#quick! just imagine this is more leaning towards the unnamed background!
maruuax · 5 months
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Accidently Married | Tom Hiddleston x OFC | Chapter 3 | And Miss Out on Mum Meeting the Girl You Married Without Telling Her? Not a Chance
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A/N:  Tom makes certain comments about an ex (who is unnamed).  It is a fictional girlfriend, take from it what you will.  Keep your hate to yourself.  
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Molly Bishop)
Summary: Tom is stuck in a news cycle from hell; Molly is stuck in the dead end job of bartending with a pile of student and credit debt.  Tom has an idea to solve all their problems.  Get married, get the paparazzi off his back, divorce after a year and Tom pays off Molly’s debts.  Tom has everything figured out, that is until he sees Molly as more than a just a friend and so does someone else.  In this vying for affections who will win, the handsome Brit or the boy from Boston?
This Chapter: Molly finally gets to meet Luke and they try to convince him that this marriage is not some elaborate plot to manipulate the press.  And Tom makes a critical error.  We learn more about Molly and her past. 
Warnings: fake marriage, smut (vaginal sex), mentions of:  child abuse/neglect, foster care, substance abuse, cheating.
Tom regretted drinking two cups of espresso the next morning before heading to Luke’s. He definitely regretted not eating anything more than a piece of toast with butter and marmalade. Even after Molly offered to make something for him.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to make you eggs, an omelette? I could probably manage some French toast before we have to leave.” Molly sipped her tea as she ate some oatmeal. 
French toast sounded divine at the moment as Tom’s stomach did somersaults. Molly’s knee bounced in the passenger seat on the way to the Prosper office. 
“Do you think Luke will yell at me?” Molly asked. “I don’t do well when people yell at me.”
Tom’s head snapped over at her. She sighed. 
“Foster parents are not always kind. Bio parents can be worse.” She wrung her hands. 
He reached over and squeezed Molly’s knee. “I promise I won’t let him yell at you.” 
“Thank you, Tom. Are we telling him the truth?” 
“Only if necessary.” 
“Then what are we telling him?” 
“That I went to Vegas, and I fell madly in love with you and on a whim we got married.”
“A fanciful tale.” Her head dropped to her chest. 
“Oh, I don’t know, darling. You sell yourself short. You’re bright, funny, caring and dare I even say easy on the eyes.”
Molly blushed. “Thank you. You are not so bad yourself. Although I seriously question your dietary habits.”
Tom chuckled. “I’ll work on it. And I hope after all of this we will be good friends.”
“Me too.” 
“Looks like we are here.” Tom parked the car on the street. He hustled around to open Molly’s door and help her out. “Time to face the firing squad.” Her eyes widened. “Kidding!”
By the time the meeting was done, Molly wished it had been a firing squad. 
“Luke, this is Molly Bishop, now Hiddleston.” Tom wrapped his arm around her waist. “My wife.” 
“My condolences.” Luke shook Molly’s hand. 
Molly’s brow furrowed. “I…” 
“Of all the stupid shit you have ever fucking done—” Luke started in on Tom. 
“Luke, watch your tone.” Tom jabbed a finger in his publicist’s face. “You are not to yell at Molly.” His bright blue eyes flashed and his fists clenched. 
Luke took a step back. “Right. Take a seat and let’s see if we can straighten this out.” 
They sat next to each other. Molly reached for Tom’s hand and he took it. Luke sat down behind his desk, staring at the two of them. Luke pinched his nose hard and took several deep breaths. Before speaking, he poured a glass of water and dropped two Alka-Seltzer into the water. Molly stared at the whole thing. Tom leaned over. 
“For later. Luke says I give him indigestion.” he whispered.
“And headaches.” Luke added.
“I can understand the feeling.” Molly muttered under her breath.
“I beg your pardon!” Tom twisted around to face Molly. “Et tu. Is this about the vegetables?”
“It wouldn’t kill you to eat one every so often. You’re not 21 anymore.”
Tom gritted his teeth. “I said I would work on it. Can we not talk about this right now?”
“You’re the one who brought it up. I was just making a comment.”
Luke’s head bounced back and forth like watching a tennis match, a smirk growing on his face.
“You two are good. Really good. Damn Tom, the lengths you will go to… hiring an actress to pretend to be your wife, that’s—”
“We got married, Luke. In Vegas.” Tom retorted. “Darling, do you have the copy of the license?”
Molly grumbled. “I do, but we are not done with the whole diet thing.” She rummaged through her purse and produced the folded piece of paper. “Show him the photos.” She whispered to Tom as she handed over the license. 
“I’m not showing him the photos unless I have to.” Tom hissed.
“Show me the photos, Tom.” Luke beckoned him. 
Tom side eyed Molly and handed over the license and his phone. Luke glanced at the license and then scrolled through the photos, eyes growing wider. He zoomed in on one and squinted. 
“Is that a spider ring?” he asked.
“His name is Clive.” Tom deadpanned.
Luke cuts his eyes at Tom. “Of course, you named it. You wouldn’t happen to have the ring, would you?” He turned to Molly.
She let loose a breath, exasperated. “Honestly,” she jabbed a finger at Tom and then Luke. “I was not expecting the Spanish Inquisition.” She dug through her purse again. “You are both lucky that I planned ahead.” Molly slammed the two Tiffany boxes on the desk. “There, here is your pound of flesh.”
Luke opened the boxes and found the spider ring and plastic gem ring. His eyes went to their proper rings and then ran his hands through his hair. 
“Holy shit, you got married.”
Tom rolled his eyes. “I have been saying that for the last 24 hours, mate. Can we move on?”
Molly giggled. 
“I… I… apologize. Sorry.” He sputtered, he turned to Molly. “I’m sorry, Molly. You have no idea the things this man has put me through.”
“I can imagine.”
“Hey! I—”
“Not talking to you, Tom.” Luke held up a hand. “I am talking to your bride. Clearly the reasonable one. Although she did marry you, so…”
Tom slumped in the chair. “Two of you. I thought you were on my side.”
Molly reached over and rubbed his arm. “I’m always on your side, honey.”
Tom smiled and leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Thank you, darling. Do you believe me now, Luke?”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but yes, I do.” He slammed his hand on his desk, rattling his water. “Now let’s talk about these.” He held up several newspapers.
Forty-five minutes later, they finally ended the meeting. Tom was starving. Luke grilled Molly about her background. By the end of everything, Tom now knew that Molly spent the ages of 12-18 in foster care, went to college where she worked two jobs to make ends meet, and has no contact with her younger brother who was adopted. Tom felt a twinge of guilt listening to Molly tell her life story. He never really bothered to ask. 
Luke led them to the door but stopped short. 
“How did your mom take the news, Tom?” Luke asked. Tom froze and paled. Luke leaned in. “You did tell her?”
Molly glanced between them. “I thought you called her when we got home.”
Tom ran his hands through his hair. Little bits stuck up. His mouth fell open and his eyes widened. “I forgot. I was distracted by someone yelling at me.”
“You haven’t told your mother about us?!” Molly screeched. 
Luke chuckled, which soon turned into a full belly laugh. “You are so dead, Tom.” Molly gasped. “You will be fine, Molly, but pray for your husband. There is nothing scarier in this world than Diana Hiddleston mad at her only son.” 
Molly gulped. “I will keep that in mind. Now if you excuse us, we have some calls to make.” 
Tom nodded, still reeling from the fact he didn’t tell his mum, or his sisters, that he got married. Fake or not. He hoped she hadn’t seen any of the photos yet. But knowing Emma and Sarah, they sent her the links. “Right, calls.” 
Molly pushed Tom out of the office and towards the elevator. She waved bye to Luke as the doors closed. 
“That went better than expected.” Molly shifted her weight from side to side.
“Yeah, yeah!” Tom blinked and came back to reality. “You were brilliant. What made you think to bring the rings?”
