ananayellow · 23 days
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Beta togachako
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pjs-everyday · 9 months
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prototype vs. final dynamic ❤️💥✨
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heronoegg · 25 days
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when i walk in the spot this is what i see, 'okay' ever'y body stop and starin at me
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everypanelofizuku · 2 months
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Chapter ???? - I have no idea on this one
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embitea-official · 1 year
what quirk do you think Yuu would have had if she was in Bnha , I know she was post to have mt lady quirk but mt lady got it now ? For some reason I was thinking telekinesis for Yuu, that and blue eyes so people don’t confuse her with ochako that much ?, what do you think ?) also hope your doing ok :)
Despite my lack of activity, I'm doing alright! Thanks for asking, anon!
Originally, Yuu's concept was that she was quite literally Mt. Lady, both in name and Quirk, with the only difference being in her design and a more timid/low self-esteem personality. At first, she was going to be the main protagonist, but Horikoshi changed his mind (something about her standing out too much?) and instead made her Quirkless friend, Yamikumo, go through some changes and become who we now know as our main protagonist, Deku. Rather than scrapping her completely, Horikoshi ended up splitting her into apparently 3 characters in the BnHA series:
Yu Takeyama/Mt. Lady, who inherited the name and Quirk
Ochako Uraraka, who inherited the 'female lead' role & overall design
And, surprisingly: Yui Kodai, who inherited the more 'quiet' aspect of Yuu's personality + some bits of her design from the conceptual process (and supposedly a part of her Quirk; I can't find evidence but it seems there's speculation that Yuu's Quirk not only changed her own size but the size of other things as well?)
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Personally, because I like the idea of maintaining the Original Trio image (Yami as Deku and Gougou as, well, Kacchan) + feel that Mt. Lady rules that name/Quirk identity with an iron fist, I view Yuu more as Proto!Ochako and thus she keeps the Zero Gravity Quirk. If she were in canon, the easiest way I'd fit her in is to simply make her Ochako's twin. Because she's quieter and more level-headed (in my headcanon, at least), she would likely be a supporting role more so for Ochako as a voice of logical reason than for Deku. She'd also be more prone to downplaying herself compared to how much she paints her twin in a much brighter light. If you're into zodiac signs, then while Ochako displays the brighter sides of her Capricorn zodiac, Yuu would be the calmer & quieter sides (almost similarly to Todoroki, who is also a Capricorn). Also if you hurt her dear twin Ochako, she will not be afraid to drop a boulder on you.
I like the idea of giving her blue eyes to distinguish her from Ochako should you plan to make them separate from each other. You could also make her hair color just a tad darker, with her costume also using blue tones. Giving her telekinesis is also a very interesting twist, though I'm very interested to see how you'd make it distinguishable from Quirks like Reiko Yanagi (from Class 1-B)'s Poltergeist. Let me know how that goes!
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mimez-meme · 16 days
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Am I crazy for preferring prototype uraraka?😓
(I also love prototype izuku but it looks a little weird also I didn’t make this, the @ is who I got it off but I don’t think they made it either)
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deusvervewrites · 4 months
For the Ask game, can we get som HC for the Inko/Kaina/Cath AU pretty please?
Someone asked me for a Jirou-centric AU but was unable to provide details and I could not think of one so I dedicate this headcanon to you, Anon. In this AU, Jirou gets One For All. The circumstances play out differently due to Midoriya not being present, but her Quirk is pretty effective against the Sludge Villain compared to most physical attacks, so that would be how All Might notices her.
All For One doesn't actually care that the HPSC collapsed, only that now that things are less dystopian it harder for him to manipulate people.
Uraraka and Yaoyorozu are childhood friends--there have been talks for a while about the Yaoyorozu group purchasing Uraraka Construction now that it's such a big name in Japan.
Unlimited Gun Works has supersaturated colors like classic Golden-Age comic books.
Midoriya and Hatsume quickly enter a mutually-beneficial partnership. Her ability to manufacture highly specialized guns gives him a variety of option beyond "Aim for the least vital bits and hope they don't bleed out" and his ability to instantly replicate prototypes helps her with rapid iteration.
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How about a Statistical Outlier Snippet
"Ugh". First match-up, and Izuku can already feel it's going to be a painful one. Going against Kacchan (and the guy from the entrance exam, Iida Tenya) with no Quirk is not his idea of a fun afternoon, but sure. Why not? Might as well.
Well, they have a couple of minutes, might as well throw something together. He turned to his partner. "Um, okay. Uraraka? What's your Quirk again?"
