#quakie's post
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quakiebaka · 2 years ago
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“I’d never abandon him when he needs me”- macaque/wukong to each other at some point probably
hello lmk fandom here’s my first genuine post on the show that’s had a grip on me for the past six months. and of course its shadowpeach. oh well! thank you monkie kid for getting me back into art! season 4 has broken me!!!
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lenoratheyinglet · 5 months ago
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Gift for Quakie!
Just a quick gift for my friend Quakie! She's absolutely wonderful and I couldn't be happier to call her a friend! 
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fruit-teeth · 1 year ago
Chronicles of Love and War (chapter 29) (part 1)
(This chapter will be split into two parts on Tumblr ONLY due to the word limit. Part two will be posted immediately after this.)
Olivia had no idea that the afternoon she was spending at Saxton Hale's cottage would only last for a few more minutes.
She and Lucy sat at a table in the kitchen, munching on some pizza while messing with a cassette player. Apart from playing board games, there wasn't much else to do. However, Hale had discovered some vintage music in one of his rooms, which he let the girls listen to. 
“It’s pretty,” Lucy remarked after a moment. “What kind of music it?”
Standing beside the table, Hale replied, “It’s
folk music, I think it’s called? It was my mother’s, she loved this kind of music.”
“My mommy likes it, too!” Olivia chimed in. “She likes music from Ireland, that’s where she said my grandpa was from.”
What happened next happened extremely quickly. Lucy started to say something, but her voice seemingly got cut off by what sounded like a rough cough. Lucy's chair scraped across the kitchen floor just as Olivia turned away to pick up another cassette.
“What is it?” Saxton Hale asked Lucy, but she did not respond. Olivia looked up in time to see Lucy staring blankly ahead while walking out the kitchen door.
“Lucy?” Bidwell called out from where he sat in the living room, watching as Lucy walked towards the front door. 
Olivia could only watch, her heart racing. “She’s doing it again,” she managed to say, voice wavering in confusion and fear. Had she said something to upset Lucy? What could have possibly set her off?
Saxton didn’t seem to understand what this meant, so he followed Lucy to the door. “Where are you going? Come back!”
He put his hand on Lucy's shoulder and she spun around, screaming at him, sending him reeling backward. 
In an instant, Lucy sprinted out of the house, leaving Saxton extremely confused. Olivia ran to the door, halting and watching in horror as Lucy disappeared into the distance. She didn’t know what to think, or what to do, but Bidwell ran to the phone and quickly punched in a few numbers. 
“We need to go after her!” Saxton exclaimed, but Olivia grabbed him by the leg to stop him. 
“No!” she exclaimed. “No, she’s gonna hurt you! We need to call her dad!”
“Olivia, I’m calling your mother, don’t worry!” 
Less than a minute later, Helen answered. “What?”
"Hey, Lucy just ran out, and she's acting strange!" Bidwell said, motioning for Olivia to approach.  We didn’t do anything to set her off, it just happened!”
“Bidwell, get Olivia to a safe place right now,” Helen’s voice sounded low and urgent as she spoke. “I’ve gotten word from the base, and I know why this is happening. There’s not much you can do for Lucy now, trust me – just keep Olivia inside, I mean it!”
“What are you talking about?” Bidwell asked, feeling his heart rate go up even quicker. “What’s going on over there?”
“We’re all in danger, I’ll explain more later!” Helen instructed, right before she hung up. 
Olivia finally snapped out of her shock, running to the door. “Lucy! Come back!”
“Olivia, no!” Bidwell ran ahead of hers and slammed the door, locking it before she could try and leave. “You’re staying here until we figure out what’s going on!”
Olivia tried to push past Bidwell to get a better look through the window, but she couldn’t see Lucy anymore. Tears burned her eyes, but she desperately fought them back. 
“Was this my fault?” she wondered aloud, barely aware of her own voice. 
"Don't worry, we'll figure it out," Saxton Hale tried to soothe her, though he didn't sound very confident. 
At the same time, the sky up above was soon swarming with black clouds. Merasmus could only stare at the clouds for a few seconds, wondering if Lucy, his beloved Lucy, had fallen to The Corrupt's power. 
"How do we stop her!?" Soldier shouted from where he'd blocked Zelda's passageway with chairs and other broken debris. 
“Let me think!” Merasmus shouted back, gnarled hands quaking. At last, she spun around to look at Soldier and the others gathering just in front of the safe room doors. 
“This might be a bad idea,” he began. “But perhaps we can stop the destruction by heading to Coldwater Cave! I can perform another stasis cocoon spell and seal it back up that way,”
"Hey, you did that with her already, genius!" Scout grunted, gesturing to the barricade where the enraged howls of the Corrupted Zelda could be heard. “Look how well that turned out!”
“Jeremy, that’s not helping!” Angelica scolded him, although from the look on her face, it seemed as though she wanted to yell at Merasmus too. 
“We don’t have another choice!” Merasmus shouted back at Scout. “We have to try!”
Spy's heart pounded as he returned his gaze to Scout and Angelica, observing Angelica's shoulder wound and his son's anxiety. However, as he remembered the hospital attack, he was reminded of something he'd overheard Lazarus and Dr. Handy say.
“Fairy magic,” Spy blurted out suddenly. 
Hearing this, Merasmus shot him a confused look. “What?”
Spy explained, “Fairy magic! Those men at the hospital said that fairies have light magic, which can affect demons! If we can find the fairies, perhaps they’ll have something that can help us!”
“I won’t allow that, we don’t have time!” Merasmus barked. “Besides, you saw what the fae is capable of! If we get on their wrong side, it could make things even worse!” 
Something shook the building, something deep and akin to thunder, and Merasmus spoke again. “I am going to Coldwater Cave, and I will teleport there with anyone here who wants to go! Act quickly, for I am not wasting another second here!” 
The safe room door unexpectedly flung open, revealing Zhanna, who had definitely been eavesdropping on the other side.
“I will go with you,” she spoke, looking towards Merasmus. 
Zelda’s screaming on the other side of the door got even louder, and Heavy exclaimed, “Sister, no! You must get back in the room, it is not safe!”
"She wants me!" Zhanna pointed to the area where Zelda was attempting to break down the barricade. “She will not get me if I go to the cave!” 
“She has a point,” Sniper agreed. “But someone else has gotta go with you!” 
Soldier dashed over to Zhanna and wrapped his arms around her, clutching her firmly. “Teleport us both with you, Merasmus!” Soldier shouted.
Merasmus was about to snap his fingers and teleport with Soldier and Zhanna when a section of the barricade fell. Bea stood there instead of Zelda, and Zhanna had never seen such an expression of rage on her face. 
“Oh, no you don’t!” Bea suddenly sprinted towards where the three stood, axe in hand. Right at that moment, Sonya threw herself into the path of the other woman, knocking the axe to the floor.
“Take her now!” Sonya gasped out to Merasmus as she pinned Bea to the ground. “Keep my daughter safe! Please!” 
Merasmus snapped his fingers and vanished, leaving with Soldier and Zhanna. Sonya exhaled a sigh of relief at the sight, only to be startled back into reality as Bea released her hand and punched her across the face.
Sonya recovered quickly, situating her hands on Bea’s jaw and shoving her back into the ground. “I have killed men your size and larger!” she spat at her, just inches away from Bea’s scarred face. “You will die a second time at my hands!”
“Go ahead!” Bea spat back. “You saw my sister over there! She’s become more powerful than you, and if you kill me, that’ll be a death sentence for you and your family!”
“Oh, wow,” Lar-Nah scoffed from where she stood nearby. “That’s brave of you, just get your big sister to fight your battles for you,”
“Shut the hell up!” Bea hissed up at her. “She’s been there for me my whole life, not that you would know anything about that!” “She’s turned into a bloody demon!” Demoman shouted back. “You’re not going to get her back after this! She did it for you! Are you happy, you old bat!?”
“Maybe if you hadn’t killed off my whole team, this wouldn’t be happening right now!” Bea fired back, yanking her hands up to get them free from Sonya’s grip. 
All of a sudden, a familiar voice caught Bea dead in her tracks: “Bea?!”
Bea blinked a few times, thinking she’d misheard something. Sonya looked over her shoulder and saw Fred standing there. She let go of Bea just a little bit at the sight. 
Fred assessed the situation before he managed to say, “What the hell did you get into?”
Bea couldn’t find her voice for a few seconds. Slowly, she got up and walked towards him. When she was in front of him, she cautiously touched his shoulder to confirm that it was really him.
“You’re alive?” she said finally, her voice coming out in a breathy, broken way. 
