#promise i'm not ignoring asks i just had a very busy weekend lol
blindmagdalena · 1 year
are you part of any other fandoms? or have in the past? :D
yeah absolutely! i was a HUGE anime nerd as a kid (mainly YYH/Inuyasha) and wrote/collected all kinds of stuff for that. it's also the reason i got into cosplay and started going to anime cons. that was a huge part of my teen years.
after that I got reeeeally into phantom of the opera, and that remains as sort of an ever-present "sleeper fandom" that I'm always peripherally enjoying and ready to throw down about. the one that hit big for me was definitely supernatural back in 2011ish. the chokehold that series/fandom had on me was unreal. that lasted until maybe 2015ish, i fell off really hard towards the end of s8/beginning of s9.
in early 2017 i got really into the adventure zone, and then in 2018 i starting running games of dungeons and dragons. not exactly a fandom per se, but there's definitely a very big ttrpg community, and i've been deep in that ever since.
i really did not expect to get back into tumblr/fandom the way i have, but homelander did a number on me. i've been thoroughly possessed. i live here now.
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chubbydino · 3 months
I stumbled upon fool’s gold when I was looking up brocedes fic (yes in 2024 i know) and omg was I drawn you with your amazing writing. On my way to order your novel!
I wanted to know if you had any tips for new writers trying to plan their novel, keeping track of storylines and ways for improve their writing?
thank you! i really appreciate it.
my advice under the cut
for commercial novels, i'm definitely not the one to ask, as i'm still very much a newbie when it comes to self-publishing. i will say commercial fiction and fanfiction are completely different beasts. if you're a new writer, i would try fanfiction first to see where you stand, so to speak. commercial novels are very hard to sell without a fanbase unless you really know what you're doing, and even after publishing (almost) 3 books in a year, i still barely know what i'm doing.
fanfic lets you write what you want, and you can tell almost immediately if its resonating or not because the readers are already there. word gets around quick in fanfic spaces. if it doesn't do well, you have to figure out why. my older fics have terrible grammar and punctuation mistakes that would never fly in a real novel. sometimes i made up for it with a good enough story that people could ignore those things (Horsepower, for example lol) but it wasn't until i really started focusing on learning that it started coming together. i still have problems with commas and semicolons LOL. once you get that down and pair it with a good story, the magic happens!
i will say that finishing what you start is absolutely necessary. i used to get stuck at 30k words. now i can write that in 2 weeks or less. it's important as a writer that you deliver on your promises to finish what you start. for fanfic it's more okay to abandon something, but you will burn fans. i have 3 fics i'll never finish, 2 no one really read in the first place but 1 was on track to be my most popular fic ever and i just...didn't write anymore because of life. nowadays i'll shorten the story and finish it before abandoning it.
yes, fanfic is about having fun etc, but i take it seriously, especially when people are depending on me to create for them. while you don't make money on fanfic, you get what every business pays a shit ton of money to have: people engaged in your content/you. the readers here on tumblr, ao3, and in the discord server make writing fun for me. i'm very lucky that many of those people have also followed me into novel writing by joining my patreon and buying my books as well. if i only finished half of the books i started, i doubt those people would stick around, no matter how much they like my writing haha. i don't write for myself, i write to share stories with those fans.
as for planning, i'm also not really the person to ask haha. for fool's gold i just scribbled down sparknotes of race weekends and wove the plot into them. my best fics maybe had an ending in mind early on (HLS) or a premise i wanted to explore (for PAPM, a amnesia fic where the MC never gets his memories back but there's still a story). a lot of it is intuitive, but i'm still learning. for my professional writing i loosely go off the 3-Act breakdown and Save The Cat! but i only started doing that in the past year or so.
