#qabalistic tree of life
talonabraxas · 5 months
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“In this book it is spoken of the Sefirot and the Paths; of Spirits and Conjurations; of Gods, Spheres, Planes, and many other things which may or may not exist. It is immaterial whether these exist or not. By doing certain things certain results will follow; students are most earnestly warned against attributing objective reality or philosophic validity to any of them.” --Aleister Crowley
Art: Qabalistic Tree of Life, by Steffi Grant. With alphabetic, zodiacal, elemental and planetary attributions according to the Golden Dawn system, as interpreted by Aleister Crowley in 777.
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“It should now be perfectly simple for everybody to understand the Message of the Master Therion [i.e. Crowley]. Thou must (1) Find out what is thy Will, (2) Do that Will with (a) one-pointedness, (b) detachment, (c) peace. Then, and then only, art thou in harmony with the Movement of Things, thy will part of, and therefore equal to, the Will of God. And since the will is but the dynamic aspect of the self, and since two different selves could not possess identical wills; then, if thy will be God’s will, Thou art That.” --Aleister Crowley
The Message of the Master Therion, The Equinox III( 1), 1919, 39–43. Art: Steffi Grant
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saganssorcery · 5 months
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Your reading will be delivered as a photograph and a detailed write up in your inbox or to your email account. I can usually fulfil requests within 72 hours. All readings are completely private and confidential. Please Direct Message me for any information you may need to get your reading underway. 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘁 • 10 Card Celtic Cross spread £15 GBP
• 5 Card Simple Cross spread £8
• 3 Card spreads for £5 - Past, present, future - Situation, action, outcome - Overlook • 2 Card spreads for £3 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 I will likely fulfil the Mirror of the Soul speads within a week after payment is received. These take longer than any other spread due to the larger workload and the more complicated nature of the reading.
• 33 Card Qabalistic Tree of Life, Mirror of the Soul spread for £77.70 - This spread is designed to Mirror the Soul in the current moment. It explores every sphere, the connected paths between them, and how they correspond to each other, to give the seeker an in-depth overlook at where they currently are in their spiritual journey. • 11 Card Qabalistic Tree of Life, Mirror of the Soul spread for £26.66 - This spread is designed to Mirror the Soul in the current moment. It explores the 10 Sephiroth and Da'ath to give the seeker an in-depth overlook at where they currently are in their spiritual journey.
𝗧𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗵 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘁 • 10 Card Celtic Cross spread £20
• 5 Card Simple Cross spread £11
• 3 Card spreads for £7 - Past, present, future - Situation, action, outcome - Overlook
• 2 Card readings for £5
𝗔𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗹 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘁 • 10 Card Celtic Cross spread £20
• 5 Card spreads for £11 - Simple cross spread
• 3 Card spreads for £7 - Past, present, future - Situation, action, outcome - Overlook
• 1 Card Angel readings for £3
𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘁 • 10 Card Celtic Cross spread £20
• 5 Card spreads for £11 - Simple cross spread
• 3 Card spreads for £7 - Past, present, future - Situation, action, outcome - Overlook
• 1 Card Demon readings for £3 𝗥𝘂𝗻𝗲𝘀
• 3 Rune spreads for £5 - Past, present, future - Situation, action, outcome - Overlook
• 1 Rune readings for £2
• 3 Ogham spreads for £5 - Past, present, future - Situation, action, outcome - Overlook
• 1 Ogham readings for £2
𝗨𝗻𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀
• 2 Card, one Angel and one Demon, readings are £5
• 1 Card Animal readings are minimum donation of £1
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santoschristos · 5 months
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Qabalistic Tree of Life
Sefirot and the Paths “In this book it is spoken of the Sefirot and the Paths; of Spirits and Conjurations; of Gods, Spheres, Planes, and many other things which may or may not exist. It is immaterial whether these exist or not. By doing certain things certain results will follow; students are most earnestly warned against attributing objective reality or philosophic validity to any of them.” --Aleister Crowley
Art: Qabalistic Tree of Life, by Steffi Grant. With alphabetic, zodiacal, elemental and planetary attributions according to the Golden Dawn system, as interpreted by Aleister Crowley in 777.