“People have the tendency to believe you when you can present physical evidence. That, coupled with the photos, lends credibility. I mean, who gets married with a plastic spider ring?” She laughed and Tom joined in. 
“Genius, really. Luke would have never—” Tom’s stomach rumbled. He blushed. “You were right I should have eaten something.” 
Molly stretched to reach his cheek and gave him a quick peck. “You will soon learn I am always right. Let’s find you some food and then you call your mother.”
They found a place for Tom to grab a sandwich since it was too late for breakfast and not quite time for lunch. Molly stared on as Tom inhaled the sandwich, a bag of potato chips, and a bottle of water. 
“Did you taste any of that?”
Tom glanced up at her as he poked the last bit of the sandwich into his mouth. “Yes.” 
She shoved a napkin towards him. “You have crumbs on your face.”
Tom swallowed. “Thanks.”
“Call your mother.” 
Tom slouched. “Can’t we wait until we get home?” 
“No.” She stared him down. “If you don’t do it, I will.” Molly lunged for his phone, but Tom was too fast and grabbed it first.
“I’m calling her right now.” He held the phone to his ear, praying it would go to voicemail.
“Tom!” Diana’s warm voice filled his ear. “How are you doing, love?”
“Doing good. A bit of jet lag, I was in Vegas over the weekend.”
Diana hummed. “And how is Luke?”
Tom chuckled. “Angry at me as always.”
“If you would just listen to him…”
“I like her.” Molly popped in.
Tom waved her off. 
“I know, Mother. Listen,” He fidgeted with his hair again. Molly realized it was an absolute tell when Tom was nervous. “I was wondering if you might like to grab some lunch this week. We can catch up. So much as happened since I last saw you.”
“I would be delighted, Thomas. Why don’t you come up to the house? Does Wednesday work for you?”
Tom mouthed “Wednesday” to Molly, who shrugged her shoulders.
“Like I’m doing anything? You and Luke are the only people I know here.”
“Right.” He returned to the call. “Wednesday is perfect, mum. Noon?”
“It’s a date. Don’t forget to bring that wife of yours, Thomas. I am quite keen on meeting her.”
All the blood drained from Tom’s face. “I… I… can explain—”
“I’m sure you can. On Wednesday. I have to go, love. It was good to chat.” The line went dead.
Tom stared at the phone. “I’m so dead. She knows about you.”
“Oh, she knows. You are her son. And didn’t you mention having sisters? They totally ratted you out.” Molly smiled at him.
Tom had some appointments on Tuesday which kept his mind occupied from seeing his mother the next day. Molly took some time to figure out how to change her name, get a new passport, and figure out how to maneuver life in a foreign country. Tom took her to get a phone that would work. 
“Here you go.” 
The first thing she did was snap Tom to add to his contact list. He was laughing in the photo.
“Don’t use that one!” Tom pouted. “Let me pose.”
“But I like this one. It captures your essence.”
But now it is Wednesday morning. Tom woke up early to go for a run. Molly was already up, sipping tea in the living room.
“Can I join you?” she asked upon seeing Tom in workout gear.
“I run about three miles…”
“Sounds perfect. Give me two minutes.” She bounded off the couch towards her bedroom. 
Tom fiddled with his headphones until Molly emerged in sneakers and workout leggings. Over the ear headphones around her neck. 
“Ready to go.” She tucked her phone into a pocket. “I will just follow you.”
“Let me know if you need to turn around.” Tom winked as they set off.
They returned home about thirty minutes later.
“Sure you don’t want to go another mile?” Molly bounced on her feet. 
Tom breathed hard. “Maybe another time. I’m a bit out of shape. You run?”
Molly nodded. “Most days I run. If I get up in time. I miss the gym.”
Tom chuckled. “We need to get you a membership. And I need to ..get into shape myself. Can’t let my wife show me up in paparazzi photos.” he half-joked. 
Molly coughed. “They take photos of you running?!”
“Sometimes.” He took a sip of water, his heart rate going back to normal. “Definitely now with you in the picture.”
Molly raised an eyebrow, stepping towards him, grabbing the water bottle from him. “Think they are out there right now?” 
Tom glanced around and sure enough, he spied a few cameras with zoom lenses down the street.
Molly wrapped her arms around his neck. “Maybe we should give them a more scandalous photo.” 
Tom leaned down. “What did you have in mind?” he smirked as Molly tugged his head towards her and her lips crashed against his. She sighed and Tom slipped his tongue into her mouth. Molly did the same. As he fisted the back of her shirt, Tom noticed one of Molly’s arms moving. 
“AH!!” He screamed as the cold water poured down on his head and Molly jumped back laughing.
“I thought you needed a little cooling off.” she laughed.
Tom lunged for her with a smile on his face, droplets of water falling from his hair. 
“You’ll pay for that!” Tom gave chase, while Molly dashed into the house, screaming and laughing.
She made it as far as the living room before Tom’s long legs caught up with her.
“Got you!” 
Tom grabbed her by the waist to pull her towards him, but their feet slipped and they ended up on the couch. Tom on top of her. Their eyes locked for a moment before Tom scrambled to his feet. 
“I’ll get you all wet.” he commented nervously. “I should…”
“Right.” Molly nodded, sitting up. “I’ll make some breakfast. Eggs and toast. I don’t know what your mother is planning on for lunch.”
“A light breakfast would be best.” Tom shook out his now soaked t-shirt and Molly caught a glimpse of his abs. 
“No problem.” She smiled. 
They both headed off in different directions. When it was time to leave for Diana’s house, Molly fidgeted with her casual dress and knee-high boots.
“Do I look okay?” she glanced at Tom in jeans and a sweater. “I’m overdressed. Look at you, casually gorgeous. I’m going to change. I have nothing to wear. Nothing to wear…” Molly’s face broke down.
Tom wrapped his arms around her. “What’s going on, darling?” She buried her head in his sweater. “You didn’t freak out like this when we went to go see Luke.”
“That was business. This is your mother. I don’t do well with families, particularly mothers. What if she hates me?” 
He kissed the top of her head. “First off, you look beautiful. Second, if my mum hates anyone between the two of us, it will be me. She is going to love you, darling.” 
Molly sniffled and dabbed her eyes with the back of her fingers. “Really?”
“I am 100% certain. Now let’s get on the road.”
Molly smiled and nodded. The fear wasn’t gone, but she felt better knowing Tom would be there with her. That fear came rushing back as they stood on the front step of the house of Diana Hiddleston. Tom reached for Molly first. 
“I’ve got you, darling.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek right as the door opened.
“Gross, Tom. And at Mum’s house no less.” Emma gagged.
Tom’s cheeks turned a bright pink. “Emma! I didn’t expect you to be here.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “What a surprise.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “And miss out on Mum meeting the girl you married without telling her, not a chance.” Emma turned to Molly. “Emma.”
“Molly B… Hiddleston.” She smiled and extended her hand. Emma shook it with a firm grip.
“The papers didn’t give a name. She seems nice, Tom. Clearly she doesn’t know the real you.”
Tom continued to blush. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Em. Can we come in or are we eating on the front step?”
Emma held the door open wide and stepped aside. They stepped inside. “Mum’s in the kitchen.”
As if on cue, Diana’s voice rang out. “Is that them, Emma?” 
“They just got here!” she yelled before turning back to them. “She’s been cooking all day.” 
Molly gulped. Tom squeezed her hand. An older woman with grey white shoulder length hair. She came up to Tom's shoulder, if that.
“You were supposed to tell me when they got here.” she scolded Emma.
“I was on my way to tell you.” 
“Go take the food out of the oven.”
“But…” Emma protested.
“Go, child. You’ll have the entire meal to listen to me yell. Right now I need a word with your brother.”
Emma pursed her lips as she walked into the kitchen but made a slashing throat gesture, mouthing the words “you’re so dead” at Tom before disappearing. 
Diana wiped her hands on her apron. “Now where is my new daughter-in-law?” 