In fic writing, you're forced to work with what you've already written and make it work. In professional writing, you better be ready to hack it to pieces and rewrite the whole thing (Redline lol) to make it better, and people will still not like it. like, people are mad at me for how i ended Short Shift because they think I'm going to tropify it lol.
i see all my stories as movies in my head, so i rarely have to dig into my notes to see what actually happened because i "saw" it happen. idk how to explain it. for FG i wrote most of it without flipping back through. i do forget stuff, but for fanfic it's usually fine. for professional writing, i have beta readers checking that everything makes sense.
in short, just write. soooo many people i know want to write a book and then spend months planning, planning, planning, and never write it. my first attempt at a novel is 85k words and took over a year to write and will never see the light of day. meanwhile wheelspin is 106k words and i wrote it in 3ish months.
there are a lot of shitty books out there making careers for people. as long as you have a good story and a good editor (or knwo how ot edit yourself), you can do a lot and learn as you go. but just keep in mind that self-publishing is like 40% writing and 60% business. i spent 6 months taking free classes on self publishing before Redline debuted just to be able to do the basics. it's a steep learning curve, but worth it when you can hold your own book in your hands. :)
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17, 22 for the writing asks? 🌠
of course!! <3 sorry this took a literal day to answer, i got busy and #17... 🤧 let's just say i like talking about my WIP. also sorry this is like novel length, rivalfic is my baby
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists.
usually, cough. not very. but with my current WIP (the f1 AU) that couldn't be more different, mostly due to the nature of this fic. i unfortunately had the marvelous idea to write it just before classes started last year, which meant that while i have pretty much the whole of the first part (there will be two, each covering one season of f1) planned, i had little to no time to actually write it down. so i needed meticulous planning, not only to give me a good road map when i did get time to write, but also to motivate me to keep going.
i do a lot of writing on paper before typing it up (thank god im good at touch typing. i learned when i was 8 and have blasted many a coworker out of the water on the occasion that a typing competition is used as an icebreaker.) most of the time, if dialogue or a fake tumblr post or headline comes to mind, i can just add it to a document i have for that purpose. different pages are set up for different races. if you've read every point a pressure point, i don't go into detail for every race. i have just chosen the ones that i think are most important to the story, and will let the fake posts, headlines, and/or classifications speak for the rest.
speaking of the classifications, uh. this is probably the silliest part by far so bear with me and don't laugh.
this past term i finally learned to use a programming language other than html, and obviously with great power comes great responsibility, so i decided to visualize the standings using python. i've already decided the racing characters' classifications and point totals from the beginning and they've been sitting in a google sheet for a while, so this past weekend when finals were finally over, i just downloaded it as a CSV file and read it with the DictReader class in the CSV module and then visualized the data into plots using matplotlib (i'm sorry if my terminology isn't correct i just do things that i learned in class and look up the stuff that was out of the scope of that course lol)
so this is the result (warning for mild spoilers ahead i guess):
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now that i've actually visualized the data i now realize that i may have to tweak some of the classifications (it is entirely possible that i have made ilya and linda score too many points for how high i want caledonian to finish in the constructor's championship) and also ignore the 0.5s on the x-axes i need to figure out if i can even get rid of those. i somewhat tried to model the teams' performances on historical precedent but i feel like i got a little too subjective on the points scoring. linda should probably have scored a bit less than how she is now, and ilya a little bit more. anywhey,,, i dont really know what im doing lol these are kind of just vibes
so yeah! i spend way too much time thinking about this WIP as you can see, it's a wonder ppl have indulged me this far tbh. i promise i think about other things
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
bestie not to make an already long reply longer but.
i plan to write two (longfic) parts in this universe, i think i've said this already: one covers therlinda rookie season (every point a pressure point) and the other their sophomore season (every point a surer step).
a lot of the parts of this universe are based on historical precedent, though it takes place in the quasi-present. any timings stated in the fic are directly pulled from real timing sheets specific to a track/race. in my head, the cars look like how they did in 2021: example below. so in essence the rear wing still looks like That, front still looks like that, no covers for the wheels like 2022 spec.