“Sure am,” Fred confirmed. “Bea, Zelda lied to you and said I died. She put me in a coma inside a hospital so that I couldn’t come and find you, or anyone! She’s been doing all this so she can keep you all to herself, don’t you get it? That’s what she’s always done!”
Bea was at a loss for words yet again, so she followed her instincts and put her arms around Fred, drawing him in for a tight hug. He returned her hug, and it felt as though they were back in the good old days when everything made sense. 
When Bea lifted her head, she was sobbing silently, tears rolling down her aged face. “Why didn’t I see it?” she said finally. “I got a second chance at my life, something almost no one ever gets
and she’s making me waste it on
this!” She stepped back and looked at the destruction, and all she could do was shake her head. “This has been going on forever, how was I so
Fred, blinking back tears in his own eyes, put his hand on her shoulder. “Look, don’t blame yourself,”
“I think she deserves a little bit of blame, Pa,” Engineer whispered to Fred, his tone slightly annoyed. 
Fred gave him an irritated look. “That ain’t the time for this, boy,” he turned back to Bea. “There’s not much we can do not except try and beat this thing!” 
Suddenly, there was a crash. With a twisted smile on her face, Zelda's body coiled around a newly collapsed portion of the barricade.
“I’m coming, Bea!” she crooned, her voice sharp as knives. “All will soon be well!”
Bea ran over and grabbed a few more chairs, shoving them in Zelda’s path to hold her back. “No! This is over, it ends now!” 
Zelda recoiled as if genuinely hurt by the action. “Bea!?” 
Bea paused for just a moment, studying her sister’s face. Not her, just a body. An angry and vile spirit had seized her body, overwhelming whatever remained of the girl who had raised her. In a way, she felt guilty: it was all her fault. All of this might have been avoided if she had been more watchful and had prevented Zhanna from killing her in the first place. And yet
it was not her fault. Logically, she knew that Zelda had always been overbearing, so all of this was bound to happen. She missed the happy days of her childhood when she and Zelda lived with Lorenzo at the Italian restaurant before everything went wrong. The person she truly missed was the one her sister had been before. 
Zelda’s hands suddenly shot forward, grabbing Bea by the shoulders and trying to drag her away. “You’re coming with me!” Rage and pain oozed from Zelda’s breathy words as she attempted to lead Bea away. “The others will be here soon, and you can join them like I have! The pain of the thorn gives ways to powers you could only dream of!” 
Bea screamed, trying to pry her away. “No! No, I’m not becoming like you! Get away!” 
Bea looked up to see Pyro standing beside a maintenance closet they had opened and making frantic movements towards the inside. In an instant, Bea understood what was being said, so she spun Zelda around and threw her straight into the closet. 
Pyro swiftly locked it, and Bea grabbed a chair to put up beneath the handle to keep the door shut. She knew it wouldn’t hold her sister for long, but it was a start. 
A pause followed. Finally, it was Engineer who said, “So
are you with us, now?”
“I don’t
” Bea trailed off, wincing at the sound of her sister’s nails scratching against the door in an attempt to escape. 
“She has tried to kill my sister many times! No!” Heavy barked from where he stood. 
“No one’s perfect,” Fred pointed out, only to step back when Sonya turned around and glared at him. “Um
Just then, footsteps ran down the corridor, followed by Miss Pauling's distinct voice. “Is everyone all right!?” 
“Miss P!” Scout ran to meet her, moving aside some things so she could step through. “We’re mostly okay, we got the old bitch locked up in there!” 
There was a loud thump from the closet, followed by shrieking. “She probably won’t stay in there for much longer,” Sniper pointed out, grimacing. 
Miss Pauling looked around in a flurry of confusion. “Where’s Merasmus?”
“Not here, left with Soldier and Zhanna,” Heavy explained. “They went to stop demons from leaving cave!” 
“He left you here alone with her!?” Miss Paulng exclaimed, before gesturing for the group to follow her. “Quick, we should evacuate everyone right now! I see a very bad situation developing if we continue to stick around here!” 
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fallnangelcreations · 4 years ago
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"The Spaces In-Between"
Art by @fallnangelcreations Watercolor Painting
~Prints & Merch~
~Watch the Art Process~
On TikTok @fallnangelli
Art Vid
Nuggie Cat Helps 1
Nuggie Cat Helps 2
-Reblogs Are Always Welcome-
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lasermagnets · 7 years ago
im having an out of body experience listening to drake rnn
mortals were not meant to hear this man
hes toooo strong
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0oolookitsme · 3 years ago
Hi! Since it’s Mother’s Day today, could you write about dad!harry? Maybe something about Harry waking up early in the morning, goes to the bub’s (you decide if it’s a little girl or a little boy) nursery and since theyre wide awake he takes them and brings them to the kitchen where they start preparing some breakfast (in bed) for reader and then they bring it to her and Harry wakes her up by placing The bub on top of her and they start kissing sloppily reader’s face while giggling and smacking her face in order to wake her up, just something cute and fluff pleasee❀
Title- Mama's Day
Type- One-Shoty Blurb!
Verse- Artist!Harry x Housewife(tuition teacher)!Y/n
Word Count- 1.0k
Warnings- None! Just not proofread, hehe
A/N- Okay, so I didn't want to write this request in my already created pairings just cause I've written (posted) too much in them recently. So, I decided why not I represent my most simple pairing -which is currently a wip, to you guys! I hope you enjoy reading this cottage-core fluff, as much as I liked writing this <333
Hope you like this anon, thanks for requesting! <3
Lemon-yellow shaded rays of sun peeked inside their room through the small gap between the two sage coloured curtains. Every thing was still except for the dust -stardust, perhaps, which could be seen only in the sunshine. The sound of their fan spinning at it's fastest speed couldn't drown out y/n's snores, who was sleeping on her stomach next to him.
Her cheek was smushed against the mattress as she had her face turned away from him, and towards where the baby's wooden crib was situated. It was about time that the baby would wake up and giggle, making grabby hands in the empty air or towards the moon toy that hung in the middle, on a thread -a creative craft performed by Y/n, which she never shuts up about.
Softly, Harry traced his fingers over the strand of hair that coiled on her cheek, brushing it away from there as to prevent any sweat from breaking out. A gentle smile had his lips curled upside as he gazed at his wife of 2 years, and his baby's mama of 1 year. He was just leaning down to place a peck on her cupid's bow when he notices movement through the corner of his eyes.
He sighs in content when he sees the chubby and fisted hands raise up and then, small quaky giggles reach his ears.
Quickly, he presses a soft kiss on her cheek and removes the mattress from over his lower body, gets out of bed and walks to his baby. Picking up the little girl who's dressed in her sky blue night jumper, he raises her up in the air, grinning at her. He brings her closer to him and presses a kiss on each of her full cheeks.
"Good morning!" He greets her in a shushed yet high pitched voice, smiling afterwards as though accepting her greeting -which was a giggle. "Let's get out of here, shall we?" He asks, not expecting any answer in return as he tip-toes on the wooden floor, out of the room.
Weaving his hands through his hair to fix them roughly, he continued his walk further in hall after he was satisfied with his reflection he saw in the glass window. Returning back to open it.
"Do you know what day it is today?" He asks, hoping to have her attention on him from where it was set on the jar of honey on the dining table. The baby does squeak, making him pass her an open mouthed grin. "S' Mama's Day!! We're gonna play as your mama's servants today, hahah."
Harry places Opal in her baby chair, which had toys attached to it, after placing a sucker in her mouth. He would like it calm and peace while he cooks, cause if he were to multitask while cooking, he'd surely put the kitchen on fire.
Adding milk to the readymade powder he had bought from the general store, he mixes the batter with a fork, unable to find the whisk. On the other hand, he turns on the knob of the stove and places a pan on it, letting it heat till he readies the mixture.
Though, after a while of mixing, he drops of slice of butter in the pan and immediately coughs when a huge amount of smoke blows up. He's sorry for himself when he realizes that the gas was turned on on high level. Turning it down to low, he waits for the gray air to go out before pouring in the batter in small circular shapes, spreading them into bigger circles one by one and flipping them, till the very last pancake he counts gets the number 8.
Big and thick 8 pancakes seem to be enough for a family of three. Yeah he'd add juice or milk in a glass alongside.
He lathers the top pancake with Nutella, and then picks it up to pour maple syrup on the rest. Then, he adds few blue berries on top of the stack of delicious smelling breakfast and pours some homemade mango shake in two glasses, some hot milk the baby bottle for Opal.
Backing away, he admires his creation from afar before wiping the sweat off his forehead, and then wiping the back of his hand on his trousers. Everything's perfect. Now, only one thing is left.