Probably one of my favourite Crowley quotes. Unfortunately (as is often the case with Crowley’s wisest quotes) he doesn’t always follow his own advice. I think he’s writing as a reminder to himself because he knows it’s a personal weakness. Post: @SmaragdinaVisio
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aeroblossom · 6 months
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> > The A∴A∴ (/ˌeɪˈeɪ/ ay-AY) is a magical organization described in 1907 by occultist Aleister Crowley. Its members are dedicated to the advancement of humanity by perfection of the individual on every plane through a graded series of universal initiations. Its initiations are syncretic, unifying the essence of Theravada Buddhism with Vedantic yoga and ceremonial magic. The A∴A∴ applies what it describes as mystical and magical methods of spiritual attainment under the structure of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, and aims to research, practise, and teach "scientific illuminism". A∴A∴ is often held to stand for Argenteum Astrum, which is Latin for Silver Star;[1] however, see the section on Name below. [from wikipedia]
> > Magick Without Tears, a series of letters, was the last book written by English occultist Aleister Crowley (1875–1947), although it was not published until after his death. It was written in 1943 and published in 1954 with a foreword by its editor, Karl Germer.
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make of this what you will
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33-108 · 4 months
"...But a Sephirah cannot be understood upon a single plane; it has a fourfold nature. The Qabalah expresses this by saying that there are four worlds (*):
Atziluth, the Architypal World, or World of Emanantions; the Divine World.
Briah, the World of Creation, also called Kursiya, the World of Thrones.
Yetzirah, the World of Formation and of Angels.
Assiah, the World of Action; the World of Matter."
['The Mystical Qabalah', by Dion Fortune] (See also 'Qabalah Unveiled', by Samuel MacGregor Mathers) (photo of Tree of Life from 'The Qabalistic Tarot', by Robert Wang (Weiser))
(*) a.k.a., four dimensions
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hermitsmirror · 1 year
TAROT DEEP DIVE 🌹🐍🌹 7 of Cups
Desire can be intoxicating
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The 7 of Cups has so many layers that I can’t cover them all here. One that I don’t mention is the number 7 as the number of Venus in the Qabalistic Tree of Life. (I don’t know if there are planetary associations in true Kabalah.) The copper goddess offers a double dose of love and fantasy through number and planetary designation (and then there’s the Cups’ element of water).
What new insights or fun facts did you learn about the 7 of Cups in this tarot deep dive? Anything I missed?
And if you’re looking to expand your tarot reading techniques and learn how to stack layers of meaning on top of each other to find your ideal reading method, you want to learn to Read Tarot like a Nerd. It’s a self-paced class, so enrollment is always open.
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram (LRP)
A ceremonial magic ritual devised and used by the original order of the Golden Dawn that has become a mainstay in modern occultism. This ritual is considered by many to be a basic preliminary to any other magical work, so much that it was the only ritual, besides initiation rituals, taught to members of the Golden Dawn before they advanced to the Inner Order.
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There are two forms of the ritual, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP), and the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram (LIRP). The banishing is believed as banishing any chaotic or impure forms of the elements from the magician's circle. The invoking ritual is believed to invoke pure forms of the elements. This is followed by an evocation of the Christian archangels ruling the elements to fortify and guard the circle.
The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram consists of three major aspects.
Qabalistic Cross - Meant to construct and astral cross in the body of the practitioner, with points corresponding to sephiroth of the Tree of Life. While constructing the cross, the magician chants the Hebrew words Ateh, Malkuth, Ve-Geburah, Ve-Gedulah, Le-Olahm, Amen, while pointing to the forehead, feet, right shoulder, left shoulder, and heart respectively.
Formulation of the Pentagrams -  Beginning in the east, a banishing earth pentagram (or invoking pentagram for the invoking ritual) usually visualized as being in blue light/fire, is drawn in the air at each of the four cardinal points and an associated name of God is chanted (YHVH/East, Adonai/South, Eheieh/West, and AGLA/North). This aspect of the ritual is meant to banish or invoke the four elements. The pentagrams are connected by a circle, also drawn in the air by the practitioner’s Athame, and which is completed by returning from the North point to the East.
Evocation of the Archangels - The practitioner stands in the form of a cross and evokes the presence of archangels. They are visualized at the four cardinal points: Raphael (East), Gabriel (West), Michael (South), and Uriel (North). The practitioner stands with their feet shoulder-width apart, and states “for about me flames the pentagram, and within me shines the six-rayed star.” 
The Qabalistic Cross is repeated.