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the calendar is based off the 2018/2019 f1 race calendar, with 21 rounds, and everything takes place in chronological order. mcn's performance difference from part 1 to part 2 is sort of based on a team that's currently on the grid (though doesn't follow its history very closely). but mcn in part 1 is definitely a backmarker team for reasons that i kind of still have to fully set and iron out. (bc i don't have the aerodynamic knowledge for that yet.) i imply that caledonian's performance equivalent/championship rival is alpha tauri, but i consider caledonian to be a true midfield team. the ultimate goal is for both theresa and linda to make it to bigger teams; ferrari and alpine (renault) specifically. this is in a universe where the title battle is between ferrari and alpine.
that being said, the two central conflicts in the every point a pressure point universe are not based on anyone in particular in the present, or any historic rivalry between competitors; it was literally borne out of me lying awake on vacation last year going from 'wow why do i approach theresa & douglas / linda & herc so similarly' to 'maybe they have parallels somewhere' to 'what if they were racers' to 'what if they hated each other and then banged' to 'what if this was intergenerational' to 'what if i wrote a fic about this' to 'god i know nothing about any of this, time to research'
i'm a relatively new fan to f1, so i don't think any of my opinions would be very welcome; i'm not looking to make any big statements about the sport either or moralize. i'm a firm believer of shutting the fuck up if you don't know enough about a specific thing/topic/issue and don't have the capacity at the moment to learn more about it. there are others whom i really respect who do have the time to go through and learn about the minutiae of the (MANY) issues of this sport but i do not have the time to do it, ergo, i leave the big statement-making to those good folks. yea, i mean, some of the characters' opinions are a little bit my own, but i don't really think they're that seismic: i think generally people would agree with it.
that being said, i think there's a really big takeaway (other than pleasure/enjoyment) that i want for anyone who reads through either of the two parts of this story; what i want to say, if you want to put it that way, is that life's too short to be petty, really. more than anything, we need each other, even those diametrically opposed. not everything is worth vitriol. as i said: i don't vocalize my opinions about the sport so often. i'm not vaguing anyone, really. i just believe very firmly that we need one another to survive. there's not enough room in our very full lives for hostility. also, like, heal your wounds before it's too late. it affects more people than you think.
yea not to get really too deep about any of this haha but as i said above rivalfic is kind of my baby and i really enjoy writing it; i know people find it weird and the universe comes totally out of left field and i feel like i'm diverging really far from the source material but then again theresa and linda never interacted in canon anyway so sorry tito juan 😩
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
The Assistant
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Quentin Beck smut
Prompt (requested): Quentin finds out that his cute new assistant (the one who loves to tease and be a little brat to him) is a virgin... and he's got plans for her.
Warnings: lots of teasing and dirty talk, idk if it has more degradation or praising, I like to mix it lol.... mentions of losing your virginity, unprotected sex and a surprisingly soft daddy Quentin
Like 3k words
From the minute you stepped into that lab, you had Quentin's attention.
He thought you were the prettiest little thing he had ever seen, but he couldn't allow distractions, so he never really gave you too much attention, just left you there doing your job.
The thing is that you were brilliant at it. There was no way he could ignore your presence.
As time passed, you kept impressing him… And he became kinda obsessed with you.
He thought about you more than he should.
He got jealous whenever he saw another employee talking to you (maybe they mysteriously got fired after).
So he asked one of your coworkers to get really close to you., and find out as many information as possible from you. Like what you liked to do on your free time, what were your ambitions… or if you were single. If he found out you weren't, there's nothing he wouldn't do for you to be.
But he didn't have to waste any time on planning something against your partner's life cause you didn't have one, and he was relieved to hear that.
But those aren't even the best news he got that day
He also heard from your coworker after a small party you attended to that weekend (with a little drinking and a few games) that you were still a virgin. He lost his mind at the thought of you being his and ONLY his. No other man had ever had the privilege to touch you.
Now he had to make you his.
So you were promoted to his personal assistant.
You were thrilled. Not only because you got a better job, but you had this HUGE admiration for Quentin, and being able to get closer to him was amazing.
On the first days, he just showered you in questions. And the better he knew you, the more fascinated he grew.
But you were a little confused. Didn't seem right for your boss to be asking so many personal questions. Sometimes, his questions seemed to have a double meaning. And you knew Quentin was way too smart to not notice that. So the only way you had to find out what he really wanted was playing his game.