He goes to pick up Opal from her chair, where she's getting sleepy again and wraps her in a hug before walking out of kitchen, across the hall and into his and y/n's room. "Wake y' mama up, yeah?" He requests the little one before placing her on Y/n's stomach, surprised that she's sleeping on her back.
He moves to go back but stops at the doorway and takes a glance towards the sight on the bed. Their he sees Opal crawling up y/n's stomach and onto her chest like a small snail, before she's met with he mama's face and attacks it with kisses and slight smacks of her hands, at which Harry internally hisses.
When a groan passes through y/n's lips, Harry makes a run towards the kitchen. There, he quickly takes out the foldable tiny table from in-between the fridge and the slab and opens it, placing it on the counter. Proceeding with placing the breakfast plates and glasses neatly, he carries it back towards the room carefully.
"Ta-daa! Good morning and especially, Happy Mother's Day, Mama!" He cheers, taking the table to the bed and placing it over y/n's lower body as she had sat up when she saw him enter the room with the breakfast, Opal sitting beside her right hip, slapping her hands down on the mattress and grinning a toothless smile.
With a hum, y/n raises up her head as if asking for a kiss, and mumbles a crooked "thank you," after receiving it with a smile.
"The best mama in the whole world, you are," Harry mumbles as y/n remains cuddled into him, Opal dozed off in her bassinet after her feeding. Softly, his fingers strum beats on y/n's cheek.
"The breakfast was as amazing as ever, you might wanna make it everyday from now on," y/n says with a chuckle, laughing when she gets a reply saying, "Sure madam, but Ms. Opal will also need to wake up perhaps I need attention while doing everything."
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quakiebaka · 2 years ago
WIP for a lil something!! I wonder what's got pif so worried... maybe you'll find out tomorrow :D
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hotties4gojo · 2 months ago
would you be willing to share a snippet of one of the fanfics you plan on posting here 🙈 I love your writing keep up the good work <3
ur so sweet thank u â˜čïžđŸ’› I’ll be on the grind just for u lol
and yes!! i currently have 12 that i’m 100% posting on here so it took me a minute to decide which one I could share a snippet from
 and then i decided on sharing two snippets from the same fic which are both nasty woops đŸ˜Ș some of you might recognize the first part akekekeke
18+, MDNI, NSFW under the cut
He pulls out, cockhead drooling like a dog pining after a bone, and you whine at the loss. You’re plenty wet enough from cumming twice already, but, well
 without a word, he allows saliva to pool in his mouth and Suguru crooks his neck to properly angle himself over your back.
Beneath him, you bend like a cat in heat, muscles visibly quivering beneath your sweat-slicked skin that isn’t covered by your dress as you try to mindlessly push back against him, profanities absorbed by the pillow your mouth is pressed into. You’re petal-soft beneath his hands; you unfurl like one, too.
Suguru doesn’t spit— he parts his lips, letting a glob of saliva roll down his tongue slow and molasses-like until it snaps and splatters where your cunt draws him in, long sooty eyelashes fluttering in expected surprise at the cool temperature of it. You hiss, shuddering. That’s when he slowly feeds the rest of his inches back into you, stirring the frothy honey pot of saliva, cum, slick.
“Nasty fucking freak,” you manage to rasp around a moan that comes out quaky at the drag of Suguru’s cock piercings against your tender inner walls.
The flats of Suguru’s thumbs slot into the dimples of your back and he presses his girlfriend down into the mattress with his palms, guiding you into a pretty arch with your chest kissing the sheets and your ass sitting up higher. “You like it, though,” Suguru murmurs with a breath that blows a feathery bang out of his face, purple eyes squinting in an effort to not roll back as he bottoms out again.
divider between the two snippets
His fingers seek out your hair, threading through the strands and twirling them around his hand in a makeshift bun. Suguru uses his grip to guide your head up and to the side, wanting to see your face, to watch the pleasure play out across your features in a sacrilegious reel of film that he’ll feed into the projector whirring in his head over and over again for weeks.
The tug at your scalp, paired with the pure bliss that you’re barely able to comprehend, draws tears from your unfocused eyes. You look utterly drunk on love and sex as they track down your splotchy cheeks, completely undone by the ecstasy that’s making your entire body quiver like a house about to fall down. And it’s beautiful, the way you surrender to him, trusting him with your body; your everything.
That’s when he gives up on any sort of rhythm and his brittle facade of calm composure crumbles. Suguru picks up the pace, sloppily rutting into you like a puppy.
"Look at you, so pretty like this," he keens, voice tight with desire. He chants a silent thread of curses under his breath, each one punctuated by the slap of your soaked cunt against his equally soaked pelvis that’s been slathered in your slick and his spit. "I love seeing you fall apart for me, princess. You're so perfect, so fucking perfect. But you look so much prettier when you cum, don’t you?” A completely rhetorical question. ‘Pretty’ doesn’t even cover it.
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gaelforcewinds · 4 years ago
I carved a space for myself in the world,
fingertips callused,
and posted a sign on the door
that said:
I deserve to be respected.
I brought with me all my rotten soles,
and broken homes—
but also that holy knowledge of myself—
and said:
I deserve to be honored.
I stepped forward,
heart quivering like a falling lily petal,
and pointed one quaky fingertip inward,
and said:
I deserve to be remembered.
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lenoratheyinglet · 10 months ago
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Vulateer D&D Token
So, this is Luann now! She went through a lot. Starting out as a human male she lived life to the fullest with her music!  Until she didn't.  She died. And through use of reincarnate (The only scroll we had) managed to bring her back. But there was a catch. She was left a regular bearded vulture.  Well thankfully we could get that fixed, though not her old body she adapted well to her new Aarakocra form. She feels surprisingly comfortable in this body and threw away He/Him pronouns.  Luanne is played by the wonderful Quakie Setting is run by and created by Revexia
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2twopiid · 6 years ago
embellishedbookworm replied to your post: temporalmaid replied to your post: ...
i mean you just got eviscerated verbally. that’s close enough.
my 2oul ii2 quakiing.
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secreto-draco · 7 years ago
Thuds this is a response fic to @brutalb ‘s post , hope its good and if anyone can help me polish and edit it plz inbox me so without adieu.i’ve previously posted this but i worked on some of the kinks plus it kinda goes with this other fic ill be posting so...
  jolt molly awake and without a second thought,shes’ rushing into gert’s room,tearing the door open-everything in her drops,the sight; later fueling one of her many nightmares and becomes one of her worst fears regarding her sister.gert is spasming ,her long auburn curly tangled all round her hands and neck. said hands desperately pulling and clawing at her throat,like shes fighting something off her.before molly even realizes,she yanking those hands out and pinning them to her sides,so gert wont rip her throat out.
eventually, the spasming turns to slight trembling, but somethings still dreadfully wrong.It's her breathing,erratic and hard.Pulling back,to look into Gerts' eyes; they’re frantic.she needs to calm her down,shifting her hold into a soft embrace ,and handles her breathing into a 4,7,8 like the therapist had taught the two them last month.
the night passes like that, molly holding gert, singing that old lullaby.dale and stacey hurdled to the side (they'd shown up to see molly pin gert down but gave them space;cause it would have made gert's panic all the more worse-cause too many people).
when morning comes, it’s a quiet breakfast-the atmosphere is drained and tense,all of them are waiting and on edge.only later ,lounging in the living room-no one goes anywhere be it school or work, this is important,that the quiet calm is broken by gert finally speaking-it’s her hair.Sentient tentacles pinching and chocking,wrapping around her neck ,crushing it and crawling into her mouth and down her throat.
as soon as what she had said registers into dale’s head,they all load into the minivan,destination,the hairdressers. luckily they’re able to get the cut in the back privately,away from the noise and hustle and bustle of a Friday afternoon.still though understandably gert’s eyes dart back and forth,shes' anxious,so molly slips her hand into her sisters’, it's soothing for the both of them.with a deep breath, gert nervously, asks for a slightly layered bob with bangs.and purple, from an eco-friendly brand. they do this with music and laughter.when its done and set, gert’s smiling and crying-causing a domino effect,everyone-her,stacey and melissa [the angelic stylist] whose in awe are now bawling their eyes out,really stacey’s just a snotty watery mess. And amidst all the tears,shes warmly pressed against a happy gert.
in a flurry series of moments stacey pays and they’re out the door.and just right there is dale,leaning against the van with a teary grin,within seconds he’s hugging gert close with a ‘you look great kiddo’.they go out for dinner and ice cream.
molly loves gert’s new look,the color and the cut.purple fits gert and length frames her face quite nicely. honestly, shes all glow-y standing in front of the mirror,turning her hair this way and that-admiring it's swoosh and woosh. Seeing her sister,ecstatic and comfortable like this makes her heart feel full. they spend the whole night just goofing off and singing obnoxious songs and falling asleep side to side.its good and fun and close-something that was very much needed and welcomed.
in the coming weeks molly makes it her mission is to give gert love,support and security.hence,when in private its all soft little smiles and hugs.in public it’s all smirks,grins, winks and wowzas- cause she really does look amazing.luckily enough shes’ the younger sister,and as the younger sister, she gets to ruffle and play with gert’s hair,twirling it about.some mornings she even brushes and makes her hair before school but always before bed. molly will always be there for gert-always.
