#quietly removes Greece from the “probably would be ok with me” list and puts it on “probably wouldn't be ok with me” list
jules-ln · 1 month
When people say "the Greek gods should be ethnically Greek in Hades" they mean white.
Like they literally mean that they want all the Greek Gods to be white in the game
No, they don't mean culturally, if they wanted to talk about culture they wouldn't have brought up the word "ethnicity" and equal that to race (ethnicity doesn't mean just race, it can also mean a shared tradition or shared language, so yes, POC can be ethnically Greek if they had lived all their lifes there)
And it's so silly because like, oh, then Chaos isn't "greek" either because they're Grey and there aren't any actual Grey Greeks?
Also they're Gods! They can be anything they want, like sure, Zeus can be a swan and that's fine, but if he was a man with dark skin, that's too much?
They aren't criticizing the cultural hegemony the US has, they're just being racist and then masking their racism with "progressive" language
And then people here go and be like "Oh, poor little white people!! They have a right to demand a game without POC because it's their culture!!!"
Like what?
I'm sorry but you do remember that Greek mythology has been used, and is still being used as far right propaganda?
Like do you remember that the protagonists of the games are white and green eyed (on one eye) and the only POC are on secondary roles!?
(There can be a valid criticism about cultural hegemony in Hades, but this, isn't that)
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