Take a steel dagger in the right hand. Face East. Touch thy forehead and say ATEH (thou art) Touch thy breast and say MALKUTH (the Kingdom) Touch thy right shoulder and say VE-GEBURAH (and the Power) Touch thy left shoulder and say VE-GEDULAH (and the Glory) Clasp thy hands before thee and say LE-OLAM (for ever) Dagger between fingers, point up and say AMEN. Make in the Air toward the East the invoking PENTAGRAM as shown and, bringing the point of the dagger to the center of the Pentagram, vibrate the DEITY NAME--YOD HE VAU HE--imagining that your voice carries forward to the East of the Universe. Holding the dagger out before you, go to the South, make the Pentagram and vibrate similarly the deity name--ADONAI. Go to the West, make the Pentagram and vibrate EHEIEH. Go to the North, make the Pentagram and vibrate AGLA. Return to the East and complete your circle by bringing the dagger point to the centre of the first Pentagram. Stand with arms outstretched in the form of a cross and say: BEFORE ME RAPHAEL BEHIND ME GABRIEL AT MY RIGHT HAND MICHAEL AT MY LEFT HAND AURIEL BEFORE ME FLAMES THE PENTAGRAM BEHIND ME SHINES THE SIX-RAYED STAR Again make the Qabalistic Cross as directed above, saying ATEH, etc. For Banishing use the same Ritual, but reversing the direction of the lines of the Pentagram.
As a form of prayer the invoking ritual should be used in the morning the banishing in the evening. The NAMES should be pronounced inwardly in the breath vibrating it as much as possible and feeling that the whole body throbs with the sound and sends out a wave of vibration directed to the ends of the quarter. 2. As a protection against impure magnetism, the Banishing Ritual can be used to get rid of obsessing or disturbing thoughts. Give a mental image to your obsession and imagine it formulated before you. Project it out of your aura with the Saluting Sign of a Neophyte, and when it is away about three feet, prevent its return with the Sign of Silence.
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triste-le-roy · 2 years
"Study the various maps of consciousness created by Mag!cians [magicians / magickians] who have in times past made careful study of the interior domain and left us with charts of human conscious states - often personified by various, gods, devils, demons, angels and symbolic beings - that show increasingly more subtle detail.
Familiarise yourself with the basic shamanic three worlds model, the four-quarter elemental model (which shows up everywhere – from the four archangels and the four evangelists in the Bible, to the Four Worlds of Qabalah, the Four Quadrants and the Transactional Analysis personality grid), the various 8-stage models of Buddhist consciousness (which are even more finely-grained upon closer inspection), Timothy Leary’s “Circuits”, Spiral Dynamics and Chaos. Study the ten spheres of the Qabalistic Tree of Life (this can become the work of a lifetime but it’s well worth it), the 30 Aethyrs of the Enochian system, the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching divination system, the 78 cards of the Tarot deck etc.
Cultivate a working knowledge of the many gods, demons and angels of the world’s religious and mythic traditions. Read up on the various forms of Mag!c practised by shamans, witches and sorcerers over the centuries and even millennia; Australian Aboriginal dreamtime ideas, Hindu cosmology, pre-Buddhist Bon Po sorcery, Gnosticism, Wicca, Enochian Angelic Mag!c, Goetia, Voudon, Crowley’s Thelema, Spare’s Zos Kia, Satanism and the dark side Typhonian schools, the Chaos curent of Carroll, Sherwin, Hine. You must be willing to absorb and synthesize of all this contradictory information into your own personal prismatic worldview.
Subscribe to New Scientist or Scientific American and maintain a good working knowledge of cutting edge developments in science. String theory, multiverse theory; all the frontier disciplines are fertile ground for Mag!cal metaphors, speculation and practise." —Grant Morrison, Xanaduum, "Beyond the Word and the Fool Part 3" (2022)
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tarotlogy · 2 years
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life
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The tree of life is a diagram used in various mystical traditions. It usually consists of 10 nodes symbolizing different archetypes and 22 lines connecting the nodes. The nodes are often arranged into three columns to represent that they belong to a common category.
