#qrow aint picky he'll eat whatever but ozpin always makes him frosted brownies
maskyartist · 1 year
for the character headcanons: I'm gonna be predictable and ask for Ozpin lol
jokes on you this is what i was HOPING for >:)
Ozpin had a caretaker named Olivia Flora. She was kind, albeit strict, and did her best to keep him a child for as long as she could. Ozpin entered her care at 12, became a Huntsman at 15 (he was an exceptional student after all n with a lil help from the council it was official), and at 18 he was fully made Headmaster of Beacon Academy
she tried her best to make sure he was happy. his cookie recipe comes from her. his love for mystery novels comes from her. but when he was to become Headmaster, she was assigned to properly train and prepare him for his fate as the next Ozma
though, she was the reason he formed his inner circle to begin with. she always told him to find friends, and keep them close. as close as you can, so you will never be truly alone.
he trusted James, he trusted Glynda, and Qrow, and Theodore and Leonardo, too. he trusted his allies.
he did what she said...and it still turned out so bad...she tried so hard for him, and the world really was against him at every turn
it's not just cookies! Ozpin loves to bake, so he can make plenty of things. brownies, muffins, cupcakes, all that lil snack stuff
he is also a notorious stress baker so if the teachers lounge suddenly has a whole fuckin pie in there? its usually him. ...actually its always him. it'd never not be him.
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