Its a cloudy and early Monday,when nico sees her. The purple is a stark contrast against the grey background and is definitely eye catching, amongst the brown, blond and red heads in the school courtyard. It takes a few seconds, that walk is kinda familiar as is the person.looking straight into said person’s bespectacled eyes,and it hits her. Purple hair and jittery stomps is Gert. She can’t help but toss a sad smirk and give her a deliberately slow once over as she passes, the poor girl doesn’t even notice. Gert just keeps on walking, head held high and eyes straight ahead.
her hair and posture..humm...its not that hard but she can read between the lines, knows this is something gert has needed for a while,especially after the stiffing aftermath that was amy’s death and the disbanding of the group.shes proud that gert has done this for herself,she’s proud that gert is on the path of healing and self discovery.plus gert has always wanted that same shade of purple in her hair ever since nico herself had knitted her that frumpy purple scarf -that was actually more like a thin and tiny stretch of rectangular scratchy fabric,way back in the day.it makes her eyes sting and her mind cloud with memories and her damn heart sick. Everything is a series of complex knots-proud,happy,sad,bitter and alone. Shes happy for gert, sad that her friend is hurt, bitter cause she can heal and go on but here nico is still stuck and she’s still alone,even 10 months after.
 Karo, sees her in literature .gert sits behind her.as she turns back to pass down the worksheet,she’s stills. It isn’t till gert clears her throat,telling her  in a stern yet a quaky voice to take a picture, it’ll last longer, that she turns back ahead to do her work.she doesn’t know what to think of it for weeks. is gert derailing? is she hiding or publicizing her grief stricken mind frame.is she okay?-there’s a something sorrowful growing in the pit of her stomach,every time she sees a flash of moving purple from the corner of her eyes. yet a tiny repressed part of Karo can’t help but feel envious that gert is doing something  so gert-irrational,stupid, bold and wild.she can mistakes, she can fall apart(if this is something that she’s done to cope with the grief),she does what she wants and has no shame with her stance on things. Whereas, here Karo is buckling under the pressure and is isolated.she can’t be there for nico or gert but she can’t go to them either.
 alex jerks when he sees gert in the library,but all in all hes’ not surprised cause you know it makes sense and its something gert would do.as he passes her he makes a romona flowers reference or something similar-to which she looks up and smiles.from his desk a bit aways- he’s takes  in the bob and the purple.it brings a painful churn in his stomach-its a harsh reminder that things are changing,everyone is changing and they are no longer here.they’re just forgotten friendships from a long time ago.
 chases’ brow furrows when gert gaits towards her locker.his heart clenches at the sight of her- knowing that if they were best friends still,gert would be slightly bouncing on the balls of her feet when brainstorming ideas ,and he could have run his fingers through her hair,jokingly teasingly said goodbye to the long,wiry locks but in all seriousness mean it.he could have been there to reassure her in some way or another when she would nervously show the new look to him.he wasn’t there for those moments and its a heavy pill to swallow.
her hair now is short and a glazing,brilliant purple- bold and cool,passionate and caring,stong and soft,-a fierce color, much like gert herself-and it seemingly brings out the best it her.Gert 's glowing and healthy,which is relieving-cause for months she looked washed out,with dark bags under her eyes. all of her just looks beautiful.
obviously  the rest of the school believes otherwise.teachers are behaving weird-kinda like they’re waiting for her to snap.students whisper,point and snicker loudly.sometimes effil or whomever would call out dyke or something.the cut and color ,adding in to her spouting off strong feminist remarks have lead them to call her such insults. And he would direct their attention,they’re  biting comments to some other nerd.He might even lead them away.though for some inexplicable reason he always glances back at gert- the look in her eye fills him with shame and guilt,but he continues straight on anyways.chase is a coward through and through, he can’t tell his mates to shut the hell up,he can’t give gert his support.he wishes he could,he could be her friend or acquaintance or just plain friendly but he can’t cause gert knows he’s some dumb cowardly neanderthal.
its been weeks, and chase still can’t keep his eyes off her.gert seems to be getting more and more comfortable in her skin.from time to time he spies molly’s interactions with gert. they’re teasing and laughing-and it’s so heartwarming to see their sisterhood.Chase hasn’t seen them like this in quite a while-and not only because he’s no longer their closest friend. But God did he miss molly and her sass and her mischief.He misses being part of gert,molly and chase. whats more, he jealous that molly’s playing with gert’s shimmery purple locks
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boy-banders-writings · 8 years ago
Worth a Workout? - Hongseok (Pentagon)
Trainer!AU Hongseok maybe? Let’s go!
Group: Pentagon Member: Hongseok (HongMom) Genre: AU, fluff (maybe) Your trainer makes your heart race in more than one way. (I’m not sure where I wanted to go with this. A little leading into something, a little bit of leeway for your imagination to wonder I guess. enjoy.)
As someone who was naturally energetic as a child you never really felt the need to exercise growing up. But now, in your early twenties with college drowning you, your diet consisting of whatever the mess hall offered and the local fast food places you were quickly realizing you needed to get your butt in gear. Your first year and a half at the local college wasn’t bad, you were still at home with your parents who kept you moving but now you’re on your own and you’ve fallen short on taking care of yourself.
You had begrudgingly scheduled all your classes to end before 2:00pm every day. That left the rest of the day for you to work on homework, papers, do your readings and whatever else seemed worthy of your time. Now you had decided to fill an hour and a half of that time at the campus wellness center.
After your last class for the warm Tuesday afternoon you headed back towards your dorm, greeting your roommate who opted for afternoon and evening classes and changed into a pair of leggings and a loose tee. The trudge to the wellness center wasn’t bad, the weather was nice and the fresh air helped you agree with your choice to try and be healthier.
When you walked into the wellness center you were greeted by a chipper young woman about your age at the front desk.
“Hi! Welcome to the campus wellness center, how can I help you?”
“Uhm, I was wondering about signing up for the gym or some kind of classes you may offer..” You felt out of place.
“Can I see your student ID please?” She held her hand out.
“Of course.” You fished it out of your lanyard and handed it over.
“Is this your first time here, (Y/N)?” She wrote down your student number and handed it back.
“Yes, I’m not sure what classes there were, if any, or how to do anything so I was hoping there’d be something to guide me.”
“We have physical education majors, typically junior and seniors, who work as trainers here to help then get practice. Would that be something you’re interested in?”
“That would be perfect. I literally know nothing about gym equipment and all that.”
“Okay, let me check the schedule and system and see who has an opening. Would you like to schedule a regular time or would this be randomly.”
“Would I work with the same person with a regular time?”
“Of course.”
“Then I’d like to do that, it’s much easier for everyone involved.” You smiled at her, before a light went off in your head. “Wait, Mae? Is that you?”
“Yea, I’m Mae have we met before?” She looked up at you, really looked. “(Y/N)!!” She screeched, jumping from her seat to hug you after the front desk. “I haven’t see you in years! Wow, you’re really grown up from high school. Did you just transfer here?”
“Yea, I wanted to finish out my degree at an accredited college. The community college back home wasn’t going to cut it.”
“Well, welcome to campus. I’ve got a friend who works as a trainer here and he’s the best, always getting requested for his looks.” Mae rolled her eyes. “He’d like you though, always working hard and never backing down.” She smiled, “He’s actually here right now, I’ll go get him!”
“Mae wait!” Before you could stop her, your childhood friend and senior was gone.
Before you could finish reading the three posters behind the desk offering helpful hints to healthy living Mae came back through the door she went with a guy who was too beautiful for words trailing behind her. She brought him around the front of the desk and put you two in front of each other.
“Hongseok, this is the junior of mine I’ve been telling you about. Do you think you can train her? She’s pretty much a total newbie, doesn’t know a thing.” Mae’s eyes glistened. You didn’t know if you wanted to smack her or hug her.
“I’m (Y/N).” You bowed slightly.
“She looks like she’s pretty heathy right now, a little on the weak side when it comes to strength.”
You didn’t know what to say. Mae squinted up at him.