The nodes are usually represented as spheres and the lines are usually represented as paths.The nodes usually represent encompassing aspects of existence, God, or the human psyche. The lines usually represent the relationship between the concepts ascribed to the spheres or a symbolic description of the requirements to go from one sphere to another. The nodes are also associated to deities, angels, celestial bodies, values, single colors or combinations of them, and specific numbers. The columns are usually symbolized as pillars. These pillars usually represent different kinds of values, electric charges, or types of ceremonial magic. It is usually referred to as the Kabbalistic tree of life in order to distinguish it from other concepts with the same name. In the Jewish Kabbalah, the nodes are called sephiroth. The diagram is also used by Christian Cabbala, Hermetic Qabalah and Theosophy. The diagram is believed to be derivable from the flower of life.
The Kabbalistic (also Qabalistic) Tree of Life  is the mystical symbol used in esoteric Judaism to represent the creation of all things including man.  It is a diagram that demonstrates the process of creation from the moment the Universe began.  It traces each emanation from God or the Source through a series of stages that must be completed or gone through in order for manifestation to occur.  The Tree of Life  also traces the pathway back to God for like all of God’s creations we return to the source once our cycle or journey has completed to await re-birth once more.  This mystical and symbolic diagram helps us to understand the evolution of man and all creation from the ‘Big Bang’ to physical incarnation and the material world.
The Tree of Life  shows us the stages of evolution through its Ten Sephiroth or Spheres.  Each Sephira has its own unique qualities and energy which must be integrated and understood by all so that successful manifestation or evolution can complete.
The Tree of Life  can be applied to any area of life but especially the inner world of Man, from the subconscious all the way to the Higher Self.
The first Three Sephira; Kether , Chokmah and Binah  are known as the Supernal Sephiroth and refer to the primordial energies of the Universe.  The Supernal Sephiroth exists on a plane of Divine Energy where creation is abstract and as yet unformed.  It is where everything begins and is in its rawest form.  After Binah creation occurs. Energy begins to take form and proceeds to build upon itself as it is transformed bit by bit through each of the remaining 7 Sephiroth until it is so dense that it can successfully fulfill its evolution in the Earth Realm of Malkuth, the 10th Sephira.  Manifestation then occurs.
The Sephiroth on The Tree of Life  are numbered from 1 – 10.   Numbers are very important in Kabbalistic teachings as they are each believed to carry powerful energy and qualities that are expressed through their corresponding Sephira.  Kabbalistic teaching also place a numerical value on the letters of their Alphabet. The Tree of Life  is therefore numbered meaningfully and emanates the qualities of its Sephira.
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Each of the Ten Sephiroth corresponds with a particular number in The Minor Arcana through which their numerical qualities and energy are individually expressed within their own Suit.
The  2nd, 3rd, 6th and 10th Sephira also corresponded with the Court Cards again reinforcing their meaning through the qualities of their Sephira and its number.
The 10 Sephiroth are further broken down into Four Different Realms of Creation from the Supernal World in Sephira 1, 2 and 3 followed by The World of Creation in Sephira 4, 5, and 6, followed by The World of Formation in Sephira 7, 8 and 9 to The World of Action in Sephira 10.
The Four different Realms of Creation are linked to the Chakra System. The Ten Sephiroth also carry a planetary association, once more adding depth and meaning to each stage of the Journey.
This allocation is laid out in the Table below:
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The 10 Sephira are linked by 22 connecting paths that chart and guide the progress of each emanation from God/Source.   Each pathway contains lessons that must be understood before progressing on and through the next Sephira.
Each of the 22 connecting pathways corresponds with one of the 22 Major Arcana. Each of these Major Arcana Cards contain the lessons that The Fool must understand or endure before he can confidently move forward.  The Fool must not get stuck on his journey for his mission is to complete it and then return home.   The 22 connecting pathways are numbered by the Hebrew Alphabet.
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This may all sound like double-dutch to you right now but as we work our way through the Major Arcana, you will begin to understand the connections and associations.  If you are like me, you will find this area quite fascinating to study.  Remember though that you are not expected to be an expert on the Kabbalah for that is a huge study in itself.  All you need is a basic understanding of it so that you can apply its process to the Major Arcana Cards and the Journey of The Fool.  Believe me, it will make much more sense as you go through the individual cards and I will give you as much detail as possible.  I also need to set the record straight as to my own knowledge of the Kabbalah.  It is basic and I am sure many reading this information will disagree of some of my observations or theories.  When it comes to The Kabbalah, there are many different versions of it, different spellings of the words and different allocations of planets to the Sephiroth.  I am afraid you will have to embark on further studies if you wish to gain a deep knowledge and understanding of this fascinating subject.  There is a wealth of information on the internet and also hundreds of books written on the topic so you have no excuse.