One day, you were at his office, and both of you were minding your own business, but you decided that the teasing would start that day.
So your eyes focused on him until he noticed it, and when he looked back at you, they would quickly go back to your computer.
One time was enough to make him suspicious, but after the third one, he couldn't stand it anymore.
"Do you need anything?" He asked, making your heart race.
Pissing him off was exciting, but you knew it was also very dangerous.
"No, sir, I'm sorry." You lied, without taking your eyes off your computer screen.
You started slowly. That was only the first day. On the next ones, you started going a little further. Like smiling at him when he caught you staring. Or asking your own suggestive questions.
Like this one time, when you walked into his office and walked towards his desk, standing beside it until he finally acknowledged your presence.
"Can I help you?" He sighed, looking at you. He was getting tired of your games. He was so confused. You looked pretty innocent by the way you answered to his questions, but there was something in your eyes that made him doubt that.
"Yes, Mr. Beck." You bit your lip, trying to control your smirk as you carefully planned your next words. "I was wondering if I look okay to you."
He raised his eyebrows and waited for you to explain yourself, so you continued:
"I mean… now that I'm your assistant, people will see me next to you all the time. I know you never mentioned anything, sir, but do you think the way I dress is okay?"
That was the first time in a while someone left him speechless like that.
"I appreciate how much you care about your job, Y/N." He finally replied. "If you're worried about that, I could get you some money to buy new clothes."
You didn't expect that at all, you were just teasing him.
"Thank you, sir… but does that mean you don't think I'm pretty now?" You used a sweet, sad tone.
"No, I think you're so fucking pretty." He looked at your body in a way that made you a little shy. "And I don't really care what you're wearing. If you want my sincere opinion, honey, you should wear a lot less than that."
You pressed your thighs together at those words. This was all about driving HIM crazy, but he always found a way to be on control. And he noticed how he made you feel, of course he did.
"You look so eager to be a great assistant." He chuckled darkly. "You would do anything I asked you to, wouldn't you?"
You nodded with no hesitation.
"Good girl." He smiled and caressed you cheek with his finger. "Go back to work, then."
You were in shock. You were frozen beside him trying to process everything. You wanted him so bad, you wouldn't be able to focus on work now. But you walked back to your desk, cause what other choice did you have?
Well, you weren't giving up now.
On the very next day, every single pair of eyes landed on you when you walked into that building.
You were wearing the shortest skirt you could find. And one of those shirts that were a little transparent, with a cute little lace bra under it. Red lipstick. It was impossible not to look.
Quentin was furious. He was possessive, and now everyone was talking about "his girl".
5 minutes after you arrived you were already yelled at. He wanted you in his office. Immediately.
When you walked in, you shivered at his state. He was so angry, and he always looked so hot like that. Sitting on his chair, a hand closed on a fist on his table, his eyes looking at a distant spot… you could almost see that inside his head there was nothing but madness.
"What do you think you're doing?" He sighed, trying to control his anger. "Why are you dressed like that?"
"Well, sir… yesterday you said that you wanted me to wear less clothes. I just wanted to please you."
"Please me?" He thought for a second. "Come closer."
Seemed like a pretty dangerous thing to do, but there was no turning back now.
When you got close enough, he pulled you by the arm, forcing you to sit on his lap, which made you gasp.
"I know you're not stupid, Y/N. I wouldn't be interested in you if you were." He said, running his hand through your thigh. "So why are you doing this? Do you want attention?"
"Yes, sir." You bit your lip as his hand travelled now between your thighs.
"You wanted my attention?" He chuckled. "Well, but I don't want other people looking at my things. Wanting my things…"
He was treating you like just another prize he won and you couldn't understand why you were okay with that. Or why you would be anything he wanted you to be.
"Maybe I should fire you." He said, placing a kiss on the back of your neck.
"No, sir, please… I can be useful to you." You begged.
"I know you can. And you will." He said as his hand got closer and closer to where you needed it, but never actually there.
You were on fire, you just wanted to rub yourself on his thigh, but you were afraid to move unless he asked you to.