Molly raised her hand. “That would be me. Molly, ma’am.”
Diana held open her arms and wrapped them around Molly tight. She realized where Tom got his hugging skills. 
“You are just a doll. Is my son treating you well?”
Molly nodded. “Yes, ma’am.” 
“So polite and much shorter than the last one. Right at eye height for me.”
Diana waved Tom off. “And please call me Diana or Mum or Mom. I promise I don’t bite.”
Molly giggled. “Yes, ma.. Diana.”
Diana hugged her again before spinning to face her son.
“Tom.” She crossed her arms.
“Mum.” Tom grew very interested in the rug on the floor. 
“Do I get a hug?” Diana smiled. 
Tom looked up and grinned. “Always.” The two of them hugged tight, Tom bending at the knees to wrap his arms around her. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too.” Diana pulled back.
Her hand reached out and smacked Tom right upside the head. Tom cowered, covering his head.
“Mum!” he howled.
“You got married and didn’t tell me!”
“I was getting around to it. Luke distracted me!” Tom explained. 
Diana smacked his arm. “Do not blame Luke for this, he is a saint! You were keeping this lovely girl away from me.”
Molly beamed as Diana smacked Tom one more time. 
“You think I’m lovely?” she asked.
Diana turned to Molly. “Oh dear. You are perfectly charming. Unlike my wretch of a son.” Another smack to the chest.
“Really, Mum? In front of our guest?” Tom flinched.
“Molly is family.” Diana stopped, took a deep breath, and smiled. “Now with that sorted, let’s go eat.” She spun on her heel and headed back to the kitchen. 
Tom hooked his arm with Molly’s. “My mother.”
“I like her.” 
Emma and Diane pumped the two of them for every detail about this abbreviated courtship.
“A chapel in Vegas, Tom? Romantic.” Emma sneered.
“I thought so.” Molly added.
“Thank you, darling.” Tom leaned against her. 
“Awww.” Emma commented.
Diana stood to clear the dishes as Emma examined Molly’s ring.
“Let me help you.” Tom rose to help, taking the rest of the dishes. Diana grabbed his arm when they reached the sink.
“I really like her, Thomas. You did well.”
“Thank you. She is something.” Tom smiled.
“Much better than the last girl you brought home.”
Tom frowned. “Mum, I…”
Diana held up her hand. “I know. Don’t mention her. But I will say this. There was something about her that didn’t sit right with me.” 
“You never said anything to me.”
Diana smiled softly and cupped Tom’s cheek. “You seemed so in love and happy. And all I have ever wanted for all my kids is to be happy.”
“But none of that matters. You have Molly now and the two of you have years of happiness ahead.” 
Tom glanced over to where Emma and Molly hunched over Emma’s phone. Tom’s heart twinged with guilt. 
“Right. Of course.” He smiled.
Molly burst out in laughter.
“What is so funny over there?” Tom called out, heading over to the table.
Emma giggled. “Just some old pictures.”
Tom’s face fell. “No, you didn’t…”
Molly giggled. “You were so skinny and that hair!” 
The two girls fell into a fit of giggles as Diane placed a hand on Tom’s shoulder.
“Yes, I like her very much.” she whispered. “Why don’t we pull out the old picture albums?”
Tom groaned. 
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percywinchester27 · 6 years
Unconventional Roommates (Part-12)
Word count: 3.5K
Pairing: Dean X Reader
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, feels, fluff
Series Summary: Now that his brother is at Stanford, for the first time in his life, Dean does something for himself. He takes a step towards chasing his own dreams and moves away from Lawrence to start college, which is both thrilling and scary at the same time. Only catch, in this unknown town, he is stuck with the MOST infuriating female on the planet- the roommate from hell!
A/N: I really, really hope you guys like this chapter <3 This is also written for @spnfluffbingo
Square filled: Interacting with children 
Thanks to the amazing @deanssweetheart23 for beta reading this. You are my precious princess, Athina <3
Special thanks to @crispychrissy for the gif. Chrissy, you are a Darling! <3
Unconventional Roommates masterlist
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"Would you like to meet my sister, Dean?"
It was with some trepidation that Dean replied. "Of course, I'd love to." After all, he had to meet the sister that Y/N loved with all her heart. Just like he loved Y/N with all his heart.
The auditorium was dimly lit. And the meager lights that remained were dimming soon, only the spotlights trained on the stage were shining bright. They had made it just in the nick of the time.
Y/N ushered him on one of the seats at the very back and he was suddenly highly hyper aware of how close their bodies were in the darkness. All he had to do was pull her close and then his lips would be on hers. However, he knew that was out of limits so he just settled for extending his hand. Y/N took it willingly enough. He couldn't see the expression on her face in the darkness, but he imagined it to be the one of a kind smile she reserved only for him.
The music that was playing as a soft background score, picked up the rhythm and the girls entered the stage one by one. The notes and the rhythm was oddly melancholy even for the beginning of a recital. Before he could ask, Y/N leaned in and whispered in his ear, her breath hot on his skin, “It's the first scene from Swan Lake."
Something of a recognition flickered in Dean. He might have heard that name once or twice, nevertheless, he settled in the seat, relishing the touch of the smooth skin of palm against his. There were very few things he knew to be more pleasurable than this.
He had to say that all the girls were exceptional. It was beyond him how much talent the little girls seemed to have. Periodically, Y/N would lean over and softly explain the little things to him that he had no way of knowing otherwise, like the names and the characters, but allowing him to understand and feel the story on his own. And he did feel it. Despite all his earlier reservations about Ballet, his heart reached out for Odette and the Prince. There was just so much more to it than simply a dance performed with excessive precision. He could see why the girls had to be trained from the tender age of 4 or 5 to achieve the feat of being able to stand like that.
It wasn't only about the talent though, there was something very magical about the way it was performed, and more than that, about the story itself. He could feel the pain of the two lovers, how Odette couldn't just tell the Prince that she transformed into a swan. So moved was he in the story, that his clap was amongst the loudest in the theater.
"Didn't expect you to be so into Ballet," Y/N said slyly, her soft voice ringing in his ears despite the eerie music.
"I didn't expect either," he said, surprised, overwhelmed.
Her silky fingers around his tightened. It was her way of letting him know that she knew exactly how he felt. Dean glanced at her, expecting her knowing look. Instead, she was watching him wild-eyed, an unnamed emotion brimming in those odd eyes. It looked like she wanted to say something, but was either too scared or too excited. He couldn't know which. Without thinking, without considering, Dean reached out to her, his fingertips barely grazing her shoulder.
She seemed to have stopped breathing completely, and her eyes, for a split second flickered towards his lips. She was so close now, that Dean could feel her sweet breath hit his face. All he had to do was lean in…
The curtains dropped, and lights flooded the theater. The crowd had risen to its feet.
Y/N whipped back too quickly, clearing her throat and looking anywhere but at him. She fidgeted with her dark purple beanie.
Dean was frozen, trying to wrap his head around what had just happened. But every theory that his addled brain came up with pointed towards the same answer, that Y/N had wanted it too. Had he imagined it? But how was that possible? Or was it?
The girls exited the stage gracefully, and Y/N cleared her throat loudly again.
"Come, let's go backstage."
She dragged him by his hands, and he wondered if he was even allowed backstage.
The girls were all gathered there, squealing, hugging each other, celebrating a successful recital. When they saw Y/N, a group of them split and hurried to her excitedly.
"Y/N!" One of them gushed, "We did it! We did it."
Y/N bent down and hugged the girl. "Of course you did! You girls were brilliant out there. I had tears in my eyes."
"It's all because of you," said another, the one who had played Rothbart. "You are the one who truly deserves this." She pulled the crown from the hair of the girl who played Odette and placed in on Y/N's beanie. It promptly toppled and fell into Y/N's hands. Everyone laughed.
Dean looked around all the happy, sometimes tear-streaked faces, trying to recognize something that was similar to Y/N in their features. The hair, the eyes… something that looked like her, but it was hard to judge, it was hard to tell.