“Ya know everyone starts somewhere, you were once this scrawny little thing that could barely do a few bench presses. You said it yourself you’d lacking in someone looking to strength train, she’s your girl. Besides, your both impossibly driven you’ll get along great.” Mae patted both of your shoulders before moving back behind the desk going back to her previous task. “I’ve already wrote her into your schedule for Tuesdays and Thursday from 2:30 to 4:00, get going.”
“Mae!” You both exclaimed.
“Let’s go.” Hongseok motioned towards the doors, “There’s no point in arguing with her.”
You followed him towards the doors to the weight room. You looked back for a second to see Mae giving you the thumbs up, which caused your eyes to roll back.
“Okay, let’s start with some stretching, you’ve never done anything like this before? At all?” Hongseok stopped you once you were at the opposite end of the room.
“Nope, I ran with a friend of mine in high school, she was on the track team but I myself have never done anything else.”
“Okay, follow my lead.”
Thus the two of you began stretching. You never realized how inflexible you were until Hongseok would step closer and help you out. His hand resting on your lower back to help you reach your toes, or his fingers brushing your arms to give you the proper form. It all felt very intimate with how close the two of you constantly were.
“Let’s start with some easy stuff, sit ups and push ups. Since it may be hard for you to do push-ups from your feet, starting with your knees is fine too. Let’s go with 10.” The both of you kneeled on the floor and Hongseok showed you the proper way to do a push up.
He helped you get the right form and kneeled beside you to watch. You felt his hand on your lower back push down to straighten your body and your face flushed.
“Keep your body straight, nine more.” He hand rested there for two more until he was satisfied with your form. You were already red in the face and it wasn’t from the push ups.
“Alright, you did good. How do you feel?” He asked after you sat back and caught your breath.”
“I don’t feel like I’m dying, which is nice.” You smiled, your arms were a little quaky but you didn’t have to tell him for him to notice.
“Let’s try sit-ups next. This will give your arms a break.” He sat down facing you, his legs crossed. “Put your feet between my legs and scoot over as close as your comfortable with.”
You did as you were told, you stopped just far enough to keep your butt from touching his leg. This closeness made your heart speed up.
“I’m going to hold your calves and you’re going to do your best at 10 sit ups too.” You nodded.
His hands wrapped around the swell of your calf muscles, they were soft and warm. He nodded for you to start and taking your time you laid back and rose forward. The cry from your abdominal muscles was loud, it was harder than you thought it would be. You had seen hundred of people do sit ups, they made it look so easy but you felt like you were dying. It took every ounce of concentration and will power to force your body to do nine more. By the last sit up you felt the pain in your stomach. As you sat back up your hands grabbed a fistful of Hongseok’s tee to steady yourself. When you opened your eyes you were almost nose-to-nose with him. His eyes were wide with yours matching his. 
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, your ragged breaths fanning across his face, his hands around your calves, his shirt in your hands. The two of you just stared at the other. He gulped before letting go of your legs and grabbing your arms before backing away slightly.
“T-that was good. Let’s go back to push-ups for a-another set. If you’re good.”
“Just a minute.” He nodded, holding you at arms length till you spun around to do ten more push ups.
You peeked up at him to see his face has flushed red. Smiling to yourself you focused back on your task. Your Tuesdays and Thursdays were going to be very eventful now. All you have to do is commit to working out with him, which is not that difficult.
After an hour of various sets of seemingly simple workout moves your body was crying but it felt alive. The burpees were the only move that made you cry, those made everything hurt. But now, you felt like you could run around campus twice, fight crime and find the cure for a disease with the energy inside you.
“You did really good today (Y/N).” Hongseok’s smile was wider than before more genuine. “I’m glad Mae threw us together, we make a good team.”
“You’re a good teacher Hongseok.” He blushed a bit. “I mean it, it’s not just because I’m hopeless alone. You took your time with teaching me the proper form and you didn’t rush me. It made all this much easier.”
“It’s what I’m going to college for.” He chuckled, “I hope I can at least do a decent job out there. Let’s stretch to end today. You need to after all we did.”
Once again Hongseok helped you bend forward a little more and really helped you stretch your sore muscles. His hands were placed delicately on your back, or you arm, or your side. He made sure you have stretched every muscle he made you abuse today.
“Go eat something high in protein, stay hydrated and make sure you’re not up all night with this new energy you have. You still need to sleep well and eat well to help your muscles recover from working out.” He took a swig from his own bottled water as you did the same.
“Any suggestions? I’m not health foodie, what’s good for post workouts?”
“Some people say peanut butter is good, or nuts... like peanuts, almonds, pistachios.” He flushed, making you giggle.
“Got it.” You made a mental note to see what the mess hall had. “I’ll have to be picky at the mess hall.”
“There’s actually a few vendors who have really good food that’s good for you and is under the meal plan. I’ll show you, let’s go.” Hongseok headed towards the doors towards the front desk, leaving you standing there for a second.
“Uh, okay.”
When you caught up he was talking to Mae before he disappeared into the back again.
“I see the two of you hit it off.” She grinned. “He said he’s going to show you the best places to eat in the mess hall?”
“Uh, yea. I don’t know much about eating healthy so..”
“That’s adorable.” Mae giggled. “He has someone to workout with and eat with. You two are already a match made in heaven.”
“Mae, stop. We’re not, we just met.”
“That’s why it’s even better. Come on, he’s gorgeous. I saw the awe on your face when I drug him out here.”
“He is. He’s absolutely beautiful.”
“That’s why everyone wants to train with him, because he’s so easy on the eyes. But most people just want to stare and end up not caring about working out.”
“He makes it easy to get distracted.” You admitted, you did a few times.
“I knew he’d like you, you’re a hard worker. You weren’t here to just get into his pants.” Mae paused, “Though if you were to later on, he probably wouldn’t mind.”
“Mae!” You choked on a mouthful of water. You were still sputtering trying to breathe properly when Hongseok came back out to the front, face red as a cherry.
“Are you okay?” 
“Uh yea, water when down my windpipe.” You cut your eyes to Mae who was snickering behind her hand.
“Careful, we don’t need you dying in the wellness center it’s bad for business.” Mae teased.
“I’m starving, let’s get going.” Hongseok ignored her and guided you out with a hand on your lower back.
As the two of you were walking towards the mess hall your phone dinged with a message from Mae.
Believe what you want, but Hongie falls quickly for a hard working, determined girl. Be careful with his heart if he gives it to you. --Mae
You looked up at Hongseok after reading the message and noticed the remnants of a smile on his lips. He noticed you staring and looked down to smile at you and your heart stuttered. The two of you continued in step with each other to the mess hall, tummies grumbling for food, talking and laughing about your majors and your days in college so far.
You never really believed in love at first sight or anything like fate or destiny but maybe that would change now. Hongseok just made you feel a type of way. And that you were okay with.
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0oolookitsme · 2 years ago
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#have you not learned that when you state something you have put in some facts alongside to prove your statement right amd actually correct
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hi! Since it’s Mother’s Day today, could you write about dad!harry? Maybe something about Harry waking up early in the morning, goes to the bub’s (you decide if it’s a little girl or a little boy) nursery and since theyre wide awake he takes them and brings them to the kitchen where they start preparing some breakfast (in bed) for reader and then they bring it to her and Harry wakes her up by placing The bub on top of her and they start kissing sloppily reader’s face while giggling and smacking her face in order to wake her up, just something cute and fluff pleasee❀
Title- Mama's Day
Type- One-Shoty Blurb!
Verse- Artist!Harry x Housewife(tuition teacher)!Y/n
Word Count- 1.0k
Warnings- None! Just not proofread, hehe
A/N- Okay, so I didn't want to write this request in my already created pairings just cause I've written (posted) too much in them recently. So, I decided why not I represent my most simple pairing -which is currently a wip, to you guys! I hope you enjoy reading this cottage-core fluff, as much as I liked writing this <333
Hope you like this anon, thanks for requesting! <3
Lemon-yellow shaded rays of sun peeked inside their room through the small gap between the two sage coloured curtains. Every thing was still except for the dust -stardust, perhaps, which could be seen only in the sunshine. The sound of their fan spinning at it's fastest speed couldn't drown out y/n's snores, who was sleeping on her stomach next to him.
Her cheek was smushed against the mattress as she had her face turned away from him, and towards where the baby's wooden crib was situated. It was about time that the baby would wake up and giggle, making grabby hands in the empty air or towards the moon toy that hung in the middle, on a thread -a creative craft performed by Y/n, which she never shuts up about.
Softly, Harry traced his fingers over the strand of hair that coiled on her cheek, brushing it away from there as to prevent any sweat from breaking out. A gentle smile had his lips curled upside as he gazed at his wife of 2 years, and his baby's mama of 1 year. He was just leaning down to place a peck on her cupid's bow when he notices movement through the corner of his eyes.