"Now come on." He said, forcing you to stand up. "Let's go to your place. We'll get you changed."
"I don't want to go." You muttered.
"Excuse me?" He raised his eyebrows.
"We have work to do." You explained. "And there is nothing wrong with the way I am dressed."
He immediately grabbed you by the neck and said: "We are going to your place right now."
You were thrilled. One more time. Life beside Quentin was never boring.
The drive back to your place was silent. Your eyes were glued to the way he was holding the wheel a lot tighter than he had to. His forearms were so tense. Absolutely beautiful.
The moment you walked into your place, you went directly to your bedroom and he followed you.
"Do I have to change in front of you?" You asked sarcastically. "To make sure you'll approve it?"
"Enough." He sighed. "Why are you acting like a fucking brat? You used to be such a good girl for me…"
You didn't have an answer to give him. Cause you wanted attention? Not really, you had that already. You were doing that simply because it was fun.
"You know what? You don't have to go back with me. You're fired."
"No, sir, don't do that, please!" Your eyes widened. "I'm so sorry, just give me a chance, I will be good again, I promise…"
"I don't usually give people a second chance, you know that." He shrugged. "But it would be a shame to lose you, I have to admit that."
His eyes traveled your body as he walked in circles, trying to make up his mind. You were paralyzed. Not that you were obsessed with your job, but you kinda were with your boss. You knew he wouldn't want to see you ever again.
"I will give you one last chance…" He decided. "If you prove that you're loyal to me. Not to the company, to me. You know you're over qualified to be only an assistant… and I have bigger plans for you."
"I would do anything for you, sir." You nodded eagerly.
"Now that's my good girl." He chuckled and stood in front of you. He leaned closer and placed his hand on your cheek, gently stroking it with his thumb. "My pretty girl."
That man had some kind of power over you that didn't allow you to think straight. Even when you thought you could play him, he found a way to be on control. All you knew was that you wanted him as bad as he wanted you. And before you could think twice, you enjoyed the proximity to kiss him.
You thought he would push you away and leave you there alone and needy, but the fact was that he was holding himself back since the minute you walked into his office that day. So he kissed you back. It was a hungry, messy kiss. His hands quickly went to your waist and pulled you against his body.
He guided you towards your bed without breaking the kiss.
"Not exactly what I had in mind." He chuckled. "But you never fooled me. I always knew you weren't innocent."
You lay on your bed and he climbed on top of you.
"Mr. Beck…" You got a little nervous when you realized how far things had gone. "I have never done this before."
"I know, baby." He said on his sweetest tone. "But I'm gonna take care of you, okay? I'll be good for you. There's no need to be scared. Also, there's no need to call me Mr. Beck here. Call me whatever you want, okay?"
You hesitated for a second, then you whispered the most innocent "daddy" he had ever heard in his entire life.
"Fuck, what did you just say?" He grabbed your chin and forced you to repeat it right to his face, to make sure it was real.
"Can I call you daddy?" You asked nervously.
"God fucking damnit, Y/N." He visibly lost his mind. "Now you can't call me anything else ever again."
"Daddy." You smiled at the effect that little word had on him.
"Yes, babygirl." He slid his hand under your skirt, but this time he didn't tease as much as before, stroking you over your underwear. "Now daddy's gonna make you feel so good."
You bit your lip and nodded. That could be considered a permission for him to do whatever he wanted to you.
So he helped you remove all of your clothes. He removed his shirt too, but he had to stop and take a moment to admire you. No man in the world had ever looked at you like that. With that much lust. That look on his eyes alone would be enough to make you want him, but the sigh of his shirtless chest was something else too.
His hands travelled your body and ended up on your chest, and he decided to dedicate a few minutes to your boobs.
You were starting to think that he planned on fucking you back in his office, but he changed his mind cause he wanted to take his time with you. So ending up in your bedroom had absolutely nothing to do with the clothes you were wearing. Actually, Quentin would love to show you off. He was only mad cause you turned him on that much at the wrong place and time.
But part of you wished he would have finished this at his office, because you couldn't stand this anymore. He played with your nipples until you were desperate for him to fuck you.