Why were all of them crouching over her? There were at least six girls who were vying for Y/N's attention. They wanted her to tell them that their dance was good, that they had done well. They were looking at her for validation the way a little kid would look at the mother.
But one girl wasn't paying attention to Y/N- the girl who had acted out the part of Odette. At first, Dean concluded that she was probably upset that her pretty tiara had been pulled out of her hair so suddenly, without her permission and that she was angry about it. What did  Dean know about how young girls' mind worked. But no, the more he saw, the more he realized that Odette barely cared about the tiara. In fact, she was staring right back at him. Ignoring all the chaos around a very overwhelmed Y/N, who was trying to listen to all the girls at once, Odette walked up to him.
Then she smiled, clear as the day and extended her hand. "You're Dean, aren’t you?"
He smiled in return. "And you're Mia."
She nodded.
"You were brilliant out there," he jerked his head towards the stage.
"Thank you!" She bowed her head graciously, then asked, "How'd it go with the douchebag professor?"
Dean remembered that she was the one who had helped Y/N with all the diagrams in the imposition. "Better than I expected," he said honestly. "He didn't trouble me after that. I guess he moved on to torture other people. I owe you one for the help on that."
Mia shrugged, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Now you said it, you can't take that back. I'll up with something that you can do for me in return by the end of the day."
One of the girls in the background whelped in frustration. She was about 7 years of age. The youngest in the bunch. "This thing is not fitting!" She waved the tiara. Dean could see Y/N try to dismiss her but Mia yelled. "Just take of the damn Beanie. It's boiling outside, anyway."
Mia wasn't anything like Y/N as far as looks went. Her dark hair didn't quite have the same texture, her eyes were a completely different color and her smile had a quality of its own, but Dean couldn't help but feel he was missing something. Like something about this girl still reminded him of Y/N.
"I have to go get the refreshments for everyone from the counter," she said apologetically. "You mind waiting here?"
Dean looked around to see that Y/N was completely invisible behind the group of overzealous girls in tutus.
"You need help with that?"
"That would be great," Mia grinned, taking a seat to remove her shoes. She replaced them with more practical looking sneakers. The combination of the bright red sneakers over the pale blue tutu and tights made him smile. She really was Y/N's sister.
Dean followed her to the other end of the theatre, where the audience had gathered for a quick bite. People stopped Mia to praise and congratulate her for the stunning performance. She was much better at handling compliments than Y/N was- sweet and appreciative. At the very end of the buffet, she grabbed a huge upturned box and started piling the energy drink bottles into it. Dean rushed ahead to help her with it.
"Hey, how did you know who I was?" He asked, finally.
She raised her eyebrow, as if the answer was obvious. "Y/N barely talks to five people, and I know all of them. You weren't one of those, so I just took the next best guess."
He laughed. Of course.
Mia's brow furrowed, and she said hesitantly. "I was eager to see you, actually."
Trepidation gripped him.
She seemed to regret having said that loud, and looked even more conflicted about what she was about to say. "Well… Y/N, she seems different since she's met you."
He gulped, both wanting to ask the question, and not wanting the answer to it. "Different how?"
"For one, she laughs more."
Dean was surprised.
Mia continued. "I mean… I've never heard her talk about anyone the way she talks about you. And she just seems so happy that I thought… I thought-"
"There was something going on between us," Dean completed quietly.
"Well… yeah."
The silence in the wake of his words stretched awkwardly. She had quit piling in the food items and was waiting for an answer and he didn't want to give one.
He cleared his throat, wishing he had a different answer. "No… it's not like that."
Mia sighed. Like she wished the answer was different too, but also like she had been expecting the one he gave. "She'll never go out looking for it," Mia muttered, going back to sorting the stuff in the box.
"Looking for what?" He couldn't help but ask.
She looked him straight in the eye. "Love, Dean. Love."
He understood then, why, despite all the physical dissimilarities, she reminded him of Y/N- because the intensity in both their eyes was the same- it was scorching. They were both way older than their years.
Mia elaborated, talking hurriedly, like she had been waiting to unload it all. "You don't know her, she just pushes everything… everyone that she could love away from her. She's just so afraid to show it. Even if the person loves her right back."
Dean shook his head. Having heard the way Y/N talked about her sister, he knew that wasn't exactly true. "She wants you around, Mia. She wants you to stay with her."
"Oh, I know," Mia said, patiently. "I didn't mean physically. I meant she never opens her heart to anyone. Not even to me. I can't say she's had an easy life… far from it, but she doesn't believe that anything good can befall her by chance. It's ingrained in her head that every bit of happiness has to be earned. That she needs to work hard for every second of love."
Dean was stunned. How was a mere fourteen year old girl so wise? He shuddered thinking about what Mia might have had to live through to be able to think so deeply.
Something in her words wasn't adding up though. "But, I've seen her smile. She wanted to come to the fair." He had seen her laugh on the Ferris wheel, seen her dance with joy when they shot down the can. Dean could feel her curves pushing against him with perfect clarity when she had hugged him afterwards. "I've seen her happy."
Mia gave him a cryptic smile. "Ever considered that it's happened since you moved in?"
She nodded to herself. "That's what I though. It's why I wanted to meet you."
"C'mon, help me put this on to the cart."
Dean moved the box onto the cart, considering her words. She was implying exactly what Sam had openly accused him of- That he was ignoring the glaring fact that Y/N liked him, too, and neither of them were acknowledging it. This gave a whole new meaning to Y/N's closeness after the recital.
"Pull the cart," Mia suggested. "I'll push it from behind." Her eyes were cast down and her voice low; it looked like she regretted impulsively giving away her thoughts.
"You know," Dean said, walking ahead, not looking at her. "I just never know what side is up with your sister. She is so unpredictable even with her unpredictability that I don't know what will land me in trouble and what won't." He hadn't said it explicitly. But Mia was smart, surely she could understand that he was asking for advice in regards to Y/N.
He heard Mia giggle. "She's predictable in one thing though- She's a good person through and through. Better than about anyone I know."
He nodded, whirring the tiny cart towards the ramps leading to the backstage.
"I was looking forwards to meet you, too," Dean admitted. "I wanted to see if you were anything like your sister."
Mia laughed, huffing. "And am I?"
"A bit, yeah," Dean accepted."I couldn't recognize you, there were so many girls backstage though…"
Perhaps his voice gave away the curiosity.
"You're wondering why there were so many of them fawning over her, don't you?"
"She pays for their training."
The handle slipped from Dean's grasp as he came to a standstill. He whirled around to face Mia as the cart slid down the ramp. "What?"
"Yeah… most of those girls come from a poor background. Y/N sponsors for their Ballet classes and even the schooling for a couple of them. If it weren't for her, they'd be rotting in some alley or foster home, too."
She gave him a knowing look, taking in his astounded expression. "Like I said, she's predictable about how good she is."
It was in an amazed state that he pushed the trolley back to the stage. The girls weren't around anymore. Neither was Y/N.
"You okay?" Mia asked, taking a seat on an upturned stood, a soft smile playing on her lips. She knew exactly how special her sister was, and it warmed Dean's heart knowing that Y/N had someone like that in her life.
He crouched down on the floor besides the stool she was sitting on.
"Can I tell you a secret?" He asked.
"Yeah?" Her eyes were soft and her skin glistened under the reflected lights.
"I think I'm in love with your sister." Saying it out loud both freed him and scared the living daylights out of him.
She scrunched her nose cutely. "I guessed as much. You should see the way you look at her."
Dean could feel the blood rising to his cheeks in response to her words. Could Y/N see the way he looked at her, too? Was it that obvious?
"Can I tell you a secret, too?" She asked conspiratorially.
"I think Y/N loves you, too. You should see the way she looks at you when you aren't looking."
A bauble of laughter broke out at the entrance and both of them backed away from each other. The girls came into view, with Y/N tagging alongside.
