Jensen was staring at you. You turned and looked at him, making eye contact and both of you turned and blushed. 
You smiled and could feel butterflies in your stomach. Suddenly you got very nervous and needed to leave the room. “Um, I’ll be right back.” You said as you stood up to leave. Jensen turned and looked at you, with concern filling his eyes. Did I freak her out by staring at her? Damnit, Jensen. She probably thinks you’re a creep. I need to focus on this album. I can’t let my mind wander, but there’s something about her. She’s got the most gorgeous smile, and her eyes are so beautiful. I bet she’s seeing someone. Ugh!
“Um, hello. Earth to Jensen. Did you hear me man?” Steve called from inside the booth. Jensen flipped the switch to talk to Steve. “Yeah, sorry man. What’s up?” “You okay Jensen? You seem distracted?” “Yeah, I’m okay.” Jensen ran his hand through his hair. Steve came back into the control room and sat in the chair beside Jensen. 
“Come on man, spill it. I’ve known you for years. I know when something is bothering you.” “I don’t know, Steve. Y/N was sitting beside me and I couldn’t help but stare at her. She got up and left. I think I creeped her out.” “Maybe you should go find her and explain to her why you were staring at her.” “The problem is, I’m not even sure why I was staring at her. I don’t blame her for being creeped out.” 
“Oh come on, Jens. You really don’t know why you were staring at her? A blind man could see why. You feel something, a spark, maybe.” “Dude, I just met her. I mean yeah she’s attractive, and has a beautiful voice, but what am I going to say to her? Hey, Y/N, I know we just met but I’d like to take you out sometime. Sorry for being creepy and staring.” “YES! Exactly that! Now go find her and talk to her.”
You were standing in the break room trying to steady your breath. You couldn’t help but feel attracted to him. I mean, who wouldn’t be attracted to him. You had followed his career and his life, and the last you heard he was dating someone. You thought they had gotten engaged, and you were not about to be the other woman. It wasn’t fair to her or you. Besides, he was just being his sweet self. He didn’t and wouldn’t want you. You took a deep breath, get yourself together girl. If you want to keep this job you have to push your starstruck thoughts to the side. You took another breath and slowly blew it out. Coming out of the breakroom, you were looking down and not paying attention and you ran into someone. “Oh my goodness I am so sorry.” You looked up and came face to face with Jensen. 
He smelled amazing and his body gave off so much heat. Your heart was pounding so fast you could hear it in your ears. “Hey, Y/N, it’s okay. It happens.” He flashed a killer smile. “Thanks Jensen, I was on my way back. Sorry I disappeared. Do you need anything?”
“Actually, yes. I was wondering if I could talk to you.” You swallowed hard, “yeah, um let’s go to this office.” You pointed to an unoccupied office. When you both walked in, Jensen closed the door. Your heart rate picked up. As you turned around to face him he was closer to you. You inhaled his cologne again and you felt dizzy. 
“So, what did you need to talk to me about?” You asked as you looked in his eyes. “I wanted to apologize to you. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable by staring at you. I really wasn’t trying to be creepy.” You felt a surge of courage and you took his hand. “Jensen, you have nothing to apologize for. I wasn’t creeped out and you didn’t make me feel uncomfortable.” You smiled softly and let his hand go. 
“Well can I ask why you left so abruptly?” You sat down on the sofa in the office and took a deep breath. You patted the cushion beside you and Jensen sat down. He turned towards you. “I liked you staring at me. It made me feel something I haven’t in a long time. I left because I didn’t want to cross a line I knew I would if I stayed in there. I’m sorry, Jensen. I know you’re engaged and I don’t want to make this awkward. I can keep it professional, I promise. I’m sorry.” You finally took a breath.
Jensen took your hand and your breath hitched. “Y/N, I’m not engaged. I’m not with anyone. We broke up almost a year ago.” Your eyes went wide. “Oh, Jensen, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” You squeezed his hand. “It’s okay. We are better friends anyway. I am glad I didn’t make you uncomfortable. So would you like to come back in the room with me? I’d love to hear what you think about the songs for our first album.”
“I’d really like to go back there. I love hearing you sing.” You and Jensen looked in each other’s eyes and you both started to lean forward. As Jensen got close to your lips you could feel his hot breath mingle with yours. “Is this okay, Y/N?” You shook your head “yes” and Jensen’s lips landed on yours in a soft kiss. 