"Daddy, please." You begged, pressing your thighs together.
"Please, what?" He smirked at your state.
"Need you inside me so bad." You admitted.
"Do you, honey?" His hands left your boobs and went to your thighs, forcing them open. His fingers started to stroke your folds and you gasped. "Fuck, babygirl. You really do. Look at how fucking wet you are. All for me."
He shoved two fingers inside you at once, making you moan loudly.
"So thigh, princess. Can't wait to stretch you open with my cock. Is that what you want?" He asked, and you nodded eagerly. "Beg for it just a little more. You wouldn't have to if you weren't such a little brat earlier... now you have to earn it."
"I'm sorry, daddy." Your hips bucked as he rubbed your clit so hard. "I won't be a brat anymore, I will be good now."
"Hm." He muttered uninterested and kept rubbing you.
"Daddy… I'm gonna-" You started to feel your orgasm building in your belly because of how good he was touching you and the things he was saying.
"No, you're not." He stopped everything. The look of betrayal on your face was hilarious to him. "Not until you beg."
"Please, daddy, please." You obeyed. "I need your cock, I promise I'll be loyal to you forever, but please…"
He didn't want to give up so soon. Maybe it was because of the tears in your eyes, or that fact that he was painfully hard that made him break.
But you were relieved when you saw him taking off the rest of his clothes. And you couldn't even describe how you felt when you saw his cock.
He placed it on your entrance and started to kiss you again, before he finally entered you. You cried out from pain and pleasure. He started to move slowly.
"Daddy is always gonna give you what you need, as long as you deserve it, honey." He told you as he kissed your neck. "Tell me how you're feeling."
"So big, daddy, so good." You smiled at him. "So good."
"You sound so dumb right now, you little slut." He chuckled.
That was definitely the last thing you expected sex with Quentin to be like. So smiley. Sweet on it's own way. Maybe because it was your first time. Maybe he had a heart after all.
After he was sure you were ready, he started going faster and harder. It was heaven. Didn't take too long for your to feel your orgasm building from where it was brutally interrupted before.
"Daddy, please… can I cum now?" You begged, which pleased him very much. He didn't even have to ask this time.
"Yes, babygirl, cum on daddy's cock before I fill you up, come on." He told you.
The thought of him coming inside you was enough to bring you to the edge. You came so hard, because you needed that for so long. Quentin couldn't decide what was hotter: your face, your moans or the way you held him tightly while your walls clenched around him.
And he kept his promise, spilling himself inside of you a few seconds later.
He kept his cock inside you and brought his hand to your face, caressing it slowly.
"I'm your first and the only man you'll ever have." He whispered. "You're mine now. You were mine since the day you walked into that office for the first time."
"I'm yours." You agreed. "And you're my daddy."
"Right, I'm your daddy." He chuckled. "I have huge plans for you, babygirl…"
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trouvelle · 4 years
I love all your Heizuha contents!!!! Oneshots, drabbles, etc (memes too lol). And your ANGST FICS???? I'M DESTROYED. Just curious, if you are accepting requests, can you write happy shinran and heizuha oneshot? I need something to heal from your angsty AUs 😢😢😢😢💦💦
Hi hello thank you so much 🥺 AH YES HEIZUHA I’m HEART-EYES FOREVER 😍!! My hot-blooded Kendo boi and his Aikido (and Karuta) queen ugh they make me feel so soft. Wait—don’t be destroyed pls omg I have a shinran oneshot first for you right here! And yes it actually is a happy one. Although I gotta say I’m probably even worse at doing happy sappy fluff. But still, I hope you like this! ❤️❤️
Fandom: Detective Conan/DCMK Pairing: Shinichi/Ran Rating: G Genre/Tags: Romance, Fluff Summary: Ran hates being apart from Shinichi. All she wants is to feel his warmth next to her. 
Ran is happy to be with Shinichi, even if it means not being physically together and having to survive long distance.