"O-oh, is that really important right now?" Seeing as we're minutes from getting our faces blasted off, I'd say it is. "Besides, I've been curious about yours, you know?"
Ah. Yeah. That. Might as well rip off the bandaid now. "Actually, I'm legally Quirkless." Or at least technically.
"Really? Wait, 'legally'?"
"It's a whole thing. Don't worry about that right now, for all intents and purposes I don't have a Quirk."
"Oh, same, I guess." ...Wait, back up.
"You're Quirkless too?"
"Yep, just have this Gear Hatsume whipped up for me." She pointed at the backpack (or a jetpack, now that he got a closer look at it), and twirled an odd looking gun on one finger. "She gave me a couple of prototypes after the Entrance Exam, said they 'fit my aesthetic'."
"Cool. Wish I thought of that." And here I was ready to punch my way through UA.
This does complicate things, he was really depending on her having some cool Quirk for him to plan around. Oh well, time to make a Plan B. "What does that gun do exactly?"
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codenamesazanka · 2 months
do you remember when Horikoshi said that he created Toga for Uraraka specifically? do you think the same could be true for Spinner and Shigaraki?
You know, funny thing. A while ago I remember the same exact thing - that Toga was created specifically for Ochako, and he developed Ochako to match Toga - and realizing that it might explain why the Deku+Shigaraki relationship is so underwhelming. Shigaraki/Tenko was Horikoshi's character from wayyyyyy before HeroAca, while Deku is Deku/a salaryman from a different, later oneshot. Maybe he tried to match them up and couldn't.
Kid who wants to basically destroy feudalism vs. the guy who skips work to play heroes.
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Anyway, to answer your question. idk if Spinner was created for Shigaraki, but it does seem that Spinner is important and connected to the character of Shigaraki, being tied to Shigaraki's arc ever since MVA.
However, when Spinner first appeared, he was completely a Stain fanboy who only showed up during the camp raid (as opposed to Dabi and Toga being shown meeting Shigaraki) and didn't care about Shigaraki at all, and this lasted through the Overhaul arc - though, as I said before, even then there were seeds of a relationship: Spinner being a Stain fanboy, fighting without showing his quirk, but still making it into the League; and Spinner shouting Grand Theft Auto during the end of the Overhaul arc, revealing he's a gamer, much like Shigaraki is a gamer. (Though this is very loose 'evidence'. Barely 'evidence'.)
Plus there's also Nine, a prototype Shigaraki, also had his own loyal discriminated heteromorph subordinate, Chimera, who stood out from the rest of Nine's crew by being the only one to have a flashback to when he and Nine met.
It would be cute if Shigaraki and Spinner's relationship was planned to be a core element from early on! But idk if we can say that with any certainty.
Thanks for the ask!
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bnhaobservation · 9 months
My Hero Academia Ultra Archive (May 2, 2016) - Prototypes for Todoroki Shōto and Todoroki Enji
I'm pretty sure everyone saw those images around, but the translations are a bit harder to find (at least as far as I'm involved, I'm sure other people might have found it with ease).
So, since in my country this book was translated, I thought to share the translations of the prototypes of their character descriptions.
Keep in mind they were originally thought pretty different from the original and that this isn't a translation from Japanese to English, but from Japanese to Italian to English.
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For who can't see the image here's the text.
Flame Hero
He has a fire ability and can manipulate flames.
He has a completely (not really) heat-resistant suit.
Furthermore, thanks to an armor whose surface is coated with a special oil, he becomes a super cool guy who wears an armor made of flames.
He has an honest personality and abides by law and order above all else. Due to this, even if he is chasing a Villain he also stops at a traffic light and happens to lose sight of him.
Although as a Hero he leaves something to be desired, he is loved by the people.
He is incredibly strong and is in the top 5 in terms of popularity.
He has the ability, but he has always put in the effort.
Why is he so strong?
Because he has always been serious and tireless…
My two cents: Okay, I guess it wasn't decided yet he would be Number 2. Sure is, Enji is pretty different here. In another circumstance Horikoshi said he planned to have him be an U.A. teacher, so, although Shouto is, according to Horikoshi, the first or second class member he came up after Midoriya, Bakugo and Uraraka, it's possible Enji was planned before him as a teacher and then changed to fit the role Horikoshi wanted for him in Shouto's story. With the way they present him as so honest he would stop at a traffic light when chasing a Villain, I wonder if, originally, he was meant to be some sort of gag character. The fact he's loved by the people was clearly changed, since there's plenty of discussion when he inherit the mantle of Number 1 and he's, according to Horikoshi, the Number 1 among the Heroes that looks like Villains. Endeavor in canon has fans, but has also haters.