Working with The Major Arcana and The Kabbalistic Tree of Life we can chart the progress of The Fool as he sets out on his journey.  Like all forms of energy The Fool is no different.  He starts out as mere potential and then raw energy before he can begin to take form and realise his full potential.  From the moment of his emanation from the Source or Creator he sets forth on a personal quest for self-definition. He must follow his destiny and find his true purpose in life.  To do so, The Fool travels the 22 connecting pathways from one Sephira to the next.  He cannot skip any part of this journey, for in doing so he would fail to evolve and develop.
The Fool’s journey however, is not finite.  For all his effort and endeavour to reach full realisation and manifestation in the 10th Sephira, it is merely only one journey or cycle completed.  The Fool must then find his way back to the Source and await his next journey.  The Fool will experience each journey in a different manner and will be expected to use his past experiences on each Journey to evolve further until total self-realisation has been secured and then he need journey no longer.
Listed Below is a breakdown of The Tree of Life and the Esoteric Meaning of each Sephira.  As we travel with The Fool on his Journey through The Major Arcana we will be exploring each Stage and Pathway of The Tree of Life and its effect on The Fool.   We must remember that The Fool’s Journey also corresponds with our own journey through life.   By getting to grips with The Major Arcana we can greatly assist our own journey and enjoy a deeper understanding of the Self.
1st Sephira – Kether  (Crown) is the highest and purest.  It is closest to God and is the source of all creation. The Four Aces of The Minor Arcana  also reside in Kether . It is a fitting and appropriate place for the Aces as we see Spirit, in the form of a hand extending from a cloud, offer the gift of the potential of each element to its corresponding Suit.
Astrologically – Corresponds to the ‘Big Bang’
2nd Sephira – Chokmah (Wisdom/Supernal Father) Primal Masculine energy.  The raw force that brings the change to initiate creation.   The Four Kings of the Court Cards and the Four Two’s of The Minor Arcana  also reside here.
Astrologically – Corresponds to The whole Zodiac
3rd Sephirah – Binah  (Supernal Mother/Womb/Understanding)Primal Feminine energy.  Binah  is receptive and gives shape and form to the creation of energy released as it manifests. The Four Queens of the Court Cards and the Four Threes of The Minor Arcana  also reside in the third Sephirah Binah .  This is a fitting residence as the Queens being feminine and the number three related to creation and growth provide the necessary energy to facilitate manifestation.  However, this energy is still abstract at this stage but the first stirrings of creation have been initiated.
Astrologically – Corresponds to Saturn
4th Sephira –  Chesed  (Mercy/Kindness/love). Energy is less abstract now as Chesed  is the first Sephira of Action.  The previous three are connected to the Intellect; Conscious and Subconscious.  Chesed  provides the nurturing stability for God’s emanation as it comes into being. The Four Fours of The Minor Arcana  reside here.
Astrologically – corresponds with Jupiter
5th Sephira – Geburah  (Stength/Judgement/Power). This Sephira brings with it restrictions, chaos and upheaval. Restrictive and eliminating it can cause energy to die.  The Four Fives of The Minor Arcana  also reside here. As we know the Four Fives brings difficulties and challenges that must be overcome.
Astrologically – Corresponds with Mars
6th – Sephira Tipareth  (Beauty/ Balance/Son of God) lies half way between The Divine Source in Kether  and the physical or purely world focus of Malkuth (Kingdom/Physical World).  Tipareth’s role is that of the converter and harmoniser.  All spiritual energy from the source must pass through Tipareth  to become physical and all returning physical energy must pass through likewise to become spiritual.  The pure energy of each Sephira on its own is not possible. Tipareth  on The Tree of Life , is unique in the fact that it is connected to all the other Sephiroth except Malkuth (Kingdom/Physical World).  Tipareth  acts to balance and integrate all of the other Sephiroth’s energies in order to create harmony.  Tipareth (Beauty/Balance/Son of God) bridges the divide between The Divine God and the Physical world.
The Four Knights of the Court Cards and the Four 6’s of The Minor Arcana  also reside here.
