#ps. her entire college folder is him lmao
unplcnned-variable · 5 years
so last night I said I was going to post an info-dump-thing about resident evil OCs and I actually finished it lmao
I know no one is probably interested but!! I’m gonna post it anyways! partly because I didn’t save the file lol
All of Reina's important info can be found here.
Reina is still in contact with Chris and Rebecca, mostly through email and phone. She rarely sees them in person anymore, which sucks, but at least she knows that they’re doing okay.
Even tho she's terrible at it, Reina still has a passion for photography, and takes pictures of everything she finds interesting.
She has a whole folder on her computer that's just pictures of Emilia and Rodger. It's titled "Motivation". Emilia cried when she saw it the first time.
After what happened at the Spencer Mansion, Reina started to write a lot about the hazards of bio-organic weapons, and what people can do to fight against bioterrorism without literally fighting it. Obviously, she doesn’t have access to tons of info, but she does what she can. She still writes about other things, of course.
Originally, she considered joining the BSAA, an option which was brought up by Chris, but she eventually decided against it. After all, Reina isn't a fighter - but she does her part by informing the public about the truth, even if not many people listen.
She also taught Emilia and Rodger how to use firearms, in case they ever got caught in a situation like she did.
Reina struggled with separation anxiety for a long time after Spencer Mansion, and the Raccoon City Incident didn’t help, but she slowly improved over time.
The song "Johnny Boy" by Twenty One Pilots radiates Reina energy tbh
Emilia is the kind of lady who LOOKS like she has herself together, but under the facade is a life that's being held together by duct tape and coffee.
She primarily works as a travel agent, which is how she met Reina, but likes to pitch in at local business when she has spare time.
Emilia never experienced a bioterrorist attack first-hand, but she's seen what it does to people through the affects it had on Reina, and later, Rodger.
Although she now works for a travel agency, she originally wanted to become a medic of some kind. After her college plans fell through due to lack of financial support, she scrambled for a job, and ended up with that career. She’s considered looking for medical-related jobs again, however, she’s not entirely sure if she’d still be good at it.
Not gonna lie, she probably reads the zodiac section in every magazine she comes across. It's not that she necessarily believes it, it's just that she likes to think that she knows what's coming next.
Terrified of spiders. Most bugs, come to think of it. She doesn’t hate them, she’s just scared of them. She always specifies that she doesn’t want them killed, just removed from where she is.
She and Reina were away on business matters whenever the Raccoon City Incident happened, but were just a bit outside the city whenever Rodger & Friends got out and sent word that they were okay. That’s the closest Emilia has ever gotten to a real Umbrella attack.
Although Emilia was, and still is, an extremely rule-abiding person, she tends to loosen up whenever Reina is around. She claims that Reina's a bad influence, though it's all in good fun.
Tbh the song "Light On" by Maggie Rogers reminds me of her.
The kind of guy to threaten to fight things two times his size, including B.O.W.s. He’s trying to match Chris Redfield’s attitude, but he’s just a little too happy-go-lucky to really get it right, if that makes sense.
Rodger was 15 whenever the Raccoon City Incident happened. He escaped with the Adesso Twins (Eleanora and Amore), two kids who went to the local high school.
He knows Leon, but didn't actually escape alongside him - Rodger and the Adesso twins just happened to run for the RPD when hell broke loose, figuring that the police could help them. Rodger did his best to help out with puzzles, but he and the twins eventually ended up parting ways with Leon. He tries to keep contact with him, but it’s gotten difficult over the years.
He totally joined the BSAA when he got old enough, as did Eleanora, but they were both assigned to different teams.
Rodger is the kind of guy who pretends to be super rough tumble, but inside is actually really excitable and sometimes he accidentally lets that shine through. It's always covered up pretty quickly, but it does happen.
He was pretty devastated when the news came out that Chris went missing. The guy was highkey his role model / hero. Of course, that made it all the better when he learned that he'd been found again.
Rodger was 5 years old when he was adopted, and he'd spent most of his previous five years in an orphanage. His biological parents were a poor couple from Canada, who couldn't afford to support themselves and a child. He has yet to meet them, but kind of hopes to someday.
He honestly kind of has a crush on both Eleanora and Amore, but he in general has a closer relationship with Eleanora, simply because it's difficult to really get to know Amore.
The song "The Fear" by The Score makes me think of him, or possibly "Growing Pains" by Alessia Cara.
The Adesso Twins:
This will probably be the shortest bit because these two are relatively new.
The Adesso Twins are, well, twins. They can never seem to get straight who is older (PS: it’s Amore).
Eleanora Adesso is the tougher of two, and was originally looking towards a career in boxing before she took up a job with the BSAA. Like her brother, she also gives off a cold vibe, but she’s much easier to get along with overall.
Amore Adesso tends to be a 'negative nelly', as Rodger puts it. They don't always mean to come off as such, they just tend to look at everything in a very analytical way. They honestly kinda remind me of Arcade Gannon, just with less sarcasm and more dry humor. They mean well, I swear.
Hhhh I'm tempted to make them HUNK’s kids because a.) I want to, and b.) I can, but on the other hand, that might be cliche, and I don't know if HUNK is really the kind of guy to have a family (plus he works for Umbrella, which would make a big conflict considering their professions), so I'm. Hmm. I dunno yet. I think it all depends on your idea on what HUNK is like when he’s not on the job.
Amore found purpose in studying B.O.W.s and trying to find ways to cure Umbrella-made viruses, instead of joining the BSAA, like Eleanora did.
Eleanora makes me think of the song "Stay Frost Royal Milk Tea” by Fall Out Boy (yes, that is the song titled), and Amore makes me think of "This is Home" by Cavetown, though this might change in the future.
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