She wasn't wearing the beanie anymore, instead her beautiful hair was tucked into an elegant twist at the nape of her neck. The beautiful tiara perched on her head in a delicate fashion. Two loose curls had sneaked out on either side, framing her facing perfectly.
Dean forgot how to breathe.
"Pssstttt… you're looking at her like that now," Mia muttered from the corner of her mouth, and Dean made a violent effort to control his expression.
"You… you look great," he said, when Y/N was near him.
She clearly didn't know how to take that compliment because it was evident from her darting eyes that she was wishing for the earth to split and swallow her whole right about then.
"You're supposed to say Thank You," Mia nudged her, smiling cleverly.
"This wasn't my idea," Y/N said, looking mortified.
She made a move to remove the tiara, but Dean caught her hand. "Let it be. It looks like it took a lot of work to put it there." The girls nodded in vehement agreement.
It a sight to see Y/N being adored like that. He could have watched her laugh and blush all day- A princess complete with a tiara. And, boy, did she look beautiful. It would be a sin now to look away from her. A resplendency like that demanded attention, it deserved affection. How was he ever supposed to look away now?
It was a tearful goodbye when the bus to the hostels rolled in. The girls all hugged Y/N and walked into the bus one by one. Mia was the last one remaining.
"Don't forget about thanksgiving," Y/N reminded her, then paused, eyeing Dean. "We have guests over though."
Mia raised her eyebrows, to which Y/N replied, "Dean's brother Sam is coming over."
"Thanksgiving dinner with a full table and sane people? Who would have thought?" Mia muttered, leaning forward to hug Y/N. "We are actually progressing towards being functional human beings."
Y/N laughed at the morbid humor that made Dean's heart constrict.
Mia then turned to him.
"It was great to meet you, Dean," she said earnestly.
He extended his hand. "Trust me, the pleasure was all mine."
Instead of taking his hand, she reached out on her tiptoes and threw her hands around him. Dean had to lower himself a little to hold her.
"Your secret is safe with me," she whispered in his ear. "But don't keep it a secret too long, okay?"
"Okay," he promised. She winked once, nodded towards Y/N then followed her friends onto the bus.
They watched as the bus rolled out, all the girls, whose names Dean had memorized by now, waved at them till it disappeared around the bend and out of sight.
"Maybe, just maybe if I own the apartment, these girls will finally have a home of their own," Y/N said, eyes still on the bend. Then, too quickly, they found his, "What was Mia whispering in your ear?"
"You caught that, huh?"
Her eyes narrowed. "Of course I did. Now, what did she say?" Y/N demanded.
Dean shrugged. "You're not the President. I don't have to tell you anything."
"She's my sister!"
"Also an independent citizen. She doesn't have to tell you everything, either."
Y/N huffed, crossing her hands beneath her chest, exasperated. Only, she looked like a demanding princess thanks to the tiara. Abruptly Dean burst out laughing, doubling over in the middle of the street. It only pissed her more.
"You know, I had forgotten how insufferable you are," she said, glaring at him, but it served only in making Dean laugh harder. In all his self-absorbing over unrequited love, he had missed this so much- the pure, unabashed banter that had started and sometimes defined their friendship.
"And I had forgotten how satisfying it is to annoy you," he retorted and she looked like she was about to punch him into the orbit of the earth.
"Alright," he said, making an effort to control his laughter. "She promised me that she'd keep my secret."
"What secret?"
"Wouldn't be one, if I told you now, would I?"
She stared at him in blatant disbelief. "You just met her!"
"And she seemed trustworthy. So I told her."
"Tell me!"
Dean gave up. How could he deny her anything at all. "One condition…"
"You take me to this spot and I get all the pictures I need. Then I'll tell you."
She considered for a second, then came to the conclusion that this was probably the best deal she was going to get.
"Then what're you waiting for, Romeo? Get in the damn car."
Dean grinned at how eager she was. So much so that it had even slipped her mind that she was still parading around like a princess.
As he started the car, Dean glanced at her once more, this strong, beautiful girl who had trusted him enough to tell him about her past, let him walk into the part of her life that mattered the most to her. It wasn't the complete truth, but it was something and he was willing to hold on to. He was also willing to hold on to the promise he made to Mia, he was going to tell Y/N that he was in love with her. And for the first time, he was hopeful, that she might actually like him back.
A/N 2: So... you think Dean will pluck up the courage to ask her? To kiss her?
A/N 3: Please do consider reblogging my work and leaving feedback. Reblogging helps spread it, and also helps against the “best posts first” option tumblr has. The more the notes, the less chance of it getting buried beneath others posts. And the comments are what keep me going. I love you guys and I’ll be in forever grateful <3
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xpyre · 6 years
@xpuriity / roo!
     |      ♪      Clear midnight skies and loud cheers as their family counted down to what would signify the end of the year but as every year, the hummingbird had been looking for something else entirely, attention completely immersed in but one boy that everything else faded entirely — no voice escaping plump glossy lips while a petite figure remained attached, inseparable from the source of warmth resembling the sun to her, literally and metaphorically even on the cold winter night — her firefly.
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     Indigo would remain transfixed on enticing silver orbs, all too mesmerized by a vision deemed brighter than that of exploding fireworks and all the fear they summoned within her — refusing to permit the background noise to steal this moment from them and just as the descend of numbers would come to a halt, she would deafen her fears and explosions alike with but one simple gesture: claiming the lips of her beloved birthday boy, passionately. 
     All around wishes for the new year were exchanged but his little lady would provide him a wish of her own. ❝I wish I could start and end every year like this with you.. Happy Birthday, Ace..❞
     With said confession spoken, his little bird would disappear into the crowds, leaving her special boy to celebrate with the rest of their family for the time being while she had much left to set up — it had become somewhat of a tradition for them to spend his birthday in a place of sanctuary, a secret the lovebirds shared alone, however being pirates meant that option would not always be viable hence her determination to mimic the magic he shared with her in that place as best as she could. 
    Finally returning to his side, a childlike tug would linger upon his hand, silently demanding his attention away from his brothers. ❝Come with me?❞ she would ask; selfish never had the hummingbird been, except when it came to her special boy, as she now whisked him away from to keep for herself the remainder of the night. Teasing remarks in the background completely ignored as she had been focused on none other than her freckled ray of sunshine. 
     Rather than any special location, she would merely lead him to the confinement of their own chambers — their home, where he is welcomed with vibrant rotating lights of color changing lamps emitting aurora resembling reflections upon the four walls and ceiling — not identical to the real piece of heaven yet still serving to provide a romantic enchanting glow to the pillow fort picnic setting she had waiting for him. 
     Next to the picnic, sat a box with holes on the lid — seemingly rattling and shaking to break open as though the gift itself had been alive — quick strides she would take to rush to it❝I’m sorry — I thought it would be okay to keep him in.. if it’s just for a little bit... ❞ she speaks hurriedly as the item she referred to as ‘he’’ is handed shyly to Ace, urging him to open it.
     She knew her beloved cared naught for materialistic items, yet carried immense love for animals only paralleled by his natural kindness, hence why as soon as the lid is lifted, a feline like creature would charge out — or had it been a bird? A blend of sunset peach and orange hues that is shimmering fur coated its cat like ears and tail while the softest feathers extending from its back to shape angel wings and its beak resembled a bird. A creature so unlike any other yet so minuscule in its size would take flight in their room, causing the lights to reflect even brighter before finally taking its seat upon his new friend’s hand, attracted to his exuding warmth and pouting comically to him as though snitching that his girl had him in a box.
     ❝Look — he’s both a bird and a cat…❞ she says enthusiastically, hoping that clarified her choice — it had been part her, and part him. ❝He’s the last of his kind… I found him while trying to track one of his feathers… thought since he’s so small he could keep you company when you go off alone on the striker.. — I haven’t named him, thought you would like to?❞ the suggestion is made before a mischievous smile coats her lips and she gets up, spins in her little dress and skips over to their dresser to pick up yet another wrapped gift, this one doesn’t rattle when handed to him.