Astrologically – Corresponds with The Sun
7th  Sephira – Netzach  (Victory/Endurance) provides the fortitude and determination to succeed in one’s endeavours and overcome obstructions or challenges. It deals with the emotions and feelings and the focussed concentration or control over same.  The Four Sevens of The Minor Arcana  also reside here.  All the Sevens in the Tarot  carry the message of victory as a result of grim determination and stamina.
Astrologically – Corresponds with Venus
8th  Sephira – Hod  (Splendor) brings the force that breaks down energy into different, distinguishable forms and is associated with mental energy, communication, reasoning, action, movement.  Hod allows the diversity and expression of energy in its many forms.  It provides structure.  The Four Eights of The Minor Arcana  reside here.
Astrologically – Corresponds with Mercury
9th Sephira – Yesod  (Foundation)  Translates spiritual concepts into actions. It is linked to the imagination and the Moon with the energies of reflection and illumination.   Also connected to the sex organs. The Four Nines of The Minor Arcana  also reside here.
Astrologically – Corresponds with The Moon
10th Sephira – Malkuth (Kingdom/Physical World).  Manifestation of all creation; life, ideas, form.  Malkuth  gives tangible form and density to all God’s Emanations. This is the furthest Sephira from the Kether  (Source) but this does not mean that it is un-spiritual.
The Four Pages of The Court Cards and The Four Tens of The Minor Arcana  also reside here.
Astrologically – Corresponds with The Earth.
As a student of the Tarot , your first encounter with the Kabbalistic Tree of Life may indeed be confusing and far too Esoteric for you to grasp.  Many courses start with The Major Arcana  but I believe that it can be off-putting to many students who believe that it is all “too heavy” to follow.  Therefore, I introduce The Minor Arcana  first and by doing so the student is slowly and subtly brought round to thinking outside the box and developing their own Esoteric and Mystical understanding of the Tarot .  When The Major Arcana is then introduced with its deeply mystical and esoteric background, it is not such a daunting task after all.
Do not be afraid of this part of your studies.  I would advise those who wish to delve deeper to do some further study into the Kabbalah and The Tree of Life  for it provides a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that will never go to waste.  It will also make for richer and more meaningful card readings.
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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Hanael, Archangel of Venus Talon Abraxas
Hanael, the angel of joy, pleasure, beauty and nature, is the perfect fit for the Archangel of Venus. Meaning “Joy of God” or “Grace of God,” the name Hanael likely stems from the Hebrew words hana'ah plus the suffix –el. Other spellings of the name have included Haniel, Anael and Aniel.
In art and iconography, Hanael’s traditionally depicted dressed in dark, emerald green, and smiling or laughing. She appears more often in female form than in male. In various images, she carries a rose, a lantern, or a wand tipped with a pinecone, called a thyrsus. All of these symbols are deeply intertwined with the planet Venus.
After the Sun and Moon, Venus is by far the brightest object in the sky. So bright that she casts her own shadow, and can even be seen in the daytime, if you know exactly where to look. But, as a planet between Earth and the Sun, to observers on our planet, she never travels far from the Sun before she’s drawn back to its embrace. She is forever dancing between her guise as morning star and evening star.
To the Hellenistic Greeks, who invented our familiar form of astrology, Venus was the ideal icon of love and beauty; she captivates us. In their baser form, these become physical pleasures or the desire to create beautiful works. But in its highest expression, they draw us to union with the Divine, just as Venus is always drawn back to reunite with the Sun.
And so as the Archangel of Venus, Hanael helps us find joy and pleasure in all circumstances, to create beauty in art or music, or harmony in relationships. And, it’s Hanael who reminds that while earthly love is a gift, it’s in divine love that we find our ultimate fulfillment.
Hanael’s rose is also an ancient symbol of Venus. In relation to Earth, Venus’ orbit traces out a five-pointed star every eight years. This beautiful astronomical effect has been called the Rose of Venus, a reference to the five-petalled flower, a favorite of the love goddess.
Hanael’s emerald green tunic evokes the alchemical color of Venus – green – and the fecundity of Nature. It’s Hanael’s gift to make fruitful what was once barren.
The thyrsus carries a similar meaning. Carried by the followers Dionysus, the pinecone-topped wand conjures memes of fertility, pleasure, hedonism and renewal. But on a deeper level, it alludes to another mystery – the union of male and female energies activates the pineal gland, the so-called “third eye” that brings true spiritual vision.