He sighs in content when he sees the chubby and fisted hands raise up and then, small quaky giggles reach his ears.
Quickly, he presses a soft kiss on her cheek and removes the mattress from over his lower body, gets out of bed and walks to his baby. Picking up the little girl who's dressed in her sky blue night jumper, he raises her up in the air, grinning at her. He brings her closer to him and presses a kiss on each of her full cheeks.
"Good morning!" He greets her in a shushed yet high pitched voice, smiling afterwards as though accepting her greeting -which was a giggle. "Let's get out of here, shall we?" He asks, not expecting any answer in return as he tip-toes on the wooden floor, out of the room.
Weaving his hands through his hair to fix them roughly, he continued his walk further in hall after he was satisfied with his reflection he saw in the glass window. Returning back to open it.
"Do you know what day it is today?" He asks, hoping to have her attention on him from where it was set on the jar of honey on the dining table. The baby does squeak, making him pass her an open mouthed grin. "S' Mama's Day!! We're gonna play as your mama's servants today, hahah."
Harry places Opal in her baby chair, which had toys attached to it, after placing a sucker in her mouth. He would like it calm and peace while he cooks, cause if he were to multitask while cooking, he'd surely put the kitchen on fire.
Adding milk to the readymade powder he had bought from the general store, he mixes the batter with a fork, unable to find the whisk. On the other hand, he turns on the knob of the stove and places a pan on it, letting it heat till he readies the mixture.
Though, after a while of mixing, he drops of slice of butter in the pan and immediately coughs when a huge amount of smoke blows up. He's sorry for himself when he realizes that the gas was turned on on high level. Turning it down to low, he waits for the gray air to go out before pouring in the batter in small circular shapes, spreading them into bigger circles one by one and flipping them, till the very last pancake he counts gets the number 8.
Big and thick 8 pancakes seem to be enough for a family of three. Yeah he'd add juice or milk in a glass alongside.
He lathers the top pancake with Nutella, and then picks it up to pour maple syrup on the rest. Then, he adds few blue berries on top of the stack of delicious smelling breakfast and pours some homemade mango shake in two glasses, some hot milk the baby bottle for Opal.
Backing away, he admires his creation from afar before wiping the sweat off his forehead, and then wiping the back of his hand on his trousers. Everything's perfect. Now, only one thing is left.
He goes to pick up Opal from her chair, where she's getting sleepy again and wraps her in a hug before walking out of kitchen, across the hall and into his and y/n's room. "Wake y' mama up, yeah?" He requests the little one before placing her on Y/n's stomach, surprised that she's sleeping on her back.
He moves to go back but stops at the doorway and takes a glance towards the sight on the bed. Their he sees Opal crawling up y/n's stomach and onto her chest like a small snail, before she's met with he mama's face and attacks it with kisses and slight smacks of her hands, at which Harry internally hisses.
When a groan passes through y/n's lips, Harry makes a run towards the kitchen. There, he quickly takes out the foldable tiny table from in-between the fridge and the slab and opens it, placing it on the counter. Proceeding with placing the breakfast plates and glasses neatly, he carries it back towards the room carefully.
"Ta-daa! Good morning and especially, Happy Mother's Day, Mama!" He cheers, taking the table to the bed and placing it over y/n's lower body as she had sat up when she saw him enter the room with the breakfast, Opal sitting beside her right hip, slapping her hands down on the mattress and grinning a toothless smile.
With a hum, y/n raises up her head as if asking for a kiss, and mumbles a crooked "thank you," after receiving it with a smile.
"The best mama in the whole world, you are," Harry mumbles as y/n remains cuddled into him, Opal dozed off in her bassinet after her feeding. Softly, his fingers strum beats on y/n's cheek.
See the full post
251 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
A Messy Day
Type- One-Shot
Verse- Singer!Harry xCeo!Y/n
Word Count- 2.5k
Warnings- I literally never write angst and I guess it might be showing in this fic lmao.
A/N- I just hope you don't absolutely hate this, I just don't have any idea what couples would fight about, what would be a big or small deal for them! I already beg your pardon hahah <3
She doesn't know what she did that made him feel like that. She just cares for him and is in love with him- is that where she went wrong? Because if yes, then this might be the only mistake which will have wounded her so badly that she won't even speak to another human ever again.
She was just helping him calm down before the show, telling him all the positive things that could happen while he was on the stage as he was brushing his teeth. She was just coming onto the point of making memories when he just spat out the toothpaste, rinsed his mouth and went away humming back at her in a dismissive response.
She was left dumbfounded sitting on the bathroom counter, but she brushed it off thinking maybe he was just feeling better now. It hit her in the heart when she saw him rambling to Mitch instead and as much as she tried to cover up her disappointment by thinking that he maybe wanted some relatability, she couldn't help but leave the space immediately to just forget this ever happened.
And she had. Sitting on a wooden chair, she chatted away with the cooking crew to selfishly keep her mind away from the way Harry had stirred-up shit in the over-thinking part of her brain. But she was also curious to know about how it felt to cook at somewhere which isn't the most usual space for cooking and chef-ing around.
She had even befriended the female chef; Charlotte was her name. Charlotte had told her about her nickname often being 'chocolate' to sweeten y/n's mood. Maybe she had just sensed that something was off ...women things? Y/n has no idea.
"Is my soup ready?" Harry's head peeked inside the kitchen area and every head turned towards him except for y/n's as she truly cannot afford tearing up in front of so many people.
One of them chimed in to tell him that it isn't yet but should be in around five more minutes. "Can you bring it to my room, love?" He asked and there's no doubt he's talking to his girlfriend.
"Sure," she mumbles quietly, her back still turned to him. Hearing him pad away without much care about her strange behaviour towards him, she looked up again while inhaling deeply, trying to keep her emotions in control when all she wanted to do was lock herself up in a bathroom and cry.
Only Harry had this much control over her feelings, only him. No one could make her want to just cry this much but Harry, she realized today. No one could pull as many emotions out of her as he could- she knew that since before though. But all she can think of right now is them separating- him leaving her all alone to be specific, and regrets of opening up to him and letting her walls down for him start to fill in.
"You wanna try this and tell me how it tastes? I'm sure you have a pretty good taste," Charlotte pats her shoulders, causing her to blink out of the void.
"Of course," she perks up at the sound of food, getting off the chair. Somewhere inside, she's a lot grateful for Char, so she brushes her hand on her back, trying to let her know without having to say it out loud.
Turning to face y/n, Char hands her a small tea plate while mumbling 'here'. The loose liquid is moving around with ease in the circular utensil, so y/n can tell that it's the soup and not the curry to a dinner they'll be packing for the crew.
She carefully slurps on it and the hot feeling of it against the back of her throat makes her rolls her eyes at the back of head. It brings her comfort. "Fuck, this shit is so very good," she opens her eyes to look at a grinning Charlotte. "You were on the Vogue Magazine labeled as the best chef for a reason, eh?" She compliments the blushing chef.
Just as Char mutters a small 'thank you' Y/n realizes that she might be giving out wrong indications, especially with how close she's standing to her. "Sorry," she clears her throat while backing away a few steps while waiting for Char to pour the soup in a bowl so that she can take it to- oh hell no.
She'll do anything to avoid him right now but seeing everyone busy in something, she has to somehow work up the courage to face him.
Charlotte hums for y/n to take ahold of the bowl and she takes it graciously to feel the heat of the utensil in her palms for a mere while. With the spoon already dipped inside, she moves towards the exit with caution as to not move with too much movement or some soup might end up on floor- and she really doesn't want to increase someone's work in this already hectic schedule.
Taking a turn towards the room of the one and only, she knocks lightly before opening the door and placing her first step inside through the small gap between the door and its frame. Instantly the door is hardly pushed back to close it and she feels the muscles of her foot squish so hard that a hissed-yell escapes her mouth.
Just as she curses though, the person inside opens the door with a frown on their face. "Couldn't you have waited for me to open the door or at least told me that it's you? I'm literally in my briefs!" He whisper yells at her and a sheen layer of salty water spreads across her sight, making everything look blurry.
Usually, they both would've laughed at their silliness but not right now- not when some shit has already been churned up. They can't even make themselves fake smile at each other.
"Fuckin' shit Harry, no! You tell me to bring you your damn soup and expect a ghost to bring it to you?" She lightly yells at him, letting him take ahold of the bowl now. Just as he turns around to place his bowl on the vanity with a strange face, she runs away. She runs to save herself the dignity she's got and slams the bathroom door once she's in there.
Maybe they could've talked through their fight as he'd slurp on his soup and y/n would chew on some cashews, but there's no way she's going back so instantly now.