Well, at least the fact that he's a guy who put in a lot of effort was left.
On another note... this says Flame Hero (フレイムヒーロー) but in Vol 1 chap 3 Horikoshi called him 'Nenshō-kei Hero “Endeavor”' (燃焼系ヒーロー「エンデヴァー」 "Combustion hero ‘Endeavor’”) so I guess that although "Combustion Hero" was probably meant to be Enji's original name, Horikoshi here corrected the name so that fans could easily recognize him.
By the way, here we can see the evolution of Enji's costume
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In chap 1 it was more or less the same as in the prototype.
In chap 3 the arm guards were changed slightly and so the colouring but the rest of the design was the same.
In chap 28 the chest are was changed slightly, as now the flames reached the center and didn't start halfway.
In chap 34 the neck has changed, we can see the belt is different and the pants are tight and the belt is different. The boots too are slightly different. Basically it's the custom Enji is meant to wear until he'll upgrade it as he'll turn the Number 1 Hero.
And now let's move to Shōto...
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Recommended student
Definitely dark, definitely strong.
He was born from a disgusting practice called 'crossbreeding' used to further strengthen a Quirk.
His mother, who had a boyfriend, was chosen by his father for this but then she lost her mind.
She hates half of her son and hurts him.
Shouto hates her and seeks affection from his father, who however is only interested in those who are strong.
Overcoming his father, becoming more powerful than him: for this reason he aspires to become a hero stronger than his father… that is, Todoroki Enji, the top Hero Endeavor.
My two cents: Okay, Shōto originally had... part of Tōya's backstory? With him searching Enji's love and being obsessed with becoming the strongest to get Enji's love?
Well, that's quite a change. Here it seems more like Rei was turned insane not so much by Enji's abuse but by having to give up on her loved one since Shōto shows no sympathy for her...
Definitely in the original Horikoshi had planned a rather different story. I wonder why he changed it and if he was unsatisfied with the change and that's why he kept on tampering with Shōto's past. Oh well, we probably will never know.
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
AU where Midoriya, Bakugo, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu and Iida are their prototype versions (so Midoriya is a quirkless hero student, Bakugo is nice, Uraraka has Gigantification, Momo is already a pro hero and Iida is a delinquent).
I think it would be funny if Iida was a delinquent but still keeps his canon personality, so, introducing the first delinquent you could confuse for a 38 year old business man. He's still robotic and formal but he's got piercings, tattoos and while he follows the school rules, actual laws are. A bit hit or miss. Izuku thinks he's hilarious.
Bakugo really annoys most people but Izuku gets along well with him because he's unafraid to razz him up a bit. Bakugo is like, a boy scout but one that is also a bomb, so he didn't have many friends in Aldera. Izuku thinks hes a goody-two-shoes and tries to be a bad influence. Hes very good at it!
Uraraka is shy but just as ruthlessly competitive as her canon counterpart. Izuku is also incredibly competitive so they can often be found doing stupid competitions like : who can eat the most chilli, who can walk the farthest on their hands, who can scream the loudest. It drives Aizawa insane but he lets it happen because it gets Uraraka out of her shell.
Yaoyorozu is Izuku's favourite hero (after All Might, of course). Her quirk is both the word's coolest and something that could be replicated by having good support equipment and being prepared. She actually invites him to intern with her, because he shows off his brain in the sports festival and her agency does a lot of investigation. They spend a very fun afternoon testing out Izuku's ideas for her quirk while she gets Izuku to come up with ways he can use the same stuff with support gear. She gifts him a very nice telescoping bo staff on his last day!
Midoriya is a wild ride. He's snarky to cover up his massive anxiety, he has a massive chip on his shoulder and is quick to take things personally but quick to forgive if you say sorry and mean it (if you dont he will hold a grudge until you die - Monoma he's coming for ur ass). Smart and tricky, scared of authority figures but covers that up with a smart mouth and bluster. Master at not getting caught, will smirk at you as you seethe in rage bc you have no proof he did something.
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pjs-everyday · 9 months
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prototype 😬😬😬 (they all HATE each other lmao)
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heronoegg · 27 days
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i was cooking up the whole AU, chat do you see my vision?
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epickiya722 · 2 years
People are really denying that Midoriya's current (manga) have orange on it???
The only way I can see it be yellow IF IT ACTUALLY IS YELLOW. I mean, he got some yellow throw in there, but there's also orange and a lot of it.
I want to point out Horikoshi does tend to use ideas he scrapped before. He'll keep those ideas and use them for later. This is one idea...