And, we can’t forget Hanael’s lantern. One of Venus’ earliest epithets was “light bringer”; she lights our way back to the divine. In fact, in the Zohar, one of the foundational texts of the Qabalah tradition, it was Haniel who was chosen to carry Enoch to heaven in the Merkabah to encounter God.
On the Qabalistic Tree of Life, Venus and Hanael are represented by the sphere Netzach – meaning “victory” or “eternity.” This Sephirot relates to divine immanence, the light of spirit infusing Nature and ordinary events, as well as our inner world of imagination, intuition and emotion.
When you crave the soothing balm of love and beauty in your life, or when you need to reconnect to the sweetness of the divine, seek Hanael’s aid and counsel. The most auspicious time to call upon her is Friday, Venus’ day, or in the hour of Venus.
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saganssorcery · 3 months
It's Sunday and time for another weekly Thoth reading for the followers of Sagans Sorcery:
Adjustment and Princess of Swords
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𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘆𝗮𝗹
This week's focus revolves around balancing how we have been wronged with its opposite to remain in a state of harmony. While it is likely that we have been harmed, we need to remember that what has been done to us isn't always our fault. We could very well be completely innocent and still have people who wish to persecute us for things beyond our control. This is a warning to not lose yourself in what seems like rightful revenge and hatred for the acts of defilement against our character, instead we need to bring these experiences back into balance with what our true character is. If you were never cruel before, don't lose yourself by becoming cruel. It's important we understand who we are so we can balance these feelings healthily and not allow ourselves to fall into their traps.
©️Sagans Sorcery 🔥 🖋️
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I can usually fulfil requests within 72 hours.
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𝗧𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗵 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘁
• 33 Card Qabalistic Tree of Life, Mirror of the Soul spread for £77.70 GBP
- This spread is designed to Mirror the Soul in the current moment.
It explores every sphere, the connected paths between them, and how they correspond to each other, to give the seeker an in-depth overlook at where they currently are in their spiritual journey.
I will likely fulfil the Mirror of the Soul spreads within a week after payment is received. These take longer than any other spread due to the larger workload and the more complicated nature of the reading.
• 11 Card Qabalistic Tree of Life, Mirror of the Soul spread for £25
- This spread is designed to Mirror the Soul in the current moment.
It explores the 10 Sephiroth and Da’ath to give the seeker an in-depth overview of where they currently are in their spiritual journey.
• 10 Card Celtic Cross spread £20
• 5 Card spreads for £11
- Simple cross spread
• 3 Card spreads for £7
- Past, present, future
- Situation, action, outcome
- Overlook
• 2 Card readings for £5
For a full list of my services and disclaimer please check out the featured posts pinned on the Sagans Sorcery page.
Thank you for taking interest in Sagans Sorcery ✨🙏✨
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santoschristos · 3 months
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Practical Qabalah
The path of the Sword is the way of emanations; its hilt is in Kether and the highest heavens and its tip is in the earth of the Kingdom of Malkuth; it is like unto a bolt of lightening striking the earth; it is the way of wisdom, of power and magick, of the manifestation of morality, and of religion.
The path of the serpent is the way of return; its tail is in the earth from whence it came, and its head reaches up to wear the crown of Kether in the highest heavens; it sheds its skin continuously; it is the way of Gnosis, of transformation and transmutation, of understanding, and of the growth of the individual.
There are two paths upon the Tree of Life, each presenting one aspect of the practical Qabalistic work. Utilmately the distinction between these paths is false, however it is useful for practical reasons to make this distinction. The two paths are the way of the Sword and the way of the Serpent.
The sword represents the downward path of the Divine as it manifests upon the earth. This is the way of creation. Upon the path of the sword a student learns about ritual, morality, magick, and other such things. The path of the Sword has particular resonance with the Pillar of Severity.
The serpent represents the upward path of material existence reaching back up towards its divine origins. This is the way of return. Upon the path of the Serpent a student learns about meditation, personal growth, and the quest for knowledge and understanding. The path of the Serpent has particular resonance with the pillar of Mercy.
The Sword Portal
The path of the sword is the Way of Manifestation; it is the path of magick, ritual and religion, which seeks to draw down the power of the divine and to manifest it upon the earth. The ultimate goal of the Way of the Sword is, perhaps, best expressed in the descent of the New Jerusalem at the end of the biblical book of revelations – the perfection of material existence. On the Path of the Sword the aspirant does not seek to escape from the suffering of the world and attain entrance to an immaterial heaven, but rather to create heaven on earth.
