#racism.homophobia.sexism. and for what???so you dont 'focus on the negative'. this isnt 'the negative' these are real fucking harmful issues
chocolatecakecas · 3 years
Why is everyone so obsessed with making jensen this timid scared little thing whos trying their best??? He is a forty three year old adult man, not a child we need to be patient with because theyre "learning". He isn't learning anything. He should already know better. He knows the difference between right and wrong, he knows what homophobia is, he knows what racism is, he knows was sexism is. And yet he still says and does all of these things. So like if i see one more person try to say that we shouldn't lash out or be angry so we dont "scare him away" or that it was "taken out of context".....im gonna lose it.
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
I think it’s super problematic that everyone is equating what Jensen said to being sexually attracted to a child and using emotively challenging language to sensationalise that. Our headcanon is that Jack is four, and it’s technically canon on the show but AlCal is 31 years old, and Jensen knows him on a professional and personal level as a 31 year old man. I think he was just responding in the moment to that. I’m not saying it’s okay what he’s said, but people coming for him for talking about a child in that way and also “his” child is just plain wrong. In the past Jensen has been incredibly respectful of women and that’s all we know of him. He’s a Texan man, likely he does have some sexist views… It’s all about context and I feel people are really beginning to take this too far and out of context because understandably their feelings are hurt. We don’t have to condone behaviour to understand it. There’s such a massive lack of understanding right now and it’s painful to see. Fair enough he’s a white Hollywood male who doesn’t need defending but also he’s a human being and what people are saying about him is damaging especially regarding the child shit. Fine drag him for being sexist (rightly so) but leave the child shit out of it. He just got angry in his own panel about people getting excited about him saying JJ and Arrow love them some daddy. Like everything he says is turned sexual anyways. Our lenses and biases play into our interpretation and sometimes we need to step back because we can be too close to something. Who knows what he even intended to mean with his throwaway comment. We’re not in his head and the backlash and vitriol and aggression may mean we never know what he meant or get an apology. When you fight someone in the way the fandom has dragged Jensen (who is known to be quiet, shy and private) they will just shut down and back off and there will never be growth. There are ways to handle ruptures (with compassion, care and curiosity) to actually repair what’s happened vs making sure the rupture stays (with anger and aggression). We will miss out on opportunities to hear him speak because he will be afraid to speak out for fear of saying something wrong. That’s not okay. If we want things to change then we have to create a safe, open, brave space where people can say what they need (and be gently called out on things they do wrong) so they learn and WANT to continue to talk about things and learn from us.
okay so i wasnt going to answer this but i have slept so yk what. lets go for it.
1) its not my job, or ANY of our jobs to create a safe space for a grown adult man to make homophobic and or wildly inappropriate or just blatantly offensive comments so we can "gently" correct him. Its not our job to "teach" him, hes a forty three year old grown man. And if he's going to share these harmful words anyway....then why would i want to create a space where he can feel even more comfortable saying these things???
2) Do not tell me I "don't understand". I've been in this fandom for 10 years, since i was 11 years old. I've watched countless homophobic comments come out of jensen's mouth in real time for years. Ive seen the backlash in real time. I've seen the I've received the anons telling me i was a pervert and disgusting and pathetic and i should die for shipping destiel or saying dean was bi. And a lot of other people have to.
im allowed to be angry. we are all allowed to be angry about what transpired yesterday, and what has been said/done for years. Im allowed to be angry for him being blatantly homophobic about bi dean all those years ago, and the way the other side of the fandom supported him in that opinion and the disgusting hate/replies/comments/anons that stemmed from it. I'm allowed to be angry with jensen for multiple reasons whether its him consciously choosing to direct a racist copaganda show or for his years of homophobic comments, his years of sexist comments. We are all allowed to be angry. We're allowed to be hurt. And we're allowed to talk about it however the hell we want. He's rich. He's forty three years old. He's married. He has three kids. He's a grown adult man. He should know better. And you claim its "damaging" to him????? What about the damage his words/actions caused hundreds of queer teenagers in this fandom???
3) nothing i said was taken out of context. nothing i said was swayed by "my lense" or "my biases". I listened to the broadcast in real time. I watched the video of it once it was posted after. I saw the expression, the body language, hear the tone of voice and the laugh. There is simply no other "interpretation". It doesnt matter if it was "throwaway comment". He still said it. And that is exactly how he meant it.
4) jack is canonically three years old at the end of the show. they constantly reference and mention his age. in his second episode he says he is "one day old". This is not a "fandom headcanon". Its canonical fact.
5) jensen said "dean would", not "jensen would". Alex's age does not matter, because the question was not about Alex, and Jensen was not talking about Alex. The question was about Jack, and Jensen said "Jack". It's really that simple.
So please don't come into my askbox(or anyone else's for that matter) and tell me, how i should feel, and how i should handle it to spare jensen ackles' feelings. Don't tell me to be "compassionate", because he's "learning", he isn't a small child. He's a grown man. And don't tell me to "create a safe space" for him, when he's never fucking created one for us. Because all he's done is help encourage an environment where we have spent years, terrified to ask anything about destiel, or bi dean, for fear of exactly what happened yesterday. And at the end of the day, its not actually about the characters, or the ship, or the show, its so much fucking more than that and by this point that should be obvious.
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