     A compass — not the log pose but a traditional kind used in olden days is wrapped with a small white ribbon. 
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     ❝They say it’s supposed to lead you to your heart’s innermost and deepest desires — It has to be true because ever since I’ve picked it up 
                    — it’s only ever pointed me to you❞
          Stolen   —–   From the boisterous bunch in their surroundings and the chanting of numbers counting down till the very stroke of midnight   —–   The upcoming new year summoned only excitement across the deck of pirates, while to this specific pirate tonight, there was only but one scenery, one event, one girl in his atmosphere, and she, more than the stars above, illuminated beautifully beneath this generous ray of moonlight.
          As though a magnet, vivid indigo effortlessly colors both his vision and any track of thought he had prior in his head; silver simply now just utterly unable to rip from the captivating pair of eyes he knew were also in a similar predicament   —–   A love so overwhelming was felt in the pit of his stomach, knowing all too very well of the mutuality that was her immense love for him in return. One he deemed nothing short of a miracle for one as undeserving as himself   —–   Or so was his mindset before this very love filled the empty spaces inside his heart and whispered to him he was her only one.
          Unlike the previous years where his little lady did well to catch him entirely off guard, Ace would anticipate her sneaky plans right before her abrupt leaning in   —–   Candy pink lips so soft to the touch now generously granting him just a taste had prompted the immediate reaction of fishing for both a delicate pair of arms, pulling her petite figure against his own for an embrace so tight.  And triumphantly, he smiles against her kiss so passionate, savoring all that she was.
          Prompted by her spoken wish deemed ever so sweet to his ears, her beloved firefly would respond without a voice yet in a manner obviously very positive as he allows his hands to speak for themselves and trail her curves before cupping of both rosy cheeks and planting yet another loving kiss to his favorite pair of lips   —–   Only once parted does he flash her a grin rather smug.
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          ❛❛   —–   We’ve got the rest of our lives for that, don’t we?  ❜❜
          An unexpected promise hinting he was in this for the long haul would fall sweetly from his mouth like honey.  It wasn’t an option he ever thought possible before this relationship as merely just contemplating the very topic of forever when he was a man despised by the world was but a dream deemed impossible. Never did he ever imagine burdening another with his load by allowing them into his life in such an intimate manner   —–   This being yet another example of just how much she truly changed him.
          Escaping his hold, his hummingbird slips past the crowd, leaving him rather lonesome, wondering of her absence while left to stare towards the skies of exploding lights in the company of his many brothers and very few sisters. Some of which that would find the opportunity to present to him with congratulatory words and a familial hug. Perhaps even a drink or two.
          Her return in the form of a gentle tug of his hand was one to catch him by surprise, soon to elicit delight to his expression—–  her request even more so as he allowed her to lead the way and whisk the two away from the crowd, leaving their loud, cheeky voices of support for the couple to become but a distant murmur now.
          Upon entering their room, silver is taken aback by the luminous colors now projected across their four walls like decoration. He takes time to admire the aurora indoors; the sight being a reminder itself of the familiar scenery that was their secret place of sanctuary. The cozy setting around them as well, almost as though to recreate the memory that was previously outdoors and several islands away from where they currently sailed.
          ❛❛  ..Rosa, this is—–  ❜❜   Interrupted, his attention is immediately seized by what seemed to rattle energetically, or say, desperately inside a box he now watched her reach for   —–   Immense curiosity colors a gaze of silver as he is handed the source of the sound, promptly quick to open the gift of which seemed to now fly out at him like a speeding vehicle   —–   although minuscule, the speed alone was shocking enough to make any human to pull away and reject the unknown as reflex, however Ace did not. Nothing of the fearful emotion could be seen, only his mouth was agape in wonder by the tiny creature he could not yet determine the type of.
          An explanation for the coat of orange and peachy hues mixing feline and bird traits into one, and whatever initial curiosity and surprise would disperse into that of utter amazement upon a visage of stars   —–   The last of his kind, she would inform him and his expression would transition into one quite thoughtful as he whispers to himself in a volume barely audible.   ❛❛  ..We’re the same then..  ❜❜   The similarity being that he too, was the last of his bloodline.
          She would suggest their new friend accompany him on his striker and there’s a faint smile upon his features before brushing off his previous thought entirely, now proceeding to play with the unnamed friend with but a lone finger, hoping to smudge off it’s adorable pout for being forced inside a box   —–   A name she would now allow him the honor of granting, and Ace was left to seriously contemplate one suiting of the flying furball in the palm of his hand. That was, until she was up and moving once more, prompting both his train of thought and a pair of silver to follow after her petite figure like a magnet he couldn’t quite control.
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          Yet another gift   —–   surely by now she should have realized that just her presence alone was more than enough for her firefly on this special day. Though that may be true, still he felt of anticipation crawl at his expression, immediate in unboxing what was handed to him.  And to his astonishment, when revealed to be an olden day compass, initially, there is a pause and look of wonder towards Rosa, silver utterly awed by the sickly-sweet honey to now pass her lips.
          While no words in his vocabulary were even closely capable of conveying his gratitude, his free arm reaches across her back, pulling her into his embrace before allowing silence to fill the air   —–   one of which that felt only natural for the two as he savored the moment simply with her in his hold   —–   look closely, and a soft smile adorns a visage of constellations.
          ❛❛  ..Looks like I finally figured out a name for this little guy—–  ❜❜   he finally releases his hold and protrudes the silence with a name she so kindly permitted him the honor of.   ❛❛  Arrow.  ❜❜   Like the compass of which she spoke of pointing to him always. He beams while pointing to the tiny creature who seemed rather pleased by the given name.   ❛❛  You like that name, huh, little guy??  ❜❜   He laughs, now smiling so loving towards his little lady.
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          ❛❛  —–  Thank you, Rosa!  You’re always going the extra mile for me.. I’ll keep this with me, always!  ❜❜   The compass he meant just before a leaning down was on cue, claiming glossy lips with all he had, heart included.   ❛❛  Ah, and Arrow too!  ❜❜   An adorable laugh.
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itshummelswitch · 4 years
WHEN: February 24th, 2020
WHERE: Squires, kink club.
WHO: Sebastian Smythe & Kurt Hummel | @markedswitchsmythe
EVENT: First Kurtbastian meeting. Flirting & dirty talk ensues.
Honestly Sebastian taken the more open minded approach to this place, if they were stuck here.  Why not at least embrace it for a little while? Besides, that blond kid Sam seemed to OK with being here long term, at least longer than the rest of had been here.   Sebastian leaned against the bar, the long dancers body arching out as he curled a hand around the cocktail and took a little sip of it.  It was easier than you thought getting into this place,  a simple line about some dominant inside he was meeting and just like that- he was in.  He'd even plucked up one of those green tags from the counter - all system go for any boys around who might take his fancy.   His shirt was already gone  to show off those slender but tone body- years of dancing finally coming in handy.   Sebastian's pants looked like they were painted on, the tight jeans showing off his ass in a specular way as he leaned over the edge of the bar,  hearing the thumbing music and a few more...interesting and bold couples getting together around the club. God, this place could be fun at times.