All morality and exoteric religion belong to the Way of the Sword, as their aim is to manifest and ideal, or to manifest the characteristics of some God-Form on earth through the obedience and devotion of worshippers.
Magick, in this sense, does not describe a specifically supernatural event, but rather the art of ‘causing change to occur in conformity with the Will’; this Will being the higher nature of the operator, and not simply whims and egotistical desires. ‘Pure Will, un-assuaged in the lust for results, is in every way perfect’. The purpose of Magick is the material expression of the higher nature of humanity.
The Way of the Sword is in many ways a masculine path (in reference to the divine masculine present in both men and women), concerning itself largely with works of dominion.
The Serpent Portal
The way of the serpent is the way of gnosis, mysticism and self-transformation. It is known as the way of return as it is by this path that the individual returns to their original spiritual nature. It is the journey inwards to find the true and immortal Self. The work of this path is primarily solitary and meditative, requiring one to step beyond the boundaries of ordinary consciousness and consensus reality. In this section you will find a gateway onto the teachings of the Qabalah specifically relating to the work of the serpent.
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Guided Meditation - Journey Through The Tree Of Life
Meditation with me on Saturday! Premiering at 2 PM PST. Embark on a voyage through the ancient, mystical realms of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, a pathway not just of wisdom but of profound transformation.
Imagine, if you will, a universe within, where the boundaries of self merge with the cosmic play of existence. This meditation is your portal to that universe. Here, you are not merely an observer, but an active participant in the unfolding of creation, from the smallest seed to the vastness of the cosmos.
We will traverse through the ten spheres of the Tree of Life, each a universe of its own, teeming with unique energies and lessons. These spheres are not mere concepts, but living, breathing aspects of our own being, waiting to be awakened and integrated.
As we navigate this inner landscape, you will touch the essence of your own existence, feeling and becoming the very forces that animate the universe. This is not just a meditation; it is an odyssey of the soul, an awakening to the interconnectedness of all things.
Prepare to transcend the ordinary, to dissolve the veils of illusion, and to see the radiant truth of your being. Let us begin this extraordinary venture into the heart of existence, to discover the wonders that lie within.
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radiomax · 1 year
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 8pm ET: Feature LP: Todd Rundgren - Healing (1981)
Healing is Todd Rundgren’s ninth studio album, released January 28, 1981. The album’s themes are spirituality and the human condition, something Rundgren had touched on many times in earlier works but never with the consistency exhibited here as every track explores a different aspect. The back cover image of the album (artwork by Prairie Prince) shows the caduceus and a Qabalistic Tree of Life…
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holy-mountaineering · 4 years
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No idea where this wild glitch photo came from.
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spinallyspiraling · 2 years
"In brief, the Tree of Life is a compendium of science, psychology, philosophy and theology."
~ Dion Fortune
"The Tree of Life, that simple yet all-comprehending diagram, is devised with so profound a philosophy that it represents the subjective as well as the objective worlds and serves to indicate the relationship between them. The Ten Holy Sephiroth sum up the objective world on all its levels and in all its aspects, together with its different phases of evolution; and when we remember that the different aspects, according to the Doctrine of Emanations, correspond to the successive phases of evolution, just as do the various stages of animal organisation from the single-celled organism to the vertebrate, we shall see how comprehensive is this glyph which can be applied horizontally to time and vertically to type, epitomising, in fact, the whole of the evolutionary theory of life and form. By its use the Qabalists built up an evolutionary philosophy in the darkest of the Dark Ages of the mind; and by its use the modern philosophical mystic is enabled to transcend the limitations of a materialistic science and forecast developments of knowledge that have not yet dawned above the horizon.
The Ten Holy Sephiroth themselves are conceived of as linked one to another by the zigzag course of the Lightning-Flash, which represents the line of the course of evolution, descending from Kether to Malkuth; the Twenty-two Paths, however, are united by the coils of the Serpent Nechushtan, the Serpent of Wisdom, which loops one to another, laboriously upward, till its crowned head rests upon Kether, thus indicating the evolution and initiation of the soul of man."
~ Dion Fortune, The Mystical Qabalah
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