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Like how Uraraka's prototype name and quirk going to Mt. Lady, the orange went from being Midoriya’s signature color to Bakugou’s.
I think Horikoshi decided to bring that idea back, but the twist is while it is still Bakugou’s color it is also one of Midoriya’s. In fact, they both now wear orange and green. It just drives home just how their relationship has developed and Horikoshi is visually expressing that.
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embitea-official · 1 year
What do you think KatsuYamiYuu hero costumes would be like , if their were n Bnha universe ??
Personally, I like having parallels between fanon and canon, though I also like the thought of them remaining faithful to their original designs (like Deku and his jumpsuit)... More under the cut 'cause I know I'll be rambling though:
Much like Deku, Yami would welcome continuous modifications to his gears in order to expand his versatility. I can also see him replicating some OFA abilities in his gears as well (ie. grappling hooks for Blackwhip). I remember him staying Quirkless, so he'd also have other things to help him keep up with the others if not retain his utility in a variety of fields (mask & headpiece changed into a helmet with thermal/night vision; tranquilizers; traps; possibly some costume modifications for stealth; that kind of stuff). He'd unfortunately be on the heavier side in terms of the amount of support gears he'd be carrying compared to others, but I have a good feeling he'd find ways other than just strength/endurance training to keep himself compact and nimble on the field if he's as big of a nerd as Deku.
Proto!Kacchan/Gougou would prob have the least changes to his costume. One thing I found interesting in his attire/the way Horikoshi drew his design is the use of more loose/light, baggy pants, a sheathed knife and the posture he's drawn in:
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To me, it gives the impression of him preferring more flexibility for martial arts/hand-to-hand combat purposes and him using his Quirk more so for an added oomph to his punches (I mean, look at the gauntlet and tell me it's not for making his punches literally explode in the enemy's face) as opposed to being solely reliant on his Quirk. Possibly overall more grounded (both in terms of Quirk usages & personality lmfao) than his canon counterpart, imo. I see him preferring his costume on the lighter, more compact side as opposed to, say, Kacchan's big ass gauntlets.
Yuu's costume would depend entirely on whether you view her more as Proto!Mt. Lady or Proto!Ochako---that is, aside from keeping her jumpsuit faithful to its original design (to parallel Deku as fellow MCs), how her gears would reflect her Quirk's usability.
If you feel Yuu would retain Mt. Lady's Gigantification Quirk, she would likely not have any support gears whatsoever to prevent complications that come with having them on her person (ie. breaking out of them when she changes size and/or figuring out a way for these gears to 'grow' with her). That'd mean the concept designs we saw of Proto!Ochako's gears shown in these images are nulled:
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Rather than thinking of support gears, Yuu as Proto!Mt. Lady would likely lean more towards modifying her jumpsuit to be more durable and more resistant to external changes (more padding, tear-/thermal-/water-resistant fabric, more hardened material in like the fists/knees/legs for added combat damage). More 'layers' to the fabric would prob also mean she'd be prone to sweating underneath, though? probably? so I imagine the stomach sides in her jumpsuit from this image would be more light mesh (and unfortunately the weak spots of her costume outside of exposed skin):
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One thing I feel that'd be different, though, is somehow implementing her mask to be more like heat-seeking goggles (or at least include some holographic overlay to provide it). This would help her immensely when trying to keep an eye on where all the lil' guys are at beneath her.
Now, if you instead see Yuu as Proto!Ochako like I do, I'm sure you can see from some previous sketches/drawings(?) that I personally believe she'd parallel Ochako's support gears with some of my headcanon-added components. More info of that can be found here.
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ao3feed-izch · 6 months
Polaris | An Izuocha Reincarnation AU
by tam_mulberry23
Ochako Uraraka had a dream. To see the smiles of her parents and let them live an easy life. If it meant going to a far off university to become an engineer, she would do it. But when she fell asleep, all she had were nightmares of a different reality that continued on after the summer it started. Soon, she met Izuku Midoriya, an awkward but ambitious boy that lived just across her apartment. While most would only look his way when he did something outrageous, there was a warmth to his eyes that drew her in. In time, she developed feelings for him. It terrified her. The idea that a boy might get in the way of her goals. However, as her friendship with him deepens, she realizes that there’s an underlying reason to her hesitance.
Words: 5675, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Uraraka Ochako, Uraraka Ochako's Parents, Uraraka Ochako's Mother, Uraraka Ochako's Father, Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Uraraka Ochako-centric, Engineer Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako is a Good Friend, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku is a Nerd, Uraraka Ochako is a Ray of Sunshine, Iida Tenya is a Good Friend, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Prototype Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Alternate Universe - College/University
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54684475
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