After what seemed ages, Kurt had allowed himself to actually get out and explore. During the appropriate times given to him, of course. Last thing he wanted was a big, burly guy to come in and drag him back home or anywhere else for that matter. He wasn't exactly the most fond of being touched without his consent, and this place still gave him an anxiety spike. Despite Riley and Sam's words of knowledge to ease some of that paranoia, he still wasn't too sure if he should believe what he saw. People in collars, and people without. Nudity blatant and out in the open with no regrets. This definitely was far out of his usual comfort zone bubble, and he wasn't sure if he was ever going to get used to it. Having been escorted inside the biggest club known as Squires by an unnamed Dominant, who had shown up like some guardian angel to help him be granted access, he found himself with a blue bracelet. Adding some color to the bland cuffs he was still stuck with. He did want to educate himself. There was no way he was going to be a stick-in-the-mud this entire time. If he was here, he might as well start learning sometime. His outfit consisting of red pants, that hugged his curves and highlighted every asset he had in this club lighting. The black button down with the long sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms was a nice and simple touch, contrasting his pale white skin and tone arms for the club-goers to admire as he passed them. Not knowing where to put himself, he finds himself at the bar, noting the temperature being thick and hot which already had his throat feeling dry. He wasn't much of an alcoholic drinker, as he knew he was a lightweight to begin with, and opted for a simple fruity drink to sip at as he settled against the edge of the bar counter, arms resting comfortably in a lounge-like position.
Sebastian's eyes ran along the club before moving back to the bar as he took a little sip of his drink.  It was easy to soak in the displays of flesh and some of the bolder public sex going on but his eyes were quickly drawn to something a little closer to home. Well, closer to the bar anyway.  And certainly something more covered up than some of the other boys around.  Still there was no denying that Sebastian felt the wind get knocked out of himself a little at the sight before him.  Honestly, it was like the other was some god damn forgotten god.  His head tilted as his eyes ran down that dark hair and the pretty, pale, almost porcelain skin.  Perfect red lips and really, his eyes drifted down to that perky ass showed off in the pair of tight red pants as he leaned over the bar. Sebastian sucked on the inside of his cheek as he pressed his lips together at the sight.  That ass alone could start the trojan war at least in Sebastian's eyes.  It's hard to miss that pretty blue colour of the others cuff, in contrast to his own green as he brushed past a few people to simply take the empty spot at Kurt's side. "I'd offer to buy you a drink but you've already got one. Sort of a waste of a good line, though." Sebastian teased as he shifted his arm against the bar and his body turned to look at the other.  The shirtless dancer giving his best thousand watt smile as he held out his hand.  "Sebastian Smythe.  How about I get your next one? Or like, some food sometime?" He added, his bright green eyes dancing into Kurt's.  God he hoped this came off as charming and not...well, creepy as hell.
Kurt could feel a few onlookers eyeing him. It wasn't like he hadn't been in a club before, as he and his ex visited a rather popular one in New York a few times. And it was always a little flattering. Knowing he had someone's attention on him out of interest. Even so, with the coveted moaning going on in the background, it was going to take a little more for him to feel comfortable in being eyed like a piece of meat on a stick. Baby steps. The voice cutting through his senses, he turns to face Sebastian. Feeling his cheeks warm at the charming almost pick-up line, he does offer a warm smile - flattery never being a subtle point for him. The name being the hitting point that for him to put two-and-two together in the end, as he shifts against the bar. "Oh! You're Sebastian?" He asks, his grin dialing up as his eyes move to soak this man in. Silently applauding the outfit choice, as he couldn't help but notice the lack of shirt with those hip hugging pants. This guy was hot. Confident too, if the green bracelet meant anything. Never a bad look in Kurt's eyes. "You look so much better in person then whatever my head made up when we were talking in the chat." Another quick sip of his drink, he shakes himself. "Kurt. Kurt Hummel. The guy who lost his cat?"
It's hard to miss the others slight blush and it's a good sign that he's at least making a positive impression.  There is a little arch of his eyebrow at the other saying his name but god, doesn't it feel like the sun is shining on him directly from Kurt's smile?  There was tilt of his head as he finally gets the others name.  "Ah. Kurt. Right.  Along your not at all hateful cat. " His voice was warm and teasing though,  a broad grin dancing along his lips as he could feel the others eyes on him - soaking in his near nudity.  At least the other liked what he saw. "You're aware a statement like that does rather make curious about what I looked like in that handsome head of yours while were talking." He teased as he sipped of his own drink before lowering it to the bar.  "Always good to put a name to the face though." He hummed, his hand reached out to tap the others blue cuff. " I see you've chosen to take the plunge when it comes to this place.  That's properly for the best considering god knows how long we'll be here for."   He pointed out with a little tilt of his head.
"I can assure you, my imagination couldn't cook up anything as good as you look." Kurt takes another sip of his drink, then sets the glass down, turning to face the bar for a better leaning pose. Maybe even taking advantage of Sebastian's eyes on him in the process. "And what about you? Am I a disappointment to what you may have thought I looked like?" Curiosity killed the cat as they say, and maybe it was a sort of fishing for a similar compliment, but he didn't care. Who could blame him. A friendly face and knowing someone here was setting his mind more at ease. Letting him relax. Perhaps even enjoy himself. More baby steps in the right direction. He can only smirk slightly at the pointing out of his blue bracelet. He didn't know what he was thinking when he chose it. It seemed like a good common middle ground? He didn't not want to interact, but he also didn't want to give anyone the idea that he was down for a sudden pull into an orgy of sorts. He wasn't that level of confidence. Not yet. "According to Sam and my brother, we probably will be here for a long while. They managed to do it - so might as well. Right?" He gives a nod towards the others green bracelet. "Has anyone taken advantage of you yet?" It sounded a little wrong coming out of his mouth, and he hoped it wouldn't get taken the wrong way. Even if Sebastian was half naked, and clearly down for anything.
"OOoh that's quite the compliment.  Careful you'll have me blushing." Sebastian added with a flash of that smile as he kept his eyes on the other, though he might have let them drift down the others body as he moved to soak in that gorgeous body again.  There's a gentle laugh at the others question but it's not cruel at all as a hand lifted to brush against his own jawline.  "God the last thing you are is a disappointment. You're...stunning, Kurt. " he pointed out with a wave of his hand.   "  I mean, could go on for hours but those eyes alone are super distracting and your ass is..." Sebastian added with a shake of his head as he trailed and he took another sip of his own drink to cover any more embracing compliments to flow out of his mouth. "I get the feeling Sam and your brother are right about that and..the place doesn't seem as terrible as it could be.  Certainly nothing all that shady about it. Yet anyway.  And hey, at least everyone here seems...cool right? They're gonna go at your speed Kurt. At least any kinkster worth his salt would. " Not like there was some weird SAW style killer around the island or anything. It just seemed to be...exactly as the man in the room he'd awoken up in said it would be.  "Why? You curious about taking advantage of me? " Sebastian teased at the question of his own colour as he shot a wink over at the shorter, pale boy across from him.  "Because trust me when I say I'd more than be OK with that." He added before he finally addressed the question with a little shake of his head.  "Not tonight but it's still early yet. I was more just getting use to the club and you know, exploring it. Taking in the sights."  Sebastian answered the others actual question with a simple one shouldered shrug.
"Would blushing be such a bad thing?" Kurt has to ask. He's already in the club. This guy was already half naked as it was. Blushing would seem to be lower on the expectancy scale of things someone in here would shoot for - and that was not intended for any pun making either. Something about the club air. Getting out of his house, and just experiencing people was a nice. And thankfully his current company was even nicer. It didn't hurt either that he was a good piece of eye candy. "Maybe," He comments about the two Dominant's who had been here longer, knowing a thing or two. "Riley has been known to be a bit of a know-it-all." Which was the truth of the matter. It's a miracle he doesn't choke on his drink as he tries to finish it right as the mention of being taken advantage of gets brought up. Teasing of course, but his cheeks tinge even hotter. Or was it the humid atmosphere? Hard to tell. "Well - I don't know about you. But I wouldn't mind exploring these sights a little better and take full advantage of your outfit - or lack thereof." Empty glass aside, he pushed away from the bar. The music was doings things to him, and he wanted to move to it.