A surge of electricity and courage ran through your body. You moved your hands to his head and his hands went in your hair, pulling you closer. His tongue licked your lips asking for permission and you opened your mouth. He deepened the kiss and you moaned in his mouth. You felt excitement surge through your body. 
Just then the office door opened, you and Jensen pulled apart. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realize anyone was in here.” You were blushing and looked down as Jensen told them it was okay. When the door closed Jensen lifted your face and smiled at you. “That was amazing, Y/N.” You smiled and nodded. “Come on, let's get back in the studio. I have some work to do.” Jensen took your hand. 
You hesitated and stopped. Jensen stopped and looked at you. “What’s wrong?” “Um, that kiss was amazing. I just think we shouldn’t hold hands right now. It’s my first day on the job and I don’t want anyone thinking I took this job to hook up with singers or celebrities.” You nervously shifted and bit your lip. Jensen stepped closer to you, using his thumb to pull your lip out of your teeth. He leaned in and kissed your lips softly “I understand, and that makes sense. We’ll keep this between us for now.” You smiled and nodded.
The two of you walked out and back to the control room. Steve looked at you two and smiled, then nodded. 
The rest of the day went pretty quickly. You and Jensen exchanged numbers and agreed to keep this, whatever it was, between the two of you for now. 
Over the next few weeks you found yourself getting to the studio early to make sure everything was ready for Jensen and his band. It also helped that Jensen got there early too, so he could help you. The real reason Jensen got there early was so he could steal a kiss here and there as you got things ready. He’d help, but he was really good at distracting you. After about two months of meeting early, Steve came in earlier than expected and caught you and Jensen making out on the couch. 
“It’s about damn time, Jensen.” Steve chuckled. You blushed and pulled your shirt down. Jensen laughed and helped you up. He kissed your forehead as you got up to leave the room. 
“So, Jensen, how long has this been going on? I mean I’m really happy for you, but dude, you kept this from me?” “Yeah, sorry. We decided to keep it between us for a while. We kissed that first day here. It was amazing. I’ll go public whenever she’s ready. Right now I’m happy with just us knowing.” “That’s great, man. I really am happy for you two. She seems really sweet.”
Jensen smiled and shook his head, “yeah, she’s great. I can really see a future with her.” You walked back in the control room with the coffee and snacks. Jensen was sitting on the couch and pulled you onto his lap. You squealed and laughed. “Jensen, what are you doing?” You smiled. “Just pulling my girlfriend on my lap.” You leaned back and looked at him “your girlfriend?” “Well, I mean if you want to be. I want to make it official. I’d really like it if you'd consider being my girlfriend.” You smiled, blushed and looked in his green eyes. “Jensen, I’d love nothing more than to be your girlfriend.” You kissed his lips softly. 
Jensen deepened the kiss and Steve yelled “get a room” from the vocal booth. You hid your red face in Jensen’s chest and he laughed. “Oh, we plan on it later, don’t we sweetheart.” You turned a darker shade of red and bit your lip. 
Jensen kissed you again “You’re adorable when you blush, you know that.” “So are you, Jens.” “Now, how about I serenade my beautiful girlfriend with a song off the album.” You smiled and nodded “Yes, I’d love for my handsome boyfriend to serenade me.” He kissed you again, got up and started to sing.
Tags: @nescaveckdaily  @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter
@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl
@hobby27 @manicjk @stoneyggirl2 @1-read-the-hobbit-in-1937
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jensens-ackles · 1 year
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Runnin' every light that came upon them Proved his love with the pedal down to the floor Though she knew he was a wanted man And always dreamed of having more With everything inside He looked into her eyes Then he swore that it would all work out Til the end of time RADIO COMPANY | EVERY LIGHT | KEEP ON RAMBLIN'
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let-me-be-your-home · 2 years
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Jensen Ackles | Keep on Ramblin
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justjensenanddean · 1 month
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Jensen Ackles | Radio Company Live Concert | Austin, August 19, 2024 [x]
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beauarlen · 2 years
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Jensen Ackles in “Every Light” by Radio Company.
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i'll buy you tacos if you gif the sagebrush moment with the middle finger from night 2
i did that one already! you might not have seen it because i posted it on someone else's post instead of making my own for it but here it is:
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also i give permission for anyone to save this one and use it as a reaction gif if you want!
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deansraspberrypie · 17 days
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❤️‍🔥🎶 Jensen Ackles - Forever Ain't Long 🫶🔥
Radio Company Live Concert | Austin, August 20, 2024
🍰 Tag list: @undisputedchick2 @jranutter @kazsrm67 🥧
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