Now she would be lying if she says it doesn’t bother her in the slightest. After they got together and she finds out that Shinichi still has to leave for his ongoing case, her initial thought is that it wouldn’t bother her. She’s grown so used to it by now. It’s not like he’s never coming back, because he always does. After all, they just started dating, and maybe this way they’ll still be in their honeymoon stage for years to come.
They have been doing alright with frequent calls and texts sent to each other. Although she is slightly upset that they can’t physically go out on any dates, hearing Shinichi’s voice always makes everything worth it. She knows she’s going to forget all this as soon as she sees him again.
She does expect Shinichi to be as sad and lonely as she is, but she never asks about it. She doesn’t want him to think that she’s already turning clingy after only a few months into their relationship. And because she is an understanding girlfriend, she never tells him how she feels about it. She has been saying “I love you” more often though, now that she’s more comfortable saying it, which he always happily returned. She never once doubts Shinichi either—he gives her zero reasons to. Besides, they have short meet ups every now and then, and those feel like they are enough for her.
There are certain things that leaves her feeling an extra amount of longing. When she sees couples out and about in the streets, or strolling around the park, or fooling around in the hallway of their school, it breaks her heart a little. She wants Shinichi by her side, to be able to cuddle into his warmth. She wants to walk next to him and hold his hand, to go to the movies and check out cute restaurants.
“I miss you,” Ran mumbles into her mic, only one side of her earphones on. She is lying on her bed, on a call with her boyfriend who is still away, on yet another case. She has to cherish all their calls together because time is all she can afford.
She traces her finger on her phone’s screen, outlining his name that’s currently displayed, yearning to touch him. She can't help but feel disappointed when all she can feel is how hot her phone is. She should probably get a new phone soon. 
“I miss you too. More than words can describe,” Shinichi replies guiltily, sad that Ran is so troubled. He has been trying to ease her pain by sneaking away to call her more often these days. He sees the longing in her eyes, always wondering what he can do for her. He hates it, hates seeing Ran’s face contort into sadness and what seems like disappointment. It never gets any easier. 
If only she knows that they are actually together literally every single day.
“Anyway, how is your day?” Shinichi asked, trying to change the subject to distract her. 
Ran huffs. “Conan-kun left on a weekend camping trip with his class. I’m worried about his safety. They’re elementary students, they’re not supposed to go camping in the mountains yet!”
Shinichi smiles fondly. Yep, he’s definitely on his camping trip all right.
“Also, it is kind of lonely here when he’s not around.” Lonelier, she adds to herself.
“You have nothing to worry about, I’m sure he’ll be okay,” Shinichi reassures, grinning.
“I suppose it’s true. Conan-kun does know how to take care of himself. What are you doing, anyway? Do you have to go soon? Can we switch to video call?” The hope in her voice is unmistakable. He purposely ignores Ran’s questions while wrecking his brain for a believable excuse to not switch to video call. But it is too late, she has already pressed the button that requested for him to accept the call.
Uh oh.
Shinichi curses silently. As soon as their cameras are on, he raises his phone up close to his face, careful to leave the streetlights out of view. “Hi!,” he says, hoping she wouldn’t detect the nervousness in his voice. Ran squints at the blurry screen. She can’t see much, but it is enough to make her whole evening better.
“You know what, Shinichi? It’s okay, you’re probably busy and tired, I understand! Have a good night or morning, wherever you are, okay?” Ran yawns, turning to lie on the other side as she reaches out to switch off her table lamp. “I’m already getting ready for bed anyway. Please stay safe out there. I love you.” 
“NO!” Shinichi yells, before realizing how loud and unnecessary it is. He stops to look around, praying that no one around him is affected by the noise he is making. Ran is decently surprised. “Shinichi, what’s wrong?”
“I, uh, I’m staking out a criminal’s possible hideout. It’s really boring here because nothing is happening so far and it’s probably deserted. Keep me me while I wait?” Shinichi asks sheepishly, belatedly realizing how dumb of an excuse he just gave. Is it even believable in the slightest? “I’m just walking around the place now,” He adds as he quickened his pace. 
Ran yawns but he can see her nodding her head in the dark. “Don’t you have to be aware of your surroundings, though? What if the bad guys creep up on you?”