"Maybe not a bad thing but certainly a rare thing for me which would make you...well, special." Sebastian countered with a little arch of his eyebrow as he took a little slip of his drink.  Not like Sebastian often was thrown off his game and hey,  causing such a reaction would be an achievement for him.   There was a little one shouldered shrug as he placed the glass back onto the other. "Is he? Can't say I've really got any decent read of your brother.  Other than he really does not like your cat."  Riley hadn't exactly been all that open as some of the other people around the island. There's a little lick of the switches lower lips as he watches the others reaction to his words. Oh, it was pretty glorious.  "Oh really now? Well, now, Minou, you can take advantage of me and this outfit however you want.." Sebastian was smart enough to get the others intention however and he pushed off the bar himself and made the rather bold move of just slipping his fingers into Kurt's and moving him towards the dance floor.  His fingers slotting into Kurt's almost perfectly as he pulled the boy into the mass of close dancers and let the music was over them both.
No one had grabbed his hand before out of the blue. Not since his ex - but even that had been short lived in its prime. It wasn't an unpleasant warmth spreading from his hand either throughout his entire body, that just further pumped him up to the music. Needing to move. Needing to do something with this man on the dance floor. Almost a perfect stranger, who Kurt was obviously feeling an attraction to. And the tighter his pants got, the more obvious that was. No shame, Hummel, if anything Sebastian came across as someone who would be smug and flaunt that knowledge. "So, have any saucy stories of your experience in the club life, le beau?" Kurt asks once they find an empty spot, giving his free hand a chance to hook a finger on a tempting belt loop, pulling the slightly taller man in closer to feel the heat radiating off each other.
Sebastian easily relished that closeness between himself and Kurt,  his trademark smirk dancing along his lips as the other tugged him forward by that belt loop.  His hand keeping locked with Kurt's as the other moved down the others slender hip with a tilt of his head.   There was a little dip of his eyes at the others rather...more evident crotch but he kept his comments to himself as he leaned forward to brush his lips near the others. "Oh- plenty.  Sometimes It was just good to blow off steam...work got too much and you just wanted...some release.." he teased, the words dancing over at the other like a spell. "What do you wanna hear about? Times I dominated sweet, cute things like yourself Hm? Had them moaning for Daddy?  Or times I just...gave up control?" He asked curious what the other might take.  God knows Sebastian was never one to skip some dirty talk or at least, some dirty talk story time.
Okay. Kurt was getting the appeal of being in a place like this. Being open, free, without any judgement passed. As some bodies in the room were even closer in contact than he was with Sebastian right now. And he could just about taste the other man's breath on the tip of his tongue. So warm and inviting, begging him to give something up. And he wanted to. It was a matter of knowing what that something was. Smirking in retaliation to the one opposite him, he doesn't shy away from the questions that intrigued him even more. Knowing that Sebastian had played both sides of the coin made more sense as to why he was a Switch - if only he could say the same. "I'm sure you could pick a favorite time for both." His fingers walking slowly from one loop to another. "Don't spare any details. Being stingy is for other nights."
Oh, he liked this side of Kurt, that mischivious light in his eyes and the way he leaned towards him, that ferity energy flicking back and forth between the two boys.  " Oh right then.." Sebastian tilted his bead back slightly as he gave a little hum, as if he was dwelling over the many times he'd indulged in a bit of kink to pick out the best ones. "Back home there was a club much like this one...And they had this big stage in the center.  And there was pretty shy boy I'd be courting all night.  He liked a strong hand and being put in his place.." Sebastian hummed, the story weaving over the other like a spell.  "The club was pretty full, it was a Friday night but the moment I dragged that boy up onto the stage.  Every single person's eyes were on us.  I pushed him to his knees.  Those pretty innocent eyes staring up at me as fucking hot as hell."  Sebastian continued.  " God, if I could tell how hot that sir that dropped from his lips were..well..you'd be just as taken with him as I was.  I slipped my cock out from my leather pants and...not to brag but hey, I'm impressive enough that the boy literally whimpered.." he hummed.  " I throat fucked the boy till tears came down his cheeks. Right there. It was like this...performance.   And addictive power rush..." Sebastian's eyes met the other.  "How's that?"
Truth be told, Kurt was taken aback that Sebastian actually had to think of a time. Were there really that many?  Being surprised shouldn't be a thing he figures, not with how good of a game Sebastian talks. He clearly had the experience under his belt to prove he knew what he was doing. In a way it made Kurt more at ease, hips pressed against one another in such close proximity. This was clearly a kink club, he was going to be in good hands if anything escalated past dancing. Brow lifted as the story unfolds, he can picture it clearly in his mind's eye. Blood traveling south of the equator would probably be noticeable more now in their shared space, but Kurt keeps dancing. Doesn't stop. Won't stop. "That is incredible, actually." The corner of his mouth quirks. "Especially considering you being so humble about bragging about how impressive you are." His tongue teasing at the corner of his own mouth. "The only juicy story I have is that my ex made me come at work, without even touching me since he was in a class at the time."
There was a little smirk as he felt something rather noticeable press into his hip from the other boy, it was nice to know that he'd done his job with that story.  Sebastian kept up the movements himself though, dancing along to the pounding beats, though there might have been a little more deliberate grinding once he felt such a...reaction.  "Oh yeah? Glad you liked it."  Sebastian replied as his eyes met the others as he bit his lower lip before he gave a shrug at those next words. "Oh so humble. Doesn't mean I was lying at allllllll."  He promised- more than away he was rather gifted in that regard.
Sebastian's head tilted at the others words with a little impressed hum. It was a pretty hot image. "And just pray tell, how did he make you do  that??  Come on, details Hummel. Fair trade and all that."  The taller point pointed out as his hands moved down to brush along Kurt's hips, a firm grip against them.
A soft laugh erupts from somewhere in the Switches chest, not knowing why he was so willing to share such an intimate story about his ex and the time he had made a mess out of himself at work. But he wanted to share it. What would Chandler care? The guy wasn't here. The guy was his ex. They weren't the most romantic love story to exist, so he didn't have anything to lose. Not when he was this close and being hyper aware of where he was being touched. "Well, it started off innocent enough. He was bored in class. I was doing the easy task of filing things." Kurt begins, rolling his hips at a particular good beat in the music playing overhead. "He mentioned how he could see some girls underwear from where he was sitting. And he stated he'd like to see me in something lacy and black. I humored him and said he was in luck because I had some in a secret drawer. He took the bait and asked where I got them, and why he never saw them before." Head tilting to the side, Kurt bring an arm up to wrap securely around Sebastian's neck, pulling their bodies even closer. "He then proceeded to want photos of me in those underwear. I said I was at work. He said that I should wear them to work the next day, and send him a photo. I asked why. He then said he likes the idea that I would wear those just for him, and how he'd come for me at my lunch break. Bend me over my bosses desk, and pull those lacy beauties aside, and..." He pauses, biting on his bottom lip as he tickles his fingers against the back of Sebastian's neck. "Are you sure you want to know the rest?"
Sebastian tilted his head as he soaked in that story but it certainly took a direction he wasn't expecting but god, if the image of Kurt in a pair of lace, black panties didn't get him hard as rock even right here in the rather public space of a dance club.  Granted the others grinding didn't help anything but he was pretty sure that Kurt could feel his reaction to the news that Kurt had a secret draw full of lacy underwear.  It was a little betrayal of his body for one of his most favorite kinks.  His head tilted back against the others arm but he kept that closeness, deliberately grinding his half-hard s and very prominent cock against the boy as he smirked at those next words.  "I can't say I blame him. I rather want a picture of you wearing a pair now..." Sebastian near groaned at that fun visual image of Kurt bent over a desk and being fucked while still wearing a pair of lace panties. "And fucked blind?" Sebastian finished, his eyes heated as his hand moved down Kurt's back as he gave a chuckle at those words. " Oh, I'm so very, very sure. I think I need to know the rest if anything. Don't leave a guy wanting like this." He shot back, his body rolling to the music again, pressing his hips against the others.   Sebastian's eyes meeting the others as he felt the rest of the dance floor - hell the entire sex club- fade away and it was like the two of them alone in the world. "Go one. He wanted to bend you over a desk and move those panties aside and fill you up to the brim..."
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