He's only been making her feel ashamed of herself since the fucking morning today and she can't bring herself to be vulnerable in front of him anymore for the day- hopefully. Why is she getting so fucking sensitive ever since he has entered her life, she has no idea and it's driving her insane. Maybe it's just her periods approaching but she can't help but accept that it's her Harry, her boyfriend, love of her life and fucking best friend who's made her feel like shit all day.
She looks up, facing the ceiling so that her tears don't slip out.
It all started this morning when she was just feeling generous with affections and maybe he was feeling like an adult, not liking her 'child-like' behaviour. Yep, he had asked her "You're acting so childish today, everything Okay?" when all she wanted to do was make a fountain on the top of his head.
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291 notes - Posted December 10, 2022
Type- One-Shoty Blurb
Verse- Ceo!Y/n x Singer!Harry
Warnings- None! Just fluff <3
Word Count- 1.5k
A/N- I know it's been long, but it's better sometime than never, right? (you better agree and yeah I made that up <3)
Description- Amore had convinced harry to do a little show in London so that she and her brother can see him perform their mutually favourite song, live for the first time.
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"Amore! Darling for fu- for time's sake, stop running!" Y/n yelled, massaging the crease off her forehead while jogging after the little girl with her clothes hanging down her elbow. "Fine. Don't ask me for soup when you get sick." she mumbled -of course she didn't mean it, but sometimes it's necessary- loud enough for Amore to hear and come to a halt; as she had picked up on her dad's taste and would happily have soup daily.
The little girl slowly turned around, looking at y/n with her famous puppy eyes. "Mummy mad?" She questioned, walking in the direction where her mother stood, in a blue polka shirt and white wide-legged jeans. Amore's sure that while leaving, Y/n will have some sort of coat added to her attire. A coat is like her entire personality.
Y/n laughed in sarcasm as she picked up her daughter. "Give those eyes to your daddy, love."
Amore dramatically shook her head before letting her mum wrap her arms around her tiny body so she can pick her up. After a little walk around, she's placed on a chair and is having a yellow frock slipped down her head and past her arms. It's a simple frock with a dark blue ribbon stitched around the waist.
"Was Andre ready when you came out?"
"Not really, no. He was choosing clothes and wasn't exactly looking in a good mood, if I saw right," Amore informs her mother, who now seems a little troubled.
She doesn't know if she's a good face reader or her mum and brother just show emotions like they are written on their faces. Oh, and her dad too.
"You can either sit like a good girl and not call your dad, or you won't be getting any story read to you tonight. Deal?" Y/n offers Amore, more of tells her.
Amore seems to go deep in a thought before she's speaking. "What do I get in return for sitting like a good girl?" She asks after coming to a conclusion, and Y/n seems quite proud at how she has picked up on simple business skills but calms her mind down. She doesn't know why Amore repeating her statement sounded like a witty comeback to her, but she shrugs it off anyways.
"You get to read a chapter on your own too. How about that?" The woman knows that her daughter will not be able to turn this down and so, as soon as Amore squeaks out a 'done!', Y/n is turning on her heels and fleeting off to Andre's room.
Opening the door to his room, her eyebrows seem to turn into an upside down frown and she's immediately exhaling a long breath before entering inside.
"What's wrong, darling? Can't seem to choose what you want to wear?"
Andre turns to look at her and plops down on the floor, seeming a little relaxed but still frustrated. "There are no clothes for me to wear mummy!"
Her mind works before her voice-box and mouth, and Y/n's quick to gulp down the loud laughter. She swears both the kids inherited Harry's dramatic side. She also, might have absorbed some over the years. "Would you like me to help you out?" She asks.
"Yes please," he sheepishly answers, and y/n's glad to hear him accept help.
Walking in further, she picks him up and holds him close to her, supporting his back with an arm and shuffling through his clothes with another. "Amore is wearing yellow and blue, I'm wearing White and blue. How about you wear something... Aha! How about this blue tank top? You can wear a white cardigan over it.. We'll be matching! Wouldn't you like that?" She asks as enthusiastically as she can, rocking him a little to hopefully cheer him up.
Though, one look down at him and she sees his cheek squished just below her collarbone so tightly that y/n can't even feel him nodding. He's smiling at the skin-to-skin contact with his mum and y/n knows that.
"Just wanted your mummy, didn't you little boy?" Y/n jokingly grumbles, tickling him under his chin.
Everyone was settled by now. Harry's band members were sitting on their assigned spots with their signature instruments, waving back at the fans every once in a while. It wasn't completely silent as there were still hoots ringing in the room out of blues. A laugh was pulled out of everyone's stomach when a fan yelled how they were only there for Sarah.
Amore, Andre and Y/n were standing securely in a corner and weren't spotted yet. Something y/n's grateful for and has her fingers crossed for it to remain that way, the whole time. Though she's sure they will be caught when exiting in the middle, she's ready for it.
The lights go full on bright when Harry finally enters the stage, after getting his ear piece fixed. And, the audience once again broke into cheers, hoots, claps, and shouts; all for him. Harry walked to his mic while blowing kisses in all directions, his skin glowing and his smile seeming to be the widest of all.
Y/n put on those soft fluffy headphones on the kids' head till he starts performing as no matter how secured they are from the fans' sight, they can still hear their deafening screams. Screams calling out for Harry, whom they are getting to see for the first time, the last time or after a long-long time.
Considering he did go on a year and a half long break for his family after finishing his tour to sing his album: Fine Line to people, live.
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328 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
Rough Masterlist
A/N(1): I do not give anyone permission to translate or repost my work. Don’t plagiarize my work and if I do find my work being reposted on any account other than this one, I’m not going to be nice about it. Other than this, enjoy reading and please re-blog if you like any of my work and share feedback! Thank you <3
A/N(2): Schools have re-opened, institutes have re-opened, and dance classes have also re-opened, and I'm oh-so-fucked. It's obvious that I won't be posting my writings as regularly as I did before, although that doesn't mean that you won't get to read anything freshly written from me. Thanks for all your patience, luvs <333
KEY: đŸ·-Smut. đŸŒ»-Fluff. ❄-Angst.
Anything For You... And I - In which Harry is in a good mood and so he makes Y/n feel good too. đŸ· đŸŒ» [A One Shot]
ONE SHOTS {2k+ words}
My Good Girl (4.3k words) [đŸ·] In which Harry finds you, his girl best friend, pleasuring yourself and shows you just what he can be other than a sweet best friend who agrees to bring pastry for the movie marathon.
Home, Sweet Home (2.1k words) [đŸŒ»] In which Harry returns home to his family after an away game. 
Heart Showered in Rose Petals (3.1k words) [đŸŒ»] In which Harry pleads Y/n to watch his biggest University game and romantic events unfold just after the game. Not to forget about the funny moments attached to the whole day. 
A Messy Day (2.5k) [❄] In which Harry doesn't communicate his feelings well, and decides that y/n is the one acting childish.
A Little ‘You’ Wannabe (2.4k words) [đŸŒ», ❄] In which Harry, Amore and Andre decide to pay Y/n a visit at her office, but only after reaching there does Harry realizes that she’d be in a meeting. Andre, being the sneaky boy he is, enters the meeting room.  
First Time in Paris (5.2k words) [đŸ·, đŸŒ», ❄] In which Y/n realizes she hasn’t went on a vacation with Harry and hasn’t even engaged him. [PS- One thing happens against their will]  
Sleepless Nights (2.1k words) [ đŸŒ», ❄] In which Y/n has a stress-filled week, followed by insomnia and supported by Harry’s gentle words which escape his mouth when he thinks she’s asleep. [PS- It’s vice-versa]
Hello M’ Heart (4.4k words) [ đŸ·, đŸŒ»] In which a small Playful text leads to tears then to cancelation of a surprise date and then to making love.
Anything For You... And I (2.9k words) [đŸ·, đŸŒ»] In which Harry is in a good mood and so he makes Y/n feel good too.
Whiskey Eyes and Liquorish Blush (2.2k words) [ đŸ·, ❄] In which Jack cheats on his fiancĂ©, y/n, and receives a strip tease instead of conversation from her -as a goodbye, along with a kiss + slap to his cheek.
Dazzled (2.1k words) [đŸ·, đŸŒ», ❄] In which Harry has an uneasy feeling about Y/n’s new mission but the devil ignores his guts’ screams. But the vampire as well as his fiancĂ©, Y/n, isn’t dumb and is quick to listen and take some weight off of his shoulders. They both soon find out, why, he was feeling uneasy. 