“You’re right,” he says half-heartedly, not really paying attention to what she’s saying anymore. He’s trying to climb up the stairs as fast as his feet can take him. He is so close.
Ran mumbles something sleepily in return. How she wishes for body heat, but she only had her blanket to make up for the warmth. She closes her eyes, unaware that the line has gone silent. After a few more beats of silence, she hears the front door being unlocked. She sits up, suddenly alert and forgetting about her call with Shinichi. It is definitely not her father, since she can hear his snores very audibly from his room. Is it Conan, coming back from his camping trip a few days early? But—it’s literally the middle of the night, so if it actually is Conan, he has some explaining to do. She tip-toes to the door just to get ready in case it is an actual robber.
As the door unlocks and the intruder enters, Ran’s eyes widen and her hand flails around for the switch to turn one of the lights one as she recognizes the familiar silhouette. It can't be.
“Surprise.” Shinichi is standing there, smiling widely at the sight of his dumbfounded girlfriend.
Ran stares at the boy in front of her for a good while before reaching out for him in a frenzy. “You’re kidding,” she chokes out, wrapping her arms tightly around him, afraid he will be gone again as soon as she let go. 
“I’ve missed you too,” Shinichi sighs, hugging Ran back just as tight. They stand like that, hugging at the door silently, choosing to ignore the fact that her father can very well walk out of his room at any given moment. Shinichi pulls away, frowning, when he realizes that she is crying.
“Hey, don’t cry.” He whispers softly, bending his knees to look at Ran who has her head down. She shakes her head, opting to bury her face in his chest instead. Shinichi run his hands up and down her back, gently kissing the top of her head. “Don’t cry, I’m here.”
Ran looks up, a few droplets of tears streaming down her face. “That’s exactly why I’m crying! You’re back now, for.. God knows how long, and then you’re gonna have to leave me again. Probably in a few hours, or in the morning if we’re lucky,” she cries, sniffling. “I’ve missed you so much.”
Shinichi remains quiet as Ran cries her heart out in silence. Then, he very gently lifts her up, carrying her to the bedroom and setting her down on the bed. “Actually, I have a few days to spend with you.”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
“I mean, you’re right. And I’m not gonna lie to you, I will have to leave again, but not until Monday. So.. I’m yours for the whole weekend.” Shinichi says, hoping for her acceptance, despite how little he is offering her right now.
“The whole weekend?” Her smile is back on her face at this point. Sounds like she will just have to make the most out of this weekend, then. It’s a good thing she doesn’t have anything yet planned. She wipes the tears off of her face. She can’t waste their time together by crying like this. “Oh Shinichi, there are so many places that I wanted to go with you to!”
“We can go anywhere you want,” says Shinichi. That already sounds perfect to him. Truth be told, any moments spent with Ran were perfect. The Where and What weren’t all that important. Like right now. Even in the dim light, he can see how bright she’s smiling. God, all he wanted to do is stare at her and admire her beauty, amongst everything else.
He hates lying to Ran, although it is done to protect her, to shield her. He will have to lie to her some more, but this time, he does not want to make any more promises he can't keep. “It will all be over soon, I promise. I’ll come home for good.” You’re my home, he wants to say.
She has missed him so much—she missed his voice, his scent, his warmth, his presence. She crawls towards him, unable to hide the overwhelming sense of hope that arises after his declaration. “Really?”
“Really.” Ran can feel the tears welling up again. This time, out of happiness. “It hurts so much to not be able to be by your side.”
“I’m here,” murmurs Shinichi quietly as he reaches out to wipe some of her fallen tears away with the pad of his thumb. “... and I’m always watching.” he adds quietly, wrapping an arm around her as he hugs her to sleep.
Ran nods in silence. She has so many things to tell him, but she is content with just enjoying his warmth and presence beside her for now. Truly, nothing can compare to the homey feeling and the familiarity of being next to Shinichi. She lets him hold her to sleep, his voice a lullaby that carries her out of consciousness.
“I’m always with you,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss her forehead, “There’s nowhere I’d rather be.”
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