Carving Pumpkins and Making A Memory (3.3k words) [đŸŒ»] I think it's all in the tittle hahah <3
For Pyari &lt;3
Best Gift and Waffles (2.8k) [đŸŒ»] It’s y/n’s birthday, Harry ends up being assigned the duty of making waffles every time they’ll be planned to be made, and Juno’s gift is termed as the best she’s ever received.
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Mum for the Day [đŸŒ»] In which it’s Sunday and the missus is found asking for a sleep-in day. So, Harry finds himself up and out of bed, and on his way to their kids.
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561 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Title- My Good Girl
Type- One-Shot
Verse- Footballer!Harry x ArtDirector!Y/n
Warnings- SMUT!! [Daddy kink, Praise kink, masturbation, pussy eating, teasing, a slight indication of sub/dom], fluff and a sprinkle of angst!
Word Count- 4.3k
A/n- Hiya! I spent WEEKS on this one (not months, just weeks). I was in a writer's block for like 3 months basically and it feels fuckin' marvellous to be back in my writing element! This is like the longest and probably the best smut I've written so far! I really hope you enjoy this one <3
Also, this is my first time writing in 2nd person so I ask you to go easy on me for that <3
And thank you, @imaddicted2hs for requesting: Ok here we are ;) I'm a whore for bsf harryđŸ˜© Like do anything as they are bsfs blah blah then one dayyy harry just sees y/n touching herself and he decides to help uff Now idk if u include kinks but mean Dom!h or daddy kink with praise kink is just đŸ€Œ to me. Fanks ily<3 | Thank YOU so much for being so patient and supportive!! <3
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Sitting on the couch in the living room, you scroll through your phone mindlessly. Getting bored, you continued slipping down until the arm of the couch played as your pillow. Harry is out to bring pastry as per your request (or begging, as he would correct) and because he had made you swear, you couldn’t exactly start the show without him.
The hand that's on your tummy crawls down your lower tummy. You were sure it wouldn't take much long as you haven't exactly touched yourself in a week; yeah, period things.
You suck on your fingers to get them wet before slipping them under your panties. Starting to rub fast circles on your clit right then to get wet faster and finish this without getting caught, your eyes shut down as your hips buckle up due the friction against the sensitive center of your nub.
Soft moans in a low voice escape your mouth while you increase the speed, breathing as though you aren't inhaling but only exhaling.
Lifting your feet, you quickly throw the blanket situated on your feet on top of your lower half as you tried to make a lump around the area of blanket that's supposedly over your crotch with the free hand. Once satisfied, your hand comes to cup your breast as you push your other hand's finger inside and collect some of your arousal.
The feeling of the warm wetness on the bundle of nerves pulls a low moan from you, your walls clenching around nothing as the knot in your tummy starts to form and go lower and lower with each tight circle.
Harry on the other hand, closes the door behind him very silently and tip-toes towards the living room, planning on scaring you. Though the moment a soft mewl reaches his ears when he's just one foot away from entering the hall, makes him question his decision.
Slowly, he places the pastry box on the floor, right beside his feet, and normally walks inside the room as though if he did get caught, he will be able to play the card that he just didn't know. But when he catches the sight of you basically chasing your orgasm, he can't help but try and fold his leg in front of his other one to somehow hide his semi-hard dick. The weight on it itself makes him exhale in quite satisfaction.
He leans on the door-frame and takes in your sight. You look just like he had once imagined you would when playing with yourself. A certain flush which rarely appears playing under your eyes, lips red from biting your moans down on them as though you had put on lipstick of the shade, and finally, the sheen layer of sweat making an appearance on you hairline while your eyes stay screwed shut.
He doesn't know if he should go and ask you if he can help you out or let you finish and pretend he never saw this? His feet start walking in towards the play like they have a mind of their own and before he knows, he's clutching on the head of the sofa and leaning in a little.
"You want some help here?" He asks and instantly regrets when your eyes snap open, your shoulders sulk down, and you groan in embarrassment to lighten it but the atmosphere just tenses up more. "Yes or no, Y/n?" he asks another question and then, the way you look at him from the position you are in, just makes him feel himself get heavier.
"Uh.. obviously no, H... I mean- no right?" You hesitate, secretly wiping your arousal on your panties and bringing your hand up on your tummy. "Maybe? Ah, I don't know! This is stupid!" Groaning, you get up on your knees on the sofa, grateful that the fluffiness of it didn't disbalance you, and grab the curls on the nape of his neck in your fist.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" You both ask each other at the same time and chuckle lightly. "Fuck it," You mumble under your breath and catch the breath Harry exhales in surprise, sealing his mouth shut with yours.
You feel his hands slide at the back of your hips and slip further down.
Hooking his hand under your knees, he wraps your legs around his waist. Blindly he starts towards the staircase, lips sucking on your tongue and hands coming to rest just above your ass. The sound of his sharp inhales mix along with your fast exhales as his one hand slides up your back to your neck, pushing your face closer to his. His fingers softly weaved through your hair, nails scratching your scalp. He catches you by surprises when he harshly tugs on the strands wrapped like snakes along his hand, making you whimper lightly against his lips.
Pressing your crotch firmly on his belt’s buckle, you start moving your hips in an up-and-down motion, a moan escaping past your lips and floating away in thin air as his head stayed ducked down in the crook of your neck, biting down and sucking hickeys, licking them over with his wet tongue to calm the burning sensation yet it somehow increased the tingles in your lower belly.
He kicked open the door and slammed it shut the same way. Before you could dictate what was gonna happen next, your back was greeted with the cool surface of the door with a sharp force, his hand behind your head preventing it from hurting you. Your lips stretch in a shy and nervous smile when he raises his head, eyes burning with lust scanned your eyes. You aren’t quite sure if your cheeks feel on fire because of the eye contact or the way he pressed your hips onto the door, stopping any motion that could reach you clitoris.  
“Gonna let me take care of you?” he asked, blinking so innocently as though he didn’t already know the answer. Receiving his answer in the form of an shy hum from you didn’t seem to satisfy him and it was clear when he cupped your jaw. The cool metal of his rings pleasing the burning skin of your face.  
“Yea-yeah,” you muster up, sighing in embarrassment when a side of his lips curve up, forming in a smirk.
“Jesus, the things you do to me,” he mutters under his breath before catching the breath you sharply exhaled. Removing his hands from where they were stopping you from grinding, he pushes your hips back towards his belt. Turning you both around, he walks a few steps before detaching your mouths. The light bedsheet on the mattress fluffs up with air around your hips before settling back down. He lays you down by pressing his hand on your chest. Hair scattered everywhere, he again wraps them in his fist to raise your face up.
Your eyes scan his face, noticing his plump and swollen pink lips, a light flush on his cheeks and the light frown that adds up to the lust and a certain feeling his eyes carry. All the lust leaking from his breath and still his features held the gentle stardust in them. Feeling comfortable and confident enough, you rise a little before grabbing the hem of your shirt. Thinking about taking it off slowly, you mumble a ‘fuck it’ before hastily taking it off and throwing it somewhere in the room.
Grabbing his head, you greedily engulf his lips for another make out, sucking on his lips while undoing his belt. And, he’s quick to point it out, too. “Eager, are we?” he taunts with a lopsided grin before he is wrapping his hand around your throat again. “Don’t make the mistake of rolling your eyes at me ever again, love,” he firmly states, winking at you after ending as his big hand now situated itself in the valley of you breasts.  
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795 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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vardasvapors · 7 years ago
thearrogantemu replied to your post:                    hey guys if you have any sort of opinion i invite...                
   Princess Mononoke is a fairly straightforward heroic quest, but Lady Eboshi is my forever favorite. “Your right arm appears to be trying to kill me.” 
shiniest-knight replied to your post:
   Spirited Away is Iconic the first time i saw it i immediately rewound the VHS and watched all the way through again, Princess Mononoke is bleak and gorgeous and has some really shaky quaky nature stuff that gives me chills (and a fun cast of characters like Danger Girl with Big Dog)    
crocordile replied to your post:
   Spirited away is my ultimate fave :’) kaguya is a fave, gorgeous but v sad
 I also love arriety and laputa    
berrysphase replied to your post:
garden-ghoul replied to your post:
   existential horror and good scenery design: nausicaa heartwarming but melancholic and good set design: spirited away    
gurguliare replied to your post:
mirandatam replied to your post:
vinyatari replied to your post:
   princess mononoke for badass cast/concepts or spirited away for character development!    
actualmermaid replied to your post:
  castle in the sky or princess mononoke                    
hey guys quick question what am i supposed to do with all this contradictory bullshit.
anyway. i’ll read this list to my sister and let her look up the descriptions and choose. though iirc she already saw spirited away with me several years ago...
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quakiebaka · 2 years ago
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UM HI numbers scare and confuse me but thank you I think!!!
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